r/IDontWorkHereLady - Parking Lot Karen Demands I Tow a STRANGER'S CAR! I'm 14!

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 685

  • @thegamersconclave8709
    @thegamersconclave8709 Год назад +300

    Always, always, always press charges. By not pressing charges you're just giving them permission to do it again.

    • @DarDarBinks1986
      @DarDarBinks1986 Год назад

      Exactly. Give the Karens an inch and they'll take a mile.

    • @Josh_the_jester
      @Josh_the_jester Год назад +26

      They always demand you serve them, even though you're not an employee so maliciously comply and serve them... in court

    • @iononcantomascrivo
      @iononcantomascrivo 9 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@Josh_the_jester😂I love this!

  • @cmsxcb
    @cmsxcb Год назад +148

    When somebody hits you, always, always, always call the cops. Chances are that this isn't the first time they've done it and, unless somebody reports it, it probably won't be the last. The reason YOU got hit is because their previous victim(s) couldn't be bothered to report them. You need to break the cycle and give them the consequences they've dodged before.

  • @stellamccoy5259
    @stellamccoy5259 Год назад +94

    As a female and an Army Vet of 23 years, I didn't know I couldn't serve in the military. Now I am confused.

    • @hardcorenativextreme
      @hardcorenativextreme Год назад

      Obviously Karen thinks it is the 19th century because women have been enlisting since 1914 and have been allowed permanent status since 1948. This is a lady that believes because she is a lady that she doesn't have to lift a finger. Obviously she is not the traditional women lol but how dumb can someone be. I literally would like to know if she has a high school diploma or a GED. Cause that knowledge my niece in 2nd grade knows

    • @markrahm6900
      @markrahm6900 Год назад

      Not only was that woman an entitled idiot, she was stuck in some past era when women weren't allowed to serve in the military, except for nurses and USO girls. I worked nuclear plant security many years ago, and our ladies were more proficient with firearms than some of our vet boys fresh from the Gulf War. I'd rather have any of those gals cover my 6 than some of those yahoos.

    • @E3ECO
      @E3ECO 5 месяцев назад +5

      So is my female cousin Marine. (And I myself was in the USAF.)

    • @darthcravus
      @darthcravus 5 месяцев назад +4

      Every time the victim of an assault doesn't want the cops involved or don't press charges. I get pissed because how else are those Karens going to learn actions have consequences if you don't make them see the back seat of a cruiser

    • @OptimumTaurus
      @OptimumTaurus 2 месяца назад

      Some people are really really ridiculously stuck in the past. Female soldiers are not strange anymore.

  • @TheRussellStover
    @TheRussellStover Год назад +329

    Always press charges when someone assaults you. ALWAYS.

    • @gothgirl4evr414
      @gothgirl4evr414 Год назад

      That what i say in the comment section every time i hear one of these where the person is attacked. I don't care if you are in hurry or don't want to deal with it ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS press charges it's the only way these crazy bitches will ever learn

    • @recycledapathy7411
      @recycledapathy7411 Год назад +27

      Yep. Even if they charges don't stick, it'll at least be on record.

    • @DTigarX6264
      @DTigarX6264 Год назад +17

      Although, even if charges are pressed there's no guarantee that the person who caused the trouble will even learn from it, as their logic (or no logic in pretty much all cases) tends to go *oh I was in trouble for my actions but i'm going to continue to behave this way because I can despite what the law says* and then wonder why they keep getting in trouble.

    • @Jasonfallen71
      @Jasonfallen71 Год назад +7

      Yeah, except it’s worse than that because that emboldens the Karen to do that crap again and again and again and again…
      That OP is worse than the Karen.

    • @Jasonfallen71
      @Jasonfallen71 Год назад +12

      Also, always hit back!! Really hard, once for every time they assault you.

  • @gwanael34
    @gwanael34 Год назад +118

    Don't let these people get away with it.

    • @jonathanbeshansky4932
      @jonathanbeshansky4932 Год назад +3

      He should have pressed charges against her like the OP of story 6 did. I would have done that myself and have the security footage in the store to have as evidence.

    • @CrimsonAngelWinges
      @CrimsonAngelWinges Год назад +3

      Yep, I really hope that every comment on that post told OP that there partially responsible for the next person she does this to.

    • @The_real_Arovor
      @The_real_Arovor 10 месяцев назад +2

      That happened in Switzerland (i can tell by op name). She would only have ended up with a fine, and caused needless bureaucracy for nothing. Unless she decided to attack the police, that could have ended with a night in jail and a criminal record.

    • @james68908
      @james68908 10 месяцев назад

      OP’s a stupid idiot for not pressing charges on that Karen.

    • @marciaspiegel5280
      @marciaspiegel5280 10 месяцев назад

      Very true.

  • @h0lly_blue
    @h0lly_blue Год назад +75

    #5: how many times do I have to tell you people - _PRESS CHARGES_

    • @NicoBabyman1
      @NicoBabyman1 Год назад +12

      “How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?”

    • @raarasunai4896
      @raarasunai4896 Год назад +11

      Damn right. Don’t try to “be the bigger person.” People like that will not learn if they are allowed to skirt the consequences

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 Год назад +2

      Agreed, though she realized her mistake when they saw the CCTV Footage and she should have apologized right there for what she did.

