@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401 you're from Ecuador? Well, I guess you are so embarrassed of US infrastructure that you don't dare to say that US is where you're from.
I was in China in 2007 during the lead-up to the 2008 summer games, it was an awesome time. the opening ceremony was the best of any international games I had seen, closely followed by the 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia(is my Indonesian bias showing?) I for one am super excited for the bejing 2022 winter games it's a shame people are still so blinded by unfounded hate. I remember the protest in the USA when the torch came, people chanting "Free Tibet" and such and attacked the poor woman carrying the torch, sickening.
I remember seeing those US paid Tibetan exiles trying to grab the torch everywhere it went. In Greece, the police knocked out a few of those paid protesters right on the spot as they were reaching for the torch. Olympics is sacred to the Greeks.
@@Majeed. oppressive govnment? i am a 38 years old chinese, i have to tell you, if i can choose i still choose ccp to run china, becasue only in this country my daughter can hang out during the mid night singlely meanwhile i donn't need to worry about her safty. china is a civliazation with high educated people not the babarian country only can brainwash innorcent people like you to spread hatred. if you never been to china. you should shout your mouth up. i have been to province near tibet. and met alots tibetans. they have no problem. china don't have racist problem at all. try to see it by you own eyes. don't be a propangda bot.
@@血里有风 1 بينما تبث كلمة الطبيعة في النفس انطباعًا بالثبات وعدم التغيّر، يظهر الإنسان عمومًا، والإنسان المعاصر بخاصة، كائنًا تاريخيًا ومتغيرًا، تغيّراته متسارعة في زمننا. فهل يمكن القول إن الإنسان ينفرد عن بقية الأحياء بأنه ليس له طبيعة، أو أن كل تصور للطبيعة الإنسانية هو تصور تاريخي، يدين لزمنه أكثر مما يدين لما يُفترض أنها جِبِلّتنا أو تكويننا الثابت؟ وحين ننظر حولنا نرى أن شركاءنا في الحياة من حيوانات ونباتات يبدون مبرمجين على الأفعال والتفاعلات نفسها طوال حياتهم، خلافًا لنا. ليس للسناجب تاريخ، فهي تفعل الأشياء نفسها كل عام في دورة... طبيعية. للسنجاب طبيعة، وإن كنا لا نعرف ماذا يدور في رأس السنجاب، وماذا يعني كون الحيّ سنجابًا. للإنسان تاريخ بالمقابل، ويبدو أن لنا تاريخًا لأنه ليس لنا طبيعة. لكن يبدو القول إنه ليس للإنسان طبيعة واضحَ البطلان. فنحن نتوزع على جنسين، ونتكاثر بالتوالد، ويرضع الصغار منا حليب الأمهات، ويلزمنا عام وأكثر كي نستطيع المشي، نمشي على ساقين مثل الطيور لكن لا نطير مثلها، وإن لم نمت بحادث أو بقتل بعضنا لبعضنا، فنحن نموت موتًا «طبيعيًا» في سن الشيخوخة، ويندر أن يعيش الواحد أو الواحدة منا قرنًا. لكننا نتكلم بعد عامين أو ثلاثة، منفردين عن غيرنا من الحيوانات باللغة. ورغم تعدد لغاتنا فإنه ليس بيننا من هم بلا لغة، ويمكن لمتكلم أي لغة أن يتكاثر بالتزاوج من متكلمة أي لغة أخرى، ما يعني أننا بيولوجيًا متماثلون، أي لنا «طبيعة» واحدة. وهذا مهم ضد «العنصريين» من بني البشر. فهم ينكرون الوحدة الطبيعية للبشر، أي وحدة العنصر البشري، بل يقررون كثرة العناصر البشرية وتراتبها كمعطيات ثابتة، أي طبيعية. الواقع أن مفهوم الطبيعة الذي يمكن أن يُستند إليه لدحض الدعاوى العنصرية، يمكن الاستناد إليه كذلك للدفاع عنها. ثم أن الإنسان نتاج تطوّري لحياة على كوكب الأرض عمرها نحو أربعة مليارات عام، ما يعني أن التميّز المحتمل لطبيعته هو من احتمالات هذه الحياة، عبر عملية «انتخاب طبيعي» يفوز فيها الأفضل تأهيلًا والأقدر على توريث أفضلياته، ويخرج من السباق الأضعف تأهيلًا. وبهذه الصور يكون ما يبدو أنه يخرجنا من الطبيعة من تميّزٍ هو ذاته من معطيات الطبيعية. 2 يبدو أن تكويننا الحالي ثابت منذ مئات ألوف السنين وأكثر، وأننا مررنا قبل ملايين السنين بمراحل انتصبت خلالها قامتنا واتسعت جماجمنا، وأخذنا نُرمِّز ونصنع الأدوات. ومنذ ألوف السنين يبدو تاريخنا هو تاريخ ما نفعل ونستحدث، وليس تاريخ تطور طبيعي، مثل تطورنا في أزمنة موغلة في القدم. فهل يكون هذا فاصلًا قصيرًا، يفضي بنا إلى شيء بعده؟ وبعد ألوف أو عشرات ألوف السنين، هل يحتمل أن يُنظر إلى قدراتنا اليوم، وفي أساسها اللغة والفكر، كميّزات تطورية طبيعية، أفضت إلى دمار واسع للكوكب، وربما إلى حذف الكائن الذي حاز تلك الميزات واستعادة الكوكب والحياة عليه عافيتهما؟ سنكون عندها احتمالًا من احتمالات الطبيعة، دمر نفسه بنفسه وفقًا لما يمكن أن يُسمّى مبدأ مكر الطبيعية. لا يبدو هذا مستبعدًا كليًا. وقد لا يحدث الأمر بفعل القنبلة النووية، بل ربما القنبلة الجينية، التدخل في السجّل الوراثي البشري، أي في «طبيعة» الإنسان على نحو ينتج طبائع مختلفة أو «عناصر»، يقارب الفرق بينها الفرق بيننا وبين الشمبانزي مثلًا، وقد يمتنع التزاوج والتكاثر عند الوصول إلى هذه العتبة. بعبارة أخرى، قد تكون العنصرية الحقيقية أمامنا، سواء عبر تصنيع بشر للخدمة لا يتمردون ولا يعترضون، عبيدًا في طبيعتهم، كأنما هم حيوانات أليفة نافعة، يزيدها نفعًا أنها تتكلم وتعقِل؛ أو عبر إنتاج بشر خارقين يستخدموننا، نحن العاديين، كعبيد لهم، ويرون فينا مزاحمة لهم على الكوكب ولا بأس بقتل مئات الملايين أو المليارات منا، ولعلّهم في هذا يتسلّحون بقوة وقدرات لا قِبَلَ لنا بمواجهتها. 3 هذا يعيدنا إلى السؤال عن طبيعية الإنسان: ما تكون طبيعة الكائن الحي الذي يبدو قادرًا على تغيير طبيعته؟ هل يبقى مفهوم الطبيعة صالحًا حين يبدو غير ممتنع أن يغيرها مطبوعون مفترضون بها؟ أن يصنعوا طبائع جديدة لأنفسهم أو لغيرهم؟ حين تكون للكائن الحي طبائع بدل طبيعة واحدة؟ أو حين يُحتمَل أن يتميز إلى كائنات، لكلٍّ منها طبيعتها؟ تُحيل تغيُّريّة الإنسان إلى «العقل» كوليد للغة (التكلم مع الغير، والنفس، عن العالم)، وكنتاج تطوري اجتماعي. تطورت هذه القدرة تاريخيًا، وقبل قرون قليلة فحسب طرحت على نفسها إمكانية «السيادة» على الطبيعة و«تملّكها». تحققت تقدمات «سيادية» على مستويات محددة، لكن ثمنها كان باهظًا كما تقدَّم: انقراض شركاء أحياء كثيرين لنا، وتسخُّن الكوكب، وتهديد الحياة عليه، فضلًا عن أشكال تمييز فادحة بين البشر أنفسهم، منها إبادة واسعة النطاق للسكان الأصليين في قارتين على يد المسيطرين الأوروبيين، ومنها عبودية تجارية عابرة للقارات، عانى منها السود أكثر من غيرهم. وهذا في الوقت الذي سُمعت فيه مدركات مثل الإنسان وحقوقه والإنسانية أكثر من أي وقت سبق. فهل يحتمل أننا نتساءل اليوم عن طبيعة الإنسان لأننا نلمس شيئاً غير طبيعي في أنفسنا، مهدِّد للطبيعة التي ننحدر منها؟ ما هو هذا الشيء غير الطبيعي؟ لعله قدرة خاصة لدماغنا وجهازنا العصبي، متشكّلة تطوريًا (توسّع الجمجمة وانتصاب القائمة) واجتماعيًا (عبر اللغة وتشكل جماعات أوسع) على تعقّل الكائنات الأخرى وتعقيلها، و«اعتقال»ـها، بما في ذلك بعض البشر أو كثيرون منهم أو أكثرهم، هي ما نسميها العقل. الإنسان «حيوان ناطق» بمعنى عاقل. ولعل الإنسان الاجتماعي اخترع الثقافات والأديان أو طوّرها من باب «عقل» نفسه بالذات، ومنها بصورة خاصة جهازه العصبي النامي القلق. أنتج الإنسان الاجتماعي هذه العقائد والقواعد، أو «الثقافة»، كي تكون عقلًا خارجيًا له يضبط عقله الداخلي المهتاج، يعطيه عادات وتقاليد، مسالك تكرارية تساعده على أن تكون له طبيعة قارّة، أو تعوضه عن فقدان حيوانيته. ضربٌ من «معتقل» لهذا الكائن الفالت، غير الطبيعي.
