The Best of Milton Friedman

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 916

  • @BrionyDavid
    @BrionyDavid 6 лет назад +507

    Have you noticed something. When he's talking, the audience, by and large, allow him to speak and make his point. More importantly so do the interviewers. Nobody is shouting and screaming, calling him a racist, white supremacist or race traitor.

    • @kur1tan
      @kur1tan 6 лет назад +38

      Exactly. These conversations no longer happen, but not because there is a lack of Milton Friedmans (Shapiro, Crowder, Whittle, etc.), but because of the other side. Very few are willing to listen and have a rational discussion, they'd rather riot and do all they can to prevent someone they disagree with from setting foot on their campus. It is much easier to chant and name-call than it is to logically defend one's beliefs.

    • @jimmyolsenblues
      @jimmyolsenblues 5 лет назад +15

      We have lost civility that existed when this was filmed.

    • @kur1tan
      @kur1tan 5 лет назад +11

      @@jordanribbink1991, you're correct. No one is quite like Friedman and his gentle and rational nature. Today, even a 5' guy in a yamaka is considered threatening, that said, he does put on hardened demeanor.

    • @NewLifeII
      @NewLifeII 5 лет назад +2

      Only one young dumb kid wanted to interrupt and try to talk over him and of course it was a young dumb Michael Moore!!

    • @dixononguitar
      @dixononguitar 5 лет назад +2

      BrionyDavid the inflection in his voice and his cadence discourages interruption. One can learn a lot from his delivery.

  • @Silo485
    @Silo485 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for posting this video. Wow, what a sharp intellect.

  • @es3259
    @es3259 6 лет назад +4

    How respectful is he when mentioning POTUS ! what a great mind

  • @anthonyconte9733
    @anthonyconte9733 7 лет назад +81

    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely " .As a Trump supporter i put my trust in him to do the right thing but will be watching.

    • @WanderingRobotStudio
      @WanderingRobotStudio 7 лет назад +7

      It's a good thing Presidents don't have absolute power, then. Unfortunately Trump doesn't seem to realize this.

    • @seemlyme
      @seemlyme 7 лет назад +1

      🌎 As long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else, they lend themselves to being completely enslaved. We can not separate anything from everything. Success depends on how well we relate to everything around us. Joy comes from that bliss of connectedness. I believe that unarmed truth and love will have the final word in reality. To love; you should have good heart. I am a good person until I see a person better than my standard of goodness. Being good is the progress towards a worthy cause. Love is God. Whoever lives in love, lives forever. How selfish it is to try to keep something forever? Love is all about nourishing, nurturing, sharing and expanding the love within you for all. The principle to which we adhere to is that we have kindness of love at heart for the whole of mankind. As long as there is the unnecessary differences within us; we can not live peacefully so we have to eliminate all the unnecessary differences among us so we can love all. People abilities may vary but not there true love. If we love a person/ God for a reason then we love the reason but not the person. No reason is the reason to love the person because true love never fails. So do not compare or measure the true love as first or the last but love all truly. If you love people truly then you can understand people. If you don't love then you don't understand people at all.
      People are controlled by system why?
      The Cyclical Consumption is the current economy all over the World. It is making the scarcity problems of the earth finite resources to deteriorate day by day. Current Monetary System is legalised theft. Real money is Gold and Silver. Scarcity gives the money more value. Real money won't lose it's value. When Governments stay away from Gold & Silver then very easy to transfer the wealth / resources to upper class the Rich (Corporatocracy) Elite. When the Governments are printing out more new fiat currency with reserve banks, our old currency is losing its purchasing power everyday. They are printing millions of currency everyday. All governments and laws are existing right now to transfer wealth to upper class the rich elite. The USA Government & other Governments are in many countries, bailed the investment banks & financial institutions in 2008 against the majority of the people. There is no democracy in any countries. Because of the Money System based on profits motive only above all else even humans lives and well-being. So, we do not have freedom to protect our values with the money so on. The violence, bankruptcy & all the negativities are build into the Monetary System of our society. All are owned (including ourselves) by Reserve Bank. Which is private cartel the corporation. So, in legal system, we are legally considered as chattel the properties. They make money in the capital markets with our birth certificates. They do not consider us as Humans. That's the truth. We are in the invisible war with the Elites (Corporatocracies). We have to fight for our Freedom. Resource Based Economy is the Solution. We have to declare the earth resources as the heritage of all the people of this world. So everyone has access to it. Please have your research about zeitgeist movement then you know the truth more.
      Truth About Health/Drugs Industry Because Of It Your Life At High Risk. The drug industry is a 1/2 trillion dollars a year worldwide conglomerate. Almost 300 billions dollars just in North America. That is really big business. What would happen if everyone were well? There is no money in health. You see, good health makes a lot of sense but it doesn't make a lot of dollars. Because everything they do is toxic. Every drug they use, prescription drugs, all drugs are liver toxic, bar none. If you've had amalgam fillings put in your mouth by dentists. It is highly toxic. There's cancer because most of the chemos are themselves carcinogens. To view the tumor as the cancer and we know the tumor is not the cancer. The cancer industry is 200 billions dollars a year. The more work they get, the more profit there is. You have to dismantle; If the truth ever came out about what we would need to do. 30% of people of females in America are at risk of getting, will get cancer of the breast. The ones that are already dead have been grossly mistreated by the medical profession and by the government that supposedly is supposed to encourage free research and development of all possibilities. Why would medical doctors who studied medicine and practice medicine and are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies why would they go and look into vitamins? That they never had the answer orthomolecular. And as more and more of our population start taking their health into their own hands, there's going to be even more and more of changes. It can't go on the way it is. The system is failing apart. We must make nutrition the primary prevention strategy for the population. You are what you eat. You are everything that you have ever done to yourself. The choices you make directly affect the outcome of your life. - (Food Matters Documentary in Netflix)

    • @PreciousBoxer
      @PreciousBoxer 7 лет назад +1

      I voted for Stein and knew I was out of my mind, but Trump was better than another criminal Clinton. Anyway...
      I shouldn't be forced to pay for that wall, drugs to be illegal, or the the government to mark territories on my behalf around the globe for everyone to pay for forever. Buy now, pay later, remember?
      The AMA is a monopoly and medical licensure should be abolished, along with the Federal Reserve, imo, because we shouldn't be forced to pay for more incompetence.
      In my opinion, the argument against implementing Friedman's Negative Income Tax are weak, at best, and the baby boomers are trying to save our broken sick care system by talking about nothing but more healthcare reform.
      Just say no to Pay To Play corruption and demand your right to be Free To Choose. Nobody can spend somebody else's money more carefully than you can yourself. It's time to stop working for the US Mob because all our policies and jobs are wrong. Carpe diem.

