Next time, try a capacitor to filter out the switching frequency. The noise is coming mostly from the led control ic that switches the leds on & off at a high rate of speed to keep voltage within spec so they don't burn out. The fan also creates a pulse when it's running, so a cap on it will help filter out the ripple.
Thank you for your video. Vehicles now have many computer chips. Each can generate RFI or radio frequency interference. Also, any wires connected to a radio or sound system can act as an antenna. So happy hunting. If 2 turns of wire are looped through the ferrite bead, you get 4 times the noise reduction. 3 loops, 9 times the noise reduction. Saves on ferrites.
Very helpful, I was getting RF interference big time after I installed my SL1 LED headlights. I ordered a set of #10 5mm ferrite beads from Amazon. I only needed one for each light to totally eliminate all the interference.
yes i put these ferrite core clips on a led beacon in tractor on the power wire,this worked a treat ,no more interference on the radio,had the clips on the earth wire first and didn,t work ,thanks rocket scientist
Thank you so much! I replaced the radio in my Jeep after not having one for 5 years and I t had amazing quality but i noticed at night it was shit so I did some research came here ordered the clips and boom, fixed.
Oh thank God, I bought LEDs for my Jeep and the radio thing was happening, I thought it was because the LEDS were drawing too much power, but then I thought about how LEDS draw LESS energy than a typical bulb and thought it had to be interference. Cool. Good thing I listen mostly on an aux chord
You could also try tracing your headlight harness back to the fuse box under your dash, or in your engine bay, where ever it might be, and placing the ferrite cores on the wires closest to the fuse box, but also on the power wires coming from the fuse box to the stereo. The major issue here, is that the ignition system, headlights, dash, radio, windows, and a few other systems all rely on the same fuse box, and therefore wire harness, which is why when you turn your headlights on, it begins to interfere with the stereo. I put ferrite cores on the power wire from the harness coming into my stereo and it cleaned it right up. No need to place them on the headlights at all, unless you still have static.
The important thing is to stop the wiring acting as antennas. For the LED-headbeams that is as close to the lights as possible. The main problem is the voltage switch mode regulators. They act like spark gap transmitters with lot of harmonics in the radio spectrum. Clip on ferrite does not attenuate much, so often you use several in series. A ring core with many windings works better.
You are a life saver! Just put in mini led light bars on my jeep for driving lights. Though I wouldn't be able to listen to the radio at night. I'm ordering this right now!
@@RocketScientist I just installed them. They work great! Almost no interference now. Before my light bars blasted the whole radio out. I had to play around with the sizes and locations to get the best single. I got better results when I upsized but they are a little loose. I'll have to zip tie everything in place, but now I can have my lights on and listen to the radio at the same time! Thank you for the video!
I just put LED headlights in the '87 Porsche 928, static now on all the FM stations. I can visibly see the "shaking / strobing" of the headlights. I will give your solution a go to stabilise the current. EDIT: I installed a 30mm clip on ferrite suppressor on each headlight cable, it did nothing to reduce the radio interference. unfortunately the cables were too short to loop around the suppressors.
It’s the PWM ‘pulse-width modulation’ of the diver that is causing all that interference, the best way to get rid of this is using a LPF low pass RF filter. Another thing that will work is a anti-flicker harness....
I recently installed 55w HID ballast in my ford.. Post installation i have started experiencing a high radio interference while playing FM. Could you please guide how to select whixh ferrite clip/beard should I get as there are a lot of options available in market
This is similar to the kit I ordered. There doesn't seem to be much difference in the actual items other than size and quantity. Its probably a good idea to get a variety in one order. I also thought about wrapping the entire ballast box with EMI tape. Cost is about the same, and its another option. Could do both if you had to. Taigoehua 20 Pieces (Black) RFI EMI Noise Suppressor Cable Clip for 5mm/ 7mm/ 9mm Diameter Cable
Thanks for vid. But my personal experience, I just now finished putting about 10 of these in my car. All four led day running bulbs, two halo's rings, on the relay powering the relay, the on/off switch, feed power wire, power wires on the head unit, even on the antenna cable. Nothing, not even slightly better. Oh well, we tried.