If no American officials are present in the winter games do Biden expect the Chinese to present the medals to the winning American. That will certainly be a Big joke.
Who cares if they come or not? They were not invited in the first place. The game is for the athletes not these stupid politicians anyway. Let’s look forward to a great Olympic without these noises!
Global Times does. It's extraordinary, on the one hand they say they don't care and in the same breath, they day Australia will pay a high price. Seems like a strange thing to do if you don't care. The CCP can't decide if it's Arthur or Martha.
@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401 you obviously do not understand the meaning of the Olympics introduced back in 1896. On December 3rd the United Nations General Assembly adopts Olympic Truce for Beijing 2022, backed by 173 out of 193 member countries, US and Canada among the 20 did not sign, which is a minority and noise!
@@ribelleone1476 you're another Chinese person using a VPN so you can comment. In fact over 90% of the views on this channel are from people like you. Fun fact.
@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401 do don't seem to get it. It's like hosting a party and not inviting your crazy neighbour, on the day of the party that crazy neighbour loudly declares he's boycotting your party. Yeah what he does isn't important, cuz he ain't invited, but it shows what a lunatic is so you abvious would not be on good terms either. But seems like ur peabrain can't comprehend that.
US boycotting Beijing Winter Olympics in the name of defending human rights is like the hunchback of Notre Dame tells another to sit up straight. Hypocrisy at its finest!
I am sure they know how hypocritical they are but it is their typical ''look the other way'' tactic plus taking any opportunity to humiliate China, so childish.
Hope more people will understand how dangerous this NED is and what it has been doing around the world to create chaos and divisions. Wish you to be in good health always Lee.
Thanks brother Lee for your generous contribution to Beijing China's 2022 winter Olympics, this may be small in nature it is undoubtedly most encouraging coming from you deserving my gratitude and salute.
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
it has nothing to do with politics. Team Biden was mad for the wrong reason. USTR Tai, Trasury Secretary Yellen, Sherman all wanted to talk. Why? Finally Biden got to talk to Xi. Biden never brought up he wanted China to buy US junk treasury, or a bailout. China bought $800B of junk treasury in 2008 that's why China has $1 trillion+ of US debts. why would your adversary bail you out? 😊😊
@@annoyedcat9291 Are you trying to pretend asian hate didn't happen or sth? A lot of asians and especially Chinese have been beaten up for just being asian in many western countries, are you blind or deaf or both??
@@ThatGuy-iv4tc he's hilarious. Shills hard for China, follows American pornstars who have only fans. You'd think if he was pro-China through and through he wouldn't be jacking off to American women. Like I say, he's always raising just one hand. We all know what he's doing with rhe other.
@@pengfu8608 haha ok thanks for the clarification! Definitely super annoying, pretty cool that you can speak Chinese and English..I’m going to visit China next year and I wish I could speak/understand it 😢
The British Foreign Ministry is redundant. The British Justices Department is redundant. The British Home Office is redundant. The British government is redundant. The UK is redundant. The Disunited States of America has used its long-arm tactics to not only control many other nations but allies such as the UK, Canada, Australia and militarily controlled Japan and South Korea since the second world war. Those so-called suicides committed by certain well known prisoners in American jail are suspect. They knew too much about many people in power (political or otherwise), so they had to be "eliminated". If there is any justice, firstly the weak and timid Scott Morrison, who only barks at China, should defend his fellow citizen, Julian Assange. If there is any justice the British Foreign Office and Home Office should stop the extradition because they have the power to do so, instead of hiding behind the UK legal justice system. As we all know judges are human beings and they have personal prejudices so their rulings are not entirely based on legal opinion. Well, we know how it works in the US when the incumbent president of the time appoints a new judge to the Supreme Court. The appointment is based on a party line, and all voting (so-called democracy) in Congress and Parliament is all virtually based on party lines. Democracy is a sham when the political parties are fighting against each other daily and fighting against each other within their own party. Where is the progress? Democracy has deteriorated to such a state in the West that they cannot tolerate an alternative successful governance system elsewhere that they try to smear and slander others, suppress others and oppress others. They are moving their goalposts to suit their changing agenda. They break their own rules. They have no moral high ground to criticise others. The truth hurts. If we don't accept truths and improve ourselves how can we reconcile with our conscience? How can we try (democratically and legally) and then jail an innocent man who speaks the truth?
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
the Americans putting their foot in it again !!! they have not been invited you could not make this up. Beijing will once again show its pride in hosting a very successful Olympic game in 2022 . it will be an awe-inspiring event can not wait . Lee Barrett, you take care and take it easy .regards from UK
As Gweilo 60 also reported-None of the 5 Eyes countries were invited to the Games and no Muslim countries have boycotted it, in reply to the alleged made up reports about Uyghur abuses.
@@88eclhome71 There was genocide against indigenous in Canada, you are correct. As Canadians, we are free to discuss it and make sure it never happens again. Can you do that in China? The Canadian government even created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to give indigenous peoples the justice they deserve. WHERE IS CHINA'S TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION? Every country has atrocities in their past, but only China denies the truth and silences anyone who speaks out.
@TaMing There was genocide against indigenous in Canada, you are correct. As Canadians, we are free to discuss it and make sure it never happens again. Can you do that in China? The Canadian government even created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to give indigenous peoples the justice they deserve. WHERE IS CHINA'S TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION? Every country has atrocities in their past, but only China denies the truth and silences anyone who speaks out.
@@nohobobo So you saying after committing genocide, a little lip service will put things right, the families forced separation, children killed, land was taken from them . The Canadian government should give all the land back to those people, and to compensate them for all their suffering and losses, not just lip service.
@@nohobobo to reply u, yes we Chinese can talk about it even though we don’t have a TRC. What truth abt China has been denied by the government or the country? When you said truth, do you have any proof such as dead bodies or abused salves discovered and presented in a transparent way to the global community? And when you say all the countries admit, are you sure abt that? I am a Chinese but not a pro-China no matter what type. When we raise an issue, we need proof, simple and straightforward. Without the proof, how can we ever ask China to apologize?
For the opening and closing ceremonies, I got a feeling that Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities, poverty alleviation, culture, and technology advances like the space station, Moon and Mars expeditions, 5G, solar, wind energy technologies and greening of desert ongoing development in Xinjiang as well as Tibet will feature. It will also feature that the Beijing Games will be the one and only run 100% reusable energy.
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
@@cuteandfunnyearthlings2863 here i'm have to talk to you,America never destroy China because: 1:Biggest trade import and export 2:Biggest economy chain 3:Biggest GDP Chain 4:Biggest industry and Manufacturing 5: Biggest Bank in the world 6.Millitary growth since 2020
@Cedric Wai: National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a non-profit organization created by the US gov't. It is funded by the US gov't. It does what the CIA used to do. In other words, they are part of CIA. NED also funds NGOs around to the Globe to do their filthy work.
So sad to see politics take away Olympians dream. Besides, last Opening of Olympic in China, it was an amazingly unforgettable performance to show technology advancement and how rich China is. That created a lot of jealousy.
That's what it all comes to: Jealousy and Resentment. These bad actors just could not stand the progress and advancement of China, so resort to underhanded tactics to stop and hinder its development. Western democracy is supposed to be superior to socialist , communist ideology. The west just can't stand another country with different form of govt is doing so well and leaving them in the dust. Hence all these smearing, slandering, sanctioning, kidnapping just to try stop or slow China's progress. The warmongers will try everything to no avail.
Not taking any sides with the west or east or whatever, but Diplomatic Boycotting the games is wrong and not in the spirit of the Olympic games from any country to do this in the past, present or in the future.
