I invite you to take a look at my books here: www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AFather+Spyridon+Bailey&s=relevancerank&text=Father+Spyridon+Bailey&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
Loving the your Book ‘The UFO Deception’ . Truly thought it was going to be interesting, but it is more than that ! It is enlightening as I’ve never thought about UFO s in this way before . In reading the book non stop . Thanks !
Highly recommend Orthodoxy And The Kingdom of Satan + UFO Deception. Both insightful and written in an understandable manner (which was helpful because English is not my first language).
Due to illness, I must avoid many types of food and beverages...every day. It is difficult, because it is so restrictive, including socially. According to my spiritual father, it is a type of fasting. When Father Spiridon said a blessing comes, joy came into my heart and a smile onto my face.
It's definitely a type of fasting. I'm in the same situation. Due to illness, I have to eat a specific diet that's somewhat opposite of typical orthodox fasting food.....every day. It's difficult. Lord have mercy.
Wow, I just got a blood test done that shows many many foods I'm allergic and intolerant *to and it's a struggle..shows how attached I am to worldly pleasures. I also have illnesses that hang over my head daily and 2 young children. Loved reading this comment. Makes me encouraged these ailments are from Christ our Lord to pull me away from the worldly into that which is eternal. Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.
I am attacked through my well meaning family. Always asking me to go out to eat, to join in the festivities, to get a life, etc. I live a minimalist life on the physical realm, and live a devoted life. But they just don't get it. They always laugh and remind me of my mistakes as a youth. The attacks come from all directions. Even through ones you love.
If it brings you any comfort I face the same challenges as you brother to a smaller extent.God is good do not worry , take courage and take up your cross
I’ve had to give up everything except lamb due to an autoimmune disease. Lamb and water is all I ever eat. It has taught me so much and has been a very spiritually rewarding journey.
Great thoughtfulness for yourself. Just think of it as sugar, give yourself an apple if previous thoughts prevail. Vitb12 at 3pm helps. Consider that we need the best of rest, good sleep is when zero alcohol, as it disrupts everyone from having he best depth of sleep.
I just want to humbly express my gratitude for Father Spyridon and his shared wisdom with us. God is working miraculously in my life in ways that I cannot even begin to express. We must pray with sincerity that we can be humble servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, that God will grant us the strength to take up our cross and follow Him. 🙏
I’ve been asking the same question, why can’t I just be free of spiritual struggles and just be at peace. I quickly learnt that you cannot run away from this, I get intrusive thoughts and urges to blaspheme against God. Thoughts I cannot control and cannot stop, it is out of my reach and it feels like my mind is no longer mine but a playground for the demons. Today on Friday I am fasting to declare I need God, please pray for me o people of God. Keep me in your prayers
Lord Jesus help this one whom wants to please,you with their whole heart. Give them strength to endure and follow you. May I ask if you are born again? Gal 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Gal 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Read the whole chapter. God Bless.
@@sacredcowtipper1378 Beloved. We are born again at Holy Baptism, and we live everyday struggling against the world the flesh and the devil to make it the centre of life
@@ryanlister4722 Good Morning Ryan, Being baptized in water was practiced by most of the Jews at the time of John the Baptist as a SIGN of true repentance yet none of them were saved from their sins. John called them to turn to God and turn from their sins and begin obeying God’s ways. But my question for you here is, “Were any of them BORN AGAIN by being water baptized?” No. Of course not, many went on later shouting “crucify Him” and many were destroyed in AD 70 that continued rejecting Him as the messiah and Saviour. If repentance could save and the inward man (you are a spirit being) is not changed, you would still have the sin nature of Adam or original sin. The question here is not if one should be baptized or not but the question would be WHEN should someone be baptized, FOR WHAT REASON should one be baptized, It is an ordinance or command of the church but for WHO? I am not denying that. So WHO should be baptized? Can you show me in the Bible where an INFANT is baptized? I can show you several places WHEN a person was to be baptized and it was always AFTER they were already born again of the Spirit of God after hearing the gospel preached either by Peter, Philip the evangelist or someone else. There is ONE instance when PHilip baptizes the Ethiopian eunuch at the time of the eunuch believing the gospel pretty much at the same time. But the eunuch was already reading Isaiah 53 and beginning to understand the gospel. then there is the instance of the thief on the cross who was saved yet never water baptized. Jesus said he would be with him in paradise. What I fear is if we teach people they are literally born again at water baptism as many Catholics are taught, they go on throughout the rest of their life believing that saves them yet they never really came to the cross and believed the gospel or understood it or had any intent in changing their ways or having God change them. Some sacraments are from God and should be obeyed but only after one has already been born again. Nobody was ever baptized as an infant. An infant is innocent and should that infant die they would go to heaven as sin was not revived in them yet as Paul put it. They were born with the sin nature but they had not went against conscience yet not knowing what sin was or wasn’t yet. They are not accountable yet. Jesus mentioned that in the gospels. Can you imagine every aborted baby going to hell if baptism saved as they had not been baptized yet? It was BELIEVING the gospel that saved in every account in the Book of Acts. And then they were water baptized as a symbol of what was already accomplished by the Spirit of God in their spirit/soul. It was like a proclamation that “I am professing jesus as my Savior and Lord and joining the church.” Baptism was also something the Jews practiced under the old covenant when a gentile became a proselyte or convert to the Mosaic covenant. They became a convert FIRST. Circumcision under the old covenant was the typology of being born again into that covenant. Paul in the new testament says when we are born again “is now circumcised in heart”, not just the flesh..
