Yes - between the time this was written/recorded and the time it published CIG did answer a few of the questions by unlocking the sales page on the website. None of that really changes the rationale or truths in the video. We know now that it will pick up and move the bags with a tractor beam, and that supposedly the cargo output will be in those same bags? Here is the sale's page with details:
I saw this in another video, but not many people are taking into consideration the "capacity" that station refineries have. They are constantly several thousand percent over capacity and I think that is what contributes to such long refining times. So it makes sense that the expanse would be alot quicker as it only has your ore to refine.
@@Leadnap Do we have any previous examples where something similar was handled and made better or worse? 🤔 It's a pretty important feature and while I've followed development since the word go, I held off on backing until recently because of technical issues, feature breadth, permeance, and that whole having a potato to play on for the last decade. XD
The ‘overcapacity’ of station refineries has never limited the number of jobs you can place, the number of completed jobs you can leave in refineries, nor the type of refinement process to speed up or slow down your delivery.
I saw the name of this ship, and immediately thought it was a small/solo/duo long range exploration ship. I get it now, expanse.. it's an expansion pack for the prospector.
Properly used, the Expanse can be a great partner for the Prospector. Scout rocks, keep the Prosi on the job, keep the pilot company. Seems fun, and I picked one up.
I couldn't resist. I have a prospector already. I love the idea of working with a team mate to process the ore and make good money without having to make constant trips to the belt and back. I had a cutty ambulance that I never use (and probably never will since its seems more combat evac oriented) so I got the expance for a trade and 15 bucks. I think it was the right move. We shall see.
You're asking the exact same questions as I have been. I feel it likely needed a cargo bay, to have any chance of keeping up with the demand of a single Prospector, and that's only if they massively reduce the refining times that we have currently.
I did pick one up. I had previously bought the Odyssey (got a refund after the FAQ) because I thought it was what the Expanse can do now (proposedly). I see a mostly solo venture with prospecting, salvage, and refining. If I could stack all these on a Liberator, I'd be in my zone.
How about it takes 2 days at a station refinery simply due to the queue of jobs on their dock? If the Expanse can do the same job in a few hours it is well worth it from a profit per hour standpoint. If it takes a day or two it’s a paperweight.
I suppose that comes down to how you look at it. If you mine materials, toss em on an Expanse, and then get to sell refined goods in a few hours, it may seem like that's better profit/hr. But really, you're also having to add in whatever work it takes to do the refining on the Expanse. Vs with stations, you drop off the goods and go to bed. The only work you're putting in is the actual mining. And if we then expand this to a continuous loop. Mine > drop at station > Mine again. Then eventually yesterday's materials will be ready to sell as soon as you drop off another load to be refined today. In the end, in terms of the math, there is no difference. That's assuming the refining rate on the ship is the same. My intuition tells me that probably won't be the case.
After getting burned on the Ares ships I vowed never to buy a concept ship again. However I did buy the Expanse, as I didn't own a Prospector and I'll have one as a loaner until the Expanse is released. I can always CCU into a Prospector with LTI if the final version is disappointing or not profitable.
This is a solid approach to it if you're going to buy. In a way it's a discount Prospector until it releases and when it releases my biggest bones to pick with it will have subsided.
Love your buyers guides, really helped me get into CCU and not make an idiot of myself. Saved about 100 last IAE getting one of my dream ships. Great take on the expanse, and fingers crossed for that odyssey! Looks like it'll be awesome for industrial ops.
FYI transferring and loading minerals is in the promotion material, there is a tractor beam and a port in the stern of the vehicle to offload mineral bags one by one into the refinery and presumably return the bag when done. There is a picture of it in action in the concept images section. The refined goods are stored in the 8 outer bags. They still also really need to add the tailings sorting and ejecting to the prospector and mole (that is what I believe the extra machinery in the mole is for, just as the prospector has sorting in the rear behind the quarters) that was planned ages ago, as you would not want to be feeding lots of rock in with the metal ore into the refinery. I wonder if slag will play a factor in gameplay or not too. I was also pleasantly surprised by the price, I figured they would sell it for 250-300$, not 125$ warbond.
Hi NeonSamurai - when the video was produced the sales page hadn't been released yet. I would have waited to write and produce it until more data was available, but it was already being sold to Concierge backers. If you see my pinned comment I discuss that more.
You raise very valid questions, so many unanswered questions. I agree, the ladder entry would be more consistent wish this size of MISC ship. It would also make sense to have a propper cargo bay for refined goods. I think a double deck Freelancer might have been a better approach, standard Freelancer with a refinery slapped on top. At the end of the day this will most likely be an affordable ship in game.
It seems like it could be a good idea (if it works like this) to act as a quantanium stabilizer, so that the prospecter can keep mining, and then go to the real refinery to actually refine it. But that depends on how fast this ship can refine. Maybe though it could refine one ore with all the refinery power at once dividing the time by 6. Personally I think the dividing the time thing is really the only thing CIG could do to make it worth while,
Great Video! You raise great questions about the expanse. And also, what happens if you submit a refining job to some player operating an expanse, how do you collect it the next day ? Track them down? What if they are not online or on another server? There are just way too many unanswered questions. It looks to me like an org ship. You would pretty much spend all your time in this ship waiting for jobs to fininish. Why any single player would want to use this ship I don't understand. Would you want to work at the refinery deck kiosk on a space station? Because it sounds like a similar job.