I think it's linked to poor ground. I have the same thing as well but looking around to validate what I think it is. So taking the ground off and turn on the radio.. if it clears, then try a different spot to ground u til radio clears up
eh.. i got some other lights that I reviewed in a later vid. I put them on the antenna wire and it did nothing. My new lights make noise no matter what. I'll probably do some tinkering with it..
Hey brother! Also a FF of 25 years. It might.. I think you might run into a problem since there are multiple LED light heads contained in the bar. You'd have to take it apart and put one on each individual light inside. What brand light is it? Is the radio a portable or a mobile installed in the car? I ran a slimlighter and a bunch of tir3's for years with no issue. Also had good luck with Tomar products. Probably easier to sell the bar and get some others that don't emit as much interference.
I thought the ferrites were to be put on the RADIO wires first to stop excess noise 1st? 4 /7/2021 like when you have RF from sparkplugs on older cars. I believe there are two other things that can be done as well but its been a long time
Twzted_Synapse it worked for me, but I think it also depends on how strong the AM station is to begin with. All you can really do is give it a try and see what happens.
So every car I owned I always had radio problems but I never nailed it down so I just got a new car the radio was perfectly clear then I installed led light and now the radio is crap. So I started playing with the lights and I learned that the led lights that I just installed a few min ago was causing the problems to my radio
You should have tried putting some on the power to the radio and also if you have enough wire you can go around and pass thru a couple times with more success or just adding more of them to the same wires
I have LED headlights, all my running lights are LED, 3 LED light bars, 2 facing forward, 1 is white and 1 is amber, 1 white LED light bar mounted on my headache rack facing the rear, 2 sets of LED pods in my rear fender flares, and 1 set of LED pods in my rear bumper. None of them causes any interference except the 1 forward facing white light bar. When I turn that one on my radio is useless. I added a ferrite on the power wire where it enters the bar and all interference is gone 👍
THANK YOU: I have a 2010 Ford Escape with same problem. Crazy trying to think how possible. Then you say LED lights - WHICH I HAVE! WOuld have NEVER guessed! my LED's have terrible pattern and thinking of putting OE back in. Did you consider that? - going back to OE lights?
Get the dash cancellation message hide plug for the light bulb size you have , it's a plug that plugs between the bulb and the main harness. Ebay for $9.00. It's a HID plug. Has a black box in the middle plugs on both ends
Rocket Scientist, amazing, GMTA! Every light in my truck is LED. Going to give this a shot. My LED's came with canbus so I know that isn't the fix, but may be the problem. I had my driver rear saying bulb out, unplugged it and rotated it 180 and solved that. Lets see if this works on the radio noise. Thanks!
Eh.. It helps to have it clipped firmly on the wire so it doesn't move around. I'd say just get one of those variety packs. There's bound to be at least a few you can make use of.
I put 4 cores on each headlight wire but it didn't help at all... I'd put some on the radio power but its too much of a hassle to take the whole dash off. Easier just to switch back to OEM bulbs.
Thanks for this Will give it a try on my leds day running light I had fitted as my signal to the dab radio is awful!! Just to double check do these just clip on the wires to the leds? Or should they also go on the radio areial cable? Or both ?
Thanks for the video! I have the same problem with RFI in my 96 Land Cruiser. Now I know how to fix it! By the way - my EDC is the same exact knife! Doug
Great video. I have the same issue. Googled it and saw the filter clips. Just wondering if the clips have to be snug to the wire or if they are loose will they still do the trick?
I have LED headlights have interference too. Talked to a stereo installer about it, he said the coils are really the only option or go back to halogen lights again👎. Apparently it's caused because the led lights draw less than 12 volts? Which I don't really know much about. So any other suggestions?
I think it has something to do with the radio antenna ground. I have the same issue but with LED brake lights. There no static when the sourcing from a USB instead of the radio signal.
