Brainwash: Race

  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024
  • An informative and entertaining norwegian top quality documentary series about norwegian sociologists trying to brainwash the norwegians.

Комментарии • 258

  • @SilverSpade92
    @SilverSpade92 10 лет назад +137

    Brainwashing Norway drinking game:
    Take a shot every time someone calls a statement or proven fact 'uninteresting'

    • @ronnieswoleman4290
      @ronnieswoleman4290 9 лет назад +14

      'uninteresting' is basically saying that he believes in censorship of things he doesn't agree with. Very dangerous.

    • @yuothineyesasian
      @yuothineyesasian 9 лет назад +22

      "It doesn't matter how true something is if it's uninteresting"
      - dumbass leftist sociologists with cognitive dissonance.

    • @feonor26
      @feonor26 9 лет назад +1

      YouthInEyesAsian Gah...there are so many of them here it drives me up the wall!

    • @GenJouh
      @GenJouh 9 лет назад +3

      SilverSpade92 You would not survive one episode.

  • @XboxGamer220
    @XboxGamer220 9 лет назад +115

    I have been watching through all these documentaries (they are really good!) and one thing that seems consistent is that the Norwegian 'social scientists' always say that the issue of biology is "uninteresting" in comparison to social/ cultural consequences

    • @rayyf69
      @rayyf69 8 лет назад +29

      +WozzaBoi The fact that somebody would say biology is uninteresting interests me highly.

    • @rayyf69
      @rayyf69 8 лет назад +2

      dark1in2finity It is indeed sir.

    • @keinlanz
      @keinlanz 7 лет назад +2

      I think it's really pathetic that people have to fit different ideas into a neatly labeled and packaged ideology and don't understand that perspectives have nuances. I'm a lefty on a lot of issues, but I'm not a science denier. Moreover, science denialism in general is actually more rampant on the right, at least in the US, than it is on the left.
      The issue of genetics being behind intellectual differences is controversial for a good reason. I won't deny the evidence suggests it's true, but we have to tread carefully.

    • @theorgazoid9459
      @theorgazoid9459 6 лет назад +4

      Really "uninteresting", until you need a bone marrow donor, a written language, or a safe neighbourhood.

    • @permian350
      @permian350 6 лет назад

      Kevin M Packard, you are one of the few honest leftists in the world, at least on this issue. You are where Charles Murray says the last hold-outs on the Left, clinging to the social-environmental hoax as an explanation of intellectual disparities among the races for ideological reasons, will be 10 years from now when even they will be unable to continue to ignore the mountain of evidence piled up higher and higher supporting biological determinism as an explanation.
      Of course, as a White Supremacist I have no such personal problem looming before me to be solved. I'm already aligned with the science on the subject. I could pity leftists, who today are quaking with fear over every advance in the genetics of human differences. But, sinner that I am, I don't. Their hysteria is a just punishment, in my eyes.
      Leftists' systematic efforts to silence voices like mine on the race-realist Right signals their hysteria over their inability to engage us in open disputation. Censorship has always indicated the fear of the censors that their orthodoxy is incapable of being defended against the heresy successfully challenging it. So much for the motivation of leftists slapping the label "hate speech" on utterances by race realists like myself as a justification for silencing them. Yes, I have been banned from Facebook for enlightening people on the subject of race by two-digit-IQ censorship board members paid to silence their intellectual superiors.
      I offer the thief at Facebook, Zuckerberg, who stole the company from the too trusting twin brothers who invented it, in evidence of just the kind of intellectually pathetic leftist I mean. When they sued him the judge didn't believe a word of Zuckerberg's defense, and ordered him to cough up $65 million to be paid to the twins in recompense.
      Do all leftists, touting their "compassion," have a deep-seated moral defect? I wonder if their ersatz compassion is, in reality, a compensatory strategy to help them cope with their feelings of moral inferiority and the existential anxiety they're forced to endure as a result. Hmm.
      The ostriches on the Left in Norway in a state of mass denial about innate racial differences that are salient for intellectual achievement and status are pathetic. It is they and their ilk who are responsible for the multi-cultural catastrophe in Europe.
      You are right to be wary of the social and political implications of acknowledging a racial hierarchy that's incurable. For instance, with earth's limited resources being depleted by the day, what are we to do with races inferior in intellectal potential consuming the selfsame resources without contributing anything of value in return? I offer the sub-Saharan African race in evidence, the average intelligence of which being repeatedly measured by intelligence researchers at borderline mental retardation, who are nonetheless being permitted to multiply like rabbits, increasingly consuming earth's limited resources. And what are they contributing in return? An unacceptable crime rate, civil disorder, and parasitism on the people of any country foolish enough to take them in?
      A caveat. Any solution to the Negro Problem must not ignore the fact that all men, no matter their race, are endowed with equal unalienable rights to life and liberty. And that's where we'll have to tread carefully in dealing with the Negro Problem in order to avoid infringing on any individual Negro's rights. Perhaps a mass sterilization program of Negros induced by financial incentives to cooperate, payments on a graduated scale depending on how many offspring have been spawned already by the applicants for the money. $100,000 for a woman with no children? $200,000? As large a sum as that looks like it's nowhere near what it would cost whites to supply the needs of one Negro from cradle to grave by the myriad of redistribution-of-wealth schemes of the present welfare state.

  • @dc8890
    @dc8890 7 лет назад +44

    3:07: "Do human races exist?" "No."
    So basically he works for a charity whose mission it is to stop discrimination based on something that doesn't exist?
    If it doesn't exist then how on Earth is it possible to discriminate on the basis of it?
    Is he saying that black people don't have darker skin?
    Is he saying that black people don't have broader noses, and different hair texture?
    Is he saying that East Asians don't have flatter eyelids, and black, straight hair?
    Is he saying that white people don't have pale skin?
    And if he's saying these things, then how come I can see all of those differences with my very eyes?
    And if he's NOT saying those things, then what the hell does he mean exactly when he says that race doesn't exist? Because in my mind, those things I mentioned are exactly what people mean when they mean when they talk about race!

