He mentioned logging can from a board on his bench. In my case I bought a transmission from the junkyard with the transmission control unit in it. So it is not inside the car Can i log can messages by just connecting +12V and ground and canh canL even if the transmission is not connected to the car??
I think this is exactly what collaboration needs. I learned a lot. Next, connecting nerds with test gear to drivers with cars. I think the missing ingredient of temptation is, "What's in it for the i3 owners"? Other than the joy of helping out (which is great to see even a few already stepping up). If there was a little perk like "We could use this to enhance X of our cars" I bet there'd be a ton of people who'd jump forward and volunteer their vehicle.
He mentioned logging can from a board on his bench. In my case I bought a transmission from the junkyard with the transmission control unit in it. So it is not inside the car Can i log can messages by just connecting +12V and ground and canh canL even if the transmission is not connected to the car??
He mentioned logging can from a board on his bench. In my case I bought a transmission from the junkyard with the transmission control unit in it. So it is not inside the car Can i log can messages by just connecting +12V and ground and canh canL even if the transmission is not connected to the car??
Any canbus forums that you would recommend? Till now all the info i ever got was from damien especially his videos on the zf5hp videos I want to swap a zf8hp transmission and i believe the best way is to log the can messages and try to inject them from an arduino or something for the swap You are right open source is the way forward...
Ill pick one up and am willing to help you out . Where does the info get stored im not sure how that would work. I have a 17 90h rex, just realized where its stored now
@@MattsAwesomeStuff He mentioned logging can from a board on his bench. In my case I bought a transmission from the junkyard with the transmission control unit in it. So it is not inside the car Can i log can messages by just connecting +12V and ground and canh canL even if the transmission is not connected to the car??
@@FirstLast-tx3yj - Sorry, I don't know anything at all about can logging. You should join the OpenInverter forums and ask there, I'm sure the contributions would be appreciated.
I wonder why you didn't mention accessing the CAN Bus via the OBDII connector as this seems to be the least intrusive of the techniques that you mentioned in the video. Modern OBDII scan tools can send CAN commands to each individual controller to make it operate the associated hardware ie: raise/lowering the suspension as demonstrated in one of DiagnoseDan's excellent videos.
In EVs the powertrain bus is rarely connected to the OBDII port. Typically the OBDII port goes to a body bus where there is a controller that bridges diagnostic commands to and from the powertrain bus. The actual communication that happens between the VCU, BMS, inverter, charger and such is not bridged.
@@celeron55 i want to can log for bmw zf8hp transmission would using the obd port be my best bet?? I want to swap the transmission but there isnt any open source solution yet although everybody want to swap this gearbox
If there is someone with this can 🥫 sniffing equipment in Holland I have a 2015 60Ah i3 I can let you use for data sniffing. It will be recalled soon 🔜 for the charger KLE.
I don't know why I keep coming back here. The cat content is pathetic, I'm barely entertained at all and worst of all I keep learning stuff that usually results in me spending money. 😒 Edit: Having reconsidered, I now consider the cat content was the best bit. 😜 One other thing the Ghosn Cat didn't mention was the CAN cables are always fairly tightly twisted. The idiot beside him didn't bother to twist his cables! 😒
Probably nobody needs to bother with the inventure inductive pickup thing. No retail and their contact form won't accept something like a gmail address.
Do you need any help with content ideas for your channel? Would you have any interest in helping me with my project? It's a cool project. I'm doing a lot of research. It's definitely doable by someone who has the knowledge. I need a wizard on my board of directors, sir, as I do the work. Either way, I appreciate your teaching style in your vidz.
your pet fly making an appearance at the end was pure genius
He mentioned logging can from a board on his bench.
In my case I bought a transmission from the junkyard with the transmission control unit in it. So it is not inside the car
Can i log can messages by just connecting +12V and ground and canh canL even if the transmission is not connected to the car??
I think this is exactly what collaboration needs. I learned a lot. Next, connecting nerds with test gear to drivers with cars. I think the missing ingredient of temptation is, "What's in it for the i3 owners"? Other than the joy of helping out (which is great to see even a few already stepping up). If there was a little perk like "We could use this to enhance X of our cars" I bet there'd be a ton of people who'd jump forward and volunteer their vehicle.