Ive had that exact type of led bulb before, first type/design I ever tried. Ive now had a few different sets and found the cob designs suck and you want a bulb w like a cree xp70 or two on it kinda thing.. but the filter is an interesting idea. It would work better on the speaker wires. Or a diode at the fuse box to ground I think..
I’m pretty sure all led diodes are supposed to be sideways and not up and down as they appear in your fog lamp. You should be able to clock the bulb to turn is sideways. This will help prevent glare and make the beam pattern the closest to stock as possible
That particular led in the fog light only has a one-sided LED, so it reflects opposite of the way its facing. Turned upward the way it is, the light bounces off the top of the housing and down toward the road, exactly how I want it.
I clicked on my volume off button on the speaker volume and it went away. 😂 Didn't think that the buzzing noise was coming because i had aux cable connected.
Thanks man. I just purchased these farite clips for my Harley ultra classic. Installed led headlight and lost all radio reception. Hopefully it solves the problem.
@@williamlerp9773 If you can loop the wire thru the Ferite clip several times it will do more for you, there are also electronic chokes that can be used I believe and could be better.
I'm glad it ended up working out! Much like you, I'm not exactly sure of the source of the RFI. I just installed Halo LED headlights, so it might be the Halo or the LED (or both?!) Do you recommend throwing ferrite chokes on everywhere, just to pinpoint the issue? Thanks!
So, I have the same truck as yours. I have also tried the ferrite cores and no luck. I even "stacked" them 3-up on the lines and no difference. ...any thoughts?
Hmm... Thinking about what may be different about mine... OEM 6 disc GM radio.. I have a generic replacement antenna since a car wash ate my factory one. I did try the stacking idea to no avail, and ended up with one on every wire going to each light head, and it worked so I stopped there. What brand of headlights do you have? Any other LED lights on your truck besides the headlights that you may be overlooking? They all seem to make noise for me, even the little turn signal ones which I pulled back out in a hurry.
Gene Conti Hey, its worth a shot. Let me know if that works. Usually those canbus resistors just fool the computer so you don't get a bulb out warning on the dash. So I didnt try it.
Gene Conti Well crap. So am I. Try a different brand of lights maybe? If this didnt work for me, that was my next step. I might do that anyway. Thinking about Auxbeam. I've seen zero legit complaints about them.
DERMOT HENRY Hmm... not sure. I didn't try that, but I would think it would mess with the desired radio signal. perhaps I'll try it just for the heck of it. Thanks!
I know this is an old video but I hope you're still active. My running lights work and that's it. Could it have something to do with the radio that was installed?
I dont get why people always say that. Does no one know how tf a reflector works? If I face it in a 3/9 position, its shooting the beam sideways where its lighting up the top of telephone poles. The way I have it it reflects flat directly onto the road, and the spread is 4 lanes wide exactly how it should be.
@@RocketScientist well, thats how it works for me and also for the majority of the cars... the best comparison would be to put it against the wall around 25ft distance and have one side with the oem bulbs and the other side with the led, if the beam pattern is a lot different, then its wrongly adjusted or you have a shitty led bulb possibly, not to mention that the oem bulb and beam pattern usually has some sort of cut off line to avoid glaring the driver in front of you.. with the 3 9 setting, my beam pattern is almost the same as the oem bulb, just a tiny bit different because the chip in the leds and the filament in the oem bulbs being a little bit different in size and positioning.. and thats another thing, the leds you are using in this video, chips seem to be the ones from older tech, they won't resemble the beam pattern very much even if its 3 9 position it seems.
Will they work on my wife? She's always interfering with the radio and t.v. it seems lmao.... seriously I bought some for my LED headlights on my truck, they do work pretty good👍
' if LED light bother in the car radio... try change different normal higher brightness sylvania silverstar ultra headlight bulbs... it would not bother to the radio
Please subscribe to my channel! I could use all the help I can get! Thanks for watching!
Next time, try a capacitor to filter out the switching frequency. The noise is coming mostly from the led control ic that switches the leds on & off at a high rate of speed to keep voltage within spec so they don't burn out. The fan also creates a pulse when it's running, so a cap on it will help filter out the ripple.