    • @chloroxbleach8561
      @chloroxbleach8561 6 лет назад +1

      I think trump has failed us.
      He cut taxes but didnt cut any spending. Which means more debt.

    • @chippledon1
      @chippledon1 6 лет назад +1

      Anthony Conte: I never did, nor will I ever trust, Obama!!!

  • @mikeemerson1091
    @mikeemerson1091 2 года назад

    A insightful, easy to understand lesson in human psychology, how the government works, the differences between capitalism and socialism and the strengths and weaknesses of government in this video.

    @4K_HDR_GAMING 5 лет назад +1

    damn.. this guy is desperately needed in 2019. fortunately for him and unfortunately for the rest of us he is not around.

  • @johnolson4977
    @johnolson4977 Месяц назад

    Still priceless in 2024

  • @heidilovesliberty8088
    @heidilovesliberty8088 5 лет назад

    I can not believe he would say illegals aren't costing US tax payers! We spend billions/yr!

  • @juanpablosyoutube
    @juanpablosyoutube 6 лет назад +20

    6:27 damn Noam Chomsky would do anything to prove himself

    • @Showmeyourtitties
      @Showmeyourtitties 6 лет назад +1

      Oodles and oodles

    • @VictorTashkov
      @VictorTashkov 6 лет назад +1

      @chosenone4447 man, how many times have you written BS around here? are you so dumb or getting paid for that?

    • @exerciseaccount3271
      @exerciseaccount3271 6 лет назад

      Society subsidizing employees is the governmental failure he's talking about. You want to delete the option to get rich this way, remove the government mandates to tax and redistribute money for these employees. You could just as easily make the argument for some other aspect of his company that takes advantage of the government.
      What you should ask yourself though is how fair it is that such advantages exist and does their existence benefit society? Is there an honest process by which you can only pay to that which you agree? Is the representative system of voting leaders the best way?
      I'd argue that with technology, we may come to a point of advanced government that gives us increasing detail in how we pay taxes and how we vote. At that point, it may be impossible to feel taken advantage of as nearly every detail is chosen ourselves. And if the technology is right, it will surely be done in the private sector and with no need from the government. Currently, the government acts almost as a bulletin board for the country.

  • @gregorymarshall560
    @gregorymarshall560 5 лет назад +1

    we need this guy's commentary during the upcoming 2020 election

  • @surreallife777
    @surreallife777 Год назад +1

    Debunking Milton Friedman. Milton Friedman states that free market capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty more than any other system. What he doesn’t tell you is compared to left leaning social democratic capitalist countries, free market capitalist countries are nowhere in comparison. Social democratic countries by all metrics out perform countries that are free market or free market leaning.
    Milton Friedman was an advisor to Ronald Reagan and he also implemented his policies in Chile. Look at Chile and the US as an economic experiment, then compare them to socially democratic countries which have unions, regulations, minimum wage laws, lots of social programs etc, everything that Milton Friedman disapproves of and they all outperform America and Chile not just economically but socially.
    People in Chile were rioting in the streets and Milton Friedman’s economic policies are no longer implemented in Chile. If Milton Friedman’s policies were so wonderful the Chilean people would not be getting rid of his policies would they?
    Just like the US, the economy did improve in Chile, but only for the top richest individuals with high inequality and low wages. After Ronald Reagan implemented Friedman policies in the US inequality skyrocketed. The US is now the most highly unequal country in G7 countries, this was not the case prior to 1980. The same thing happened in the UK with Margaret Thatcher who was a fan of Milton Friedman, it is the second most highly unequal country in the G7.
    The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world of over two million, the 3rd highest homicide rate next to Mexico and Estonia. Nordic countries have low crime, as an example Norway just shut down 27 prisons due to lack of crime. The US has a massive homelessness problem, Finland has no homelessness.
    In the US it’s estimated that approximately 40,000 and 50,000 people die each year because they can’t afford healthcare and another 700,000 people file for bankruptcy because of healthcare costs. In 2007, 8.1 million children under 18 years old were without health insurance in the US. In left-leaning socially democratic countries nobody goes bankrupt and nobody dies. The healthcare systems in Socially democratic countries are rated to be best the world with much lower costs compared to private healthcare in the US. Milton Friedman was promoted by right wing billionaires. Personally I would not listen to him, his policies only leads to inequality and wealth concentration. He is easily debunked today.
    Michael Pantazis.

  • @braumski2
    @braumski2 2 года назад

    I hope that he would at least agree that healthcare and college should be partially subsidized

  • @contentsunderpressure384
    @contentsunderpressure384 6 лет назад

    Milton Friedman was for many years a strong supporter of Keynesian economics and the Federal Reserve. Fortunately he came to his senses later in life. Oddly, Alan Greenspan went the opposite direction.

  • @mindfulkayaker7737
    @mindfulkayaker7737 2 года назад

    In fact the socialist idea that governments will solve them problem of humanity is “Social Lamarkism” This is the same idea that giraffe enlarged its neck by making an effort to eat the leaves of tall trees. In biology evolution the genes are first in the same way that in social evolution the INDIVIDUAL is first . Great video

  • @relegaldesigns1
    @relegaldesigns1 6 лет назад

    The best way to teach kids about income tax is to take a third of their lunch and leave them with the rest

  • @danmcisaac1601
    @danmcisaac1601 6 лет назад +3

    When you go from Milton talking for a half-hour to this bozo at 29:35, its like losing a chromosome.

  • @furiousmat
    @furiousmat 5 лет назад

    he seems to forget that basically every single major technological breakthrough responsible for our wealth today was government funded and subsidized. Individuals pursuing their personal interests can only get you so far. If there is no top-down management to give society common directions or aims not much is gonna advance.