    • @gi0nbecell
      @gi0nbecell Год назад +2

      As that story obviously took place somewhere in the DACH region (short for Germany -D , Austria -A and Switzerland - CH), it‘s a bit different. I can summarise the German situation, I assume Austria is quite similar but I don‘t know enough about the Swiss system.
      Firstly, the law itself. Slapping someone is assault, punishable by up to 5 years in prison or a financial penalty. For a mere slap, the latter is very likely, if the matter is not entirely suspended under condition of a fine. In the latter case, the matter will not be recorded in the defendant‘s criminal record, as would be the case of a fine under 30 „daily rates“ (financial penalties in Germany are calculated depending on the defendant‘s income - a daily rate would be the gross income of one day. The verdict is measured in daily rates, the amount differs). In this case, and assuming the woman had no prior convictions, it is likely that she would be punished by an insubstantial penalty (probably in the ballpark of 20 rates). A prison sentence would also be likely way under 2 years, and therefore be suspended under a probationary period of three years. Which is all unlikely for a mere slap.
      Now, assault (as long as it isn‘t one of the specific situations explicitly stated in the criminal code) is a crime that will only be prosecuted if charges are pressed by the victim (or if the prosecutor sees a heightened public interest in prosecution, unlikely here). So, OP would have to press charges, which means physically coming to the police station, file a demand for penalty and give a statement. Lot of drama for a mere slap. Also, police work differently here. In this situation it‘s unlikely that Karen would even be arrested. Police would record her ID and personal information and later summon her (likely by letter) to give a statement (or even just send her a form to give a written statement to fill out and send back). Also, they would secure the evidence for the file. Then the file would go to the prosecutor‘s office, and they decide if they prosecute or suspend (like I described above).
      So, basically, it‘s too much of a hassle for too little outcome to press charges for something so minor.
      Also, I find two things strange about the story. Firstly, a security guard in a grocery store is quite rare in Germany (except this happened during lockdown, when many stores hired security to enforce mask mandates and the maximum number of customers allowed). Secondly, it‘s uncommon that the store manager would give OP a coupon. Coupons are quite rare in Germany in general, and secondly we don‘t consider a store to be responsible for the behaviour of random customers - as long as they don‘t encourage it. I always cringe a bit when stores hand out discounts in those situations to appease the customer so that they will come back. It‘s just another culture, and we believe in personal responsibility. So basically no one would hold a store accountable when a random customer snaps. For those two reasons I tend to call BS, at least on that part of the story. Ah, and CCTV is rather sparse here, and in a normal grocery store I would be surprised when every corner is covered.

    • @The_real_Arovor
      @The_real_Arovor 10 месяцев назад

      @@Rob-Raznot happening in Switzerland where that happened. You can actually get a charge for unnecessary violence.

  • @jamesweekley1087
    @jamesweekley1087 Год назад +60

    Last story: "I pressed charges for assault." Exactly how the story should end!

  • @PuppyKatt
    @PuppyKatt Год назад +39

    Story 5: She slapped you not once, but twice. You should have laid criminal charges, because nobody has any reason to abuse anyone.

  • @lyllymoreland2800
    @lyllymoreland2800 Год назад +97

    Karen: Woman can't serve in the military.
    My deceased great grandma who was a marine: ..........

    • @gothgirl4evr414
      @gothgirl4evr414 Год назад +13

      Ikr. What century did she think she was living in 😅

    • @DaemonwarriorJulius
      @DaemonwarriorJulius Год назад +22

      Queen Elizabeth II who was a WWII veteran: *rotates in her Grave*

    • @DarDarBinks1986
      @DarDarBinks1986 Год назад +10

      How can any woman be so misogynistic? Women have served in the armed forces all over the world since ancient times. The Scythians had women cavalry, for one. In Africa, there were the Dahomey Amazons of Benin. In Viking days, you had Norse shieldmaidens raiding and pillaging as hard as the men and nonbinary Vikings did.

    • @CrochetIsLife54
      @CrochetIsLife54 Год назад +15

      69 year old female veteran here! Women have fought in every one of our wars. (Sometimes disguised as a man…)

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +7

      My Father and Mother met when both were in the Airforce. In my military hitches, I knew many women serving.

  • @Fion355
    @Fion355 Год назад +286

    Story 1: Why even engange in a discussion? Ignore that Karen. Or better: Take her list, go inside and throw it away.

    • @giraffegiraffe8702
      @giraffegiraffe8702 Год назад +35

      That had me confused too.
      The op was saying “leave me alone” but then went back to talk to Karen more? Why do that to yourself?

    • @gothgirl4evr414
      @gothgirl4evr414 Год назад +15

      That's precisely what i would've done. Say "oh certainly ma'am why don't you wait right here and I'll be back in 2 shakes of a lambs tail with your groceries" then proceed to do mine and time how long it takes her to blow a gasket in her brain and come in to find a manager to complain that some random person she have her list to hasn't come back to give her her groceries or if she would still be waiting when i walk out with all my stuff😅

    • @blitzwolfmon8297
      @blitzwolfmon8297 Год назад +9

      I would of just torn her list up into pieces and handed it back to her.

    • @HarmonyOC
      @HarmonyOC Год назад

      Exactly what I thought

    • @HarmonyOC
      @HarmonyOC Год назад +10

      ​@@gothgirl4evr414 or say "hey, there is some random women outside that is harassing me, can you send some security to handle her''

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +34

    Valet Story: There are 2 additional possibilities you missed Darkfluff...
    1) As mentioned in the story, he slurred some of his words implying he might have been Drunk and/or High as a kite thus not thinking straight...
    2) He might have wanted to get OP in close proximity to his car to kidnap OP...

  • @Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996
    @Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 Год назад +88

    Story 5. Karen's lucky she didn't get punched in the face in retaliation because I know there are some people out there who would do just that if you out of nowhere slapped them in the face after mistaking them for an employee!

    • @blitzwolfmon8297
      @blitzwolfmon8297 Год назад

      This Karen is proof there is stupidity running rampant in every country.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +9

      Slap me, get slapped to the floor in return! Followed by an assault charged!

    • @thoughtspeaker8705
      @thoughtspeaker8705 Год назад +4

      Agreed. Just the grab would've been enough to get me to freak out and slap her arm away(or try to) because I don't usually like contact unless the person asks me first. There's very few exceptions except maybe my mom with hugs, but even that's a maybe, so a complete stranger GRABBING me would almost definitely lead to me freaking out in some way or another.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад +1

      I would've said, "Take me to dinner and a movie first. I'm reporting you for battery and S.A."

