In the words of my Beloved Teacher, "All there is, is Consciousness." No Consciousness, no nothing. And at some point, through the relaxing of Attention, Consciousness becomes Conscious of Itself. Then, everything is seen as, That! A great conversation Annaka and Lex. Thank you, Allan
Let me get to the question Lex that I think you were edging towards. (I could be wrong but here’s the question) I have my consciousness and you have yours. We are all a collection of individual consciousnesses. Billions. But if on a fundamental level of particle physics each atom is conscious, how do we fit together as a whole? Is there a unified field of consciousness effecting all atoms? Is there a unified field of consciousness effecting all humans? And if so, are these two unified fields one and the same? We can affect light particles by observing them. So, when doing this, are we communicating with a separate field or affecting our own shared singular unified field of consciousness?
The word "consciousness" is a word designed by human beigns. Just like the word "time". This is all just coping mechanisms our race are using to cope with our inevitable demise. The less you specalute, the more you are.
This seems like a massive exercise in overthinking the problem. But then "The Hard Problem" has always seemed like a fictional problem to me. What is the subjective experience beyond the physical process we can observe and measure? A fictional story.
I have felt this oneness; I have the feeling that when we die, the oneness is revealed: those that have lived their lives for the goodness of others, will have a feeling of rapture and bliss in the knowledge that they are one with the universe… whereas those who have lived their lives selfishly, only caring about their own greeds and desires, when presented with the fact that they are one with the universe, will forever feel utterly alone. The oneness will therefore be, both heaven and hell.
The duality is caused by the paradox that says two fundamental things exist, the ego and existence, creator and the whole universe. So there is like a dispute between the two all the time, how and what to create, burden of creating persists. To dissolve the duality we must understand there is only one which exists.
Can you tel me why my Consciousness arises exactly at this point in time in my body i have. Why not in different time in a different body with different parents? what are the deterministic processes that decide this at the beginning .
“The answer always seemed obvious to me: there is no threshold that makes us greater than the sum of our parts, no inflection point at which we become fully alive. We can’t define consciousness because consciousness does not exist. Humans fancy that there’s something special about the way we perceive the world, and yet we live as loops as tight and as closed as the hosts." Robert Ford of Westworld.
The sense of self is kind of at the core of human suffering, what a great comment by Annaka. A long time ago I heard a very respectable theologian Walter Brueggemann who once said that at the very core of reality what bind us together is pain and suffering as the common denominator. Later he went on to say that it is at that junction where God's pact and His unbreakable promises dwells. When all of our understanding of reality comes to a halt poetry takes its turn even if is temporary but incessantly eternal. Amazing!
You don't need pain in the human system whatsoever. You can make bots that don't feel pain. Humans are bio bots that just so happen to feel pain because of natural selection, but pain is not necessary whatsoever. And there is zero evidence for any gods.
@@spqri3 I personally do not care to spend time on the evidence of God but when it comes to pain and unexplained suffering as a common denominator I wish you good luck explaining with a bio bots take and all that good stuff. Go ask Mrs. or Mr. Harris when they go into their period of depression what is it that they are reflecting on. Ah on the evidence of God well look for another tool other than evidence and you will certainly hit a wall again. We human beings do not need to be looking for God. The odds of finding Him (love my patriarchal limited language reference and do not have a problem with it) are next to 0 however be on alert in case of Him finding you.
Even with split seconds we can only talk about consciousness in the past tense from our memories of our unique experiences of being conscious inside the bodies/vessels we inhabit, when you strip all those things away that are unique to our individual vessels, what is this consciousness that's left over apart from some kind of camera that records stuff.
Have you had a conversation with Bernardo Kastrup? If not you should but if you do PLEASE ask hard questions and try to challenge his theory especially with his disassociation model and analogy with the cockpit dashboard.
The realization that "Free will" is an illusion was an extremely freeing realization for me. While the consequences of my actions will always follow said actions, at least I know that my ability to change outcomes is extremely limited. I don't need to judge myself as harshly as I'm not the controlling thing my mind leads me to believe.
You can believe anything you want, but if you get to the conclusion that anything is possible ask yourself why is that, almost like you live in a wonderland. The so called physical laws is just an interaction between objects in a space. They work perfectly as if each part knows perfectly its role and play it without hesitation. It is all one organism. The ego assumes it is in charge, but is it really?