I find the expanse pretty cool. The fact that we could play both in a ship but still mining together is so cool ! I'll make sure to grab a CCU for a CCU chain as i don't need it to be in my bought fleet but i'll get one in game as it is so cool.
It's possible that the large size of the Lagrange refineries take longer due to the volume of ore delivered by players and npc is processed more slowly due to the volume of material to process. The ships could have extra bags and once full, the bags could be picked up by a transport/cargo ship to deliver refined items to market. The time to process needs to be as long as it takes for the Prospector to depart the Expanse after dropping a load off a to return with another load. Presumably, the refined materials take up much less room. Assuming that a 4 pods, unrefined equals one pod refined, then the Expanse could take 8 loads from Prospectors before needing to offload to a cargo ship. With Two Prospectors, that would probably be about 3 to 4 hours gameplay, which would make sense.
Your concerns are valid. But at the price they’ve set it at and with LTI and price increases in the balance, I pulled the trigger. My thought is that in station refineries will be adjusted to be faster then the expanse but the amount of refined ore taken by the process increased with perhaps net profit reduced on station refineries. I can also see the amount of time taken to complete the process brought way down. We are going to need this ship regardless of what it ends up being. Despite the fact I can’t fly it today, I have one and will fly it the minute it comes to PTU.
i think this will be for small mining vessels only. when the larger mining ships come in, they will be using the refineries on the stations. while, like you said, small orgs can use this to keep themselves afloat.
I like that front ramp myself. The Prospector and Freelancer side entrances can be trouble on uneven terrain, _especially_ the Prospector (which can be angled in such a way that one can slip off and out at the top of the ladder). With a front ramp the entrance is on the centre line of the ship and less prone to entry problems if leaning a little. The underbelly room there forms a decent airlock and also provides a good option for a component room, and I think we'll notice that in time when we're comparing to trying to manhandle a size 2 component into a Prospector versus straight up the ramp into an Expanse. I'm like you with the "buy" button though. The Expanse is nothing without a mining ship to liaise with, and while I might meander around in a Prospector I don't see myself tempted into playing a screen-inside-screen mini-game to refine the Prospector's haul. And that assumes I can convince a friend to accompany me on a mining run. Plus the name is terrible. 😂
I've said it on a few comments now - the ramp thing is just a departure from standard MISC design was the point. For a very long time I would only use ships that had ramps. They just make more sense overall.
This is honestly one of the main ships I'm seriously thinking of buying. Just having a group of 3 people to mine where one has the cargo ship, one the Expanse, and another with a Mole, you easily have the potential to make some of the easiest UEC in SC if things go right. We probably won't be seeing this ship for a good amount of time but I think it will be more than worth it.
Maybe the reason stations take so long is because there is high demand for refining and you need to wait for an available slot. That would realistically allow the expanse to be faster.
This looks like an interesting ship that I am considering since I don’t have anything related to mining. Not that I have very much in the first place so hopefully it will help me make some more money😂
I am hoping that front ram area does have a cargo section. Unless CIG is saying you have to sell directly from the pods. Which would be counter productive. Should be able to refine a load start another, and unload while working on the other.
Maybe the Expanse will have more value/reason for being when it is not possible to easily reach or to reach in time a station with a refinery. The Expanse seems to be marketed as an industrial ship but what if is intended more as fleet support?
Curious to see how this game loop will end up being like for the players. Do have to add though, I don't think the boom operator's minigame is unnecessary. It sounds reasonable to me that you'd have someone monitoring pressure and flow through rates. Especially since I imagine every ship would be a little different to refuel, due to different parts/manufacturers etc.
I had a raft which besides hauling cargo didnt offer much, so i decided to melt it and use it to buy this. It should be able to help me fund my operations.
Buying a prospector or a mole and using a station refinery initially would yield you enough in a week to just buy an expanse in game. Now you get both for the price of one
I did buy the ship. But it’s not what you think I’m currently doing an upgrade project at the moment. Each month I spend about £30 on upgrading one of my ships. And I’ll see what I get at the end of the year I bought 3 quad bikes when they came out with LTI. And one of them I upgraded to a 300 I then Gladius and to the expanse. For now I’ll keep the expanse and start on one of the other quad bikes. Also additionally I think the way the refinery will work is that it won’t have any efficiency like the stations have to get bonus materials. But you will have a UI mini game that you will have to work on to start the refining process. And the fact that you have to work on it will make the process go faster or it could take hours. And when working it will use up fuel and needs the ship to be left on.
I woud love the idea of teaming up with a prospector and refining goods as long as it wasn't just collect and wait. We will have to see what it entails
It is not in the game because it needs a ship's tractor beam and cargo refactor as well as the refining UI. From the concepts images provided by CIG, the Expanse will tractor the dropped ore bags from the Prospector to the "ore reception dock" at the back of the Expanse to be start the refining process. The refined ore will then be stored in the Expanse's ore bags which will in turn be dropped for pick up by cargo haulers.
You're forgetting cost, yes the ship may take a little longer than a refinery, perhaps, but the large refineries you mention could be expected to charge a lot for that service in the end, maybe not now, but if it's you and a buddy with your two or three ships, you split the profits minus the expenses.
I really hope the Expanse wont take too long to get into the game. It's a game changer for the mining gameplay loop and i hope we can get that new mining experience sooner rather than later!
