I just joined Mafia and I have to say, I really wanted to get into but the lack of information made me disconnect. The driving test doesnt tell you its timed, nor does it mention the speed limit in areas. A cop turned up to an incident and because he got annoyed with a newbie struggling he kicked him. The "lock" key for the vehicle didnt work. Maybe its just me being an older gamer and not getting it. Im going to keep trying but at present Im a little put off.
Also the fact that mafia is a voice only server makes it the clear winner. Nothing better than having a conversation with someone only to have some nerd spamming 'respond to rp' at you when you have no clue who tf he is or why hes trying to '"talk" to you.
I’m considering playing MCRP if my experience on Eclipse doesn’t improve. So far I’ve been hunted down and harassed by random gang members who just straight up rob or DM without reason or RP interaction on multiple occasions. Cops are pompous pricks who disrespect players that they don’t know and turn a blind eye to official gangs. Admins are fishy and blatantly favor the Zetas/Triads/Cops over everyone else. Half of the people that you meet are edgy 12yos that don’t use a mic and will DM at the drop of a hat. If you’re a new player looking to “build your empire” good luck. Unless you know someone important you’ll be plowing fields until your eyeballs hurt.
Eclipse and mafia city are both pure garbage. Little kids acting like gangsters and robbing anyone who they see. Just apply for better servers or don't even play rp. Eclipse was the worst nightmare I have ever had in my gaming career.
@@jeremydamon6029 servers like negative dead or nopixel. You can't find any decent server on ragemp. Look for better servers on fivem and watch their rp highlights on RUclips then try to apply for them. Servers like eclipse and mafia are only for people who want to grind like gto or just shoot some bullets. I have played on eclipse for a long time and it's nothing but cancer. Griding and raiding. That's not rp, that's not fun, it just creates drama and hate in those communities as you probably know it yourself. Look for better stuff, you will find them.
Definitely a great and informative video. I just joined the Eclipse server and I'm enjoying myself so far. I'll definitely have to check out Mafia when I get more comfortable with RP. 👍
Could have used this video about a week ago Zez! Really though I'm happy with what I went with as it's my first venture into rp and it was your videos that got me into it. So thank you.
Great video again Zez, miss ECRP a shit tonne since I don’t play anymore but it’s nice to see yourself and some old friends still grinding, keep up the good work❤️
It’s too difficult to make money on Mafia City and its boring as hell. You either spend all day fishing running back and forth to the seller or you sit in an rv for 5 hours to make maybe $10,000 making coke. Dont even try to sell weed as that shit is locked down by the gangs. The worst part is, paycheck tax is 20% wtf is that about? Its not like the tax is going to anything it just makes it harder to earn money. Mafia city is pretty much grind simulator and not a very rewarding one at that.
The tax actually finds the gov groups. Money is not created for any gov groups at all and is put into a tax pool. From there, the PD. MD, DOC. and DOJ require much maintenance
Almost everyone break the rules when driving just to make more money because of this, and oc they won't bother to stop nor interact if they hit you, hit and run is faster, and they claim it's in their character RP, so 'it's fine RP'. wtf?
Both are really well done and should be respected for all the effort they have put in I'm here for ideas for our server thanks for the videos! Feel free to come give me some tips on my server GunchesterRP
I like your content a lot. Recently found you but your personality, dialogue, and presentation is impressive. I hope to see your channel grow and continue to be a helping hand to those who are new to gta v rp. Thank you. You have a patreon?
I’m not on mafia but from the videos I’ve seen from you with school I don’t think I would be able to stay afloat on that server, for this I like eclipse more because I don’t have time to play 10 hours a day to make 20k.
Sounds pretty good. You did a great job on this. Now my question is which one to officially join and kinda of stick with as my main. I like a lot of features in both. However, since I want to role play a Biker ( Chopper type biker not crotch rocket) I am thinking Mafia city might be the best option, especially since they have no official gangs and or play favorites. I guess I just have to look in to how to get a gang started. I have my own vest patch that I used in GTA Online, and in my personal games when I just roleplayed against NPCs. I wonder if its possible to get my clubs patch in to the server lol. If not I suppose I could go under "The Lost" MC patch. But you did a great job on this. Hope to see you on the server very soon my friend!!
Yeah man that would be awesome to see! There currently is a biker gang I believe (Lost MC) so you could prob either try to join them or create your own! Either way you go good luck!
