I believe once you make it to diamond the game starts prioritizing match score more than personal performance. It is more important to win a hardpoint 250-90 or 3-0 control then it is to top frag
14:03 This happened to me about 3-4 times when I was only a few games off iri a couple of weeks ago, so this has been an issue for a while. Wild they still haven’t fixed it yet. Managed to push past it and get iri but I was thinking of breaking my controller a couple times lmao 23:31 easy answer to this one is either A) they’re comms banned, which is incredibly common, B) they’re in a discord call or party chat with friends if they’re partied up together, something you will unfortunately have to deal with many times if you’re solo queued, or C) they just don’t turn their mics on because they’re so conditioned to the silence in this game made from the last two points. Can guarantee you they’re not bots (even though they play like it sometimes lol) Anyway, sometimes when you’re this mentally chalked you gotta know when to put ranked down for a bit. Once you lose 2 or 3 in a row you gotta get off for the day, because any play past that point is just gonna make you even angrier and more disillusioned. Your shot gets a little shakier, you second guess your reads, you stop doing the little things, and the cycle continues getting worse. Those reduced stats WILL hurt your hidden mmr badly. It’s rough to do when you have the goal of hitting crim and the season was so close to ending, but it’s better than playing those few extra games when you’re mentally out of it and giving the game a reason to make you hardstuck, because that’s going to carry over into next season. Sometimes if it’s this bad teaming up is in fact the solution for a few games, just to put yourself back on your feet and get the confidence and positive sr going. Gaining less sr from being in a stack is better than losing 500 sr solo queue. Haven’t seen any full gameplay from you so I can’t speak to things you might need to improve on or why the game thinks you shouldn’t currently be crim, but as rough as this is to hear the system is not broken, it’s working exactly as intended. There is SOMETHING happening in your gameplay that is giving the system a reason to keep you out of crim. Just gotta find what’s happening and improve on it, you’ve got this next season don’t let it get you down!
Literally the exact same things I've been saying to my buddies for the last few days, once you're hardstuck the game is really fighting you for every inch on the climb back up.
I made it to Plat 1 on a 3 streak and CONTINUED TO GO ON A PURPLE STREAK, halfway through Plat 1, before the game snapped and said no more. I am hard stuck plat 1 for no reason, playing well against the occasional D1 players I come across, and it seems it’s 4v1, 4v2 every single game. Just a total switch from getting 80-100 points a game to 27 if I win and -27 if I lose. It makes no sense and I also quit.
Colt havok did lose his second game but he got stream sniped by zynbabwe a iridescent player and his mmr was crazy so he mostly faced smurfs that day he faced zynbabwe like 4 times in a row and other steam snipers.
im in the same position rn as a solo q crim 1 😭 i was like 200 sr away from crim 2, usually top frag, then went on a fat losing streak, was still playing very well just got unlucky matchmaking where my tm8s couldnt carry their weight and went negative. i now lose 50 sr per loss and gain about 20 per win xD
I was 20 points off crimson, same story. Plus all the sr I lost to cheaters, at least 10 games during the climb. Most of the cheaters are in diamond and above.
Retired COD Pro here; If you want some free coaching, let me know. [It could make for good content reviewing your gameplay and decision-making.] I see a handful of big things that can have a significant impact on your gameplay, and I am sure there are some strategical gaps we can address.
Dude when you were talking about your plat 2 situation is exactly what I’m going through I’ve been trying to push for diamond for the longest and I’ve lost hope for me this season the game is rigged
Honestly bro i am facing the same issue i got demoted from plat 3 then got back in 3 times into plat 3 but the weird shit i notice is that when i go into winning streak or good kds the next day the oppenents match me at same level and 90 percent of the time they are gold and silver or bronze players.and also keep up queing up with teamates that are bad like the game wants me to carry somehow.The only thing i could advice if you are on winning streak just dont hop off quickly that day cause the next day the game somehow manages to put us in same level lobbies . I have also been placed in diamond and one time with 3 stack diamond and one crim player on opposite team .we defeated them by a margin on hp and the next day believe me i was getting slammed by gold plat1 and silver players
@ArlyOfficial definitely. The MMR system is definitely weird. Idk if servers are poop or it's rigged though.. some games feel smooth and others you get hit markers all game. Ifk
@@happyfeet-gx8zc what I’m saying the game actually won’t let me hit plat 3 the one time I have a good team and I’ve never struggled this hard in ranked ever
Im having a lot of the same issues in multiplayer. Where peoples skill level seems to change in the middle of a game and Nobody has headsets. It really feels like we are playing bots, and if you win or not, it comes down to latency. Whoever has a lag issue loses.