I Managed to ccu from a ground vehicle to the Expanse for 70$ , As I have in mind to only have a small set of ships that all have a function to make money. The Odyssey is my end game ship. I'm hoping to consolidate in to it when its on the release calendar.
I purchased the ship.. Regardless of the hassle it might bring, I only play with a few friends and this should make mining easier.. Even if it doesn't, it gives me a way to hang out with my friends who only have prospectors and gives me something to do while chewing the cud with them during game time.
I look forward to seeing refining ships and the associated ship tractor beams needed to move that cargo around. I also look forward to being able to offer refining services to other players in exchange for credits (more than the MO trader app). I so want to see player to player contracts and ways of managing payouts for services in game. However we have no idea when these game features will be added and what they will look like in game, so I will wait. I will also most likely earn and buy the ship in game instead of for cash.
Idk if any info was released, but I thought it would be the orebags would take out the unrefined materials and then be placed back into an ore bag for storage to be sold, lorewise I'm not sure but I'd assume you would be able to turn on the refining process for pod and then once it's completed that part is ready to be sold.
I have one and expecting overhead cost similar to station to refine by way of a consumable fuel/catalyst/reagent that enhances power and process in a compact refinery. While mobile refining a load or two is unlikely to be more efficient than hauling to station, several refine cycles definitely will be especially if offloading to a hauler. Starfarers can make major bank refueling Prospectors and Expanses while hauling back refined ore.
I’m thinking these will be absolutely necessary in the future if they actually have different systems like Pyro. If you have relatively unsettled systems you’ll need at least one of these for just Quantanium alone. Stanton…..not so much except when hanging out in the Halo. Pyro, most definitely it will be invaluable.
A number of good points but just because a refinery takes days doesn't mean the actual job takes that long. To do a job may, in the interest of gameplay, only take a few minutes or maybe a bit longer dependent on what is being processed and how. The delays at the stations could easily be explained by the fact that in the long term there are more NPCs with a large number of jobs in work and you just have to wait your turn...unless you have an expanse. A real big money maker could be that the expanse could filter and stabilize raw quantanium for final processing in the reactor (depending on how long that process eventually takes) or allow for follow-on shipping back to a station to complete the task perhaps for follow-on sale elswhere.
I am going to get this ship in game, but the “mini game” needs to be fun. I don’t want to sit in space looking at containers filling up. I love the ships concept though, single crew refinery.
The Expanse - even with its poor name choice - is a very anticipated ship. While I too have wondered about the refining times, I think it will have a place in the 'verse for those who are industrially inclined. As for it not being immediately flight ready, I too was kind of surprised it was released as a concept.
I think it is the perfect ship. The issues I have with it revolve around the concept-game play on a concept ship that has no reason what so ever to not be released flyable.
I want a large variety of ships flying around our there, with that said I see no point in the expanse. Knowing CIG they want there to be TREMENDOUS grinds in the game and I can already see this ship refining ore to just barely over the price you could sell unrefined ore for. That would keep stations relevant and give players a choice to grind for days for an ok payout or grind for hours for a barely worth the time payout.
Too late, total noob here and I just picked it up for the lifetime insurance and the loaner prospector. I have that and the arrow now and have yet to play at all. XD Thing is, I understand they gameplay loops they will provide and they're perfect for me. I appreciate the cargo space, the team play, the intro to the prospector and the performance spec of the arrow. I'll want a racer once I get settled and may likely melt it all down for the Andromeda as I really actually want that(I think) and if I can shift my lifetime insurance like I think I can, I can only go up from there... All that said, thanks for the content and you bring up alot of important points that are relevant to the game in the larger sense. Really though, keep on truck'n, fam.
If you don't have a Prospector, this is actually a pretty good deal. If warbond, you save $15 on having one (since you get one as a loaner) and when the ship is released you have a solid refining ship at a discount. My issues with it have to do with the concept game-loop and concept sale. On paper this should be one of the best ships CIG ever made. That was true of the MSR and Ares though, both of which were nuked on release.
@@Leadnap Yeah, that was my logic as well, and somehow I ended up with a reliant in my hanger on crusader, not sure how that happened as I didn't see it in my account hanger but I'm not complaining... I'm likely to keep my setup once it's released, at least for a while if it's decent, but yeah, I'm sure it will be turbulent with plenty of balance passes and heartache... It's gonna be hard to not want to melt it all for an Andromeda or Corsair or something else though, down the line, Im just guessing the current setup will be a good source of income though as a kind of a financial backbone to my personal fleet in the future. Any idea what the price point for the Corsair is? I heard it was going to be somewhere in line with the constellation but that was just in a random video somewhere so I'm curious.
The Stanton System is absolutely tiny. When we can finally visit other systems, they will be far larger with some completely dwarfing Stanton. Even if a new system has plenty of stations with refining capabilities, the distance between them will be quite considerable. So, having a handy refining ship with cargo haulers moving refined material to its destination and back again will make the Expanse (dumb name by the way) a god send and keep miners out in the black making bank.
The issues I have with it have nothing to do with it on paper though - on paper it is the perfect ship. My issues are that it is a concept; made worse because it has a concept-gameplay attached.
@@Leadnap Very true. However, if CIG can't get this absolutely crucial gameplay loop right before Star Citizen launches, the game is dead in the water. Without raw materials there is no economy and they know that... right? So I guess we just have to have faith that CIG will get this right before launch even though it really isn't good business to sell promises.
