Is federal student loan debt forgiveness fair?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • We debate the legality of and fairness of federal student loan forgiveness.

Комментарии • 229

  • @tortillero3138
    @tortillero3138 2 года назад +29

    I worked and paid 100% out of pocket for a bachelors degree, I feel like a sucker

  • @dharma6808
    @dharma6808 2 года назад +6

    why the uproar on student debt forgiveness what's not fair the Billions the Government sends to Ukraine to fund war

  • @nunayoorbidnez2119
    @nunayoorbidnez2119 2 года назад +16

    Let's teach the young that there are no obligations or consequences for their decisions. That will assure the nation a bright future.

    • @Blaze6432
      @Blaze6432 2 года назад +4

      Let's teach banks and businesses that the government will bail them out and forgive their loans even though they have plenty of money.

    • @bafflezbiz
      @bafflezbiz 2 года назад +2

      What world do you live in? Do you have any idea where your tax dollars go? I'm guessing you think it all goes to "welfare". Maybe you should try college. Or at least read a book.

    • @nunayoorbidnez2119
      @nunayoorbidnez2119 2 года назад +1

      @@bafflezbiz I have a Masters in Information Technology and a six figure income. I chose wisely, worked hard, paid off my student loans, bought a house, married, and I am now saving for the future so that my children can go to college. People like me, my wife, and my children are building the future for America. Do you want us building your future, or deadbeats who make poor choices and then abandon their debts? Choose wisely.......

    • @bafflezbiz
      @bafflezbiz 2 года назад

      @@nunayoorbidnez2119 Yes, in my 20s I chose to surf around the world, then went to university in my 30s and launched my career in eCommerce. After many years of success working for fortune 50 companies and climbing the almighty corporate ladder, my father fell ill so I _chose_ to take care of him in his time of need. And, needless to say, he required my aid 24 hours a day so my career was put on hold.
      I'm thankful that my fellow countrymen, yourself included, continue to contribute to our country's shared wealth- through taxes as well as work effort across the many sectors of industry and commerce that support our nation. This shared benefaction now affords me assistance in my time of need by forgiving a portion of my educational loans. And I will contribute again in the future (and as a matter of fact, I'm still contributing now by driving for Uber, which provides tax money as well as a critical, front-line service. But it's not to the same degree as my previous contribution).
      Keep in mind that we also help mega-corporations and conglomerate farms and failing industries and other countries with much, much greater amounts of money. And not just once, but ongoing, year after year after decade. Why now are all these Americans so unwilling to help our own people here at home, in the trenches, when we help those in ivory towers and high up on mountains of wealth without any hesitation at all? And it's not like this loan forgiveness is going to those who are well off and living in luxury. This is only for those who haven't been able to pay off their loans and who don't make a lot of money.
      And so this sends a great message: that our country is incredibly prosperous and we're fortunate enough to have a safety net that's waiting to catch us if we fall. This allows us to push harder and take even bigger risks to achieve our highest goals without fear of total ruin. That fear will stifle most people and limit them to what's safest, what's benign and easily achieved to earn the bare minimum. That's not who we are nor where we want to be. We're better than that, and we help our team members when they trip and stumble, so that we cross the finish line together with a clear conscious in unity. Or we regress to say "every man for himself and to Hell with the rest", and fail all alone.

    • @bafflezbiz
      @bafflezbiz 2 года назад

      @@nunayoorbidnez2119 On a side note, I'm curious about this future you and your family are building for America; does it have clean air, water, and land? Are there toxic chemicals spread throughout our food and water and the cells of our bodies to an even greater degree than they are today? Is the weather and climate at such a violent and unfriendly state that we're forced to live underground or on Mars? Or did the people demand that we stop the monstrous corporations that make their money from poisons and petrochemicals? Do we end our dependence upon foreign oil, thus ending our military occupation and financial oppression of countless 3rd world countries around the world? Do we live in peace and in good health?

  • @AmericanAntiCorruptionAct
    @AmericanAntiCorruptionAct 2 года назад +22

    Student debt isn't about irresponsible young people taking out more loans than they'll be able to pay back.
    It's about a corruption cycle between loan companies, lobbyists, and our lawmakers, designed to make them rich and powerful - AT YOUR EXPENSE.

    • @Foomanlol
      @Foomanlol 2 года назад +4

      Yes and the last thing we need to do is perpetuate the system by bailing people out and enabling the same cycle over and over.

    • @romeedward2119
      @romeedward2119 2 года назад +1

      @@Foomanlol too late for that. How many Republican politicians had their PPP loans forgiven? We’re not talking about 10k. Hundreds of thousands to millions was forgiven. Where’s the outcry? Or the multiple colleges and corporations that had the PPP loans forgiven? Where’s the outcry? Working class people always pay a higher percentage in taxes than corporations, colleges and politicians. So if you want responsibility to be enforced, start not with the working class college students. Start with the greed of the politicians, corporations and colleges.