    • @hazardousjazzgasm129
      @hazardousjazzgasm129 3 года назад +2

      "If it doesn't exist then how on Earth is it possible to discriminate on the basis of it?" Because a sociological phenomenon doesn't automatically mean it is also a biological phenomenon. That's the fallacy of equivocation. People used to kill women because they thought they were witches. But witches don't exist. So on earth did they discriminate against them despite the fact that witches don't exist? Do you see now why this question is so stupid?
      "Is he saying that black people don't have darker skin?" No. He's saying skin color is a meaningless way to categorize race the same way height or blood type would be. The fact that you think he meant that speaks to your presumptuousness. Apply the same answer to the next couple questions of yours.
      "And if he's saying these things [which he's not, by the way], then how come I can see all of those differences with my very eyes?" If the Sun isn't moving around the Earth then how come I can see it move when I look into the sky with my own two eyes? Because inductive reasoning is extremely limited and can leave us prone to biases or misconceptions. I also don't understand why people think that differences in some appearance equals a completely different species. Do people not realize that some degree of genetic diversity can exist amongst a single race? Do people not realize this happens all the time? Do you think every Cambodian rosewood tree looks exactly the same? Do you think every humpback whale looks exactly the same?
      "then what the hell does he mean exactly when he says that race doesn't exist?" That's easy and obvious: it's an invalid biological category. Sex is a valid category primarily due to chromosomes karyotypes, but there is no such thing as "race chromosomes" or anything that clearly and biologically delineates such a category. The only way mother nature makes sure something is the same species is procreation/progeny.
      Stop focusing on genetics and focus on genomics. The Human Genome Project proved that while most continents have 93-94% of the human genome, Africa is the only continent that possess 99%+ of it. That means the only logical deduction one could make is that if there were something like 10 human races, 8 or 9 of them would be African. How does that make sense in your world view? You would therefore have to bite the bullet and claim that Swedes are the same race as Taiwanese.
      Obviously different gene pools or ethnic groups exist, but that's not the same thing as "race" in a pure sense like comparing homo sapiens to homo naledi, homo antecessor, homo denisova, homo luzonensis, etc. What you call "Races" are just different manifestations of the same race. It takes more than different eyes or different hair to make a different race, otherwise you'd have to claim that certain sexually dimorphic insects or spiders where the female is 8 times the size of the male are a different race merely because "they look different." Trying to make a common sensical, let alone a scientific, argument purely predicated off of "they look different" is shallow, transparent and lazy.

    • @christopherkelley1664
      @christopherkelley1664 3 года назад +1

      @@hazardousjazzgasm129 So the concept of race exists just as something to define away with walls of text and PSAs?

    • @hazardousjazzgasm129
      @hazardousjazzgasm129 3 года назад +1

      @@christopherkelley1664 "Your argument is invalid because it's too long" is a tiny brain response

    • @christopherkelley1664
      @christopherkelley1664 3 года назад +1

      @@hazardousjazzgasm129 Good thing I didn't say that!

    • @hazardousjazzgasm129
      @hazardousjazzgasm129 3 года назад

      @@christopherkelley1664 Yes you did libtard

  • @toddboothbee1361
    @toddboothbee1361 10 лет назад +49

    Norway, like much of Scandinavia, is living (and dying) in denial of a great many inconvenient facts. Media censorship favors ideals over reality, and this is dangerous to citizens who are now unable to make informed decisions. Their good will cannot always force others to be like them, or to like them. I'm being coy, I know.

  • @jakobbrenner3820
    @jakobbrenner3820 6 лет назад +47

    I find this arrogance and absolute ignorance fascinating. That guy from "SOS racism" is archetypical for this new type of "intellectual". 100% emotion based ideology even in the face of hard empirical evidence. This political correctness of our age is nothing but a religion. There´s a real scientist who came to a scientific conclusion after years of research but that SOS racism spokesperson doesn´t bother to even review (and then maybe rightfully critique) the work but simply >decides> that it is wrong and even slanders the scientist as being racist. He also postulates that we shouldn´t research genetic differences in human subspecies or even publish the words of the scientist because that could be damaging to society. So it seems we have arrived at a time again where certain knowledge, albeit possibly true, must be forbidden to not damage the poor minds of the simple people. Not to sound hysteric here but to me all of this feels a bit like the second coming of a middle ages.

  • @SmokeRingsPipeDreams
    @SmokeRingsPipeDreams 9 лет назад +53

    What's more important?
    The scientific truth no matter who doesn't like hearing it?
    Or telling lies to give people a "feel good" moment?
    For me, I feel the truth is more important, even if it upsets people foolish political notions.

  • @bernd_the_almighty
    @bernd_the_almighty 9 лет назад +90

    Why are people so afraid of being different? Reducing everyone to some sort of average nothing, least common denominator is much worse than being different

  • @Amphibiot
    @Amphibiot 10 лет назад +83

    This must be the exact thing that is going through her head at 21:07
    "Oh, i was asked a legitimate question, and i don't know how to answer it.
    Oh, i know, I'll just pull the good ol' Reductio ad Hitlerum (also known as playing the nazi card) and try and laugh away the question.
    No one will think i'm a complete idiot now."
    But we will. We will.

    • @ronnieswoleman4290
      @ronnieswoleman4290 9 лет назад +5

      Hilarious really. Trotsky did the same ethnic segregation under leftist ideology. Why is it that people like Richard Lynn are always described as 'right wing' when they believe in ethnic differences? History does not agree.

