12 - The End Game - Applying The Fundamentals 2
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- In order to start JH on this journey, I wanted him to see the end game first. The fundamentals are defined so that they can be employed with a minimum of conscious thought. Once you understand how to employ the drag principle, it creates the environment for the fundamentals to "exist" the whole way. This is part 2.
Share this video with all your friends, although maybe not the ones you regularly play for money!
You can reach me for online lessons or any other questions @ email:
JH...Bill Milne from San Clemente...am the original Yogi follower and Channel lock...but...this set of lessons I just came across with you and Martin...though probably very hard to understand for a beginner has been a game changer for me! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This was done about 9 months ago so hope your health is still good! LOVE THIS...
I'm pitching up for a job as an interpreter...I speak astro-physicist. Stay with me and you might pick up something. When Martin talks about Hogan's 'door': Open the door...in other words, you have to figure it out by moving the club and getting feedback from those moves. If you understand & do what has to be done, the swing will become automatic, hence, it's already done before you swing.
Standing up with club over your head: Base to Apex…Feet to Clubhead.
Base to Apex golf swing setup is ‘folded over’: Clubhead on ground behind ball.
The Golf Swing SEQUENCE:
Bottom half turns to right by pushing 'down' right foot pushing 'back' right hip, hands are turning left in opposition keeping club face equal to spine angle.
Arms away from body, body away from arms: ‘pressuring club’…’push’ handle/grip ‘down’ for your backswing. Club will ‘move away’ from you…on an arc. Combined with the Base (your feet & body in balance) ‘pushing down’ into the ground back through your body to the Apex ‘clubhead’.
Your body and the club and all movements feel connected.
‘Top of your backswing’: you have the sensation it’s stopping to change direction…it's not, it’s still going in the same direction by the ‘pushing/pressurising’.
It doesn’t change 'direction'…it changes to another arc. Your left hand is now ‘on top’ of the club…it ‘flips over’ (part of the twirl) into this position because you’ve reached the end of the original arc.
Apex to Base: feet (base) now takes over to move body into the hitting area on a new arc. (“Bottom half moves the top half.”)
Now the front/lead foot pushes ‘down’ sending left hip back, right hip forward: clearing hips.
Apex (with pressure from arms pushing away) delivers clubhead to the ball in a ‘twirling motion’ on new arc.
You'll feel 'connected' to everything doing these motions...reacting to the club and giving you control. The more you practise it, the more feeling. When he says, "You don't add anything, don't change anything, don't interfere with what's going on", it will become automatic.
The body is balancing and counterbalancing the whole swing doing opposite actions
When you see the 'twirling drill', you'll see these actions...when you do it you'll feel the actions.
I have to have a cold beer and a lie-down now.
Solid work mate. You earned a cold can or two. Important distinction is the hands and feet are the captains of their respective ends. The motion between them feed off their balanced opposition. 👍🏻
@@MartinAyersGolf Ta mate. I met Gerry Hogan on a driving range nearly 40 years ago. (He did a video which you can't get anymore VHS called "The Challenge"...stupid name in my opinion.) He had a very simple swing based on 3 moves: Set up to get ready to go towards the target, on your back foot. 1. Club goes back with back of left hand and right palm pointing towards sky (up). 2 Drop arms before you turn. 3 Turn 'pulling' club with left hand. He had this thing about left hand does everything, no right hand. Swing is simple and functions. But he remarked to me when we were hitting balls, "Just push your hands back, and then a push down and forward."
I did it and it was totally different feel. I thought, "WTF?" Had me questioning the swing ever since. "Which one is it?" Your explanation and execution is comprehensive. It promotes the 'optimum' swing, no frills, it's actually what happens...when it's done efficiently & precisely, it breeds confidence. I live at Mudgeeraba and play at Palm Meadows with mates regularly and they can't believe how much they've seen my improvement since Christmas last year. I haven't said anything other than I haven't had any physical lessons. There's a couple of handy players amongst them but they've all got quirky looking swings that work for them...but they're definitely hybrids, nothing professional looking. Are you doing personal group teachings or just one-on-one with pros?
