Felix wrote and produced this based on Beauty and the Beast from the pov of the Beast. Each member has one solo song and mv for the current release and are performing it on their world stadium tour. He's a global ambassador and coordinator for Louis Vuitton and walked their runway this year. LV created custom fits for his performances of this song on tour. So he is frequently seen wearing Louis Vuitton and they create content for him as they did for his tour stop in Sydney for his Unfair performance.
Thanks for your reaction. Everything about 'Unfair' is perfect. 💫
Felix is art ❤
This MV is a masterpiece.
❤❤❤Thank you for your reaction.It was a beautiful and sad music video like a fairy tale😭
Lix has a wonderful way of expressing his feelings. 🩵
Felix wrote and produced this based on Beauty and the Beast from the pov of the Beast. Each member has one solo song and mv for the current release and are performing it on their world stadium tour. He's a global ambassador and coordinator for Louis Vuitton and walked their runway this year. LV created custom fits for his performances of this song on tour. So he is frequently seen wearing Louis Vuitton and they create content for him as they did for his tour stop in Sydney for his Unfair performance.