    • @MRkriegs
      @MRkriegs 2 года назад +3

      A one time student loan forgiveness plan does nothing to change any of what u just said... it makes it worse If anything lol wtf

    • @justinedse3314
      @justinedse3314 Год назад

      Ummm no?

    • @midnightcaptain8344
      @midnightcaptain8344 Год назад +2

      It is 100% about irresponsible people who owe debt. Paying that off at the expense of others is wrong.

  • @atmart619
    @atmart619 2 года назад +7

    “We know the key, the golden key to a better life” is the con they sell. Stop saying that it’s proven to not be true for the last 20years. Better life for them(the people like her giving the pitch) and colleges. Don’t let others think for you, find your own golden key 🔑 to a better life for you. You can still grow and experience the American with out going to college.

  • @calew2470
    @calew2470 Год назад +6

    So now I'm the fool who paid all his debts through sacrifice and responsibility...

    • @midnightcaptain8344
      @midnightcaptain8344 11 месяцев назад

      Pretty much. Society hates people like you, they want everyone dumb and dependent on big daddy government.

    • @jragon9215
      @jragon9215 10 месяцев назад

      I think we all need to take a moment to acknowledge the value of your sacrifice and responsibility…….

  • @jerome6191
    @jerome6191 2 года назад +6

    So what I am getting from this is that I am responsible for another human being who isn't family. My God, people raise your kids to be more responsible for their financial decisions. You have 18 years to educate them.

    • @lightningmcqueen9310
      @lightningmcqueen9310 2 года назад +2

      Same thing you got when we bailed banks and business out period

    • @tamlynn786
      @tamlynn786 2 года назад

      Incase you didn’t know the economy and financial market effects all of us! What happens on Wall Street effects all of us, inflation effects all of us. Make sense?? Economics 101.

    • @syzygy4365
      @syzygy4365 Год назад

      @@lightningmcqueen9310 There's a huge difference.

  • @sidecar7714
    @sidecar7714 2 года назад +3

    Who cares if it’s fair. Many great things are unfair. Is it a good idea? I doubt it.

  • @bush1194
    @bush1194 2 года назад +7

    Maybe they should focus to lower college tuition instead of providing easy free money by loans that makes it EASY for colleges to continue to raise their rates….. just a thought …

    • @brandoncameron2686
      @brandoncameron2686 2 года назад

      The Supreme Court would probably just rule that it’s unconstitutional to stop colleges and universities from raising their rates. The game is rigged.

    • @jilpok1074
      @jilpok1074 Год назад

      Yesh. Same thing with drug prices. I mean at this point they should just open the market so that people can buy drugs out of pocket without insurance for the price of American copay with insurance which is what drugs cost in other countries. They should also open the market for education so people can go online to schools overseas that cost much less.

    • @jilpok1074
      @jilpok1074 Год назад +1

      But either way, the student loan thing is a crisis just like the 2008 ousting crisis. People were given loans that they could simply never be able to pay. And since they can’t declare bankruptcy they have been turned into indentured servants. Like it or not, it’s bad for the country and the loans need to be forgiven. And changes need to be made so this doesn’t happen again. How is it possible there is no limit to the amount of loans you can get? If you have “good credit” you can keep getting grad plus loans indefinitely for an infinite amount…

    • @punxnotdead3873
      @punxnotdead3873 Год назад

      Haha ur correct but people still pay, Rick taking advantage of youth. Won't change

    • @Jheff14All
      @Jheff14All Год назад

      You just nailed it.

  • @jansean2497
    @jansean2497 2 года назад +2

    Student loans should never have been handed over to private for profit institutions. They should have remained simple interest low rate Government loans, available to all students.
    Instead of “forgiving” student loans, they should just be reformed and fee restructured to that original model.
    It would mean people who have spent over ten years paying on loans with no change in principal debt would have most of their payments applied to the principal amount they borrowed instead of fees and interest.
    The problem is that Republicans have fought and opposed reformation and regulation for so long that it’s now a crisis level drag on the GNP of the country and prevents whole generations of college educated Americans from affording homes and families.

  • @jamesharris6368
    @jamesharris6368 Год назад +2

    I'm all for "If you borrowed the money then you should pay it back" but let's cut the s**t with "It's not fair for the tax payer that didn't go to college to have to pay for someone else's education" since when do politicians care about the tax payer?