@@sacredcowtipper1378 i made the decision to walk after the spirit a few years ago. But I've been struggling to do that and my spiritual life has seen more and more attacks over the past few months. I've learnt more about God and I've grown closer to him but the struggles keep growing. Even when i pray i get anxious and i put myself down. I've tried to break free from bondages and sinful living but I've failed most of the times and i find my spiritual life to be not so consistent.
@@ashwinraphael Hello Ashwin, Satan doesn’t like people to try to follow Jesus. I have been attacked for 40 years but we have Holy Spirit power to resist the devil. 1. Submit to God. 2. Resist the devil. Why would we need to resist the devil if he isn’t coming after us?. 3. And he will flee from you. Jas 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Jas 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Jas 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Can i ask you if you have been born again by the Holy Spirit from the inside out? Many believve water baptism is being born again but that isn’t what it is? That is a sacrament in some Christian churches. Some are trying to live holy lives by arm of the flesh. Paul said “walk in the Spirit” so you don’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. We need the spirit of God living on the inside of us especially how wicked this world is getting now. God Bless.
0:08 Everyone of us are in Spiritual battle 0:51 The demons will fill us with worldly pre-occupations 1:30 Satisfaction Deceptions 2:19 Demons Will attack with tricks of Despair, of Laziness, of Deception, of False Belief 2:55 Christ offers us something Unearned Eternal Joy. 4:01 Fasting 7:189:24 4:57 Acting Through Our Bodies 6:02 Address The State of The Soul 7:44 A Small Sacrifice, A Small Sign of Our Faith 8:38 God sees our offering 9:54 Deny the Demands of the Flesh, for a short time, for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom
I truly love this man's teaching and way he explains it all. He is helping me to understand what it means to be a Christian. And I am learning how to deepen my walk with God thanks to his explanations. Thank you sir!
Fasting, prayer, meditation, spiritual baths, white candles, gratitude, listen to your gut feeling and always ask for guidance from God and your guardian angels. Most importantly especially now pray and ask for guidance in your mind not out loud. Blessed be everyone 🙏
Very well spoken Father Spyridon. An exellent stategem to thwart the Devil. True struggle. What I hate about the Demons is how they use other People to put you in despair,and humiliation. They do this to try to make us fall. I especially liked what you said about trying harder to sacrifice for God. We know that the demons will pull out every trick they can.
I’m Catholic and we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary today, but i think i will join along on your fast and feast as well…. The world is so messed up.
Let me suggest a few channels for Catholics & those who want to know about us :👉 Fr Mark Goring , Divine Mercy , Divine Will Era , Bishop Barron Word on Fire Ministries. 💖
@Ivan Vlatkovic I've no problem with Bishop Barron as a matter of fact he has brought me closer to God, he has wonderful homilies! Nowhere does Bishop Barron encourage sin , he brings many to the faith . Bishop Barron doesn't live a life of debauchery, he is a true man of the Church .
I’m really at a loss as to why so many Roman Catholics watch this channel and yet don’t come to Holy Orthodoxy. Please at least visit some local Orthodox parishes and talk to the priest and attend Liturgy and be open to the possibility that you may have to make some changes and may Lord Jesus guide you and his ever-virgin mother protect you in your search for the true faith☦️
I have no qualm with Orthodoxy and everywhere RC speak favorably of. The opposite isn’t equally true. I attend DIvine Liturgy when visiting my daughters family.
@Ivan Vlatkovic I'm Catholic! Bishop Barron is also a fierce defender of the Church. Watch his latest videos, especially what he had to say regarding Mr President. .. Perhaps you are one of those separatist, who cannot adjust to Vatican 2 nor believe Novus Ordo is valid ? Or an ennemy of the Church?
Thank you for your words, Father Spyridon. I struggle daily with keeping to the nourishment I require each day. Viewing this in a spiritual way, as a devotion to Christ, is wonderful, uplifting 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so very much for this message, Fr. Spyridon. I needed to hear this as I have been struggling lately and feeling as though I am in a fight for where my attentions are torn between the world and the Lord and keeping spiritually minded. I have been guilty of being distracted and complacent. Thank you again.
These messages have such great teaching and truth. I thank God for them finding me and I pray they are clear to those whom need them most. Much love to all!! God is so good!❤❤
Father I was seeking an answer and you have given me it for self-control let my soul control my body..... I shall fast....thank you Everything you say has been very inspirational to me.