@@dwallaby shoot me an email at the address in description of all my videos. We can take it from there 👍🏻
@@MartinAyersGolf No worries.
Marty’s genius is amazing!
Marty “let’s end the nightmare” ❤
Cheers to you both , loving these
Can’t believe people are confused… if they watched this as part of a play list they’d see how it fits together… I’ve been back and forth to my net in my garage and can see huge mileage in these principles. Many thanks for posting everything… looking forward to exploring more
He naturally swings from the inside, probably from birth, 70 to 80 percent golfers swing outside in, when the ball is present. What is the need for calling the clubhead the apex and the feet the base? Why does he need a stooge? This is your classic mumbo jumbo line of bullshit, to show you he is on a different planet and you are too stupid to figure it out. Well, if the average golfer can't figure it out from his lessons, what good are they? Going down the rabbit hole is what this guy does best. You know the routine, if you can't swing the golf club my way, you are doing it wrong.
People are confused because I’m talking about it within the framework that I laid out. They are thinking within whatever framework they currently view the golf swing.
I'd love to see a short game series from you
My perspective on Martin's instruction.
Initially encountered this maybe two years ago. After contemplation, I signed up for Northbound Golf and reviewed the teaching. It was foriegn and I couldnt fathom or apply it.
After much reflection, and some Greg Mchatton exposure, I revisited Martin, and worked to reapply his thinking to the motion. It is quite foreign still, in a world of positions and body focus, but Martin is externally focused, once apex to base is applied settling in to shoot, and bio mechanically, that is a more effective way to reprogram, as Gabriel Wulf would agree. I have experienced a more automatic action applying drag and it has surprised me as I scratch the surface of understanding.
Martin Ayers has a different, and in the long run, more effective way of getting to performance, although it is initially quite alien, if one has been emersed in the other teaching methods, which tend to be internally focused, though Adam Young is another "Wulfian" exception.
I suggest one has to set aside convention as it exists today regarding instruction, in order to begin to understand Martin, but if you sample the automatic nature of the action, you will begin a different journey to application. It is very different, but Ayers is really on to something special.
Good point too JH; thank you for showing us how to open the door mate
This is brilliant stuff 👌
Paradigm shift on how to use the body and club. As I am distilling this information for myself it seems like how you would get momentum with the body and object in a hammer throw.
Martin at first I didn’t know what you were talking about when you say pressure the club head. I been steering the club face for 20 years and would hit this dead shots with no power under pressure. NOW the ball jumps off the club face. Just stick to the routine and you don’t have time to think thru the swing. Good stuff.
What does pressure the club head mean I still don’t get it
You create the pressure or stretch that keeps the club in position thru the swing. I create this by pushing the club away as you turn back to create the pressure.
Are we still playing golf?
😂, he’s gifted with a natural golf swing that he can’t explain at least John Daley says I just gripped it and rip it..
He’s trying to tell you that he found his swing through understanding the concepts of how it works, all the greats did, whether they verbalise it or not.
If you start at video 1 of the series you can understand it bit by bit.
@@briantimlin2650 less helpful!! if he wants to say the body starts back swing and down swing and the club follows you could buy that instead he wants to sound like he knows some secret the club and the person working in opposition.. like when he describes the folding of the rt elbow as the twirl.
@@jeffp2001 I get what he’s saying and finding it very helpful. Your first comment was disingenuous and your second comment shows you need to start at the beginning of the series and get one concept before you move on to the next.
If it were an orbit, it would have gone backwards. The structure is folded but it changes direction…folded over. This is like listening to a lecture on new maths.
Get a steering wheel or a roll of kitchen towel or anything really and stand with your arms extended over your head holding the object. Now turn the steering wheel or object clockwise along with your whole body. Now hold everything except get into a golf posture. Folded over the top half will be in opposition. 😮 Get it?