I can imagine this to become a money-printer near main orbital stations. Just staying there for people who don't want to visit Lagrange points each time after mining....
I see the Expanse as a step in the right direction. However, there are so many game systems that it is dependent upon; ship sized tractor beams and the new cargo refactoring being the two main ones. Hopefully 3.18?
I think CIG will start with setting the Expanse to refine ore very quickly, like easily 10 times faster than a refinery. It'll probably stay surprisingly fast because the Expanse will likely release when Pyro opens up, and miners and refiners in Pyro don't have time to wait around to get pirated, even with escorts. After Pyro releases and CIG collects data on its usage in Pyro, it may get nerfed or buffed. I doubt CIG will give significant weight to players' usage data of the Expanse in Stanton to the ship's balancing review as they will for the data taken from its use in Pyro. The length of time that it takes to refine ore should have less to do with how it compares to a station refinery's speed, and more to do with how fast it needs to be in order for it to be practical for player usage in a system like Pyro, which, in theory, shouldn't have any refinery stations.
I haven't gotten into mining yet. Messed around with the roc but didn't have much luck, saving up for a prospector. I imagine this ship will be a game-changer for group mining. I don't think I'll buy this ship during the concept sale at least because I wouldn't really be at a point where I would use it.
If you like mining, this is a good early pick up now since the loaner is the Prospector (for $15 less than buying one). The fact you can't use this ship yet then isn't an issue because the loaner has purpose today in your fleet. If you already had a prospector that math changes.
@@Leadnap thank you, you changed my mind about the expanse and I decided to melt my freelancer and my andromeda in order to get the tarus and the misc expanse so now I've still got my connie and now the expanse.
i would definitely use it, but i don't have any friends so I don't know if i'd be able to even bring it to the aaron halo belt along with my prospector
It isn’t ready yet for a very simple reason - ship mounted tractors are still not in the game. So imagine if you are in Nyx, and you are no where near a station refinery, so you can have a complete mining loop at your mining claim, with the refined cargo transferred to a cargo ship, like the tractor equipped Constellation Taurus. I’m seriously considering the Expanse as it’s pretty decent WarBond, and it’s loaner is a Prospector, which is a fast aUEC earner when the game is reset.
I got the raft which I upgraded from a giveaway for 5 bucks, I am really considering getting the Expanse upgrade instead, for refining mineables and salvage, feels like this ship would be worth the 25 bucks =D
What would be an optimal crew for a mining party? IMO: [expanse, 2 moles, 2 tourus (minimum)] [liberator, starfarer, 4 moles, 2 expanse, Ares, 2 talons, expanse, 4 touros (optimal)]
I like the industrial look of the Expanse but i rather wait for the Odyssey as it can mine as well. And it would be great for exploration too. I think.
@@chaoscorgi9348 I just read the info about the Odyssey and it can only mine Quantanium as a self-sufficient ship. But that's ok for me as i want it for future exploration gameplay. I know the carrack is an alternative but i don't like the looks 😎. Thanks for telling me there is a page with info. The Q & A is not very usefull as most of the answers are deleted.👍
I'm not sure if I'd call the Odyssey a refining ship given that it refines only one material and can't share that material. Still, would be awesome to add to the hangar!
Yes - between the time this was written/recorded and the time it published CIG did answer a few of the questions by unlocking the sales page on the website. None of that really changes the rationale or truths in the video. We know now that it will pick up and move the bags with a tractor beam, and that supposedly the cargo output will be in those same bags? Here is the sale's page with details:
I saw this in another video, but not many people are taking into consideration the "capacity" that station refineries have. They are constantly several thousand percent over capacity and I think that is what contributes to such long refining times. So it makes sense that the expanse would be alot quicker as it only has your ore to refine.
Perhaps, though I still don't think this will be or should be more efficient.
@@Leadnap Do we have any previous examples where something similar was handled and made better or worse?
It's a pretty important feature and while I've followed development since the word go, I held off on backing until recently because of technical issues, feature breadth, permeance, and that whole having a potato to play on for the last decade. XD
Or a long queue, job will take same amount of time to actually run, but they aren’t going to get to it until next week.
The ‘overcapacity’ of station refineries has never limited the number of jobs you can place, the number of completed jobs you can leave in refineries, nor the type of refinement process to speed up or slow down your delivery.
Bought it! I have the Mole Carbon and feel this is a great companion ship. Now I just need some friends who want to mine.
It is a solid companion ship!
Consider approaching mining orgs. You may make mining friends more readily that way
@@Levnyan Yeah, my org is all dogfighters
I saw the name of this ship, and immediately thought it was a small/solo/duo long range exploration ship. I get it now, expanse.. it's an expansion pack for the prospector.
Properly used, the Expanse can be a great partner for the Prospector. Scout rocks, keep the Prosi on the job, keep the pilot company. Seems fun, and I picked one up.
This feels like the kind of thing to grind out in game with a prospector.
I couldn't resist. I have a prospector already. I love the idea of working with a team mate to process the ore and make good money without having to make constant trips to the belt and back. I had a cutty ambulance that I never use (and probably never will since its seems more combat evac oriented) so I got the expance for a trade and 15 bucks. I think it was the right move. We shall see.
