Clocktime: Graham Gold Cylinder Watch 1733, 02 Inner Watch

  • Опубликовано: 22 июл 2024
  • George Graham - Chester Beatty Graham quarter-repeating cylinder watch in gold pair-cased depicting Britannia and Chronos, No. 696.
    Join Dr John C Taylor OBE from the Clocktime digital museum as he discusses the inner workings of the Graham Gold Cylinder Watch, hallmarked 1733.
    Discover more about early and antique clocks and watches...
    So, this is the Chester Beatty Graham Quarter Repeating Cylinder Watch in a gold paired-case just coming up to past 10 to 3. And its No. 696 stamped on the case. It's just elegant simplicity of the dial and the hands beautifully made, detailed and the detail there, imagine having to make your own drills and files to make that little hand. And then you come to this wonderful chased and engraved pierced case by Parbury. There's the No. 696 below the press to repeat little pump action there. And this wonderful, wonderful piercing of the case itself that dissolves away and you can see the internal case to keep the dust out. You can see the lock spring with the holes to locate on the pins with the groove in them to lock. Of course, it's called the Chester Beatty Graham as Chester Beatty was a very famous collector and had this watch within his collection. And then inside you can see the escape wheel ticking away and the tension adjustment and then the winding square comes around. 'Geo. Graham London No.696'. Look at the clearance and the fit of the escape wheel there between the cock and the bottom plate. Then you've got the chain going on to the fusee, made by children around Christ Church in the New Forest. And then you've got the wonderful cylinder escapement there, fiendishly difficult to make as it goes right inside a cylinder. And here's now an animation of it. You can see the top of each tooth goes inside the cylinder and then comes out through the little slot.

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