    • @r92g
      @r92g 9 лет назад +3

      Ronnie Swoleman
      I'll give you a thumbs up if you give me a good source for that. I googled Trotsky racism and Trotsky racial segregation but couldn't find anything. I'm not saying he wasn't a racist, I just want to be able to use that. Che Guevara for example was a racist and that's well stablished from his own diaries. It will be lovely to see the faces of antiracist lefties when I tell them about that.

    • @r92g
      @r92g 8 лет назад

      Thanks for the effort, but it doesn't mention segregation anywhere. I had forgotten about this by now, maybe I'll get digging again. If I find anything I'll post it here.

    • @r92g
      @r92g 8 лет назад

      Just like Che despised blacks and homosexuals, yet this is seldom acknowledged.

    • @ronnieswoleman4290
      @ronnieswoleman4290 8 лет назад +1

      r92g My mistake, I was using sloppy language. Still, the old communist leaders were almost all not the bleeding heart leftie shills that we see today.

  • @isthisnickvalid
    @isthisnickvalid 10 лет назад +15

    Actually these documentaries are great!

  • @nathansharp5743
    @nathansharp5743 8 лет назад +12

    If a shepherd dog is crossed with another breed, its offspring loses those tendencies. If a racehorse is crossed with a work horse, its posterity loses those traits. Races developed in relationship to different geographies and cultures. It is a valid question to ask if a humans being misceginated in a similar manner will lose tendencies that help successive generations integrate within the cultures they're brought up around. I don't see why its so controversial, as this ignores biological reality. Just as some maize plants yield less corn, so can certain varieties of human beings yield less or more IQ. You can cross Teostine (wild corn) with maize, but it would be stupid, because the offspring produces far less corn than the maize. You can cross a nigerian with a swede, but likewise, you get a downbread human being who doesn't fully fit into either nigerian or scandanavian culture.

  • @poppyorangeflower
    @poppyorangeflower 10 лет назад +8

    I have mediocre IQ and I do mediocre work and need large amounts of energy and long periods of time to create small quantities of epiphanies and breakthroughs. Knowing that my race(s) is considered to be above the line of best fit does not make me feel any better ... (T_T).

    • @annsheridan12
      @annsheridan12 3 года назад +1

      IQ is expressed as An average number. In a high or low IQ group an individual can be above or below the average

  • @thefinalpurification8737
    @thefinalpurification8737 10 лет назад +43

    A large percentage of the race deniers share a common bond. Franz Boas, Richard Lewontin, Jared Diamond, Ashley Montague (Israel Ehrenburg), etc. At least some people are finally seeing the pattern.

    • @holdinmcgroin8639
      @holdinmcgroin8639 9 лет назад +12

      Don't forget Trotsky, Adorno, and Marcuse.

    • @ValterStrangelove4419
      @ValterStrangelove4419 8 лет назад +2

      Holdin McGroin
      Mine is 172 so from my pov you're just another normie idiot with a superiority complex that tries way too hard to appear superior.
      ffs you can't even get you into MENSA with that puny IQ, you above average hillbilly LOL, and that's assuming you're actually telling the truth and not just another psychopathic far right pathological liar.

    • @ValterStrangelove4419
      @ValterStrangelove4419 8 лет назад

      Interesting theories you got there...

    • @regalrender1934
      @regalrender1934 7 лет назад +1

      Your IQ is not 172, stop lying.
      Also, you only need an IQ of 130 to get into Mensa. It's really not difficult to get in.

    • @ValterStrangelove4419
      @ValterStrangelove4419 7 лет назад +4

      Regal Render
      Depends on which test they're using, the cut-off was 148 when I was taking it.
      But that doesn't really matter cause IQ tests are basically astrology for underachieving nerds anyway.

  • @CobraTheSpacePirate
    @CobraTheSpacePirate 2 года назад +3

    Kudos to Knut Olav Amas, he is a true scientist even under the crap pressure that all professors were under in Norway way back then!. I always respected that medical doctors took the Hippocratic Oath. I think that there should be some similar oath that researchers and engineers must also take.

  • @Sebastian-v9l8l
    @Sebastian-v9l8l 6 месяцев назад +2

    This program would never been made today, unfortunately.

  • @yuothineyesasian
    @yuothineyesasian 9 лет назад +5

    Great fucking music in these documentaries.

  • @inq752
    @inq752 7 лет назад +7

    I like how he and the runner make fun of each others race without getting offended and crying "racism". Thats the kind of attitude we need, be proud in who you are. If you get offended about what someone says about you, it means that you aknowledge that weakness and try to subvert the attention by attacking that person.

  • @rubyjames3105
    @rubyjames3105 5 лет назад +3

    you must take into account other evolutionary factors beyond race, nutrition, exposure to toxins etc. as well, wealth equals health and opportunity, every race has had to adapt to their original homeland, it's not as though we are all on a level playing field.

  • @KXSocialChannel
    @KXSocialChannel Год назад +5

    I think the answer is pretty obvious. There are differences between different ethnic groups. There are big differences within the same ethnic groups too. Some can be smarter, some can be faster, some can be stronger. Environment, training, and learning can make a difference, but there are limits. But in the end... so what? Everyone who is born into the world should be given a fair chance, should be treated as well as can be, and should be celebrated in their own way with people who love them unconditionally no matter what their limits are. There's one thing that all humans have in common. We are all brought here to live and to suffer against our will. We all end up in the same place. Let's be human to each other and treat each other well, because there's one thing we all have in common... none of us chose to be here.

