Solo: A Star Wars Story reviewed by Mark Kermode

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 346

  • @thedude7614
    @thedude7614 6 лет назад +312

    "There's basically talk of every piece of furniture in Star Wars having its own spin off"

    • @michaeljohn1978
      @michaeljohn1978 6 лет назад +15

      The very last line: "That lamp that appeared in Episode 4- How did it get there?"

    • @pancakewizard1533
      @pancakewizard1533 6 лет назад +3

      I blame the prequels for that kind of stuff. It was rife on the TFN forums for every damn film. That whole Sidious /Syfo-deus thing people were tying themselves in knots over it for nothing.

    • @mattpotter8725
      @mattpotter8725 6 лет назад

      Rose Tico Enthusiast
      Whilst I class myself as a Star Wars fan, or least did, and not a fanboy, I do have to agree with you in part on your analysis. I'm not sure you are right though in saying it is the fans who have demanded a Han Solo movie, or a Bobba Fett movie, but Disney milking Star Wars for all it can get, much like Luke milking that space walrus thing in The Last Jedi.I thought Rogue One was a bad idea, but after seeing it, of all the new films, even The Force Awakens, it was done well mostly, with a good storyline, good acting, good screenplay on the most part, and most important of all tension. The problem that a lot of these spinoff prequel stories will have is that you know that the main characters all survive (as they are in the later stories in the SW timeline) and so it is very important to introduce new characters well, get the audience invested in them in the early part of the films, before putting some of them in jeopardy, and even killing some of them off. I also feel that a lot of the decisions to do with the story isn't about artistic licence, but merchandise driven decisions. If, like in the Original Trilogy, the story is good enough, the characters strong enough, and well written and acted, then the merchandise flows off the back of them. If the movie is not an overwhelming hit then however you write the story to go to new planets with new aliens and a new character here and there the merchandise won't sell. I hope Disney learns this lesson because without it Star Wars will be on a downward spiral. Lastly I do agree that there needs to be an element of mystery, of not knowing, of not having had everything explained to you to the nth degree. Doing this kills a lot of the hype around the saga, and to be quite honest I don't trust those writing now to do a good enough job to pull it off convincingly, enhancing and not destroying everything that made Star Wars so great. I think though if done well enough I have no problem with spinoffs and prequels, but directors, writing, producers, and even actors brought in need to be done with care and not because they are big names or the flavour of the moment. When this is done things go well, but unfortunately this isn't how Hollywood works and they are just looking for a quick buck rather than making good movies these days.

    • @calebpike
      @calebpike 6 лет назад

      You mean the honourable Salacious B. Crumb, Esq.

    • @StayFractalesque
      @StayFractalesque 4 года назад +1

      @@pancakewizard1533 exactly, or throw away lines like "to old to start the training" by yoda to luke, I always took that line as yoda testing luke, but leave it to Lucas to not understand his own work, and tries to pay fan service by making jedi school strictly for children in the prequels.. now, because of the basic structure of the lore, Lucas has now shackled himself to child actors.. we all know how that turned out..

  • @MrLaMund
    @MrLaMund 5 лет назад +31

    Honestly, I never thought I’d say this, and I only rented it because it was £1.99 on Amazon but...I really enjoyed it. I could live without it and it didn’t need making made me smile. That’s my review.😅👍

  • @grahamkristensen9301
    @grahamkristensen9301 6 лет назад +58

    I like when Mark says "samyourai".

  • @leaningtoweravenger
    @leaningtoweravenger 6 лет назад +11

    I would love to see more spin offs like Rogue One: leveraging the universe of Star Wars to tell some other stories. The universe of Star Wars would be a perfect setting for noir kind of stories in which not all the paths can be investigated because some high official of the Empire is hiding something

  • @Zothaqqua
    @Zothaqqua 6 лет назад +20

    5:56 "...whilst it was on, it was perfectly fine." -- a Mark Kermode quote for the poster.

  • @RinaldoOfSweden
    @RinaldoOfSweden 6 лет назад +19

    That Lamp that Appeared in Episode IV, How Did It Get There?: A Star Wars Story sounds like a far more fun and interesting film than Solo: A Star Wars Story.

  • @TroyTempest63
    @TroyTempest63 6 лет назад +279

    Definition of irony. A movie called "Solo", having to be shot twice.

    • @ealing456
      @ealing456 6 лет назад +18

      But who shot first?

    • @TroyTempest63
      @TroyTempest63 6 лет назад +11

      Disney's Greed … Oh!

    • @starwarsroo2448
      @starwarsroo2448 6 лет назад +1

      And being part of a trilogy

    • @MatthewGClarke
      @MatthewGClarke 6 лет назад +3

      Shot twice, by three directors

    • @swy76
      @swy76 6 лет назад +1

      You'll come away feeling "So Low"

  • @chrisf3379
    @chrisf3379 6 лет назад +15

    I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Solo. It was great fun.