Thank you for your video.
Vehicles now have many computer chips. Each can generate RFI or radio frequency interference. Also, any wires connected to a radio or sound system can act as an antenna. So happy hunting.
If 2 turns of wire are looped through the ferrite bead, you get 4 times the noise reduction. 3 loops, 9 times the noise reduction. Saves on ferrites.
Great instructional video for a very common problem... thanks!
Very helpful, I was getting RF interference big time after I installed my SL1 LED headlights. I ordered a set of #10 5mm ferrite beads from Amazon. I only needed one for each light to totally eliminate all the interference.
Which cable did you put them on ? Leds or radio areial
Dang, you save me a lot..
I forgot that I can put ferrite to minimise electronic interference
Thanks dude
Rocket Scientist be glad it’s not brain surgery! I’m here to support and I’ll come back to see what new things you are doing!
That's How I Roll Thank you my friend!
Thanks I tried these. After 5 years of Led headlights blocking my radio signals, I’m done. Switching back to halogen bulbs.
yes i put these ferrite core clips on a led beacon in tractor on the power wire,this worked a treat ,no more interference on the radio,had the clips on the earth wire first and didn,t work ,thanks rocket scientist
DERMOT HENRY Thank you! glad it worked for you!
So far so good everybody! Soon as I drove out of my garage, the little bit that was leftover cleared up. Rockin out interference free!!
Thank you so much! I replaced the radio in my Jeep after not having one for 5 years and I t had amazing quality but i noticed at night it was shit so I did some research came here ordered the clips and boom, fixed.
Oh thank God, I bought LEDs for my Jeep and the radio thing was happening, I thought it was because the LEDS were drawing too much power, but then I thought about how LEDS draw LESS energy than a typical bulb and thought it had to be interference. Cool. Good thing I listen mostly on an aux chord
You could also add one to power supply to the radio itself.
Also looping the wire through the bead a second time is even better.
Where is the power supply to the radio??
You could also try tracing your headlight harness back to the fuse box under your dash, or in your engine bay, where ever it might be, and placing the ferrite cores on the wires closest to the fuse box, but also on the power wires coming from the fuse box to the stereo. The major issue here, is that the ignition system, headlights, dash, radio, windows, and a few other systems all rely on the same fuse box, and therefore wire harness, which is why when you turn your headlights on, it begins to interfere with the stereo. I put ferrite cores on the power wire from the harness coming into my stereo and it cleaned it right up. No need to place them on the headlights at all, unless you still have static.
The important thing is to stop the wiring acting as antennas. For the LED-headbeams that is as close to the lights as possible. The main problem is the voltage switch mode regulators. They act like spark gap transmitters with lot of harmonics in the radio spectrum. Clip on ferrite does not attenuate much, so often you use several in series. A ring core with many windings works better.
@@la7dfa Hmm, I'll have to make one. I have several ring cores in a tray around here somewhere, and plenty of solid copper wire core.
Thank you for the video, dude. I feel much like myself, you have a voice best suited for writing magazine articles, and I got through it lol
Thanks I think...
I've tried these things in the past, but they never seemed to help. Perhaps the beads I got were defective?
You are a life saver! Just put in mini led light bars on my jeep for driving lights. Though I wouldn't be able to listen to the radio at night. I'm ordering this right now!
Let me know how that works on a light bar! I don't have one and I'm curious to see if it works on something with multiple led's.
@@RocketScientist I just installed them. They work great! Almost no interference now. Before my light bars blasted the whole radio out. I had to play around with the sizes and locations to get the best single. I got better results when I upsized but they are a little loose. I'll have to zip tie everything in place, but now I can have my lights on and listen to the radio at the same time! Thank you for the video!
Copper foil tape also works well. I used it to wrap the wires in addition to the ferrite clips.
Good info. Often the wire loops around the outside one time (twice through the center). Compare to a Sony digital camera signal cord.
It's the "driver"- the inverter-current regulator that makes the noise so the closer you put the ferrites to it the better the suppression will be.