You're asking the exact same questions as I have been. I feel it likely needed a cargo bay, to have any chance of keeping up with the demand of a single Prospector, and that's only if they massively reduce the refining times that we have currently.
I did pick one up. I had previously bought the Odyssey (got a refund after the FAQ) because I thought it was what the Expanse can do now (proposedly). I see a mostly solo venture with prospecting, salvage, and refining. If I could stack all these on a Liberator, I'd be in my zone.
Thanks for creating the buyers guide.
How about it takes 2 days at a station refinery simply due to the queue of jobs on their dock? If the Expanse can do the same job in a few hours it is well worth it from a profit per hour standpoint. If it takes a day or two it’s a paperweight.
I suppose that comes down to how you look at it.
If you mine materials, toss em on an Expanse, and then get to sell refined goods in a few hours, it may seem like that's better profit/hr. But really, you're also having to add in whatever work it takes to do the refining on the Expanse. Vs with stations, you drop off the goods and go to bed. The only work you're putting in is the actual mining. And if we then expand this to a continuous loop. Mine > drop at station > Mine again. Then eventually yesterday's materials will be ready to sell as soon as you drop off another load to be refined today.
In the end, in terms of the math, there is no difference. That's assuming the refining rate on the ship is the same. My intuition tells me that probably won't be the case.
After getting burned on the Ares ships I vowed never to buy a concept ship again. However I did buy the Expanse, as I didn't own a Prospector and I'll have one as a loaner until the Expanse is released. I can always CCU into a Prospector with LTI if the final version is disappointing or not profitable.
This is a solid approach to it if you're going to buy. In a way it's a discount Prospector until it releases and when it releases my biggest bones to pick with it will have subsided.
I’m happy to see how the MISC designs have changed to be more user friendly lately
Love your buyers guides, really helped me get into CCU and not make an idiot of myself. Saved about 100 last IAE getting one of my dream ships. Great take on the expanse, and fingers crossed for that odyssey! Looks like it'll be awesome for industrial ops.
FYI transferring and loading minerals is in the promotion material, there is a tractor beam and a port in the stern of the vehicle to offload mineral bags one by one into the refinery and presumably return the bag when done. There is a picture of it in action in the concept images section.
The refined goods are stored in the 8 outer bags.
They still also really need to add the tailings sorting and ejecting to the prospector and mole (that is what I believe the extra machinery in the mole is for, just as the prospector has sorting in the rear behind the quarters) that was planned ages ago, as you would not want to be feeding lots of rock in with the metal ore into the refinery. I wonder if slag will play a factor in gameplay or not too.
I was also pleasantly surprised by the price, I figured they would sell it for 250-300$, not 125$ warbond.
Hi NeonSamurai - when the video was produced the sales page hadn't been released yet. I would have waited to write and produce it until more data was available, but it was already being sold to Concierge backers. If you see my pinned comment I discuss that more.
@@Leadnap No problem figured I would mention it
You raise very valid questions, so many unanswered questions. I agree, the ladder entry would be more consistent wish this size of MISC ship. It would also make sense to have a propper cargo bay for refined goods. I think a double deck Freelancer might have been a better approach, standard Freelancer with a refinery slapped on top. At the end of the day this will most likely be an affordable ship in game.
Awesome vid dude, I'm considering getting this since a few friends have the prospector so one of us should have The Expanse.
It seems like it could be a good idea (if it works like this) to act as a quantanium stabilizer, so that the prospecter can keep mining, and then go to the real refinery to actually refine it. But that depends on how fast this ship can refine. Maybe though it could refine one ore with all the refinery power at once dividing the time by 6. Personally I think the dividing the time thing is really the only thing CIG could do to make it worth while,
I believe this is a small place to start to see how it works and everything for CIG to start working on the implementation for The Orion
Great Video! You raise great questions about the expanse. And also, what happens if you submit a refining job to some player operating an expanse, how do you collect it the next day ? Track them down? What if they are not online or on another server? There are just way too many unanswered questions. It looks to me like an org ship. You would pretty much spend all your time in this ship waiting for jobs to fininish. Why any single player would want to use this ship I don't understand. Would you want to work at the refinery deck kiosk on a space station? Because it sounds like a similar job.
I find the expanse pretty cool. The fact that we could play both in a ship but still mining together is so cool ! I'll make sure to grab a CCU for a CCU chain as i don't need it to be in my bought fleet but i'll get one in game as it is so cool.
It's possible that the large size of the Lagrange refineries take longer due to the volume of ore delivered by players and npc is processed more slowly due to the volume of material to process.
The ships could have extra bags and once full, the bags could be picked up by a transport/cargo ship to deliver refined items to market.
The time to process needs to be as long as it takes for the Prospector to depart the Expanse after dropping a load off a to return with another load. Presumably, the refined materials take up much less room. Assuming that a 4 pods, unrefined equals one pod refined, then the Expanse could take 8 loads from Prospectors before needing to offload to a cargo ship. With Two Prospectors, that would probably be about 3 to 4 hours gameplay, which would make sense.
This is going to be the based to prepare crews on how the Orion will work.... Welcome back Lead looking forward to more videos 😎
Thanks Luidgi!
I definitely want to take a walk through. This game other then the bugs has amazed me to this point
I bought two. Will serve my Kraken based mining operation perfectly.