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
@@kassmalz2069 are you jelly, salty and having a mental meltdown? in that case fark ameriKKKa too they are destroying and bombing small countries that do not want to be dictated by genociders US, bik ini islands is destroyed, libya, syria, venezueala, iraq, cuba, afghan etc are all ruined by US.
The whole point of the Olympics is to send a political message of unity, the Olympics has always been political, the real issue is that people are trying to go counter to its message.
@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401 Why are you so cynical and bitter? Did someone hurt you badly? There are no swegways and shiny cars inside the Olympic venue.
Need to be careful. You kniw how the mainstream Western media will twist the narrative. ...CCP paid supporters fr UK...just need tread on that carefully
I wonder if Audience will reward them with a “boo” when they appear in the open ceremony. What a shame of having such political leaders who involve politic in the sport.
@@mengkeatteoh5934 Originally, Chinese people aren't like that. But since those countries have shown so much hate, racism, jealousy against CN, I'm not 100% sure anymore. Still, I think Chinese audience wouldn't do that.
I have been feeling so touched of what you and your son are doing for China. Stand to the truth, throw away bias, and try to bring the facts to the west. Thanks so much and take care!
As an overseas indonesian chinese, and i often visit china for business, i know what democracy for chinese, so for the western countries stop your fanatism for freedom democracy or whatever you called it is, we as mostly chinese race know what is best for ourselves, mind your own problems. We can solve it ourself
The only two words I, as a Chinese Thai, could say is Thank You 謝謝 ขอบคุณครับ. Lee Barrett, you have my high respect. My blood used to boil over the US Deep State's non-stop smear tactics against my ancestral land of China..... no longer. Just stay cool and make it one of the the best Winter Games ever held. I am sure China will make it happen.
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
@@ytweirdgameryt6907 No, the Thai king is extremely kind and benevolent, as is the totally legitimate Thai government. Some Thai people are protesting because they have been tricked by NED. They don't know their own minds.
Thank for this video, dad! This is all like the rants in the school’s playground when the bullies try to harass others. The US must know they’re done with the world and they’re trying to increase their lapdog club to other countries. Japan is considering the “diplomatic” boycott, the EU already said no way they’re supporting this nonsense… In Spain we have a motto, you’ve got more patience than a Chinese and hence a big proof of it. I wish I could be there for the openings
@Miranda1184 thanks to these videos telling the truth from within china more and more people will realise they’ve been fooled like kindergarten kids one step (kid) at a time
Barret agree with you absolutely. Biden and those who follow him to boycott the Winter Olympics should be ashamed of their childish juvenile behaviour.
Good comment. It is clear that those who boycott the Beijing Olympics were funded and they are ill-intended. Sports should not be involved into politics. US boycotting is against Olympic principles and. US is losing more credits by doing the boycotting.
@@breaddddd Taiwan is part of China. According IOC rules, Taiwan uses Chinese Taipei flag to accommodate Taiwan atheletes. That's correct way because Taiwan is not a country.
@@yuejinli5733 Taiwan is not part of China as decided by the Republic of Taiwan. Get off of RUclips, it’s banned by your country. They don’t want you to use it. Stop disobeying, you fool.
@@breaddddd You need to learn some Taiwan history. Perhaps your grandfather or grand, grandfather was from China. Taiwan's constitution states that it is Republic of China. How stupid you are!
Well those who calling them selfs as five eye's seeing them self being jealous on Chinese hard work to show the world there achievements and contribution to the world,without going to wars regime change to south it's self needs in the other word colonialism. Yes Olympics is for all,those young Olympians are ambassadors who represent hers or his country its rood for some head of states to behave them self in in such maners.From my heart to yours as well Chinese very best to Olympic games.
The athletes of the boycotting countries should show their patriotism and stay at home with their politicians. US spreading Democrazy..... But at what cost? 🙄
I've said this before and I'll say this again. You can't have government officials from the 5 eyes countries attending because if they're on the ground in Beijing, they'll find out the truth that there is no Uyghur issue and we can't have that, can we?
Incredibly selfish by leaders of the 5 Lies countries to not give their athletes full support for their efforts to represent their countries in the best way possible.
Lee fully agree with you that international sports and geopolitics should not mix otherwise in future there will be no more Olympic games. The US has killed the sporting spirits of the Olympic. Perhaps in future , the Olympic Council forbids the participation of the US in all international sporting events so as not to spoil others in sports competition.
US is applying 80's rhetoric of boycotting Moscow Olympics for political reasons. Time now has changed, if US do same they are doomed to be failure now and such future forever endeavors.
Thank you for calling out the hypocritical stance of USA and unquestioningly followed by UK Australia & Canada. Isn't it ironical that these 4 countries between them had probably been responsible for the worst excesses of human rights violations in their nations' history?
Lee the boycott is only by the diplomatic corps of the US and their lapdogs. It does not affect the athletes at all. Hope you are on the way to a full recovery. Best wishes and take care as always.
@@huangmeiyan2968 Not only the Chinese Taipei Team fighting, their parliamentarians are also doing so setting a fine example of kung fu fighting. Their version of debate is to throw chairs, shoes and spitting. The pre-requisite to entering Parliament is eligbility and pugilistic skills.
Uneducated response to what's going on. Let me guess. You get your information of ccgn. Filthy CCP lapdogs is what you are!! At least the west have freedom of press for the individual to make up their own mind. In communist China their is no such thing as speaking your honest own mind!
@@kye4216 "genocide" against chinese muslims? Is there any evidence or just some stupid far right jornalists from Fox News saying that? And since when is US government concerned about muslims considering that they have been bombing them for the last 40 years?
The Olympics will be very successful whether those hostile politicians attend or not. Let them watch the games from TV and get jealous. All the athletes will be much impressed by the hospitality, advanced technology and fast transportation there. Boycotting will not make any difference
Thank you for your explanation Lee, and i'm glad you are looking more healthy. Notes: In funny situations Chinese gov should Announce the ban of US diplomat from attending the Olympic because of US Georgia Slavery
There are athletes who trained all their lives all in the name of Sportsmanship. Boycotting the games goes against all the spirit of Sports. There is no room for politics in Sports. This is how low the US can go. It's so disappointing because I used to look up to the US but it's like a child telling her parents not to kill the kitten. It's a disgrace.
@@breaddddd tell US and the rest of the world to recognize Taiwan as a independent country. Oh wait what's that? They still recognize Taiwan as part of China?! Well isn't that too bad.
That's great news now China will not have to host arrogant diplomats and their retinue. Also it will minimize the rist of covid imports. As long as the athletes are not deprived of their chance who cares who wants to boycott. If I were China I would refuse to play the anthems of those countries boycotting and play "We are the wirld" 😁
Thanks Lee. Hope you're feeling better. I'm sure China will host a fantastic winter olympic & paralympic games. I'm looking forward to it. Despite the political shenanigans, athletes from all countries, including my country Australia, will attend the games & compete proudly for their countries. It's the athletes who should be the focus, not the selfish pollies. Today the good news came through that the Australian mixed doubles team in Curling has qualified for the Beijing games by winning a world cup event in the Netherlands. This will be the first time Australia has ever had a team in this sport at the Games. The joyous reaction of these young athletes said it all. These are the sorts of stories we should be able to focus on in the lead-up to the Games.
The Australian government is a mindless government, and I hope that the Australian people will recognize the government’s shamelessness and blind obedience to the United States.
As a resident of Beijing, WELCOME to Beijing 2022 Olympic! Wish every athlete demonstrate the best of live. I will be proud of all their great moments.
So very sad that these ‘western countries’ are so dead on politicising the Olympic Games but then again they are a very disappointing lot! Hope you are feeling better everyday!
The more the Global North spits on the Winter Games, the more I feel like it's going to motivate China to host something that surpasses even Beijing 2008.
Those politicians are really selfish and self-centered. I feel sad for those athletes who worked so hard for many years for the Olympic Games in Beijing.
Sorry if I'm missing something, but since the Olympics are apolitical, then does it even matter if countries send political representatives? The games can and will go on without them. As long as the athletes are there, which I don't see why they wouldn't. _Of course, unless Biden announces his new slalom career. X^D_
I won’t be watching or supporting the Olympics in any way shape or form as the host country has a government that is absolutely despicable committing crimes against humanity. Such a disgrace that they might host this event and be on he world stage.
Canada is also boycotting Beijing Olympics too. I feel shame for our government as well. Why do they need to play dirty and take away athletes dreams and hope! That's the rights of the athletes, not government!
If we compare the population numbers among native Americans, Australian, Canadian and Chinese Uyghurs than we can see where the genocide really happened.