The night of Sunday 14, the eve of the Dormition Fast, I was given grace to double my efforts. I felt a fight was coming, and so at 1:13 am last night there was a loud bash in my house. I shouted a prayer against this in Jesus' Holy Name and then prayed at the feet of the many Holy saints' relics in my kelia. I was surprised this happens as I am surrounded by relics, even several of the true Cross! However, I am using it for all night vigils until I'm too sick to go on. Thank you for this video Father, and please pray for me. Filially EPHRAIM LISTER
Thank you for the inspiration Father. I broke my fast because I was weak spiritually. It starts again now. In christs name may I be more successful in serving him.
i guess my parish follows a new calendar. the dormition fast ended on the 15th. it was the first fast i kept as a catechumen. i loved it. i learned a lot.
Hebrews 12:The Discipline of God 3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. 4 You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. 5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:“My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; 6 For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.” 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. 11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
God Bless you with much love and gratitude in Christ Jesus… Thank you for sharing this message of encouragement to endure this wicked world in Christ Jesus Acts 14:22 King James Version 22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
I’ve thrown many bags of weed over and over again. It’s a struggle but at this point I don’t care about the money I’m wasting. I just want this out of my system. Out of my life. The urges come back stronger. Help me father in the name of your son Jesus Christ
I am a man of 25. Since I was about 15 I have known I wanted to be a father, but when I look around I don't see a world where kids much less a wife are realistic. I don't think marriage is feasible today and I have had a hard time replacing that desire with something more realistic. I know I am not doing my job. I wake up every day without a mission and aimless. I work really only to meet my needs and then once that happens I am done, because the world is going to hell anyway and most people don't even know there is an enemy. The only reason I don't kill myself is, because that is a sin. I packed up a number of my books and have been travelling around the country living out of my car for the past 8 months or so hoping I find somewhere that speaks to me. I know I am currently selfish. I don't know my way out of it. I don't care to do my duty as American, because America/Britain (it's hard to tell where one begins and the other ends) is the evil empire. I've got my mom, my brothers whom I love a lot, but my loving them doesn't make building houses in a Michigan winter worth it. I don't know. I am a lost soul, and I don't even know where to begin to look up.
"without a mission and aimless" the mission is to build up your body and mind with healthy physical exercise and the learning (of Holy things) while preparing for the Lord. The less we want after the satiety of things the better we can equip and prepare ourselves for when those things may come. The duty of a father and husband is to be strong and competent, so that is the mission of every day. God bless.
I feel you, my situation is not entirely different. Know that you're not alone. I hope the church can help, it is what I am trying! And of course having faith in my savior.
I was born on the first day of orthodox Christmas and I have started to get into orthodoxy thank you for posting these videos on orthodox as it’s very helpful!
There are 4 fasts throughout an entire year . They are very useful spiritually BUT also physically . As Orthodox Christians, me and my family fast every year all those 4 fasts and as a magnificent gift from God, we are all perfectly healthy .
Its one of the hardest things in this life, becoming holy, daily spiritual warfare, this is imensly hard. In every way not easy, i pray to god we will make it to heaven. But im just not sure, everything is sin.
If i may say, i agree with a lot of the reformed theology, but this man has wisdom thats beyond me, and i appreciate him. I think the Body is getting bigger, and Christ will hand the Nations over to the Father at the appropriate time. Lord have mercy on us all. I hope all is well with everyone of you. Lord have Mercy, plz.
Definitely know closer I get to God, the stronger the attacks can be. Remembering the full armor of God as enumerated in Ephesians. God's gift to us, is so precious. I'm ever grateful for this gift.
To be a Christian is to be a martyr. All Christians are called to white martyrdom, and some Christians are also called to red martyrdom. When we pray and fast, we answer the call to white martyrdom. Christians must daily do battle against the three great foes: the flesh (internal), the world (external), and the devil (infernal). May we ponder upon the words of Abba Daniel of Sketis: “In proportion as the body grows fat, so does the soul wither away.”
A reminder I got this morning myself. I Praise Lord Jesus Christ. Today would’ve been tougher if not for His grace & compassion. Also taught me few things I still needed to repent of. Glory to our god
Thank you father Spyridon for this lesson I am undergoing a very intense struggle. After being socially isolated and kinda isolated from a Methodist community. I talked to an Orthodox pastor, and started attending this is my 3rd week going and I am struggling to even go to church. I want to be firm on these issues even with my family who are non-Orthodox but I am struggling to even say no to them. Could you please pray for me?
God bless you, David, and God bless this road. One step at a time, dear brother! I'm an unworthy sinner, but we (my family) will pray for you. We were on a similar path as you a year ago. Trust God who, as we say in the prayers, "is good and lovest mankind." St. Paisios says God has made us all as little temples. Retreat inside and pray whenever you need to. He is not far from any one of us! God bless you, David! ☦
Irish Catholic born and bred. Orthodox by Choice. Never going back. I converted in 2018. Met my own demon on the very night of my Chrismation. I had a choice to make: continue in my own fear; or take a leap of faith forward. Remember, the devil always show up on your greatest day. Peace.