Logging and visualisation tools are so powerful / valuable. Thanks for sharing!!!
He mentioned logging can from a board on his bench.
In my case I bought a transmission from the junkyard with the transmission control unit in it. So it is not inside the car
Can i log can messages by just connecting +12V and ground and canh canL even if the transmission is not connected to the car??
Hey now, some of us do find can bus logging more entertaining that cat videos, and only truly happy deep in a good session of CANoe! :p
He mentioned logging can from a board on his bench.
In my case I bought a transmission from the junkyard with the transmission control unit in it. So it is not inside the car
Can i log can messages by just connecting +12V and ground and canh canL even if the transmission is not connected to the car??
CAN+CAT video :) nice. Open Source only way to make forward. Greeting
Any canbus forums that you would recommend?
Till now all the info i ever got was from damien especially his videos on the zf5hp videos
I want to swap a zf8hp transmission and i believe the best way is to log the can messages and try to inject them from an arduino or something for the swap
You are right open source is the way forward...
Ill pick one up and am willing to help you out . Where does the info get stored im not sure how that would work. I have a 17 90h rex, just realized where its stored now
Swords dublin based. Wanna use my i3s to install logger into? Happy to send you data after every rapid charge
Yes please:) Tried contacting you without success. Shoot me an email to info@evbmw.com and I'll get in touch.
@@Evbmw done
Hello sir, I need some advice on how to find the CAN id relates to transmission of a 2012 isuzu dmax car.
I am doing research with a university in Thailand.
I have CAN logging gear, and I am talking to the local i3 owners club trying to find someone willing to be a hacker:)
*strums fingers*. Excellent.
Ever heard of Turo?
@@MattsAwesomeStuff He mentioned logging can from a board on his bench.
In my case I bought a transmission from the junkyard with the transmission control unit in it. So it is not inside the car
Can i log can messages by just connecting +12V and ground and canh canL even if the transmission is not connected to the car??
@@FirstLast-tx3yj - Sorry, I don't know anything at all about can logging. You should join the OpenInverter forums and ask there, I'm sure the contributions would be appreciated.
I wonder why you didn't mention accessing the CAN Bus via the OBDII connector as this seems to be the least intrusive of the techniques that you mentioned in the video.
Modern OBDII scan tools can send CAN commands to each individual controller to make it operate the associated hardware ie: raise/lowering the suspension as demonstrated in one of DiagnoseDan's excellent videos.
In EVs the powertrain bus is rarely connected to the OBDII port. Typically the OBDII port goes to a body bus where there is a controller that bridges diagnostic commands to and from the powertrain bus. The actual communication that happens between the VCU, BMS, inverter, charger and such is not bridged.
@@celeron55 i want to can log for bmw zf8hp transmission would using the obd port be my best bet??
I want to swap the transmission but there isnt any open source solution yet although everybody want to swap this gearbox
Excellent. as usual.
Doh! Dat car is huge *)
If there is someone with this can 🥫 sniffing equipment in Holland I have a 2015 60Ah i3 I can let you use for data sniffing. It will be recalled soon 🔜 for the charger KLE.
At this point, I think I will have to get myself a classic car. No computers, CON/CAN buses, modules and sensors!
Seems like The Ghosn cat is worn out after going over all those CANlogs.
I refuse to unsubscribe and this comment is primarily for Al Gorithm....
I actually wouldn't word it as "fooling". It's really just about implementing the required protocol.
I don't know why I keep coming back here. The cat content is pathetic, I'm barely entertained at all and worst of all I keep learning stuff that usually results in me spending money. 😒
Edit: Having reconsidered, I now consider the cat content was the best bit. 😜
One other thing the Ghosn Cat didn't mention was the CAN cables are always fairly tightly twisted. The idiot beside him didn't bother to twist his cables! 😒
Probably nobody needs to bother with the inventure inductive pickup thing. No retail and their contact form won't accept something like a gmail address.
Do you need any help with content ideas for your channel? Would you have any interest in helping me with my project? It's a cool project. I'm doing a lot of research. It's definitely doable by someone who has the knowledge. I need a wizard on my board of directors, sir, as I do the work. Either way, I appreciate your teaching style in your vidz.
Any chance to get your email?