Don't Mormons & JWs Call on Jesus?

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 212

  • @jinimurray4090
    @jinimurray4090 4 года назад +4

    I was one of those neighborhood kids. I was 9. Never ever heard of Jesus (except in swear words)
    Never seen or heard of a bible, never been to church. Looking back now, THOSE PROPLE WHO invited me to dinner, told me about Jesus, took me to church - maybe only a couple times, probably prayed for me... they probably won’t ever know the fruit of their labors til we all get “home”, as we moved from Canada, and it was 20+ years later before I surrendered to JESUS...but please never quit loving kids to Jesus- (there was NOBODY else could have prayed for me- NOBODY in my shattered family knew Jesus). Thank you for those who boldly shared - I am so eternally grateful- I’m a soul winner today. (Fine tuning came AFTER I started watching WAY OF THE MASTER, my parachute certainly got properly tightened- THANK YOU LORD FOR RAY & TEAM!!!

  • @excatholic6392
    @excatholic6392 4 года назад +4

    You guys are so entertaining and engaging. Because of you, I have taken the step to approach strangers to evangelize.

  • @scottfreenchrist
    @scottfreenchrist 10 лет назад +12

    But who do you say that I AM? Not everyone who says lord,lord are saying LORD, LORD!

  • @Sldejo
    @Sldejo 10 лет назад +14

    Mormons and JWs call on a different Jesus.

    • @AstariahJW
      @AstariahJW 4 года назад +2

      Wrong. The believe what bible teaches and what jesus said that hes the son of God. Jehovah sent jesus to die for us jesus name means jehovah is salvation if jesus is almighty God why would he point to someone else for salvation. Jehovah name means he cause to become . His name dont point to anyone else cause hes almighty and that title belongs to him . Trinity is pagan and came 300 years after apostles died

    • @tdickensheets
      @tdickensheets 4 года назад

      JWs calling Jesus a pagan god! Is Jesus true God or false god??

    • @BrianTerrill
      @BrianTerrill Год назад

      @@tdickensheets his answer was that the Trinity is pagan not Jesus.

  • @swimmerfish34
    @swimmerfish34 10 лет назад +8

    ha I'm the same. It's so hard to approach people but once a conversation is going I'm good to go.

  • @KateStones
    @KateStones 10 лет назад +3

    I have prayed for Daniel & his parents, who were mentioned in this video. Thank you for another great episode - I'm learning so much! Btw I'm in Denmark. :-)

  • @EndTimePanic
    @EndTimePanic 3 года назад +3

    John 3:16 is proof Yeshua has no sibling...."only begotten" If God only has one son how can Lucifer be the brother of Jesus? Stop and think people smh

  • @mwn1552
    @mwn1552 4 года назад +1

    I believe in praying and showing Love ❤️ and the Lord will draw them. After you done all you can.

  • @dianemorris3536
    @dianemorris3536 2 года назад +1

    I remember when my son was little he told everyone about Jesus. He also told the kids in Kindergarten there was no Santa Claus just Jesus.

  • @RKLuSir
    @RKLuSir 6 лет назад

    This simple fact that you "hate" going up to people and still do it is amazing. Especially coming from public figures such as yourselves.
    It's always good to know we are not alone in our fears, and that we can also join the movement in overcoming them.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 6 лет назад

      For I decided to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 3I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. I Cor. 2:3

  • @StaceyPonton
    @StaceyPonton 10 лет назад +3

    Just like Aaron was the mouth for Moses.God bless Great Video Thank You.

  • @GodDutyHonorCountry
    @GodDutyHonorCountry 2 года назад

    There is now an epidemic of young adults, who once in college, “lose their faith”.
    I agree, they were “saved” when they were maybe too young to understand what it means to truly be saved.

  • @thereddalek6513
    @thereddalek6513 Год назад

    Playing at 0.75 speed, so I can understand Ray. I was missing so much, before.

  • @ForumLight
    @ForumLight 4 года назад +4

    _"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, _*_and have seen him._*_ Philip saith unto him, Lord, _*_shew us the Father,_*_ and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and _*_yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?_*_ Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake."_
    John 14:6-11
    Jesus tells the disciples if they've seen Him they've seen God. Philip did not believe Jesus was God either and then asks Jesus to show them God. Jesus' response to a person not believing Jesus is God is to point out that if a person does not believe He is God, then they don't know Jesus and hence do not know God.
    Those who claim to follow Jesus but do not believe He is God are not following Jesus, but a false version of Him they've created, and God makes it clear they do not yet know Him. There are many false religions that claim to follow God / Jesus - but if they reject parts of His Word, they're not following Him - it's that simple.