When you said that either the soul is the slave of the body or the body is the slave of the soul, something came to my mind. In the past i thought of the body with all its pleasures as something guilty and has to be disciplined. Now it came to me: our body is not good or bad. It is inocent, neutral, like a land that can be inhabited by any kinds of people. But our mind can be guilty, because it sometimes abuses our body like a parasite, in order to get the pleasure creating dopamine. So not the body has to be a slave of the soul, but the mind has to serve God, than the body is the temple, and not the cave. I’m not contradicting, I just think it is more accurate like this.
In Orthodox Theology, we prefer to talk about the Nous rather than the mind. Fr. Spyridon may have a video on this. The saints and Elders have all used Nous instead of the mind, especially since the so-called Enlightenment. Peace
The body is an animal seeking pleasure overload just like your dog does eat anything put in front of it. The mind is part of the body the only good thoughts come from God. Not one man is good not one. This is scripture
I'm in a huge struggle with this big time and making me always too weak and lazy avoiding and angry at God to even want to fight and have faith... Even mad and have blocked Faith love of God and people and stopping me to even try to do do good and repent etc. I really need the power of the holy spirit and Christ to cover my wicked heart that keeps giving in... And wishing so much that evil had no control over me or anything or anyone 😔 because the effects it has on life and really messing up with our minds to truely know and love God and others right and blocking repentance.
Always something within me that stops me and leading ofhers from coming to Jesus or just wanting to "flee" and hide or blame like Adam and Eve. And how they only sinned once but I and others are great wicked sinners and more comparing to them 😔 and seems like even when we do have Chris we don't even have that power or love that we should have been given by believing and the Holy Spirit needs to really help us! I do feel like an Anti spirit of Christ is always interfering and creating a mess with us all and also making me hold back or just not want to fight and when even God said he will fight for us and already won.
A few years ago I had a dream that God manifested himself as a small boy only wearing shorts outside on a hot summer day, I knew immediately it was God only because of his demeanor and the way he looked at and through me, He wanted me to play, to go climb a tree with him; So i did, and up he went to the top of the tree entirely effortlessly; I on the other hand as I pulled myself up branch by branch, struggling, sweating, breathing hard.....and he looked down to me with only a look as if to say "effort need not be painful, nor should it ever be" as if to be rhetorically inquisitive as to why I would allow a foreign body or concept to affect me......he never said a word, it was the look and the body language, the leading example that said it all.....
I invite you to take a look at my books here: www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AFather+Spyridon+Bailey&s=relevancerank&text=Father+Spyridon+Bailey&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
Wow, I will definitely be looking into these books! Thank you Father.
Loving the your Book ‘The UFO Deception’ . Truly thought it was going to be interesting, but it is more than that ! It is enlightening as I’ve never thought about UFO s in this way before . In reading the book non stop . Thanks !
Highly recommend Orthodoxy And The Kingdom of Satan + UFO Deception. Both insightful and written in an understandable manner (which was helpful because English is not my first language).
Dear lord please give me the strength and courage to live 🙏
Due to illness, I must avoid many types of food and beverages...every day. It is difficult, because it is so restrictive, including socially. According to my spiritual father, it is a type of fasting. When Father Spiridon said a blessing comes, joy came into my heart and a smile onto my face.
It's definitely a type of fasting. I'm in the same situation. Due to illness, I have to eat a specific diet that's somewhat opposite of typical orthodox fasting food.....every day. It's difficult. Lord have mercy.
@@orthodox1717 May God give you good strength
@@virginialopezrey6860 amen, you as well! God bless you! ☦️
Wow, I just got a blood test done that shows many many foods I'm allergic and intolerant *to and it's a struggle..shows how attached I am to worldly pleasures. I also have illnesses that hang over my head daily and 2 young children. Loved reading this comment. Makes me encouraged these ailments are from Christ our Lord to pull me away from the worldly into that which is eternal. Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.
Fasting is spiritual but more and more more it is Gods gift for the body to allow it to heal
I am attacked through my well meaning family. Always asking me to go out to eat, to join in the festivities, to get a life, etc. I live a minimalist life on the physical realm, and live a devoted life. But they just don't get it. They always laugh and remind me of my mistakes as a youth. The attacks come from all directions. Even through ones you love.
Take heart
If it brings you any comfort I face the same challenges as you brother to a smaller extent.God is good do not worry , take courage and take up your cross
Have heart ❤
I’ve had to give up everything except lamb due to an autoimmune disease. Lamb and water is all I ever eat. It has taught me so much and has been a very spiritually rewarding journey.
Hello, I am not familiar with the connection between lamb and autoimmune disease. My sister has it so I am curious, why lamb?
Gave up booze today. I know a battle is ahead. Your videos give strength
Great thoughtfulness for yourself. Just think of it as sugar, give yourself an apple if previous thoughts prevail. Vitb12 at 3pm helps.
Consider that we need the best of rest, good sleep is when zero alcohol, as it disrupts everyone from having he best depth of sleep.
Also.. remember this is God’s temple …take care of it🙏🏻☦️
Kava Kava can also help with withdrawals
@@kayveeviv2696 It’s not good for your liver
I pray you have strength in resisting the temptation of alcohol. God Bless you.