I just put LED headlights in the '87 Porsche 928, static now on all the FM stations. I can visibly see the "shaking / strobing" of the headlights. I will give your solution a go to stabilise the current.
EDIT: I installed a 30mm clip on ferrite suppressor on each headlight cable, it did nothing to reduce the radio interference. unfortunately the cables were too short to loop around the suppressors.
if you have enough cable its best to wrap it through the ferrite, go through, wrap around and through again. will work way better.
It’s the PWM ‘pulse-width modulation’ of the diver that is causing all that interference, the best way to get rid of this is using a LPF low pass RF filter. Another thing that will work is a anti-flicker harness....
I recently installed 55w HID ballast in my ford.. Post installation i have started experiencing a high radio interference while playing FM. Could you please guide how to select whixh ferrite clip/beard should I get as there are a lot of options available in market
This is similar to the kit I ordered. There doesn't seem to be much difference in the actual items other than size and quantity. Its probably a good idea to get a variety in one order. I also thought about wrapping the entire ballast box with EMI tape. Cost is about the same, and its another option. Could do both if you had to.
Taigoehua 20 Pieces (Black) RFI EMI Noise Suppressor Cable Clip for 5mm/ 7mm/ 9mm Diameter Cable
@@RocketScientist let me try that... But I presume this should work
Thank you for this video! I installed new led fog lights and had the same effect on my radio. This was a fix!
Reuben Joyner Well thank YOU! Glad it worked! Sometimes it doesn't.
Rocket Scientist well I did use 8 lol
Thanks for vid. But my personal experience, I just now finished putting about 10 of these in my car. All four led day running bulbs, two halo's rings, on the relay powering the relay, the on/off switch, feed power wire, power wires on the head unit, even on the antenna cable. Nothing, not even slightly better. Oh well, we tried.
well, crap. yeah it was worth a shot..
Great fix! I need these for a customer's LED light bar job that is doing this now. Thankyou! New sub now
Thanks! How did it work out?
Thanks I got exactly the same problem. Will definitely give it a try
I think it's linked to poor ground. I have the same thing as well but looking around to validate what I think it is. So taking the ground off and turn on the radio.. if it clears, then try a different spot to ground u til radio clears up
was wondering if the could RI could trace to near the switch work like a antenna since it's closest point item near the radio 🧐
Just installed led light bar .I'm having the same problem.I ordered some .
What if you just put it on just the radio?? Would love to know if that would work instead of putting it on all of those wires??
eh.. i got some other lights that I reviewed in a later vid. I put them on the antenna wire and it did nothing. My new lights make noise no matter what. I'll probably do some tinkering with it..
I tried this by putting 3 ferrite clips on the LED wire. Didn't do anything in my specific case unfortunately.
So I have a led emergency blue light bar and it will do this with my firedept radio and pager. Would these things help with that?
Hey brother! Also a FF of 25 years. It might.. I think you might run into a problem since there are multiple LED light heads contained in the bar. You'd have to take it apart and put one on each individual light inside. What brand light is it? Is the radio a portable or a mobile installed in the car? I ran a slimlighter and a bunch of tir3's for years with no issue. Also had good luck with Tomar products. Probably easier to sell the bar and get some others that don't emit as much interference.
I thought the ferrites were to be put on the RADIO wires first to stop excess noise 1st? 4 /7/2021 like when you have RF from sparkplugs on older cars. I believe there are two other things that can be done as well but its been a long time
tried it in a later video with some different lights. did nothing.
Any idea if this solves AM station interference? All LEDs, but just added LED to factory driving lights. Interference came up like a wall!!
Twzted_Synapse it worked for me, but I think it also depends on how strong the AM station is to begin with. All you can really do is give it a try and see what happens.
Does this really work? For radio shooting problem .. And how many mm should Ferrite be..?
It worked for me. It may not work for all lights. Not sure on the MM. These are just a cheap package off Amazon.
@@RocketScientist Thanks
So every car I owned I always had radio problems but I never nailed it down so I just got a new car the radio was perfectly clear then I installed led light and now the radio is crap.