  • @loveovercomeshate
    @loveovercomeshate 10 лет назад

    God bless you all for this wonderful program. May the Lord keep you and guide you and cause his face to shine upon.

  • @bsoape58
    @bsoape58 10 лет назад +1

    also Jesus (Yahushua) said himself"do not give me the glory but give the glory to my FATHER "

  • @brendacameron4827
    @brendacameron4827 2 года назад +1

    I'm so comfortable with the Comfort Zone! Lol! ♥😄

  • @mjdee31
    @mjdee31 10 лет назад

    God bless your ministry continually with your Gospel efforts.

  • @theradicalreformer2894
    @theradicalreformer2894 6 лет назад +1

    Jesus said "I am the door", "I am the bread of life", "I am the light of the world." We know He meant that figuratively not literally. So when people say Jesus is Michael the Archangel why do some people take that literally when it's obviously figurative language? There are many places in the OT where God appeared as an angel. That does not mean He is just an angel.

  • @sisterspooky
    @sisterspooky 6 лет назад +3

    9:56 is the start point of the comparison video between Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  • @steeledixie
    @steeledixie 10 лет назад +5

    Thank you for taking on Mormonism!

  • @JesusSavesBornAgain
    @JesusSavesBornAgain 10 лет назад

    Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
    Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
    (Matthew 18:21-22) AMEN

  • @YT4Me57
    @YT4Me57 10 лет назад

    Great episode. Very informative, will certainly share.

  • @Christ_is_Lord_
    @Christ_is_Lord_ 10 лет назад

    "Where are they going to go, hell part two?"
    Mark, you're too funny sometimes

  • @darleenshapleski7771
    @darleenshapleski7771 2 года назад

    Watching from my bedroom 2022 New Year's day!

  • @lacygene
    @lacygene 10 лет назад

    2:40-2:60 I watched probably a dozen times and laughed EVERY TIME

  • @mineblade1000
    @mineblade1000 10 лет назад +6

    i just went on a missions trip to Salt Lake for spring break

  • @mjdee31
    @mjdee31 10 лет назад

    All of the Scripture that warns believers about practicing sin, and how it can separate them from God. Hebrews 10, 1 Corinthians 6, and many more , and all the examples from the Old covenant.

  • @joetrainer31
    @joetrainer31 10 лет назад

    Extra helpful episode today, guys!

  • @themotorcycleguy5980
    @themotorcycleguy5980 5 лет назад

    For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become (Partakers of the Holy Spirit,)-(Metochos in the Greek) and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.
    Hebrews 6:4‭-‬6 NKJV

  • @melvinhunt6976
    @melvinhunt6976 4 года назад

    Answer to the question, NO ,NO THEY DON'T !

  • @BrianTerrill
    @BrianTerrill Год назад

    As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I hear this repeated that Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers. That's a pet peeve with Evangelicals. What Mormons do teach is that our spirits, all of us, are the offspring of God, Jesus being the Firstborn as it says in Colosians. The problem is Evangelicals choose to rape the Bible and force their interpretation into the text, and then accuse the rest of us of following a different Jesus because we don't accept the raped version they want us to accept
    There is a difference between us and Jesus in that he is the only begotten in the flesh, while we are begotten by our own parents, in this SECOND ESTATE. Satan does not have a body and does not have a father in regard to the flesh. He lost that chance.

  • @ThomasSmith-kd5mx
    @ThomasSmith-kd5mx 10 лет назад

    wow I almost got caught up in this I walked away Praise Jesus

  • @55k3v1n
    @55k3v1n 10 лет назад +8

    Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" JWs claim “the name of the Lord” is in reference to "the name of Jehovah" and not "the name of Jesus"? So who did early Christians call on the name of? Acts 9:10-17 tells us the answer. The Lord spoke to Ananias in a vision and told him to go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for the one called Saul to put his hand on him, that he might receive his sight.
    Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he has done to the saints at Jerusalem. “And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all who CALL ON THY NAME” So who is the Lord whose name is being called on? The Lord convinces Ananias to visit Saul. Vs. 17 “And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, EVEN JESUS, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest hath sent me…”
    So Ananias is saying that it was the Lord Jesus who was “the Lord” who appeared to him, which means that Saul was given authority to bind all who “call on Your (Jesus’) name” (vs. 14) The chief priests wouldn’t have sent Saul to bind those who call on the name of “Jehovah” now would they. BUT they would send him to bind all who call on the name of “Jesus”! This tells us that Romans 10:13 is saying “For whosoever calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved”!
    1 Corinthians 1:2 further verifies this: “Unto the church of God which is in Corinth to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints with all that in every place CALL UPON THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST our LORD…”

