The Rise Of Ultra-Nationalisation in Serbia (1997)

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Ultra-Nationalism Returns (1997): A remarkable feature profiling the chaos and disorder in Serbian politics during the late 1990s.
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    After 120 days of marching, the longest mass protest ever staged, which forced the once impregnable Slobodan Milosevic to restore opposition wins in local elections that he had arbitrarily annulled, Serbians were hopeful for a better, and more democratic future. However, despite putting on a united face during the protests, and thus promising the potential formation of a democratic government, the two opposition leaders, Zoren Djinjic and Vuk Draskovitch, fell out when President Milosevic didn't guarantee free elections. The consequences were disastrous; many Serbs who participated in the protests felt betrayed by the opposition, with their disagreement jeopardising the chance of a change of government, and the void left by the parties has facilitated the rise of the ultra-nationalist "Radical Party". Their leader Vojislav Sheshel topped the first round of presidential elections, and the thought of him becoming president worries many: "Sheshel's fascism is the frustrated fascism of a crisis which has no inherent strength. Our army is weak, our economy is destroyed, our people are disoriented. That fascism is not extroverted, it is introverted - intent on self-destruction.". Meanwhile, the will to fight for Serbia's democratic future has waned dramatically, with only a loyal few still taking to the streets to protest. ABC Australia reports from Serbia, interviewing key players in the political chaos, as well as the protesters trying to change it.
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    ABC Australia - Ref. 0394

Комментарии • 127

  • @mtime6
    @mtime6 11 лет назад +12

    How Ironic, the two topic comments only prove the point of this documentary.

  • @GGGriggs
    @GGGriggs 10 лет назад +28

    As a proud and Nationalistic nation, Serbia was once strong...
    Now, Liberalism and Left-Wing politics rules Serbia, the country is now weak, our lands are being stolen by Albanians, Croats, Bosniaks and Hungarians, and the European Union is on the verge of absorbing us into its sick empire...
    Nationalism isn't exactly the most peaceful of political ideologies, but it sure is the best way of saving a nation and its people.
    History has proven time and time again that very little can be changed through peaceful measures...

    • @icemachine79
      @icemachine79 10 лет назад +12

      Proud of what? Destroying Yugoslavia? Starting the worst war Europe has seen since Hitler and Stalin were still alive? Nationalistic Serbians are nothing more than bullies who can't play well with others. Sounds like an inferiority complex to me.

    • @GGGriggs
      @GGGriggs 10 лет назад +8

      1. How could we have destroyed Yugoslavia when we were the only ones seeking to keep it together? Nations breaking away from Yugoslavia destroyed it, coupled together with internal territorial issues in a massively multicultural society (which reinforces the truth that multiculturalism destroys).
      2. Do you honestly believe that Serbs actually continue to give a shit about "playing well with others"? We no longer care for other former Yugoslav people or states. We only care about our own people and lands.

    • @xMoac
      @xMoac 10 лет назад +12

      Yugoslavia was destroyed by Serbian aggression towards Croats and the people of Bosnia. Serbs wanted a Greater Serbia not a Federal Yugoslavia, why else did they attempt to remove the autonomy of Kosovo and Vojvodina.
      And, what Serbian land are you talking about?
      Any land located beyond the river Drina is NOT Serbian land, it is Croat-Bosnian land.
      Serbs wanted to steal any area in which Serbs lived, Krajna, Rep-Srpska.
      Look what happened to the once “great” Serbia, you lost everything, Kosovo, power, economy, and hopefully they remove the so called entity, republic of Srpska in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Vojvodina.
      Stop blaming others for your own problems.
      Bog i Hrvati!!!

    • @GGGriggs
      @GGGriggs 10 лет назад +3

      1. What about the conflicts between the Croats and the Bosniaks? The Albanians and the Macedonians? Don't try to blame the Serbs for everything when your hands aren't exactly spotless either. Given that Serbia and Bosnia are located slap-bang in the middle of the former Yugoslavia, naturally these two nations will take a greater role in any conflicts from within.
      2. Kosovo & Metohija and Vojvodina are Serbian lands. When our land is under threat from separatists, we don't just sit back and let them take our lands. We fight.
      3. Read up on your history. Serbs inhabited the Krajina region since the first Slavs moved into the Balkans; Bosnia was originally divided between ethnic Serb and ethnic Croat kingdoms. Bosniaks didn't even emerge as an ethnic race until long after Serb and Croat establishment.
      4. So why all the fighting between Croats and Bosniaks? You seem to want parts of Bosnia for yourself too. What makes you special?