Supplanting the US as the no 1 economy in the world has the US and its gang of lackey states in a frenzy. Sadly my own country of NZ (we are part of the Five Eyes intelligence (oxymoron) alliance) has joined in the boycott. The Belt and Road Initiative is a major threat to US hegemony and Xinjiang is the region through which the project will link the world to China. Destabilisation is the only language the US and it's allies are interested in. The truth plays no part in their strategy. The empirical mindset ignores entirely the opportunity to work with China and instead will spend billions of dollars on a new cold war brinkmanship. Psychopaths and sociopaths thrive in such an arena. Good to see you back Lee and all the best for the future.
It's much better if 5eyes not sending their athletes instead of barking to boycott the Winter Olympic Games. Beijing Winter Olympics will be spectacular & astonishing & success 🇨🇳
@@kye4216 Free democracy summit, USA picked what countries could attend thats not a democracy. All athletes are welcome to attend , just the WAR mongers did not get an invite.
@@kye4216 China has 7 political parties ,the people in each district vote for their representative , all elected officials meet with the #1 communist party who initiate their ideas, this way U don't have opposition party de railing the country as in western democracy.
Excellent talk...I fully agreed with Lee. Why geopolitics should take away life dream of some participants...that's unfair and selfishness of some politicians.... I wish Beijing Winter Olympic every success.
I’m Chinese.I want to say that our everybody in here,China! We are really safe and satisfied.More importantly,I’m proud of my home--China.I find it laughable that the United States is interfering with the Olympics。And ashamed of you!
To my understanding, the 4 countries (US, UK, Australia, and Canada) are boycotting for political reasons. New Zealand is citing the pandemic as the reason. The athletes themselves are still going as far as I know. There might be individual athletes from these countries boycotting, but so far I haven't heard of anyone doing that yet.
Hi Lee, what I read and understood was this is a boycott at the government to government level. These countries including the US are not forbidding their sportsman/ladies to participate in the coming Olympics in China. At least this is what I understood. 🇸🇬
In October, New Zealand has announced they will not send any diplomat due to Covid19, its logistics around, quarantine and etc which is very understandable. I do not think anyone would create any fuss if this was the reason. But for US, AU, CA, UK, they are using human rights as a reason for diplomat boycott which has no solid evidence till date. In fact, many of their stories were debunked with evidence. What was the motive of such political theatrical annoucement? Have US forgot they just killed a family of 3 adults and 7 children due to a mistake and also declared they have not commited any crimes? Have AU forgot they killed children in Afghanistan? Abandoned their citizen Assange who was never a US citizen. Their human rights abuse of their indigenous people? Have CA forgot unmarked graves from their genocide was discovered? Have UK forgot rape is a culture in schools? Forgot ICC found evidence of their war crimes in Iraq war? There are many many more human rights abused backed by evidence committed by US and its partner in crimes. "Coincidentally", it is the 5 eyes alliance (apart from NZ) that are fronting this diplomat boycotting.
If you believe China will organize the winter Olympics successfully, raise your hand 💥🙋🏻♂️✋
Seems doubtful.
Always raising just one hand, can guess what you're using the other one for.
@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401 yeah this “mansana” guy comments on every video a hundred times, so obvious he’s getting paid for it.
✋ ✋ ✋
@@ThatGuy-iv4tc hard to say. Shenzhou definitely does, he's more than likely PLA.
The English translation makes me LOL
做人还是要宽容我们给足他们面子 接不接受是他的事
@@robertopericoluo5628 结果还是来了 还来的挺多人 尴尬😅
Glad to see Lee is doing well!
I from malaysia .support china
I from Ecuador, loved cracked dams and faulty infrastructure.
@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401, good. Stay that way.
@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401 you're from Ecuador? Well, I guess you are so embarrassed of US infrastructure that you don't dare to say that US is where you're from.
I was in China in 2007 during the lead-up to the 2008 summer games, it was an awesome time. the opening ceremony was the best of any international games I had seen, closely followed by the 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia(is my Indonesian bias showing?) I for one am super excited for the bejing 2022 winter games it's a shame people are still so blinded by unfounded hate. I remember the protest in the USA when the torch came, people chanting "Free Tibet" and such and attacked the poor woman carrying the torch, sickening.
I remember seeing those US paid Tibetan exiles trying to grab the torch everywhere it went. In Greece, the police knocked out a few of those paid protesters right on the spot as they were reaching for the torch. Olympics is sacred to the Greeks.
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
@@Majeed. oppressive govnment? i am a 38 years old chinese, i have to tell you, if i can choose i still choose ccp to run china, becasue only in this country my daughter can hang out during the mid night singlely meanwhile i donn't need to worry about her safty. china is a civliazation with high educated people not the babarian country only can brainwash innorcent people like you to spread hatred. if you never been to china. you should shout your mouth up. i have been to province near tibet. and met alots tibetans. they have no problem. china don't have racist problem at all. try to see it by you own eyes. don't be a propangda bot.
@@血里有风 1
بينما تبث كلمة الطبيعة في النفس انطباعًا بالثبات وعدم التغيّر، يظهر الإنسان عمومًا، والإنسان المعاصر بخاصة، كائنًا تاريخيًا ومتغيرًا، تغيّراته متسارعة في زمننا. فهل يمكن القول إن الإنسان ينفرد عن بقية الأحياء بأنه ليس له طبيعة، أو أن كل تصور للطبيعة الإنسانية هو تصور تاريخي، يدين لزمنه أكثر مما يدين لما يُفترض أنها جِبِلّتنا أو تكويننا الثابت؟ وحين ننظر حولنا نرى أن شركاءنا في الحياة من حيوانات ونباتات يبدون مبرمجين على الأفعال والتفاعلات نفسها طوال حياتهم، خلافًا لنا. ليس للسناجب تاريخ، فهي تفعل الأشياء نفسها كل عام في دورة... طبيعية. للسنجاب طبيعة، وإن كنا لا نعرف ماذا يدور في رأس السنجاب، وماذا يعني كون الحيّ سنجابًا. للإنسان تاريخ بالمقابل، ويبدو أن لنا تاريخًا لأنه ليس لنا طبيعة.
لكن يبدو القول إنه ليس للإنسان طبيعة واضحَ البطلان. فنحن نتوزع على جنسين، ونتكاثر بالتوالد، ويرضع الصغار منا حليب الأمهات، ويلزمنا عام وأكثر كي نستطيع المشي، نمشي على ساقين مثل الطيور لكن لا نطير مثلها، وإن لم نمت بحادث أو بقتل بعضنا لبعضنا، فنحن نموت موتًا «طبيعيًا» في سن الشيخوخة، ويندر أن يعيش الواحد أو الواحدة منا قرنًا. لكننا نتكلم بعد عامين أو ثلاثة، منفردين عن غيرنا من الحيوانات باللغة. ورغم تعدد لغاتنا فإنه ليس بيننا من هم بلا لغة، ويمكن لمتكلم أي لغة أن يتكاثر بالتزاوج من متكلمة أي لغة أخرى، ما يعني أننا بيولوجيًا متماثلون، أي لنا «طبيعة» واحدة. وهذا مهم ضد «العنصريين» من بني البشر. فهم ينكرون الوحدة الطبيعية للبشر، أي وحدة العنصر البشري، بل يقررون كثرة العناصر البشرية وتراتبها كمعطيات ثابتة، أي طبيعية. الواقع أن مفهوم الطبيعة الذي يمكن أن يُستند إليه لدحض الدعاوى العنصرية، يمكن الاستناد إليه كذلك للدفاع عنها.
ثم أن الإنسان نتاج تطوّري لحياة على كوكب الأرض عمرها نحو أربعة مليارات عام، ما يعني أن التميّز المحتمل لطبيعته هو من احتمالات هذه الحياة، عبر عملية «انتخاب طبيعي» يفوز فيها الأفضل تأهيلًا والأقدر على توريث أفضلياته، ويخرج من السباق الأضعف تأهيلًا. وبهذه الصور يكون ما يبدو أنه يخرجنا من الطبيعة من تميّزٍ هو ذاته من معطيات الطبيعية.
يبدو أن تكويننا الحالي ثابت منذ مئات ألوف السنين وأكثر، وأننا مررنا قبل ملايين السنين بمراحل انتصبت خلالها قامتنا واتسعت جماجمنا، وأخذنا نُرمِّز ونصنع الأدوات.