    • @AstariahJW
      @AstariahJW 4 года назад

      Yeah that's right cause they removed jehovah in that passage. If it meant jesus they would have put jesus there since they didnt removed jesus name there are many lords and gods read psalms 110:1

    • @55k3v1n
      @55k3v1n 4 года назад

      @@AstariahJW JWs love to denigrate Jesus Christ. That's why they inserted the name "Jehovah" throughout the New Testament in their NWT. The insertion of the name Jehovah in the New Testament (against all manuscript evidence) is just another attempt on the part of the JWs to cloud the truth---that is, that the name the NT consistently uplifts is Jesus, not Jehovah. Paul further verifies whose name Christians call on (1Cor. 1:2)

    • @AstariahJW
      @AstariahJW 4 года назад

      @@55k3v1n thst name was other translations to , way before king james version , instead of pointing fingers perhaps you should do more research

    • @AstariahJW
      @AstariahJW 4 года назад

      @@55k3v1n fine but I'm not here to argue but since whole world worship jesus how do you which religion is true ? Jesus even said there's 2 roads one to death and many are on it and one to eternal life and few are on that road

    • @violette8168
      @violette8168 3 года назад

      @@AstariahJW Well we can know that Christian (The true followers of Christ) is The true one, if they put their trust in Jesus as their God, Lord, and Saviour. And if they born again by the spirit, and do the Father's will.
      Have a nice day and God bless.
      *Edit : sorry, there's a typo.

  • @robinelliott6528
    @robinelliott6528 10 лет назад

    I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have enjoyed Ray Comforts responses on many issues, but am saddened to witness his lack of understanding and the lack of knowledge displayed on "The Comfort Zone" episode 96 as it relates to "Mormons". To say we have a different Jesus is a divisive approach that in today's world serves no one. Obviously, if our doctrines were equal there would be no need for different denominations, however, I do not look at others of differing faiths and minimize their honor of Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God - which is what we believe (the one comment that we believe everyone is a son of God and do not distinguish from Jesus is wrong). As Christians we need to defend our rights to worship the Father and His Son unitedly, instead of finding ways to make one another less valuable as Christians.
    We pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ. We hold his name in sacred remembrance each Sunday as we partake of the sacrament and pledge ourselves to obey His commandments that we may have His Spirit to be with us. If a person is known by his works (as a tree is known by its fruit Luke 6:44 and others) then is not Jesus known by His commandments and Spirit? We pay tithes (as directed by the Bible). We believe in chastity before marriage and fidelity after. We believe in prophets and apostles (as in the Bible). Indeed "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.(from our Articles of Faith)." Does this strike anyone as unChistian or not Christ oriented. Does this mean our prayers are vain or our efforts and faith useless in the sight of God? Do we believe in miracles, not only for ourselves, but for those of other faiths?
    "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. (also from our Articles of Faith)." Ask the Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints what we believe - they are friendly and will answer your questions. If you don't like their answers, ask Heavenly Father (James 1:5) - don't take their word for it, Heavenly Father doesn't expect you to.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda 10 лет назад +1

      Some of the Mormon founders wrote that Jesus and Satan were brothers in heaven. That type of false teaching is showing that Mormonism is teaching a false Jesus.

    • @bowrudder4551
      @bowrudder4551 10 лет назад +1

      Robin, you say that for Ray to say Mormons have a different Jesus is divisive. How about if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints says it? Quote: "In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints 'do not believe in the traditional Christ.' "No, I don't. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak." (LDS Church News Week ending June 20, 1998, p. 7). There you go. Hinckley said it. And in the words of the GA, "When the prophet has spoken, the debate is over."
      You say that the comment that Mormonism teaches that everyone is a son of God is wrong, but come on, who are you trying to kid? You went to seminary and you didn't learn about spirit children and the pre-existence?! I don't think you are really LDS. Anyone LDS knows about these things and wouldn't lie about it.

    • @robinelliott6528
      @robinelliott6528 10 лет назад

      I was not aware of President Hinckley's statement. I have to defer to his position - we believe in the Christ of the Bible - not in the Nicene Creed Christ developed by men. We believe in the Christ of current revelation. I was trying to point out that we do not dismiss the value of those who try to live according to the commandments of Christ who are outside of our Church. As Elder Oaks spoke in one General Conference about people not of our faith praying for the healing of a child and having that miracle happen, I was trying to point out that there must be some allowance for differences in sincere petitions in the name of Christ that capture His true nature regardless of denomination - I do not know Him as well as I would like, but in His mercy I have His help. President Hinckley of course was right - and a correct knowledge of God is, as the Lectures on Faith explain - necessary to have faith on Him (and presumably to have this faith would also include the help of His Son Jesus Christ), but if partial faith is not enough to help at all then all men are lost. So as Elder Holland explained a couple of General Conferences ago that partial faith is valuable ("Lord I believe, help Thou my unbelief") so too I want to find similarities in my faith with others enough to support the cause of Christianity in the face of current trends to tear it down. President Hinckley, I think, was explaining that we are different, but I don't think it means we can say others do not honor Christ when they sincerely pray and use the faith they have.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda 10 лет назад