Think you’ve lost full a bit here. Regardless of where you finish in the leaderboard, if you are losing match after match in a row against people with potentially a lower hidden skill rating than you. Then you will be deemed to either have a lower rank or become hardstuck. This will happen more often playing Solo Q simply because you are going to lose more games than you otherwise would do by being in a stack. This in turn lowers your hidden skill rating because you’re losing against players with either a similar or lower rating to yourself. When you get higher in diamond you will play people who are more co-ordinated especially if they are stacking as a 3-4, so although they may not be more individually skilled than you, being in a solo Q is at that point a coin flip based on what team mates you get. Solo Q is hell based on the above unless you’re colt havok etc that can win games all by yourself. I’d defo recommend trying to squad up next season. Good luck!
Bro I’m just gonna say, there’s some things you need to improve on. You do a lot right but you’re giving up points to hunt kills on 15 seconds left of last hill, you gave up spawn holds, you treat your smg like an ar a lot of the time, you’re not pushing through enough for kills when spawns are secured, you’re not slowing down in fights to play your life enough.. It’s not the game. It is a tough grind but you need to improve, I promise you. I pushed from d1 to crim in 2 weeks and it was me working on all of these things. You do a lot right but you can definitely get better!! Keep improving, don’t blame the game or focus on the SR numbers.
Game is a buggy mess. Every point you bring up I have experienced myself. 100% rigged. And don’t get me started on bullet registration. It seems to change midway through the game
Just saying as someone who's been hardstuck since Plat 3 and was pretty close to Crim 2 climbing up 20 to 35 SR per win, you just need to win more and that's only done by playing more and improving your knowledge of the game. From the start of the season to right now I have improved drastically with my game knowledge simply by playing more, my aim has always been great along with my reaction time so I knew i could make it to the high ranks but never made it past Plat in ranked since I didn't enjoy the games too much.
I’m hard stuck D1, it does seem rigged, uphill battles every game, you can only do so much. I’m not the best but damn this shit is so rigged, they want u on the game all day it’s nuts
2 days ago i was almost diamond 2 and the exact same thing happened lost a few close games was on top even though i lost and i had been losing 18 -24 was gaining about 35 theni was losing close to 40 and only gaining 20-25 and went all the way back to plat 3 and then quit for the night
I can confirm the cams and shots on them, I see two and the game shows me 4..I’m only a plat 1 and decided to stop and take a break and just chill out on Minecraft til next season, but I noticed a few weeks ago as a plat I will play gold, plats and diamonds, occasionally silvers partied with a friend but anyone lower rank than (gold and below) me would seem to take between 6-10 shots and oddly sometimes half a mag to get the elimination when they aren’t even moving and it seemed like I was shooting but they weren’t phased like they didn’t even notice or take damage the first few shots (even on the head) and even im playing diamonds I feel like I barely shoot and I get the elimination, almost like it feels like I shouldn’t have won that gunfight .. when im against plats it seems like 4 shots both ways.. and it’s just even and it’s up to whoever plays obj and rotations better
As for mics… always ask if people are chat banned. I get chat banned and unless I’m in a full squad I only make call outs and even when I’m in a full squad I’ll be in a party with those people.. just ask if people can hear you and they will bob up and down.. they’re probs chat banned for zero reason like me
Dude literally the same thing happens to me. I have been hard stuck crim one was little over half to crim two. The last 5 days I’ve lost up to 48 sr never lost that much ever before and started getting fried. I went from having crim 3 and iri teammates and opponents to getting fried by diamond 2s and plat 3s. Makes no sense. I have changed nothing.
I flew thru gold, got somehow hardstuck plat 1, broke it, flew to Diamond 1, then with no fall off in play or any real breaks I started gaining only 20-30 SR per win and 30 per loss. Idk what happened. I’ve only gotten better. Once you’re hardstuck once it really is over. So annoying. I play in crim lobbies with my buddies and I top frag and still after the match I’m like wow 25 SR thanks…. Demoralizing. Game is fun too so it really sucks.
And it’s crazy to see how many people who criticise the MMR thinks to belong to a higher rank, while this system works perfectly fine: 2 wins, the 3rd match will be against higher rank people, the game keeps testing you! Nowadays CoD is a mad try hard experience bc of SBMM (in pubs), ranked is even worse, but i mean, it’s the whole point of ranked!
Noticed also that the enemy team look rapid on killcam, the movement is unreal where as I can’t physically make my character move that quick even with all perks & attachments. Feel like I’m splitting the controller in half trying to move like that. Noticed this when getting into diamond, then other games it’s normal once your in, feels like the game is so against you
I had it happen twice in plat 1 where my matchmade teammate left and wasn't there the entire game and I still lost SR. I just stopped playing. The game is so ridiculously rigged that I just gave up for the season. My main goal was to get to Plat for this season anyways so it was like "whatever I'm done with this bs." I found that when I closed the game after one of those rigged ass matches that the next day my SR was back where it was before the loss. So tbh you just gotta bully the game into not ruining your experience.