Your concerns are valid. But at the price they’ve set it at and with LTI and price increases in the balance, I pulled the trigger. My thought is that in station refineries will be adjusted to be faster then the expanse but the amount of refined ore taken by the process increased with perhaps net profit reduced on station refineries.
I can also see the amount of time taken to complete the process brought way down. We are going to need this ship regardless of what it ends up being. Despite the fact I can’t fly it today, I have one and will fly it the minute it comes to PTU.
i think this will be for small mining vessels only. when the larger mining ships come in, they will be using the refineries on the stations. while, like you said, small orgs can use this to keep themselves afloat.
I like that front ramp myself. The Prospector and Freelancer side entrances can be trouble on uneven terrain, _especially_ the Prospector (which can be angled in such a way that one can slip off and out at the top of the ladder). With a front ramp the entrance is on the centre line of the ship and less prone to entry problems if leaning a little. The underbelly room there forms a decent airlock and also provides a good option for a component room, and I think we'll notice that in time when we're comparing to trying to manhandle a size 2 component into a Prospector versus straight up the ramp into an Expanse.
I'm like you with the "buy" button though. The Expanse is nothing without a mining ship to liaise with, and while I might meander around in a Prospector I don't see myself tempted into playing a screen-inside-screen mini-game to refine the Prospector's haul. And that assumes I can convince a friend to accompany me on a mining run.
Plus the name is terrible. 😂
I've said it on a few comments now - the ramp thing is just a departure from standard MISC design was the point. For a very long time I would only use ships that had ramps. They just make more sense overall.
Ive ordered one. This suits my intended game style and game loops.
This is honestly one of the main ships I'm seriously thinking of buying. Just having a group of 3 people to mine where one has the cargo ship, one the Expanse, and another with a Mole, you easily have the potential to make some of the easiest UEC in SC if things go right. We probably won't be seeing this ship for a good amount of time but I think it will be more than worth it.
Maybe the reason stations take so long is because there is high demand for refining and you need to wait for an available slot. That would realistically allow the expanse to be faster.
This looks like an interesting ship that I am considering since I don’t have anything related to mining. Not that I have very much in the first place so hopefully it will help me make some more money😂
I am hoping that front ram area does have a cargo section. Unless CIG is saying you have to sell directly from the pods. Which would be counter productive. Should be able to refine a load start another, and unload while working on the other.
Maybe the Expanse will have more value/reason for being when it is not possible to easily reach or to reach in time a station with a refinery. The Expanse seems to be marketed as an industrial ship but what if is intended more as fleet support?
I love the Starfarer mini game roast!
Solid analysis and couldn't agree more. This is a buy in game and a maybe at that.
Curious to see how this game loop will end up being like for the players. Do have to add though, I don't think the boom operator's minigame is unnecessary. It sounds reasonable to me that you'd have someone monitoring pressure and flow through rates. Especially since I imagine every ship would be a little different to refuel, due to different parts/manufacturers etc.
The Q&A for this one gonna be the most read yet
The Perseus one was pretty popular, but I agree this will get a lot of attention when they do the Q&A
I had a raft which besides hauling cargo didnt offer much, so i decided to melt it and use it to buy this. It should be able to help me fund my operations.
Buying a prospector or a mole and using a station refinery initially would yield you enough in a week to just buy an expanse in game. Now you get both for the price of one
I did buy the ship. But it’s not what you think
I’m currently doing an upgrade project at the moment. Each month I spend about £30 on upgrading one of my ships. And I’ll see what I get at the end of the year
I bought 3 quad bikes when they came out with LTI. And one of them I upgraded to a 300 I then Gladius and to the expanse. For now I’ll keep the expanse and start on one of the other quad bikes.
Also additionally I think the way the refinery will work is that it won’t have any efficiency like the stations have to get bonus materials. But you will have a UI mini game that you will have to work on to start the refining process. And the fact that you have to work on it will make the process go faster or it could take hours. And when working it will use up fuel and needs the ship to be left on.
I woud love the idea of teaming up with a prospector and refining goods as long as it wasn't just collect and wait. We will have to see what it entails
It is not in the game because it needs a ship's tractor beam and cargo refactor as well as the refining UI. From the concepts images provided by CIG, the Expanse will tractor the dropped ore bags from the Prospector to the "ore reception dock" at the back of the Expanse to be start the refining process. The refined ore will then be stored in the Expanse's ore bags which will in turn be dropped for pick up by cargo haulers.
I pickup one up because it was fairly cheap, the loaner is a Prospector, LIT and if it sucks an LTI token...
You're forgetting cost, yes the ship may take a little longer than a refinery, perhaps, but the large refineries you mention could be expected to charge a lot for that service in the end, maybe not now, but if it's you and a buddy with your two or three ships, you split the profits minus the expenses.
I really hope the Expanse wont take too long to get into the game. It's a game changer for the mining gameplay loop and i hope we can get that new mining experience sooner rather than later!
I Managed to ccu from a ground vehicle to the Expanse for 70$ , As I have in mind to only have a small set of ships that all have a function to make money. The Odyssey is my end game ship. I'm hoping to consolidate in to it when its on the release calendar.
Seriously considering going from prospector to Expanse at some point
I purchased the ship.. Regardless of the hassle it might bring, I only play with a few friends and this should make mining easier.. Even if it doesn't, it gives me a way to hang out with my friends who only have prospectors and gives me something to do while chewing the cud with them during game time.