      Mormons do not believe in the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda 10 лет назад

      The Bible does not teach an "eternity in hell".
      God said if you sin, "You shall surely die", but Satan says "You shall not surely die". Why do many Christians like to repeat Satan's words as truth?

  • @scottfreenchrist
    @scottfreenchrist 10 лет назад +1

    The ray comfort team are exposing the errors that are taught as fact by groups that do in deed worship a different Jesus than the One that scripture reveals.

  • @lars1296
    @lars1296 4 года назад +1

    New Age Friend: “Jesus is my main guru, a great teacher. Look at what he did. We should be like him.”
    Me: “But the Bible also says he came to save us from our sins. What about that Jesus?”
    New Age Friend: Well I don’t believe that part. It’s made up.”
    Me: “So Jesus is a great teacher to be followed AND a raving lying lunatic?”
    New Age Friend: “Christians think they’re so high and mighty.”

    • @matthew9142
      @matthew9142 4 года назад +2

      New age is very deceiving & its mostly lies. Tell them seek the Kingdom of God & please take caution.

  • @TimVels
    @TimVels 10 лет назад

    The program was way better than with EZ, please discuss issues and share some experience instead of some random chat

  • @marypicard7231
    @marypicard7231 6 лет назад


  • @overcomeevilwithgood
    @overcomeevilwithgood 10 лет назад

    nice one Mark. made me laugh

  • @stellamiller251
    @stellamiller251 6 лет назад +1

    Every time I open and I see it’s taking place at the Comfort Zone I lose my feelings to continue watching. I find it’s so much nonsense and prefer watching the other ones.

    • @susanedwards8870
      @susanedwards8870 4 года назад

      stella miller I just watched TCZ for the first time. I understand what you’re saying. I want to share it with someone who will probably feel as you do, so I’ll send something more serious from Living Waters. However, we live in a sitcom-loving world and those people are more likely to watch TCZ because of its humor and learn something about sharing the gospel as well.

  • @larryoshields7582
    @larryoshields7582 10 лет назад

    If others had God to send an angel, like He did for me, they would have no doubt that He is who He says He is! The Bible needs to be read completely, to see how it is so wonderfully entwined. It amazes me when people with a brain the size of a large grapefruit, tries to explain the universe. Faith is the only way, and the stronger your faith, the more God will allow you to see. Thank you!
    "if being good was good enough, Jesus would not had to die on the cross"

  • @hotwaterintub1
    @hotwaterintub1 5 лет назад +2

    My bother and his family are Mormons their heaven has levels is not the heaven I am going to. My brother said I WILL accept Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith lied about Jesus saying he is the spirit brother of Lucifer he lied about God saying he was a man just like us who progressed to the god he is and he lied about the Holy Spirit saying it is just a spirit with no flesh and bones. God is the Father God is the Son and God is the Holy Spirit.

  • @ricocolon474
    @ricocolon474 4 года назад

    2:55 in slow motion hahahahahaha

  • @TheTalinus
    @TheTalinus 10 лет назад

    At 12:40 Ray and Mark deserve a good laugh! They scoff at claims the book of Mormon was written by God while giving no reason to believe *their* book was. Risibly, at 13:10, Mark has the unconscious irony to say "It's as if God speaks King James English, it is beyond silly." These evangelicals put all their faith in the wording of the King James Bible, but have the gall to reject another book written in the same style. I would love to ask them how they can make such a distinction without laughing at themselves.

    • @bowrudder4551
      @bowrudder4551 10 лет назад

      Talinus, I think you miss the point: The KJV was translated under the reign of King James (circa 1600), so it's no surprise that it contains "King James" English. But the Book of Mormon purports to be from 1200 years before that, and Joseph Smith didn't translate with his seer stone in a hat until 1830. So why is the BoM in "King James" English, which no one spoke at that time? And why does it contain word-for-word mistakes that were in the KJV? And why did it contain Greek words (like alpha, omega, Christ, Timothy) in North America? A more likely scenario is that Joseph Smith plagiarized out of the KJV.