    • @tmntfangirl4700
      @tmntfangirl4700 Год назад +1

      If that had been me that that Karen slapped, she’d be on the ground spitting out a tooth or two.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Год назад +69

    Story 6: Some people are unstable. You refuse something and they snap, whether it's verbal assault, physical assault, tantrums not directed at anyone, etc.
    Why does this happen? Because they were spoiled

  • @condar419
    @condar419 Год назад +37

    If some lady hands me a list and says 'go get my groceries', I will agree to do just that and then shred the list the second I'm out of her sight.

    • @arjankraaijeveld9587
      @arjankraaijeveld9587 Год назад +2

      I wouldn't even bother waiting till I'm out of sight, I'd shred the list and hand her back the pieces...

    • @condar419
      @condar419 Год назад

      @@arjankraaijeveld9587 But my way, she stands around waiting and waiting, assuming her shopping is being done lol.

    • @sabrinastratton1991
      @sabrinastratton1991 Год назад

      ​@@condar419 which is more fun

    • @mjjoe76
      @mjjoe76 2 месяца назад

      And then when you come out with your own purchases, Karen loses her mind and destroys your purchases. No thanks.

  • @lilithriddle8612
    @lilithriddle8612 Год назад +50

    How dare that Karen disrespect a Marine Veteran! I know she will never see this, but thank you so much for serving OP.

    • @tobyk.4911
      @tobyk.4911 Год назад +1

      it began by not recognizing / acknowledging that OP was a Marine Veteran

    • @hardcorenativextreme
      @hardcorenativextreme Год назад

      Karen is probably glad she was born a female because it obviously allowed her to be lazy believing some old bs about women can't a thing and just stuck with it

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 Год назад +45

    Story 3: That was stupid anyway. Like, he was literally asking for his car to be stolen by doing that. I don't know if the car was actually stolen or was still sitting out of sight, but I hope he learned not to pull that s**t again.

    • @ViridianFlow
      @ViridianFlow Год назад +9

      If it was taken by someone it's basically guaranteed that car is just gone now. You can't make an insurance claim on a stolen car if you willingly gave your keys to a stranger and told them to drive it.

    • @andrewforte
      @andrewforte Год назад +2

      Yeah, that was stupid. The 15-year-old me would have taken the keys, done a burnout, and then run the car into the parking curb hard enough so that the front jumped it. Then, I would walk away.

    • @technird652
      @technird652 Год назад +4

      I would find the car, lock the keys in the car, and walk away.

    • @eekwibble
      @eekwibble Год назад

      That guy was drunk.

  • @Doc1855
    @Doc1855 Год назад +22

    Story 1,
    I would have taken her grocery list, got my groceries and on the way out I would have snapped my fingers at the Karen and said, “I don’t work here,Karen”, while throwing her grocery list back at her.

  • @LightSage89
    @LightSage89 Год назад +40

    Sometimes I worry that I might end up in one of these stories after listening to so many. I double check for store uniform before asking for help, and at the very least I hope that I fall into the "confused but polite" category.

    • @TheAttacker732
      @TheAttacker732 Год назад +6

      Thus far, I've been lucky. The people asking me for help knew I wasn't an employee, I was just the nearest person tall or strong enough to retrieve what they were after.

    • @ViridianFlow
      @ViridianFlow Год назад +4

      A surefire way to end up getting asked to do work is to be in basically any store in a button up shirt while wearing a lanyard.
      Doesn't matter what button up shirt, or what's on your lanyard, they see a lanyard on someone dressed nicely and therefore you work at every store you ever enter.

    • @foxfireinferno197
      @foxfireinferno197 Год назад +2

      I fall into the 'angry but rude' category, myself. I'm too old to deal with that shit.

    • @lynneconklin917
      @lynneconklin917 Год назад +1

      I work at the local dollar store, and I often find myself running there for stuff on my days off because who wants to waste 45 - 60 minutes driving for I thing of garbage bags. Everyone knows I work there and asks first if I don't seem to be in uniform, but of course, I'm a nice person so if they truly seem to be in need , I will help. But I do draw the line at certain things, like climbing a ladder to reach stuff, or going in to the back store room, or going behind the counter. Never had an actual entitled customer - grumpy because of weather, the cost of everything, the till being slow, or the card reader not working (We got new ones recently and our area's internet is notoriously iffy) - but never had actual Karen customers.

    • @Stonedsheepu8906
      @Stonedsheepu8906 Год назад

      You won’t unless you screech like a 7 year old undisciplined child and start throwing hands with strangers

  • @TJDious
    @TJDious Год назад +36

    The OP who didn't press charges can piss off. Always press charges. She could do a lot worse next time.

    • @ryukaze7392
      @ryukaze7392 Год назад +9

      Yes! I was visibly angry when I heard that OP didn't press charges, especially when he was a traffic cop (from how I understood the story anyways). I'm like...seriously OP? You didn't ask for charges to be filed? *shakes head*

    • @MsTemptation
      @MsTemptation Год назад +11

      Lol, I pretty much said the same thing.
      Why bother telling us about such an experience only to let us know that your a simp for not pressing charges after being physically assaulted.

    • @Dragongamz1
      @Dragongamz1 Год назад +6

      When you are in the situation, especially if you have anxiety, many just want to go home and be left alone after such an experience

    • @tailsofchaos
      @tailsofchaos Год назад

      ​@Bjorn Arnesen well that is you, not everybody can fully control anxiety. Especially if it can to a point where it can be life threatening

    • @Dragongamz1
      @Dragongamz1 Год назад

      @Bjorn Arnesen Oh yes, that's the perfect thing to say to someone with anxiety./s

  • @tranz2deep
    @tranz2deep Год назад +9

    Story 5. She hits someone, then screams at them for resisting. Right. Menace to the public, solitary and Pshrink sessions daily. No, no more grocery trips, no public, no more victims for her. Just alone and reminded what reality is, every damn day!