So I started playing with the lights and I learned that the led lights that I just installed a few min ago was causing the problems to my radio
You should have tried putting some on the power to the radio and also if you have enough wire you can go around and pass thru a couple times with more success or just adding more of them to the same wires
James Holbrook I heard that, unfortunately not enough wire on the headlight kits to do that
If you have enough cable it helps to wrap them in a loop around the magnet.
Yeah that wasn't happening here. It's a pretty fat cable.
What it is ? I need that
I have LED headlights, all my running lights are LED, 3 LED light bars, 2 facing forward, 1 is white and 1 is amber, 1 white LED light bar mounted on my headache rack facing the rear, 2 sets of LED pods in my rear fender flares, and 1 set of LED pods in my rear bumper.
None of them causes any interference except the 1 forward facing white light bar.
When I turn that one on my radio is useless.
I added a ferrite on the power wire where it enters the bar and all interference is gone 👍
THANK YOU: I have a 2010 Ford Escape with same problem. Crazy trying to think how possible. Then you say LED lights - WHICH I HAVE! WOuld have NEVER guessed! my LED's have terrible pattern and thinking of putting OE back in. Did you consider that? - going back to OE lights?
only in heavy snow where u get that star wars effect.. try some Auxbeam fs3's. they're awesome
Get the dash cancellation message hide plug for the light bulb size you have , it's a plug that plugs between the bulb and the main harness. Ebay for $9.00. It's a HID plug. Has a black box in the middle plugs on both ends
Kevin Hunter Thanks man! I'll look into it. I installed a different set recently and they have interference I can't get rid of.
Hey mate, could i get more information on that plug you were talking about?
What is the device called?
Rocket Scientist, amazing, GMTA! Every light in my truck is LED. Going to give this a shot. My LED's came with canbus so I know that isn't the fix, but may be the problem. I had my driver rear saying bulb out, unplugged it and rotated it 180 and solved that. Lets see if this works on the radio noise. Thanks!
anyone know the approx size to order ? 3mm, 5mm, 7mm or does it matter?
Eh.. It helps to have it clipped firmly on the wire so it doesn't move around. I'd say just get one of those variety packs. There's bound to be at least a few you can make use of.
Şu ana kadar sorun oldu mu. Radyo frekansı etkileniyor mu.
Use a larger ferrite clip that barely fits around the wire twice, and loop the wire back through it one time.
thanks have this problem in tractor when i put on led beacon ,will try this
Glad I’m not the only one! Thank you so sharing! What mm Should I get tho? I have not a clue. I assume that’s to size that around it site?
eh, just get a variety pack.. one of them is bound to fit..
I'm having same issue but with my parking/brake lights. I just switched over to Lumen LB Series led and it's driving me crazy.
Even bought load resisters but I think they're for ''canbus'' protection. Haven't hooked them up yet
@@dawhoda1 what kind of vehicle?
I put 4 cores on each headlight wire but it didn't help at all... I'd put some on the radio power but its too much of a hassle to take the whole dash off. Easier just to switch back to OEM bulbs.
Thanks for this Will give it a try on my leds day running light I had fitted as my signal to the dab radio is awful!!
Just to double check do these just clip on the wires to the leds?
Or should they also go on the radio areial cable? Or both ?
Yep they just clip on. Try it on one wire at a time so when the sound improves, you know where the interference is coming from.
Does it matter how many I put on?
Which should I try first leds cables or radio aerial cables?
@@luciocancellara4995 most convenient one first. I tried my antenna wire and it did nothing.
Thanks for the video! I have the same problem with RFI in my 96 Land Cruiser. Now I know how to fix it!
By the way - my EDC is the same exact knife!
I tried this and it didn’t work
Great video. I have the same issue. Googled it and saw the filter clips. Just wondering if the clips have to be snug to the wire or if they are loose will they still do the trick?
Another thing you can do to get rid of interference is ground the back of your radio better with a bigger ground
I have LED headlights have interference too. Talked to a stereo installer about it, he said the coils are really the only option or go back to halogen lights again👎. Apparently it's caused because the led lights draw less than 12 volts? Which I don't really know much about. So any other suggestions?
