Life AFTER Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 83

  • @nishamack586
    @nishamack586 2 года назад +12

    I experienced this with my child in 95. Then the only treatment was I.V fluids, and a certain diet. This scarred me from ever having children again. My kid is now 26, I'm 45 I made it throughout. Bless the souls of all women who experience this. ❤❤❤

    • @nishamack586
      @nishamack586 2 года назад +1

      ps. Thank you dear for covering it. ❤❤❤

    • @eminatividad816
      @eminatividad816 2 года назад +3

      My mum had HG too in 1995. I’m her 26 year old baby and I also just had HG with my baby girl! Seems it’s generational 😥

    • @nishamack586
      @nishamack586 2 года назад +2

      @@eminatividad816 Hi EMI. Hello , beautiful year 95 baby! my kid has a shirt that says " made in the 90's" lol. But seriously, that is too bad that your mom and you both suffered from this. I'm sure looking into your beautiful baby's eyes makes it worth it. 🤗

  • @cesaraltamirano3177
    @cesaraltamirano3177 Год назад +8

    Omg yes queen. When i was going through it with my son 4 years ago, your video on HG was the ONLY thing that kept me sane. My whole family just looked at me in exaggeration because they thought i was just dramatic but it was so painful and tiring and horrible to go through, alone at that.
    I love that i found you when i did 🙏🏼❤️

    • @cesaraltamirano3177
      @cesaraltamirano3177 Год назад

      Im on my mans youtube thats why it shows up as a mans name incase someone sees this and wonders lmaoo

  • @elliebrooks329
    @elliebrooks329 Год назад +7

    Thank you for talking about your experience with the psychological after effects of HG. The fear of not conserving energy, the PTSD when you have an upset stomach are so real. I'm 8 months postpartum food has become linked to survival in my brain in a whole new way to the point where I have little moments of panic where I think back to those months of almost starving to death and now breastfeeding I am still 10lbs below my pre pregnancy weight. When Ive shared my struggles I'm laughed at and told I should feel lucky I don't have to work about "losing the baby weight" These are thoughts and feelings I am still trying to sort out. Thank you 💗

  • @vanessabaker2308
    @vanessabaker2308 2 года назад +10

    20 weeks and going through HG has been insane. I feel like I’m dying/going crazy but somehow get through the days… I cannot wait until she is born!

  • @ALL_that_ENDS
    @ALL_that_ENDS Год назад +7

    Hi.. My wife is currently going through this hyperemesis gravidarum again, this will be our second child. Shes about 8 weeks pregnant and honestly I'm just trying to educate myself on this, because it's very difficult to find myself helpless to take care of her. I am really sorry for all those woman who have suffered from this, I couldn't imagine. Even my wife talked about termination of the pregnancy, she'd never do it, but just her thinking about it, breaks our heart. Like I said, this is the second time, so I am trying to learn, to possibly help more. Bless you all. Thank you.

    • @Margarita.Nazarenko
      @Margarita.Nazarenko  Год назад +2

      I value you this. thank you for taking interest and being there for her. she needs you x

    • @sheenawoven5902
      @sheenawoven5902 Год назад +1

      It’s soo great to see comments like this. My son is 1 now. Hg was a nightmare in real life. What I wish I had at that time was validation. From my drs to my partner and everyone in between, I was dismissed and treated as if I was just being dramatic. It gets so lonely psychologically because you and you alone are trapped in this 2x2 box of misery. I’d tear my esophagus and that would automatically add 2 days of no eating just from the pain after already not keeping even water down. Believe her. Believe everything she says, not as an exaggeration but as her trying to help you understand her terrifying reality daily. I was sick from 3 weeks until 7cm in labor. I was 186lb at 3 weeks…I’m 115lbs. She deserves the most respect because we dance with death to bring these kids into the world. On the other side, me and this lil guy have a special bond. The relief from giving birth almost gives you a super human boost and postpartum recovery (for me) was so a breeze compared to hg! She can message me if she needs someone to talk to.

    • @wonderwoman7969
      @wonderwoman7969 10 месяцев назад +1

      Maybe Chinese herbs can help?