  • @PrincessSunnyoftheSandWings
    @PrincessSunnyoftheSandWings Год назад +33

    My dad and Great-Grandfather (from my mom’s side) both served in the military (dad enlisted soon as he graduated and my great-grandfather was in WW2.) and my dad has military plates. The woman in story 1 had no reason to be that disrespectful to OP like that

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 Год назад +5

      I think my brain went numb with this story, just because OP was wearing a Blue Shirt and had Veteran plates on her car does not mean that she works at that store, nor does she have to serve anyone......

    • @stygiandragon3865
      @stygiandragon3865 Год назад +3

      If my memory serves, weren't there women in the high ranking lieutenant position?

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 Год назад +2

      @@stygiandragon3865 I'd assume so, I mean they are also in the Air Force as well....

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      @@stygiandragon3865 Women even helped out in the American Revolution. Kazza is a clinical idiot.

    • @hardcorenativextreme
      @hardcorenativextreme Год назад

      ​@@stygiandragon3865you think a Karen would know that. Karen only knows their entitlement and nothing else matters.

  • @fdm2155
    @fdm2155 Год назад +10

    How is anyone surprised to find there are live cameras recording in retail stores? LOL

    • @natehill8069
      @natehill8069 Год назад

      My luck, I would get assaulted, the cops would get called, I would point to the cameras, they would be broken and I would get 6-10 for assault because they ALWAYS believe the woman.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      Karen was out of touch with modern society or a Luddite.

  • @thunderflare59
    @thunderflare59 Год назад +10

    "I'm a black man."
    Uh oh. I already know where this is going.

  • @TheOfficialTarynTots
    @TheOfficialTarynTots Год назад +7

    I've never heard of a grocery store veteran before. 😆

  • @Kaiju_Queen94
    @Kaiju_Queen94 Год назад +26

    Story 5: My sympathy for OP instantly faded when they said they didn't want the police involved when they were just freaking assaulted! Seriously what a moron for letting that Karen get away with that crap SMH. 🤦‍♀️

    • @The_real_Arovor
      @The_real_Arovor 10 месяцев назад +1

      That happened in Switzerland, we don’t call the police over stuff like this normally. No need to escalate things further than necessary.
      Switzerland is in the top 5 of the most secure countries.
      We don’t feel the need to ruin someone’s life over just a slap in the face. If that happend to me I wouldn’t have wanted the police either. Because this would have costed everyone involved 1-2h because our police take statements from everyone together with personal information etc. just in case this ends in front of a judge, which in this case is highly unlikely, since noone was injured.
      In case of an injury I can assure you the cops would have been called. Not in this case though, since the only thing that was hurt were maybe OP‘s feelings.

  • @mimzyc9949
    @mimzyc9949 Год назад +8

    I would like to hear more stories where Karens meet up with other karens. That would be fun.

    • @marflitts
      @marflitts Год назад +1


    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад +2

      The _Bluey_ episode _Granny Mobile_ demonstrates just that with Bluey's cousin Muffin pretending to be a Karen granny and while they were trying to sell a mobility scooter, Muffin and a real Karen granny tried to out-Karen each other with Muffin winning out and the scooter sold for a lot more than it was initially worth.

  • @Mr_Obvious
    @Mr_Obvious Год назад +20

    I love all these r/ stories, but I Don't Work Here Lady are my favorites! It brightens my day when I see one of these posted! The absurdity of them blows my mind!

    • @bettyhall4175
      @bettyhall4175 Год назад +3

      I think people need to start charging $50 as a convenience fee/I don't work here but am helping you fee and the more hostile and more of a Karen they are, the more money you charge. Emptying the Karens' and Kevins' wallet will teach them real quick

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад +1

      @@bettyhall4175 $50 to start with and then double it if they double down.

  • @gi0nbecell
    @gi0nbecell Год назад +10

    Story 3: I once had a rather similar encounter. Which is strange, as in Germany it is rather unusual to have valet parking at all, even in most fancy hotels (might have something to do with un Germans and our cars - we just don‘t like strangers driving them, even a short distance. Also, we don‘t have parking lots that are blocks away and acres wide). So when that random dude shoved the keys in my hand and hurried away (he wasn‘t listening to my mantra of IDWH and seemed to be in a hurry), I thought about my options. I could take the car, but that would be bad. I could drive the car somewhere and just leave the key - but that would be equally bad. I could drop the keys where I was and leave. Or I could bring them to a cashier in the supermarket in the same building. I looked outside and he was literally parked in 2nd row, on a busy street. That annoyed me. So I opted for a variation of the last idea. I went outside, about 500m along the street and into the conveniently located police station. I gave the officer the key, stating I found it on the sidewalk in front of the supermarket. Ah, and there‘s a car parked in the middle of the street.
    And then I left. Never learned what happened, never cared. But I still think about that when I see a car parked there - it‘s quite common, strangely, despite the police station being right around the corner.

  • @mangagod
    @mangagod Год назад +3

    First story: “do you only employ idiots?”, “why, Do you need a job?”

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +1

      Me: "You are proof they have stupid cutomers."

  • @althealee9375
    @althealee9375 Год назад +10

    “You’re wearing an outfit!!”
    I would’ve said “so are you!!!”
    Also I’m adding “tampon stuffer” to my repertoire

  • @Wraice619
    @Wraice619 Год назад +9

    Ya know, in regards to that first story, after my time working retail, I almost feel like those of us who did that job for years *should* qualify for some kinda special plates. 😆😆

  • @raarasunai4896
    @raarasunai4896 Год назад +38

    4th story: I can do you one better. Imagine someone entitled enough to actually ask, verbatim, “How do we get someone off that flight so I can get on?” Fully booked flight, and she thinks that because she has gold status(the lowest tier frequent flyer status for this airline) that I’m going to forcibly take away someone’s seat for her. And why did she want on this flight? Because she didn’t want to wait 3 more hours for the flight she had actually paid for. The capper, when I told her we DON’T remove someone on the flight, she shouts back “THEN WHAT THE FUCK GOOD IS MY FREQUENT FLYER STATUS?!” 😂

    • @CrochetIsLife54
      @CrochetIsLife54 Год назад +2

      Some of the worst entitlement comes from people in the “shiny metal” club.

