10 Interesting World of Warcraft Lore Facts #5
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- 10 WoW Lore Facts 5th Edition. Covering 10 more, not so well known World of Warcraft Lore facts. Leave your suggestions for future videos and also which WoW videos you would like to see!
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Black Empire and Old Gods
Earthen Origin and Ironforge
Kobolds and Snobolds
Saronite the black blood of Yogg-Saron
Pygmy origin and history
Amber in Mantid society
Harpy lore
Tol Barad history
Wolvar society
What caused the Shattering?
Special thanks to HordeWillWin for helping me get the duel shots. :)
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. - I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I'd be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at doronproductionfilms@hotmail.com
Great video as always.
+Felipe Luengas Thank you. :)
I didn't know about the lores about wow,but you showed me and now i am so happy!!Thank you!
+Johny Bcr Thanks, glad to throw all the lores your way. :D
Also... something weird I see...
Vanilla - The base game
BC - A legion invasion stopping
WoTLK - The return of the Lich King
Cata - Destruction of Azeroth
MoP - New secrets unveiled
WoD - Reffering to the base base game (WCIII)
Legion - A legion invasion
??? - The New Lich king returns once again! (We don't kill him)
??? - The Rebuilding of Azeroth, the Old God's uprising (new old god revealed)
??? - New secrets unveiled! (South Seas or other side of Azeroth pls)
Anyways that's just my wild guess, anything can happen. Great video as always Doron, keep up the good work AND MAKE THE THIRD PART TO YOUR RP GUIDE. (I'm still waiting, staring at your youtube channel every day, I'm a stalker)
If you want to look at it that way, it'd be more accurate to say something more like this.
Vanilla - A game based on a previous set of games (Warcraft 1-3)
TBC - A total restructuring of Old Game lore, preventing Illidan from invading Azeroth with his own demonic host. (Warcraft 1-3 lore restructured)
Wotlk - Return of a major villain, Arthas Menethil (Warcraft 3). Unveiling of new old-god related content(Vanilla), unveiling of a bunch of new lore about Northrend(Warcraft 3); a place in Warcraft history that had previously had very little details.
Cataclysm - Return of another major villain, Neltharion. Met with surprising lack of interest. Return of Elemental lords. Changing of Vanilla Landscape for the sake of updating 4+ year old quest lines.
Mists of Pandaria - Introduction of rumored race/race's progenitors and homeland (Pandaren, Wacraft 1-3), introduction of another old god (Y'shaarj), Garrosh becomes relevant after being a sort of background character since TBC.
WOD - Re-introduction of original cannon, showcasing the updated lore, while simultaneously showing an alternate universe Draenor, pre-destruction by Nerzhul. Gives us a frame of reference for the inspirations of modern heroes, who are beginning to die off.
Legion - The Legion invades Azeroth for the second time. Heroes of the horde and Alliance die trying to prevent this worse-than-cataclysmic event. The remaining heroes of the Horde and Alliance attempt to forge new connections (Guilds), and pick up lost artifacts (Lore weapons, old and new) to defeat an ancient threat. (Warcraft 1).
??? - ????
??? - ????
??? - ????
There are so many possibilities, that it's hard to suggest one or the other. Obviously, old gods are fantastic. Obviously, they need a reason to make them the headline of the expansion, and insofar, most of the heralds of the old gods are long dead. (Since Cata, and post Legion, I suspect a lot more old god worshippers will be gone.)
I suspect a greater possibility exists in the alternate timeline/universe/dimension related expansions, seeing as inter dimensional travel is possible (Nar'uu ships, bronze dragon flight, The Twisting Nether.) I suspect future expansions may have more to do with Titans than old gods and the legion.
A Healthkit Yep, you explained it better than me :P Nice comment btw!
VoxxyMC danke
I've also thought of it that way, feels like it goes in circles
prog RQ
I had a similar feeling at first but then I recalled how indistinctly similar each expansion was.
Good Stuff the Wolvar made me nostalgic of the Wrath days.
awesome video man!! keep up the amazing videos
+Matthew Daggett Thanks, I appreciate it. :)
Awesome as always Doron
+Velkhan Thanks.
Interesting Lore Fact #6 Thrall lost his connection to the elements because he is now bald.
+Olcay yes
+Olcay although the original post is clearly a joke, it is somewhat based on truth. The North American Indian tribes believe that their hair is a literal extension of their nervous system and represent a connection with nature and Mother Earth. The warriors are thought to have been blessed with telepathic and intuitive ESP from this and even the United States military did an experiment during the age of Guerrilla warfare of Vietnam. This is why it is unheard of and out of character for Thrall to have cut off his on a whim.