@TCL It is certainly very true what you say. It is a judgement from outcome of life. As this is true for you at this moment so the truth can be whatever fits your judgement at any given time. Supposedly you will think radically different in a few years, but do you know that truth right now and mainly do you want it at all ? What fits you now is perfect. And this is true for each moment in life, amazing stuff if you think about it.
@TCL As I read down your reply in my head I'm think "No... No... This person doesn't seem to understand." It's pretty common to take this "lack of free will" view as a lack of responsibility taking. That isn't what it is at all. I quite happily take responsibility for my life, I just don't think I have a choice. I must "take responsibility" to continue living. But, what does it mean to "take responsibility"? It means consequences will always follow your actions. Accepting this fact is to accept responsibility. But, free will does not exist. That means whether I take responsibility or not isn't up to me. Also, that I care about others and what happens also isn't up to me. These are results of my life, not of my choices. The choice part was the illusion, not the physical consequences nor outcomes. You may believe that you choose to take responsibility because you are a "better person" than someone who does not. And this is a good reason for the belief in free will - rank and position. You may think there are better and worse people. I think that's a toxic view and represents a lot of what is wrong with the world at the moment. There are no better people. There are people who are better able to take responsibility and people who are less able. Yeah, rank and position is easier, right? That's why it's toxic. Rank and position is an "eyes shut" system of bad assumptions. Free will doesn't not exist.
@@lostinbravado We all human have free will . But animals do not have this option ,they are run purely by instincts. So can you tell me why you think we do not have free will or it is a Illusion? I think you yourself living in a world of delusion or dream like state . Wake up to reality.
The term "consciousness" is indicative to a psychic augmentation (i.e., imparting awareness) that enhances the already instinctive conscious of the encephalon organ, of the corollary human beings.
We shouldn't confuse consciousness being everywhere with complex experience being everywhere. Our experience is that of an extremely complex multi-cellular biological agent. If an atom is conscious it's almost certainly not having an experience at our level of complexity. Imagine your cells forming complex religions and social structures - not going to happen.
Saying the neuroscience negates free will in any way is completely false. Many of the experiments that purport to show that are based on faulty premises, especially with things like the Libet experiments.
an electron being part of the "conscious" build.. yes, but an electron "being" conscious".. no. Just absolutely no. To play with the word "experience" is just that, to play with the word. It's wordplay. Gr8! Peace ☮💜Love
Lex I'm still surprised you haven't invited an eminence such as Torkom Saradaryan (he is now death) but somebody of its height. Please then invite Ken Wilber or somebody that.makes Integration Philosophy which makes bridges between West and East cosmologies and thought systems. Also it will be amazing if you invite The creator of Wing Makers he is an amazing human being!!!!!
It's just the universe experiencing itself? All the stuff including us is experience. So the experiencing leads to the emergence of everything else. Never ending loop of experience and emergence. Gives an interesting perspective to Descartes's cogito, ergo sum. 😅 I always liked the idea of panpsychism and consciousness being fundamental. Whatever it is beyond our experience of it.
When you start from the premise of "stuff", consciousness becomes a hard problem, but if you start from consciousness, then matter becomes hard as our experience of it. Whatever the universe is, it is the experience of it that describes reality; the universe is always in the first person. The Upanishads had this intuition (and of course the experience of the yogis) eons ago and only recently, in our clueless-about-consciousness Judeo Christian culture, are we starting to see it.
So now people are discovering Advaita Vedanta? OK, but Consciousness is experiential but not in a dual sense. No problem. Access "Mahamritunjaya mantra - Sacred Sounds Choir" and listen to it for 5 min per day for at least two weeks. Enjoy the Sat-Chit-Ananda, (Truth-Consciousness-Bliss, the all-pervasive Transcendental Absolute).
There’s actually a thing called “non duality” which has explained consciousness since thousands of years. I feel those scientist should do some proper research
if humans have intuitive sense of surrounding ....then is it possible that we can have intuitive sense of in future .....that we gust now how things work....without thinking about it ......