@@ZezGames That would work out perfectly. Honestly I do not care if I make one or join one. However it would probably be better to join The Lost since they already have patches for cuts and jackets. Unless you think it might be possible to talk to an admin and see if I can get my vest patch uploaded. It looks pretty amazing on a vest or jacket. pbs.twimg.com/media/D-fArf8XYAEUw9c?format=jpg&name=900x900
The admin team purposefully continuing to help the Zetas and Triads due to being in their gangs and being ooc friends will be the death of eclipse. People are getting sick of it
@Jediah the war is the biggest example I have seen yet, they literally changed the rules exclusively to favour council then didnt even let wca get any other allies than dojn kai so it was top 3 gangs in city vs wca and a gang with 10 dudes
@@jenga4102 They changed the rules to make make constant attacks and massive shootouts less common while adding more of an objective (war killing via heavy rp and holding down HQ's). WCA would have had multiple allies if they didn't abuse the war pause and make connections during said pause. WCA was punished accordingly. You're both mistaken and biased.
@@Camcopel20 Yeah I am sure it was all a coincidence that everything worked out for zetas to have the two biggest gangs as there allies and WCA was only allowed one mid level ally. Grow up bro and pay attention to things and you might see what is going on behind the scenes to keep zetas and triads in position
mark gfgfgfgfg I quite literally just told you why. If you wanna form your opinion off emotion instead of public information by all means sit here and babyrage mr conspiracy theorist. Take care g.
Good video. Decided to try out mafia city but definitely can’t recommend it joined in ran for dmv and got robbed on the way there with very little rp then the game crashes when interact with the DMV and support isn’t too helpful imma stick with eclipse for now. Much better experience
When I first joined MCRP it was super broken and had lots of issues. I then quit the server soon after when staff seemed to metagame :/ It seems to have improved now so I may join back at some point. ECRP just seems a bit more fixed and stable
THANK YOU. I get this too since day 1. I made a comment about it the first week the server launched, and everyone said they have no idea what I am talking about. I made a video, that clearly shows it happening, and they tell me they don't see anything... Lol. It really does take away from the playing experience as silly as that sounds, and I know its on the server end.
So I have woken up today to some terrible news. I have joined Eclipse on March 11th, 2017, which is around two weeks after the release. I have been playing there ever since with of course taking some breaks. I wake up today just to see that I have been banned for a rule that is hidden in the rule book. Won't get into details. Now for my unbiased opinion. EclipseRP is worth a try for everyone. If you haven't played it you'll find it really fun for a few years. Joining an official faction really immerses you into the game. I filed a ban appeal, but I'm not sure if I want to play there. I wanted to try Mafia for a while now and maybe it's a sign that after roleplaying in the same server for three years I should try something new.
Cannot join for some reason and because of a lot of other reasons i most likely will not be joining..... may test it out at some point tho if i can join haha
You mean ones with custom buildings? A lot of youtubers have their own server so they can do custom shops and realistic car customization. Aside from RedlineRP, I only know AFG RP.
From what I've played, I prefer ECRP for some unknown reason, but I can agree that the admins are biased as shit and if anyone wants to they can get you banned for almost anything. 70% of my time in the game is just arguing with people and admins for something stupid. Even if you have video evidence, usually admins just straight up ignore it. Maybe I just gotta play a bit longer on MCRP to switch. That's my thoughts on it anyway.
Eclipse is barely RP server, they don't deserve the amount of players they have. It's idiotic that they sell CARS for real money, shows what kind of people run it. MCRP easily beats ECRP, in terms of script and in terms of staff. ECRP is just a moneygrab.
@@malachinewland6550 Yes you can, but if there's an option to obtain that car before even properly setting up your character while others have to grind for the same thing(I'm pretty sure there's a lot of vehicles that are form cash shop only), it's p2w. Buying reduced Jail time etc, it's p2w. Eclipse is a freeroam server with aspects of RP. If you like freeroam? Go ahead, and feed those moneygrabbers and enjoy. I don't support this.
Eclipse is the better server overall for sure, but they also have had a lot more time to iron things out. Mafia very much so dropped the bomb on their release, which sucks because they had a huge surge of people who were waiting to play that they knew were there... but weren't prepared for at all. They are going in the right direction though, slowly. The administrative team on Mafia is by far one of its best aspects, while for Eclipse, its one of their worst aspects. The most influential people on Eclipse, in terms of administrative power, only seem to care about flexing their virtual assets, and as harsh as this sounds, grooming young women.