  • @paryanindoeur
    @paryanindoeur 9 лет назад +59

    Support racism! Preserve human diversity! Preserve and love your race!
    Every time someone says "Fight racism" or any such thing, counter it by explicitly supporting racism as the most positive thing a person can do...
    Because it is.

    • @urwholefamilydied
      @urwholefamilydied 8 лет назад +3

      +Poindexter Queue that's called chauvinism... being proud of where you where born, what color you were born, what country you were born in... basically all stuff you had nothing to do with. Like guys who will yell "america!". Who gives a fuck what race you are? Chauvanism, nationalism, etc only teaches you how to hate people and cultures you've never met. My parents are a certain race, and were born in a certain country... big fucking deal. Be proud of accomplishments and being a nice person... that's about it. Race is meaningless.

    • @paryanindoeur
      @paryanindoeur 8 лет назад +3

      +Charles J Gartner There's a confound in your approach that resides within a cognitive blindspot: who is this "you" who "had nothing to do with" the specifics of your birth?
      Your approach rests on what's called "the Homunculus Problem" -- because you've selected a philosophy the necessitates an infinite regress, but through _selective attention_ you arbitrarily decide at what point the slippery slope starts to matter, and at what points it doesn't.
      IOW, you're talking nonsense.

    • @marialeon6765
      @marialeon6765 8 лет назад +1

      +Poindexter Queue how do I fit in supporting racism when I am mixed?

    • @paryanindoeur
      @paryanindoeur 8 лет назад +5

      You can support others' rights to be proud of their heritage, for one thing. You can be proud of the parts of your own heritage, for another.
      None of this means demeaning, degrading, or devaluing anyone else's heritage, btw. It's just that marxist anti-culture is coming for us all, and if you're not willing to protect others' right to be proud of their culture(s), eventually they will come for you, and there will be no one on your side.

    • @Protato666
      @Protato666 7 лет назад +3

      Very well said..Racism is an instict every animal has..including humans .
      "Birds of the same feather ,fock together."
      -- Old European proverb

  • @ChateauGuitars
    @ChateauGuitars 10 лет назад +11

    When the world was flat, those in control disallowed any debate. If a scientist had proof to the contrary, he was pilloried.
    Haven't we learned that any topic, even the ones which might be sensitive, should be discussed, studied, analyzed etc. Isn't this what it means to be enlightened? Or does dogma always trump reason?

    • @ValterStrangelove4419
      @ValterStrangelove4419 8 лет назад

      +Steven Dennis
      A group of policemen have breathalyzers
      displaying false drunkenness in 5% of the cases in which the driver is
      sober. However, the breathalyzers never fail to detect a truly drunk
      person. One in a thousand drivers is driving drunk. Suppose the
      policemen then stop a driver at random, and force the driver to take a
      breathalyzer test. It indicates that the driver is drunk. We assume you
      don't know anything else about him or her. How high is the probability
      he or she really is drunk?

    • @permian350
      @permian350 6 лет назад

      Valter Sarajevo, you're a leftist. I can tell by your over-complicated blather about race. Read about Occam's razor before you embarrass yourself again.

  • @jamacngyallis
    @jamacngyallis 9 лет назад +7

    As a young, categorically black Jamaican (mixed but non-white so black, wtvr) I want to say 2 things.
    1. I feel that the research should be done, and the questions about race should be answered. No one should be afraid of the truth. I understand that in the event the answer IS a significant genetic difference for intelligence, most people will use this to the detriment of blacks. This doesn't matter to me. I (and other blacks like me) will continue to struggle to reach the top as I am currently doing now. The answer is irrelevant to me because I know enough not to simply look at a person's race and make judgments. Black, white, yellow, male, female anyone can become great. If the future holds another dark time for people with dark skin so be it. I am not afraid because I know we will persevere as humans first and a race second. They say hardships make a people become better anyway, right? or is that just the convenient answer when talking about white superiority and black inferiority?
    2. This relates to 12:38. I always thought americans and white people in general tend to have really big calves...monstrously big even without working them and building them up. lol

    • @Drac139
      @Drac139 9 лет назад +5

      bamafader Automation through robotics would seem to be the simple solution.

    • @COBOListhefuture
      @COBOListhefuture 9 лет назад +1

      Drac139 Pretty much this. In time menial tasks can be done through automation, so humans have more time to develop their intellect.

  • @611gay5
    @611gay5 5 лет назад +6

    We are over 60% genetically similar to bananas too. Where are their rights?!

  • @densmorde4520
    @densmorde4520 10 месяцев назад +1

    29:36 This statement is atleast 11 years old. Do we know more about proportions now?

  • @AryanSneed
    @AryanSneed Год назад +7

    This doc redpilled me on race and sent me down the rabbit hole 10yrs ago

  • @MarttiSuomivuori
    @MarttiSuomivuori Год назад +4

    I found it hilarious that they cannot publicly talk about dogs bred for different purposes, fearing that they will get in trouble.

  • @ironsteamer1
    @ironsteamer1 9 лет назад +2

    Somebody know how their research normalized for the difference on education (culture & resources) across races , since IQ scores are also influenced by this?

  • @kirillhaetsky3049
    @kirillhaetsky3049 6 лет назад +2

    "i'm sure you could find if you look for it, but we shouldn't" - those are not words that a scientist can say.

  • @emilegriffith1473
    @emilegriffith1473 5 лет назад +5

    I at least respect that they took on this subject, and, despite the presenter and producer behind the show, obviously had the intent to make a documentary that is "against prejudging intelligence differences based on race," they still made it pretty clear that there is a difference ON AVERAGE (very important key word) regarding intelligence between races.
    They interviewed real scientists who are well-spoken, and very intelligent, presenting the evidence that there is an average difference in intelligence between races. Rather than just talking to a bunch of idiots spouting off racist shit.