This hurt my brain, but I kinda came to one conclusion from your talk. If you say that there may be a fundamental level that a particle could be conscious, then could it also be analogous to gravity? Where the more particles of matter that are connected together, the more pronounced gravity is? But in the case of consciousness, it's more about the awareness of the connectedness of it all? So planets are self aware just like we are and the bacteria within ourselves. Clusters of matter that connects these conscious particles. Puts forward the theory of "Mother Earth" by spiritual systems in full focus if that's the case.
understanding conscious experience depends upon precise definitions. we all share and navigate through our external observations (daily experiences, etc). so that is one kind of consciousness, our shared reality. science has proven that our internal brain activity is fundamentally particulate (metabolic breakdown of carbs, proteins, etc to support all neurological functions that control the human organism). and we know the entire physical external universe also is particulate in nature. so obviously a kind of 'field theory' is tempting, one that describes a merging of our internal organized particulate function, where consciousness arises, with our external particulate world observation of skies, trees, earth, people, etc etc. that "merge" occurs in our brain as our "conscious" perceptions; we humans share and agree upon each other's external conscious experience of the world. however we can't share our internal consciousness yet, far as I know. I don't know about consciousness as 'fundamental' as Annaka states. Maybe in the sense of our shared experiences of life is it fundamental, as it allows humans to survive or, as the beatles sang, "we all live in a yellow submarine....".
I agree with Annika. Everything is conscious. Feelings can be argued, but that’s only if we use the common definition of consciousness. I have think we have the definition wrong and humans are good at that, demonstrably. A proton is conscious. It may not have “feelings” in the human sense, but how could NOT be conscious?
If a proton is conscious can it also have a complex experience? Seems pretty clear that it can not. Cells can experience the universe, but they cannot have a complex experience unless there are cells designed to handle that complex view. Cells such as neurons. We shouldn't mistake consciousness being everywhere for complex experience being everywhere. Complex experience scales depending on number and complexity of biology (non-human centered view).
Consciousness is fundamental, and it is impossible to comprehend absent the creative law of three (masculine, expression, feminine, reception, and union of masculine and feminine, sex; union of expression and reception, experience). When approached experientially, what is even more fundamental than consciousness becomes self-evident: the Tantric nature of reality and the driving force behind all creation: Love.видео.html (10min)
Our intuition about what is conscious and what is'nt corresponds to our intuition about what is living and which is'nt. By the age of 6 months, the infants intuit the animate-inanimate distinction about the way , adult do. In all human language, this distinction is reflected in the very structure of the language in the he versus it distinction and the subject of verbs are animate agent and the inanimate objects can only be acted upon. These built-in animate inanimate distinction exist in animal nervous system; animals knows intuitively how to handle objects versus how to interact with versus animal types. The IIT stupidly attribute some amount of consciousness to a CD reader or to a house heating system which is ludicrous. Consciousness exists only for living entity who have a capacity to act. Technological object do not act since they operate exactly as we design them and would derive no benefit from being conscious of what they operate. That consciousness would be irrelevant to the operation so why would it exist? The reason living entities are conscious is that they are not entirely like machines whose operations are entirely prescribed by the way they are constructed, at the core of them, there is a core self-creating part which is their consciousness. Maybe fundamental particles are living and needs a core self-creating activity to maintain their structure and this may explain why quantum mechanics can only statistically characterise these fundamental entities.
All these scientists are so far out on a limb that all they manage to do is draw new maps endlessly, and this never overcomes science's anthropocentric cultural assumptions, for example, that there is an external reality within which objective measurements may be made. This situation is perpetuated through scientists restricting their communications to among themselves. The only way to understand consciousness is to abandon maps and thus the point of attention that gives rise to them, in other words, to experience consciousness directly. In dwelling as awareness, beyond thoughts and thus beyond the idea of identity that is confused as a thinker, there remains our presence, and within this, consciousness is re-discovered, realised as the self. When realised, it is obvious this is the only truth, that consciousness contains everything and thus it is a property of the cosmos, and it is you. You can't get there while maintaining any idea of an individuated self. Almost all humans, when asked about themselves, only talk about an identity, even though identity is clearly a construction, no different in nature to a name tag. If you don't let the identity go, all you're ever doing is endlessly projecting a world while not taking responsibility for your powerful role in creation. Interestingly, for those that have re-membered themselves as non-dual consciousness, this creative capacity remains, because this is our nature, though in this case, this individual knows of their own co-creating power, where those that exist as identity know not of their power, and so refer to their projections as of independent existing within a world.
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidense! How and why in the world conscuiousness is fundamental? If you are so sure then you should got nobel price for this greate discovery in human history! Or you need to go to linguistic therapy eventually psychiatry!
