Good suggestions and ideas which I have tried few in my career.I feel our proactive recommendations may become insecure to our immediate boss,thinking we may replace them.I experienced myself with such kind of bosses who think we may be threat to their growth.I feel it is better to leave such kind of projects and try our luck in the next..Am I right here?? These kind of supervisors get things done from us and later give lame excuses for delaying our promotions.Do you have any suggestions on this??Especially in service industry I came across such kind of people who ensure to have people who can say yes to whatever they suggest rather the people who recommend and try to give better advice
All of your content is short & sweet. 👌
Thank you for the great content Vibhor!!! Love your channel!
Good suggestions and ideas which I have tried few in my career.I feel our proactive recommendations may become insecure to our immediate boss,thinking we may replace them.I experienced myself with such kind of bosses who think we may be threat to their growth.I feel it is better to leave such kind of projects and try our luck in the next..Am I right here?? These kind of supervisors get things done from us and later give lame excuses for delaying our promotions.Do you have any suggestions on this??Especially in service industry I came across such kind of people who ensure to have people who can say yes to whatever they suggest rather the people who recommend and try to give better advice
I agree. If you're in an environment where you are not allowed freedom of thought and a safe environment then you should definitely leave.
This is soooooooo true