    • @TheTalinus
      @TheTalinus 10 лет назад

      bowrudder An omniscient creator would not be limited by the dialect of his followers. A more likely scenario is that _both_ books were written, transcribed, and translated by men.

    • @bowrudder4551
      @bowrudder4551 10 лет назад

      TheTalinus I guess that would explain the Book of Abraham, and the Kinderhook plates: Joseph Smith said they said one thing, when we now know they actually said something completely different.
      You have a tougher time explaining away the bible that way though: For example, 700 years before Jesus' nativity in Bethlehem, the scroll of Isaiah painted a detailed picture of the Messiah that fit Jesus to a T (see Isaiah 53). No one tampered with these after the fact, as witnessed to by the Great Isaiah Scroll in the Dead Sea scrolls.

    • @TheTalinus
      @TheTalinus 10 лет назад

      bowrudder I have a few thoughts (not original to me) on the matter of biblical prophecy you've raised.
      Isaiah 53, as well as various Psalms and other OT passages that supposedly prefigure Jesus, do not mention an anointed one ("Messiah"), a Son of God, or a man who was God. These verses feel descriptive of Jesus only in hindsight, and for these reasons:
      1) *Cold reading*: Our minds naturally cast generic information to fit specific cases. That is why nearly every newspaper in the world prints horoscopes.
      2) *Deliberate fulfillment*: The gospels were molded to satisfy the Jewish scriptures. Look at Matthew 21 (, which awkwardly places Jesus astride two animals on his way into Jerusalem. This mistakenly mimics Zechariah 9 (, and conflicts with the other gospels. It reveals both the fallibility of the gospels and the willingness of NT authors to alter details to suit prophecy.
      3) Jesus was an apocalyptic Jewish preacher in 1st century Palestine. Of course his story blends in with the religious and cultural ideas of his time and place. Israeli's anxiety sought an explanation and solution to their condition as Roman subjects. Numerous other erstwhile Messiahs in Jesus' time grappled with the same questions of sin, suffering, and subjection raised in Isaiah 53.
      4) The OT contains dozens of books and hundreds of pages. Some sections are bound to hold similarities with other stories by sheer probability.

    • @bowrudder4551
      @bowrudder4551 10 лет назад +1

      Talinus, I'm glad you pointed out that the objections you brought up aren't original to you. They look like the familiar claims that atheists and Muslims make. Are you an atheist? It's clear you're not LDS (cf. Article 8).
      If you want a good book on Jesus's fulfillment of OT prophecy, check out Michael Brown's "Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: Messianic Prophecy Objections" (vol. 3). He addresses your objections, and a whole lot more.

  • @dandrealucadobyrd9829
    @dandrealucadobyrd9829 10 лет назад +1

    Not sure where your information is coming from. I have not found in the Bible where it mentions incarnate in reference to Jesus nor does it say God came to earth in human flesh and called himself Jesus nor does it mention deity or trinity. However if you read in the old testament in reference to lineage you will see a form of the word begat. If you know the meaning of this word then you will understand why GOD says Jesus was his only begotten son.

    • @bigzack1011
      @bigzack1011 10 лет назад +1

      dandrea lucado byrd How about reading the book of John ! In reference to JESUS Incarnation.
      John 1:1 In the beginning was the *Word*, and the *Word* was with God, and the *Word was God*.
      John 1:14 And the *Word* became flesh,... ~ JESUS Incarnation
      Philippians 2:5-6
      5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although *(He)=(JESUS) existed in the form of God*, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
      Hebrews 1:8-9
      8 But of the Son He says,
      “**Your throne, O God*, is forever and ever,
      And the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom.
      9 “You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
      ***Therefore God*, Your God, has anointed You
      With the oil of gladness above Your companions.”
      **Your throne, O God* ~ This is talking about JESUS.
      ***Therefore God* ~ And this to is talking about JESUS.
      The trinity is derived at systematically IE:
      God is three persons.
      Each person is divine.
      There is only one God.
      Each of the three persons is completely divine in nature though each is not the totality of the Godhead.
      Each of the three persons is not the other two persons.
      Each of the three persons is related to the other two but are distinct from them.
      Called GOD;
      The FATHER called GOD ~ Phil.1:2
      The SON called GOD ~ John 1:1,14; Col. 2:9
      The HOLY SPIRIT called GOD ~ Acts 5:3-4
      The FATHER called Creator ~ Isaiah 64:8
      The SON called Creator ~ John 1:3; Col. 1:15-17
      The HOLY SPIRIT called Creator ~ Job 33:4, 26:13

  • @earlysda
    @earlysda 10 лет назад +3

    8:49 "Jesus is Michael the Archangel". What is wrong with Jesus being the Son of God, Son of Man, Prince of Peace, Lion of Judah, Lamb of God, Michael the Archangel, etc.? Now if Mormons say Jesus is only Michael, then they are wrong.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад

      LDS do not say Jesus is Michael. We don't have the wrong Jesus. Same Jesus of the Bible. Comfort says the Book of Mormon is boring. He knows nothing. They say there is plagiarism. FALSE. These people have no religion or beliefs other than themselves.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda 10 лет назад +1

      Core, I've read the Book of Mormon. It is funny in that it is written in 17th century English, as if that makes it more "holy" somehow. The book is very boring, and contradictory to the Bible. Ex: It says: "endless misery to inherit the kingdom of the devil". But the Bible says: "The soul that sins, it shall die".
      Since only God has immortality, and he gives it only to those who are saved and go to heaven, we can know for sure that the Book of Mormon is not from God, as it contains error.
      Of course if you want to dig into the "Doctrines and Covenants", you get into really weird stuff that shows even clearer that Mormonism has nothing to do with true Christianity.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад

      earlysda Of course you don't address the lie I mentioned. Anti-Mormons always lie about our beliefs. As for the soul dying, that refers to spiritual death, which is separation from God. The Book of Mormon does not contradict the Bible.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda 10 лет назад +2

      You've been proven wrong by the Book of Mormon being compared to the Bible, Core. I understand that observed fact is unsettling for you. May you repent and follow Jesus Christ.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад

      earlysda Again, I repent daily and I do follow Jesus Christ. Stop lying.

  • @courtneybrad
    @courtneybrad 10 лет назад +1

    There are many false teachings of the Messiah...

  • @yvettedonohue1999
    @yvettedonohue1999 5 лет назад +1

    Jesus is God in what sense? For he was not the Father who holds the title of Almighty. He surely does not usurp or exalt himself over his Father's position. He carries the titles of the Mighty God and Everlasting Father, As well as King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the closet thing to anyone ever getting near and seeing the Father. So to say Jesus is God is to say he embodies and represents and has a heart for mankind like his Father. Jesus loves with an intense love for humanity as does his Father. Jesus as God stands for and fights for the same things his Father does, he upholds righteousness, but the ways of wickedness he hates. Jesus is also God, because it is the Father is sent him and exalted him to the position he now holds as our Lord of lords and King of kings. He is God because we can not get to the Father without Jesus. It is him that we must approach and in addressing the Father we must end our prayers in and through Jesus and his name. To address Jesus as God is ones way to honor the Almighty God, who is our Father and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @hotwaterintub1
      @hotwaterintub1 5 лет назад +1

      Jesus is the Word
      John 1
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      God is the Father Son and Holy Spirit

    • @MyRoBeRtBaKeR
      @MyRoBeRtBaKeR 2 года назад

      Jesus is God because God has given Him power and this Isaiah 9:6
      King James Version
      6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

  • @bsoape58
    @bsoape58 10 лет назад +1

    so if jesus was God..why did he pray to him self??

      @JESUSSAVESISA 6 лет назад +4

      Barbara Soape pretty powerful huh? Let’s take a look at John 17:1-3
      John 17:1 “These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:” So this is the man Christ Jesus praying to God the Father in heaven. So this is talking about the man on earth and God in heaven.
      John 17:2 “As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.” Why do you think he’s saying that? He didn’t say “me,” he’s saying, “him.”
      John 17:3 “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” So he’s talking that way because Jesus is 100% man as well as 100% God. There’s Jesus that is not God, and there’s Jesus that is fully God. The flesh is not God. But God, who is the Word, IS God. The Word became flesh. Get it?

    • @saltychips4866
      @saltychips4866 4 года назад

      Jesus is NEVER Not God. You realize Jesus appeared in the Old Testament; He was with Adam and Eve in Eden, spoke and ate with Abraham and wrestled with Jacob. I believe the Bible teaches that Jesus has always existed in the flesh. "Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness. Genesis 1:26. He created man in the same bodily form as Himself, different from angels and animals.

  • @mjdee31
    @mjdee31 10 лет назад +1

    That's not true Ray, people can turn away from God, it is absolutely scriptural.

  • @jodaman1000
    @jodaman1000 6 лет назад

    LDS here. I believe in the Jesus of the NT. You know nothing of LDS beliefs.

  • @eb-ur5wk
    @eb-ur5wk 10 лет назад +1

    I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon). I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, he was born of a virgin, went about doing good, raised men from the dead. He was tortured and died on the cross for my sins. He is my Lord, Savior, Redeemer. He is God. What Jesus do you believe in?