    • @richardt6980
      @richardt6980 Год назад +1

      When they want votes

    • @bluespidergaming7719
      @bluespidergaming7719 Год назад

      Everything isn't fair to someone this is for the betterment of the country do u think the plantation owner thought it was fair that HIS slaves were free people

    • @jamesharris6368
      @jamesharris6368 Год назад

      @@richardt6980 LOL And even then they don't care about the tax payer.

  • @informationOD
    @informationOD 2 года назад +2

    Forgiving debt won't resolve the issue. The only way is to stop financing kids that wants to get a useless degree. All these people that still have a student loan 3 years after they had graduated probably have a useless degree or too lazy to work or have a really bad working attitute. Many also took the student loan and spend it on something else other than tuition. My son told me one of his classmate, put down for a new car using his student loan and he is not the only one that did that. Many also use their loans to pay for game console and finance their party life. "Your body your choice, your loan your payment"

  • @jerrymiller9039
    @jerrymiller9039 2 года назад +7

    no. it is inflationary and will mean that poor people have to pay debt for the high wage people

    • @taylorbug9
      @taylorbug9 2 года назад +1

      How do you figure?

    • @jerrymiller9039
      @jerrymiller9039 2 года назад +1

      @@taylorbug9 All government spending is inflationary. When the government spends money taxpayers have to pay for it. College educated people are the highest wage earners. So instead of them paying for their education you are forcing everyone to include low income people to pay for the high earners education

    • @100perdido
      @100perdido 2 года назад +2

      Try spinning that a little harder and you might get some juice out of it.

    • @AaBbCcDdEeF
      @AaBbCcDdEeF 2 года назад

      If you don’t spell it out step by step, many will not be able to connect the dots and understand your statement.

    • @russellpearce3749
      @russellpearce3749 2 года назад +1

      @Ross_skatepunx248 the PPP loans forgiveness payments were made to people whose businesses suffer because Democrat politicians shut their businesses down during covid. It had nothing to do with what they did. Democrats did not tell the students to take out a loan and covid is not causing a hardship on them they made that loan they need to pay it

  • @tamlynn786
    @tamlynn786 2 года назад +4

    Student debt is the only debt that cannot be discharged through bankruptcy despite the debtors change of life circumstances. How is that fair?! It’s a debt you owe for life and it’s crippling. People attain a degree to better themselves and improve their options in the job market. Why should it be a financial death sentence?? Forgiving 10k-20k is not solving the problem, it’s a bandaid to a bigger problem.

    • @calew2470
      @calew2470 Год назад +1

      Its fair because those were the terms of the loan, the responsible adult signed up for. Its unfair to the responsible adults who realized it wasn't a good deal, because now they are paying for it even though they chose not to. Its unfair because the loan only disappears for one person and suddenly appears for everyone else.

    • @tamlynn786
      @tamlynn786 Год назад +1

      @@calew2470 at the age of 18 and being the first in my family to go to college, I was not a responsible adult like MOST 18 yr olds. Which brings up a good point about student loans being predatory. An 18 yr old who isn’t of legal age to drink alcohol shouldn’t be of legal age to sign for a student loan at that age and therefore the loans should be forgiven. Thanks for making my point!

    • @punxnotdead3873
      @punxnotdead3873 Год назад +1

      Ur smart Tam, they take advantage of kids, most people just are selfish and if they do not get relief they belive noonenelse should even tho they make billions off intrest. They should slash the intrest rates too. What people don't understand is how much money our government gives rich bussiness and politicians loan forgivness, all the time! But no, can't help the middle class. I do believe the right is just sour trump did not win election!

    • @punxnotdead3873
      @punxnotdead3873 Год назад

      @@calew2470 is it fair politicians and ceo of big business get free debt relief year after year,? Why can't we get help , life will never be fair. I chosen not to have crotch goblins to save resources and being responsible, and I end up getting punished by paying more taxes for family's that get tax breaks. I get it but its not fair either.

    • @syzygy4365
      @syzygy4365 Год назад +2

      If it's not fair then why are student who were responsible about making payments saying it's unfair they paid there's off? You might think they're bitter, but they just don't want those taxes getting taken our of their checks when they put forth the effort to pay their own loans off.

  • @ThePoliticalMusician
    @ThePoliticalMusician 2 года назад +9

    Wait until all these people find out that loan forgiveness qualifies as taxable income. No one wins in the end.

    • @AaBbCcDdEeF
      @AaBbCcDdEeF 2 года назад +1

      Not federal.

    • @tamlynn786
      @tamlynn786 2 года назад +3

      But it’s not taxable income. That much has already been established.

    • @AaBbCcDdEeF
      @AaBbCcDdEeF 2 года назад

      @@tamlynn786 taxable for state.