ومنذ ألوف السنين يبدو تاريخنا هو تاريخ ما نفعل ونستحدث، وليس تاريخ تطور طبيعي، مثل تطورنا في أزمنة موغلة في القدم. فهل يكون هذا فاصلًا قصيرًا، يفضي بنا إلى شيء بعده؟ وبعد ألوف أو عشرات ألوف السنين، هل يحتمل أن يُنظر إلى قدراتنا اليوم، وفي أساسها اللغة والفكر، كميّزات تطورية طبيعية، أفضت إلى دمار واسع للكوكب، وربما إلى حذف الكائن الذي حاز تلك الميزات واستعادة الكوكب والحياة عليه عافيتهما؟ سنكون عندها احتمالًا من احتمالات الطبيعة، دمر نفسه بنفسه وفقًا لما يمكن أن يُسمّى مبدأ مكر الطبيعية. لا يبدو هذا مستبعدًا كليًا. وقد لا يحدث الأمر بفعل القنبلة النووية، بل ربما القنبلة الجينية، التدخل في السجّل الوراثي البشري، أي في «طبيعة» الإنسان على نحو ينتج طبائع مختلفة أو «عناصر»، يقارب الفرق بينها الفرق بيننا وبين الشمبانزي مثلًا، وقد يمتنع التزاوج والتكاثر عند الوصول إلى هذه العتبة. بعبارة أخرى، قد تكون العنصرية الحقيقية أمامنا، سواء عبر تصنيع بشر للخدمة لا يتمردون ولا يعترضون، عبيدًا في طبيعتهم، كأنما هم حيوانات أليفة نافعة، يزيدها نفعًا أنها تتكلم وتعقِل؛ أو عبر إنتاج بشر خارقين يستخدموننا، نحن العاديين، كعبيد لهم، ويرون فينا مزاحمة لهم على الكوكب ولا بأس بقتل مئات الملايين أو المليارات منا، ولعلّهم في هذا يتسلّحون بقوة وقدرات لا قِبَلَ لنا بمواجهتها.
هذا يعيدنا إلى السؤال عن طبيعية الإنسان: ما تكون طبيعة الكائن الحي الذي يبدو قادرًا على تغيير طبيعته؟ هل يبقى مفهوم الطبيعة صالحًا حين يبدو غير ممتنع أن يغيرها مطبوعون مفترضون بها؟ أن يصنعوا طبائع جديدة لأنفسهم أو لغيرهم؟ حين تكون للكائن الحي طبائع بدل طبيعة واحدة؟ أو حين يُحتمَل أن يتميز إلى كائنات، لكلٍّ منها طبيعتها؟ تُحيل تغيُّريّة الإنسان إلى «العقل» كوليد للغة (التكلم مع الغير، والنفس، عن العالم)، وكنتاج تطوري اجتماعي. تطورت هذه القدرة تاريخيًا، وقبل قرون قليلة فحسب طرحت على نفسها إمكانية «السيادة» على الطبيعة و«تملّكها». تحققت تقدمات «سيادية» على مستويات محددة، لكن ثمنها كان باهظًا كما تقدَّم: انقراض شركاء أحياء كثيرين لنا، وتسخُّن الكوكب، وتهديد الحياة عليه، فضلًا عن أشكال تمييز فادحة بين البشر أنفسهم، منها إبادة واسعة النطاق للسكان الأصليين في قارتين على يد المسيطرين الأوروبيين، ومنها عبودية تجارية عابرة للقارات، عانى منها السود أكثر من غيرهم. وهذا في الوقت الذي سُمعت فيه مدركات مثل الإنسان وحقوقه والإنسانية أكثر من أي وقت سبق.
فهل يحتمل أننا نتساءل اليوم عن طبيعة الإنسان لأننا نلمس شيئاً غير طبيعي في أنفسنا، مهدِّد للطبيعة التي ننحدر منها؟
ما هو هذا الشيء غير الطبيعي؟ لعله قدرة خاصة لدماغنا وجهازنا العصبي، متشكّلة تطوريًا (توسّع الجمجمة وانتصاب القائمة) واجتماعيًا (عبر اللغة وتشكل جماعات أوسع) على تعقّل الكائنات الأخرى وتعقيلها، و«اعتقال»ـها، بما في ذلك بعض البشر أو كثيرون منهم أو أكثرهم، هي ما نسميها العقل. الإنسان «حيوان ناطق» بمعنى عاقل. ولعل الإنسان الاجتماعي اخترع الثقافات والأديان أو طوّرها من باب «عقل» نفسه بالذات، ومنها بصورة خاصة جهازه العصبي النامي القلق. أنتج الإنسان الاجتماعي هذه العقائد والقواعد، أو «الثقافة»، كي تكون عقلًا خارجيًا له يضبط عقله الداخلي المهتاج، يعطيه عادات وتقاليد، مسالك تكرارية تساعده على أن تكون له طبيعة قارّة، أو تعوضه عن فقدان حيوانيته. ضربٌ من «معتقل» لهذا الكائن الفالت، غير الطبيعي.
If no American officials are present in the winter games do Biden expect the Chinese to present the medals to the winning American. That will certainly be a Big joke.
Who cares if they come or not? They were not invited in the first place. The game is for the athletes not these stupid politicians anyway. Let’s look forward to a great Olympic without these noises!
Global Times does. It's extraordinary, on the one hand they say they don't care and in the same breath, they day Australia will pay a high price. Seems like a strange thing to do if you don't care. The CCP can't decide if it's Arthur or Martha.
@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401 you obviously do not understand the meaning of the Olympics introduced back in 1896. On December 3rd the United Nations General Assembly adopts Olympic Truce for Beijing 2022, backed by 173 out of 193 member countries, US and Canada among the 20 did not sign, which is a minority and noise!
@@ribelleone1476 you're another Chinese person using a VPN so you can comment. In fact over 90% of the views on this channel are from people like you. Fun fact.
@@seniorsergeanttomcroydon6401 do don't seem to get it. It's like hosting a party and not inviting your crazy neighbour, on the day of the party that crazy neighbour loudly declares he's boycotting your party. Yeah what he does isn't important, cuz he ain't invited, but it shows what a lunatic is so you abvious would not be on good terms either. But seems like ur peabrain can't comprehend that.
US boycotting Beijing Winter Olympics in the name of defending human rights is like the hunchback of Notre Dame tells another to sit up straight. Hypocrisy at its finest!
I am sure they know how hypocritical they are but it is their typical ''look the other way'' tactic plus taking any opportunity to humiliate China, so childish.
Ha ha. Well put
how many times did China boycott the games in the past?
This is so deep 💋
The hunchback of Notre Dame may be so but at least he is not spineless....unlike the ones in Ottawa, Canberra n London.
Hope more people will understand how dangerous this NED is and what it has been doing around the world to create chaos and divisions. Wish you to be in good health always Lee.
Thanks brother Lee for your generous contribution to Beijing China's 2022 winter Olympics, this may be small in nature it is undoubtedly most encouraging coming from you deserving my gratitude and salute.
NED is just a branch of the CIA.
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
Hi, what means NED ?
@test test I'm sorry, I can't read chinese
Could you use english or french please ?
Bravo. Thank you for speaking up, take care & God bless.
The Olympics are about diversity and unity, not politics and profit. Politics must be kept at arm's length.
how is China separating politics from sports? how many times did China boycott the games in the past?
@@DiegoCamiloAyalaCace so, did you live in the back 80s and travel to 2021 to send this message?
@@DiegoCamiloAyalaCace when?
it has nothing to do with politics. Team Biden was mad for the wrong reason.
USTR Tai, Trasury Secretary Yellen, Sherman all wanted to talk. Why? Finally Biden got to talk to Xi. Biden never brought up he wanted China to buy US junk treasury, or a bailout. China bought $800B of junk treasury in 2008 that's why China has $1 trillion+ of US debts.
why would your adversary bail you out? 😊😊
@@annoyedcat9291 Are you trying to pretend asian hate didn't happen or sth? A lot of asians and especially Chinese have been beaten up for just being asian in many western countries, are you blind or deaf or both??
Hit the bulls eyes! Many thanks, Barrett!
If you enjoyed this video, raise your hand to show Lee Barrett your loving support ❤️👍🙋🏻♂️
How much do you get paid to comment on videos? You need a hobby, one comment is enough, relax
@@ThatGuy-iv4tc he's hilarious. Shills hard for China, follows American pornstars who have only fans. You'd think if he was pro-China through and through he wouldn't be jacking off to American women. Like I say, he's always raising just one hand. We all know what he's doing with rhe other.
@@ThatGuy-iv4tc No, he is referring to the same guy you both are complaining: Mansana ..... I am super annoyed by this freak also.
@@pengfu8608 haha ok thanks for the clarification! Definitely super annoying, pretty cool that you can speak Chinese and English..I’m going to visit China next year and I wish I could speak/understand it 😢
The British Foreign Ministry is redundant. The British Justices Department is redundant. The British Home Office is redundant. The British government is redundant. The UK is redundant. The Disunited States of America has used its long-arm tactics to not only control many other nations but allies such as the UK, Canada, Australia and militarily controlled Japan and South Korea since the second world war.