Mork calling Orson, come in Orson!
Apex to Base, one thing encompasses all in alignment and opposition. Brilliant..
dave i am trying hard to understand this. you seem to grasp it. when he says apex to base, apex to base one alignment. what is aligned and where? not trying to be a smart ass just really trying to understand. what can you put your finger on and practice it?
@@abs828 1st the Base is where Martin is relative to the Shot. The Apex is the Club Face. Think of what Martin is describing as Energy. This is why it is hard to put into words. But you can see the totality of energy that Martin employs to smash the ball. Without opposition and alignment the energy is simply wasted. The club doesn't get raised or lifted into some kind of a back swing, it gets hurled into motion that orbits us until the ball is sent. I will leave it there but I will continue to try to help. If I can?
@@s3gts thank you very much for the explanation.
@@s3gts dave can you shed a little light on what the vector is? or what a vector period is? do you feel or see the vector or both?
@@abs828 Basically it's a Vector of alignments that allow maximum force to be applied from Base to Apex. Think in terms of Motion vs Movement. As you get "IN" to the shot your building your Vector. We have all had times where we feel: "Oh Ive got this" It's a feel that you build. Call it conformance if you will. You know the force is coming and you know you can sustain it. It's all done a ONE complete thing.
Opening the door.
Is it opening towards you or away from you. Inwards or outwards.
Both and both, saloon doors
Very hard to follow him. "We're in a fundamental state of alignment, which is opposition folded over, alignment unfolded, opposition folded over, ok?" In one of the earlier videos, with the steering wheel, he moves his arms differently than he does in his own swing. His "opposition" pose that he makes at around 7:45 does not really show up anywhere in his swing. I wish he could explain it better.
You’re mired in thinking that what you see in my swing from the cameras view is the “technique”. You probably view your own swing the same way.
You’re not alone, so many have this problem, I know I used to as well.
The wheel is designed to help you learn how to keep the swing aligned all the way from both ends of it. To do so from where you play your shot from. It’s not designed to look a particular way to the camera. Hope that helps clarify for you.
Hi Martin, I started on video 1 with JH here and over the course of getting this far at some point I started to get exactly what you are saying. It's absolutely brilliant mate, the apex to base concept makes total sense and when it's folded over it explains why people get so confused in golf instruction! Brilliant stuff!!
I've a few questions, (I'll number them to make it easier for you and me, not being anal or rude, just for ease of following my train of thought, thanks mate):
1. If I feel that I'm holding my hands when I start the movement from by base by first presetting the hit and then moving the pressure to the right heel, while still holding my hands, is that enough to do the resist and drag (I know the hands still get pulled in the direction of the feet even when resisting)? Because if I try to actively resist more with twisting the upper against it maybe feels like it's a bit too much.
2. Is it even enough to just feel the energy created in the shaft and hold it?
3. My next question is do we hold the hands all the way to the finish to keep in alignment?
4. Does that happen automatically once we've started that way?
5. And how does that tie in with moving the club and then letting the club take over? Are the drag and alignment actually separate to the sequence?
I hope I'm understanding this because it sounds like getting right to the root of how the golf swing actually works. Thanks a mil mate, absolutely riveted by this series and continuing the videos!
Best regards,
Questions 1-4 are all the same essential question. It’s not about how much pressure as much as it’s the direction of the pressure, the opposition.
It’s not “automatic”, and you don’t hold it. What you do is keep doing it.
If you try to throw a ball. Once you start the throw you keep throwing. So you have what you need at the start IF you keep it going.
The drag and alignment and sequence are all interwoven. I believe I understand your question.
They are the same thing in the sense that each one helps create and sustain the other two .
@@MartinAyersGolf 1-4 okay, I get you. When I keep doing it what seems to happen is what feels like a huge laying off in transition. Is that what should happen or is that down to the individual? Also my swing in general is way flatter using these concepts. 😮 These are both things I like and always struggled to do.