We are Eternal, our Eternal Consciousness, (Over-) is pictured in the Rainbow, Colors is our Under.Consciousness, = Day-Consciousness and Night-Consciousness, it expose a Developing-Circuit-princip, from Low to High. Instinct, Gravity, Feeling, Intelligence, Intuition, Memory. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo. We are Gravity-Beings, at Night We move our Day-Consciousness, to the Night-Bodies, Deep-Sleep, one by one, via our Coupling-Body, REM, first to Feeling-Body, and wake up from Instinct-body. Our physical body, holds a Organ-Circuit, there is a correspondance Night-Bodies/Organ-Circuit, maintenance, hormons during passage in the Circuit. Stomach is a Gravity-Organ, We eat when awake. In-carnation/Dis-carnation is a Larger Circuit, duration is equal to our last age, but max 100 years in the Night.Bodies, even very old. Our Eternal Abilities, have Life-side and Stuff-side, pain or disharmony can prevent Day-Consciousness in Coupling-body to enter the Feeling-Body, at Night and by dead, and the coupling wont be so smooth. It is the Same Eternal Abilities, in technical composition, that make 'This Device' work so well, Automatic, Power, Sensors, Logic/Order, (*), Harddisc. As Gravity-Beings, Intuition is opposite in the Circuit, so it is at minimum-performance. The Life-Desire, is Motor of Life, Hunger- and Satisfaction-Principles is the Compass. The Contrast-Princip and the Perspective-Princip, make Feeling into Sensing. So in Basic our Consciousness is Simple, but the Creator-Principles make it a more complex and extensive study. The range of Creator-Principles, We do also know very well, from our daily life, just not yet in a Eternal Perspective.
We as to humans are not unique or special this is a lie. just because we have language and do not throw shit at each other does not make us special .Wait a God created us in his image ...stupidity i say.
I exist before I am. I have no free will I can only experience. I do not act, I do the best I can. By the end I will have seen the whole spectrum of good and evil. We all do in one life. My only significant things are what I did for others. I am always surprised and amazed to have done so. It creates a memory. We experience evil rather than being. Only things get all wrong. It is because of what we done before to someone. Life is keeping our head above water. It takes just enough not to be fully conscious about it. We only have one truth each. Lucky are those who seems to have many, and this gratification is a loan. No one ever knows everything. It transcends my whole being for my whole life.. ..About the topic, we are limited by our senses, but we are still conscious deprived of them. Dream is a form of consciousness where our senses can't always help us...
Consciousness is not fundamental nor is it mysterious. The brain alone becomes what humans have labeled “conscious.” It is levels of brain activity (electrochemical activity). The sensory, motor, and other systems in the brain “ramp up” to “working” level due to activation starting from the reticular activating system in the brain stem and other structures responsible for the sleep-awake cycle. I could go on, but that’s the basis for consciousness. It is electrochemical neural activity. Humans have made it mysterious; it is not.
If you want to know the answer to your question, you should dig into neuroscience in a big way. The brain makes “you” and “me” - the inner perception of a self in control. The “self” is created by neural activity. This knowledge and much more comes from many years of study.
@@georgegrubbs2966 that doesn't explain why neural activity should feel like anything at all or why we should be conscious at all. How could the movement of unconscious particles create conscious experiences?
@@georgegrubbs2966 what I am asking is at a more fundamental level than simply the brain. Go all the way down to the smallest quarks and leptons of the brain. Why do the movement of these generate consciousness at all?
In the words of my Beloved Teacher, "All there is, is Consciousness." No Consciousness, no nothing. And at some point, through the relaxing of Attention, Consciousness becomes Conscious of Itself. Then, everything is seen as, That! A great conversation Annaka and Lex. Thank you, Allan
Let me get to the question Lex that I think you were edging towards. (I could be wrong but here’s the question) I have my consciousness and you have yours. We are all a collection of individual consciousnesses. Billions. But if on a fundamental level of particle physics each atom is conscious, how do we fit together as a whole? Is there a unified field of consciousness effecting all atoms? Is there a unified field of consciousness effecting all humans? And if so, are these two unified fields one and the same? We can affect light particles by observing them. So, when doing this, are we communicating with a separate field or affecting our own shared singular unified field of consciousness?
The word "consciousness" is a word designed by human beigns. Just like the word "time". This is all just coping mechanisms our race are using to cope with our inevitable demise. The less you specalute, the more you are.
Thanks for this question. I was thinking something similar lately and you put it into words much more clearly than I would have.
Eat shrooms, get some acid in your system. Only then; YOU will finally get an inkling of what is "life".
This seems like a massive exercise in overthinking the problem. But then "The Hard Problem" has always seemed like a fictional problem to me. What is the subjective experience beyond the physical process we can observe and measure? A fictional story.