  • @karinzimmermann3237
    @karinzimmermann3237 2 года назад +4

    Thank you Margarita for sharing your story. Your first video on HG helped me get through my first pregnancy with severe HG. I'm now pregnant with my second HG pregnancy and in survival mode once again. Your video could not have come at a better time for me. What you've said about surviving HG is SO accurate ❤

  • @PatrickandMissy
    @PatrickandMissy 2 года назад +3

    Very honest! You did great on this! At 65, I can say my body went through phases in life. It was hard to come to grips with sometimes. Every time I noticed my weight increasing or metabolism changing (1st time was when I was about your age, not from HG), I felt like I had to figure it out - strenuous workouts, tons of cardio, various diet plans. It was socially acceptable to be thin & fit. Nothing else. I don't know what it's like in Australia, but the picture of the ideal woman has changed in the US. Being curvy is in. What used to be "not ok" is sexy. Your plan to nurture & nourish yourself is beautiful & I want you to feel wonderful. Just don't be too hard on yourself or try to fit into a mold. It's stressful. I look at pictures of me then - I was skinny but worn out. Men don't buy into that. Men think they look AWESOME no matter what. There may be a gem of wisdom in their egotism. You'll probably go through phases, too, from HG, stress, life changes, aging, hormones, you name it. It's part of maturing & growing. Everything will work out. You're absolutely gorgeous and you always will be because beauty comes from within.

  • @erkydurky
    @erkydurky 2 года назад +2

    I feel like parts of this video are so important for people recovering from certain eating disorders! I have struggled with binge eating and then major restriction for over 10 years and it really hit home when you spoke about the psychological “scavenging” aspect after HG. I feel like so many people can relate to this, me included. From now on I’ll remember to tell myself I’m not eating to survive but eating to nourish! Thank you x

  • @nataliedicker2269
    @nataliedicker2269 2 года назад +4

    I had this when pregnant with my son. I got so tired of people either thinking I was making it up, even after being admitted to hospital, looking down on me for taking medication, and telling me to eat ginger biscuits….it made me very depressed xx

    • @Margarita.Nazarenko
      @Margarita.Nazarenko  2 года назад +1

      I think that’s the main issue here for sure I felt the same way

  • @donnamcmillan6950
    @donnamcmillan6950 2 года назад +1

    I had a HG 43 years ago. There was some sort of pill but I couldn't keep it down.. I knew no-one else who had ever had it and so of courseI blamed myself. Some people and even relatives told me it was in my mind!! I was kept in the hospital for three months with my first baby living on intravenous. Eventually I could eat but couldn't tolerate liquid. The second pregnancy was even worse so I spent five months in the hospital. I weighed 87 pounds at 5 months pregnant with the second pregnancy. However I'm pretty small to begin with Both children were born quite large and very healthy. Both are married and I now have 4 beautiful grandchildren. The doctor told me I would not survive a third pregnancy but I'm proud of myself for persevering and happy for the two babies I had although the doctor later told me he came close to ending the second pregnancy. Thank you for your talk as I have never heard of anybody else having it and it was hard hearing others say they felt so healthy and wonderful being pregnant!!

  • @MLtCouch
    @MLtCouch 2 года назад +7

    I’ve had it once with my second pregnancy and I had to stay overnight at the hospital to have an IV drip because I vomited a lot even when I drink water, it was horrible. Unfortunately I lost the baby when I was 8 weeks pregnant and to be honest I’m quite relieved because the HG was making me depressed with how bad it was.
    I’m so glad the next pregnancy I only had all day sickness which only lasted for 3 months but then I also had excessive saliva until I had my baby, now that was also an unpleasant experience of pregnancy 😬

  • @kittysaidtwinkie
    @kittysaidtwinkie 2 года назад +2

    I’m scared for the aftermath of this pregnancy.. because I have also already started seeing food as something I have to have for the baby and anything I can keep down is an accomplishment..