    • @sherifitzgerald6886
      @sherifitzgerald6886 Год назад +2

      Clueless lives/it's REAL....beware

    • @gorilladisco9108
      @gorilladisco9108 Год назад +2

      I'll just loom on her face and state, "A discount."

  • @helenbontje15
    @helenbontje15 Год назад +2

    Why is it all the Karen's who demand people do what they tell them, turn around and call their victims liers when they are told "I don't work here"?!? I swear if one ever does that & hits me I'm going to punch their lights out! You NEVER hit ANYONE! If you do get ready to be hit back!

  • @KylaFuller
    @KylaFuller Год назад +5

    If a stranger puts their hands on me, I’m pressing charges.

  • @thefamilydogs3213
    @thefamilydogs3213 Год назад +10

    I’m going to be honest if I were that manager I would have bought OP a pack of crayons. 😂😂😂

    • @Choujifangirl
      @Choujifangirl Год назад

      I was about to start throwing shit but then I realized that would actually be really funny because of the term crayon eaters in the military and Marines which equates to some light ribbing😂

  • @coriweaver4343
    @coriweaver4343 Год назад +5

    I just don’t get why these people think they can physically assault someone and think it’s ok. The last time I checked slaves weren’t a thing anymore so hitting people that are social workers isn’t allowed. I swear if anyone felt that entitled about 26 years of pure rage will be unleashed and it will not be pretty.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      You have no idea. In the U.S. wage slavery is rampant and 13A allows prisoners to work slave labour.

  • @davidponseigo8811
    @davidponseigo8811 Год назад +3

    Women are some of the toughest military personnel I have ever met.

  • @wolphin732
    @wolphin732 Год назад +2

    The last one is perfect... she assaulted... and charges pressed.

  • @ichaukan
    @ichaukan Год назад +8

    First story: I would say "Okay, I'll get your groceries. That'll be $500. Cash up front."

  • @gregorythomas333
    @gregorythomas333 Год назад +8

    Story 2: Always. Press. Charges. Obviously Karen doesn't know how to keep her hands off other people so maybe a bit of jail time will encourage her to stop doing it.
    Story 3: OP was really nice to chuck the keys into the parking lot...I might have aimed for the roof of the building or the storm drain...just saying.
    Story 5: As with Story 2 you should always press charges for Assault & Battery (and Harassment in this case)...if you let them get away with it they will just keep doing it.
    Story 6: Finally...someone that actually pressed charges on one of these rancid khunts! Press full charges...ask the judge for the maximum time in jail that is allowed.

  • @thegamersconclave8709
    @thegamersconclave8709 Год назад +7

    Second point. IDGAF what gender, age, or class you're apart of; if you put your hands on me, im going to put my hands on you.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +3

      Yep, they get backhanded to the floor. 🤨

  • @jerichogarry
    @jerichogarry Год назад +35

    First story: The Karen was being sexist to her own gender, that's very messed up in it's own right. Karens need to realize that their logic isn't the same as everyone else's

    • @fdm2155
      @fdm2155 Год назад

      Also Karen thinks it's 1823, apparently. Women can't serve in the military. What a complete moron.

    • @JulianaBlewett
      @JulianaBlewett Год назад +6

      Every republican woman does the exact same thing.

    • @rickscott7350
      @rickscott7350 Год назад

      @@JulianaBlewett You need to lay off the Drugs. They are causing hallucinations. 99% of the Karens I run into are Card Carrying Ultra Leftist.

    • @TheOfficialTarynTots
      @TheOfficialTarynTots Год назад +5

      Some women (especially younger) can't stand other women out of jealously or just being competitive. I never really considered it to be sexist but it is a common thing.

    • @TheOfficialTarynTots
      @TheOfficialTarynTots Год назад +1

      @Rosaletta It was just reasons why some women don't like others. That is what it had to do with the story. Being competitive clearly didn't fit this specific situation but is one of the reasons why some women don't like others.

  • @robertfloresjr5952
    @robertfloresjr5952 Год назад +2

    The story with the Marine Lady she probably went back with the manager as a backup just in case things went south. That lady could of gotten crazy. Props to OP for serving and looking out for others.

  • @benjaminspencer6507
    @benjaminspencer6507 Год назад +2

    Story #3. Mom and dad always said, "Don't get in cars with strangers!" Ring a bell? Dude has a new trick up his sleeve!!!

  • @nightdweller6446
    @nightdweller6446 Год назад +9

    S1. That woman is several sandwiches short of a picnic. Theres definitely kangaroos loose in her top paddock
    Everyone reading the teaffic controller story ALWAYS PRESS CHARGES

  • @jamesonweimann4720
    @jamesonweimann4720 Год назад +11

    Karen I don’t work here and if you slap me I will press charges

  • @brandonshelp4682
    @brandonshelp4682 Год назад +9

    I will never understand why people do not defend themselves when they are assaulted.

    • @gorilladisco9108
      @gorilladisco9108 Год назад

      Because OP is a beta ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • @Rylosalex
      @Rylosalex Год назад +1

      Yes. After getting slapped MULTIPLE TIMES??!!! Come on!!!

    • @DonDueed
      @DonDueed Год назад +3

      Fight, flight, or freeze. Hard to predict which reaction you'll have in a given situation.