  • @Warp75
    @Warp75 6 лет назад +49

    I enjoyed both Rogue One & to a lesser extent Solo.
    The Force Awakens & The Last Jedi are the ones I've had trouble with

    • @nickm8874
      @nickm8874 6 лет назад

      WARP 75 correct

    • @fulconer
      @fulconer 6 лет назад

      Clearly you didn't see any of the easter eggs in TFA showing Snoke is Rey's father or creator, Luke & Obi wan trained Rey and made her forget, Fin is the Han to Rey's Leia, Kylo Ren is unredeemable and will be killed by Leia .. and Rey will become the first GRAY JEDI with finn by her side.
      JJ Abrams was following film canon in TFA. You didn't see that did you? Silly.

    • @Warp75
      @Warp75 6 лет назад

      wutsup if only it was true

  • @JJ-nh8lv
    @JJ-nh8lv 6 лет назад +8

    Well, I really enjoyed it. I went into it with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised. To quote Mark Hamill "it's just a movie" Was I taken away from reality for 2 hours? YES. Was I refreshed afterwards? YES. I've been to movies where I needed a nap afterwards and was mentally and physically drained. Solo was entertaining, refreshing and enjoyable. I, like everyone else, went into Last Jedi full of expectations, waiting to see Luke in all his glory, but didn't get what I "wanted". Take that away and it was a good movie.

    • @nikosvault
      @nikosvault 6 лет назад +2

      You "wanted" more of the same.
      Thank god Kasdan and Keshner did not go that route in 1979.

    • @DarthBear356
      @DarthBear356 4 года назад

      I agree, I think that this movie got way too much undeserved hate, the acting was good, the story was entertaining and the heist movie style was a refreshing change for me. And on top of that, the lead was great, I was worried that he wouldn't be able to capture the charm that harrison Ford brought to the role, boy was I wrong, he was great. Hugely underrated in my opinion and one that I could definitely watch again.

  • @MatthewGClarke
    @MatthewGClarke 6 лет назад +131

    The main problem with the film is just how unnecessary it is. It's fine (if unspectacular), but exists only because Disney have the rights to make as many as they want. That said, I saw it as soon as I could, so I'm one of those suckers these are aimed at...

    • @MarkFilipAnthony
      @MarkFilipAnthony 6 лет назад +6

      If it's necessary or not should not matter of a movies quality, only if it works on it's own as a movie.

    • @MarkFilipAnthony
      @MarkFilipAnthony 6 лет назад +1

      Alex Dawson what do mean by not related to star wars? U mean not related to the skywalker family at all?
      Or nothing to do with rebells vs Republic. Or anything to do with the force?

    • @MarkFilipAnthony
      @MarkFilipAnthony 6 лет назад

      Alex Dawson so u mean it HAS to have original cast and production to be a star wars film?
      I'll argue then it isn't proper star wars without George lucas involves.
      With that logic we haven't had proper star wars in years.

    • @captainbritain7379
      @captainbritain7379 6 лет назад

      This was in preproduction since before Lucas decided to sell Lucasfiilm.

    • @MarkFilipAnthony
      @MarkFilipAnthony 6 лет назад

      Jamin Jedi well then it makes it a possible more star wars movie than the rest of them lol, which doesn't really surprise me.
      Lucas intent with star wars was always totally different than popculture/fans' view/opinion about it. But who knows how much involvement he really has had in the brand since he finished the prequels

  • @nigelcarren
    @nigelcarren 3 года назад +2

    I have just seen this... I waited for the BluRay to hit the bargain-bin here in rural France ... and I thought it was a fun rollercoaster ride which is all I wanted it to be, a Cinematic experience easily worthy of the expensive crisps I had bought for the occasion! 🏆🤖

  • @ElVindicto
    @ElVindicto 6 лет назад +6

    Maybe we should all go a year without watching a film produced as part of or by a Disney-trademarked franchise or studio and one day, we might just remember once more what it is to be free.

    • @evertonporter7887
      @evertonporter7887 6 лет назад

      Weirdfishhes Maybe this generation should leave media altogether and get involved in more worthy causes...

  • @connors.8618
    @connors.8618 6 лет назад +6

    I don't know, I feel like if he didn't "get" Star Wars after seeing Empire and was only convinced after TFA and loved Rogue One of all things, I just don't know if I put too much stock in his opinion on this

  • @chrishiggins7166
    @chrishiggins7166 2 года назад +1

    The film’s script & dialogue derails the film, however the film’s fixed due to the effects, acting, action, visuals & terrific direction. (72%) (3.5/5 stars) (positive)

  • @R0B1NG5
    @R0B1NG5 6 лет назад +2

    Its nice to see some discussion about this movie that is free from the filter of angry fans or politics. I feel like so many people wanted it to be bad before it even came out that its hard to take some peoples opinions seriously.

  • @RG-Zeldaplayer
    @RG-Zeldaplayer 6 лет назад +2

    I really enjoyed Solo... I was luke (pun intended) warm on seeing it to begin with ... but am really glad I did.
    Don't prevaricate... don't um and ah over it... go and watch it.

  • @torrijosisnice5750
    @torrijosisnice5750 6 лет назад +2

    For me it felt like a perfectly good and fine PILOT for a TV Show...