I look forward to seeing refining ships and the associated ship tractor beams needed to move that cargo around. I also look forward to being able to offer refining services to other players in exchange for credits (more than the MO trader app). I so want to see player to player contracts and ways of managing payouts for services in game. However we have no idea when these game features will be added and what they will look like in game, so I will wait. I will also most likely earn and buy the ship in game instead of for cash.
I still agree with your very valid observations - it should be operational.
Really like this ship and yes it’s solo however not real sure of the game loop as single player rather than in a group or ORG
i heard there is going to be a tractor beam in the back, to move the containers from ship-ship
Idk if any info was released, but I thought it would be the orebags would take out the unrefined materials and then be placed back into an ore bag for storage to be sold, lorewise I'm not sure but I'd assume you would be able to turn on the refining process for pod and then once it's completed that part is ready to be sold.
Another great video keep up the good work
Thanks, will do!
Talk about maximizing mining times. I love this idea and concept. I'm excited to see mobile mining teams in the future.
I have one and expecting overhead cost similar to station to refine by way of a consumable fuel/catalyst/reagent that enhances power and process in a compact refinery. While mobile refining a load or two is unlikely to be more efficient than hauling to station, several refine cycles definitely will be especially if offloading to a hauler. Starfarers can make major bank refueling Prospectors and Expanses while hauling back refined ore.
The past 3 months are the best 1st 3 months in CIG history .
I’m thinking these will be absolutely necessary in the future if they actually have different systems like Pyro. If you have relatively unsettled systems you’ll need at least one of these for just Quantanium alone. Stanton…..not so much except when hanging out in the Halo. Pyro, most definitely it will be invaluable.
A number of good points but just because a refinery takes days doesn't mean the actual job takes that long. To do a job may, in the interest of gameplay, only take a few minutes or maybe a bit longer dependent on what is being processed and how. The delays at the stations could easily be explained by the fact that in the long term there are more NPCs with a large number of jobs in work and you just have to wait your turn...unless you have an expanse. A real big money maker could be that the expanse could filter and stabilize raw quantanium for final processing in the reactor (depending on how long that process eventually takes) or allow for follow-on shipping back to a station to complete the task perhaps for follow-on sale elswhere.
Have to see how it goes when its released
I'm gonna just pick up a cheapest CCU for it with store credit and see if it's something I need/want in the future
Cant wait for more ships to come out
I am going to get this ship in game, but the “mini game” needs to be fun. I don’t want to sit in space looking at containers filling up. I love the ships concept though, single crew refinery.
Love the MISC look
expanse look fantastic. wonder how its going to work with the mole. since the prospecor and mole use different sized bags.
Chances are that its size will grow, considerably
Thanks for the review 👌👌
No problem 👍
The Expanse - even with its poor name choice - is a very anticipated ship. While I too have wondered about the refining times, I think it will have a place in the 'verse for those who are industrially inclined. As for it not being immediately flight ready, I too was kind of surprised it was released as a concept.
I think it is the perfect ship. The issues I have with it revolve around the concept-game play on a concept ship that has no reason what so ever to not be released flyable.
I got a CCU for the EXPANSE to lock in the price. I will wait till its out, then decide whether to buy it or melt the CCU.
Cant wait to give this beauty a try. Mining is my primary loop so this might help expand that for me. She's a beautiful ship (pity about the name)
Completely agree selling ships you can't and may not be able to use for years to come is a cardinal sin
now im regretting my purchase. unless I find a mining org. Thanks for the videos mate, always helpful for noobs like me
I'm excited for the group gameplay this will allow
That I am very excited for!
I want a large variety of ships flying around our there, with that said I see no point in the expanse. Knowing CIG they want there to be TREMENDOUS grinds in the game and I can already see this ship refining ore to just barely over the price you could sell unrefined ore for. That would keep stations relevant and give players a choice to grind for days for an ok payout or grind for hours for a barely worth the time payout.
Too late, total noob here and I just picked it up for the lifetime insurance and the loaner prospector. I have that and the arrow now and have yet to play at all. XD
Thing is, I understand they gameplay loops they will provide and they're perfect for me. I appreciate the cargo space, the team play, the intro to the prospector and the performance spec of the arrow. I'll want a racer once I get settled and may likely melt it all down for the Andromeda as I really actually want that(I think) and if I can shift my lifetime insurance like I think I can, I can only go up from there...
All that said, thanks for the content and you bring up alot of important points that are relevant to the game in the larger sense. Really though, keep on truck'n, fam.
If you don't have a Prospector, this is actually a pretty good deal. If warbond, you save $15 on having one (since you get one as a loaner) and when the ship is released you have a solid refining ship at a discount. My issues with it have to do with the concept game-loop and concept sale. On paper this should be one of the best ships CIG ever made. That was true of the MSR and Ares though, both of which were nuked on release.
@@Leadnap Yeah, that was my logic as well, and somehow I ended up with a reliant in my hanger on crusader, not sure how that happened as I didn't see it in my account hanger but I'm not complaining... I'm likely to keep my setup once it's released, at least for a while if it's decent, but yeah, I'm sure it will be turbulent with plenty of balance passes and heartache... It's gonna be hard to not want to melt it all for an Andromeda or Corsair or something else though, down the line, Im just guessing the current setup will be a good source of income though as a kind of a financial backbone to my personal fleet in the future.