  • @AANasseh
    @AANasseh 6 лет назад

    I think the sentiment of Liberty vs Equality from MF’s talk summarizes the whole argument perfectly: the fight is between equality vs liberty. We want both but If you put equality first you get neither equality nor liberty but if you out liberty first you get liberty and some equality. That’s the crux of the issue and the best we can do based on human nature. The argument is where is the sweet spot and it seems history supports favoring liberty as the most stable, happy systems for the majority. Interesting way of putting it.

    • @IIIMajesty
      @IIIMajesty 6 лет назад

      It's a fight between liberty and oppression. There is no such thing as equality beyond individual freedom. There's only envy and coveting that is masked by the slogan of equality. There's no shortage of people drooling over the wealth of others and claiming about how much good they could do with all that riches IF ONLY THEY COULD HAVE IT. Why don't they try to become a successful entrepreneur to help whoever they want to help? It's easier and cowardice to just expect someone else to carry the burden and for them to avoid any responsibility.

    • @AANasseh
      @AANasseh 6 лет назад

      Road Kamelot Interesting analysis.

  • @1911beauty
    @1911beauty 4 года назад

    Outcomes.... Look at outcomes... It's funny, almost nobody cares about be outcomes

  • @winsomewife7112
    @winsomewife7112 Год назад

    It's true that not everyone can be wealthy as in millionaires, but even the Bible promotes avoiding being wealthy, but to prefer to be middle class. I've also noticed that people that prefer to own a home tend to strive to earn more and do more things for themselves that equal income able to buy those goods & services. A paycheck is only part of income. Anyone physically able can grow some food even indoors in a rented apartment or buy in bulk and cook to save money for other things like saving to buy a home with a yard or acreage. A lot of wealth is only possible legally if they are willing to move and do more chores outside. Learning very low carb healthy fats nutrition increases wealth as well, more years of health that can be used to achieve a higher standard of living for self and children/grandchildren, could lend/give them interest-free loans/gifts, hoping they'll help you when you're very old & disabled. It's worth the risk. If they don't help much or at all, you can change the will to give it to quality charities like Save The Storks & crisis pregnancy centers & really safe adoptions & charter schools or private schools in low income areas & anti-gang ministries & jail ministries by No GreaterJoyMinistries .org based in Tennessee. Listen to their The Man Christ Jesus audio sermon at a jail, incredible!! The inmates joyful singing is the best!! Love it

  • @formeyousee
    @formeyousee 6 лет назад +246

    Not politically correct....just correct.

    • @MultiWeen
      @MultiWeen 2 года назад +3

      I believe Patrice O'neil said that exact thing.

    • @AintNoFool
      @AintNoFool 2 года назад +1

      ❤ exactly!!

    • @whattha930
      @whattha930 Год назад

      Boom 💥 Noice!

  • @ExMachina70
    @ExMachina70 7 лет назад +437

    "Of course none of us are greedy. It's only the other fella who's greedy"
    I literally laughed out loud when I heard this.

    • @GabrielNicho
      @GabrielNicho 6 лет назад +19

      *other fella

    • @detah1
      @detah1 6 лет назад +6

      My favorite part is that Donahue has no idea what Friedman is talking about.

    • @JohnJohnson-dj2dv
      @JohnJohnson-dj2dv 6 лет назад +10

      I laughed at the idiot that floated a question about 100% inheritance tax. What a socialist thief.

    • @jamesrighter7551
      @jamesrighter7551 6 лет назад

      Yep, Milton only supports greed!

    • @lonniecraig5186
      @lonniecraig5186 5 лет назад +6

      ExMachina70- It goes to show that we don't like to examine ourselves to see the same faults in ourselves that we see in others. As a wise man once said, the problem with our society is not the huge amount of criticism, but the almost total lack of self-criticism.
      If we can get more people to engage in self-criticism, we might have a chance for a better society. If...

    @ENIGMVTIK 7 лет назад +699

    Friedman: The Yoda of Economics

    • @drapala97
      @drapala97 6 лет назад +9

      austrian school is the jedi

    • @jamesrighter7551
      @jamesrighter7551 6 лет назад +1

      Correction, he is the anus of Economics!

    • @joeashbubemma
      @joeashbubemma 6 лет назад +26

      James - Yeah, he shits out Socialists all day long.

    • @jamesrighter7551
      @jamesrighter7551 6 лет назад +1

      It is a mixture of extremely obvious and accussations aimed at the hosts for bringing up the subject.

    • @hodgesticj1534
      @hodgesticj1534 6 лет назад +6

      Mises is the greatest Jedi yet to be written.

  • @SirParcifal
    @SirParcifal 6 лет назад +234

    I love this man and Thomas Sowell - they are our beautiful wise elders!!!

    • @canopeaz
      @canopeaz 6 лет назад +30

      Fun fact: Thomas Sowell studied under Milton Friedman, and was a Marxist until he got a job in the Government and realized how right Milton Friedman was.

    • @bobneumann9570
      @bobneumann9570 5 лет назад +12

      Yes. Sowell has uncommon understanding of not only economics but basic human character.

    • @Christiskingofkingslordoflords
      @Christiskingofkingslordoflords 2 года назад +6

      Yes Both have changed my perspective of the world completely. I wish they would teach the works of Thomas and Milton in school and college. It's almost as if they don't want you to learn this and liable capitalism as a greedy concept. Yet they teach Karl Marx.

    • @MikhaelAhava
      @MikhaelAhava 2 года назад +3

      Yes, I bought his book Basic Economics and watched his videos at Uncommon knowledge. I like him.

    • @elgrigorio1
      @elgrigorio1 2 года назад +3

      Don't forget Walter Williams and Ayn Rand.

  • @Malikar001
    @Malikar001 5 лет назад +101

    It’s too bad RUclips’s algorithms will show this mostly to people that already agree with him. Unless they did an explicit search.

    • @jaredlangley6924
      @jaredlangley6924 5 лет назад +7

      I watched another video of him and my god everyone in that comment section thought he was for Keynsian economics.

    • @nf4866
      @nf4866 5 лет назад +1

      I knew the name, but I'm pretty ignorant on economics. I think the algorithm put it in my recommendeds because of Dave Smith or kmele foster searches in my history.

    • @chaoticlife311
      @chaoticlife311 5 лет назад

      mind giving me a reference so that i can read upon what you stated

    • @harounhajem7972
      @harounhajem7972 5 лет назад +3

      That is not true. The algorithm favors him in economics.