I went on a 20 loss streak. Finally worked my way back up because of the crappy match making. Rank up game to plat it gives me a diamond player, they went 19k-46d on control…. They got fried and ruined the game and we barely won 3-2. How that dude was diamond makes no sense, how do you die 46 times???
Yeah idk I haven't gone negative a single time even with the packet burst bs every other match. I'm over it, ranked should naturally skill distribute and shouldn't be trying it's hardest to do 50% W/L there have been so many player in diamond and plat that literally play at a silver level and I'm just so over it.
@@roodlyfbuts8006 you sound uneducated with your response. Idc what rank I am. Rank doesn’t determine skill level accurately at all. I’m doing just fine, if me pointing out inconsistencies amongst match making makes me a hater then you need to go back to school and learn what making a statement is. And fyi I started playing again after a 5 years and and I’m already about to be diamond within a 2 week span and only a week of ranked after getting back to it. If the season wasn’t ending I would’ve been diamond already. Real ones know rank doesn’t mean much, ranked has been unbalanced since bo4.
Ive lost all hope, i solo q and i gain 50 to 70 sr when i win, low 20s when i lose. when ive been hard stuck on plat 1 because i lose more then i win no matter how well i play smh. Ive recently went on a 5 game win streak then all of a sudden i cant win a single game and got lagged out of like 3 or 4 games like almost back to back and got penalized drasticly went from 4100 sr to 3300sr. And now my matchmaking algorithm is jacked. Last day before season 2 and im close to getting back into plat 1 sitting at 3500 sr. Im gold 3 rn getting matched againt teams in diamond on streaks like wtf is even going on???
Bro my best advice for everyone hardstuck solo just find a team get out of the division then go back to solo queue that’s what I do I’m almost iri also don’t play on pc play on console pc is fucked boys
Been Diamond 3 for like 2 weeks, Some games yeah i’m maybe like 5 pos with some time, but some games I can drop 40+ against Crims and I’ll get about 23sr for those wins.. lol Hit crim both last Cods but this Cod the sr is so weird.
Something weird af happened to my boy and I the other day. He said at one point he lost -106 sr and I was thinking he was blind or something because I didn’t even think that was possible because he had a 2kd in the game 50 seconds on point and we barely lost. Next day we lose a game I went 43-26 but only 35 seconds on the point but I got -106 as well….. never in my life has that happened and I have NO IDEA wtf would trigger that. We’re both diamond 3 getting to crim ….. idk if it’s a glitch or what but it’s never happened before or since and I’m still earning about 80 sr per win so I have no idea what we did wrong lmfao
I just got plat 1. It took me 2 weeks to get there solo queue, and I work 40 hrs a week. So will I start at gold rank 1 for season 2? My plat lobbies are filled with cheaters, it is unplayable right now for me. I was surprised how many cheat in plat than the lower ranks
@@_SauceMasterL you would be at gold rank 1, try to get promoted to plat 1 and then don't play until season 2 is out. Because these cheaters are out of control right now
Yo bro you are a higher rank then me but I would suggest you do like if you lose 3 in a row then just give it a break me personally i been having good luck actually doing this because I never really lose SR because I have actually playing until I lose an when I lose I have my demotion protection an it helps when you can go on 3 to 4 win streaks or 5 to 6 an then when you lose you don’t really lose your SR
That’s exactly what I did, lost 2-3 games and then jumped off, the next day tried again and lost 2-3 again. I’ve never lost this many games in a row, but we will see what S2 brings us
Sorry brother, I just hit crim last night. I earned 19-30 sr a win. But then again I went on big win streak of 10+ every day and lose one game and get off. Repeat
@@tylerparker7492 That’s a smart way of doing it, I probably should have done that. I’ll get there in season 2 just a shame I’ve gotta work D1/D2 again
People have mics a lot are comm banned. I do think they have a dirty algorithm for player retention they’re a business after all. I don’t agree with it but every platform does this for more engagement. You get beat in the dirt then shoot nukes another game. Def something going on behind the scenes
MMR is a B1tch, I be getting 60-80 per win in gold and it’s bullshit bc I dominate, but since I solo Q bc I’m old we Don’t win by a shit ton of points which makes the game think I am a gold player. 60-70 per win takes FOREVER to get out of gold aNd I Don’t play like that anymore, I play a few hours a week
Start a new account and you’ll see how the hit detection is perfect and aim assist works fine for the first few games. It must be eomm. After that point i think it comes down to who has the best internet and monitor
You kept losing against people that weren't good in the game 's mind, that's why you kept losing more and more sr,thus the demotion from your mmr dropping confirmed by your losses against players that you should have beaten easly in the mmr system eyes, makes sense to me.