I think it has something to do with the radio antenna ground. I have the same issue but with LED brake lights. There no static when the sourcing from a USB instead of the radio signal.
Matt Greenland hmmmmm thats interesting. I might have to investigate that one further... Thanks!
Thanks bud, I have the same vehicle with the same problem after installing LED's. Your video was very helpful
NosMan Jason Glad to help! Thank you!
Ive had that exact type of led bulb before, first type/design I ever tried. Ive now had a few different sets and found the cob designs suck and you want a bulb w like a cree xp70 or two on it kinda thing.. but the filter is an interesting idea. It would work better on the speaker wires. Or a diode at the fuse box to ground I think..
I’m pretty sure all led diodes are supposed to be sideways and not up and down as they appear in your fog lamp. You should be able to clock the bulb to turn is sideways. This will help prevent glare and make the beam pattern the closest to stock as possible
That particular led in the fog light only has a one-sided LED, so it reflects opposite of the way its facing. Turned upward the way it is, the light bounces off the top of the housing and down toward the road, exactly how I want it.
I clicked on my volume off button on the speaker volume and it went away. 😂 Didn't think that the buzzing noise was coming because i had aux cable connected.
Tried it don't work
Brilliant need to try this on mine have the same problem
I read that those also go in the antenna wire.
Tried that. Did nothing.
@@RocketScientist Sweet. Good to know.
How many watts and lumens are your headlight bulbs?
72W, 8,000 lumen.
@@RocketScientisthow many ferrite chokes did you end up using on headlight wires?
@@cbradiomizfit7562 I think i ended with 2 on each wire.
Had the same issue. I fixed it by returning to incandescent bulbs problem 100% gone.
Ehhh. Idunno if I can do that. These lights are like crack to a nerd like me.
Didn't you installed one of those to the posistive line going to your radio?
Tried. Did nothing.
Thanks man. I just purchased these farite clips for my Harley ultra classic. Installed led headlight and lost all radio reception. Hopefully it solves the problem.
Awesome! Let me know how it works out!
William Lerp did they ever work.
I have a Street glide and was thinking to try these because of crap reception
Mike Hammer they worked somewhat. I regained some radio reception but not as good as it was before the led installation.
@@williamlerp9773 If you can loop the wire thru the Ferite clip several times it will do more for you, there are also electronic chokes that can be used I believe and could be better.
@@Critical_Mass that's exactly what I did but I only regained some of my reception. Luckily I have a cd player.
I'm glad it ended up working out! Much like you, I'm not exactly sure of the source of the RFI. I just installed Halo LED headlights, so it might be the Halo or the LED (or both?!) Do you recommend throwing ferrite chokes on everywhere, just to pinpoint the issue? Thanks!
Thats pretty much what i did.. on and off various wires until the noise stopped.
How many ferrite chokes did you put on your vehicle? Did you use all of them ?
Been a while, I think i used all but 6 from the pack.
Your LEDs are oriented wrong in the housing. Supposed to be left to right (3&9 o’clock) position. But thanks for the tip I’ll give it a try
No they're not, but thanks
Tried it and it didn't work.
try putting a bunch of wraps with the wire do some looking on the net of how best to use them.
I would have, but there's there's not enough and it's too thick. Ha
So, I have the same truck as yours. I have also tried the ferrite cores and no luck. I even "stacked" them 3-up on the lines and no difference. ...any thoughts?
Hmm... Thinking about what may be different about mine... OEM 6 disc GM radio.. I have a generic replacement antenna since a car wash ate my factory one. I did try the stacking idea to no avail, and ended up with one on every wire going to each light head, and it worked so I stopped there. What brand of headlights do you have? Any other LED lights on your truck besides the headlights that you may be overlooking? They all seem to make noise for me, even the little turn signal ones which I pulled back out in a hurry.
The only LED's are the headlights and fog lights. I just ordered "canbus" add-on ballasts...let's see if those work...TBD.