    • @hoenircanute
      @hoenircanute 2 месяца назад

      Its interesting though that the idiots are correct and the intellectuals are wrong in this matter; reminds me of a famous french painting i have on the wall.. A copy ofc. xD

  • @MrDubja
    @MrDubja 11 лет назад +2

    Without Europeans you would not have aeroplanes, cars, computers etc.

  • @opiumpoem
    @opiumpoem 11 лет назад +1

    If I did mention intellectual heavyweights from anywhere in Africa, you'd probably say "ancient history!" or "that's just that one guy!" And indeed, it would just be that "one guy" as most achievements are personal rather than communal. "White people" didn't invent anything, individuals who happen to be white did.
    I am a white person, purely by a fluke. No part of that allows me to glean some collective "achievement." Can I ask you something? Are you smarter than the smartest black person?

  • @annsheridan12
    @annsheridan12 3 года назад +6

    Spock nailed it” these earthlings are just not logical “ a brilliant example here.

  • @Hendrik44987
    @Hendrik44987 12 лет назад +1

    30:00 wise words by mr murray! about mr cochran: if allegedly "inferor" people like ancient egypts and arabs wouldn't have researched optics, he would probably not be able to see anything, since he is obviously highly dependent on this invention!

    • @annsheridan12
      @annsheridan12 3 года назад +1

      IQ is an average number so therefore any individual in a high or low average IQ group can be either above or below the average that’s why any individual should be treated as an individual.

  • @MrLaughingHeart
    @MrLaughingHeart 11 лет назад +1

    35:52 When asked if we should look for racial inequalities in IQ they guy at the end said "No, I don't feel we should" and goes on the say at 36:10 "He [Charles Murry] does not want to spread knowledge, he wants to spread racism. He wants to spread a myth that there are different human races" Despite the other problems with this statement, why would anyone admit they prefer ignorance on the topic then go on to claim that's the subject itself in a "myth". I smell intellectual dishonesty here.

  • @WildlandsGG
    @WildlandsGG 2 года назад +1


  • @fidelkva4810
    @fidelkva4810 11 дней назад

    Dette burde ikke blitt fjernet fra NRK sine sider. Serien er fortsatt like relevant i dag.

  • @NotOrdinaryInGames
    @NotOrdinaryInGames 4 года назад

    I know the real secret or race based IQ differences, but won't tell anyone (won't be a secret otherwise).

  • @CrimpKeeper
    @CrimpKeeper 11 месяцев назад +2

    As a mutt, from two different races, I’m 100% opposed to race-mixing. It’s unhealthy for the child, and both families. It causes unnecessary strain for the child not just from their family but from society.
    Mixed children have no group they can call their own.
    I admire all cultures that teach their kids to marry in their own race because it helps preserve culture, customs, language and ensures your children will belong to a group or nation which is important for all people.

  • @wms72
    @wms72 6 лет назад

    Doesn't the research with the Ashkenazi Jews imply that every race, by evolution, will continue to improve and get smarter, if the smarter children reproduce? What happens if we find, by welfare, reproduction of those who could not afford children without government welfare???

  • @pepelopez6930
    @pepelopez6930 5 лет назад +1

    "I have an enormous BELIEF in the impact of environment and nurture"

    • @annsheridan12
      @annsheridan12 3 года назад

      That’s not what the scientific literature indicates.

    • @annsheridan12
      @annsheridan12 Год назад

      The Colorado Adoption Project is fairly definitive. A 30 year study of IQ WITH 250 control couples with a child followed for 30 years. 150 couples who gave the child up for adoption at one month. And 250 couples who adopted the child.
      Results: control couples and their child highly correlated in IQ. The couples who gave the child up for adoption without any contact for 30 years highly correlated with the child in IQ. Here is the killer, the couples who adopted the child who lived in their environment for30 years had NO CORRELATION IN IQ. indicating that genetics not environment are determinative.

  • @matthouston4068
    @matthouston4068 10 лет назад

    The biologist Dag Hessen actually gets a salary for the nonsense he preaches? Oh, I forgot, he's simply saying what his masters want him to say - puts food on the table!

  • @Maelli535
    @Maelli535 6 лет назад

    Just like to say: I know other Norwegians who are not obviously weak-brained trendy lefties - so they do exist!

  • @croft-tom1631
    @croft-tom1631 5 лет назад

    The first thing that comes to her mind is Hitler...what the?

  • @RobertBeowulf
    @RobertBeowulf 11 лет назад

    The end is cut off, just like the last one, you miss the end of the communist bleating and the American gentleman talking about the rich diversity of the world (which certain people wish to destroy, they are mentioned in the vidro even)

  • @opiumpoem
    @opiumpoem 11 лет назад

    I'd also like to add, MrDubja, that I do very much so believe that there are very real racial differences. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying these things because I believe we are "all the same." But I believe you are going about this the wrong way, you are better served embracing meritocracy rather than absurd notions of racial identity.

  • @Szarko32c
    @Szarko32c 12 лет назад

    Yeah, Americans are proud of Afroamerican president, they could show the world how politycally correct, but when it's down to money race is not an issue.

  • @MrDubja
    @MrDubja 11 лет назад +3

    Where is someone as Isaac Newton or Nikola Tesla in Africa?You need to have society where talented invividuals can make their inventions.Society is as strong as its weakest link.Europeans are not perfect, but majority of scientific breaktroughs, especially for todays modern world has been made and achieved in Europe.

  • @richardgates7479
    @richardgates7479 4 года назад

    20:00 Being all you can be isn't what it's cracked up to be when nobody else cares.