I have felt this oneness; I have the feeling that when we die, the oneness is revealed: those that have lived their lives for the goodness of others, will have a feeling of rapture and bliss in the knowledge that they are one with the universe… whereas those who have lived their lives selfishly, only caring about their own greeds and desires, when presented with the fact that they are one with the universe, will forever feel utterly alone. The oneness will therefore be, both heaven and hell.
The duality is caused by the paradox that says two fundamental things exist, the ego and existence, creator and the whole universe. So there is like a dispute between the two all the time, how and what to create, burden of creating persists. To dissolve the duality we must understand there is only one which exists.
Can you tel me why my Consciousness arises exactly at this point in time in my body i have.
Why not in different time in a different body with different parents?
what are the deterministic processes that decide this at the beginning .
“The answer always seemed obvious to me: there is no threshold that makes us greater than the sum of our parts, no inflection point at which we become fully alive. We can’t define consciousness because consciousness does not exist. Humans fancy that there’s something special about the way we perceive the world, and yet we live as loops as tight and as closed as the hosts." Robert Ford of Westworld.
The sense of self is kind of at the core of human suffering, what a great comment by Annaka. A long time ago I heard a very respectable theologian Walter Brueggemann who once said that at the very core of reality what bind us together is pain and suffering as the common denominator. Later he went on to say that it is at that junction where God's pact and His unbreakable promises dwells. When all of our understanding of reality comes to a halt poetry takes its turn even if is temporary but incessantly eternal. Amazing!
You don't need pain in the human system whatsoever. You can make bots that don't feel pain. Humans are bio bots that just so happen to feel pain because of natural selection, but pain is not necessary whatsoever. And there is zero evidence for any gods.
@@spqri3 I personally do not care to spend time on the evidence of God but when it comes to pain and unexplained suffering as a common denominator I wish you good luck explaining with a bio bots take and all that good stuff. Go ask Mrs. or Mr. Harris when they go into their period of depression what is it that they are reflecting on. Ah on the evidence of God well look for another tool other than evidence and you will certainly hit a wall again. We human beings do not need to be looking for God. The odds of finding Him (love my patriarchal limited language reference and do not have a problem with it) are next to 0 however be on alert in case of Him finding you.
Even with split seconds we can only talk about consciousness in the past tense from our memories of our unique experiences of being conscious inside the bodies/vessels we inhabit, when you strip all those things away that are unique to our individual vessels, what is this consciousness that's left over apart from some kind of camera that records stuff.
Wonderful conversation.
Thx Lex & guest
Have you had a conversation with Bernardo Kastrup? If not you should but if you do PLEASE ask hard questions and try to challenge his theory especially with his disassociation model and analogy with the cockpit dashboard.
just out of curiosity, does anyone know how Annaka defines consciousness?
Everybody can’t know this that’s why she wouldn’t give details . But I know exactly what she talking bout
The realization that "Free will" is an illusion was an extremely freeing realization for me. While the consequences of my actions will always follow said actions, at least I know that my ability to change outcomes is extremely limited. I don't need to judge myself as harshly as I'm not the controlling thing my mind leads me to believe.
You can believe anything you want, but if you get to the conclusion that anything is possible ask yourself why is that, almost like you live in a wonderland. The so called physical laws is just an interaction between objects in a space. They work perfectly as if each part knows perfectly its role and play it without hesitation. It is all one organism. The ego assumes it is in charge, but is it really?
@TCL It is certainly very true what you say. It is a judgement from outcome of life. As this is true for you at this moment so the truth can be whatever fits your judgement at any given time. Supposedly you will think radically different in a few years, but do you know that truth right now and mainly do you want it at all ? What fits you now is perfect. And this is true for each moment in life, amazing stuff if you think about it.
@TCL As I read down your reply in my head I'm think "No... No... This person doesn't seem to understand."
It's pretty common to take this "lack of free will" view as a lack of responsibility taking. That isn't what it is at all.
I quite happily take responsibility for my life, I just don't think I have a choice. I must "take responsibility" to continue living. But, what does it mean to "take responsibility"? It means consequences will always follow your actions. Accepting this fact is to accept responsibility.
But, free will does not exist. That means whether I take responsibility or not isn't up to me. Also, that I care about others and what happens also isn't up to me.
These are results of my life, not of my choices. The choice part was the illusion, not the physical consequences nor outcomes.