    • @matthewcarpenter6452
      @matthewcarpenter6452 10 лет назад +3

      In the Jesus that saves you despite your works. We are not saved by works but by grace alone. Any "works" that we do are an attempt of saying "thank you" to a debt we can never repay.

    • @News2urearsBlogspot
      @News2urearsBlogspot 10 лет назад +1

      Hello. :)
      If I may tack on some additional information:
      And in Christian speak, "salvation" means being rescued from the train bound for Hell -- being given a parachute before jumping from the plane called Life, to give an analogy.
      LDS prophets and educators have spoken of salvation and eternal lives as getting further along with Law of Eternal Progression -- exaltation to godhood and bearing children for their own spiritual preexistence (and then they get put in mortal probation and start the process for themselves).
      “We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel” -Articles of Faith 1:3, an LDS source.
      "...This salvation requires more than repentance and baptism by appropriate priesthood authority. It also requires the making of sacred covenants, including eternal marriage, in the temples of God, and faithfulness to those covenants by enduring to the end. If we use the word salvation to mean 'exaltation'..."
      -Elder Dallin Oaks
      It can be confusing, but listen to Ray's messages "Hell's Best Kept Secret" and "True & False Conversion" to make some of the differences clearer. Those were quite good introductions for me, for understanding basic Christian doctrine.
      Issues Etc is another program I'd recommend, as well as checking out the LDS Journal of Discourses yourself.

    • @mineblade1000
      @mineblade1000 10 лет назад +1

      wo wo wo. i thought u said u were Mormon? I went to Salt lake this spring break for a missions trip and the offical mormon church does not teach Jesus was God. So.... do think Joseph Smith is a prophet?

    • @eb-ur5wk
      @eb-ur5wk 10 лет назад +1

      Mineblade 1000 Page one of the Book of Mormon says that "Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God." Anyone who told it was Mormon doctrine in Salt Lake City that Jesus was not God was just wrong, and does not know what they are talking about.

    • @bowrudder4551
      @bowrudder4551 10 лет назад

      Elyse, are you RLDS or FLDS? Real LDS believe that Heavenly Father was Mary's literal father in the pre-existence, and that he has a body of flesh and bone, and that "He begot this Son in the same manner as Cain and Abel and all the other sons and daughters of Adam and Eve were begotten [1], and that "the Christ Child was the result of natural action--flesh and blood, begotten of his Father as we were of our fathers" [2], and that it was "a miracle--though not in violation of natural law--the literal offspring of this 'celestial Sireship'" [3].
      1. Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 1:50-51.
      2. Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, 8:115
      3. James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, p. 81

  • @overcomeevilwithgood
    @overcomeevilwithgood 10 лет назад

    so we wont see Mormons in Heaven?

  • @theonetrueac
    @theonetrueac 10 лет назад +1

    If all these different Jesus' are supernatural, how do you tell the difference? If they have the ability to do other supernatural thing, how can we know that Jesus/God isn't ALL of these?

    • @jeffpeff
      @jeffpeff 6 лет назад +1

      I hope by now you have your answer. If not, here it is: There is only one Jesus. The Jesus found in the Bible. The “different Jesus’” that the cults teach are false narratives about him. In the case of the JWs, they teach that Jesus is really Michael the Archangel, a created being, who is not to be worshipped. Then they make you put your faith in the governing body of the Watchtower organization (men), and then keep you busy working for them, for your salvation. Clearly, that is not the gospel.
      These made-up versions of Jesus then, are imaginary, and therefore have no power. So there is no salvation either, by putting your faith in a lie.

  • @MyRoBeRtBaKeR
    @MyRoBeRtBaKeR 2 года назад

    1 John 4
    King James Version
    4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
    2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
    3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

  • @fairmaiden4974
    @fairmaiden4974 10 лет назад

    If Jesus is supposed to be God then can you please explain who Jesus was praying to in the garden of gethsemane and again when he was being crucified? surely he wouldn't be praying to himself that dont make sense???

    • @mineblade1000
      @mineblade1000 10 лет назад +3

      well u see God is Trinity which means there is only ONE God but 3 persons: The Father, The Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. They are all God but are all separate persons. They are all separate but one. Jesus was in the beginning with The Father as it says in John 1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." u see the " Word" is Jesus. i encourage you to go read John 1. it's a great chapter of a great book. so to answer ur question Jesus was praying to God the Father.

    • @bowrudder4551
      @bowrudder4551 10 лет назад +1

      Jesus was praying to God. The bible teaches that there is only one God (Isaiah 43:10, 44:6, 44:8). It also teaches that the Father is God, and that Jesus is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. There is only one God, but apparently there is somehow diversity in that unity. Jesus was praying to the Father, but they were both God (not "Gods" plural, "God" singular). There is no human analog. But the good book makes it clear that there is only one God. And that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are all God.