@@tempestzz5682 the games mind doesn’t matter because it can’t be correct. It assumes how players should act based off no baselines other than who grinded up the fastest and then it sets the perimeters based on generalizations of those first groups of people to get up in rank. Ranks have hardly ever been indicative of skill, if so you wouldn’t have to play ranks above you. You’d play in that ranks zone until you’re out completely. Silvers shouldn’t be playing plays and diamonds. Silvers should only play silvers. That would solve grinding out of these ruts. Instead it’ll force you to play players not even in your rank. What’s the point of being plat if you’re playing silvers or vice versa.
@@NoVaRedacted the delusion on not understanding that this is how almost evry ranked game is designed it's insane,the game dosen't care about what you think you deserve to be but what you show it,and that's the rank it's gonna give you
See I get what ur saying. But at the same time. It seems all the players who are crim or iridescent can make it there no problem. Every. Time. The game might not be the best but. It does seem that if you are as good as that rank. You have a high chance of being that rank
@@IllIllIIIIllllIIllIllIllIIIIl If you’re an iri or crim player you should know that you don’t make it there ‘no problem’ and there are so many obstacles. And thats when you’re four stacking, half of the players that get to iri wouldn’t be able to if solo
@ sure maybe not no problem. Hackers and booters. Bad team mates. But nevertheless. Take a crim player throw the in a 1v1 against a hard stuck plat or diamond who blames everything on the game. Majority of the time you are gonna see the differences in skill level. You mentioned you watch colt’s videos before n I think that’s evidence of what I’m saying. Even for Colt yea he lost. 3 games. He hit iri in 12 hours. N sure Maybe 4 stacking could get you up a few ranks from where you are. But the biggest difference maker will always be your own skill level. ALSO JUST DROPPED A NUKE FIRST GAME ON. SO **** YEA
@ I use Havok as an example because he is without a doubt THE best ranked player with the most experience, and even he does lose a game or two. I wasn’t making the point that any of us are anywhere near his capabilities. I 100% agree that if you 4 stack to a certain rank then it’s not your true rank, because there are people I know have solo queued to crim and iri from the start and you can’t come close to them. I’ve made a lot of mistakes when playing ranked play which has led to where I am right now. The point of the video is basically saying making these mistakes puts you in a hole that is near impossible to climb out of. Your account gets tarnished. We will see what S2 brings 👆🏽
@ I think it’s very possible to climb out of. I’ve seen players do it before. I’ve done it before. From 25 sr in plat. To getting over 100 in diamond. It takes awhile. You have to have play well. I dropped 62 on a vault hp and lost. But eventually the hidden mmr will catch up if you play well enough. I mean hell I was D3 getting put in full iri and high crim lobbies. It’s hard to break out if being hard stuck but. Most people get Hardwick cause they aren’t good enough to be in a higher rank. That’s how the game works
@ also my other point with Havok. Go look at his series with Tuna the crim player. He beat every hard stuck plat n diamond who claimed their team sold them n that’s why they were stuck. Play good cod consistently. You will rank up. I’m currently d3. Can I out gun a crim. 100% can I do it consistently enough in a 4v4 with the right rotations. Block spawns correctly. Soak time when necessary. No. That’s why you get hard stuck. Unfortunately going 30/25 and getting a close win doesn’t mean you should rank up
ofc we all have a mic like back in the day but back in the day u wouldn't get a ban for saying sh!t to ppl i do think u deserve higher rank but i also think there's cope in some u say in this vid.. i would just get an alt account to experiment if i were u and don't take ts too seriously.. f the operator skin, f the emblem this is not what matters
I believe once you make it to diamond the game starts prioritizing match score more than personal performance. It is more important to win a hardpoint 250-90 or 3-0 control then it is to top frag
14:03 This happened to me about 3-4 times when I was only a few games off iri a couple of weeks ago, so this has been an issue for a while. Wild they still haven’t fixed it yet. Managed to push past it and get iri but I was thinking of breaking my controller a couple times lmao
23:31 easy answer to this one is either A) they’re comms banned, which is incredibly common, B) they’re in a discord call or party chat with friends if they’re partied up together, something you will unfortunately have to deal with many times if you’re solo queued, or C) they just don’t turn their mics on because they’re so conditioned to the silence in this game made from the last two points. Can guarantee you they’re not bots (even though they play like it sometimes lol)
Anyway, sometimes when you’re this mentally chalked you gotta know when to put ranked down for a bit. Once you lose 2 or 3 in a row you gotta get off for the day, because any play past that point is just gonna make you even angrier and more disillusioned. Your shot gets a little shakier, you second guess your reads, you stop doing the little things, and the cycle continues getting worse. Those reduced stats WILL hurt your hidden mmr badly. It’s rough to do when you have the goal of hitting crim and the season was so close to ending, but it’s better than playing those few extra games when you’re mentally out of it and giving the game a reason to make you hardstuck, because that’s going to carry over into next season. Sometimes if it’s this bad teaming up is in fact the solution for a few games, just to put yourself back on your feet and get the confidence and positive sr going. Gaining less sr from being in a stack is better than losing 500 sr solo queue.