Those so-called suicides committed by certain well known prisoners in American jail are suspect. They knew too much about many people in power (political or otherwise), so they had to be "eliminated".
If there is any justice, firstly the weak and timid Scott Morrison, who only barks at China, should defend his fellow citizen, Julian Assange. If there is any justice the British Foreign Office and Home Office should stop the extradition because they have the power to do so, instead of hiding behind the UK legal justice system. As we all know judges are human beings and they have personal prejudices so their rulings are not entirely based on legal opinion. Well, we know how it works in the US when the incumbent president of the time appoints a new judge to the Supreme Court. The appointment is based on a party line, and all voting (so-called democracy) in Congress and Parliament is all virtually based on party lines.
Democracy is a sham when the political parties are fighting against each other daily and fighting against each other within their own party. Where is the progress? Democracy has deteriorated to such a state in the West that they cannot tolerate an alternative successful governance system elsewhere that they try to smear and slander others, suppress others and oppress others. They are moving their goalposts to suit their changing agenda. They break their own rules. They have no moral high ground to criticise others.
The truth hurts. If we don't accept truths and improve ourselves how can we reconcile with our conscience? How can we try (democratically and legally) and then jail an innocent man who speaks the truth?
The real 1984 isn't China, but what the West has become itself. I'd feel more free living in China someday, than in the US.
Richard Wong, democracy has completely deteriorated becoming now a mere mockery
Everything you say is absolutely true. Brilliant words !!!
@@xjayy1613 thanks for saying what l have in mind. 12/12/21
I agree with this. In particular about ScoMo (Scott Morrison) is a pathetic specimen
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
the Americans putting their foot in it again !!! they have not been invited you could not make this up. Beijing will once again show its pride in hosting a very successful Olympic game in 2022 . it will be an awe-inspiring event can not wait . Lee Barrett, you take care and take it easy .regards from UK
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
@@Majeed. I boycott you.
As Gweilo 60 also reported-None of the 5 Eyes countries were invited to the Games and no Muslim countries have boycotted it, in reply to the alleged made up reports about Uyghur abuses.
The 5 eyes should look at themselves regarding genocide. What happened to all their indigenous peoples.
@@88eclhome71 There was genocide against indigenous in Canada, you are correct. As Canadians, we are free to discuss it and make sure it never happens again. Can you do that in China? The Canadian government even created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to give indigenous peoples the justice they deserve. WHERE IS CHINA'S TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION? Every country has atrocities in their past, but only China denies the truth and silences anyone who speaks out.
@TaMing There was genocide against indigenous in Canada, you are correct. As Canadians, we are free to discuss it and make sure it never happens again. Can you do that in China? The Canadian government even created a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to give indigenous peoples the justice they deserve. WHERE IS CHINA'S TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION? Every country has atrocities in their past, but only China denies the truth and silences anyone who speaks out.
@@nohobobo So you saying after committing genocide, a little lip service will put things right, the families forced separation, children killed, land was taken from them . The Canadian government should give all the land back to those people, and to compensate them for all their suffering and losses, not just lip service.
@@nohobobo to reply u, yes we Chinese can talk about it even though we don’t have a TRC. What truth abt China has been denied by the government or the country? When you said truth, do you have any proof such as dead bodies or abused salves discovered and presented in a transparent way to the global community? And when you say all the countries admit, are you sure abt that? I am a Chinese but not a pro-China no matter what type. When we raise an issue, we need proof, simple and straightforward. Without the proof, how can we ever ask China to apologize?
Hi Lee
It's always pleasing to watch your videos and see you in good health.
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
Fully support Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games
For the opening and closing ceremonies, I got a feeling that Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities, poverty alleviation, culture, and technology advances like the space station, Moon and Mars expeditions, 5G, solar, wind energy technologies and greening of desert ongoing development in Xinjiang as well as Tibet will feature. It will also feature that the Beijing Games will be the one and only run 100% reusable energy.
And then some stupid guy would say oh look they’re forcing uyghur people to put on a show
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
@@cuteandfunnyearthlings2863 If US And it's Allies to Destroy China,why they Don't bomb that country?Did it is impossible?or any wrong with China?
@@cuteandfunnyearthlings2863 here i'm have to talk to you,America never destroy China because:
1:Biggest trade import and export
2:Biggest economy chain
3:Biggest GDP Chain
4:Biggest industry and Manufacturing
5: Biggest Bank in the world
6.Millitary growth since 2020
@@hyxlia_ China got nukes and can counter attack if US attack first, and that will be end of the world and for those war mongerers in US.
🇺🇸🗽is facing big trouble with domestic issues, yet it has time to lecture nonsense about others. 🤣
The World Court should look into NED, which funded protesters against any non democratic governments and should bring the foundation to justice.
What world court...it will be controlled by US & allies...just like UN ..
@Cedric Wai: National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a non-profit organization created by the US gov't. It is funded by the US gov't. It does what the CIA used to do. In other words, they are part of CIA. NED also funds NGOs around to the Globe to do their filthy work.
@Ben Pang : America is a dying empire. Whatever will happen to America is all self-inflicted. That day will come soon.
The world court should look into the very FAKE and EVIL organization.
NED is attacking everyone including meddling with democratic countries.
Well done! sleepy Joe. You let the world understand how you destroy sports with dirty politics.
We can see US's true character now; it's ugly. Your heart sinks to find that the country you looked up to all your life turned out to be a hooligan.
Very well said. Cheers to China winter Olympic 2020. Wish you success
Agree with you, should separate sports from politics, wish you speedy recovery & good health💪🏻
they won't, thats the problem
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
@@Majeed. well said man
@@Majeed. okay so lets boycott the united states as well then im down with that
So glad to see you looking so well Lee!
Blessings in Light, Life, Love, and continued Perfect Health.💕💕💕
So sad to see politics take away Olympians dream. Besides, last Opening of Olympic in China, it was an amazingly unforgettable performance to show technology advancement and how rich China is. That created a lot of jealousy.
That's what it all comes to: Jealousy and Resentment. These bad actors just could not stand the progress and advancement of China, so resort to underhanded tactics to stop and hinder its development. Western democracy is supposed to be superior to socialist , communist ideology. The west just can't stand another country with different form of govt is doing so well and leaving them in the dust. Hence all these smearing, slandering, sanctioning, kidnapping just to try stop or slow China's progress. The warmongers will try everything to no avail.
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
Action speaks louder than words, the athletes are coming to the BJ 2022 Winter Olympics to shine and compete
Thank you Lee for standing up to global injustice again. Great to see that you are recovering well. Take care
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
How naive! Depends on your intends and actions, all governments are oppressive and discriminatory.
Not taking any sides with the west or east or whatever, but Diplomatic Boycotting the games is wrong and not in the spirit of the Olympic games from any country to do this in the past, present or in the future.
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
@@wynn3077 NO! even if you say so haha
@@wynn3077 : Take a walk to Mars.
@@wynn3077 by what? they even didn't invite you
Sportsmanship not denied by US politicking....a saving grace for humanity.
Excellent video Lee. Thank you.
Lapdogs Australia, Britain and Canada had to wait for their master US to boycott the games first before followed suit! Too funny! LOL
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
fuck the ccp they are ruining other weaker nations fuck em
@@kassmalz2069 are you jelly, salty and having a mental meltdown? in that case fark ameriKKKa too they are destroying and bombing small countries that do not want to be dictated by genociders US, bik ini islands is destroyed, libya, syria, venezueala, iraq, cuba, afghan etc are all ruined by US.
@@cuteandfunnyearthlings2863 i dont give fuck about US. the ccp is still a heaping trash. stop diverting the context communist apologist
The whole point of the Olympics is to send a political message of unity, the Olympics has always been political, the real issue is that people are trying to go counter to its message.
One only needs to look to the Berlin games for inspection.
then China should let Taiwan compete as Taiwan 🤷♂️
Yes I agree! Let Taiwanese athletes compete under the Taiwanese flag!
I hope Chinese media such as CGTN will invite Barrett and other content creators to report the games from inside the Olympic venue. It'd be awesome.
CGTN loves the shills. You betcha they'll be invited again. Oli can talk about swegways and shiny cars.
Why are you so cynical and bitter? Did someone hurt you badly?
There are no swegways and shiny cars inside the Olympic venue.
@One of 1.41BsmartPPL
Yes, I watched a little bit, and I'll go back and finish it. I prefer the 75 parts TV 2010 series.
Need to be careful. You kniw how the mainstream Western media will twist the narrative. ...CCP paid supporters fr UK...just need tread on that carefully
@@zhugeliang3905 This "senior sergeant tom croydon" guy is commenting a lot under this video. Quite funny to see how he hates China.
