Very useful info, thanks Talan. But I just want to ask for your opinion on how to come back as a support on a losing team? In the last two seasons, I mostly played AP champs like Karma or Zyra and determine my win condition as to steal baron/ elder dragon, I often succeed with these two champs using meteor + ult. But this season, I try to play more tanks/ engaging sp, sometimes I’m indecisive with whether sticking to my jungler/adc and protect them or try to zone their team out, even if I have to die, but I’m just afraid that would put my team in a 4vs5 fight. I’m wondering about your thoughts on this one, thank you 😊
The tips apply to support often too, make plays away from enemy carry and play around trading when enemy r distracted, also follow ur strongest member a lot
Very useful info, thanks Talan. But I just want to ask for your opinion on how to come back as a support on a losing team? In the last two seasons, I mostly played AP champs like Karma or Zyra and determine my win condition as to steal baron/ elder dragon, I often succeed with these two champs using meteor + ult. But this season, I try to play more tanks/ engaging sp, sometimes I’m indecisive with whether sticking to my jungler/adc and protect them or try to zone their team out, even if I have to die, but I’m just afraid that would put my team in a 4vs5 fight. I’m wondering about your thoughts on this one, thank you 😊
The tips apply to support often too, make plays away from enemy carry and play around trading when enemy r distracted, also follow ur strongest member a lot
Goo Goo talan
Goo Goo talan
Goo Goo talan
Thank you 😊
Do you play AP Varus
No imo it’s much worse than lethality Varus unless enemy r insanely tanky