  • @aluminumfalcon552
    @aluminumfalcon552 Год назад +3

    I had a close call almost karen encounter today, she was just about to knock on the window of the vehicle I was in just as I pulled away. Whatever it was, she had no business talking to me.

  • @TheDarkLink7
    @TheDarkLink7 Год назад +49

    Stories that start off "I'm a black man....." always has my neck tense up as a white man knowing shit is about to get crazy for the person.

    • @MsTemptation
      @MsTemptation Год назад +8

      The disclaimer actually annoyed me because he automatically assumed that him being black was the reason.
      Seriously how in the heck would a customer expect valet service at a bloody Rite Aid.
      Especially since he parked his own damn car before walking in.
      Some stories just sound fake and this is one of them.

    • @thegamersconclave8709
      @thegamersconclave8709 Год назад

      I hear you, I hate how old boomers and entitled white people act towards minorities. It gives us all a bad name.

    • @Galaxy1001D
      @Galaxy1001D Год назад

      @@MsTemptation Amazingly, race never came into it. The way I read the story, some drunk old perv tried to get a 15-year-old into his car. The cops didn't hassle the OP, the N word never showed up. The way the story was told, race didn't seem to matter at all.

    • @DarDarBinks1986
      @DarDarBinks1986 Год назад +2

      @@MsTemptation The Aid of Rite has NEVER done valet service AFAIK. The staff aren't paid enough to do that shit. It's a drugstore, not a hotel.

    • @foxfireinferno197
      @foxfireinferno197 Год назад

      @@MsTemptation Because he's a racist. The only thing he didn't do was call the OP 'boy'.

  • @nattanstriker
    @nattanstriker Год назад +1

    Story 2: "Sir! Please stash the badge or go clock in. We camt have costumers walk around dressed as our workers." 😂
    Seriously though... that takes some real dillusions to not think she needs to read the badge and see if she is right

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      Making an assumption that Karens are literate.

  • @bettyhall4175
    @bettyhall4175 Год назад +4

    With story 1: Thanks for serving for our country ma'am, and if it was me with that Karen, I would have done the shopping, but added a "convenience fee" of $50 for even demanding me shop for her

    • @sarumano884
      @sarumano884 Год назад

      Jesus, no! Just take her list, say "Wait right here, ma'am" and walk off with it. Drop it in the nearest recycle bin. Do your own shopping and leave.
      If you're feeling generous, find a uniformed floor manager, explain abut the crazy lady, hand the list over, and do your own shopping.

    • @foxfireinferno197
      @foxfireinferno197 Год назад

      Pfft. Screw that, just tear it up right in front of her.

    • @ericsanders9847
      @ericsanders9847 Год назад

      @foxfireinferno like confetti

  • @DaemonwarriorJulius
    @DaemonwarriorJulius Год назад +2

    That tow Karen, I'd have said "My apologies, I'll make the call right now." Then I'd have stepped away and dialed 911. After the call I'd have returned and told them "please wait here, someone will be with you in a minute, I'll have to go fetch the necessary paperwork."

  • @DarDarBinks1986
    @DarDarBinks1986 Год назад +4

    If a Karen, Kevin, or other entitled person in between were to lay hands on me like the ones in these stories, they'd feel the outcome of a thousand battles. And if I have to call the cops, I'll damn well press charges against them. No way am I going to help a Karen who somehow mistakes me for an employee at a store I don't work at. Give them an inch and they think they're a ruler.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      Most rulers only go as far as 12 inches.

  • @edspace2402
    @edspace2402 Год назад

    "I don't work here, tampon stuffer..."
    Gold response, pure genius on OP's part!
    I'm still smiling...

  • @loganthompson5257
    @loganthompson5257 Год назад +2

    Story 1: you know why it was a bag of Skittles? Because marines are affectionately known as crayon eaters, they are used to tasting the rainbow.

    • @shaunbolton4662
      @shaunbolton4662 Год назад

      Didn't know that- now I totally get it! Thanks!

  • @dryadllyn1462
    @dryadllyn1462 8 месяцев назад

    Story 1: Female Army Veteran here, now retired and on disability. It still amazes me how many people refuse to believe that a woman can be in the military. A couple of years back, I went to a particular chain hardware store for a few things. It was not overly busy, and I parked in a slot that is marked for "Our Disabled Veteran Customers" and went in. Immediately, some older middle-aged lady started berating me about 'stolen valor' and that I couldn't take up places just because my (nonexistent) husband served. I ignored her until we got to the registers. And there stood Karma in the form of a young Private from my last unit before I retired. She could hear Karen scolding me, and she was ready. The Karen's face when that absolute rock star greeted me as Sergeant and asked how I was enjoying retirement had me laughing the rest of the day.

  • @SharkLaserz
    @SharkLaserz 8 месяцев назад +1

    Folks really need to lean the power of “No.” followed by walking away. Worst they can do is go get a manager on their own who will set them straight on your behalf.

  • @willowtabby4926
    @willowtabby4926 Год назад

    Story 1: my guess would be that OP accompanied the manager back out to Karen in case Karen decided to escalate her behaviour. Being a veteran, OP very likely would've had the skills to be able to subdue Karen until cops arrived if she got violent

  • @damiancrowley569
    @damiancrowley569 Год назад +3

    I only ever had this happen once. It was my fault, I was wearing black slacks and a red (the exact shade of red) t-shirt in target, and I politely told the woman I don't work there. She was elderly and apologized, mentioned my shirt to which I told her was poor planning on my part lol but helped her regardless because she was so sweet. I proceed to eat half a bottle of Benadryl and sit, stoned off my ass in the outdoors section on a display patio set so still that someone right I was a mannequin lol
    Edit: this was 16 years ago when everyone in my area was experimenting with shit like that, especially triple C's at the beginning/middle of the opioid pandemic
    Edit 2: in Florida

  • @thomasconnors4338
    @thomasconnors4338 11 месяцев назад

    Story 1. Whole new meaning to “thank you for your service”

  • @melanielawler3344
    @melanielawler3344 Год назад

    Rite-Aid valet.....😂 The guy was lucky his car isn't parted out and up on blocks.