  • @consumer-1147
    @consumer-1147 6 лет назад +3

    Just got back from a 2nd viewing and i personaly think its my favorite disney star wars movie 👍

  • @jeffthompson9622
    @jeffthompson9622 3 года назад +1

    It's remarkable how much better this and Rogue One are than the third trilogy.

  • @johnsmith5669
    @johnsmith5669 6 лет назад +1

    Mark, you pleb! That "lamp" was named Gorbella Frazzle-d (Gorb to his friends)! He comes from the seventh moon of the planet only known as Q. When he was four, his family was slaughtered by General Hux's great grandfather, Tobin Hux. He was raised to be an Imperial assassin and was sent to kill Obi Wan Kenobi. But when he came to Tatooine he was attacked by a herd of stampeding Wampa. Obi Wan save his life and nursed him back to full health, and through the generosity of the light side of the force, Gorb redeemed himself. Per Obi Wan's wish, Gorb stayed on the moisture farm to ensure Luke's good health. When the Empire finally came to kill Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, Gorb was the first to die. He fought valiantly, but was overwhelmed by the Empire's forces, though through his cunning he managed to defeat two Super Troopers (the Lieutenant class Stormtrooper). You're insensitivity is undoubtedly the most offensive thing I've ever seen in my life. Gorbella Frazzle-D is a God damn hero.

  • @DarthJedi2005remixes
    @DarthJedi2005remixes 6 лет назад +5

    I get the lack of jeopardy thing. It's kind of difficult to believe that when the three characters that the fans are there for (Han, Lando and Chewie) are in mortal peril that there really is some kind of danger there. The realist in me keeps piping up with the knowledge that of course they will survive because we've already seen them in the future. The only way you can do jeopardy in a film is when the audience doesn't know which characters are going to pop up in the next one. That's one of the reasons why Infinity War worked so well in being shocking.

    • @DanielS10291
      @DanielS10291 6 лет назад +1

      DarthJedi2005remixes what because you really think all those characters are actually dead?

    • @bcozillion7945
      @bcozillion7945 6 лет назад

      Never once have I watched a Marvel movie and thought that the main character is going to die...... ever........would you really think that Spider-Man is going to die in his own movie.... or an Avengers movie?? Cmon there is no jeopardy in those or any other franchise driven movies

    • @DarthJedi2005remixes
      @DarthJedi2005remixes 6 лет назад +1

      BCO Zillion I wasn't referring to Marvel films in general - only to Infinity War. I agree with you in principle, 99 times out of 100 the main stars don't die in superhero films, but Infinity War and it's sequel was/is different. We know there are numerous big contracts ending with the next Avengers film and there are only two other films lined up featuring current characters (Spider Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy) so it genuinely is conceivable that one or more of the older Marvel characters - Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, et al - and even some of the new ones without standalone sequels announced (Doctor Strange, Black Panther) will be killed off at some point. There is true jeopardy as we as an audience simply don't know if the characters are going to survive or not.

  • @euansmith3699
    @euansmith3699 6 лет назад +2

    I enjoyed this, though I found colour grading a bit dull in parts.
    "They're coming in too fast!", oh, Dr Horror, you wonderful nerd.

  • @BrianHartman
    @BrianHartman 2 года назад +1

    I think it was unessential, but inoffensive. It was fun enough, but felt like a naked cash grab.
    It was the origin story of a lot of things *about* Han Solo, without ever feeling like Han Solo's origin story. When we meet him in the movie, he's already a rogue. He's already up to shenanigans. instead of meeting him at the beginning of his adventure, we meet him in the middle.
    So instead we get the origin of his surname. The origin of his blaster. The origin of his dice. The origin of the Millennium Falcon, and the origin of Chewbacca.
    It almost feels sacrilegious to say this, but it was kind of like a porno, where the plot of the actual movie isn't the point.
    Like I said, I find it inoffensive. I can watch it, unlike The Last Jedi. But while it's fun, it's hard to say that it's as fun as a Han Solo movie *should've* been.

  • @TheRubyTuesday
    @TheRubyTuesday 6 лет назад +5

    Where did that lamp come from?

  • @djcaks
    @djcaks 6 лет назад +7

    Agree very much with Mark. I think this is the first time I've ever seen a SW film in the cinema and not wanted to go and see it again. A resounding meh. There's nothing at stake, it's linear, and it's a bit formulaic. I hated the entire Kessel run portrayal, especially abyss. Also thought the cameo at the end was ludicrous.

  • @danielanderson3286
    @danielanderson3286 6 лет назад +65

    The last Jedi hated by some people, understatement of 2018

    • @nikosvault
      @nikosvault 6 лет назад +4

      Speak for yourself.

    • @danielanderson3286
      @danielanderson3286 6 лет назад +5

      nikosvault I speak for the real fans not the fanboys who think princesses Leia floating in open space was pure genius 🤣😃🤣

    • @elias22443
      @elias22443 6 лет назад +4

      Daniel Anderson you sound like a real fanboy

    • @danielanderson3286
      @danielanderson3286 6 лет назад +1

      Eli I can assure I am not. If it was up to me I stop em from making anymore the whole thing as had it’s time.

