Gatling Maven Project Setup Demo | Command Line Runs

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    Gatling Maven Project Setup
    Step 1 - Check Prerequisites
    java -version
    mvn -version
    Step 2 - On IntelliJ IDE Go to File > New > Project from Version Control
    Paste the repository URL
    Java -
    Scala -
    Step 3 - Select local folder, Click Clone
    To view all dependencies goto File > View > Tool Windows > Maven
    For Scala project:
    scala -version (not needed if scala plugin added on IntelliJ IDE)
    check scala plugin is added in the IDE (File - Settings - Plugins)
    can add scala in Project Libraries (File - Project Structure - Global Libraries - Scala)
    In case the scala and resources folder not already marked
    Rt click on scala folder > Mark Directory as > Test Sources root
    Rt click on resources folder > Mark Directory as > Test Resources root
    Step 4 - Open command line and goto the location of project folder
    Try these commands:
    mvn clean gatling:help
    mvn clean gatling:verify
    mvn clean gatling:recorder
    mvn clean gatling:test
    mvn clean gatling:test -Dgatling.simulationClass=com….Sim1
    Can try running the Engine and Recorder classes manually and check
    To run Multiple Simulations mvn clean gatling:test
    Add in pom.xml
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    Raghav Pal
    How to run Gatling from command line
    How to run multiple simulations in Gatling from commandline
    Gatling maven project with commands

Комментарии • 7

  • @pratikchauhan4566
    @pratikchauhan4566 2 месяца назад +1

    Hi, thank you for sharing informative video on Gatling.
    I have started exploring Gatling where i am trying to do research on externalizing configuration like API base uri, headers, request payload ...etc for simulation class...
    Can you share your thoughts on how to do it ??

    • @RaghavPal
      @RaghavPal  2 месяца назад

      Gatling provides several ways to externalize configuration. Here are a few options:
      * Properties files: You can store configuration values in a properties file (e.g., ``) and load them in your simulation.
      * Environment variables: You can set environment variables and access them in your simulation using the `System.getProperty()` method.
      * Configuration classes: You can create a configuration class that holds the values and inject it into your simulation.
      For this example, let's use the properties file approach.
      Step 1: Choose a configuration approach
      Gatling provides several ways to externalize configuration. Here are a few options:
      * Properties files: You can store configuration values in a properties file (e.g., ``) and load them in your simulation.
      * Environment variables: You can set environment variables and access them in your simulation using the `System.getProperty()` method.
      * Configuration classes: You can create a configuration class that holds the values and inject it into your simulation.
      For this example, let's use the properties file approach.
      Step 2: Create a properties file
      Create a file named `` in the root of your project (or in a location that's accessible by your simulation). Add the configuration values you want to externalize, such as:
      api.request.payload={"key": "value"}
      Step 3: Load the properties file in your simulation
      In your simulation class, add the following code to load the properties file:
      import io.gatling.core.Predef._
      import io.gatling.http.Predef._
      class MySimulation extends Simulation {
      val props = new Properties()
      props.load(new FileInputStream(""))
      val apiBaseUri = props.getProperty("api.base.uri")
      val apiHeaders = Map("Content-Type" -> props.getProperty("api.headers.Content-Type"))
      val apiRequestPayload = props.getProperty("api.request.payload")
      // Use the externalized configuration values in your scenario
      val scn = scenario("My Scenario")
      .exec(http("Get API")
      .get(apiBaseUri + "/ endpoint")
      In this example, we load the `` file using the `Properties` class and retrieve the values using the `getProperty()` method. We then use these values to configure our HTTP request.
      Step 5: Run your simulation

    • @pratikchauhan4566
      @pratikchauhan4566 2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for the detailed explaination .. this really helped me !!

  • @sonalahluwalia
    @sonalahluwalia 6 месяцев назад

    Hi Raghav.
    I have another query...please help me out.
    How to do LLM testing.

    • @RaghavPal
      @RaghavPal  6 месяцев назад +1

      LLM testing stands for Load, Latency, and Memory testing. Let's break down each component:
      1. Load Testing:
      - Purpose: Load testing evaluates how well a system performs under expected and peak loads.
      - Process:
      - Identify critical scenarios (e.g., user registration, checkout process).
      - Create test scripts that simulate user interactions (using tools like JMeter, Gatling, or custom scripts).
      - Gradually increase the load (number of concurrent users or requests) to observe system behavior.
      - Monitor response times, resource utilization, and errors.
      - Analyze bottlenecks and optimize system components.
      2. Latency Testing:
      - Purpose: Latency testing assesses the delay between sending a request and receiving a response.
      - Process:
      - Measure the time taken for various operations (e.g., database queries, API calls, page rendering).
      - Use tools like Ping, Traceroute, or specialized latency measurement tools.
      - Set acceptable latency thresholds based on user expectations.
      - Investigate high latency areas and optimize them.
      3. Memory Testing:
      - Purpose: Memory testing ensures that an application manages memory efficiently.
      - Process:
      - Monitor memory usage during different scenarios (e.g., login, data processing).
      - Use tools like Valgrind, JConsole, or built-in profilers.
      - Check for memory leaks (unreleased memory) and excessive memory consumption.
      - Optimize code, release unused resources, and manage memory effectively.
      4. Integration with Performance Testing:
      - LLM testing often integrates with overall performance testing:
      - Performance Testing: Includes load, stress, scalability, and endurance testing.
      - LLM Testing: Focuses on specific aspects related to load, latency, and memory.
      - Together, they provide a comprehensive view of system performance.
      Remember, effective LLM testing requires a combination of tools, monitoring, and analysis. Start by understanding your application's requirements and user expectations, and tailor your testing accordingly.
      all the best..

  • @janisheik3112
    @janisheik3112 2 месяца назад

    Please share java script in Gatling. How to add the project in maven

    • @RaghavPal
      @RaghavPal  2 месяца назад

      I will check on this