Bro Mafia City economy is straight garbage. You barely get paid enough money to sustain yourself. Gas is literally $600 - 700. And food and water are around $100-200.
The /do command Can be a bit confusing for new roleplayers, but I'll take some time to break it down. I just happened to still have this tab open :) Essentially everything you do in terms of roleplay needs an action; which is /me. A perfect example would be if you want to shake someone's hand. Let's run through the roleplay. There are two individuals, one standing in front of another. Individual A wants to shake Individual B's hand. Individual A: /me reaches out with his left hand towards Individual B offering a handshake. Now, you've complete your action. But, you do not know if the action is completed, you need a descriptor, a way to set scenes, set scenarios - Essentially anything that is out of your control. So after you type the above /me, you'd do something along the times of: Individual A: /do Would Individual B accept the handshake? The /do command (or the descriptor) can be used for many different purposes, however. It isn't limited to just action confirmation. Let's say someone walks into your house, you can do things such as: /do There would be a medium-sized red bag sitting on the couch. Or; /do When entering the house there would be a strong aroma of marijuana. Or; /do The red sultan would have recently been involved in an accident. You can clearly see this by the damage done to the front end. Imagine you are George RR Martin and you're writing Game of Thrones. Think of the long extensively written pages of how spoons glisten in the candlelight. This is what /do is for. It's not for your player actions, it's for everything else. Many individuals commonly misuse /me's for confirmations. An example of lower-tier roleplay would be like below: Individual A: /me would reach his left hand out towards Individual B offering a handshake, would he accept? Technically speaking, the above example does what you want but it blurs the lines and constructs that were created for roleplay. It can be hard for people to understand what the difference is at first, but overall roleplay is something that comes with experience. The more you do it, the better you will get.
Mafia City Roleplay ah very well explained thank you very much, I think I’ll get the hang of it :) just seen you posted this on the forums as well :) enjoying my time in mafia city so far!
@@MafiaCityRoleplay Considering Mafia City is a voip server, how often is this used? I know it depends on the situation, but is it something most people do for every interaction? Just passed the quiz and trying to learn rules before I jump on
Just get yourself a car and just appraoch people who look like they are in a gang and ask them to roll with them. Gangs are a waste of time early join doc or pd and make a ton of cash then go illegal
How is eclipse not a grind tho? You can make like 10-20k an hour with some jobs yes. But a 3g house(wich you want, who wants just a 1g or 2g) is 1mil. I mean, that will still take you a couple of weeks of grinding. And after that? A gas station up north sells for like 15!!!! MIL. That is ALOT of grinding. Other then the grinding there isnt an easy way to make money. I heard that like the highest rank in DCC makes 8k an hour. Thats even less than the scripted jobs. It will take ages to make millions to buy a business. And people who say that food and drinks are expensive in Mafia. Have you played ECRP? Burgers are $500 there. Not really cheap either. That is almost 3 fish. Wich will take you 4mins. Doing mineral truck driving, is like 10 min each run? Wich is $600. Seems like around the same rate
WHAT SERVER IS GOOD IF Eclipse and Mafia is no LOW RP and is cancer? By reading the comments, most of them seem to be DM servers. So I ask you the public, the community, WHERE DO I FIND RP?!? WHICH SERVER!??! HELP ME, I BEG OF YOU!
@@kenttoftnielsen4878 nice! yeah before I started my MMO RP I was dong Table top RP with Dungeons and Dragons back in the 90s in college. The transition to PC RP in Everquest 1 was definitely a big change. I will probably try out both, but leaning a little bit towards Mafia
If you want to spend 400hrs on eclipse roleplay just to get perma banned for a silly reason such as " VDM " you can go ahead and start wasting your time.
Tried FiveM, logged into the server, threw an npc out of the car, drove the car all around city. Got bored of the car, threw another npc out of the car, drove around the city. Did this over and over. Left FiveM and never played again.
FiveM is a broken mess. Most servers are using the same plugins, being that these scripts function the exact same way as others. Character creation is buggy. Registration is annoying. And while the AI makes the game feel alive, it also makes for a low playerbase on servers, therefore making us wait in 50+ queues. FiveM seems more for beginners, often containing of lite RP and people who just want to mess around. RageM takes it more serious. I don't think that'll change anytime soon, if ever.