  • @attackfighter
    @attackfighter 12 лет назад

    that's easy for you to say, but try walking in the shoes of someone with inherent disadvantages. you might find that some disadvantages are insurmountable.

  • @CraigCastanet
    @CraigCastanet 7 лет назад

    i want to see an Ashkenazi basketball team.

  • @attackfighter
    @attackfighter 12 лет назад

    inherent disadvantages are a part of you, so by blaming them you actually are blaming yourself

  • @andchi2000
    @andchi2000 12 лет назад

    Is the Trond guy even a scientist? If not, his opinion ain't worth shit.

  • @bodybag22
    @bodybag22 11 лет назад

    Go watch/read guns, germs and steel.
    Explains most of your questions.

  • @sensationsuperthrust
    @sensationsuperthrust 11 лет назад

    you cant be a race reaslist since there are no races... :D

  • @DaveNoodles
    @DaveNoodles 9 лет назад

    The music that starts at about 2:42, where is that from? It's bugging the hell out of me, because I know it and I've seen the film, I just can't quite find it in my head...

    • @RedUncle
      @RedUncle 9 лет назад +1

      it's from Taxi Driver, buddy

    • @DaveNoodles
      @DaveNoodles 9 лет назад

      bla mane
      Thanks. I feel stupid, ha ha...

  • @wewcoolio
    @wewcoolio 11 лет назад

    4:50 was a huge turn-off for me

  • @bulkforce5
    @bulkforce5 11 лет назад

    *dances around most of his questions

  • @pauley7943
    @pauley7943 Год назад

    29:37 do we know now?

  • @MrNU998
    @MrNU998 10 лет назад

    Does anybody have a link to the video at 38:00?

    • @ivanmakaris8986
      @ivanmakaris8986 9 лет назад

      Its the end of the vid. Its like 1 sec more. But try searching. "Hjernevask Rase" into RUclips search bar and find it.

  • @khjistahmorlaf7356
    @khjistahmorlaf7356 Год назад +1

    Pretty sure the genetical difference when it comes to intellect between races is tiny enough to be negligible when looking at people in same environment, sure there's alot of material pointing towards there being a difference, but when starting to account for other factors there's alot pointing towards possible differences being trivial enough that it could never be an argument for judging someone instead of looking at them as an individual.
    Besides cultural influence and such, some people like to forget how bad your head works when raising the temperature.
    (Hell, some people don't even care to wear anything at all, close their frontdoor or even try avoid being seen naked because they can't think properly when it's hot enough, seen a fair bit of such people during the worst heatwave summers in my region.)
    Just try go through worldhistory for inventions/improvements and compare to how easy or difficult it is to seek refuge from the heat in different regions on a worldmap.
    (Not least africa, any river area and especially those where caves or equivalents existed or could be made, had far more development than rest of africa if you go through history.)
    Sadly the us did nudge their black people into a certain detrimental culture long ago, and with how much they like keeping different groups/cultures separated from eachother (just look at basic education) that'll likely stay the case.
    Black people originating from the same region including ex-us ones, that have adopted the local culture in the various european countries I'm aware of (takes avg 2generations to fully happen) perform similarly enough that you simply cannot support any kind of discrimination..
    Problem is the more notable differences between those from a sufficiently different culture that haven't adopted the local culture, and sadly wrongfully feed some negative preconception towards the rest that share apperances, also not helped by how the brain prefer to remember things that annoy you rather than things that didn't.
    Like how a female friend complained about how middle-eastern men are all horrid,me then reminding her and making her admit her mistake by asking "you remember when we ate lunch earlier today,and had to share table with that family? where did they come from again?" she had managed to forget that entire encounter where she had a pleasant discussion with them for almost an hour, and they were from the middle-east.
    The notable racial differences I'm aware of atleast are basically all adaptions to climate and food in the area to try maintain the brain as unchanged as possible.
    (Like the milkdrinking scandinavians, on average they retain a far better tolerance for milk products throughout their lives, whereas for most others it's worse and worsens considerably with age.)
    Most relevant about this is that various such adaptions can alter how certain medicines work, which is why I consider it of high importance to map such out so you can atleast somewhat predict when medicines probably need extra attention/testing for which races.
    (Atleast it's kind of accepted that differences between male and female can matter for medicine/treatment and there's a basic idea of what likely would need extra studies/testing.)

  • @NecxZhor9
    @NecxZhor9 9 лет назад +1

    How popular was this in Norway?

    • @Anthraxinternational
      @Anthraxinternational 8 лет назад +6

      +Chris Channer NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) is our most well known broadcasting channel. It is funded by the taxes of the Norwegian people and is owned by our government. Our media is actually pretty factual compared to most western media and the people are very well informed. Check out my latest video and you'll see what I mean.

    • @takod323
      @takod323 8 лет назад

      Was it controversial when this came out?

    • @Anthraxinternational
      @Anthraxinternational 8 лет назад +1

      Tamo Daleko I'm not really sure. I wasn't that informed when this came out. Probably not though. We're not that sensitive.

    • @Gamer5tyle
      @Gamer5tyle 8 лет назад +3

      Very controversial. They only made one season.

    • @takod323
      @takod323 8 лет назад +1

      Gamer5tyle really? I expected it though. This kind of shit you cannot pull even in eastern Europe without being called racist.

  • @annsheridan12
    @annsheridan12 3 года назад +1

    Nisbett has no numbers, merely criticism of Lynn’s research. It would have been far more informative to have his IQ numbers.

  • @annsheridan12
    @annsheridan12 3 года назад +1

    It’s not the view of Charles Murray ,it’s what the scientific literature indicates.