Any idea what the price point for the Corsair is? I heard it was going to be somewhere in line with the constellation but that was just in a random video somewhere so I'm curious.
I'm still going through to think about what I wish to fly in game. I'll figure it out eventually.
I wonder if there will be any kind of gameplay loop to play with that ship solo.
i have the CCU upgrade just waiting for it to go live
The Stanton System is absolutely tiny. When we can finally visit other systems, they will be far larger with some completely dwarfing Stanton. Even if a new system has plenty of stations with refining capabilities, the distance between them will be quite considerable. So, having a handy refining ship with cargo haulers moving refined material to its destination and back again will make the Expanse (dumb name by the way) a god send and keep miners out in the black making bank.
The issues I have with it have nothing to do with it on paper though - on paper it is the perfect ship. My issues are that it is a concept; made worse because it has a concept-gameplay attached.
@@Leadnap Very true. However, if CIG can't get this absolutely crucial gameplay loop right before Star Citizen launches, the game is dead in the water. Without raw materials there is no economy and they know that... right? So I guess we just have to have faith that CIG will get this right before launch even though it really isn't good business to sell promises.
I can imagine this to become a money-printer near main orbital stations. Just staying there for people who don't want to visit Lagrange points each time after mining....
I never really took an interest in mining. Even though it seems like a great way to make credits. But I think I should try it out some day.
Its a neat ship and i might get it in game at some point ^^ but the requirement for the tandem makes it a bit more tricky but still sounds fun ^^
I see the Expanse as a step in the right direction. However, there are so many game systems that it is dependent upon; ship sized tractor beams and the new cargo refactoring being the two main ones.
Hopefully 3.18?
The expanse seems like a value!
I think CIG will start with setting the Expanse to refine ore very quickly, like easily 10 times faster than a refinery. It'll probably stay surprisingly fast because the Expanse will likely release when Pyro opens up, and miners and refiners in Pyro don't have time to wait around to get pirated, even with escorts. After Pyro releases and CIG collects data on its usage in Pyro, it may get nerfed or buffed. I doubt CIG will give significant weight to players' usage data of the Expanse in Stanton to the ship's balancing review as they will for the data taken from its use in Pyro. The length of time that it takes to refine ore should have less to do with how it compares to a station refinery's speed, and more to do with how fast it needs to be in order for it to be practical for player usage in a system like Pyro, which, in theory, shouldn't have any refinery stations.
I haven't gotten into mining yet. Messed around with the roc but didn't have much luck, saving up for a prospector. I imagine this ship will be a game-changer for group mining. I don't think I'll buy this ship during the concept sale at least because I wouldn't really be at a point where I would use it.
If you like mining, this is a good early pick up now since the loaner is the Prospector (for $15 less than buying one). The fact you can't use this ship yet then isn't an issue because the loaner has purpose today in your fleet. If you already had a prospector that math changes.
@@Leadnap thank you, you changed my mind about the expanse and I decided to melt my freelancer and my andromeda in order to get the tarus and the misc expanse so now I've still got my connie and now the expanse.
on the fence, but will probably be picking one up
i would definitely use it, but i don't have any friends so I don't know if i'd be able to even bring it to the aaron halo belt along with my prospector
think I will buy one ingame as soon as this is possible..
Just wondering, is the MISC Odyssey giveaway still ongoing? Just noticed that this video didn't announce this month's giveaway winners
It isn’t ready yet for a very simple reason - ship mounted tractors are still not in the game. So imagine if you are in Nyx, and you are no where near a station refinery, so you can have a complete mining loop at your mining claim, with the refined cargo transferred to a cargo ship, like the tractor equipped Constellation Taurus. I’m seriously considering the Expanse as it’s pretty decent WarBond, and it’s loaner is a Prospector, which is a fast aUEC earner when the game is reset.
I got the raft which I upgraded from a giveaway for 5 bucks, I am really considering getting the Expanse upgrade instead, for refining mineables and salvage, feels like this ship would be worth the 25 bucks =D
What would be an optimal crew for a mining party? IMO: [expanse, 2 moles, 2 tourus (minimum)] [liberator, starfarer, 4 moles, 2 expanse, Ares, 2 talons, expanse, 4 touros (optimal)]
Tourus is there because it is somewhat combat capable to protect your crew, in minimum. instead of a bigger cargo hauler.
I like the industrial look of the Expanse but i rather wait for the Odyssey as it can mine as well. And it would be great for exploration too. I think.
You're going to want to read the Odyssey Q&A page regarding mining.
@@chaoscorgi9348 I just read the info about the Odyssey and it can only mine Quantanium as a self-sufficient ship. But that's ok for me as i want it for future exploration gameplay. I know the carrack is an alternative but i don't like the looks 😎. Thanks for telling me there is a page with info. The Q & A is not very usefull as most of the answers are deleted.👍
The odyssey looks like a great ship
great vids man
Glad you like them!
I'm worried that I won't be able to switch easily between Prospector and Expanse. Possible quant mining improvement or no?
Should i buy it considering that i already own an Orion ?
I'm not sure if I'd call the Odyssey a refining ship given that it refines only one material and can't share that material.
Still, would be awesome to add to the hangar!
I only meant that it has a refinery on it as a segway to mention the giveaway. The Odyssey is certainly not a refinery ship.