    • @gforcedod
      @gforcedod 5 лет назад +1

      I think AI is making all of us smarter. By indulging us with this.

  • @ianshumway7597
    @ianshumway7597 5 лет назад +46

    The best thing about Milton Friedman is he answers questions not to make people feel stupid, he educates them. And he does educate! Holy cow, what a champ!

  • @ryanm7263
    @ryanm7263 7 лет назад +1049

    When I was a young, radical leftist lunatic, constantly angry and stressed out, I hated Milton Friedman with a passion. Then I took the red pill, faced reality, and grew up. Now I listen to Milton Friedman with a cup of tea as a liesure activity.

    • @MrAceman82
      @MrAceman82 6 лет назад +13

      Simon: Why? I can understand Ryan, but you? Please tell us.

    • @TheReaper569
      @TheReaper569 6 лет назад +21

      We do grow up dont we? I became a leftist then extreme right then found my way somewhere in the middle

    • @kohfee9967
      @kohfee9967 6 лет назад +6

      >Me watching him with a up of coffee.

    • @drapala97
      @drapala97 6 лет назад +59

      Yeah we all were leftists as kiddies. I mean, the left discourse is really meant for the naive and ignorant.
      Some of us grow outta this, but many of us, unfortunately, don't. I blame the media for this.

    • @SirParcifal
      @SirParcifal 6 лет назад +13

      I was the same way -I woke up when I became a law student in 2012! preach it Ryan!

  • @CatnamedMittens
    @CatnamedMittens 7 лет назад +496

    Milton Friedman is one of my favorite people ever.

    • @seemlyme
      @seemlyme 7 лет назад +1

      🌎 As long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else, they lend themselves to being completely enslaved. We can not separate anything from everything. Success depends on how well we relate to everything around us. Joy comes from that bliss of connectedness. I believe that unarmed truth and love will have the final word in reality. To love; you should have good heart. I am a good person until I see a person better than my standard of goodness. Being good is the progress towards a worthy cause. Love is God. Whoever lives in love, lives forever. How selfish it is to try to keep something forever? Love is all about nourishing, nurturing, sharing and expanding the love within you for all. The principle to which we adhere to is that we have kindness of love at heart for the whole of mankind. As long as there is the unnecessary differences within us; we can not live peacefully so we have to eliminate all the unnecessary differences among us so we can love all. People abilities may vary but not there true love. If we love a person/ God for a reason then we love the reason but not the person. No reason is the reason to love the person because true love never fails. So do not compare or measure the true love as first or the last but love all truly. If you love people truly then you can understand people. If you don't love then you don't understand people at all.
      People are controlled by system why?
      The Cyclical Consumption is the current economy all over the World. It is making the scarcity problems of the earth finite resources to deteriorate day by day. Current Monetary System is legalised theft. Real money is Gold and Silver. Scarcity gives the money more value. Real money won't lose it's value. When Governments stay away from Gold & Silver then very easy to transfer the wealth / resources to upper class the Rich (Corporatocracy) Elite. When the Governments are printing out more new fiat currency with reserve banks, our old currency is losing its purchasing power everyday. They are printing millions of currency everyday. All governments and laws are existing right now to transfer wealth to upper class the rich elite. The USA Government & other Governments are in many countries, bailed the investment banks & financial institutions in 2008 against the majority of the people. There is no democracy in any countries. Because of the Money System based on profits motive only above all else even humans lives and well-being. So, we do not have freedom to protect our values with the money so on. The violence, bankruptcy & all the negativities are build into the Monetary System of our society. All are owned (including ourselves) by Reserve Bank. Which is private cartel the corporation. So, in legal system, we are legally considered as chattel the properties. They make money in the capital markets with our birth certificates. They do not consider us as Humans. That's the truth. We are in the invisible war with the Elites (Corporatocracies). We have to fight for our Freedom. Resource Based Economy is the Solution. We have to declare the earth resources as the heritage of all the people of this world. So everyone has access to it. Please have your research about zeitgeist movement then you know the truth more.
      Truth About Health/Drugs Industry Because Of It Your Life At High Risk. The drug industry is a 1/2 trillion dollars a year worldwide conglomerate. Almost 300 billions dollars just in North America. That is really big business. What would happen if everyone were well? There is no money in health. You see, good health makes a lot of sense but it doesn't make a lot of dollars. Because everything they do is toxic. Every drug they use, prescription drugs, all drugs are liver toxic, bar none. If you've had amalgam fillings put in your mouth by dentists. It is highly toxic. There's cancer because most of the chemos are themselves carcinogens. To view the tumor as the cancer and we know the tumor is not the cancer. The cancer industry is 200 billions dollars a year. The more work they get, the more profit there is. You have to dismantle; If the truth ever came out about what we would need to do. 30% of people of females in America are at risk of getting, will get cancer of the breast. The ones that are already dead have been grossly mistreated by the medical profession and by the government that supposedly is supposed to encourage free research and development of all possibilities. Why would medical doctors who studied medicine and practice medicine and are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies why would they go and look into vitamins? That they never had the answer orthomolecular. And as more and more of our population start taking their health into their own hands, there's going to be even more and more of changes. It can't go on the way it is. The system is failing apart. We must make nutrition the primary prevention strategy for the population. You are what you eat. You are everything that you have ever done to yourself. The choices you make directly affect the outcome of your life. - (Food Matters Documentary in Netflix)

    • @chuckbeattyo
      @chuckbeattyo 7 лет назад +3

      Answer: Nuns. Religious altruistic humble people. The man lacks appreciation of the humble virtuous altruistic majority. Does Milton ever say anything good about those that live simply without great greed! Friedman's lack of humanity is appalling.

    • @Kabaselefh
      @Kabaselefh 7 лет назад +1

      Chuck Beatty I don't think he was a Christian

    • @MrJoseklon
      @MrJoseklon 7 лет назад +1

      Chuck Beatty Chuck Beatty I think you don't know what greed really is; nuns work and their salary goes directly to the church, if a nun is not greedy would not work at all, because she has no intention to rise more money for the church, so tell me what is the drive for nuns to work if they are not greedy? You can be altruistic with no money and look for that good feeling that you get after giving or for the sake to keep your place in heaven and follow your religious beliefs. However Milton Friedman's point was on politicians and governments, not saying that you dont have to care about helping other people since the government dont help the people but individuals pursuing self interest for the benefit of social interes

    • @jamesrighter7551
      @jamesrighter7551 7 лет назад

      @ChuckBeatty I am pretty sure Friedman is a demon or Satan himself in human form.