    • @xMoac
      @xMoac 10 лет назад +6

      1. I am not saying that Croats didn’t commit any crimes, I am sure some did do bad stuff, and those should be punished as is fit for the crime committed.
      However, Let us not forget that Serbia entered both Croatia and Bosnia with the Yugoslav army not the other way around.
      2. I do agree that historically both Kosovo & Metohija and Vojvodina have been Serbian populated lands, however, Serbs did try to forcefully remove the established order in Yugoslavia by removing the Autonomy of Kosovo and Vojvodina, doing so was would ruin the balance of power in Yugoslavia and given that they had plans to do the same with Croatian and Bosnian lands, they would in effect create a Greater Serbian “Yugoslav” nation
      Don’t you share the view that Serbia should NEVER have attempted to remove the Autonomy of Kosovo & Vojvodina?
      3. I did read up on history, did you know Croats had populated the Srem part of Serbia and Bosnia?
      Yes, it is true that in history first Croats and LATER Serbs made up a significant part of Bosnia & Herzegovina.
      I do also share the opinion that “Bozniaks” are largely converted Croats and some of them might even be converted Serbs. However, although I myself as a Croat would want Croatia and whole Bosnia to become One Nation, I do understand that the majority in Bosnia wouldn´t want such a thing, and I would not want that forced upon them.
      4. I don´t know why the Bosniaks and Croats are fighting , I assume it is due to the mentality of the people, everyone in that area seems to blame someone else for their own wrongdoings and problems.
      I don´t consider myself special, I have lived in Sweden since I was 6 years old and I just wish the entire former-Yugoslavia to move forward and prosper.
      I don’t hate Serbs, Bosniaks, I in fact have many friends that are both Serbs, Muslims , Bosniaks.

  • @sfourne2
    @sfourne2 14 лет назад +5

    don't forget that nikola tesla the greatest genius of all time was serbian !

  • @xxwzaebd
    @xxwzaebd 16 лет назад +3

    If you don't know what the Second Amendment is, then ask Americans(law abiding gunowners) about what this is. The Second Amendment is much better and greater than Marx ideology since it protects freedom and democracy. We free people have ensured that China will disintegrate through secessionist movements once they invade freedom. Besides, Chinese soldiers don't have numerical advantage while their discipline and morale is not very high.

  • @radurambo
    @radurambo 14 лет назад +5

    Question: a catholic Serb is a Croat?

  • @Ulsterman22
    @Ulsterman22 13 лет назад +17

    Само слога Србина спасава! From the USA!

  • @Doenerprophet
    @Doenerprophet 6 лет назад +9


    • @robertpeston6692
      @robertpeston6692 6 лет назад

      Da, tak jak Krim je Rossje i Falklany je Argentijnski

    • @RoggerdaSilva
      @RoggerdaSilva Год назад

      @@robertpeston6692 Kosovo é Sérvia, Criméia é Rússia , Malvinas são Argentinas e Amazônia Brasileira é do Brasil

  • @GGGriggs
    @GGGriggs 12 лет назад +2

    Of course you Americans let your guns talk...That's your solution to everything: Shoot first, ask questions later.
    We proved that Serbia vs. America only resulted in Serbs fighting back Americans in military combat (the only Serbs you killed were all civilians), and we will prove our strength once more.

  • @bosniancelebrity
    @bosniancelebrity 14 лет назад +2

    "As of December 1994," writes Sabrina Ramet in Balkan Babel (p. 267), "between 200,000 and 400,000 people had died since June 1991 as a result of the war between Serbs and non-Serbs, and at least 2.7 million people had been reduced to refugees. An estimated 20,000-50,000 Bosnian Muslim women had been raped by Bosnian Serb soldiers in a systematic campaign of humiliation and psychological terror.