Gene Conti Hey, its worth a shot. Let me know if that works. Usually those canbus resistors just fool the computer so you don't get a bulb out warning on the dash. So I didnt try it.
No Dice, actually worse, the lights won't come on at all now. Sending them back...running out of ideas here...
Gene Conti Well crap. So am I. Try a different brand of lights maybe? If this didnt work for me, that was my next step. I might do that anyway. Thinking about Auxbeam. I've seen zero legit complaints about them.
You loop the wire a couple of times then close the ferrite.
So thats what the big fat thing on my laptop power supply is. THANKS
What kind of truck is that?
2007 Hummer H3
just wondering should you put the ferrites on the radio wire?
DERMOT HENRY Hmm... not sure. I didn't try that, but I would think it would mess with the desired radio signal. perhaps I'll try it just for the heck of it. Thanks!
Antenna= no, radio power= yes
@H Higgins tried it. Made no difference.
@H Higgins exactly what I did. I have since changed these lights out for a different set which I have also reviewed it interested.
I know this is an old video but I hope you're still active. My running lights work and that's it. Could it have something to do with the radio that was installed?
I'm here, just haven't made a vid in a while. By running lights you mean dash lights or outside lights?
Did the led lights effect the sound on your CD or MP3 player? Thanks.
savnbest4last Not at all. Just the FM radio. AM is unaffected.
Thanks brother. Great video and information.
am radio?? too??
How many Ferrite Rings did you use in each spot?
Justin Jones fogs took 4, heads took 5. Got a small handful left out that big pack of them. Still working good though!
Beam pattern on those LEDs must be horrible, try to have the chips facing 3 9 clock position and not 12 6.
I dont get why people always say that. Does no one know how tf a reflector works? If I face it in a 3/9 position, its shooting the beam sideways where its lighting up the top of telephone poles. The way I have it it reflects flat directly onto the road, and the spread is 4 lanes wide exactly how it should be.
@@RocketScientist well, thats how it works for me and also for the majority of the cars... the best comparison would be to put it against the wall around 25ft distance and have one side with the oem bulbs and the other side with the led, if the beam pattern is a lot different, then its wrongly adjusted or you have a shitty led bulb possibly, not to mention that the oem bulb and beam pattern usually has some sort of cut off line to avoid glaring the driver in front of you..
with the 3 9 setting, my beam pattern is almost the same as the oem bulb, just a tiny bit different because the chip in the leds and the filament in the oem bulbs being a little bit different in size and positioning.. and thats another thing, the leds you are using in this video, chips seem to be the ones from older tech, they won't resemble the beam pattern very much even if its 3 9 position it seems.
don't work for me...
Will they work on my wife? She's always interfering with the radio and t.v. it seems lmao.... seriously I bought some for my LED headlights on my truck, they do work pretty good👍
Hahahaha They may... But have a string attached for easy removal when she shoves them somewhere unpleasant.
Lol..... awesome video and thanks
Hank hill "i tell you what"
"that boy ain't right"
Mike judge
Tried it on mine. Didnt work
Brooklyn1530 same here
Mine just started to happen. It worked fine at first.
Hummer h3? Also put your front hooks up in case someone bumps into your grill they hurt their car not yours.
Hey! Not a bad idea!
Looping the cable Around the core up to 7 times increase the effect
Didn't know that! Thanks! Are you talking through the center or around the outside like a cylinder?
through the centre, around the outside, through the centre
what core?
Wire for the bulb isn’t long enough
I have the same problem. Thanks.
good job brother
Its so ignorant to pay such high dollar for a led bar and they don't install these from the factorys
They work better if you loop the cable through
Resolveu plobema meu amigo.
@Rocket Scientist sounds like Mike Judge
Wasn't even trying either.. 😂
if LED light bother in the car radio...
try change different normal higher brightness sylvania silverstar ultra headlight bulbs...
it would not bother to the radio
But that would actually provide bright light on the road and not blind other drivers! Can't have that now, can we?
LED bulbs have a fan, that's what's making the interference
so that’s why.