Iv watched the whole video as Iv just got my first custom gaming pc and I want to play on realistic roleplay served where u can buy houses custom cars etc etc and Iv heard redline does this but it’s pretty hard to get in so I want to find a popular server where there is basically barely any hud and it has custom Road names etc and the roleplay is REAL but also be able to rob banks stores ppl take money give money to ppl etc also I don’t want peoples names above there head just a clean smooth roleplay basically I like the redline HUD custom cars jobs custom houses and I was wondering if mafia city is the one I’m looking for also is Rage.mp safe to download
Just recently tested out Lumberjack as well as oil miner (both with just a bag and sportscar) and could easily make 10k+/hr and unless it is changed most of all the scripted jobs would pay you around that much. May be making a video retesting everything tho soon
Awesome video! Great representation of what we have to offer.
This video really makes me want to join your guy's server. I like more realisticness to my roleplay.
I just joined Mafia and I have to say, I really wanted to get into but the lack of information made me disconnect. The driving test doesnt tell you its timed, nor does it mention the speed limit in areas. A cop turned up to an incident and because he got annoyed with a newbie struggling he kicked him. The "lock" key for the vehicle didnt work. Maybe its just me being an older gamer and not getting it. Im going to keep trying but at present Im a little put off.
You have
i'll probably join. i think you would get more attention if you change the name. People will avoid servers with "mafia" in the name
I wanted to join but i cant do the exam
Also the fact that mafia is a voice only server makes it the clear winner. Nothing better than having a conversation with someone only to have some nerd spamming 'respond to rp' at you when you have no clue who tf he is or why hes trying to '"talk" to you.
so what server can you make your own gang and take over turfs?? or can you only join existing gangs..
@@coapa_760 turfs are in mcrp
I’m considering playing MCRP if my experience on Eclipse doesn’t improve. So far I’ve been hunted down and harassed by random gang members who just straight up rob or DM without reason or RP interaction on multiple occasions. Cops are pompous pricks who disrespect players that they don’t know and turn a blind eye to official gangs. Admins are fishy and blatantly favor the Zetas/Triads/Cops over everyone else. Half of the people that you meet are edgy 12yos that don’t use a mic and will DM at the drop of a hat. If you’re a new player looking to “build your empire” good luck. Unless you know someone important you’ll be plowing fields until your eyeballs hurt.
Mafia city city doesnt have that issue and people actually rp here
@@jeremydamon6029 lol.
Eclipse and mafia city are both pure garbage. Little kids acting like gangsters and robbing anyone who they see. Just apply for better servers or don't even play rp. Eclipse was the worst nightmare I have ever had in my gaming career.
@@axolniz6597 and what would those better servers would be
@@jeremydamon6029 servers like negative dead or nopixel.
You can't find any decent server on ragemp. Look for better servers on fivem and watch their rp highlights on RUclips then try to apply for them. Servers like eclipse and mafia are only for people who want to grind like gto or just shoot some bullets. I have played on eclipse for a long time and it's nothing but cancer. Griding and raiding. That's not rp, that's not fun, it just creates drama and hate in those communities as you probably know it yourself. Look for better stuff, you will find them.
Definitely a great and informative video. I just joined the Eclipse server and I'm enjoying myself so far. I'll definitely have to check out Mafia when I get more comfortable with RP. 👍
Could have used this video about a week ago Zez! Really though I'm happy with what I went with as it's my first venture into rp and it was your videos that got me into it. So thank you.
No problem! Glad to be of any help! :)
mafia > eclipse
based on 500+ hours on eclipse and 150+ hours on mafia
are their any custom cars or adding any custom cars?
Great video again Zez, miss ECRP a shit tonne since I don’t play anymore but it’s nice to see yourself and some old friends still grinding, keep up the good work❤️
*Spiderman pointing at each other meme*
So now what we should play huh eclipse or mafia
@@ZezGames tell me sir
Nice video man, i play on eclipse like 3 years.
Is it worth playing ? And are there cops
@@liammchale6150 yep
Your videos are very interistering and I got into gta 5 rp cause of you 👍 keep it
Thanks man! :)))
No prob
ECRP bans people for saying opinions they don’t like. They also have rather questionable admins. It’s gonna be MCRP for me.
True.. MCRP is kinda friedly
Yeah that’s true, but I feel eclipse is more fun and laid back in some ways too
amazing content bro i love your vids
It’s too difficult to make money on Mafia City and its boring as hell. You either spend all day fishing running back and forth to the seller or you sit in an rv for 5 hours to make maybe $10,000 making coke. Dont even try to sell weed as that shit is locked down by the gangs. The worst part is, paycheck tax is 20% wtf is that about? Its not like the tax is going to anything it just makes it harder to earn money. Mafia city is pretty much grind simulator and not a very rewarding one at that.