  • @wiseguy100
    @wiseguy100 6 лет назад +2

    My only real issue with the film, was how dimly lit it was. Weird cos the trailers aren’t. Was so bad at times, it was hard to make out faces. Thought it was an issue with the projection at my screening, until I took to twitter and saw other ppl saying the same.

  • @affalaffaa
    @affalaffaa 6 лет назад +2

    Thought it was fine, would watch again.

  • @battleupsaber462
    @battleupsaber462 6 лет назад +71

    Whether you like or dislike this movie ultimately comes down to whether you like fanservice. If you're a Star Wars fan and enjoy seeing references to other parts of the franchise, both well-known and obscure, you'll like it. If you can't stand these references and think they're the cringiest thing, then you'll hate it. I find it ironic that so many "fans" are against this movie because more so than any other one of these Star Wars movies, this one has the most fan-pandering moments and relies on you having prior knowledge of Star Wars lore to enjoy.
    As for the movie itself, overall I liked it, but it really suffers from not being anything particularly special. I liked the cast the sets and the practical effects, as well as seeing the non Rebels vs Empire side of the Star Wars galaxy, I just wish there was a more interesing plot to go with it. If you've seen the trailers, you basically know what you're getting into.

    • @morgezorge6387
      @morgezorge6387 6 лет назад +14

      Or you dislike it because it's a bad story, doesn't make you care about the characters and falls flat in building tension because of it.

    • @TheMrKlump
      @TheMrKlump 6 лет назад +3

      Not really. I thought the references were just about the only good thing about the movie, but I did not like the movie. Worst SW movie without a doubt.

    • @himynameisben95
      @himynameisben95 6 лет назад

      You said it yourself. Fan PANDERING. And it's super weird timing, given that The Last Jedi was full of "let go of the past, kill it if you have to" anti-'fanboy' stuff, while this film is all about "Hey?! Remember the past?! This film's for YOU, fanboys!". It's a very mixed message.
      A Han Solo movie is absolutely not anything we need, and is a strange choice for the second anthology film ever. Of course Disney won't touch the enormous prequel universe with a ten-foot-pole at least for phase one, so they're pretty limited in the characters they can do movies about.
      Six months between movies is also pretty tedious.

    • @OnboardG1
      @OnboardG1 6 лет назад +2

      I think that rings true for me and my partner. I rather enjoyed it and didn't mind the references. My partner found it very annoying and disliked it intensely. I'm a big SW fan, she isn't.

    • @PeedgeMcDuck
      @PeedgeMcDuck 6 лет назад +2

      I'm a superfan and thought the fan service was poor.
      Namedropping names and planets is just lazy.
      I didn't enjoy one moment of this film.

  • @issiewizzie
    @issiewizzie 6 лет назад +17

    Maybe it’s time Star Wars went TV

    • @vanillajack5925
      @vanillajack5925 6 лет назад +1

      They did, The Clone Wars series is arguably the best version of Star Wars that's ever been made.

    • @MightyGreedo
      @MightyGreedo 6 лет назад

      C'mon... Nobody makes that argument.

    • @vanillajack5925
      @vanillajack5925 6 лет назад

      GreedoUT I do. Have you seen it?

    • @calebpike
      @calebpike 6 лет назад

      It's all about the original 2D Clone Wars series from 2003. Or better yet, the '80s Droids cartoon.

    • @dpj1
      @dpj1 6 лет назад

      There’s TV series coming, mark my words

  • @markprior2278
    @markprior2278 4 года назад

    Didn't see this at the cinema because i didn't enjoy Rogue One or the Last Jedi. However when i did finally see it i was pleasently surprised by it.

  • @alldaybrekkie
    @alldaybrekkie 6 лет назад +2

    I went to see this last night with average expectations. For context - Im 43, I saw the original star wars films first time round, I love it all too. I thought the last instalment, Rogue One? Was pretty crap. This one though - its excellent. I really, really enjoyed it. The cast are great. The story works. The script, is actually, genuinely, laugh out loud funny, and I wasnt the only person laughing - the whole audience was into it. The look of it is glorious. The action scenes are really gripping. All in - its a fantastic film. Ron Howard is a great director and his class shows through here. Everyone single person criticising, and that includes Mr Kermode here, who incidentally I almost always usually agree with - has preconceived grievances with the fact that this film exists at all. Hey folks - no-one is forcing you to watch a film. But equally, no-one has to ask your opinion if its ok to make a film in the first place. Han Solo's story is an interesting one, and it deserves a film. The 'Kessel Run' - yes why not make a whole scene about it? His relationship with Chewy - why not flesh that out? Forget your fan-boy anger that it even exists. Go and see it, because it is the best Star Wars film since Return of the Jedi.

    • @alldaybrekkie
      @alldaybrekkie 6 лет назад

      Forgot to say - the cast are excellent. Woody Harrelson in a Star Wars film - and he is great!! Woody using the cannons on the Millenium Falcon, with loads of great one-lines thrown in - its fantastic.