  • @pezaventura
    @pezaventura 10 лет назад +1

    I think IQ tests are without a doubt variable by + or - 15 points given someone's exposure to complex subjects and study. But a guy or girl with a 160 is definitely smart. But lets say you take two identical twins and one grows up in a trailer and drops out of school to work, the other grows up in a studious middle class asian family that forces him/her to study constantly. You then sit them down down and give them an IQ test, i bet there would be a 15 point difference.

    • @BeanDelphikiMD
      @BeanDelphikiMD 10 лет назад +8

      You would bet very wrong.

    • @commanderPLbartek
      @commanderPLbartek 9 лет назад +4

      pezaventura check out minnesotas racia adoption study, buddy.

    • @annsheridan12
      @annsheridan12 3 года назад +1

      You are not aware of the science. Identical twins separated at birth, adopted by families of different economic levels when given I Q tests as adults the result is the same as one person taking the test twice. That strongly indicates that nature is controlling and nurture irrelevant. Look up the Colorado Adoption project, the results indicate that genes, not environment is controlling.

  • @CuteKelolon
    @CuteKelolon 9 лет назад +3

    Richard Lynn wants to be nordic so bad lol. What a quack. I almost feel bad for those duped by him with his alleged scientific methodologies. Having men like that in the scientific community is a horrific thing. The other conservative man is right (no pun intended). I believe in the importance of individual inequality too. I'm against political correctness therefore I can't bring myself to accept that race topics should be 'taboo' nor believe us all to be born equally with perfectly the same mental capacities \ potentials both individual or collective. To be honest, I can not take any one seriously if they say so. Generalized racial inequality (differences with the advantages \ disadvantages) is a fact but what matters first and foremost is individual inequality. If Australian aboriginals as a group consistently display a lower average IQ than say Japanese, it doesn't mean that each individual Japanese is smarter to each and every Australian aboriginal. The important question is, will these differences in IQ legitimize racism against the less fortunate in our time? I doubt it. IQ isn't everything though, what about athletic intelligence? It would be better if these issues are discussed openly to find alternative solutions in order to improve upon various types of intelligence for the less gifted among us.
    If humans have evolved for thousand of years in different environmental conditions, this means that they have developed different capabilities \ abilities (just like having various cultures, languages..etc). Focusing on one type of survival\intelligence is unfair for those who have less of it and more of the other kinds. But as the video explained because of globalization everyone will be forced to abandon their lifestyle, ways of survival to join the western world. I'm not sure if forcing the Khosians in Africa or other Indigenous peoples in other continent is wise thing.

    • @CuteKelolon
      @CuteKelolon 9 лет назад

      Sinan Islam You're such weirdo, aren't you? I've not deleted anything. You've been reported for harassment and therefore your comments are deleted by YT. I don't want to respect trolls nor chat with one. Get that into your thick skull and stfu.

    • @crossroads670
      @crossroads670 4 года назад

      I laughed so hard at that too. Lynn was so tragic "I'm of Norwegian stock myself!" Did you know his journal has a Viking ship on the front of it? LOL. Wannabe. Yes race IQ gaps differ but it's not definitively proven how much of it is genes... (even though I suspect it's mostly genetic).

  • @CraigCastanet
    @CraigCastanet 7 лет назад

    We don't have to kill each other or hate each other, just because we're different. Who is as good as he would wish anyway? I sure as hell aren't as smart, or as anything as I would like. And like Stuart Smalley used to say, "I'm good enough".

  • @Menaceblue3
    @Menaceblue3 11 лет назад +1

    /pol/ would fucking love this video!

  • @glesgatruth6844
    @glesgatruth6844 4 года назад +1

    Greg Cochran is the most intelligent man you will hear speak so listen up .

    • @hoenircanute
      @hoenircanute 2 месяца назад

      Ill listen to any honest man that has life experience, intelligence is a plus not a requirement.

  • @annsheridan12
    @annsheridan12 3 года назад +2

    Nisbitt exposes his ignorance saying that with such a low average IQ as the Kalahari Bushman possess they would not know what season it was nor manage their affairs. His glaring error is that it is an average number and there are half with IQ above that average , with some with very high IQ s. One would think that an IQ expert would understand average , half below and half above. but not so.

    • @dennisl3087
      @dennisl3087 2 года назад +1

      Do you really think that a Professor of Psychology doesn't understand simple statistics better then you?

  • @izdurg4ever
    @izdurg4ever 11 лет назад

    Don't blaming ourselves for having a better social position, avoiding pointless affirmative action, recognizing that the number of blacks on universities will always be relatively smaller than the number of people of other races (and I'm not saying that there can be millions of blacks who perform brilliantly at uni). Other minorities, just like indians, have much higher IQ's than blacks, and you can assume that they suffer the same amount of prejudice.

  • @attackfighter
    @attackfighter 12 лет назад

    genes and society determine everything about you and since you have no control over your genes or the society that raises you, you therefore have no control over any aspect of your life
    it's only out of social necessity that sapiens assign blame for anything

  • @ZaBuZaMoMoChi86
    @ZaBuZaMoMoChi86 5 лет назад +2

    Geez... That feminist athlete put herself to shame completely missing the chance to be intellectually honest. In elite,highly specialized sports/disciplines,it's almost completely GENE related,training and lifestyle makes an athlete express his potential and let him stay on top form longer but without genetics you cannot even try to compete on national levels. Same goes for boxing as well,she simply implies that boxing was dominated by afros,while in reality,only mid to heavier categories had periods where afros were prominent,boxing is about segments,a mix of leg resistance and upper body explosiveness (FT muscles) and this favors largely indo-europeans.

    • @TucoBenedicto
      @TucoBenedicto Год назад

      What I found weird is that she pointed "boxing is turning white again" but she failed to notice that there's a very specific subset of "white" ethnic groups that have been doing well in boxing, because guess what? Not all "whites" are the same, either.