The tax actually finds the gov groups. Money is not created for any gov groups at all and is put into a tax pool. From there, the PD. MD, DOC. and DOJ require much maintenance
Mafia is rp tho how realistic is it to have everyone in a super car?
Almost everyone break the rules when driving just to make more money because of this, and oc they won't bother to stop nor interact if they hit you, hit and run is faster, and they claim it's in their character RP, so 'it's fine RP'. wtf?
Both are really well done and should be respected for all the effort they have put in I'm here for ideas for our server thanks for the videos! Feel free to come give me some tips on my server GunchesterRP
Mafia is more heavy on rules but the player count makes it hard for those rule breaks to be seen
Could you make an updated version?
Love it
I like your content a lot. Recently found you but your personality, dialogue, and presentation is impressive. I hope to see your channel grow and continue to be a helping hand to those who are new to gta v rp. Thank you. You have a patreon?
Thanks so much my man! And no, currently no Patreon but thanks for asking!
Informative Video! :), GTA world rp will always be the best though :3
Honestly I personally just don’t like text-only rp to much but have heard gta world is really good, might have to try it sometime! :)
I’m not on mafia but from the videos I’ve seen from you with school I don’t think I would be able to stay afloat on that server, for this I like eclipse more because I don’t have time to play 10 hours a day to make 20k.
Ya i feel ya - eclipse is def better if you have a lot less time and play more casually :)
Are you going to keep playing eclipse? Or just prioritize Mafia
Both still but still am going to be primarily on mafia :)
Sounds pretty good. You did a great job on this. Now my question is which one to officially join and kinda of stick with as my main. I like a lot of features in both. However, since I want to role play a Biker ( Chopper type biker not crotch rocket) I am thinking Mafia city might be the best option, especially since they have no official gangs and or play favorites. I guess I just have to look in to how to get a gang started. I have my own vest patch that I used in GTA Online, and in my personal games when I just roleplayed against NPCs. I wonder if its possible to get my clubs patch in to the server lol. If not I suppose I could go under "The Lost" MC patch. But you did a great job on this. Hope to see you on the server very soon my friend!!
Yeah man that would be awesome to see! There currently is a biker gang I believe (Lost MC) so you could prob either try to join them or create your own! Either way you go good luck!
@@ZezGames That would work out perfectly. Honestly I do not care if I make one or join one. However it would probably be better to join The Lost since they already have patches for cuts and jackets. Unless you think it might be possible to talk to an admin and see if I can get my vest patch uploaded. It looks pretty amazing on a vest or jacket. pbs.twimg.com/media/D-fArf8XYAEUw9c?format=jpg&name=900x900
Hmmm i would prob message an admin and see what can be done, most of them r pretty helpful :)
The admin team purposefully continuing to help the Zetas and Triads due to being in their gangs and being ooc friends will be the death of eclipse. People are getting sick of it
@Jediah the war is the biggest example I have seen yet, they literally changed the rules exclusively to favour council then didnt even let wca get any other allies than dojn kai so it was top 3 gangs in city vs wca and a gang with 10 dudes
@@jenga4102 They changed the rules to make make constant attacks and massive shootouts less common while adding more of an objective (war killing via heavy rp and holding down HQ's). WCA would have had multiple allies if they didn't abuse the war pause and make connections during said pause. WCA was punished accordingly. You're both mistaken and biased.
I’m in the shelbys and trust me, admins are as much of assholes to us as there are to you
@@Camcopel20 Yeah I am sure it was all a coincidence that everything worked out for zetas to have the two biggest gangs as there allies and WCA was only allowed one mid level ally. Grow up bro and pay attention to things and you might see what is going on behind the scenes to keep zetas and triads in position
mark gfgfgfgfg I quite literally just told you why. If you wanna form your opinion off emotion instead of public information by all means sit here and babyrage mr conspiracy theorist. Take care g.
Good video. Decided to try out mafia city but definitely can’t recommend it joined in ran for dmv and got robbed on the way there with very little rp then the game crashes when interact with the DMV and support isn’t too helpful imma stick with eclipse for now. Much better experience
When I first joined MCRP it was super broken and had lots of issues. I then quit the server soon after when staff seemed to metagame :/ It seems to have improved now so I may join back at some point. ECRP just seems a bit more fixed and stable
MCRP peak pop now is almost 400. Server is great!