  • @paulchristopher6193
    @paulchristopher6193 6 лет назад +1

    Think people over analyze, it's a great fun film just leave ur brain at home and enjoy it for what it is,

  • @JackChurchill101
    @JackChurchill101 6 лет назад +6

    It's s classic irony that "fans of the franchise" hate these films because they're cynical reference generators, and non fans who barely care love them because they're harmless fun..
    We've learned something about the ironic truth of "fan service", that actually it's "popcorn consumer service, brining the masses into the fold with things they know they're meant to recognise".
    I love some films and am kind of a fan, but even a little "fan service" is detestable and cynical, when you know the "fans" aren't the real target audience.

  • @mikey4483
    @mikey4483 6 лет назад +21

    So its MEH

  • @Stormtroopers
    @Stormtroopers 6 лет назад +1

    It was an adrenaline rush to see Chewie sit into the co-pilot seat with Han for the first time . Woody Harrelson is outstanding. Solo is an awesome film back to the basic themes that made the original trilogy so great. Solo is a brilliant film. Part Von Ryan's Express, part Space Western, part Intergalactic Pirates. It had little touches of Indiana Jones & James Bond to it too. Solo & Rogue One are definitely the sides of the Star Wars universe we'd like to see more of. In the mean time here's our Irish made fan film STORMTROOPERS -видео.html

  • @rockarolla6166
    @rockarolla6166 6 лет назад +1

    Saw it Monday really enjoyed it

  • @mahekr4963
    @mahekr4963 6 лет назад +1

    I agree with the doc. Everything about this movie is just decent, except Paul Bettany-he's GREAT!

  • @DavidTraynier
    @DavidTraynier 6 лет назад

    My principal realisation, about 40 minutes in, was that there was no need for Solo to be a sci-fi film. Aside from the space vortex thing later on, it was just a conventional movie with futuristic prettifications. It was entertaining enough but just had nothing interesting to say. The lead actor was terrific, though.

  • @ChildOfTheWilderness
    @ChildOfTheWilderness 6 лет назад +2

    So 3 Marvel movies a year isn't a problem, but two Star Wars movies is 6 months is bad?

  • @GeeVanderplas
    @GeeVanderplas 6 лет назад

    "That lamp in episode IV, how did it get there?" With a Boba Fett movie confirmed and talk of Lando, Obi-Wan, Yoda, I fear this is very much what's going to happen. The Anthology films are supposed to branch out and give us something new. Rogue One was a good start, combining familiar elements with new characters. But instead of having some balls and going off in the unknown Disney decided to play it way too safe...

  • @switchmuso
    @switchmuso 6 лет назад

    I am still convinced that the original líne " I did the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs" was a script mistake, akin to using a light year as a measure of time, but have to hand it to the scriptwriters this time for making that a logical statement, i.e. shorter saved the day...

  • @leew1598
    @leew1598 3 года назад +1

    A fair review.

  • @ANGELOFDARKification
    @ANGELOFDARKification 6 лет назад

    It's okay but it doesn't add anything substantial to the Star Wars lore. Hans storyline is pretty much episode 4. Han gets everything handed to him apart from the falcon. The scenes with Han and Lando are really good. And instead of making a standalone like Rogue one, it tries to create storylines in hopes of a sequel, which is made super clear when they have a surprise reveal at the end.

  • @Kicks-iw2xe
    @Kicks-iw2xe 6 лет назад +1

    Love the comment at 2:45

  • @porcupineinapettingzoo
    @porcupineinapettingzoo 5 лет назад +1

    Still waiting for The Lamp Awakens

  • @whereami2477
    @whereami2477 6 лет назад

    I don't care how many Star Wars films we get. As long as they're good. And so far, they're doing pretty well.

  • @fluorosco
    @fluorosco 6 лет назад +1

    I loved the three originals.
    I was disappointed by the phantom menace and the next two.
    Then the force awakens came out.
    I watched half of it , ejected it and put it in the bin.
    Wasting no more time and money on rubbish

  • @MrDigimal
    @MrDigimal 3 года назад

    Would love to hear his take on The Mandalorian

  • @AdamFaulknerVideos
    @AdamFaulknerVideos 6 лет назад

    I do think that this film could have benefitted from being put off until December, so that there was a whole year between this and The Last Jedi.

  • @The_Great_Escapist
    @The_Great_Escapist 6 лет назад +2

    “That lamp in episode four, how did it get there?” 😂
    I enjoyed Solo but they should stop doing these prequel/origin movies. They have all this money and talent at Lucasfilm, it shouldn’t be that hard.......

  • @AngelEarth2011
    @AngelEarth2011 5 лет назад

    The biggest problem with this film is that Alden Ehrenreich playing the younger Han looks like he's the same age as Harrison Ford when he played Han in the original films. Either an actually young actor, like Tom Holland, should have played the young Han, or Alden Ehrenreich's character should have been the father of Han Solo.

  • @colourlessbluethings
    @colourlessbluethings 6 лет назад

    Okay, I've re-watched the bit at around 1:30 3 or 4 times. What does Mark say?? "it's a shame they never managed to work in..."?