    • @bafflezbiz
      @bafflezbiz 2 года назад

      Only in States that are scrambling to take a percentage of this money. Let me guess, it's the Red States? Why is it that any time our tax dollars help common people instead of the super rich and mega corporations, the red states and republican politicians fight against it, tooth and nail?
      It begs the question, exactly who are these Republican politicians representing and working for? It's certainly not the working class nor the majority of Americans. They work for a very small group of incredibly wealthy white men and the corporations they own.

    • @AaBbCcDdEeF
      @AaBbCcDdEeF 2 года назад +1

      @@bafflezbiz don’t guess; research and learn the facts.

  • @saxaphone9496
    @saxaphone9496 3 месяца назад

    The Executive branch doesn't have the ability to cancel Student loan debt, it was considered unconstitutonal by the US Supreme Court.

  • @JV-qe9cj
    @JV-qe9cj 2 года назад +9

    We need this administration out of the white house today..

  • @begaqincer
    @begaqincer 6 месяцев назад +1

    what about car forgivness , mortgage could have went to community college .this plan sucks

  • @JohnJohnson-fi6ol
    @JohnJohnson-fi6ol 2 года назад +5

    You people voted for him 😂

  • @russellpearce3749
    @russellpearce3749 2 года назад +5

    No one put a gun to anyone's head and said take out a student loan or else. You took out the loan have some honor and pay it back don't force me to pay back a loan I didn't take out for you

    • @maxshea1829
      @maxshea1829 2 года назад +2

      Wah Wah Wah! No problem bailing out banks and billionaires.

    • @russellpearce3749
      @russellpearce3749 2 года назад +1

      @@maxshea1829 if you're talking about banks who started losing money because they made loans they were forced to make by the Democrats knowing they would default on them. Then when the people started to default the government said they could not foreclose so they were sitting on assets they could not do anything about and they were losing money the bailout was because of government created that situation and I haven't seen billionaires bailed out lately I don't know what you're talking about there. Look up the community reinvestment Act the law that forced Banks to make loans to people that the banks knew would never be able to repay

    • @valdavis7461
      @valdavis7461 2 года назад

      Politics is a zero sum game. In order for some to win, others have to lose.

    • @tamlynn786
      @tamlynn786 2 года назад +1

      “What about me! What about meeeee! Waaaaahhh! “ 😩😭
      Your comment is the equivalent of a toddler kicking, screaming and throwing himself on the floor. It’s truly pathetic.

    • @maxshea1829
      @maxshea1829 2 года назад

      @@russellpearce3749 Excuse me, the banks need us. We don't need the banks. Fuggem.

  • @syzygy4365
    @syzygy4365 Год назад

    Absolutely not! I could see them offering students a free meal or lowered interest rates but the bill shouldn't be passed to down to tax payers.

  • @Demonoicgamer666
    @Demonoicgamer666 Год назад

    I’m a art student in England, it’s only around £5,000 in college in university it’s £9,275. In America it’s likely $50,000 for a 3 year course not including living expenses, and if you think a art degree is worth $50,000. To you it could be but more often than not something goes wrong, I respect both for mentioning the corruption in the us education system. Most republicans are in favour of saying it’s worth whatever the college/university thinks it’s worth but that’s not a realistic expectation.

  • @a.m4806
    @a.m4806 Год назад +4

    Responsibilities for life choices.. at the age of 17? These kids are only 17 when they decide to go to college and take out loans when needed . They don’t even guide you on the best/successful degrees for success, they just make you pick one . For most teens it’s like goin in blind and it’s not fair…

    • @techsavvy2887
      @techsavvy2887 Год назад

      Apparently they are plenty old enough to surgically or chemically change their biological sex.

    • @midnightcaptain8344
      @midnightcaptain8344 Год назад +3

      Nobody forced them to sign on for debt. They willingly did it.

  • @luisayala1600
    @luisayala1600 2 года назад +1

    How can you survive on $75000 dollars per year this Lawyer know nothing about living on 75,000 a year.

    • @justinedse3314
      @justinedse3314 Год назад

      That's a VERY good salary. What are you smoking?

  • @lasgdle2777
    @lasgdle2777 2 года назад +15

    To the critics of student loan forgiveness:
    Where was your concern when billion dollar corporations, and the wealthy, were given unjustified tax breaks? Why don't you criticize the many colleges and/or universities who are sitting on millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in endowments and still continue to charge ridiculous tuition costs?

    • @michaelkolbe5963
      @michaelkolbe5963 2 года назад +1

      That's 100% true !