Amazing video, definitely earned a sub!
Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed! :)
Gotta love old bois content :)
Eh I prefer eclipse, it’s whenever I play Mafia I get stutter lag every 5 seconds, in eclipse I rarely have any issues.
This will actually be fixed in the near future. This is our custom marker streaming system.
THANK YOU. I get this too since day 1. I made a comment about it the first week the server launched, and everyone said they have no idea what I am talking about. I made a video, that clearly shows it happening, and they tell me they don't see anything... Lol. It really does take away from the playing experience as silly as that sounds, and I know its on the server end.
This has been fixed :)
So I have woken up today to some terrible news. I have joined Eclipse on March 11th, 2017, which is around two weeks after the release. I have been playing there ever since with of course taking some breaks. I wake up today just to see that I have been banned for a rule that is hidden in the rule book. Won't get into details. Now for my unbiased opinion. EclipseRP is worth a try for everyone. If you haven't played it you'll find it really fun for a few years. Joining an official faction really immerses you into the game.
I filed a ban appeal, but I'm not sure if I want to play there. I wanted to try Mafia for a while now and maybe it's a sign that after roleplaying in the same server for three years I should try something new.
You ever gonna try out Dreamworld?
Cannot join for some reason and because of a lot of other reasons i most likely will not be joining..... may test it out at some point tho if i can join haha
DW is bad.
Getting my pc so play gta RP! You made me want to save up lol.. hopefully I can see you in my session or something 💯
Good luck man! Hope to see ya someday! :)
Mafia city is the play
What is the best server closest to RedlineRP? Bc ive been watching Treyten on YT and i want to play a server just like that. Any suggestions?
You mean ones with custom buildings? A lot of youtubers have their own server so they can do custom shops and realistic car customization. Aside from RedlineRP, I only know AFG RP.
Gta world
Man I love eclipse but I had to take a break anyway vid was good
Thanks man :)
You're the man! Thanks for this!
From what I've played, I prefer ECRP for some unknown reason, but I can agree that the admins are biased as shit and if anyone wants to they can get you banned for almost anything. 70% of my time in the game is just arguing with people and admins for something stupid. Even if you have video evidence, usually admins just straight up ignore it. Maybe I just gotta play a bit longer on MCRP to switch. That's my thoughts on it anyway.
Eclipse is barely RP server, they don't deserve the amount of players they have. It's idiotic that they sell CARS for real money, shows what kind of people run it. MCRP easily beats ECRP, in terms of script and in terms of staff. ECRP is just a moneygrab.
Jesus christ it's a car and you say it like you can't work to get the car anyways
@@malachinewland6550 Yes you can, but if there's an option to obtain that car before even properly setting up your character while others have to grind for the same thing(I'm pretty sure there's a lot of vehicles that are form cash shop only), it's p2w. Buying reduced Jail time etc, it's p2w. Eclipse is a freeroam server with aspects of RP. If you like freeroam? Go ahead, and feed those moneygrabbers and enjoy. I don't support this.
Nice vid brother keep it up tocj ur advice got a mate from my old work to build me a decent set up
Witch server is best for building an empire on zez?
I would definitely recommend mafia, there are still tons of businesses that people haven’t even started to make yet!
@@ZezGames thanks zez I'm definitely going for a legit company well at least 90% legit lol
Yeah mafia is definitely easier to run a business legally on :D
@@ZezGames if I was to own a few trucks can they be rented out to players?
@@donmontana2809 is this mr montana ?
Eclipse is the better server overall for sure, but they also have had a lot more time to iron things out. Mafia very much so dropped the bomb on their release, which sucks because they had a huge surge of people who were waiting to play that they knew were there... but weren't prepared for at all. They are going in the right direction though, slowly. The administrative team on Mafia is by far one of its best aspects, while for Eclipse, its one of their worst aspects. The most influential people on Eclipse, in terms of administrative power, only seem to care about flexing their virtual assets, and as harsh as this sounds, grooming young women.
Ya, with time I feel like Mafia can be something really special.... just gonna take a bit more time for sure....
How are they grooming young women?
@@malachinewland6550 handing moderator positions for something in return
Bro Mafia City economy is straight garbage. You barely get paid enough money to sustain yourself. Gas is literally $600 - 700. And food and water are around $100-200.