  • @Kurbisa
    @Kurbisa 12 лет назад

    Znaš šta men? Čak i meni koji ne trpim ultradesničarstvo se tvoj komentar jako svidio i mislim da ima podršku razumnih ljudi diljem svijeta. Živio još minimalno 100 godina i srdačan ti pozdrav iz Istre!

  • @ISashaI
    @ISashaI 4 года назад +2

    I'm really trying to figure what this is all about but if I had a team those babas would be on my side

  • @marquemarquez3090
    @marquemarquez3090 Год назад +1

    SEP-7 (9) 997 AD / CE ; NOT 1997 BUT I997 /i997

  • @Duric92
    @Duric92 13 лет назад +1

    @Darusdei Wtf do you know? How can you talk about something that you dont know anything about?

  • @bronkoghma
    @bronkoghma 14 лет назад +1

    yeah, and an orthodox Croat is a Serb

  • @ivanlagrossemoule
    @ivanlagrossemoule 13 лет назад +4

    @blackmonkey849 It's funny how on every video they act like they're the best because Tesla was serbian. It's kind of ironic because when they try to make themselves look smart, they actually make themselves look stupid.
    You don't see british people saying "NEWTON WAS ENGLISH AND THE SMARTEST MAN EVER". God, even our swiss germans aren't that stupid.

  • @janoycresva919
    @janoycresva919 12 лет назад +2


  • @xxwzaebd
    @xxwzaebd 16 лет назад +2

    There are many registered machine guns and heavy weapons in the US owned by civillians. Know about Knob Creek Range? US gunowners practice shooting much more than Chicom soldiers who shoot relatively rarely. There are many US citizens who even possess not only M-16s but also heavy machineguns;they have fought in many international conflicts. We know about Chicom; even Japan can mobilize more soldiers in war than Chicom.

  • @bnn9549
    @bnn9549 Год назад +1

    9:03 Aleksandar Vucic?

  • @maneggl
    @maneggl 12 лет назад +2

    I don't know what this argument was about but since you mentioned the Serbs battles against the Turks, I hope you realize that Serbia Despotate helped the Muslim Turks take over the Christian Byzantine Empire, only to be annexed later by the Turks.

    @VALDIGNE 15 лет назад +3

    pay attention to the words of Vuk Draskovic a nationalist himself he calls Seselj a dangerous nazi, it's a strong statement.

  • @fatto77
    @fatto77 15 лет назад +2

    vojeslav seselj srbima je spas!!!!

  • @srpskiradikal3466
    @srpskiradikal3466 7 лет назад +4


  • @bronkoghma
    @bronkoghma 14 лет назад

    yeah, i was being sarcastis towards someone

  • @stanovicius
    @stanovicius 11 лет назад

    So... what do you think about, let say, albanians?

  • @serbGerilacccc
    @serbGerilacccc 14 лет назад

    yea,but croats would never edmit that

  • @methadon5000
    @methadon5000 15 лет назад

    We're in businezz then! How much for a liter of rakija?

  • @bosniancelebrity
    @bosniancelebrity 14 лет назад +2

    Atrocities were committed by all serbs and against all sectors of the population in Bosnia-Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. But the Serb strategy of gender-selective mass executions of non-combatant men was the most severe and systematic atrocity inflicted throughout. The war in Bosnia can thus be considered both a genocide against Bosnia's Muslim population, and a gendercide against Muslim men in particular.

  • @xxwzaebd
    @xxwzaebd 16 лет назад +3

    The fact is that Milosevic destroyed Yugoslavla as well as invading the other independent countries around. He had no right to do so. People have right for a free and democratic society and many US servicemembers gave their ultimate sacrifice to protect freedom;as a result,we have free democracy and prosperity. Milosevic should have sent soldiers to Iraq instead of invading others;then, the situation would have been much different.

    • @acab-qw2pu
      @acab-qw2pu 2 года назад

      Milosevic wasn't destroyimg Yugoslavia , other 5 republic was by separating from it , instead Milosevic tried to keep Yugoslavia's existence like every sovereign state has right to do against separating terrorism, then tried to keep Serbians who lived in that 5 other republics to continue living in Yugoslavia not in occuping new satelite states....The result of servicemembers of USA is that the life in ex Yugoslavia is worse than it was in Yugoslavia drugs,satanizing,life standard is lower,disseases from nato bombing,destroyed industry,infrastructure,freedom of movement(Kosovo),ethnic cleansings and nationalistic hate between people etc...Milosevic shouldn't send soldiers to Iraq to kill inocent and occupie them for own interests like "fighters for freedom and democracy"(imperialist)USA did.