    • @onefourseven
      @onefourseven 6 лет назад

      "Would that it were so simple". It's a line said by Ehrenreich's character in Hail, Caesar!видео.html

  • @adchar2000
    @adchar2000 6 лет назад

    Not often I find myself disagreeing with Mark, but definitely do on parts of this review. Yes it’s ‘unessential’ in terms of a series entry, but what Bond films were ever ‘essential’ (except Casino Royale because the franchise needed a serious reboot after the Bronson descent into ludicrousness). In terms of entertainment, it was exactly as you say: a swashbuckling, exciting, Saturday morning matinee kind of experience, and about as close as anyone has got to the feel of the originals. That to me, makes it an essential watch. It’s relentlessly entertaining and there’s always a place in cinema for a well-executed film that achieves that. What I totally disagree with is this so called ‘lack of jeopardy’. Did we watch the same film?
    Yes the stakes aren’t as high in comparison to Jedi or Rogue One where the fate of planets and solar systems are in the balance but since when does that not make something tense, engaging, or edge-of-your-seat? The broadness of the scope is irrelevant, what’s key is how invested you are in it, and you say yourself that “what’s really important is the relationships between the characters you know.” That’s precisely why the film is absolutely loaded with jeopardy from the very opening. There’s incarceration, escape, chases, deception, cross, counter cross, there’s both the imminent and lingering danger of marauders, the Empire, the slave gang, that pulse-pounding first heist, and then the over-arching plot helmed by Paul Bettany, who is about as sinister and understatedly terrifying a villain as I’ve seen in a long while. You talk about him as being "fiendish” and appropriately “gangster” but then apparently that performance created no sense of jeopardy for the main characters for you? That doesn’t add up to me and that wasn’t my experience whatsoever. Yes, this film is not about Death Stars, planetary destruction and genocide, but there are lives and freedom and loved ones on the line throughout. So saying the film lacks a sense of jeopardy because the stakes aren’t ‘high’, is a bit like saying Platoon is a rubbish war film because it’s not set in World War II.
    Also you don’t talk about just how brilliantly this fits into the existing world building and story arcs. It’s immensely respectful, affectionate, and yet at no point feels as forced as others have in the past as it throws it’s net out into the Star Wars universe. Howard did an absolutely wonderful job with this, as did Alden Ehrenreich, to the point where ten minutes in I’d forgotten all about Harrison Ford. That is seriously impressive. For me, this has been by far the best of everything post Jedi, and I’d advise anyone who wants a thoroughly entertaining and exciting two and a quarter hours at the cinema to go see it. If Star Wars films turn out as good as this, then ‘essential’ or not, they can keep churning them out as far as I’m concerned!

  • @joeodonnell921
    @joeodonnell921 6 лет назад

    Is their a movie with Paul bettnay where he doesn't fawn over him,if 'pirates of Caribbean' had bettany and Emma Thompson starring in it, directed by William friedkin then it be in the top ten of the year.

  • @the180crew
    @the180crew 6 лет назад +1

    Well, the next one is out in December next year so your alright for a year and a half.

  • @atheistbear2500
    @atheistbear2500 6 лет назад

    Smashed Vader mask in TFA; Vader clearing hallways in Rogue One. Hyperspace tracking mentioned in Rogue One; executed in TLJ. Han's dice unite Luke and Leia in TLJ; introduced in Solo. Even for new fans, the first four Disney films relentlessly ground the audience within the chronology of the universe. If these details are annoying or feel "nonessential" then yeah, Star Wars will not change your mind anytime soon.

  • @bengejuknowit3048
    @bengejuknowit3048 6 лет назад +1

    Just seen this today, I enjoyed it more than Rogue one & especially Last Jedi (worst SW by far). I'd give it 7/10! My biggest gripe with the movie was that it was dark scenes most of the time. would have been nice to see a few more daytime shots!

  • @nicholasdickens2801
    @nicholasdickens2801 6 лет назад

    As Mark Kermode wasn’t really into Star Wars first time round, he’d not realise that as fun as The Force Awakens is, it is a pretty obvious riff on the original Star Wars film.

  • @ernestolombardo5811
    @ernestolombardo5811 3 года назад +1

    ...and then, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni stormed the stage and grabbed the microphone.

  • @DarthBear356
    @DarthBear356 4 года назад

    I am in the minority who legitimately loved this film. It was a fantastically entertaining film which IMO perfectly captured Han Solo's character. I consider it terribly underrated, which is possibly a cause of the different style when compared to the other films. Lots of fun. And Imo better than endgame in terms of rewatch ability

    • @lw3646
      @lw3646 2 года назад +1

      My main problem was the cinematography, you can barely see what's happening alot of the time.

  • @huw3851
    @huw3851 6 лет назад

    Never been a Star Wars fan (dragged to see the 1st film in Leicester Sq many many years ago) but I was half thinking of giving this a look just to see how Emilia Clarke did. But she was not even mentioned by Mr Kermode so ho-hum, maybe not bother then.

  • @geordiebatt
    @geordiebatt 6 лет назад

    It's a lot better than i think it had any right to be, not a story we needed/wanted, it's too long (Again) but it's pretty solid. Better than Last Jedi and the prequels.

  • @JohnSpringate
    @JohnSpringate 6 лет назад +1

    There's a spec of space dust awaiting a spin-off story! The only decent Star Wars movie Disney has released is Rogue One, and that's it.
    Disney is over-marketing the Star Wars franchise and no matter what, that always spells trouble. The public will just get fed up with this overly-muscular approach. I'm definitely giving this instalment a swerve.

