Gatling Step by Step Masterclass | Part 4

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @dhinesh207
    @dhinesh207 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hi Raghav, the video is really helpful for learning. One quick quesiton so in learning sessions we use direct API without authentication, but in real proj how this will be handled? That has login authentication layer? If you can explain how in performance tests that will injects 100's of users and will be authenticated it will be helpful. Thank you

    • @RaghavPal
      @RaghavPal  5 месяцев назад

      Handling authentication in API performance testing is crucial to ensure that your application behaves as expected under load. Let's dive into some strategies for handling authentication in performance tests:
      1. Authentication and Authorization:
      - Authentication: This involves verifying the identity of users or systems accessing your API. Common authentication methods include API keys, OAuth tokens, or basic authentication (username/password).
      - Authorization: Once authenticated, the system checks whether the user has the necessary permissions to perform specific actions. Authorization ensures that users can only access resources they are authorized for.
      2. Challenges in API Performance Testing:
      - Concurrency: In performance testing, you simulate multiple users concurrently accessing the API. This means you need to handle authentication for each user.
      - Statelessness: APIs are typically stateless, meaning they don't retain information about previous requests. Each request must carry its authentication credentials.
      3. Strategies for Handling Authentication in Performance Tests:
      - Pre-Authentication:
      - Authenticate users before starting the performance test. Obtain valid tokens or credentials for each user.
      - Pros: Simple setup, realistic scenario.
      - Cons: May not reflect real-world scenarios where tokens expire or change during a session.
      - Dynamic Authentication:
      - Authenticate users dynamically during the test.
      - For example, use Gatling's session variables to store tokens and inject them into subsequent requests.
      - Pros: Realistic, handles token expiration.
      - Cons: Adds complexity to test scripts.
      - Token Pooling:
      - Create a pool of pre-authenticated tokens.
      - During the test, assign tokens to users from the pool.
      - Pros: Balances load, avoids excessive token generation.
      - Cons: Requires managing token pool.
      - Token Refresh:
      - Periodically refresh tokens during the test.
      - Pros: Realistic, handles token expiration.
      - Cons: Adds complexity, may impact performance.
      - User Impersonation:
      - Impersonate different users during the test.
      - Pros: Realistic, covers various user roles.
      - Cons: Requires maintaining user profiles.
      4. Gatling-Specific Implementation:
      - In Gatling, you can use session variables to store authentication tokens or credentials.
      - Example (assuming OAuth token-based authentication):
      val scn = scenario("API Performance Test")
      .formParam("username", "myuser")
      .formParam("password", "mypassword")
      .exec(http("Authenticated Request")
      .header("Authorization", "Bearer ${accessToken}"))
      - Customize the above script based on your authentication method.
      Remember that performance testing is about simulating real-world scenarios, so choose an approach that aligns with your application's behavior. Ensure that your authentication mechanisms are thoroughly tested to avoid surprises in production

  • @testqa8250
    @testqa8250 6 месяцев назад

    Sir please let's me know how to stress/load test firebase push notification in jmeter or postman.?

    • @RaghavPal
      @RaghavPal  6 месяцев назад +1

      To stress/load test Firebase push notifications in JMeter or Postman, you'll need to simulate the sending of push notifications to a large number of devices. Here's a general approach for both tools:
      For JMeter:
      1. Set Up JMeter: Install JMeter and open it to create a new test plan.
      2. Add Thread Group: Configure the number of threads (users), loop count, and ramp-up period.
      3. Add HTTP Request: This will simulate sending the push notification.
      - Method: POST
      - URL: ``
      - Headers: Add headers for `Content-Type` as `application/json` and `Authorization` as `key=YOUR_SERVER_KEY`.
      - Body: Add a JSON payload with the necessary fields like `to` (registration token), `notification` (notification payload), and `data` (data payload).
      4. Add Listeners: To view the results of the test, add listeners like View Results Tree, Summary Report, etc.
      5. Run Test: Execute the test plan and analyze the results.
      For Postman:
      1. Set Up Postman: Open Postman and create a new request.
      2. Configure Request:
      - Method: POST
      - URL: ``
      - Headers: Add headers for `Content-Type` as `application/json` and `Authorization` as `key=YOUR_SERVER_KEY`.
      - Body: Add a JSON payload similar to the one used in JMeter.
      3. Send Request: Execute the request and observe the response.
      4. Automate: To simulate multiple requests, you can use Postman's Collection Runner or write a script to automate the process.
      Note: Replace `YOUR_SERVER_KEY` with your actual server key from Firebase project settings.
      For detailed steps and configurations, you may refer to the official documentation of JMeter and Postman, or look for specific tutorials that guide through the process of setting up a load test for push notifications
      Remember, when performing load testing, ensure that you comply with Firebase's terms of service and avoid sending an excessive number of requests that could disrupt the service.

  • @arunpallayil9485
    @arunpallayil9485 6 месяцев назад

    #AskRaghav Hello, I'm Sorry for asking an unrelated question about your latest video. Thank you for all your efforts so far. Thanks a lot. I was searching your playlists for a series on Spring Boot + Cucumber for API Testing. I could see the one using RestAssured, but I wanted to learn how to use just Spring Boot + Cucumber for BDD (API testing) without TestNG or RestAssured. If you have anything, please share. Thanks. Have a great day!

    • @RaghavPal
      @RaghavPal  6 месяцев назад

      as of now I have not create on that. will plan.. can check all tutorials here -

  • @jani007-x4k
    @jani007-x4k 5 месяцев назад

    case classes must have a parameter list; try 'case class Simulation()' or 'case object Simulation'
    case class Simulation{
    always comes this error

    • @RaghavPal
      @RaghavPal  5 месяцев назад

      The error message you're encountering in Gatling suggests that your `case class Simulation` is missing a parameter list. In Scala, case classes are special types of classes that are immutable and compared by value. They must have at least one parameter; otherwise, you should declare them as a `case object` if they do not have any parameters.
      Here's how you can correct the error:
      If your `Simulation` class does not need to take parameters, you can declare it as a `case object` like this:
      case object Simulation {
      // Your code here
      If your `Simulation` class needs to take parameters, you should include them in the declaration, for example:
      case class Simulation(param1: Type1, param2: Type2) {
      // Your code here
      Make sure to replace `Type1` and `Type2` with the actual data types you need, and `param1` and `param2` with the actual parameter names.
      If you're still facing issues, please ensure that your Scala version is compatible with the Gatling version you're using, as there might be compatibility issues between different versions..

  • @xXMrThomasXx
    @xXMrThomasXx 4 месяца назад

    You are the best teacher :) Thank you for all your work, this part is very usefull. I go to the part 5 :)

    • @RaghavPal
      @RaghavPal  3 месяца назад

      You're very welcome