  • @eminatividad816
    @eminatividad816 2 года назад +2

    I haven’t been able to summarise how I feel and feeling towards food and towards my body but you explain exactly how I’m feeling so perfectly. I had HG for the entire nine months and I took corticosteroids at 16 weeks pregnant for 24 weeks because they lessened by symptoms quite a bit and were able to help me to continue the pregnancy. Without them I think I would have died but they have now given me a suppressed immune system and I actually ended up in the ICU 1 month postpartum because I got mastitis and the antibiotics were not working properly because of my heavy steroid usage. So I am dealing with the trauma of nearly dying again on top of HG.
    I have also put on more weight since giving birth 8 months ago, after losing over 20% of my body weight in the pregnancy. I feel like I have been eating so much rubbish and also having no desire to work out although I desperately want to be in shape again. I went from a US size 2-4 to a US size 6-8 and now I am struggling with my relationship with my body image. My sister is going through anorexia and has been since I had HG. So I really value food and how important it is to survival and I don’t want to have an unhealthy relationship with it. I finally feel after watching your video like I understand why I feel this disassociation and hopefully that will help me to make some positive changes. Now I understand why I feel this way a bit better I will try not to be so hard on myself. Thank you ❤️

    • @Margarita.Nazarenko
      @Margarita.Nazarenko  2 года назад

      I feel exactly the same. It’s a really private struggle that hardly anyone gets. I feel super lost with my body connection at the moment. I think it’s a journey. Keep me updated on how you go. The size diff you mention is the same for me.

  • @nmernst
    @nmernst 2 года назад +4

    I've never heard of HG and glad you are here and made it through. I myself cannot have kids for another issue that actually affects 1 in 2000 women. Just wanted to say really glad you and your child are well. Best wishes.

    • @Margarita.Nazarenko
      @Margarita.Nazarenko  2 года назад +1

      im so sorry...that something that I can't even imagine going through. I wish you all the best light and love

  • @elisaelisa371
    @elisaelisa371 2 года назад +3

    After 25 years......I can relate. Also during 3 months the only food that was accepted by my body was..... lemon soda and white bread with a thick coat of Nutella!!!

  • @samantikasmart9438
    @samantikasmart9438 Год назад +1

    I had this in Covid.. I was afraid to go to a hospital. I would tell my husband I felt like Bella in twilight.
    The pregnancy was difficult but worse was going into labor while the sickness continued. There was no strength to push. I really thought I was going to die😮

  • @accendis
    @accendis 2 года назад +1

    Боже мой,какой красивый малыш 🥰❤️

  • @radisonmadison
    @radisonmadison 6 месяцев назад

    It’s my first baby and I’m scared because moms in my HG group lose their baby at 20 weeks. I can’t imagine, going through this to lose your baby. I’m 7 weeks, I’m scared everyday. I go to the hospital every other day

  • @carolyn7223
    @carolyn7223 2 года назад +3

    Your initial video on HG is what led me to choosing to go to the hospital - thank God I did because I was severely dehydrated and taking Zofran got me through pregnancy so far. I am currently 23 weeks and some of my HG has weened.
    I am wondering - did you find other health issues developed from your HG? I am currently now dealing with gallbladder stones and am wondering if there is any connection between HG and this.

  • @sayamire5754
    @sayamire5754 2 года назад +2

    I wanted to say something, I was typing in something completely different. It sounds like you’re going through what I went through when I went through heroin withdrawal lol. And the same thing, cannot drink water, heart beating fast, the works. And I remember you saying something about soda, well for me it was Gatorade. I would definitely throw it up at some point but I could actually get it down sometimes. Another thing I want to mention… Hot baths. I don’t know if this would help in this instance, but the pain and the nausea and it’s just hell you go through during heroin withdrawal, I would be in and out of the bath and yes I would be disoriented and all that as well. Laying in a hot bath submerged in water like you’re in the womb again lol I just wanted to add that I know that this is two different things and mine was self-inflicted in a much more different way but still. Oh and don’t worry I am three years sober in April! What you went through sounds like pure hell but I really like you and your channel so I am subbed now

    • @Margarita.Nazarenko
      @Margarita.Nazarenko  2 года назад

      wow ill use that now! never knew it was actually so similar xxx

  • @sheenawoven5902
    @sheenawoven5902 Год назад

    Ty for this. I’m a year after and the damages are wild. My stomach hurts for about 5-10 minutes after I eat anything so I get anxiety before I eat. I often forget I need to eat because I’m used to going 3-4 days eating and so I’m now back to my freshman (in high school) weight. I rarely enjoy food, I eat to keep from getting shaky or weak. Beverages are pretty easy but solid food is a real mental struggle. But from the outside my body looks amazing

  • @annaapplebush5316
    @annaapplebush5316 2 года назад +2

    Big Hallo from Germany!