I just want to humbly express my gratitude for Father Spyridon and his shared wisdom with us. God is working miraculously in my life in ways that I cannot even begin to express. We must pray with sincerity that we can be humble servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, that God will grant us the strength to take up our cross and follow Him. 🙏
For me the worse demonic trick is when my mind tries to fill me with nostalgia for vices I’ve quit
Meditation on the works and qualities of Christ will quickly dispel those ideas.
@6:12 "Saint Gregory Palamas says, 'Fasting is the antidote to a lack of self-control'." I needed to hear this wisdom.
I’ve been asking the same question, why can’t I just be free of spiritual struggles and just be at peace. I quickly learnt that you cannot run away from this, I get intrusive thoughts and urges to blaspheme against God. Thoughts I cannot control and cannot stop, it is out of my reach and it feels like my mind is no longer mine but a playground for the demons. Today on Friday I am fasting to declare I need God, please pray for me o people of God. Keep me in your prayers
Lord Jesus help this one whom wants to please,you with their whole heart. Give them strength to endure and follow you.
May I ask if you are born again?
Gal 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Gal 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
Read the whole chapter. God Bless.
@@sacredcowtipper1378 Beloved. We are born again at Holy Baptism, and we live everyday struggling against the world the flesh and the devil to make it the centre of life
@@ryanlister4722 Good Morning Ryan,
Being baptized in water was practiced by most of the Jews at the time of John the Baptist as a SIGN of true repentance yet none of them were saved from their sins. John called them to turn to God and turn from their sins and begin obeying God’s ways. But my question for you here is, “Were any of them BORN AGAIN by being water baptized?” No. Of course not, many went on later shouting “crucify Him” and many were destroyed in AD 70 that continued rejecting Him as the messiah and Saviour.
If repentance could save and the inward man (you are a spirit being) is not changed, you would still have the sin nature of Adam or original sin. The question here is not if one should be baptized or not but the question would be WHEN should someone be baptized, FOR WHAT REASON should one be baptized,
It is an ordinance or command of the church but for WHO? I am not denying that.
So WHO should be baptized? Can you show me in the Bible where an INFANT is baptized?
I can show you several places WHEN a person was to be baptized and it was always AFTER they were already born again of the Spirit of God after hearing the gospel preached either by Peter, Philip the evangelist or someone else. There is ONE instance when PHilip baptizes the Ethiopian eunuch at the time of the eunuch believing the gospel pretty much at the same time. But the eunuch was already reading Isaiah 53 and beginning to understand the gospel. then there is the instance of the thief on the cross who was saved yet never water baptized. Jesus said he would be with him in paradise.
What I fear is if we teach people they are literally born again at water baptism as many Catholics are taught, they go on throughout the rest of their life believing that saves them yet they never really came to the cross and believed the gospel or understood it or had any intent in changing their ways or having God change them. Some sacraments are from God and should be obeyed but only after one has already been born again.
Nobody was ever baptized as an infant. An infant is innocent and should that infant die they would go to heaven as sin was not revived in them yet as Paul put it. They were born with the sin nature but they had not went against conscience yet not knowing what sin was or wasn’t yet. They are not accountable yet. Jesus mentioned that in the gospels. Can you imagine every aborted baby going to hell if baptism saved as they had not been baptized yet?
It was BELIEVING the gospel that saved in every account in the Book of Acts. And then they were water baptized as a symbol of what was already accomplished by the Spirit of God in their spirit/soul. It was like a proclamation that “I am professing jesus as my Savior and Lord and joining the church.”
Baptism was also something the Jews practiced under the old covenant when a gentile became a proselyte or convert to the Mosaic covenant. They became a convert FIRST.
Circumcision under the old covenant was the typology of being born again into that covenant. Paul in the new testament says when we are born again “is now circumcised in heart”, not just the flesh..
@@sacredcowtipper1378 i made the decision to walk after the spirit a few years ago. But I've been struggling to do that and my spiritual life has seen more and more attacks over the past few months. I've learnt more about God and I've grown closer to him but the struggles keep growing. Even when i pray i get anxious and i put myself down. I've tried to break free from bondages and sinful living but I've failed most of the times and i find my spiritual life to be not so consistent.
@@ashwinraphael Hello Ashwin, Satan doesn’t like people to try to follow Jesus. I have been attacked for 40 years but we have Holy Spirit power to resist the devil. 1. Submit to God. 2. Resist the devil. Why would we need to resist the devil if he isn’t coming after us?. 3. And he will flee from you.
Jas 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
Jas 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Jas 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
Can i ask you if you have been born again by the Holy Spirit from the inside out? Many believve water baptism is being born again but that isn’t what it is? That is a sacrament in some Christian churches. Some are trying to live holy lives by arm of the flesh. Paul said “walk in the Spirit” so you don’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. We need the spirit of God living on the inside of us especially how wicked this world is getting now.
God Bless.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Thank you for your words Father.