    • @Chris-tu8qd
      @Chris-tu8qd 2 года назад +7

      Some of the frustration comes from the segments of the population that are receiving the raw end of this deal. The whole idea is that many student's economic future is going to be crippled by the debt, right? What about those of us that worked hard and sacrificed things like homes and retirement to pay our debt? Are our economic futures less important than current loan holders? All we're guilty of is doing everything we could to pay off a high interest loan. Just because we were able to pay it off doesn't mean our economic futures aren't hurting. Now, those that benefited from this deal are telling us to 'get over it', 'stop crying', and that we 'should be happy for others.' I'm 100% happy for those that really need the assistance, but the truth is there are many people that don't need it that will receive it. That's socially unjust.

    • @AwkwardTruths
      @AwkwardTruths 2 года назад

      Tax cuts, PPP or any of the other countless whataboutism reasons are missing this key point: those tax burdens/polices are created by congressional acts/laws, not an EO. Biden, with a signature, is essentially creating tax which is possibly unconstitutional.
      Now, the Democrats could have brought a debt reduction/cancellation bill up anytime they wanted but they didn't because they don't have the votes AND "how is it paid for" would become a debatable point.
      In the end, the EO will be challenged, SCOTUS will likely rule it is overreach, and those seeking relief will feel like they were played.

    • @TheBrickAdventure
      @TheBrickAdventure 2 года назад +2

      Well, tuition costs wouldn't be so high if people weren't dumb enough to enroll despite these ridiculous prices.

    • @JohnJohnson-fi6ol
      @JohnJohnson-fi6ol 2 года назад +1

      Get a job and pay your bills you bum

  • @ranger51262
    @ranger51262 2 года назад +3

    How about lowering the cost of these Indoctrination centers...errr Colleges

    • @100perdido
      @100perdido 2 года назад +1

      Very true, Herr Mouse. We should do away with tuition entirely and allow anyone to get as much education as we can give them. We should pay people to stay in school. It lowers the prison population.

    • @ranger51262
      @ranger51262 2 года назад

      @@100perdido so the big question, who pays the educators, bldg maintenence, security...blaaah..blah

    • @gizmonovack
      @gizmonovack 2 года назад

      Can’t because college teachers get over paid

  • @lukewackler
    @lukewackler Год назад

    Let’s get the federal government out of the student loan industry. Let’s make the loans be dependent on your ACT score, college major and school. Half of the college majors are worthless and need to be eliminated as a college major. Only 55% of everyone that goes to college graduate from college. The average length of time to graduate is now 4.8 years. So people are spending an extra year at university and accumulating an extra $5000 in debt per year. So all responsibility to repay the loan is on the signee and not the common public.

  • @sociallysober8217
    @sociallysober8217 Год назад

    Is “FREE MONEY, FREE EDUCATION, AND FREE PROPERTY” to Mexican immigrants fair to Americans?

  • @sociallysober8217
    @sociallysober8217 Год назад

    Is $90 billion of our Tax Dollars that are used to fund foreign Wars fair to Americans, including tax dollars paid by students?

  • @281crane
    @281crane 2 года назад +4

    How about this:
    Those that want their loans forgiven should give back their degrees and college credits. Basically a refund. The refund should have a time limit like any other refund. That way those who did pay their loans off won't feel cheated.

    • @xcbaby123
      @xcbaby123 2 года назад

      What about businesses or even countries that benefited from similar assistance while we are at it

    • @marlenejones399
      @marlenejones399 2 года назад

      Guess, theirs a split between the educated and the uneducated. Even tho those of you that are (educated) Have forgotten 75% of what you learned, Because what you were forced to learn had 0% to do with the occupation your in today. But ok, your all deserving of something

    • @tamlynn786
      @tamlynn786 2 года назад

      What??? 😑😳 You can’t unlearn something and erase the mind. SMH 🤦🏽‍♀️

    • @tamlynn786
      @tamlynn786 2 года назад

      @@marlenejones399 Looks as though (not tho) you could have benefited from a college education. Your writing and grammar skills are seriously lacking.

    • @281crane
      @281crane 2 года назад +1

      @@tamlynn786 that's true but you won't have the certification that many jobs require.

  • @stephaniepaul576
    @stephaniepaul576 Год назад

    How about the congress members who are rich that had their loans forgiven. I don’t understand what’s the issue because the President finally see how much some people are truly struggling to pay student loans with the things are going on now life is getting more expensive when pay checks are not increased in order to live a comfortable life like the rich people are that gets their loan forgive.