  • @Stafford674
    @Stafford674 6 лет назад +33

    It is amazing that40 years ago Friedman pointed out that capitalism + free market pulled millions out of poverty, that he has been proved right repeatedly, and there are still people who don't get it.

    • @elgrigorio1
      @elgrigorio1 2 года назад +2

      A lot of people don't get ot because they stupid, others are intentionally ignorant. And the reason why they choose to ignore it, is because it contradicts their Statist Collectivist pipe dreams.

    • @arturzatorski595
      @arturzatorski595 2 года назад

      I'll bet ya that AOC and the rest of the mental midgets in congress probably never heard of Milton Friedman.

  • @thewanderer2041
    @thewanderer2041 5 лет назад +23

    Milton in his prime was brilliant. Imagine trying to have this discussion on a western campus today.

  • @gforcedod
    @gforcedod 5 лет назад +47

    I can listen to him all day. Pure Poetry.

  • @kysotice
    @kysotice 7 лет назад +68

    I love Milton Friedman. I can't watch enough of him.

  • @DallasPiscopo
    @DallasPiscopo 7 лет назад +241

    I love listening to this guy talk. A firm voice of concise wisdom that is badly missing from our society today.

    • @detah1
      @detah1 6 лет назад +14

      Why do you suppose that Americans don't know any of these basic economics principles, that Friedman talks about? A: Because Liberals systematically removed it from government-funded public education curriculae. Liberals want you to be ignorant. You are a much more compliant electorate when you are an ignorant voting electorate.

    • @NetSunJin
      @NetSunJin 6 лет назад +7

      Be the new voice

    • @sparkymax4290
      @sparkymax4290 5 лет назад +1

      What? I can promise you that just because someone asserts their contentions firmly, it doesn't mean that those contentions are valid.

    • @w.harrison7277
      @w.harrison7277 2 года назад

      He's charismatic and interesting to listen to, like Peter Zeihan.

    • @fudgedogbannana
      @fudgedogbannana 2 года назад

      Well, they keep calling the best racist or something.

  • @drapala97
    @drapala97 6 лет назад +357

    _"Heaven preserve us, from the sincere reformer who knows what's good for you and by heaven is gonna make you do it whether you like it or not."_

    • @JMDinamitaMarquez
      @JMDinamitaMarquez 6 лет назад +2

      Your my boy!

    • @drapala97
      @drapala97 6 лет назад +11

      Milton Friedman is my spiritual animal.

    • @Bradatimrkonja
      @Bradatimrkonja 6 лет назад +6

      @Matt Polzkill NPCs hate Friedman. Don't hate them for it, they can't help themselves.

    • @hodgesticj1534
      @hodgesticj1534 6 лет назад +2

      Would you rather government help others because you, Daniel Neumann, want them to? Great job gratifying your self-interest, you greedy bastard.

    • @srusse77
      @srusse77 5 лет назад +2

      @@hodgesticj1534 If you feel that strongly then help your fellow man. The government cannot mandate compassion. Stupid bastard.

  • @carlstereway4327
    @carlstereway4327 6 лет назад +39

    "Where there is freedom, there is Capitalism" - Milton Friedman

    • @mane4209
      @mane4209 6 лет назад

      looks across the globe (which is a sphere), sees China ... "Where there is communism, there capitalism, there is no freedom" ... how in the world is China doing this !?!?

    • @andreipopescu5342
      @andreipopescu5342 2 года назад +2

      @@mane4209 if you watch more of Friedman's videos you'll have that question answered. But that's not a complete quote from him.

    • @robfromvan
      @robfromvan 2 года назад

      @@mane4209 the complete quote is, “Wherever there is capitalism there isn’t always freedom, but wherever there is freedom there is capitalism.”

  • @rstone7727
    @rstone7727 6 лет назад +82

    Wow, a time when students were actually learning through discussion. I miss those times..

    • @marcusraidien1543
      @marcusraidien1543 5 лет назад +2

      The reason that people listened to Mr. Freidman was that there was no 167 special interest groups funded by George Soros yet!

  • @guidogarcia8500
    @guidogarcia8500 7 лет назад +94

    Yo we need this guy back so bad

    • @saramcgaha1029
      @saramcgaha1029 6 лет назад

      In spirit

    • @KingColt1985
      @KingColt1985 5 лет назад +4

      Educate yourself sufficiently and try to follow in his footsteps

  • @bistrajendra1
    @bistrajendra1 7 лет назад +181

    we need a teacher like him today,

    • @mane4209
      @mane4209 6 лет назад +1

      No really we don't, because we have actually too many. His teaching are taught at pretty much any economic academic institution ...

    • @hodgesticj1534
      @hodgesticj1534 6 лет назад +1

      Robert P. Murphy; Milton Friedman was blind to the faults of the Federal Reserve. rectifies all of this.

    • @turyb.goodiii7356
      @turyb.goodiii7356 5 лет назад +3

      Jordan Peterson is Exactly what You Seek.

    • @silverbubble1037
      @silverbubble1037 5 лет назад +6

      we do, his name is Thomas Sowell

    • @IImitateVince
      @IImitateVince 5 лет назад +2

      Go listen to Dennis Miller

  • @clashofthehornsofficialytu2082
    @clashofthehornsofficialytu2082 7 лет назад +52

    We need to bring back classical liberals and libertarians in GoV.

    • @jaredlangley6924
      @jaredlangley6924 5 лет назад

      Conservatives are fiscally conservative and socially progressive. Can't wait till both these parties tank. They are ruining the country. Just need to ban parties outright.

    • @bhough410
      @bhough410 5 лет назад +1

      @@jaredlangley6924 Curious why you suspect modern "conservatives" are fiscally conservative?

    • @abringering2164
      @abringering2164 5 лет назад

      Clash Of The Horns you’d have to educate them first. Which means that our entire educational system needs to be trashed and completely overhauled.
      This would include getting rid of all these worthless books full of revisionist
      Un factual information on everything from literature to genetics.