@@MartinAyersGolf5. Okay, makes sense that they interact
@@MartinAyersGolf5. So drag and alignment are still there regardless of whether the momentum is at the base or the apex? And the Apex having the momentum changes the direction of the alignment to the only way it can keep going in one direction (by turning the other way). Thus the momentum going from base to apex helps turn the direction so you stay in alignment.
I have to take English Lesson now
Does a stronger or weaker grip make it easier or more difficult to get from base to apex in alignment and sequence? Also, are you shaping shots (draw, fade) w stance or a different alignment or sequence? Thank you.
The grip function (ability to hold securely) is the only concern. How you grip needs to make sense to you for your shots.
Shaping shots is a matter of changing everything about the set up. Primarily where you locate to the ball and how you arrange yourself there.
Lots of words that I understand, jumbled together to make no sense whatsoever!
It's just Aussie bullshit. Right up there with the man eating koala. "The profoundness of the differential of feel..." FFS
Go to the beginning of the series where he defines everything.
I don't understand a single thing this gentleman is on about.
When you say apex in opposition. Do you mean a pushing and pulling?
Yes that’s “drag” pressure through the entire length of the apex to base structure.
In a way he is saying the same thing Cowen and Herrington talk about. This so called spiraling of our torso. Gary Player described it as a spring. Unfortunately as we age and lose muscle mass, elasticity, and fast twitch fibers the dist goes. When I played junior & collegiate golf back in the 70s I could hit the ball a long way for a little skinny kid. Although I'm in great shape for a 70 yr old I have trouble carrying the ball 230 now. Last week I managed a 288 yd drive but that was downwind and the fairway was fairly firm. Birdied that 600 yd par 5 with a great PW approach and putt. Guess I should stop bitching and be happy. 😅
as jack Nicholas once said I don't need to know how a watch works I just need to know the time.
Each time you pull a club out of the bag you have to build a swing from scratch. If you can do it like a junior without thinking then that’s my advice to you. If you can’t … watch my videos.
Also it’s Nicklaus you ingrate.
I need a new lens!
"I'll go ahead and hit a few".. takes 5 minutes before hitting one ball and hits 3 balls in 14 minutes while talking a load of jibberish. cool
great swing...the explanation seems almost intentionally convoluted.
Agreed. Every good player does this but expresses it in their own way. Martin would like to be the alchemist and subconsciously keeps “the secret “ to himself. I don’t blame him and hope his undoubted golf skill is recognised.
what does apex and base correspond to?
This is video 12- look for earlier vids to answer
This would be more powerful if this guy was just listing and not walking all over the place it’s distracting
Base To Apex equals top to bottom
charles, top of what and bottom of what? and why does it matter. looking for some help.
Something is in opposition to, eh,..something. What´s next?
I don’t see it
Da F u talking about 🤪 im in opposition of the apex and base of this explanation. Lol
What a brilliant series : and to have imbeciles come in mid stream and knock it is so damn annoying. I have a fair idea how Martin feels.
Thank You Martin and J.H.
Martin has it figured out, but I wish he was able to present his findings in a more succinct, professional and intelligent manner. As a daily podium presenter for over a decade, I would love to take his philosophy and build a presentation around it to see the differences in how the information is received. I think his work gets dismissed by most as soon as he starts rambling and using terms that he assigns regardless of actual definition.
I mean, “opposition folded over,” and “fundamental sequence in opposition and then drag, and in one direction,” 🤦🏼♂️😒😂
The only thing you should do with this philosophy is apply it to a golf ball.
Or you could shove your condescension up your arse. Either way…😂🍻
@@MartinAyersGolfI’m trying to help, dammit 😂 I even said you have it figured out 🤷🏼♂️😂
@@Tier_1_Golf_Academy Fair enough 🍻
hey jh, are you really getting this? is the apex your hat and base your shoes. and if it is why is that important?