I wonder if athletes from the US, UK and Australia will feel proud to represent their respective countries.
Australia is hardly a country, just a oversized overrated island ran by US institutions
@@joannesmith1175 'run'...
I wonder if Audience will reward them with a “boo” when they appear in the open ceremony. What a shame of having such political leaders who involve politic in the sport.
@@mengkeatteoh5934 Originally, Chinese people aren't like that. But since those countries have shown so much hate, racism, jealousy against CN, I'm not 100% sure anymore. Still, I think Chinese audience wouldn't do that.
@@mengkeatteoh5934 I don't think chinese will boo but better silence for the country boycoytting !
I have been feeling so touched of what you and your son are doing for China. Stand to the truth, throw away bias, and try to bring the facts to the west. Thanks so much and take care!
As an overseas indonesian chinese, and i often visit china for business, i know what democracy for chinese, so for the western countries stop your fanatism for freedom democracy or whatever you called it is, we as mostly chinese race know what is best for ourselves, mind your own problems. We can solve it ourself
Cahyone Sebast, respect your message and appreciate and we have try our best to counteract those nonsenses spread by irresponsible cyber squatters.
The only two words I, as a Chinese Thai, could say is Thank You 謝謝 ขอบคุณครับ. Lee Barrett, you have my high respect.
My blood used to boil over the US Deep State's non-stop smear tactics against my ancestral land of China..... no longer. Just stay cool and make it one of the the best Winter Games ever held. I am sure China will make it happen.
Not only that, USA is also trying to topple current Thai govt and Thai monarchy. All these protests in Thailand currently are NED-funded.
US knows the china rise from 2000 so to contain china they invade libya, iraq, afghanistan and syria, the US and its allies destroyed all china investments in those countries, its a big loss for china.
@@vincentfong4949 really? Isn't this only what the Thai goverment claimed? I thought the Thai king was extremely corrupted and cruel
@@ytweirdgameryt6907 No, the Thai king is extremely kind and benevolent, as is the totally legitimate Thai government. Some Thai people are protesting because they have been tricked by NED. They don't know their own minds.
@@scottwales9178 i thought the king has very strict Les Majeste laws and wastes his country's resources and money on booze and girls
There gone the spirit of Olympics, politics come first.
Thank for this video, dad! This is all like the rants in the school’s playground when the bullies try to harass others. The US must know they’re done with the world and they’re trying to increase their lapdog club to other countries. Japan is considering the “diplomatic” boycott, the EU already said no way they’re supporting this nonsense…
In Spain we have a motto, you’ve got more patience than a Chinese and hence a big proof of it.
I wish I could be there for the openings
@Miranda1184 thanks to these videos telling the truth from within china more and more people will realise they’ve been fooled like kindergarten kids one step (kid) at a time
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
@@peterpanda1970 keep supporting the evil ccp thank you for your grunt work the pay is already in your account
@@kassmalz2069 should I team up with the “democracy troops”? The only evils I know are all in. Washington DC
@@kassmalz2069 You love killing kids right? You like licking boots of the US
I'm just happy to see him back at the wheel after his cancer treatment
Barret agree with you absolutely. Biden and those who follow him to boycott the Winter Olympics should be ashamed of their childish juvenile behaviour.
Good comment. It is clear that those who boycott the Beijing Olympics were funded and they are ill-intended. Sports should not be involved into politics. US boycotting is against Olympic principles and. US is losing more credits by doing the boycotting.
Yes I agree! Let Taiwanese athletes compete under the Taiwanese flag!
@@breaddddd Taiwan is part of China. According IOC rules, Taiwan uses Chinese Taipei flag to accommodate Taiwan atheletes. That's correct way because Taiwan is not a country.
@@yuejinli5733 Taiwan is not part of China as decided by the Republic of Taiwan. Get off of RUclips, it’s banned by your country. They don’t want you to use it. Stop disobeying, you fool.
@@breaddddd You need to learn some Taiwan history. Perhaps your grandfather or grand, grandfather was from China. Taiwan's constitution states that it is Republic of China. How stupid you are!
@@yuejinli5733 Get off RUclips you idiot. Your government has banned it. Why are you using it? Disobeying fool. Respect your dictator Winnie the Pooh.
Lee, wish you a very fast recovery and live happily after.
take care Lee. Is good to see you recover. China said whether they come or not, it makes no difference but pity the athletes
Well said. Totally agree that politics should be separated from sports.
Do you support the CPC banning certain sport events if American athletes smear the Chinese government?
then China should let Taiwan compete as Taiwan 🤷♂️
thats' the problem. they wont
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
@@Majeed. well said again man
Well those who calling them selfs as five eye's seeing them self being jealous on Chinese hard work to show the world there achievements and contribution to the world,without going to wars regime change to south it's self needs in the other word colonialism. Yes Olympics is for all,those young Olympians are ambassadors who represent hers or his country its rood for some head of states to behave them self in in such maners.From my heart to yours as well Chinese very best to Olympic games.
The athletes of the boycotting countries should show their patriotism and stay at home with their politicians. US spreading Democrazy..... But at what cost? 🙄
Olympic for athletes only not for politicians period.
Barrett, Glad to see you again. Recover soon & take care! Looking forward to see you reporting Winter Olympic opening ceremony.
Actually America, Canada and Japan had blood written historical evidence that they violated human rights.
I've said this before and I'll say this again. You can't have government officials from the 5 eyes countries attending because if they're on the ground in Beijing, they'll find out the truth that there is no Uyghur issue and we can't have that, can we?
well now you've brought politics into this so you cant talk
Hmmm, good point. It will out them as the liars they are.
@@yingyingwu7946 whats so funny?
Incredibly selfish by leaders of the 5 Lies countries to not give their athletes full support for their efforts to represent their countries in the best way possible.
Yes I agree! Let Taiwanese athletes compete under the Taiwanese flag!
Lee fully agree with you that international sports and geopolitics should not mix otherwise in future there will be no more Olympic games. The US has killed the sporting spirits of the Olympic. Perhaps in future , the Olympic Council forbids the participation of the US in all international sporting events so as not to spoil others in sports competition.
Yes I agree! Let Taiwanese athletes compete under the Taiwanese flag!
US is applying 80's rhetoric of boycotting Moscow Olympics for political reasons. Time now has changed, if US do same they are doomed to be failure now and such future forever endeavors.
Thank you for calling out the hypocritical stance of USA and unquestioningly followed by UK Australia & Canada. Isn't it ironical that these 4 countries between them had probably been responsible for the worst excesses of human rights violations in their nations' history?
Yes I agree! Let Taiwanese athletes compete under the Taiwanese flag!
@@breaddddd They are already doing so under the Chinese Taipei flag.
@@jiandeng8849 Get off RUclips bro, CCP doesn’t want you here. Obey your government.
@@breaddddd No argument to stand on so you rely on insults as a sad defensive measure.
@@Xfighter000 What about my argument is incorrect? The CCP doesn’t want you to use RUclips, get off. Obey your master.
Please challenge US claims about human rights abuses in China, especially in Xinjiang. Thank you Lee Barrett.
Also challenge US on human rights for the many homeless Americans on so many USA streets, and the Americans died from COVID-19.
You care so much about China, can't you just go there yourself? Why only believe in individual media
Lee the boycott is only by the diplomatic corps of the US and their lapdogs. It does not affect the athletes at all. Hope you are on the way to a full recovery. Best wishes and take care as always.
Yes I agree! Let Taiwanese athletes compete under the Taiwanese flag!
Chinese Taipei Team fighting!
@@huangmeiyan2968 Not only the Chinese Taipei Team fighting, their parliamentarians are also doing so setting a fine example of kung fu fighting. Their version of debate is to throw chairs, shoes and spitting. The pre-requisite to entering Parliament is eligbility and pugilistic skills.
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
Uneducated response to what's going on. Let me guess. You get your information of ccgn. Filthy CCP lapdogs is what you are!! At least the west have freedom of press for the individual to make up their own mind. In communist China their is no such thing as speaking your honest own mind!
What about the human rights at Guantanamo prison in Cuba and the persecution to the jornalist Julian Assange and Edward Snowden by USA?
@@kye4216 justice for genocide survivors of native people in the americas and Australia!
@@kye4216 "genocide" against chinese muslims? Is there any evidence or just some stupid far right jornalists from Fox News saying that? And since when is US government concerned about muslims considering that they have been bombing them for the last 40 years?
The Olympics will be very successful whether those hostile politicians attend or not. Let them watch the games from TV and get jealous. All the athletes will be much impressed by the hospitality, advanced technology and fast transportation there. Boycotting will not make any difference
Wish you well on your road to recovery in the meantime!