  • @samantikasmart9438
    @samantikasmart9438 Год назад +1

    Anyone else have a difficult birth because of HG? I could
    It push in the midst of such sickness and weakness

  • @adeleelzinga
    @adeleelzinga 2 года назад +2

    Your skin looks fabulous. Please could you let me know what foundation you’ve used here.

  • @maryw1778
    @maryw1778 2 года назад +1

    You are so resilient, woman! I didn't know you had it three times, not that once wouldn't be awful enough. Can HG be predicted by certain biomarkers? Just wondering what could trigger it. Not that you don't know this, but it's good to give your body and mind grace and time after a traumatic event. Snapping back is only for unicorns and Instagram.

    • @Margarita.Nazarenko
      @Margarita.Nazarenko  2 года назад

      There hasn’t been enough research into why it occurs as of yet. Like a lot of female issues really. 😜

  • @nataliapushka943
    @nataliapushka943 2 года назад +1

    38 years ago … I went through that and still remember how it was… Although things got better after the baby moved my stomach shrank to the size of the cherry probably and I was able to eat tiny portions of food only. I was 60 kg prior to the pregnancy and went to the labor with same weight. This is how much HG took out of me. And 11 teeth that I had to fix right after I go my baby. The fun part … she was born 4 kg 55 cm. It’s 10 lb. Where do you think she got that from ? 😂😂

  • @susiedominey6272
    @susiedominey6272 2 года назад

    Just want to give you a big hug. You are amazing. 🤗

  • @vanessalambert4286
    @vanessalambert4286 2 года назад +2

    I vomited the full 9 months and that’s why I only had one

  • @osdavilas
    @osdavilas 2 года назад

    Happy holidays dear Mr. Simon and dear Mrs. Margarita.
    God bless your family
    With all my affection and respect

  • @kittysaidtwinkie
    @kittysaidtwinkie 2 года назад

    I’m going to try to repeat that to myself. “This has a time limit.”

  • @zestrus11
    @zestrus11 Год назад

    thank you for making this. 💐

  • @ZovaBe
    @ZovaBe 2 года назад +1

    I can’t remember what it’s like to be normal. I’m afraid that even after birth this relentless nausea and vomiting will be my new life. My only relief is the thought of suicide.

  • @kathyn1343
    @kathyn1343 2 года назад +2

    HG is dreadful. It takes the enjoyment of pregnancy away totally. Yes, it was worth it of course, but I wouldn’t do it again. Once was more than enough. It took me years to eat peanut butter or yogurt again because the taste of them coming back up was just so, so bad.
    I guess the one *positive* was there was no having to lose the baby weight.

  • @meganelliot6718
    @meganelliot6718 Год назад

    For me I was just soooo hungry and I couldn’t stop eating after I gave birth. I put on so much weight after giving birth and it really affected my mental health. I was my slimmest the day after I gave birth

  • @ongiedlodlo1318
    @ongiedlodlo1318 2 года назад

    Could you keep your prenatal vitamins down? Your baby looks so adorable and healthy 😍 💕

  • @WrittenByJBF
    @WrittenByJBF 2 года назад

    Are ALL the old vlogs gone? The ones with your mum?? Glad you survived, God bless you and your family.