    • @abringering2164
      @abringering2164 5 лет назад

      Jared Langley banning the parties won’t fix the problems we have here.
      One of The problems is that neither of them have core values, or an understanding of our constitution or Republic government. We are not a Democracy!
      The other is that our politicians are elected out of our population.
      Our population is misinformed, and ignorant of the basic principles of what constitute a free people, and the limits of the 3 branches that make up our government.
      Prime examples are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Omar and Sen Tlaib.
      They are completely ignorant of what our country is.
      Many of these politicians also ultimately don’t respect the people that voted them in.

  • @HamsterWheelGaming
    @HamsterWheelGaming 5 лет назад +12

    I love how Milton dealt with the kids during his speech/Q&A. He knows they might be ill-informed, a little rowdy...but then again, they're kids. I wouldn't be suprised many of these kids look back at moments like these and realized just how much good Milton was trying to do, how passionate he was in trying to educate the future of america.

  • @pingislife2653
    @pingislife2653 6 лет назад +51

    Friedman is so brutally savage in a simplistic way.

  • @MoonLightWright
    @MoonLightWright 5 лет назад +13

    I could listen to him and Thomas Sowell all day

  • @huntair
    @huntair 6 лет назад +16

    Milton Friedman is to economics what Tom Brady is to football.

    • @TreGraves_
      @TreGraves_ 2 года назад

      Even more true after seeing Brady in the 3 years since you made this comment

  • @MRios1128
    @MRios1128 6 лет назад +22

    What a brilliant man. I also noticed in every video I've seen of Friedman, he's always smiling. Truly a great man.

  • @samedayairconditioningandh165
    @samedayairconditioningandh165 7 лет назад +45

    other countries are 30 years behind america , unfortunately for us, 30 years ago we were intellectually ahead of our present time

  • @krausecommercialpainting3359
    @krausecommercialpainting3359 7 лет назад +17

    The man was an intellectual titan. A truth speaker the likes of which we have few of in today's public life.

  • @bigbaz8314
    @bigbaz8314 7 лет назад +147

    This is the greatest president America never had, he believes in what made America great, sadly its now a rapidly declining nation. Even if you disagree with his views you can't deny how articulate and bright this man was.

    • @matthewloftus7389
      @matthewloftus7389 7 лет назад

      Big Baz and who would pay for peoples dinners?

    • @emperorpaco4154
      @emperorpaco4154 7 лет назад +3

      He literally helped topple the government of Chile by helping to train the "Chicago Boys" in a government program meant to send Laissez Faire economist to Chile

    • @immaculatesquid
      @immaculatesquid 7 лет назад

      Emperor Paco missio passed 300 xp + respect +

    • @ratj4715
      @ratj4715 6 лет назад

      Kyle Mason Trump really haven’t you seen anought of him already he a clown

    • @jumperguy9867
      @jumperguy9867 6 лет назад

      Presidents do not always heed the advice of their many cases, that is the failure...not the advice given

  • @michaelg250
    @michaelg250 5 лет назад +9

    I wish Milton Friedman had been around for the current internet age. I think his message would have reached many more than it has, in people my age. Our generation needs it bad.

  • @JMorris216
    @JMorris216 5 лет назад +14

    I have never heard or seen this guy ever.. He's amazing

  • @therealbacaboo
    @therealbacaboo 5 лет назад +8

    I just found this guy last night 🤦‍♀️ 🤷🏼‍♂️ Everything I’ve heard so far seem to be the genuine answer to fixing so many of our human condition flaws!!! Looking forward to hearing more. Thank you for the great video!! ✊🏻

  • @Atanu
    @Atanu 7 лет назад +16

    Milton Friedman was the cat's whiskers. What a man. Just BTW, he misquotes Lord Acton's aphorism (around 5:15). Lord Acton wrote, "Power TENDS to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The word "tends" should not be skipped because there is only a tendency to corrupt.

    • @saxonsoldier67
      @saxonsoldier67 6 лет назад

      Acton was wrong. Power inevitably corrupts. None of us can resist the siren's call forever.

    • @PajamaJazama
      @PajamaJazama 5 лет назад +1

      ​@@saxonsoldier67 History proves otherwise. It's just that corruptable people tend towards politics, and idiot voters tend to vote for them.

  • @cheddar2648
    @cheddar2648 6 лет назад +2

    "You can have free immigration to jobs, but you cannot have free immigration to welfare."

  • @krackowkid6618
    @krackowkid6618 7 лет назад +16

    I'll say one thing. He is a very Intelligent man that puts forward very convincing arguments.

    • @knndyskful
      @knndyskful 7 лет назад +1

      KrackowKid but??

    • @canopeaz
      @canopeaz 6 лет назад +1

      That's like saying water is wet, or the sun is hot.

  • @greezythumb
    @greezythumb 7 лет назад +18

    Brilliant man

  • @kitrichardson5573
    @kitrichardson5573 5 лет назад +7

    “A person to be persuaded, not coerced” If the people in this country and around the world could only get this one precept drilled another head, we would be so far ahead of the game

  • @Rich-xb3xk
    @Rich-xb3xk 6 лет назад +14

    I still get a kick out of a 20 year old kid thinking he is smart enough to challenge Milton Friedman. If we let that idiot design the Pinto it would have been priced as a Lincoln.

    • @beedlebard8559
      @beedlebard8559 6 лет назад +2

      Liberty AboveAllElse He certainly has that shit-eating smirk on his face that Moore likes to wear.

    • @saxonsoldier67
      @saxonsoldier67 6 лет назад +3

      I give respect to those people that questioned Friedman. In every case, this questioning made Friedman consider their attempt to persuade him to their cause. This adversity honed Friedman's theories into the solid principles that we still admire.

    • @That1GuyOnYoutube
      @That1GuyOnYoutube 6 лет назад +3

      The age of someone is irrelevant. Arguments stand and fall on there own. Einstein was 26 when he came out with his theory of special relativity. Newton invented calculus at 24.

  • @EDKguy
    @EDKguy 5 лет назад +4

    But, Mr Friedman, I have made my mind up and you are confusing me with the facts

  • @TheRyanlax04
    @TheRyanlax04 7 лет назад +12

    7:00 You can see her world shattering. So wild.