    • @acab-qw2pu
      @acab-qw2pu 2 года назад

      So that makes US invading not Yugoslavia...

    • @acab-qw2pu
      @acab-qw2pu 2 года назад

      It was all about to break Yugoslavia and unity and to make all nations depend on USA

  • @user-dz4gg7hs8c
    @user-dz4gg7hs8c 11 лет назад +3

    serbs are the best and greeks

  • @bohemianh
    @bohemianh 15 лет назад +1

    Take your nation back!

  • @MrAztec1970
    @MrAztec1970 13 лет назад

    @BlazedIcon SHALOM BROTHER

  • @Albanianhustler
    @Albanianhustler 14 лет назад

    @14Ljoticeva88 your sister says hello :)

  • @Mystify50
    @Mystify50 12 лет назад

    ma jebi politiku i sta oni misle

  • @zragisha
    @zragisha 13 лет назад


  • @saso3545
    @saso3545 5 лет назад +1

    We all have to be smarter than this. This is the work of the world powers! Using one nation or people to dismantle many others. Then when they decide otherwise they chose another and destroy the next and the one they once supported. All for business and power.
    This is the Devils work, plain and simple. And there always is God!
    If we submit to him and follow what his son Jesus Christ came for we can only pray for salvation. For the Revelation reveals all that is happening!
    Христос Воскресна

  • @skrewster
    @skrewster 15 лет назад +5

    I wish our country would have the same kind of great patriotism that exist in Serbia. :)

    • @thedarkside13
      @thedarkside13 11 месяцев назад

      "A great patriotism" that in 10 years caused: 4 wars, 2 genocides, more than 140k deaths and nearly 4 million displaced/refugees.🤢

  • @Acolegenda92
    @Acolegenda92 13 лет назад

    @sfourne2 and Albert Einstein wife MILEVA MARIC was Serbian .... many more historical figures were Serbian.

  • @Boston82bl
    @Boston82bl Год назад

    Balkan region will never change. People live in the past and are way too primitive to move forward .

    • @thedarkside13
      @thedarkside13 11 месяцев назад

      *"People live in the past and are way too primitive to move forward."*
      Woow! That's the most disgusting and crazy thing I've ever heard.🤢🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
      I bet if someone breaks into your house, rapes and kills your entire family (in front of you), steals and burns/destroys your house, you'll still forgive him for all these crimes he did/caused you.
      If you don't learn from history, then nothing can save you.
      And btw, these are for you!видео.htmlsi=EHAe9SEwPGGKC4Nfвидео.htmlsi=yd5C1Jtd7QavrnNX

  • @33333333333333331993
    @33333333333333331993 13 лет назад +2


  • @xxwzaebd
    @xxwzaebd 16 лет назад

    We have a prosperous economy and also a strong military with hundreds of 4th generation jet fighters ,several Aegis ships and cruise missiles and also the world's best soldiers which will protect our system. Communism will be crushed and torn into pieces once they invade again.Communism killed 100 million people and thus free countries have to defend themselves against marxism. Chicom will disintegrate;Russia will fall short of oil.

  • @Albanianhustler
    @Albanianhustler 14 лет назад +2

    Serbia - Gypsya :D

    • @vladanjevtic7812
      @vladanjevtic7812 4 года назад +2

      Serbs are white race and albanians are caucassian, so who's really gypsy :DD

  • @HomleandSecurity
    @HomleandSecurity 12 лет назад

    Serbs will rule the earth

  • @c3379bc2
    @c3379bc2 16 лет назад


  • @five110
    @five110 11 лет назад +1

    who was running and crying for nato ???wasnt it you ???

  • @terminator4974
    @terminator4974 2 года назад +1

    May you never stop being a nationalist. Fight for your people!!!!!

  • @CoolTosser
    @CoolTosser 15 лет назад

    Years of dictatorship?? lol This is so biased!
    Nikolic for the Serbian President!