  • @lightningmcqueen9310
    @lightningmcqueen9310 2 года назад +3

    I went back to college in 2009 got a degree and now I owe 14k and they bring people off the street and train them for what I paid to do, yes write it off

  • @sociallysober8217
    @sociallysober8217 Год назад

    The “school System” charged me $11,000, for nine months of college where I was forced to attend “prerequisite classes. I NEVER even had a chance to attend the initial class of my interest!!! 😡

  • @glennerickson5226
    @glennerickson5226 Год назад

    How about the poor people that are on Social Security they need a raise the kids are young they can work

  • @monicamora4189
    @monicamora4189 13 дней назад

    Pay your own school! Stop using the “ I am black” victim card

  • @ranger51262
    @ranger51262 2 года назад +5

    How about a Money Back Guarantee from the College if you do not get a job in the field you recieved your degree in

  • @taylorbug9
    @taylorbug9 2 года назад +3

    I don't understand why they need to raise any taxes. These are numbers in the computer that can be erased. These colleges deserve to be harshly fined for how much they've been charging kids to go to school. Education in this country needs to be cheaper or we will fall behind and we will become a third world country in comparison to others. That's how the world works. You either stay competitive or you fall behind, and you need college to keep your populace competitive with other countries. There's no if ands or buts or arguments about it. Our country needs to be educated to stay competitive. And it can't do that if education costs more than the average American can afford. This is all so f__king simple I don't understand what's wrong with anyone who can't get it.

    • @jerrymiller9039
      @jerrymiller9039 2 года назад +2

      No these are not just numbers in a computer. Real money was handed to the student to pay tuition. It then was used to pay salaries and buy stuff for the university. All of these transactions involved actual money

    • @AaBbCcDdEeF
      @AaBbCcDdEeF 2 года назад


    • @AwkwardTruths
      @AwkwardTruths 2 года назад

      The money has been spent. The moment the loan went through, the college got the money. The only question left is "who pays for it".

    • @AaBbCcDdEeF
      @AaBbCcDdEeF 2 года назад +2

      @@AwkwardTruths that’s not fair. The bars and spring break venues got a piece of the pie, too. Not just colleges. 😂

  • @bullwhiz650
    @bullwhiz650 2 года назад

    IT IS NOT FAIR. In 2017 we had an opportunity to help the middle-class, this is now the best we've got.

  • @gemeloflaco2901
    @gemeloflaco2901 Год назад

    You shouldn't be paying $58000 on a $27000 loan. That's insane. I agree you should pay the money you are given, specially if it's for education, but the interest the student and parents end up paying is ridiculous.

    • @jilpok1074
      @jilpok1074 Год назад

      The prices of the schools is also insanely ridiculous. And the textbooks. I’ve had textbooks that are $350. You’d think the book could read itself. One thing I don’t see people talking about at all is that young people are very vulnerable to financial abuse- with parents cashing in the student loans into their bank accounts and opening credit cards on their children’s behalf. If it was an old person being treated like this, it would be a crime, but no-one talks about now naive 18 year olds are being conned into these loans left and right with everyone taking advantage of their naïveté.

    • @gemeloflaco2901
      @gemeloflaco2901 Год назад +1

      @@jilpok1074 you are completely right

  • @sparklingpersonality87
    @sparklingpersonality87 2 года назад +1

    It’s not a profit to charge me $100k in interest for a $100 principal?!? 😂 Sounds like a big profit to me.

    • @techsavvy2887
      @techsavvy2887 Год назад

      Thats what happens when you make minimum interest only payments. You never decrease the principle. The longer you take to pay it off the more you are going to pay. Simple

  • @msmxd333
    @msmxd333 2 года назад +3

    There’s lots of ways you can get college paid for, you can work for the government you can teach, and more! College loan sites list them. No free ride kiddos - required National or community service is NOT too much to ask of you. You’re very capable of earning this privilege - like ALL of our service members have done for your freedoms that you take for granted. 🇺🇸

    • @Blaze6432
      @Blaze6432 2 года назад +2

      Tell that to all the businesses that took PPP loans that were forgiven.

    • @jilpok1074
      @jilpok1074 Год назад

      Tell that to all the bankers that got bonuses during the 2008 housing crisis.

  • @SacredDirt
    @SacredDirt 2 года назад +2

    the "courage" to borrow someone else's money and not pay it back. The roaches of society

  • @naughtyprofessor100
    @naughtyprofessor100 2 года назад +2

    How about some mandatory financial classes in schools?

  • @chrisfernandes3730
    @chrisfernandes3730 2 года назад

    They shouldnt give a person making 125k a year the same forgiveness break as a poverty level income. .thats about as lazy and stupid as complaining about paying taxes to fund the forgiveness while billionaires profit off of all pf us and we pay there govt corporate welfare aka tax breaks and bailouts for people that will never worry about money they are so wealthy.

  • @msmxd333
    @msmxd333 2 года назад

    Yes a lot of people really will be helped by this hand out… What about those that have already lost their homes and are homeless because of their student loans? What you doing for them? Nothing!