  • @Wall2000x
    @Wall2000x 5 лет назад +7

    Milton Friedman was one of the brightest thinkers in economics in our history. The Story of Pencil says it simple and so wise.

  • @InnerMittenSignal
    @InnerMittenSignal 6 лет назад +8

    Hating wealth means a person can never be rich...

  • @Halland197
    @Halland197 7 лет назад +89

    rush i like, hannity i admire, Levin's teaching i love, Reagan his picture is on my wall. But Milton friedman is my hero

    • @radioactivewraith
      @radioactivewraith 7 лет назад +9

      Friedman has nothing in common with the others.

    • @ratj4715
      @ratj4715 6 лет назад +1

      Reagan made this country what it is today screwed up That why people voted for trump thinking they were getting something different. But got the same thing again.

    • @ratj4715
      @ratj4715 6 лет назад

      David Velevski wend Clinton was president it was the best of times for everyone. Everyone was doing good I had more at that time in my life. And am in my 50s But we lost millions and millions of jobs to China. And Bush pretty much wrecked everything. So what your talking was just a small part of it The company sold us out. And so did both parties the republicans party sold there soles to big business and still are. The republicans destroyed the union in this country. Reagan killed the middle class in this country. This all started under Reagan. Me and my wife made more money under Clinton than any time in Are life

    • @ratj4715
      @ratj4715 6 лет назад +1

      Iron_Slash your being to nice. He a clown just like are president is. Both of there heads are to big to fit into any door. They both think there the smartest people in the world. But not even close. You have all these so call guys that think they know everything. But are the same people screwing everything up.

    • @mane4209
      @mane4209 6 лет назад +1

      very much offense, you're are the problem, along with fundamentalism

  • @no-bozos
    @no-bozos 6 лет назад +6

    Milton Friedman was a genius, well ahead of his time.

  • @spindillio
    @spindillio 5 лет назад +6

    I have learned more from this man than from any higher education.

  • @91mustang347
    @91mustang347 7 лет назад +15

    I wonder he would've done as a president?

    • @detah1
      @detah1 6 лет назад

      Prof. Friedman was not a strict Constitutionalist. He believed that the "most efficient" way to help the poor was with a negative income tax. That is, give poor people a stipend based on their income. This contradicts many of his other basic lessons of economics (not to mention the clear intent of the Constitution). So I would say, he would have made a terrible President overall. We need a Constitutionalist. We do not want anyone setting up MORE incentives for people to a) remain poor and perpetuate generational poverty and government dependency.

    • @jaredlangley6924
      @jaredlangley6924 5 лет назад

      @Liberty AboveAllElse Who are they? People act like a group of people in some secret room control everything. Elected people control everything and unsurprisingly many of them will believe the shitty ideas of the time.

    • @fitofight8540
      @fitofight8540 5 лет назад

      He would fail because he would then be a politician.

  • @mojorisin7371
    @mojorisin7371 6 месяцев назад +2

    Milton Friedman has the unique and inherent talent to talk to people, whether you align with his beliefs and thoughts or not. He comes off as a earnest and honorable human being and comes off not as argumentative or a self righteous elitist with a self serving narrative or agenda. He really wants to help you with the factual and commonsensical approach to common issues pertaining to economics rather then the unsuccessful feelings of others. Although ideas and beliefs may sound great, in practice they have consistently shown to not work and worst then that, the opposite effect then intended. We seemingly have people in this country that can't accept that and continue to follow the methods that always fail rather than the one's that do which will better help most of their causes rather then diminishing it. But the definition of insanity is far more inticing for some then the definition of prosperity from a free capitalistic society.

  • @fredflip9675
    @fredflip9675 5 лет назад +4

    Thomas Sowell, is the Man now, and he worked with Milton Friedman!

  • @thattimestampguy
    @thattimestampguy 2 года назад +1

    0:24 Nations are greedy, people are greedy, everyone has self-interests
    1:22 No other system exists to beat Free Enterprise in productiveness it's #1
    2:46 Respect fellow man's individuality, use persuasion instead of force
    5:12 Power is Force, Power Corrupts, Force Corrupts, Absolute Power/Force Corrupts Absolutely
    6:08 Thoreau said philanthropy is overrated, sincerity is overrated
    7:43 "Nirvana is not for this world. There is no paradise."
    8:20 Lack of decent education, minimum wage rate
    9:13 Government spending is 40% of peoples' income
    Are you getting your tax-monies worth?
    Is the Propaganda worth the spending?
    Are the restrictions doing good?
    10:56 Redistribution attacks Wealth Incentives
    11:42 This is a Family Society not an Individual Society
    100% Inheritance tax transistions
    Caring for a family to
    Caring about me, "dissipating my life in high living... in frivolous entertainment."
    14:55 Free To Decide what risks you take
    15:46 The fundamental principal
    "I think they're fools to do it...on the evidence."
    16:45 When you have more government, Big Business takes it over. And the 2 together form a coalition against the ordinary worker and ordinary consumer.
    Medicare is not Free
    The young are "gonna get a raw deal indeed"
    20:17 Term Limits
    20:44 "3 Generations from Shirt-Sleaves to Shirt-Sleaves"
    22:07 Equality before Liberty loses both
    A & B take a commission and decide what C should do to D
    24:06 Immigration Good 1914 --> Immigration Bad Today
    24:26 Immigration to Jobs VS Immigration to Guaranteed Wealth

  • @liberval9425
    @liberval9425 7 лет назад +12

    Next to the Hoover reporter, Friedman is tiny. He's like Yoda.

    • @thepro3729
      @thepro3729 5 лет назад

      You will shrink as you get older. He’s pretty old at that point. “When 900 years old you reach, we’ll see how big you are”

  • @mikemckelvey7144
    @mikemckelvey7144 6 лет назад +6

    Mr Friedman is an island of sanity in a sea of stupidity. It's a pity he is no longer with us.

  • @blinkyblonk4912
    @blinkyblonk4912 6 лет назад +7

    " ... Whenever you use Force - the bad moral value of Force triumphs over Good Intentions "

  • @JReng-od5cg
    @JReng-od5cg 5 лет назад +6

    Milton Friedman would be shouted down in a college campus today..