  • @neilnunb
    @neilnunb 6 лет назад +1

    I loved it. It's just good fun. It's restored a bit of faith for me after the clusterfuck that was TLJ.
    Alden was great and I enjoyed his chemistry with Glover and Chewie.
    I liked Rogue One but it was grim. This movie isn't afraid to kill off characters but is just a good ride.
    Not sure about the Lando/droid love though!

  • @Elusive9T2RETRO
    @Elusive9T2RETRO 6 лет назад

    The lamp got it's story already, the jar jar binks robot that is now part of the millennium falcon

  • @sockatume
    @sockatume 6 лет назад +1

    Are we not living in a golden age of sassy robots?

  • @KreativeHogwartsLegacyGUIDES
    @KreativeHogwartsLegacyGUIDES 6 лет назад +2

    "that lamp that appeared in episode 4 how did it get there?" the movie, a star wars story
    basically how I felt about rogue one

  • @redbandmedia79
    @redbandmedia79 6 лет назад

    I saw it today and really enjoyed it. The only part I disliked was the awful sassy Robot. Thankfully that was dealt with

  • @rich92850
    @rich92850 6 лет назад

    Darth maul in the film yet dies in ep1, before the empire has storm troops and did not used them until ep2. Han solo has Darth maul in the end and has storm troopers.

    • @WhiteWolf496
      @WhiteWolf496 5 лет назад

      Watch the clone wars and rebels

  • @w-james9277
    @w-james9277 6 лет назад +2

    I thought it was… meh. I love Ep 7 & 8 but the spinoffs aren't doing much for me.

  • @Wayne-xv6fd
    @Wayne-xv6fd 6 лет назад

    I find I am enjoying the Star Wars stories more than the actual Episodes 7 & 8

  • @gunsmithbasic
    @gunsmithbasic 6 лет назад

    imo the fanservice in this movie had more substance to it than the fanservice in Rogue One

  • @chubbylegend
    @chubbylegend 6 лет назад

    Everything ever filmed in the history of moving pictures is "unessential" but don't let that get in the way of liking something for its own sake. For the record, I loved Solo: A Star Wars Story, but for more esoteric reasons than Kermode touches on here, bless his cottons!

    • @riddersjc
      @riddersjc 3 года назад

      You should watch screen rants 'solo pitch meeting' 😂

  • @alanmacaskill6121
    @alanmacaskill6121 6 лет назад

    The review is spot on.

  • @jpofgwynedd3878
    @jpofgwynedd3878 6 лет назад

    Yes. Another fair review. Sure, I'll buy the blu-ray, why not?

  • @jennifermilford5925
    @jennifermilford5925 6 лет назад

    It's unnecessary, but so is every Star Wars movie outside of the first six. The original three movies (IV-V-VI) had a perfect arc and when it finished it worked as a story. The prequels (I-II-III) were executed poorly in many ways, but still had a natural storyline given the original three movies had built much of their plot around the events that took place in the prequels. We all know Lucas had a storyline for VII-VIII-IX but what we're getting isn't that story, it's a kind of off the cuff excuse to cash in on the original series.
    So in that sense, Solo isn't any worse. In fact in some ways I found it better because at least there was some kind of tie in with the original series.

  • @paulaburrows8660
    @paulaburrows8660 6 лет назад

    Star Wars movies used to feel like an event. Solo didn't.

  • @iandavies243
    @iandavies243 6 лет назад

    Does anyone eles think that the time line doesn't work with Darth Maul being the boss.
    Seems Han Solo ages a lot better than Obi Wan Kenobe.
    Darth Maul is killed by a young Obi-Wan yet when Han Solo meets Obi-Wan in the original Star Wars film for the first time , Obi-Wan is Old and Han Solo is still young.

    • @WhiteWolf496
      @WhiteWolf496 5 лет назад

      Darth maul didn't die until after Luke was born... watch the clone wars and rebels

  • @amcaesar
    @amcaesar 6 лет назад

    I think it's worth talking about how pedestrian the score was -- certainly a problem with most of today's huge-budget studio releases.

  • @cathalmacsiurdain7762
    @cathalmacsiurdain7762 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks lads. I got the DVD from the library, watched 5 minutes of it, listened to this review and brought the DVD back to the library.

  • @TheSt1092
    @TheSt1092 6 лет назад +1

    I understand Mark's points but I did like it on the whole . Bethany was excellent but can we please have some praise for Donald Glover who nailed Lando and Alden did well as the young Han. As Mark has often said the past this film was probably bettie than we had any right to expect given it's troubled production history. Ron Howard did a good salvage job after the mess left by Lord and Miller . I'm astonished Lucasfilm allowed those two to be credited as executive producers.