Haven’t seen any full gameplay from you so I can’t speak to things you might need to improve on or why the game thinks you shouldn’t currently be crim, but as rough as this is to hear the system is not broken, it’s working exactly as intended. There is SOMETHING happening in your gameplay that is giving the system a reason to keep you out of crim. Just gotta find what’s happening and improve on it, you’ve got this next season don’t let it get you down!
Literally the exact same things I've been saying to my buddies for the last few days, once you're hardstuck the game is really fighting you for every inch on the climb back up.
Bro i thought you was a bigger RUclipsr surprised you've only got 900+ subs good content definitely Subscribing
@@nffclacey That means a lot bro! You’re a real OG 🤘🏽
I made it to Plat 1 on a 3 streak and CONTINUED TO GO ON A PURPLE STREAK, halfway through Plat 1, before the game snapped and said no more. I am hard stuck plat 1 for no reason, playing well against the occasional D1 players I come across, and it seems it’s 4v1, 4v2 every single game. Just a total switch from getting 80-100 points a game to 27 if I win and -27 if I lose. It makes no sense and I also quit.
I'm stuck D3 right now with the same deal. MMR is everything and not being able to see what the game thinks you should be is just criminal.
Colt havok did lose his second game but he got stream sniped by zynbabwe a iridescent player and his mmr was crazy so he mostly faced smurfs that day he faced zynbabwe like 4 times in a row and other steam snipers.
im in the same position rn as a solo q crim 1 😭 i was like 200 sr away from crim 2, usually top frag, then went on a fat losing streak, was still playing very well just got unlucky matchmaking where my tm8s couldnt carry their weight and went negative. i now lose 50 sr per loss and gain about 20 per win xD
I was 20 points off crimson, same story. Plus all the sr I lost to cheaters, at least 10 games during the climb. Most of the cheaters are in diamond and above.
@@gabrielyeamans7289 You were even closer than me! That’s crazy
Retired COD Pro here; If you want some free coaching, let me know. [It could make for good content reviewing your gameplay and decision-making.]
I see a handful of big things that can have a significant impact on your gameplay, and I am sure there are some strategical gaps we can address.
Dude when you were talking about your plat 2 situation is exactly what I’m going through I’ve been trying to push for diamond for the longest and I’ve lost hope for me this season the game is rigged
Honestly bro i am facing the same issue i got demoted from plat 3 then got back in 3 times into plat 3 but the weird shit i notice is that when i go into winning streak or good kds the next day the oppenents match me at same level and 90 percent of the time they are gold and silver or bronze players.and also keep up queing up with teamates that are bad like the game wants me to carry somehow.The only thing i could advice if you are on winning streak just dont hop off quickly that day cause the next day the game somehow manages to put us in same level lobbies . I have also been placed in diamond and one time with 3 stack diamond and one crim player on opposite team .we defeated them by a margin on hp and the next day believe me i was getting slammed by gold plat1 and silver players
Idk I hit Diamond soloque on three different accounts.
@TheSkateDemons I’ve hit diamond on two accounts so far, one was much easier than the other
@ArlyOfficial definitely. The MMR system is definitely weird. Idk if servers are poop or it's rigged though.. some games feel smooth and others you get hit markers all game. Ifk
@@happyfeet-gx8zc what I’m saying the game actually won’t let me hit plat 3 the one time I have a good team and I’ve never struggled this hard in ranked ever
Im having a lot of the same issues in multiplayer. Where peoples skill level seems to change in the middle of a game and Nobody has headsets.
It really feels like we are playing bots, and if you win or not, it comes down to latency. Whoever has a lag issue loses.
Think you’ve lost full a bit here.
Regardless of where you finish in the leaderboard, if you are losing match after match in a row against people with potentially a lower hidden skill rating than you. Then you will be deemed to either have a lower rank or become hardstuck.
This will happen more often playing Solo Q simply because you are going to lose more games than you otherwise would do by being in a stack.
This in turn lowers your hidden skill rating because you’re losing against players with either a similar or lower rating to yourself.
When you get higher in diamond you will play people who are more co-ordinated especially if they are stacking as a 3-4, so although they may not be more individually skilled than you, being in a solo Q is at that point a coin flip based on what team mates you get.
Solo Q is hell based on the above unless you’re colt havok etc that can win games all by yourself.
I’d defo recommend trying to squad up next season. Good luck!
I feel your pain mate😢 happend to me as well. Had a 15 win streak still get+ 30 sr ........