You may believe that you choose to take responsibility because you are a "better person" than someone who does not. And this is a good reason for the belief in free will - rank and position. You may think there are better and worse people. I think that's a toxic view and represents a lot of what is wrong with the world at the moment.
There are no better people. There are people who are better able to take responsibility and people who are less able. Yeah, rank and position is easier, right? That's why it's toxic. Rank and position is an "eyes shut" system of bad assumptions.
Free will doesn't not exist.
@@lostinbravado We all human have free will . But animals do not have this option ,they are run purely by instincts.
So can you tell me why you think we do not have free will or it is a Illusion?
I think you yourself living in a world of delusion or dream like state .
Wake up to reality.видео.html
Materialists have a hard time with consciousness. Their ideology restricts them.
The truth spoken by Lex at 30:10
The term "consciousness" is indicative to a psychic augmentation (i.e., imparting awareness) that enhances the already instinctive conscious of the encephalon organ, of the corollary human beings.
We shouldn't confuse consciousness being everywhere with complex experience being everywhere. Our experience is that of an extremely complex multi-cellular biological agent. If an atom is conscious it's almost certainly not having an experience at our level of complexity. Imagine your cells forming complex religions and social structures - not going to happen.
Saying the neuroscience negates free will in any way is completely false. Many of the experiments that purport to show that are based on faulty premises, especially with things like the Libet experiments.
an electron being part of the "conscious" build.. yes, but an electron "being" conscious".. no. Just absolutely no. To play with the word "experience" is just that, to play with the word. It's wordplay. Gr8! Peace ☮💜Love
Lex I'm still surprised you haven't invited an eminence such as Torkom Saradaryan (he is now death) but somebody of its height. Please then invite Ken Wilber or somebody that.makes Integration Philosophy which makes bridges between West and East cosmologies and thought systems. Also it will be amazing if you invite The creator of Wing Makers he is an amazing human being!!!!!
I love these concept, but how can we know?? How can we knoooooowwwwww????
I love your show
It's just the universe experiencing itself? All the stuff including us is experience. So the experiencing leads to the emergence of everything else. Never ending loop of experience and emergence. Gives an interesting perspective to Descartes's cogito, ergo sum. 😅 I always liked the idea of panpsychism and consciousness being fundamental. Whatever it is beyond our experience of it.
When you start from the premise of "stuff", consciousness becomes a hard problem, but if you start from consciousness, then matter becomes hard as our experience of it. Whatever the universe is, it is the experience of it that describes reality; the universe is always in the first person. The Upanishads had this intuition (and of course the experience of the yogis) eons ago and only recently, in our clueless-about-consciousness Judeo Christian culture, are we starting to see it.
Could say consciousnesses is a dimension of the universe that innervates all others. There are about 10 dimensions.
Universe is just looking back at its self
So now people are discovering Advaita Vedanta? OK, but Consciousness is experiential but not in a dual sense. No problem. Access "Mahamritunjaya mantra - Sacred Sounds Choir" and listen to it for 5 min per day for at least two weeks. Enjoy the Sat-Chit-Ananda, (Truth-Consciousness-Bliss, the all-pervasive Transcendental Absolute).
This feels oddly like the birth of a new religion. One that integrates science and spirituality, just like Yin and Yang. Thx Lex
Bro😂. Literally for thousands of years Indian religions have debated consciousness
@@prashant-ul2sn yeah, but science has always rejected it, witch seems like a mistake right now
Vedant or Sankhya - In India has been saying the same thing for centuries. that consciousness is only reality.
Amazing woman
There’s actually a thing called “non duality” which has explained consciousness since thousands of years. I feel those scientist should do some proper researchвидео.html
Ok, I get it Panpsychism versus emergent….but with respect, this episode was nothing but superficial word salad & name dropping.
@LexClips can we have Anil Seth on the podcast, he seems to have a much more thorough understanding of consciousness?
200 ms is a crap load of time. hard for me to believe i wouldn't notice
if humans have intuitive sense of surrounding ....then is it possible that we can have intuitive sense of in future .....that we gust now how things work....without thinking about it ......
... try to explain it in 330 words ..
... the Truth is always Simple .
annaka watts over here
This hurt my brain, but I kinda came to one conclusion from your talk.
If you say that there may be a fundamental level that a particle could be conscious, then could it also be analogous to gravity?
Where the more particles of matter that are connected together, the more pronounced gravity is?
But in the case of consciousness, it's more about the awareness of the connectedness of it all?
So planets are self aware just like we are and the bacteria within ourselves. Clusters of matter that connects these conscious particles.