  • @mannyverse6158
    @mannyverse6158 6 лет назад +1

    I loved learning about han, and I did feel a lot of stakes. I'm invested in her name with the chick (emilia clarke), I hope we get han solo 2

  • @spawnfree
    @spawnfree 6 лет назад

    i love lamp

  • @karlsilverone
    @karlsilverone 6 лет назад

    Disney clearly have no understanding of the mystique of not knowing, and the decades between releases to have the first clue as to why the over saturation of films, and unwanted filling in of blanks that are best left untouched in the imaginations of those to whom Star Wars was an irreplaceable part of growing up, is simply stripping away the mystery of something once cherished and revered, leaving nothing but a dry unwanted pile of Disney dollars where our childhood dreams once soared.

  • @Luvie1980
    @Luvie1980 6 лет назад +13

    For some reason I'm not looking forward to seeing this and I'm a huge star wars fan.

    • @PauLtus_B
      @PauLtus_B 6 лет назад +3

      Same here.
      I do think it's perfectly easy to explain why you're not looking forward to this.
      Aside from the troubled production: when Lord and Miller were supposed to direct it and the cast became known I became excited for the team making a Star Wars film but still I didn't want them to make this particular film. We all love Han Solo, but we already have the films containing the Han Solo that we want. We have already seem him become THE Han Solo, going from selfish smuggler to hero.
      Although I felt rather bleh about Rogue One the Force Awakens was a very welcome return and (even though having issues) the Last Jedi took quite a lot of directions I really wanted the series to go so in I'm very happy with the episodic films at least and I hope episode IX can keep up but I feel that ironically the side stories have been too reliant on previously established material.

    • @Zothaqqua
      @Zothaqqua 6 лет назад

      Perhaps you're starting to believe that you've been abused for years for your money.

    • @tylerdurden5303
      @tylerdurden5303 6 лет назад

      It's not a necessary film in the Star Wars universe. It's filler, by a "paint by numbers" director.

    • @Luvie1980
      @Luvie1980 6 лет назад

      Zothaqqua WTF?

    • @Luvie1980
      @Luvie1980 6 лет назад +1

      Tyler Durden okay..explain Chewbacca and lando and the millennium falcon ...

  • @lw3646
    @lw3646 2 года назад +1

    It was alright, 3/5 for me.

  • @hilaryc8648
    @hilaryc8648 6 лет назад

    If your interested loads of stuff about Star Wars lamps here at Wookieepedia:

  • @nicholasdickens2801
    @nicholasdickens2801 6 лет назад +1

    I really liked it. It does feel that the standalone films are best. Rogue One and Solo are the best.

  • @TyanStudios
    @TyanStudios 6 лет назад +1

    "Solo: A Star Wars Story" TRAILER PARODY!видео.html

  • @stinkystealthysloth
    @stinkystealthysloth 5 лет назад

    The first half was quite boring I thought, and the tones of the major character deaths were quite off-feeling imo. Overall I enjoyed it I guess but the way they handled the deaths just felt rushed with no sense of catharsis.

  • @massivojohnson
    @massivojohnson 6 лет назад

    Alden Ehrenreich never even pointed his finger once.. hahaha.

  • @TrueTargaryen2012
    @TrueTargaryen2012 6 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the review Mark, I have the option of watching it for £3.99 at my local cinema. So I'm going to go and see what I think, with low expectations though.

    • @ConnorMcCartney95
      @ConnorMcCartney95 6 лет назад

      TrueTargaryen2012 why is it £3.99?

    • @hilaryc8648
      @hilaryc8648 6 лет назад +3

      Good for you on the £3.99 deal. It's a wonder anyone goes to the flicks at all with the price of tickets.

    • @ConnorMcCartney95
      @ConnorMcCartney95 6 лет назад +1

      Hilary Celery it's not that expensive, man.

    • @TrueTargaryen2012
      @TrueTargaryen2012 6 лет назад

      Connor McCartney - It's a discount that a cinema chain (Vue) offers on Mondays.
      (It's not my favourite choice of cinema but I can't argue with the price)

    • @TrueTargaryen2012
      @TrueTargaryen2012 6 лет назад +1

      MrHappyBollox - You've found me out, I'm all of the above!

  • @leeward5907
    @leeward5907 6 лет назад

    Who cares how 'unnecessary' the film is... As Kermode has put it, "nobody hates Star Wars films more than Star Wars fans". I didn't grow up with Star Wars and it took me a while to appreciate the originals. They're good but I have enjoyed the recent outings (Rogue One, The Force Awakens, Solo) a lot more. Who cares? It's fun stuff. This franchise deserves no more protection than any other. If you don't like it, don't like it. I think Solo is great fun.

  • @simonprice8737
    @simonprice8737 6 лет назад +10

    These are not the films you're looking for.....

  • @sljones9103
    @sljones9103 6 лет назад +3

    Last jedi was brilliant.

  • @niallh4194
    @niallh4194 6 лет назад +1

    It was enjoyable but I wish they just did a Han, Lando and Chewie movie because those three were easily the best. I loved every moment they were onscreen. But I completely agree about the spinoff character movies.

  • @ashpool2197
    @ashpool2197 6 лет назад

    What lamp?

  • @alexandersmith1751
    @alexandersmith1751 6 лет назад

    Increase video quality to at least 720p!

    • @LoLzZ85
      @LoLzZ85 6 лет назад

      I'm fine with seeing their faces in low res