  • @aluminumfalcon552
    @aluminumfalcon552 Год назад +2

    Story 3: that was the textbook response to that situation and what I 100% expected.
    Not a valet, chuck the keys.

    • @johnrussell5592
      @johnrussell5592 Год назад

      The only thing I would have done differently was find the dumpster before chucking the keys.

    • @ericsanders9847
      @ericsanders9847 Год назад +1

      I would have thrown the keys into the near by storm drain

  • @foxfireinferno197
    @foxfireinferno197 Год назад +1

    "How rude are you?" "Let me give you a demonstration ..."

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      Starting with two birds, a raspberry and and letting fly with some colourful words.

  • @greymalkin9228
    @greymalkin9228 Год назад +1

    Story #4: So if both the stupid woman and her husband were berating OP, where was the car they were supposedly trying find a space to park?

  • @peterhobson3262
    @peterhobson3262 Год назад

    I served in the US Navy from the 1960s to the 1980s. During that time I worked with many women sailors. At one time, when I was a PO1, I had a female PO2 working for me. Years later we work together again, only this time I was a Senior Chief and she had been commissioned as an officer, so I worked for her. That wasn't a problem since we liked each other personally and respected each other professionally.

  • @jormugand5578
    @jormugand5578 Год назад +3

    Story 2: I wonder if the store manager told a cop to grab a pallet from the back and start stocking shelves and his partner to grab a mop and bucket to clean a mess in aisle X. After all they have badges so they work there too.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 Год назад +1

      Grabbing me may well result in my backhanding her. Self defense. 🤨

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      @@lancerevell5979 Same with me, but I would throw a right hook.

  • @LL-rb8wd
    @LL-rb8wd Год назад +1

    Story 1 - why ask her to leave you alone, only to get a manager and return to again ask her to leave you alone...?

  • @larrywest42
    @larrywest42 Год назад +1

    Story 5, the woman who slapped someone in the grocery store: if you don't have time to pursue charges, perhaps try: "Well, if she will get down on her knees and politely ask for my forgiveness, we can skip calling the police."

  • @roberthuron9160
    @roberthuron9160 Год назад

    Ignorance and arrogance= supremely bad combination! Karen's seemingly never learn! Thank you 😇!

  • @bazzer124
    @bazzer124 Год назад +1

    Kudos for OP's exactly-what-I-would-do to that eejit who thought he was a Rite-Aid "valet." Only difference, I would have chucked 'em on the roof of the store. Cheers....

  • @arttay1090
    @arttay1090 6 месяцев назад

    #1 From the start I was in "this didnt happen" territory, but the moment the person said they went back out, it was 100% confirmed.

  • @chrissimmons9743
    @chrissimmons9743 Год назад +1

    I decided to Google check this person and found this...
    "WOMEN OF THE MARINE CORPS. Women Marines became a permanent part of the regular Marine Corps on 12 June 1948 when Congress passed the Women's Armed Services Integration Act (Public Law 625), but they had already proved themselves in two world wars."

  • @Weird_Stealth
    @Weird_Stealth Год назад +1

    Karen logic: I can never ever ever ever ever be wrong, reality must change so I'm always right.

  • @agathoklesmartinios8414
    @agathoklesmartinios8414 Год назад +1

    It never ceases to amaze me how entitled idiots keep forgetting security cameras exist, making up ever more fanciful lies about what someone did to them. Then get surprised-Pikachu-face when they hear "cameras".

  • @GeorgieB1965
    @GeorgieB1965 Год назад +1

    Story #1: Ow! Ow! Ow! My stomach churns from the Karen logic about veterans.

  • @gregwessels7205
    @gregwessels7205 Год назад

    The Rite Aid kid should have unlocked the car, chucked the keys inside, and lock the car before walking away. Another opportunity to impress the ladies with the call to a locksmith.

  • @Zentron
    @Zentron Год назад +3

    Had two 'I don't work here' encounters moments apart at a car care centre (Halfords) two days ago on Wednesday, thankfully they were brief and just embarrass-funny for both sides, and to be fair, I was dressed similarly to the staff, at least from a distance... staff = black shirt, smart black trousers, black shoes and name tag.. I = black short-sleeve shirt, black un-cuffed jogging trousers, black trainers/sneakers, no name tag... in the poorly lit store, it's not hard to understand why the two mistook me for a member of staff.

  • @The8thblock
    @The8thblock 10 месяцев назад

    3:42 manager missed the perfect opportunity to give the marine a box of crayons.

  • @curtisberard7831
    @curtisberard7831 Год назад +1

    *Karen grabs my arm*
    Me:"Either you remove your hand from *my* arm or I remove your hand from *your* arm."

  • @lancerevell5979
    @lancerevell5979 Год назад +1

    Stupid Karens always accuse others of lying. Why would any employee lie about not working there? Nothing but peanut butter between her ears. 🤨

  • @alantran4901
    @alantran4901 Год назад +14

    Story 1: this is one of reasons why people refuse to join the military because they seem to attracted these kind of a-holes who disrespected their sacrifice to their country.😪

    • @Doc1855
      @Doc1855 Год назад

      Naa, a lot of people don’t go into the service because they don’t respect America or themselves. They’re too lazy to do anything.