Bro I’m just gonna say, there’s some things you need to improve on. You do a lot right but you’re giving up points to hunt kills on 15 seconds left of last hill, you gave up spawn holds, you treat your smg like an ar a lot of the time, you’re not pushing through enough for kills when spawns are secured, you’re not slowing down in fights to play your life enough..
It’s not the game. It is a tough grind but you need to improve, I promise you.
I pushed from d1 to crim in 2 weeks and it was me working on all of these things. You do a lot right but you can definitely get better!! Keep improving, don’t blame the game or focus on the SR numbers.
Game is a buggy mess. Every point you bring up I have experienced myself. 100% rigged. And don’t get me started on bullet registration. It seems to change midway through the game
Just saying as someone who's been hardstuck since Plat 3 and was pretty close to Crim 2 climbing up 20 to 35 SR per win, you just need to win more and that's only done by playing more and improving your knowledge of the game. From the start of the season to right now I have improved drastically with my game knowledge simply by playing more, my aim has always been great along with my reaction time so I knew i could make it to the high ranks but never made it past Plat in ranked since I didn't enjoy the games too much.
I’m hard stuck D1, it does seem rigged, uphill battles every game, you can only do so much. I’m not the best but damn this shit is so rigged, they want u on the game all day it’s nuts
2 days ago i was almost diamond 2 and the exact same thing happened lost a few close games was on top even though i lost and i had been losing 18 -24 was gaining about 35 theni was losing close to 40 and only gaining 20-25 and went all the way back to plat 3 and then quit for the night
I read that they are making adjustments to the SR based on performance so hopefully sorts out the hardstuck issue.
it looks like it’s spawn knowledge that might get you to crimson in s2
I thought I knew spawns pretty well in this game but how quickly they flip is crazy
I can confirm the cams and shots on them, I see two and the game shows me 4..I’m only a plat 1 and decided to stop and take a break and just chill out on Minecraft til next season, but I noticed a few weeks ago as a plat I will play gold, plats and diamonds, occasionally silvers partied with a friend but anyone lower rank than (gold and below) me would seem to take between 6-10 shots and oddly sometimes half a mag to get the elimination when they aren’t even moving and it seemed like I was shooting but they weren’t phased like they didn’t even notice or take damage the first few shots (even on the head) and even im playing diamonds I feel like I barely shoot and I get the elimination, almost like it feels like I shouldn’t have won that gunfight .. when im against plats it seems like 4 shots both ways.. and it’s just even and it’s up to whoever plays obj and rotations better
As for mics… always ask if people are chat banned. I get chat banned and unless I’m in a full squad I only make call outs and even when I’m in a full squad I’ll be in a party with those people.. just ask if people can hear you and they will bob up and down.. they’re probs chat banned for zero reason like me
Dude literally the same thing happens to me. I have been hard stuck crim one was little over half to crim two. The last 5 days I’ve lost up to 48 sr never lost that much ever before and started getting fried. I went from having crim 3 and iri teammates and opponents to getting fried by diamond 2s and plat 3s. Makes no sense. I have changed nothing.
I flew thru gold, got somehow hardstuck plat 1, broke it, flew to Diamond 1, then with no fall off in play or any real breaks I started gaining only 20-30 SR per win and 30 per loss. Idk what happened. I’ve only gotten better. Once you’re hardstuck once it really is over. So annoying. I play in crim lobbies with my buddies and I top frag and still after the match I’m like wow 25 SR thanks…. Demoralizing. Game is fun too so it really sucks.
And it’s crazy to see how many people who criticise the MMR thinks to belong to a higher rank, while this system works perfectly fine: 2 wins, the 3rd match will be against higher rank people, the game keeps testing you!
Nowadays CoD is a mad try hard experience bc of SBMM (in pubs), ranked is even worse, but i mean, it’s the whole point of ranked!
Noticed also that the enemy team look rapid on killcam, the movement is unreal where as I can’t physically make my character move that quick even with all perks & attachments. Feel like I’m splitting the controller in half trying to move like that. Noticed this when getting into diamond, then other games it’s normal once your in, feels like the game is so against you
I had it happen twice in plat 1 where my matchmade teammate left and wasn't there the entire game and I still lost SR. I just stopped playing. The game is so ridiculously rigged that I just gave up for the season. My main goal was to get to Plat for this season anyways so it was like "whatever I'm done with this bs." I found that when I closed the game after one of those rigged ass matches that the next day my SR was back where it was before the loss. So tbh you just gotta bully the game into not ruining your experience.
I went on a 20 loss streak. Finally worked my way back up because of the crappy match making. Rank up game to plat it gives me a diamond player, they went 19k-46d on control…. They got fried and ruined the game and we barely won 3-2. How that dude was diamond makes no sense, how do you die 46 times???