Puts forward the theory of "Mother Earth" by spiritual systems in full focus if that's the case.
Wait a minute, Gal Gadot is a consciousness researcher?!
understanding conscious experience depends upon precise definitions. we all share and navigate through our external observations (daily experiences, etc). so that is one kind of consciousness, our shared reality. science has proven that our internal brain activity is fundamentally particulate (metabolic breakdown of carbs, proteins, etc to support all neurological functions that control the human organism). and we know the entire physical external universe also is particulate in nature. so obviously a kind of 'field theory' is tempting, one that describes a merging of our internal organized particulate function, where consciousness arises, with our external particulate world observation of skies, trees, earth, people, etc etc.
that "merge" occurs in our brain as our "conscious" perceptions; we humans share and agree upon each other's external conscious experience of the world. however we can't share our internal consciousness yet, far as I know.
I don't know about consciousness as 'fundamental' as Annaka states. Maybe in the sense of our shared experiences of life is it fundamental, as it allows humans to survive or, as the beatles sang, "we all live in a yellow submarine....".
The Tooth Fairy was the truth until it "emerged" it wasn't😆
All aboard the Donald Hoffman hype train!
add a science ... wihtout science how anyone can proof anything?
The whole 30 minutes, but consciousness is not explained - could have been 1 minute long, if just said, no one can explain consciousness.
I agree with Annika. Everything is conscious. Feelings can be argued, but that’s only if we use the common definition of consciousness. I have think we have the definition wrong and humans are good at that, demonstrably. A proton is conscious. It may not have “feelings” in the human sense, but how could NOT be conscious?
If a proton is conscious can it also have a complex experience? Seems pretty clear that it can not. Cells can experience the universe, but they cannot have a complex experience unless there are cells designed to handle that complex view. Cells such as neurons.
We shouldn't mistake consciousness being everywhere for complex experience being everywhere. Complex experience scales depending on number and complexity of biology (non-human centered view).
Protons are conscious? That's the dumbest statement I've heard all day.
Do plants have consciousness? Of course, animals do. Or does anyone?
Consciousness is fundamental, and it is impossible to comprehend absent the creative law of three (masculine, expression, feminine, reception, and union of masculine and feminine, sex; union of expression and reception, experience). When approached experientially, what is even more fundamental than consciousness becomes self-evident: the Tantric nature of reality and the driving force behind all creation: Love.видео.html (10min)
I agree I hope people start being truthful and shame theocracy and religions.
What does religion has to do with this?
@@vecumex9466 Nothing, but criticizing it and shitting on it is edgy as fuck.
Our intuition about what is conscious and what is'nt corresponds to our intuition about what is living and which is'nt. By the age of 6 months, the infants intuit the animate-inanimate distinction about the way , adult do. In all human language, this distinction is reflected in the very structure of the language in the he versus it distinction and the subject of verbs are animate agent and the inanimate objects can only be acted upon. These built-in animate inanimate distinction exist in animal nervous system; animals knows intuitively how to handle objects versus how to interact with versus animal types. The IIT stupidly attribute some amount of consciousness to a CD reader or to a house heating system which is ludicrous. Consciousness exists only for living entity who have a capacity to act. Technological object do not act since they operate exactly as we design them and would derive no benefit from being conscious of what they operate. That consciousness would be irrelevant to the operation so why would it exist? The reason living entities are conscious is that they are not entirely like machines whose operations are entirely prescribed by the way they are constructed, at the core of them, there is a core self-creating part which is their consciousness. Maybe fundamental particles are living and needs a core self-creating activity to maintain their structure and this may explain why quantum mechanics can only statistically characterise these fundamental entities.
All these scientists are so far out on a limb that all they manage to do is draw new maps endlessly, and this never overcomes science's anthropocentric cultural assumptions, for example, that there is an external reality within which objective measurements may be made. This situation is perpetuated through scientists restricting their communications to among themselves.
The only way to understand consciousness is to abandon maps and thus the point of attention that gives rise to them, in other words, to experience consciousness directly. In dwelling as awareness, beyond thoughts and thus beyond the idea of identity that is confused as a thinker, there remains our presence, and within this, consciousness is re-discovered, realised as the self. When realised, it is obvious this is the only truth, that consciousness contains everything and thus it is a property of the cosmos, and it is you.
You can't get there while maintaining any idea of an individuated self. Almost all humans, when asked about themselves, only talk about an identity, even though identity is clearly a construction, no different in nature to a name tag. If you don't let the identity go, all you're ever doing is endlessly projecting a world while not taking responsibility for your powerful role in creation.