You forgot to mention that mafia city food and water and gas is very overpriced and unrealistic
u can buy 1 food and 2 water for 150 lul even cheaper in bulk
I’m pretty new to RP can someone explain how you’re supposed to use the /do command on mafia city
The /do command Can be a bit confusing for new roleplayers, but I'll take some time to break it down. I just happened to still have this tab open :)
Essentially everything you do in terms of roleplay needs an action; which is /me. A perfect example would be if you want to shake someone's hand. Let's run through the roleplay.
There are two individuals, one standing in front of another. Individual A wants to shake Individual B's hand.
Individual A: /me reaches out with his left hand towards Individual B offering a handshake.
Now, you've complete your action. But, you do not know if the action is completed, you need a descriptor, a way to set scenes, set scenarios - Essentially anything that is out of your control. So after you type the above /me, you'd do something along the times of:
Individual A: /do Would Individual B accept the handshake?
The /do command (or the descriptor) can be used for many different purposes, however. It isn't limited to just action confirmation. Let's say someone walks into your house, you can do things such as:
/do There would be a medium-sized red bag sitting on the couch. Or;
/do When entering the house there would be a strong aroma of marijuana. Or;
/do The red sultan would have recently been involved in an accident. You can clearly see this by the damage done to the front end.
Imagine you are George RR Martin and you're writing Game of Thrones. Think of the long extensively written pages of how spoons glisten in the candlelight. This is what /do is for. It's not for your player actions, it's for everything else. Many individuals commonly misuse /me's for confirmations. An example of lower-tier roleplay would be like below:
Individual A: /me would reach his left hand out towards Individual B offering a handshake, would he accept?
Technically speaking, the above example does what you want but it blurs the lines and constructs that were created for roleplay. It can be hard for people to understand what the difference is at first, but overall roleplay is something that comes with experience. The more you do it, the better you will get.
Mafia City Roleplay ah very well explained thank you very much, I think I’ll get the hang of it :) just seen you posted this on the forums as well :) enjoying my time in mafia city so far!
@@MafiaCityRoleplay Considering Mafia City is a voip server, how often is this used? I know it depends on the situation, but is it something most people do for every interaction? Just passed the quiz and trying to learn rules before I jump on
@@Sinkatze to roleplay cerain actions or scripts u must use the /me /do
If you're new and want to get into voice RP on RageMP - Pick MCRP, simple as that. Playerbase is good enough.
It's a response to actions so If your being looked for injuries do /do would have broken finger
I love to play on eclipse but I also want voice rp. Tough decision...
Eclipse has voice and text :)
Oh, well decision has been made then. Thanks!
i prefer mafia solely based on the no P2W and community approach
Big part of it for me as welll :D
Mafia roleplay is such a better server
How do you join a gang in eclipse rp
Just get yourself a car and just appraoch people who look like they are in a gang and ask them to roll with them. Gangs are a waste of time early join doc or pd and make a ton of cash then go illegal
Is there any way to know the current online players on any of these servers?
Just to clarify, I'm not sure how they were when this video dropped, but Mafia city requires text rp, eclipse does not.
I have a 8 hour jail time on mafia lool
How is eclipse not a grind tho? You can make like 10-20k an hour with some jobs yes. But a 3g house(wich you want, who wants just a 1g or 2g) is 1mil. I mean, that will still take you a couple of weeks of grinding. And after that? A gas station up north sells for like 15!!!! MIL. That is ALOT of grinding. Other then the grinding there isnt an easy way to make money. I heard that like the highest rank in DCC makes 8k an hour. Thats even less than the scripted jobs. It will take ages to make millions to buy a business.
And people who say that food and drinks are expensive in Mafia. Have you played ECRP? Burgers are $500 there. Not really cheap either. That is almost 3 fish. Wich will take you 4mins. Doing mineral truck driving, is like 10 min each run? Wich is $600. Seems like around the same rate
Insane world of schoolars/donaters
If ECRP and MCRP had released at the same time with the same features, mafia would have easily beaten eclipse in terms of popularity and player base.
If they release at the same time,with the same features,wouldnt they be the same game?
Spin The Block RP server is awesome. Great admins.
Great video! Are you going to keep playing both? Or are you going to prioritize one
Going to still be playing both but still be spending more of my time on mafia :)
Dose mcrp have fuyer plans to expand its player limt?
WHAT SERVER IS GOOD IF Eclipse and Mafia is no LOW RP and is cancer? By reading the comments, most of them seem to be DM servers. So I ask you the public, the community, WHERE DO I FIND RP?!? WHICH SERVER!??! HELP ME, I BEG OF YOU!