0:08 Everyone of us are in Spiritual battle
0:51 The demons will fill us with worldly pre-occupations
1:30 Satisfaction Deceptions
2:19 Demons Will attack with tricks of Despair, of Laziness, of Deception, of False Belief
2:55 Christ offers us something Unearned Eternal Joy.
4:01 Fasting 7:18 9:24
4:57 Acting Through Our Bodies
6:02 Address The State of The Soul
7:44 A Small Sacrifice, A Small Sign of Our Faith 8:38 God sees our offering
9:54 Deny the Demands of the Flesh, for a short time, for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom
Deny the demands of the flesh for a short time. What does he mean with short time?
I am so glad he mentioned Yoga. Those people seem cultish.
I truly love this man's teaching and way he explains it all. He is helping me to understand what it means to be a Christian. And I am learning how to deepen my walk with God thanks to his explanations. Thank you sir!
Yes I agree !
Fasting, prayer, meditation, spiritual baths, white candles, gratitude, listen to your gut feeling and always ask for guidance from God and your guardian angels. Most importantly especially now pray and ask for guidance in your mind not out loud. Blessed be everyone 🙏
I testify of the spiritual warfare ! And the fasting is key and I will be doing that more.
Psychological warfare and Spiritual Warfare are synonymous
God always provides a word through others that he knows I need. Glory to God!
Very well spoken Father Spyridon. An exellent stategem to thwart the Devil. True struggle. What I hate about the Demons is how they use other People to put you in despair,and humiliation. They do this to try to make us fall. I especially liked what you said about trying harder to sacrifice for God. We know that the demons will pull out every trick they can.
I’m Catholic and we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary today, but i think i will join along on your fast and feast as well…. The world is so messed up.
Let me suggest a few channels for Catholics & those who want to know about us :👉 Fr Mark Goring ,
Divine Mercy , Divine Will Era , Bishop Barron Word on Fire Ministries. 💖
@Ivan Vlatkovic I've no problem with Bishop Barron as a matter of fact he has brought me closer to God, he has wonderful homilies! Nowhere does Bishop Barron encourage sin , he brings many to the faith . Bishop Barron doesn't live a life of debauchery, he is a true man of the Church .
I’m really at a loss as to why so many Roman Catholics watch this channel and yet don’t come to Holy Orthodoxy. Please at least visit some local Orthodox parishes and talk to the priest and attend Liturgy and be open to the possibility that you may have to make some changes and may Lord Jesus guide you and his ever-virgin mother protect you in your search for the true faith☦️
I have no qualm with Orthodoxy and everywhere RC speak favorably of. The opposite isn’t equally true. I attend DIvine Liturgy when visiting my daughters family.
@Ivan Vlatkovic I'm Catholic! Bishop Barron is also a fierce defender of the Church. Watch his latest videos, especially what he had to say regarding Mr President. .. Perhaps you are one of those separatist, who cannot adjust to Vatican 2 nor believe Novus Ordo is valid ? Or an ennemy of the Church?
What a perfect timing... Glory to God!🙏☦️
God bless you God is good Jesus is Lord.
Христос меѓу нас, сега и секогаш Отец Спиридон! Биди благословен!
Амин! Бог е секогаш со нас
@@МКДнекој Господ да те благослови брате!
Thank you, Fr Spyridon, for your wisdom and encouragement at this time. Your homilies are always a blessing. ☦God bless you.
I am Catholic but love watching your videos. Thank you for the beautiful insight and Wisdom.
Who cares who you are? It's just your EGO trying to show off. Tame yourself, snob.
Thank you for your words, Father Spyridon. I struggle daily with keeping to the nourishment I require each day. Viewing this in a spiritual way, as a devotion to Christ, is wonderful, uplifting 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so very much for this message, Fr. Spyridon. I needed to hear this as I have been struggling lately and feeling as though I am in a fight for where my attentions are torn between the world and the Lord and keeping spiritually minded. I have been guilty of being distracted and complacent. Thank you again.
These messages have such great teaching and truth. I thank God for them finding me and I pray they are clear to those whom need them most. Much love to all!! God is so good!❤❤
First fight the enemies you can't see, then you'll see clearly to fight the enemies you can see
Father I was seeking an answer and you have given me it for self-control let my soul control my body..... I shall fast....thank you Everything you say has been very inspirational to me.
Dealing with some serious stuff. Doing the Jesus prayer when awake to hang on to something. Thank you
Ever since I started seeking God I’ve had nothing but despair. No joy at all constantly feeling like I’m a dirty sinner battling sin Hasn’t been fun.
You are one
But he loves you Honestly
Little late here But I too have had attacks since I came back. It’s the demons wanting you back
The night of Sunday 14, the eve of the Dormition Fast, I was given grace to double my efforts. I felt a fight was coming, and so at 1:13 am last night there was a loud bash in my house. I shouted a prayer against this in Jesus' Holy Name and then prayed at the feet of the many Holy saints' relics in my kelia. I was surprised this happens as I am surrounded by relics, even several of the true Cross! However, I am using it for all night vigils until I'm too sick to go on. Thank you for this video Father, and please pray for me. Filially
This guy speaks alot of truth and it hurts but it's the truth
Really learn so much from all his teaching.