Interestingly, for those that have re-membered themselves as non-dual consciousness, this creative capacity remains, because this is our nature, though in this case, this individual knows of their own co-creating power, where those that exist as identity know not of their power, and so refer to their projections as of independent existing within a world.
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidense! How and why in the world conscuiousness is fundamental? If you are so sure then you should got nobel price for this greate discovery in human history! Or you need to go to linguistic therapy eventually psychiatry!
We are Eternal, our Eternal Consciousness, (Over-)
is pictured in the Rainbow, Colors is our Under.Consciousness,
= Day-Consciousness and Night-Consciousness,
it expose a Developing-Circuit-princip, from Low to High.
Instinct, Gravity, Feeling, Intelligence, Intuition, Memory.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo.
We are Gravity-Beings, at Night We move our Day-Consciousness,
to the Night-Bodies, Deep-Sleep, one by one, via our Coupling-Body,
REM, first to Feeling-Body, and wake up from Instinct-body.
Our physical body, holds a Organ-Circuit, there is a correspondance
Night-Bodies/Organ-Circuit, maintenance, hormons during passage
in the Circuit. Stomach is a Gravity-Organ, We eat when awake.
In-carnation/Dis-carnation is a Larger Circuit, duration is equal
to our last age, but max 100 years in the Night.Bodies, even very old.
Our Eternal Abilities, have Life-side and Stuff-side, pain or disharmony
can prevent Day-Consciousness in Coupling-body to enter
the Feeling-Body, at Night and by dead, and the coupling wont be
so smooth.
It is the Same Eternal Abilities, in technical composition,
that make 'This Device' work so well,
Automatic, Power, Sensors, Logic/Order, (*), Harddisc.
As Gravity-Beings, Intuition is opposite in the Circuit, so it is at
The Life-Desire, is Motor of Life, Hunger- and Satisfaction-Principles
is the Compass.
The Contrast-Princip and the Perspective-Princip, make Feeling
into Sensing. So in Basic our Consciousness is Simple, but the
Creator-Principles make it a more complex and extensive study.
The range of Creator-Principles, We do also know very well,
from our daily life, just not yet in a Eternal Perspective.
Well this wasn’t vague or circular or unsatisfying at all.
We as to humans are not unique or special this is a lie. just because we have language and do not throw shit at each other does not make us special .Wait a God created us in his image ...stupidity i say.
She talks a lot but doesn’t really say much.😂
I exist before I am. I have no free will I can only experience. I do not act, I do the best I can. By the end I will have seen the whole spectrum of good and evil. We all do in one life. My only significant things are what I did for others. I am always surprised and amazed to have done so. It creates a memory. We experience evil rather than being. Only things get all wrong. It is because of what we done before to someone. Life is keeping our head above water. It takes just enough not to be fully conscious about it. We only have one truth each. Lucky are those who seems to have many, and this gratification is a loan. No one ever knows everything. It transcends my whole being for my whole life.. ..About the topic, we are limited by our senses, but we are still conscious deprived of them. Dream is a form of consciousness where our senses can't always help us...
She’s babbling.
Consciousness is not fundamental nor is it mysterious. The brain alone becomes what humans have labeled “conscious.” It is levels of brain activity (electrochemical activity). The sensory, motor, and other systems in the brain “ramp up” to “working” level due to activation starting from the reticular activating system in the brain stem and other structures responsible for the sleep-awake cycle.
I could go on, but that’s the basis for consciousness. It is electrochemical neural activity. Humans have made it mysterious; it is not.
Why does electrochemical neural activity feel like anything at all?
And why does it need to
If you want to know the answer to your question, you should dig into neuroscience in a big way. The brain makes “you” and “me” - the inner perception of a self in control. The “self” is created by neural activity. This knowledge and much more comes from many years of study.
@@georgegrubbs2966 that doesn't explain why neural activity should feel like anything at all or why we should be conscious at all. How could the movement of unconscious particles create conscious experiences?
@@georgegrubbs2966 what I am asking is at a more fundamental level than simply the brain. Go all the way down to the smallest quarks and leptons of the brain. Why do the movement of these generate consciousness at all?
Wow. I wish these people spoke english lol. Would of been nice knowing what they're saying. 🤦♂️.
Please say something. I feel like I am listening to Kamala..
Dr. Lisa Miller. @richroll podcast