+Alexander Aramaki Didn't stop him from cheating and summoning that elemental hand. :D
+Doronsmovies There is no rules in Mak'gorah referring to elemental magic but it is kind of implied not to use magic. So technically Thrall didn't really break any rules except 1) not in a loincloth, and 2) no witness. These rules were also broken by Garrosh and if you were really keen and perceptive you would have noticed Thrall casting elemental spells like no big deal in the original Mak'gorah in the WotLK Launch event.
wow that last one i didn't know, i thought it was him breaking out of the ground as shown in cinematic
+Aiden Rogers Wasn't certain at first if people knew it or not. But I know I when I first heard of the Cataclysm I thought it was just Deathwing. They really didn't do that great of a job of explaining the entire elemental plane unless you are into the lore.
Awesome video man ;)
+Adalberto Sampaio Thanks. :)
Anytime man :D
really like interesting lore facts, keep it up
+bobby henderson Thanks, I'm glad people like this series. :)
I love that the narrator is a Dranei
+Tirion Fordring ahaha,i've never tought of it that way
"Hello guys, this is Doronsmovies" I like how you always sound nasal when saying doronsmovies.
No 😃
Truly enjoyed this.
+Clayton McFarlane Thanks, glad to hear.
How about making videos about the diferent professions?
Here you mentioned Saronite, that's a metal use in minning and blacksmithing.
You could like...go through the lore of each metal or something like that.
Well, the idea just came to me but I think you can work about it.
+Marcio Angulo Aponte I doubt much would come from that and really a part from saronite and a few others there really isn't anything that interesting.
Awesome video
+ahmadjumaalaslai Thanks. :)
Hello @doronsmovies - may I ask please, where you got the information about Pygmies coming from goblins? I always thought that goblins were degenerate trolls (not that that invalidates degenerate goblins, necessarily). Thank you for the vids!
Can you possibly do something on the Wastewalker in Uldum? Where did they come from?
+Xionaxe Who exactly are you referring to? The trolls?
hey doron i have a question how many years back the orcs take grim batol from the wildhammer dwarfs ?
Hi Doron will you do another Lore q&a soon?
+Jutian Yeah, most likely for the next video or the one after that.
Sylvanas can actually die from a lot of stuff, like random bullets shot by godfrey (she got one shot).
+rezki lachichi She obviously can, but saronite can almost entirely destroy her body.
Doronsmovies Oh that's why she instantly died when she hit the ground :O (just read the short story on the website!)
Ironic, yet Sylvanas died at point black range lol #mustofbeensilverbullets
in warcraft books, games, comics or any cannon lore, when was the first time the old gods where mentioned in the story?
+Cristian Cure I'm not certain. I believe it all started with wow and further developed in Wrath of the Lich King. However there was the forgotten one in Warcraft 3 that pretty much looked like an old god. Obviously it wasn't an old god, but it was most likely some old god creature. It was in Azjol Nerub and we later learned that there are old god creatures under Azjol Nerub, so it makes sense.
+Cristian Cure I believe the first sgin of their existance was during the WC3 expansion The Frozen Throne, when Arthas and Anub'arak are crossing the depths of Azjol-nerub and stumble into the Faceless Ones and their leader, whom Anub'arak call "The Forgotten One", very similar to C'Thun. Then Blizz expanded that idea through the RPG books and the WoW ingame Lore (the whole Ahn-Quiraj thing).
+Cristian Cure Old Gods are first mentioned in WC3 manual. This part of manual was later added as in-game book "The Titans and ordering of Azeroth". It is stated that five old gods ruled Azeroth, then Titans arrived and chained them beneath theearth.
While I'm waiting for the video to buffer, I'll be passing the time by commenting that I would really like to see the knights of the ebon blade really get some glory time in the next expansion, along with sylvanas. Sylvanas is basically my favorite character in the game, and now that arthas is dead, she needs a new purpose besides killing Worgen all the time. Also, I want the new lich king to bring in the whoopass and show us the new face of the scourge. Frankly, it would be almost poetic for the lich king to kill the ones who created the lich king in the first place.
+TheAlmighty WubWubs in Legion, sylvanas will make do as a Warchief of the Horde because Vol'Jin went missing and baine could barely control his own race so he stepped down.
I really wish the next expansion after Legion will have the Ebon Blade will rise up to power and help against the really predictable Lich King expansion
do a video about snobolds 😀
The first civilization on Azeroth is actually the elementals
Cool beans.
So... how many Demigods have died during war of the ancients?
fuck demon hunters i want playable pygmies god dammit
Awesome video
Btw srry for that diss on kakios q N a xD
+Tpg Ric Thanks, I'm not sure I remember what you're referring to, but it's for the best. :D