  • @nunya6023
    @nunya6023 Год назад

    Our money ($100 billion) goes to Ukraine

  • @LCAMI1111
    @LCAMI1111 Год назад +1

    The problem is rich people don’t want others in o shine and thrive and have good credit scores because you’ll end up with multiple ethnic neighbors not just white ones

  • @tanabexo
    @tanabexo 2 года назад

    Total BS

  • @Epicface888chu
    @Epicface888chu 2 года назад

    STOP CHARGING INTEREST RATES TO $0%. This is not fair for students. It should be all for kids and not certain races. I can’t afford for my kids. THE COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES ARE CHARGING HIGHER PRICES TO OUR FUTURE KIDS. RIDICULOUS…. You don’t know what job or even if you will get a high paying jobs.

    • @tastysnack1
      @tastysnack1 2 года назад

      until the government stops guaranteeing the loans they will keep inflating the price.

    • @MRkriegs
      @MRkriegs 2 года назад

      Nobody is forcing anybody to go to college or get a loan. Just so we are all clear on that

  • @matt19wk
    @matt19wk 3 месяца назад

    Brenda with the L

  • @hymlog
    @hymlog 2 года назад

    ....Your Tax Dollars at Work! .....Do Your Part ...Pay My Bills! ...... (suckers!)

  • @BoogieFinger
    @BoogieFinger 2 года назад +3

    First, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Maybe you should start with that. Is election year vote BUYING legal or ethical ? The fourth estate is the fifth column.

    • @taylorbug9
      @taylorbug9 2 года назад +2

      Do you understand that literal lobbying is legal? How would this be illegal if it's literally legal for rich people to go up to our politicians, hand them a fat stack of cash and say "I want you to vote this way." ? If that's literally legal to do how would fulfilling a campaign promise be vote buying?

    • @ThePoliticalMusician
      @ThePoliticalMusician 2 года назад +2

      @@taylorbug9 not relevant to OP’s post.

    • @maxshea1829
      @maxshea1829 2 года назад

      Challenge it. The N@zi supreme court is on YOUR side!

    • @valdavis7461
      @valdavis7461 2 года назад

      It's normal to give your constituents what they put you in office to give them. He campaigned on debt forgiveness and there's nothing illegal about what he's doing.

    • @BoogieFinger
      @BoogieFinger 2 года назад

      @@taylorbug9 Lecture me about what I understand ? Besides facts and the Constitution on my side, what more do I LITERALLY need, again ?видео.html

  • @briansmith5293
    @briansmith5293 2 года назад +2

    GOP'ers will be the first in line looking for a handout.

  • @ronaldreagan-ik6hz
    @ronaldreagan-ik6hz Год назад

    Over borrowing isn’t freaking courage.

  • @monie2514
    @monie2514 2 года назад +2

    Seems like damned if you do damned if you don't when you have been low income and you try to go to school even if it's to develop a trade skill why should you be in extreme debt by a school that loves to take advantage of the student loan system and if you get a job as a truck driver, LPN, cosmetologist, Barber, RN, Esthetician, social worker why should you have to pay high interest in loans you should have no interest that would help a lot eliminate the interest process while the person is in school up to a minimum of six years so that people are not paying more in interest than anything. I say that student loan debt should have been wiped out by a minimum of 50,000 both pale as well as regular for low income and medium income that's not over 60,000 🤧🙆🏻‍♀️💯‼️👀🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @MsLila44
    @MsLila44 2 года назад +1

    Yes, it’s fair for all students! Rich will still be rich! Share the wealth!

    • @MRkriegs
      @MRkriegs 2 года назад

      U have no idea what ur talking about lol

  • @bullwhiz650
    @bullwhiz650 2 года назад +1

    Asked my boss if he'd like to incur the $100K education expense required for his business to make money. He did not like the question. Figured he didn't want to spend $100K to make money, not sure why he thinks I want to either.

    • @syzygy4365
      @syzygy4365 Год назад

      Then why did you accept those loan terms to begin with?

    • @bullwhiz650
      @bullwhiz650 Год назад +1

      @@syzygy4365 simple. I want to not be homeless or living single in apartment for the rest of my life. The American dream is still very much alive if you are educated, and it's unfortunately dying if you are not. Looking back on it, trade school wouldn't have been a bad idea but two degrees, Accounting and Business Finance, were worthwhile self investments. That being said the financial industry only makes money when there are educated professionals able to do the work. It's like the middle step to this process sucks balls.