  • @amandamalone2688
    @amandamalone2688 Год назад

    Hey. hg runs in my family. Gram. Mom. Sister. Cousin..all my aunts but 1.
    And myself.
    I'm turning 36 in few week's.
    My only son turns 14 this December
    Had tubal ligation at age 29 when my son was 7.
    Everyone told me I was exaggerating or being dramatic ( not my female family members)
    Or I was told " the next baby won't be so bad"
    Or try eating crackers n drink more water
    I used to sleep on the bathroom floor an soon as my eyes opened I'd vomit up spit.
    I was put on Ragland which I was allergic to and then I was put on Zofran that didn't help one bit.
    My son had seizures after his birth because they thought he was withdrawaling from the Zofran
    He is fine now

  • @mitchthebagboss8698
    @mitchthebagboss8698 2 года назад

    not the Belgium exchange student videos!! 😂 😂 😂 😂 miss you! 🤗 🤗

  • @christinan7361
    @christinan7361 2 года назад +1

    I’m 15 weeks pregnant w HG. It is so miserable 😭

    • @tanechkaamericanochka4839
      @tanechkaamericanochka4839 2 года назад

      I understand you. I had the same with all my 4 pregnancies.It’s was miserable.When you see your baby you will forget all that.Do not be shy, ask for help now from your loved family ♥️👩‍🦰♥️

  • @Baduntssss
    @Baduntssss 2 года назад


  • @aseeshera5998
    @aseeshera5998 2 года назад

    Ive never had Hypereremesis Gravidarum but say if you have a eating disorder then would the HG trigger that? Just asking because I'm interguied . I don't have a eating disorder either I'm just interested psychology the way you spoke about how you think of food .

    • @Margarita.Nazarenko
      @Margarita.Nazarenko  2 года назад +1

      I guess it could I'm not sure. but eating disorders don't trigger HG. HG might complicate how you see food though for sure

  • @jen4552
    @jen4552 2 года назад

    Oh boy do I have a story. My first was born at 29 weeks. I had hg so bad I lost 30 lbs...THIRTY POUNDS while pregnant. I also was retaining water and was the size of a 40 weeker at 27 weeks. Everything gave me heartburn, even water. Before I got pregnant I was 150 lbs and after pregnancy I was down to 118 pounds. There is so much more in each statement that I made that I feel I'm doing injustice in posting like this but I was horrified that women would kill their baby because of hg.
    If I was able to go through that plus all the underlayers of each statement then so can you. Don't you dare give up on your baby and kill him/her because there is light at the end of the tunnel. The pain you will go through is absolutely worth it.
    Plus your silver lining is you'll be a skinny minny at the end. I looked like a damn milf and I was proud that I went through dante's rings to bring forward my miracle baby.
    p.s. I did give up at the end and told my husband I just couldn't do this anymore and he, without any doubt, carried me at the end. This is also why having a husband is so helpful.
    p.s.s. The only medicine that I could use because everything else just came back up was a suppository. Ya, so awkward but if you have hg, you'll stick anything anywhere to make the nausea, and throwing up, stop.
    and lastly:
    You're a woman, act like it. You're stronger than what you think.

    • @Margarita.Nazarenko
      @Margarita.Nazarenko  2 года назад +3

      some people don't have support in a husband etc and for them it may literally be a life and death situation. I did it like you. But I can't judge people who can't because I don't walk in there shoes. love to you x

    • @jen4552
      @jen4552 2 года назад

      @@Margarita.Nazarenko I don't know how my comment came across as judging another. It was more of a personal opinion on why saying my husband was so helpful.

    • @EmmaInTheWorld
      @EmmaInTheWorld 2 года назад +1

      Wow, you are so rude and insensitive. If you can't see how what you said is entirely inappropriate and judgemental there ain't no helping you 😂

    • @jen4552
      @jen4552 2 года назад

      @@EmmaInTheWorld We all have our own views and opinions.

    • @EmmaInTheWorld
      @EmmaInTheWorld 2 года назад

      @@jen4552 yea but when your view is that a woman "chose" to "kill her baby" when her hand was forced by medical/economic necessity and you think that somehow makes you "stronger" or better than her, that's kinda a shitty view to have

  • @gordon20081
    @gordon20081 2 года назад

    Margarita always so wise and smart! Leo si beautiful, so so pretty boy !

  • @graceaban302
    @graceaban302 2 года назад


  • @rawanalsh6886
    @rawanalsh6886 2 года назад

    Did u take zofran for 9 months ?