Yeah idk I haven't gone negative a single time even with the packet burst bs every other match. I'm over it, ranked should naturally skill distribute and shouldn't be trying it's hardest to do 50% W/L there have been so many player in diamond and plat that literally play at a silver level and I'm just so over it.
You sound salty for not being diamond. That was probably a higher player reverse boosting stats.
@@roodlyfbuts8006 you sound uneducated with your response. Idc what rank I am. Rank doesn’t determine skill level accurately at all. I’m doing just fine, if me pointing out inconsistencies amongst match making makes me a hater then you need to go back to school and learn what making a statement is.
And fyi I started playing again after a 5 years and and I’m already about to be diamond within a 2 week span and only a week of ranked after getting back to it. If the season wasn’t ending I would’ve been diamond already.
Real ones know rank doesn’t mean much, ranked has been unbalanced since bo4.
Ive lost all hope, i solo q and i gain 50 to 70 sr when i win, low 20s when i lose. when ive been hard stuck on plat 1 because i lose more then i win no matter how well i play smh. Ive recently went on a 5 game win streak then all of a sudden i cant win a single game and got lagged out of like 3 or 4 games like almost back to back and got penalized drasticly went from 4100 sr to 3300sr. And now my matchmaking algorithm is jacked. Last day before season 2 and im close to getting back into plat 1 sitting at 3500 sr. Im gold 3 rn getting matched againt teams in diamond on streaks like wtf is even going on???
Bro my best advice for everyone hardstuck solo just find a team get out of the division then go back to solo queue that’s what I do I’m almost iri also don’t play on pc play on console pc is fucked boys
Been Diamond 3 for like 2 weeks, Some games yeah i’m maybe like 5 pos with some time, but some games I can drop 40+ against Crims and I’ll get about 23sr for those wins.. lol Hit crim both last Cods but this Cod the sr is so weird.
If you think your gaming experience is bad at that low rank. Just imagine the higher ranks
Something weird af happened to my boy and I the other day. He said at one point he lost -106 sr and I was thinking he was blind or something because I didn’t even think that was possible because he had a 2kd in the game 50 seconds on point and we barely lost.
Next day we lose a game I went 43-26 but only 35 seconds on the point but I got -106 as well….. never in my life has that happened and I have NO IDEA wtf would trigger that. We’re both diamond 3 getting to crim ….. idk if it’s a glitch or what but it’s never happened before or since and I’m still earning about 80 sr per win so I have no idea what we did wrong lmfao
I just got plat 1. It took me 2 weeks to get there solo queue, and I work 40 hrs a week. So will I start at gold rank 1 for season 2? My plat lobbies are filled with cheaters, it is unplayable right now for me. I was surprised how many cheat in plat than the lower ranks
If you are in plat 1 when the season swaps over you will still be in plat 1; you will only drop to gold 1 if you are in gold 2 or 3.
what if you reach plat 1. but then get demoted to gold 3 at end of season?
@@_SauceMasterL i would assume you would start at gold 1 but with a sweet plat skin lol
@@_SauceMasterL you would be at gold rank 1, try to get promoted to plat 1 and then don't play until season 2 is out. Because these cheaters are out of control right now
@ the job is done lol
I play on a 65inch and i solo que, and i ping 60 do i have a chance, im Gold 3. I carry hard but just cant seem to get over
When you go up 2-0 on control, somehow the other team always brings it back to 2-2. Very odd
Yo bro you are a higher rank then me but I would suggest you do like if you lose 3 in a row then just give it a break me personally i been having good luck actually doing this because I never really lose SR because I have actually playing until I lose an when I lose I have my demotion protection an it helps when you can go on 3 to 4 win streaks or 5 to 6 an then when you lose you don’t really lose your SR
That’s exactly what I did, lost 2-3 games and then jumped off, the next day tried again and lost 2-3 again. I’ve never lost this many games in a row, but we will see what S2 brings us
Sorry brother, I just hit crim last night. I earned 19-30 sr a win. But then again I went on big win streak of 10+ every day and lose one game and get off. Repeat
@@tylerparker7492 That’s a smart way of doing it, I probably should have done that. I’ll get there in season 2 just a shame I’ve gotta work D1/D2 again
People have mics a lot are comm banned. I do think they have a dirty algorithm for player retention they’re a business after all. I don’t agree with it but every platform does this for more engagement. You get beat in the dirt then shoot nukes another game. Def something going on behind the scenes
Why is it that I played only 5/100 games snd?
@@Drizzn That was the same for me, but yesterday I played 7 games of SnD and only 1 hard point and 2 control
@@ArlyOfficial you're a lucky man haha!
