That’s a bigger difference than I thought. I’d only need the pouch for drywall screws I was thinking the small would be ideal. However, Do they do an in between size?
I did not find an in-between size available here in the Netherlands. Maybe if you look at the more dedicated pouches for carpenters electricians or somewhere along that line you might find something that fits your needs. I found it not so easy to figure out the sizes of the different pouches.
Thanks a lot! Very informative! ❤
Thanks for the feedback. I am glad the video was helpful
That’s a bigger difference than I thought. I’d only need the pouch for drywall screws I was thinking the small would be ideal. However, Do they do an in between size?
I did not find an in-between size available here in the Netherlands. Maybe if you look at the more dedicated pouches for carpenters electricians or somewhere along that line you might find something that fits your needs. I found it not so easy to figure out the sizes of the different pouches.
Very useful
Thank you