  • @10rattys
    @10rattys 5 лет назад

    Flog your merchandise ray. Your pockets will be filled you hope.

  • @core6259
    @core6259 10 лет назад +2

    These people need to just preach their beliefs and not bash what others believe. LDS certainly worship the Christ of the Bible.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda 10 лет назад

      Why did some of the Mormon founders teach that Jesus and Satan were brothers in heaven?

    • @bowrudder4551
      @bowrudder4551 10 лет назад

      Core, first of all, Mormons don't worship Christ at all, so that is a misleading statement. I have written in to the missionaries on myself and asked them that very question. The answer: They don'y worship him.
      Second, Hinckley already admitted that Mormons believe in a different Jesus. And I quote: "In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints 'do not believe in the traditional Christ.' "No, I don't. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak." (LDS Church News Week ending June 20, 1998, p. 7) So don't give me the "we worship the Christ of the Bible" routine. It's another Jesus, another gospel.
      Would that you would come to know Him.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад +1

      earlysda Read the Bible.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад +1

      bowrudder We do worship Christ, so you are lying. And there are no missionaries at, but on And I won't respond to President Hinckley's comment, because all you haters take it out of context.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda 10 лет назад

      Core, I asked specifically why did some of the Mormon founders teach that Jesus and Satan were brothers in heaven.
      If you know why, let us know. It is blasphemy from Satan to say Jesus was his brother.

  • @stuartslater2607
    @stuartslater2607 10 лет назад +1

    Nowhere dose the bible teach that Jesus is god .
    The closest you can come, is where Jesus says (I and the Father are one) This simply means they are one in spirit, just as man and wife become one in maraige.
    ex: Mathew 19: 5 Jesus said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Jesus never claims to be God. In many verses he says he is gods son and his father is greater than he is.
    In your vidio you say that someone falling away from faith can return? You should read, hebrew 6:4 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6 and who have fallen[c] away, to be brought back to repentance.
    another interesting fact is that Jesus did not die on a friday. many dispute the year he was crucified. Many scolars agree he was born in the year 2 BC, he started his ministry at the age of 30, and was crusified at 33, so that would make the year of crusifiction, 0031. He was crucified during the preperation day, before the passover on Nisan 14 . according to the hebrew date converter and the gregorian callendar for the year 0031ce, 14 Nisan = 1 \ Apr witch falls on a wenesday and he rose on Sat, thats why he was allready gone Sun mornig. This gives you three days and three nights in the grave .
    Mathew 12:40 for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The popular belief of the year 0033 and dieing on friday and rising on sunday only gives you one and a half days.
    If you truly want answers to the Bible, don't simply accept what others claim is the truth. Do your own reserch and make sure it's the truth. Somewhere in the bible it says search for the truth and it will be revealed to you.
    Hint: Listen to what others say, then look for proof in the Bible. If they're wrong YOU will find the truth. Also if someone quotes a verse, make sure they use it in context with witch it is intended. (read the verses before and after) otherwise they might twist the meaning to soot their own beleifs.

  • @MartinTheBroker
    @MartinTheBroker 10 лет назад

    Jehovah's Witnesses like everyone has issues but You say they say that Jesus is looked upon an Michael and Angel is wrong... As a kid I never heard that...

  • @ThomasSmith-kd5mx
    @ThomasSmith-kd5mx 10 лет назад

    I also told me that ther church is the only to be at meaning a Morman

  • @Michael-dq8xc
    @Michael-dq8xc 3 года назад +1

    And trinitarian says that Jesus is God.
    That's definetly NOT what the bible is teaching:))))

  • @core6259
    @core6259 10 лет назад

    I don't care what Ray Comfort thinks. The Book of Mormon is true. And he says it's "pretty boring." It speaks more about Christ than any other book. You claim that someone that falls away means he's a false convert, so he is fine. What a cop-out. All anti-Mormons are the same, always lying about what the LDS believe.
    To convince his parents of Christ, they told the writer to do good works, but LDS are always criticized for wanting to do good works.

    • @bowrudder4551
      @bowrudder4551 10 лет назад

      Core, can you explain Ether 3:14 for me? Particularly the part where he says, "I am the Father and the Son." Is that what Mormonism teaches?? He is the Father AND the Son?!

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад

      ***** You're funny.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад

      ***** You quote the same verses antis use, with no foundation.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад

      bowrudder Read "Jesus the Christ" by Talmage. He very well explains this.

    • @core6259
      @core6259 10 лет назад

      My eyes have been opened to the truth by God's Spirit.