  • @theodorwaldenel6469
    @theodorwaldenel6469 4 года назад +2

    Charles Murray is a political scientist so quite far from his field and his so book is just a bunch of "convenient samples" just like that Lynn fellow guy.

    • @crossroads670
      @crossroads670 4 года назад +2

      No it’s not. Charles Murray has been vindicated.

    • @annsheridan12
      @annsheridan12 3 года назад +2

      So why don’t you give us your IQ studies numbers and not just ignore other scientists?

  • @CraigCastanet
    @CraigCastanet 7 лет назад

    in short, old-fashioned, unapologetic, AMERICAN.

  • @CvnDqnrU
    @CvnDqnrU 9 лет назад +2

    I loved it when they introduced the jewish people with that evil music, and that guy talking about how they are everywhere.

    • @wms72
      @wms72 6 лет назад +3

      CvnDqnrU It didn't sound like evil music to me.

    • @TucoBenedicto
      @TucoBenedicto Год назад

      ​@@wms72 ...and the guy was basically praising his own people for their achievements, not "warning the world about Jews being everywhere" or any other conspiratorial bullshit.

  • @jeboshifru
    @jeboshifru 6 лет назад

    Considering differences between blacks and whites in USA, I think you should check the facts about lead paint poisoning of black children.

    • @annsheridan12
      @annsheridan12 3 года назад

      Nope! IQ is genetic , it’s the brain that you were born with. .

    • @OptimalOwl
      @OptimalOwl 2 года назад

      Having high levels of lead in your blood can be really bad for you, but the number of people in the US who have that much lead isn't high enough to have much of an effect on average IQ scores. The B/W difference in average blood lead levels accounts for at most 0.5 points of the 15 point B/W IQ gap. If we were to magically set the blood lead levels of everyone in the US at exactly zero, this would cause the average IQ level of the country to rise by only about 0.3 points.

  • @annsheridan12
    @annsheridan12 3 года назад

    The Colorado Adoption project indicates that IQ is largely if not totally genetic.

    • @nick12344
      @nick12344 25 дней назад

      Not totally genetically influenced. Mostly genetic: sure

  • @maythefuhrerofunderstandin9624
    @maythefuhrerofunderstandin9624 5 лет назад +1

    Boxing never "turned white again" nor were "all international champions white". Around the time that this documentary was shot the Klitschos were heavyweight champions of the world. That's two brothers from Ukraine, in one division. All of the other weight classes were still being dominated by blacks and latinos as usual.

  • @cannabisPREVENTION
    @cannabisPREVENTION 11 лет назад +3

    The last guy interviewed totally just red pilled

  • @urwholefamilydied
    @urwholefamilydied 9 лет назад +4

    Sounds like racism... even if you could discern the differences between every race (which I do agree exists)... what's the point? Shouldn't the point be: Freedom for everyone, freedom to live your lives in a non violent way, so long as you allow others those freedoms? Who gives a fuck if blacks are better at basketball... let's celebrate that, and celebrate all other differences.

    • @Rodav92Metal616
      @Rodav92Metal616 8 лет назад +5

      +LeRouxshnikov Why are "race realists" like you so aggressive when they reply dissenting opinions? Are you genetically predisposed to be this way? You're not only aggressive on the internet, but also on the streets. Demonstrations by White supremacist organizations are usually extremely violent and its members doesn't look very intelligent. By the way, Are white people more likely to commit mass shootings? Are white people more likely to suffer extreme forms of mental illness? Are white people more likely to commit incest?

    • @Rodav92Metal616
      @Rodav92Metal616 8 лет назад +1

      +Charles J Gartner «what's the point?» Have you ever heard about Afirmative Action? Do you think it's fair?

    • @urwholefamilydied
      @urwholefamilydied 8 лет назад

      +Rodavi2991 no, not a fan of affirmative action. That's judging people by the color of their skin or race. It's like people who are just proud to be irish, or proud to be american... who gives a shit. Be proud to be YOU. Who gives a fuck where you were born.

    • @urwholefamilydied
      @urwholefamilydied 8 лет назад +2

      +LeRouxshnikov +rodavi2991 agree with rodavi, if you think race matters then you're a racist. Of course certain cultures who are taught different things are going to behave differently. But it has nothing to do with skin color or where your parents happened to fuck. It's how people teach their children and what crazy religious bullshit they preach. Race doesn't matter though, only dumb people teaches dumb shit. I've seen every race and religion rape, kill, become drug addicts, become power hungry, lie, and cheat. You can sort out the stats of which one does the other thing more ofter than the other one. All humans are fucking morons, with a little sprinkle in there of some sensible ones.

    • @LeRouxshnikov
      @LeRouxshnikov 8 лет назад +6

      i know i'm racist. as a white born and raised in africa, its difficult not to see the stark contrasts between the races. however, i don't treat a black or a coloured person differently to how i would treat a fellow white person. does that make me, or anyone else who shares my view a bad person? nope, that just makes us guilty of wrongthink.
      and absolutely, every culture or race has its dumbfucks and its losers. in my opinion, those people and their antisocial behaviours should be dealt with by their own people, not by the people who have the highest paying wellfare systems.
      and behaviours, broadly speaking, are indeed genetic. so are abilities. so as you said, when dumb people teach dumb things, those dumb people reproduce and create more dumb people, and teach them more dumb shit. add in some reproductive selection pressures, a relatively closed gene pool, repeat over a few thousand generations and VOILA! a whole race of dumbfucks is born...
      do you want even more dumbfucks? ignore race, open the borders, and keep ignoring whats staring you in the face.
      now let me clear. i don't dislike other races because they are other races, i dislike them for how they behave in my community.