    • @marjoriejohnston4905
      @marjoriejohnston4905 Год назад +1

      @@Doc1855 A lot of people just are not cut out for it. Just because someone isn't in the military doesn't mean they are not serving the country. Teachers, medical and veterinary, farmers, cops, fire fighters, construction and infrastructure, forest rangers, librarians. No one should be forced to serve and not even everyone who has should have served at all (yes, I know one or two of them). I can't and I've known that since I was six and had a major panic attack at the sound of canons from a reenactment. There are physical disabilities that prevent people from joining. At one point, flat feet and an allergy to bananas kept someone from being qualified. So don't judge

    • @Doc1855
      @Doc1855 Год назад

      @@marjoriejohnston4905 Did you actually read my whole comment?
      Most people are just too lazy to go into the armed forces and only care about living in their parents basement’s.
      And most teachers in the USA are teaching our children how to cross dress, reject authority.
      My 2 nieces and nephew don’t even know that Oregon is North of California and they’ve graduated high school.

    • @marjoriejohnston4905
      @marjoriejohnston4905 Год назад +1

      @@Doc1855 yeah, I read it. That's why I said what I said. And there are a lot of GREAT teachers out there. Given current housing prices and college loans, I'm not going to judge someone that hasn't been able to move out until I know why.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      @@marjoriejohnston4905 Does the 4F rating still exist or is that a WWII reference?

  • @unclebuck9390
    @unclebuck9390 4 месяца назад

    The kid in your last story can sure as hell teach that little boy from Germany a lesson

  • @ViridianFlow
    @ViridianFlow Год назад +1

    If someone gives you their keys and asks you to drive their car, wouldn't basically any insurance company state that car was not stolen? If someone did find the keys and take the car too bad so sad, you've lost your car because you willingly gave it away according to insurance.

  • @maritasue5067
    @maritasue5067 Год назад +1

    National Park Karen didn’t surprise me at all. Members of my family were at a Yellowstone ranger station when an angry guy came in demanding to know where “the rides” were. He wasn’t talking about tour buses; he was talking about amusement park rides. What were his children supposed to do in this “supposed park that he spent money to get in” if there were no rides?

    • @johnopalko5223
      @johnopalko5223 Год назад

      Guy needs a good whack upside the head with the clue-by-four.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 Год назад

      What kind of imbecile thinks a national park is a theme park?

  • @craigs1266
    @craigs1266 Год назад +2

    Thank you 🙂

  • @slc1161
    @slc1161 9 месяцев назад +1

    I had a lady refuse to move her huge luxury vehicle from the only handicapped spot. She used some colorful language. So I called the police and she got a huge ticket and was forced to move her car.

  • @madcrafter9753
    @madcrafter9753 10 месяцев назад

    Germany grocery stores has BREAD DEPARTMENTS?!?! Why was I never told this before? Also always press charges for assault. They will never learn if you don't take the time to teach them.

  • @michaelcauser474
    @michaelcauser474 7 месяцев назад

    Number 1 - I would have taken her order after just a little back and forth, walked inside, then torn it up and binned it. Problem solved.
    Number 3 - Well done young man.
    I have to admit that being 195cm tall, 75yo, and looking a bit like a Shrek has saved me from having any of these crazy encounters over the years.

  • @brianaucuba230
    @brianaucuba230 9 месяцев назад

    Not sure which story made me laugh the most. Too bad Rite Aid OP couldn’t drive. He should have taken that car for a joyride.

  • @ahha6304
    @ahha6304 Год назад

    LOL when veteran means veteran employee with full of experience of being Karen slave

  • @Virgo.goddess
    @Virgo.goddess Год назад +1

    Story 1: the second encounter was necessary for 2 reasons #1 she was expecting groceries that means she was going to wait & harass this lady upon her exit with any groceries she had claiming them as hers. #2 store managers sometimes have a short attention span, I'd have followed them out to make sure that they talked to the right person, saw that yes this person is expecting this thing of me I didn't consent to, & witness the conversation in case a police report needed to be made because it very well could have escalated.

  • @Trek001
    @Trek001 Год назад +2

    Skittles to a USMC vet...?
    Yeah, that sounds legit

    • @MsTemptation
      @MsTemptation Год назад

      I guess he wanted her to taste the rainbow.

    • @mxg75
      @mxg75 Год назад

      More edible than crayons, but still the familiar colors.

  • @JadenYukifan28
    @JadenYukifan28 Год назад +1

    Story 6: Actually, that Semi-Sphere is on the Ceiling, not roof.... *giggles*

  • @myplaylist7007
    @myplaylist7007 Год назад +1

    If a lady came up to me and slapped me like the lady in story 5, i would be calling someone to throw her in jail for 24 hours for assault.

    • @The_real_Arovor
      @The_real_Arovor 10 месяцев назад

      Not happening where this happened. She would have had to pay a fine and maybe gotten an entry to her criminal record. Not worth calling the police over, especially since this probably would have cost everyone involved 1-2h because the police are taking reports and personal information from everyone involved.

  • @onepieceisking5493
    @onepieceisking5493 Год назад +1

    Story 4, no ranger would do what they demanded and if they kept persisting they would get trespassed and kicked out. What they were demanding was illegal and would not happen. Talk about entitled to demand several cars to be towed from parking spots so they can park.

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 Год назад +1

    It's probably the same Karen that doesn't believe that women can't serve in the military is the same one that doesn't know what cameras are too. Probably from 1923.

  • @jaypritchett6846
    @jaypritchett6846 Год назад +1

    *My little sister is in the USAF and my female cousin was is in the Navy!*
    My family goes all the way back to my great-grandpa serving in the Army-Air, both my grandpas and my dad in the USAF, and now my little sister and her husband are active members of the USAF as well. (My hubby’s younger brother is in the USAF as well.)

  • @alexandriav3956
    @alexandriav3956 10 месяцев назад

    If a Karen came up to me, yelled at me, then handed me her shopping list, I’d take it, rip it, and throw it back at her.

  • @tgbedini
    @tgbedini Год назад

    Got a chuckle out of the rite-aid car story. Yeah, what did he do, put the car in his back pocket and walk home with it?

  • @lorihopkins6328
    @lorihopkins6328 Год назад

    Story 2: that poor kid has years of being embarrassed ahead of him