Very rarely is their peace in my life. It usually feels like im in the ocean during a seemingly constant storm.
Your not alone .. the struggle is real …
Thank you Father
"A sign of our faith..."
Oh, Father, thank you for the encouragement.
Thank you for the inspiration Father. I broke my fast because I was weak spiritually. It starts again now. In christs name may I be more successful in serving him.
Emptying oneself of inward enemies, no outward enemy will attack
Love this video wake up bow down, Praise GOD ,put on the armor HE has laying at His feet🙌🏻🙌🏻🔥
i guess my parish follows a new calendar. the dormition fast ended on the 15th. it was the first fast i kept as a catechumen. i loved it. i learned a lot.
Hebrews 12:The Discipline of God
3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. 4 You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. 5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:“My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
6 For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.” 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8 But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. 11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Thank you father for the encouragement. God bless you❤️
God Bless you with much love and gratitude in Christ Jesus…
Thank you for sharing this message of encouragement to endure this wicked world in Christ Jesus
Acts 14:22
King James Version
22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
Oh such encouraging and timely words! Thank you Father!
Father, I agree with you 100%. Please keep the good content coming!
I’ve thrown many bags of weed over and over again. It’s a struggle but at this point I don’t care about the money I’m wasting. I just want this out of my system. Out of my life. The urges come back stronger.
Help me father in the name of your son Jesus Christ
I am a man of 25. Since I was about 15 I have known I wanted to be a father, but when I look around I don't see a world where kids much less a wife are realistic. I don't think marriage is feasible today and I have had a hard time replacing that desire with something more realistic. I know I am not doing my job. I wake up every day without a mission and aimless. I work really only to meet my needs and then once that happens I am done, because the world is going to hell anyway and most people don't even know there is an enemy. The only reason I don't kill myself is, because that is a sin.
I packed up a number of my books and have been travelling around the country living out of my car for the past 8 months or so hoping I find somewhere that speaks to me.
I know I am currently selfish. I don't know my way out of it. I don't care to do my duty as American, because America/Britain (it's hard to tell where one begins and the other ends) is the evil empire. I've got my mom, my brothers whom I love a lot, but my loving them doesn't make building houses in a Michigan winter worth it.
I don't know. I am a lost soul, and I don't even know where to begin to look up.
Don’t give up on God , ask Him to help you, He will! Cry out to God, tell Him how you feel! He will help you!
"without a mission and aimless" the mission is to build up your body and mind with healthy physical exercise and the learning (of Holy things) while preparing for the Lord. The less we want after the satiety of things the better we can equip and prepare ourselves for when those things may come. The duty of a father and husband is to be strong and competent, so that is the mission of every day. God bless.
I feel you, my situation is not entirely different. Know that you're not alone. I hope the church can help, it is what I am trying! And of course having faith in my savior.
I feel the same way
Here here brother
I was born on the first day of orthodox Christmas and I have started to get into orthodoxy thank you for posting these videos on orthodox as it’s very helpful!
Thankyou for taking your time to make this video Father Spyridon, God bless you, may you and your loved ones find grace every day!!!
There are 4 fasts throughout an entire year . They are very useful spiritually BUT also physically . As Orthodox Christians, me and my family fast every year all those 4 fasts and as a magnificent gift from God, we are all perfectly healthy .
Thank you for your teaching 🥀
Great, I am glad.
Thank you.Greetings from Bulgaria.
I look forward to spiritual battles
You're videos are a true blessing in my life, thank you and may Jesus richly bless you!
Thank-you father for the word 🙏
Amen. Beautifully said
Very much thanks for your videos,which gives me a guidance towards spiritual struggle against my sins.🙏
Please father Spyridon pray for my family thank you
You help me stay close to God, thank you father Spyridon.
Благодаримо, оче
A good and necessary reminder. Thank you Father.
I needed to hear this teaching. Thank you.
Very true. Thank you Father Spyridon.
Thank you Father Spyridon for another insightful video! ☦
Its one of the hardest things in this life, becoming holy, daily spiritual warfare, this is imensly hard. In every way not easy, i pray to god we will make it to heaven. But im just not sure, everything is sin.
Dulcius Ex Asperis 🦋 Proverbs 24:16
thank you for this amazing message, very timely . I appreciate this channel very much
Holy Father, remember the soul of this poor priest in your fervent prayers. Priest Chrysostomos
Thank you Father this was convicting yet refreshing. May God continue to guide us all ❤️✝️
If i may say, i agree with a lot of the reformed theology, but this man has wisdom thats beyond me, and i appreciate him. I think the Body is getting bigger, and Christ will hand the Nations over to the Father at the appropriate time. Lord have mercy on us all. I hope all is well with everyone of you. Lord have Mercy, plz.
Definitely know closer I get to God, the stronger the attacks can be. Remembering the full armor of God as enumerated in Ephesians. God's gift to us, is so precious. I'm ever grateful for this gift.