    • @readjake768
      @readjake768 5 лет назад

      cause its an outdated view

  • @sluggo3slug
    @sluggo3slug 5 лет назад +4

    I’ve always instinctively thought about human relations in the way Friedman expresses with such clarity. A clarity I really admire and would like to posess. What a brain and what a gentle, strong personality!❤️

  • @jamesjasso6002
    @jamesjasso6002 5 лет назад +6

    This man radiates hope and glee
    Long live free markets

    @BLUEGENE13 6 лет назад +8

    people just can't accept the idea that we can't just make the world a dream land

    • @burtmaclin7204
      @burtmaclin7204 6 лет назад

      VR will get us a "not really" kind of way.

    • @thomasaquinas157
      @thomasaquinas157 2 года назад

      It's the universal longing for the Perfect, i.e. God, redirected into an attempt to create heaven on earth.

  • @Will21st
    @Will21st 5 лет назад +6

    Milton where are you, we need you more than ever....

  • @evk3593
    @evk3593 6 лет назад +11

    17:38 I spy Ron Paul

    • @shanestrange
      @shanestrange 6 лет назад

      it does look like Ron Paul but 20 years later than the clip

  • @IaMKoF
    @IaMKoF 6 лет назад +5

    How have I missed the teachings of this man until now?!

    • @thomasaquinas157
      @thomasaquinas157 2 года назад +1

      Like me, you probably went to a "government school," as Milton calls American "public schools." Milton advocated school vouchers, which the teacher unions were/are militantly opposed to.

  • @jdmran
    @jdmran 5 лет назад +4

    Alexandra ocasio-cortez should listen to this guy

  • @luisclaudio4622
    @luisclaudio4622 Год назад +2

    "Nirvana is not of this world"... fucking epic line

  • @RK831
    @RK831 6 лет назад +4

    "It is always so attractive to be able to do good at somebody else's expense."

  • @electricjed
    @electricjed 2 года назад +2

    Listening to this in late 2021. He’s making even more sense now than back then. Government has gotten to big. We the people need to take out country back.

  • @srijanagrawal255
    @srijanagrawal255 5 лет назад +4

    "Because it is always so attractive to be able to do good at somebody else's expense."
    Holy shit

  • @larcoal2963
    @larcoal2963 Год назад +2

    Unbelievable amount of whiners and socialists.

  • @andresmiguel68
    @andresmiguel68 Год назад +4

    His eloquence and logic was unbeatable. Pure class.

  • @southafricanizationofsociety20
    @southafricanizationofsociety20 6 лет назад +2

    29:38 😆😂 who let the pimp ask a question about getting rich quick?! Come on...

  • @raylsoncarlos
    @raylsoncarlos 5 лет назад +3

    29:40 -> As we can see a classical leftist stereotype...

  • @DaDitka
    @DaDitka 2 месяца назад +1

    I only have one complaint about this video- I wish you would.gave tacked on a few more minutes at the end when Dr. Friedman was explaining to the gentleman about the non-benefit of slavery to the economic prosperity of the west.
    According to Friedman as well as at least two podcasts I have heard, there have been economic studies that show that while a small number of slave owners became extremely rich from slave trading, the society on the whole suffered economically speaking from this. If we would have picked our own cotton rather than force slaves to do so, we would be better off economically than we are now.
    This is just another example of our sin finding us out. In more than one way.
    Otherwise, thank you.

  • @balancedthinking5005
    @balancedthinking5005 5 лет назад +6

    I don't know if I've ever seen a bigger genius than Milton Friedman

  • @jfausset
    @jfausset 5 лет назад +1

    He makes the assumption the good will of the capitalist is driven by his desire to earn more money. In fact, it is the government’s interventions in the marketplace, through economic stimulus and ordaining fractional reserve lending, which create the disparity of wealth and opportunity, between those with assets at the beginning of the stimulus and those without.

  • @magicskyfairy69
    @magicskyfairy69 6 лет назад +4

    lotsa angry commies yelling at Friedman in here

  • @jukesr
    @jukesr 2 года назад +2

    And here we are in 2022. Milton was right

  • @RicardoReyes
    @RicardoReyes 5 лет назад +8

    Man, you remember when you could have a civil debate? Those were the days - not like today where a NPC chants a statement over and over again and knows nothing more.

  • @chippledon1
    @chippledon1 6 лет назад +3

    Even back in Milton Freedman's day, he recognized that gov. had ..."become our master instead of our servant". We need to become a bottom up society again - not a top down one. It's supposed to be a gov. of the people, by the people and for the people. Those who work in gov. are "public servants".

  • @AndreComtois
    @AndreComtois Год назад +1

    Capitalism hasn't only made the 1% wealthier, it's also made the other 99% wealthier as well. Everyone forgets that point.

  • @bellgrand
    @bellgrand 6 лет назад +3

    The most shocking thing is that these questioners, while I disagree with many of them, are a lot smarter than the sort of questioners we get today.

    • @kur1tan
      @kur1tan 6 лет назад +1

      We no longer have questioners like this today. Very few are willing to listen and have a rational discussion, they'd rather riot and do all they can to prevent someone like Ben Shapiro from setting foot on their campus. It is much easier to chant and name-call than it is to logically defend one's beliefs. People now take it as hate speech if it is something that they disagree with.

  • @FabioMarziali
    @FabioMarziali 5 лет назад +3

    this man is wise. listen

  • @ThamizhanDaa1
    @ThamizhanDaa1 6 лет назад +3

    Milton Friedman is so articulate!! I love his speeches!!

  • @lucyland0679
    @lucyland0679 6 лет назад +3

    Omg ... This notion of rdistibution solving problems just wont die

  • @michaeltsouris8190
    @michaeltsouris8190 5 лет назад +1

    Would be cool to have a list of sources used in this video. If for no other reason, I want to know the years. I want to be able to show someone and say "see? We've been having these same conversations for 40+ years"

  • @TELEthruVOXx
    @TELEthruVOXx 7 лет назад +2

    My only question on term limits is wouldn't that lead to mob rule? Yea It would kill the establishment but what about long lasting values? Would they go away?

    • @Ciowan
      @Ciowan 7 лет назад +1

      TELEthruVOXx I don't think so. Because there's such a short period of time with which a malevolent politician would have to do damage. And ultimately the righteous person would follow next.
      I suppose you have to ask yourself if you feel that we (Americans) would prefer a country of no moral values more than we would the other way around. I think you'd have your answer to this question and yours based on how you respond to that.