They need to take in game stats into consideration
MMR is a B1tch, I be getting 60-80 per win in gold and it’s bullshit bc I dominate, but since I solo Q bc I’m old we Don’t win by a shit ton of points which makes the game think I am a gold player. 60-70 per win takes FOREVER to get out of gold aNd I Don’t play like that anymore, I play a few hours a week
Need to just go like 1.5 positive at least every game and have good obj if you need it too and your sr will improve
Start a new account and you’ll see how the hit detection is perfect and aim assist works fine for the first few games. It must be eomm. After that point i think it comes down to who has the best internet and monitor
I am actually thinking of trying that
I cant get into a game lower than 70 latency. I gave up....
I hit diamond the other day. My goal is crim
Maybe your diamond. Welcome to ranked play
Im crim 1 and im somehow getting 60+sr a game, idek how
You kept losing against people that weren't good in the game 's mind, that's why you kept losing more and more sr,thus the demotion from your mmr dropping confirmed by your losses against players that you should have beaten easly in the mmr system eyes, makes sense to me.
@@tempestzz5682 I do agree with you, I should have beaten them and that probably does explain the SR deductions
@@tempestzz5682 if you’re supporting this horrid system you’re blind to a bigger issue.
@@tempestzz5682 the games mind doesn’t matter because it can’t be correct. It assumes how players should act based off no baselines other than who grinded up the fastest and then it sets the perimeters based on generalizations of those first groups of people to get up in rank.
Ranks have hardly ever been indicative of skill, if so you wouldn’t have to play ranks above you. You’d play in that ranks zone until you’re out completely. Silvers shouldn’t be playing plays and diamonds. Silvers should only play silvers. That would solve grinding out of these ruts. Instead it’ll force you to play players not even in your rank. What’s the point of being plat if you’re playing silvers or vice versa.
@@NoVaRedacted" the game's mind"it's used in evry game with a ranked system... it's normal and it's how games are balanced and fair...
@@NoVaRedacted the delusion on not understanding that this is how almost evry ranked game is designed it's insane,the game dosen't care about what you think you deserve to be but what you show it,and that's the rank it's gonna give you
See I get what ur saying. But at the same time. It seems all the players who are crim or iridescent can make it there no problem. Every. Time. The game might not be the best but. It does seem that if you are as good as that rank. You have a high chance of being that rank
@@IllIllIIIIllllIIllIllIllIIIIl If you’re an iri or crim player you should know that you don’t make it there ‘no problem’ and there are so many obstacles. And thats when you’re four stacking, half of the players that get to iri wouldn’t be able to if solo
@ sure maybe not no problem. Hackers and booters. Bad team mates. But nevertheless. Take a crim player throw the in a 1v1 against a hard stuck plat or diamond who blames everything on the game. Majority of the time you are gonna see the differences in skill level. You mentioned you watch colt’s videos before n I think that’s evidence of what I’m saying. Even for Colt yea he lost. 3 games. He hit iri in 12 hours. N sure Maybe 4 stacking could get you up a few ranks from where you are. But the biggest difference maker will always be your own skill level. ALSO JUST DROPPED A NUKE FIRST GAME ON. SO **** YEA
@ I use Havok as an example because he is without a doubt THE best ranked player with the most experience, and even he does lose a game or two. I wasn’t making the point that any of us are anywhere near his capabilities.
I 100% agree that if you 4 stack to a certain rank then it’s not your true rank, because there are people I know have solo queued to crim and iri from the start and you can’t come close to them.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes when playing ranked play which has led to where I am right now. The point of the video is basically saying making these mistakes puts you in a hole that is near impossible to climb out of. Your account gets tarnished. We will see what S2 brings 👆🏽
@ I think it’s very possible to climb out of. I’ve seen players do it before. I’ve done it before. From 25 sr in plat. To getting over 100 in diamond. It takes awhile. You have to have play well. I dropped 62 on a vault hp and lost. But eventually the hidden mmr will catch up if you play well enough. I mean hell I was D3 getting put in full iri and high crim lobbies. It’s hard to break out if being hard stuck but. Most people get Hardwick cause they aren’t good enough to be in a higher rank. That’s how the game works
@ also my other point with Havok. Go look at his series with Tuna the crim player. He beat every hard stuck plat n diamond who claimed their team sold them n that’s why they were stuck. Play good cod consistently. You will rank up. I’m currently d3. Can I out gun a crim. 100% can I do it consistently enough in a 4v4 with the right rotations. Block spawns correctly. Soak time when necessary. No. That’s why you get hard stuck. Unfortunately going 30/25 and getting a close win doesn’t mean you should rank up
ofc we all have a mic like back in the day but back in the day u wouldn't get a ban for saying sh!t to ppl
i do think u deserve higher rank but i also think there's cope in some u say in this vid..
i would just get an alt account to experiment if i were u
and don't take ts too seriously.. f the operator skin, f the emblem this is not what matters
You’re wasting your time on a dead game