To be a Christian is to be a martyr. All Christians are called to white martyrdom, and some Christians are also called to red martyrdom. When we pray and fast, we answer the call to white martyrdom. Christians must daily do battle against the three great foes: the flesh (internal), the world (external), and the devil (infernal). May we ponder upon the words of Abba Daniel of Sketis: “In proportion as the body grows fat, so does the soul wither away.”
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. ☦✝️
Thank you Fr Spyridon. I love you!
Timely words Fr……thank you…..thank God
Thank you father
thank you for the effort that u put to give us these amazing viedos god bless you
A reminder I got this morning myself. I Praise Lord Jesus Christ. Today would’ve been tougher if not for His grace & compassion. Also taught me few things I still needed to repent of. Glory to our god
Thank you Father and God bless. Very edifying talk
Thank you father Spyridon for this lesson I am undergoing a very intense struggle.
After being socially isolated and kinda isolated from a Methodist community. I talked to an Orthodox pastor, and started attending this is my 3rd week going and I am struggling to even go to church.
I want to be firm on these issues even with my family who are non-Orthodox but I am struggling to even say no to them.
Could you please pray for me?
God bless you, David, and God bless this road. One step at a time, dear brother!
I'm an unworthy sinner, but we (my family) will pray for you. We were on a similar path as you a year ago. Trust God who, as we say in the prayers, "is good and lovest mankind."
St. Paisios says God has made us all as little temples. Retreat inside and pray whenever you need to. He is not far from any one of us!
God bless you, David! ☦
God bless everyone!
Irish Catholic born and bred.
Orthodox by Choice.
Never going back.
I converted in 2018. Met my own demon on the very night of my Chrismation. I had a choice to make: continue in my own fear; or take a leap of faith forward.
Remember, the devil always show up on your greatest day.
God be with you.
Thank you Fr. Spyridon.
Thanks, never fasted before but I see the need in my life for it.
be sure to drink a lot of water, if not, you will harm your kidneys.
God bless you true words JESUS IS LORD
Thankyou Father
When you said that either the soul is the slave of the body or the body is the slave of the soul, something came to my mind. In the past i thought of the body with all its pleasures as something guilty and has to be disciplined. Now it came to me: our body is not good or bad. It is inocent, neutral, like a land that can be inhabited by any kinds of people. But our mind can be guilty, because it sometimes abuses our body like a parasite, in order to get the pleasure creating dopamine. So not the body has to be a slave of the soul, but the mind has to serve God, than the body is the temple, and not the cave.
I’m not contradicting, I just think it is more accurate like this.
In Orthodox Theology, we prefer to talk about the Nous rather than the mind. Fr. Spyridon may have a video on this. The saints and Elders have all used Nous instead of the mind, especially since the so-called Enlightenment. Peace
@@ryanlister4722 Good to know
The body is an animal seeking pleasure overload just like your dog does eat anything put in front of it. The mind is part of the body the only good thoughts come from God.
Not one man is good not one. This is scripture
@@off6848 amen amen🙏 understanding ✨🌹🎶🙏🌞🔥💛
Father bless
Господе Исусе Христе сине Божији помилуј ме грешног
Love that. God bless.
Thank you for this Father. Please pray for me Ambrose.
ربنا والهنا يسوع المسيح يا ابن الله الحي ارحمني انا عبدك الخاطئ امين
ربنا يحرسك ويوفقك ابونا
All Glory be to God 🙏
I'm in a huge struggle with this big time and making me always too weak and lazy avoiding and angry at God to even want to fight and have faith... Even mad and have blocked Faith love of God and people and stopping me to even try to do do good and repent etc. I really need the power of the holy spirit and Christ to cover my wicked heart that keeps giving in... And wishing so much that evil had no control over me or anything or anyone 😔 because the effects it has on life and really messing up with our minds to truely know and love God and others right and blocking repentance.
Always something within me that stops me and leading ofhers from coming to Jesus or just wanting to "flee" and hide or blame like Adam and Eve. And how they only sinned once but I and others are great wicked sinners and more comparing to them 😔 and seems like even when we do have Chris we don't even have that power or love that we should have been given by believing and the Holy Spirit needs to really help us!
I do feel like an Anti spirit of Christ is always interfering and creating a mess with us all and also making me hold back or just not want to fight and when even God said he will fight for us and already won.
I’m praying for you
I have left society; too many temptations for disbelief in god; Wicked world.
A few years ago I had a dream that God manifested himself as a small boy only wearing shorts outside on a hot summer day, I knew immediately it was God only because of his demeanor and the way he looked at and through me, He wanted me to play, to go climb a tree with him; So i did, and up he went to the top of the tree entirely effortlessly; I on the other hand as I pulled myself up branch by branch, struggling, sweating, breathing hard.....and he looked down to me with only a look as if to say "effort need not be painful, nor should it ever be" as if to be rhetorically inquisitive as to why I would allow a foreign body or concept to affect me......he never said a word, it was the look and the body language, the leading example that said it all.....
Thank you 🙏
Thank you Father Spyridon for your teachings. It would be so helpful for me, if you would do a teaching about just fasting.
God bless!! I have a plan now💛
the goats in the background were saying Amen☦