How’s eclipse still running if they are break fivem tos so much
Both of these are rage servers
You're the last person I'd choose to race
A compliment if you get it.
It’s so hard to get into these servers tho takes 2+ months
it took me literally 30 minutes to get accepted followed by maybe 8 hours of waiting for an admin to accept my character
Took me 2 days how tf it take u 2 months
lets gooo zez keep it up
U forgot the people who RDM and VDM in both servers
That’s gonna be on every server at some point :)
I had to look up what RDM and VDM was lol. I have zero GTARP experience, however I have lots of MMO RP experience through out the years,.
@@alphadragongamingFTW The transition can be difficult. I RPed in WOW for 10+ years. I just started on Eclipse. Might try out MCRP later.
@@kenttoftnielsen4878 nice! yeah before I started my MMO RP I was dong Table top RP with Dungeons and Dragons back in the 90s in college. The transition to PC RP in Everquest 1 was definitely a big change. I will probably try out both, but leaning a little bit towards Mafia
If you want to spend 400hrs on eclipse roleplay just to get perma banned for a silly reason such as " VDM " you can go ahead and start wasting your time.
Are u able to use controller on rp sever
Yes but some buttons control multiple things lmao
You should really try some FiveM servers dude, you might like what they have to offer. I cant be the only one that doesnt prefer the RAGE client
Yeah man, been meaning to try some out but just haven’t found a server to try on haha
Tried FiveM, logged into the server, threw an npc out of the car, drove the car all around city. Got bored of the car, threw another npc out of the car, drove around the city. Did this over and over. Left FiveM and never played again.
@@Ammeo Cool story bro.
FiveM is a broken mess. Most servers are using the same plugins, being that these scripts function the exact same way as others. Character creation is buggy. Registration is annoying. And while the AI makes the game feel alive, it also makes for a low playerbase on servers, therefore making us wait in 50+ queues. FiveM seems more for beginners, often containing of lite RP and people who just want to mess around. RageM takes it more serious. I don't think that'll change anytime soon, if ever.
@@trenix3318 : Having NPCs on the server is a negative imo.
You forgot about how trash the dsync is on eclipse. Bullets never register its impossible to have any type of fist fight.
Does Mafia have poker?
How to be in a mafia/gang?
Imagine Zez opinion :kekw:
Eclipse, however the rules are really broken now :/
This man is the WORST driver i have ever SEEN! 🤣
Best economy server these days?
Mafia has much more roleplay
Great video
you can not tell me mafia citys economy is realistic... 150-200$ per burger
Probably he was referring to cars.
Eclipse> Mafia City..
This guy gets it.
Hell yeah 😂🤭
ECRPK we Big MCRP out here boy just please make more jobs and criminal things please and thankyou
Eclipse is shit, there is no roleplay only "HANDS UP HANDS UP" and admins help Zetas and cops so much you can't do anything against them IC
Iv watched the whole video as Iv just got my first custom gaming pc and I want to play on realistic roleplay served where u can buy houses custom cars etc etc and Iv heard redline does this but it’s pretty hard to get in so I want to find a popular server where there is basically barely any hud and it has custom Road names etc and the roleplay is REAL but also be able to rob banks stores ppl take money give money to ppl etc also I don’t want peoples names above there head just a clean smooth roleplay basically I like the redline HUD custom cars jobs custom houses and I was wondering if mafia city is the one I’m looking for also is Rage.mp safe to download
Also following road rules cops are fair I can’t explain but I hope u know what I mean thx for the video
5m is better tbh bro but yeah im with i just gotta pc i think imma join mcrp or limitless lmk what u joined plz!!
Thank you!
Join mafia city guys
mcrp >>>>>>>>
I could never play on a server that requires typing, that seems so lame to me. It's 2021, get a mic.
Note to self: Mafia is voice only...
Mafia is not voice only, it requires do/me commands.
I'd love to k ow what scripted jobs on eclipse give you 10 to 15k.
Just recently tested out Lumberjack as well as oil miner (both with just a bag and sportscar) and could easily make 10k+/hr and unless it is changed most of all the scripted jobs would pay you around that much. May be making a video retesting everything tho soon
why dont you play fivem
mafia city is better
None of them are truly rp servers. If it has voice it doesnt trslly have rp. No one rp's. On world where its text based there is rp
Zeedzad roleplay
Anything p2W is bad imo
early af
rp.shizzy.de RP SERVER!
you make so fucking long videos dude, this could be 5 min
are there modded cars on any of these servers