    • @syzygy4365
      @syzygy4365 Год назад +1

      @@bullwhiz650 yep, I chose trade schools instead of college classes. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do and skies the limit once I get my business plan plugged in. Just once you start a family their life and education comes first when you don't have help. Eh, life is what it is. If I could go back I'd go after my physical therapy degree I started. Business administration would be my second choice, but thanks the college near by they're willing to help me structure my launch. Pretty awesome, huh? 🥰

    • @syzygy4365
      @syzygy4365 Год назад +1

      @@bullwhiz650 Oh I have a brother with a his masters in computer science and business administration and he's very much living his best life. Keep working hard. You're absolutely right, the American dream isn't dead. Skies the limit!

  • @renajo5106
    @renajo5106 2 года назад +2

    Well, I believe it is very fair!!! The ones who have paid them off evidently could afford to. And, who wants to ask about fair? Is it fair that millions of people that have kids got more stimulus relief just because of that? Well, I dont!!! People that don't have kids need help to.
    Most parents don't spend it on their kids anyway. So, just be thankful for what you do get. Money hungry people. 😤😤😤😤😤😤

  • @jamessteele1444
    @jamessteele1444 2 года назад +1

    So a black lady says these is good because it helps black women more. Ah nothing racist here ha?????

    • @gizmonovack
      @gizmonovack 2 года назад

      Now poor black people have to pay 2000 in taxes for the fund , most people can’t afford that

    • @MRkriegs
      @MRkriegs 2 года назад

      I know like wtf!

  • @joshmc4328
    @joshmc4328 2 года назад

    I sure hope they put a mark against them if they opt in to have the funds discharged.
    As it stands if an individual wants to start a farm the federal government will help them with basically the same type of loan and if things go astray, there is a way for the federal government to discharge the loan ( BUT ) if he or she or whatever the hell the other thing is nowadays... decides to opt in they will be banned from ever participating in anything federally funded again.
    I find that quite harsh, especially considering it's farming...
    And for the fools that talk about what about the PPP loans...
    Those loans were very strict on how they were used and I believe most all companies that received one tried to Dot and crossed all the t's and then when the federal government realized we were still falling they had no choice but to forgive them, if they would have enforced payment we would have been 10 times worse than we are now as an economy.

  • @mdhhthh8593
    @mdhhthh8593 2 года назад

    I have been watching video after video on this topic. I’ve wanted to hear solid arguments from both sides that are free from snarky remarks about lesbian dance theory or spending 10 minutes rambling that it’s just politics. While it could be “just politics”, too many are leaning on this weak crutch and failing to explain how this is nothing more than a political move. Regardless of when student loan forgiveness is granted to so many throughout the nation (whether a year ago, now, a year from now, literally any point in time), it is too easy to argue that it’s just all about politics. Anyone using that as the main support to their argument should make a stronger case as to why that is all it is right now at this very specific moment in time. I have not heard anyone present a convincing case yet who reduce the entire motivation for forgiving this debt as nothing more than a political move.
    I have easily listened to well over 50 news segments similar to this thus far, and this is definitely the best I have seen yet. Both sides provide valid arguments focused on the issue at hand. Neither side resorts to cheap shots directed at people on the other side, nor does either side distract from this important topic with obnoxious sarcasm. THIS was useful information and the type of coverage I have been hoping to find somewhere. It’s not easy!!!
    While I appreciate the points both made, the analogy of comparing this dilemma to a car crash and first priority is “stabilizing”… that won me over. There is much to address but I think this loan forgiveness is the first step that serves to stabilize the problem.

    • @bafflezbiz
      @bafflezbiz 2 года назад

      Have you heard of predatory loans? College should be free like the military. Education is the weapon of our modern times. Nukes have ended all out physical war as a viable strategy toward conquest. It's now about intelligence and information technology. We need to catch up with China and the Eastern Bloc when I comes to the sciences and IT. Americans are falling behind and soon we'll lose our freedoms because of complacency.
      And to the question of is this fair to those who didn't go to college... are farm subsidies fair to those without farms? Are minority home loan programs fair to non-minorities? Are defense contractor dinner parties and trillions of dollars fair to those who don't make weapons? Are Pell and Tapp grants fair to those who don't go to college? This is a ridiculous argument. Just stop. The entire argument is coming from the trillion dollar banks. Don't fall for this bs hype attempt.

  • @forthdimension686
    @forthdimension686 2 года назад

    Needed this🙌

  • @ronaldreagan-ik6hz
    @ronaldreagan-ik6hz Год назад

    No- it’s all about what’s right or wrong.

  • @ronaldreagan-ik6hz
    @ronaldreagan-ik6hz Год назад

    Hell no.

  • @ronaldreagan-ik6hz
    @ronaldreagan-ik6hz Год назад

    You really have to ask that question? Lol