Very recently more than hundred thousand tamils who have surrendered to the army has been disappeared on 2009. Still no one knows what happened to them. Why we want to spend our time and energy to find about disappearance of the land called Kumar I kandam?
நல்ல தகவல்
ஆய்வுமுடிவுகள் மேலோட்டமாக இருந்தது. இன்னும் தேவை.
ஈழதேசம்இப்படித்தான்உருவாகியதுஎன்றுமுன்னோர்கள் சொல்வதைக்கேழ்விப்பட்டுண்டு
Very recently more than hundred thousand tamils who have surrendered to the army has been disappeared on 2009. Still no one knows what happened to them. Why we want to spend our time and energy to find about disappearance of the land called Kumar I kandam?