Thank you for your explanation Lee, and i'm glad you are looking more healthy. Notes: In funny situations Chinese gov should Announce the ban of US diplomat from attending the Olympic because of US Georgia Slavery
There are athletes who trained all their lives all in the name of Sportsmanship. Boycotting the games goes against all the spirit of Sports. There is no room for politics in Sports. This is how low the US can go. It's so disappointing because I used to look up to the US but it's like a child telling her parents not to kill the kitten. It's a disgrace.
Yes I agree! Let Taiwanese athletes compete under the Taiwanese flag!
@@breaddddd tell US and the rest of the world to recognize Taiwan as a independent country. Oh wait what's that? They still recognize Taiwan as part of China?! Well isn't that too bad.
@@dualidea Get off RUclips you fuck. Your Chinese lords have banned this website, shouldn’t be using it. Obey your censor master.
@@breaddddd Taiwan is not recognized by the international community, and it can be seen from the Olympic flag that it is only a region
@@breaddddd 垃圾
That's great news now China will not have to host arrogant diplomats and their retinue. Also it will minimize the rist of covid imports. As long as the athletes are not deprived of their chance who cares who wants to boycott. If I were China I would refuse to play the anthems of those countries boycotting and play "We are the wirld" 😁
And when US anthem is playing they all take a knee.
yes sure 秀儿
Wish Lee could recover well and in time to watch the 2022 Winter Olympic!
Thanks Lee. Hope you're feeling better. I'm sure China will host a fantastic winter olympic & paralympic games. I'm looking forward to it. Despite the political shenanigans, athletes from all countries, including my country Australia, will attend the games & compete proudly for their countries. It's the athletes who should be the focus, not the selfish pollies. Today the good news came through that the Australian mixed doubles team in Curling has qualified for the Beijing games by winning a world cup event in the Netherlands. This will be the first time Australia has ever had a team in this sport at the Games. The joyous reaction of these young athletes said it all. These are the sorts of stories we should be able to focus on in the lead-up to the Games.
The Australian government is a mindless government, and I hope that the Australian people will recognize the government’s shamelessness and blind obedience to the United States.
As a resident of Beijing, WELCOME to Beijing 2022 Olympic! Wish every athlete demonstrate the best of live. I will be proud of all their great moments.
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
😱the whole world would not run correctly without u
Wish u good health
So very sad that these ‘western countries’ are so dead on politicising the Olympic Games but then again they are a very disappointing lot! Hope you are feeling better everyday!
Boycott the Beijing Olympics and more importantly boycott the CCP. Don't support oppressive governments ✌🏽
@@Majeed. you mean oppressive governments like jordan and saudi arabia where women need to have permission from men to go outside.
@@Majeed. no one is as oppressive as Muslims nations.
Not only your video is interesting, reading other comments is amusing too. Looking forward to more videos from the Barrett.
The more the Global North spits on the Winter Games, the more I feel like it's going to motivate China to host something that surpasses even Beijing 2008.
Add oil, Lee, interesting video, best wishes for your speedy recovery, love from Hong Kong SAR China.
Respect your effect on doing this info due to your current condition . Take it easy ! And take care
I’m really enjoy every video Barret channel made😁😁
Support your view from Tokyo
Lee, thanks for making video and let us know you are recovering. love your thought and wish you all the very best.
Those politicians are really selfish and self-centered. I feel sad for those athletes who worked so hard for many years for the Olympic Games in Beijing.
Their athletes are still going.
Sorry if I'm missing something, but since the Olympics are apolitical, then does it even matter if countries send political representatives? The games can and will go on without them. As long as the athletes are there, which I don't see why they wouldn't. _Of course, unless Biden announces his new slalom career. X^D_
all the best to ya mate
didn't know you were from my neck of the woods and I lived in SZ for yonks
I'll keep updated with you
Amazing video. Keep up the good work. Support
I won’t be watching or supporting the Olympics in any way shape or form as the host country has a government that is absolutely despicable committing crimes against humanity. Such a disgrace that they might host this event and be on he world stage.
Hi Barrett, I am very happy you are recovering well and very quickly
His name is Lee.
Thank you!
Canada is also boycotting Beijing Olympics too. I feel shame for our government as well. Why do they need to play dirty and take away athletes dreams and hope! That's the rights of the athletes, not government!
Because Canada and Australia in some way is USA 's dogs. Dont u think so?
If we compare the population numbers among native Americans, Australian, Canadian and Chinese Uyghurs than we can see where the genocide really happened.
Supplanting the US as the no 1 economy in the world has the US and its gang of lackey states in a frenzy.
Sadly my own country of NZ (we are part of the Five Eyes intelligence (oxymoron) alliance) has joined in the boycott.
The Belt and Road Initiative is a major threat to US hegemony and Xinjiang is the region through which the project will link the world to China.
Destabilisation is the only language the US and it's allies are interested in.
The truth plays no part in their strategy.
The empirical mindset ignores entirely the opportunity to work with China and instead will spend billions of dollars on a new cold war brinkmanship.
Psychopaths and sociopaths thrive in such an arena.
Good to see you back Lee and all the best for the future.
Any official remarks?
Im so happy to see you back老爹!no matter what happening in the world I wish you healthy love from China
It's much better if 5eyes not sending their athletes instead of barking to boycott the Winter Olympic Games. Beijing Winter Olympics will be spectacular & astonishing & success 🇨🇳
Once again, excellent video. Thank you to rise up your voice against one more US violence.
This is a great video, Thank you very much for doing this Barrett! Well said! you look well! Hope you will recover completely soon!👍👍👍
Actually the CHILDREN YELLING BOYCOTT did not get an OFFICIAL INVITE while the rest of the world did !
@@kye4216 Free democracy summit, USA picked what countries could attend thats not a democracy. All athletes are welcome to attend , just the WAR mongers did not get an invite.
@@kye4216 China has 7 political parties ,the people in each district vote for their representative , all elected officials meet with the #1 communist party who initiate their ideas, this way U don't have opposition party de railing the country as in western democracy.
Excellent talk...I fully agreed with Lee. Why geopolitics should take away life dream of some participants...that's unfair and selfishness of some politicians....
I wish Beijing Winter Olympic every success.
Don't wish it will certainly be a success China knows how to do !
The Wester world is becoming meaner and meaner everyday.
Our countries seem to have the thoughts of an amoeba, if so !
Thank you, Lee
I’m Chinese.I want to say that our everybody in here,China! We are really safe and satisfied.More importantly,I’m proud of my home--China.I find it laughable that the United States is interfering with the Olympics。And ashamed of you!
Thank you 🙏🌹🌹🌹 And take good care of yourself👍
To my understanding, the 4 countries (US, UK, Australia, and Canada) are boycotting for political reasons. New Zealand is citing the pandemic as the reason. The athletes themselves are still going as far as I know. There might be individual athletes from these countries boycotting, but so far I haven't heard of anyone doing that yet.
Then NZ is using a nonsense excuse too. China is probably would be the safest place to be when it comes to the pandemic.
@@raygan777able The quarantine measures, but there will be the ambassador or charge d'affaires will represent them on behalf
This is winter sports, not the typical summer ones.
Not all people are into winter sports games
@@thisiskevin1000 not into is fine. But boycotting a sporting event is another.
Hi Lee, what I read and understood was this is a boycott at the government to government level. These countries including the US are not forbidding their sportsman/ladies to participate in the coming Olympics in China. At least this is what I understood. 🇸🇬
Yeah and that puts pressure on the athletes to comply or do something in the Olympics. Plus none of those diplomats were invited anyways lmao.
@GwTO: Yes, athletes are allowed to compete. It would be nice if gov't officials are there when you won.
In October, New Zealand has announced they will not send any diplomat due to Covid19, its logistics around, quarantine and etc which is very understandable. I do not think anyone would create any fuss if this was the reason.
But for US, AU, CA, UK, they are using human rights as a reason for diplomat boycott which has no solid evidence till date.
In fact, many of their stories were debunked with evidence.
What was the motive of such political theatrical annoucement?
Have US forgot they just killed a family of 3 adults and 7 children due to a mistake and also declared they have not commited any crimes?
Have AU forgot they killed children in Afghanistan? Abandoned their citizen Assange who was never a US citizen. Their human rights abuse of their indigenous people?
Have CA forgot unmarked graves from their genocide was discovered?
Have UK forgot rape is a culture in schools? Forgot ICC found evidence of their war crimes in Iraq war?
There are many many more human rights abused backed by evidence committed by US and its partner in crimes.
"Coincidentally", it is the 5 eyes alliance (apart from NZ) that are fronting this diplomat boycotting.