Intelligent Atheist vs Muslim | Intelligent Design | Reaction

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @PIForever
    @PIForever  Год назад +1

    What did you think of this discussion?

    • @scottdaniels2500
      @scottdaniels2500 Год назад

      At end of the day, all religions are still based on Faith. As far as the actual discussion: I thought it was a very respectful mutual exchange of ideas!!! I'm a Christian and I've had conversations with atheists and agnostics. All respectful.

    • @kadysangare8843
      @kadysangare8843 Год назад +3

      You’re open mind and intelligent person I hope you read the Quran it’s really the book of people of understanding 😊

    • @moatef1586
      @moatef1586 Год назад +2

      There's a difference between "intelligently designed" and "perfectly designed". You're assuming that the designer had the intention of making the design perfect, but that's a baseless assumption. And no one is saying that.
      But when you look at a Samsung phone, even though its camera might not be as good as an Iphone's, that doesn't mean it wasn't designed by someone.
      The probability of the universe coming into existence the way it is randomly is 100s of times more ridiculous than looking at a Samsung phone and assuming that grains of sand assembled into that phone over millions of years.
      It's kind of absurd.
      You can absolutely infer a design without seeing the designer.

    • @Israel.Is.TerroristState
      @Israel.Is.TerroristState Год назад +2

      @@kadysangare8843 they dont know we have alot of knowledge as muslims thank god for that

    • @designwithbryteview3479
      @designwithbryteview3479 Год назад

      Its great.. intelligent design meaning man didn't create his own physical body. Man didn't make animals so the design is beyond our comprehension. But nobody knows how we came thats why ppl debate over theory.. an atheist is just a person who doesn't believe religiously.

  • @thinkbeforeyoutype7106
    @thinkbeforeyoutype7106 5 месяцев назад +1

    The question every atheist should ask themselves would be, WHO or WHAT created the universe? The answer or the explanation they would give it resort to is also based on their BLIND belief. And if they respond with, “they don’t know.” Then how can they claim otherwise if they themselves DO NOT KNOW?!
    May Allah GUIDE those who are sincere and honest before it’s too late for them.

  • @thinkbeforeyoutype7106
    @thinkbeforeyoutype7106 5 месяцев назад +1

    Brother, understand we’ve limits when it comes to our strength, sights, and even our hearing range. Which means our mind CANNOT also grasp the entire universe. We can’t even look at the sun so what makes you think you can look at the Creator who’s beyond time, matter, and space (universe)?

  • @metalore
    @metalore Год назад +1

    I think the Muslim made an interesting distinction early on that they didn't delve much into after: that humans themselves aren't the result of intelligent design, but rather the circumstances that allowed humans to come into existence are a result of intelligent design. This is important because it leans in the direction of a supreme being that is functioning INSIDE the universe, and when you look at it like that (instead of the exact situation and human form and consciousness being intelligent design) it all of a sudden becomes a lot more likely. But at the end he fell back onto a simpler, less convincing argument that grouped consciousness (ego) with physical reality.

  • @albak6552
    @albak6552 Год назад +3

    The questions you have in between pauses are already cleared up by the same people of whom you watch videos lol. I’d say reach out to them and ask them to have a live conversation with you.

  • @thinkbeforeyoutype7106
    @thinkbeforeyoutype7106 5 месяцев назад +1

    EVERYTHING in our universe submits to Allah (Creator) in an axis point.
    1) From the smallest Atom where Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons circle around a SINGLE axis point.
    2) To the Muslims praying and performing Hajj in which they circle around in a SINGLE axis point.
    3) To the planets in the solar systems circling around a SINGLE axis point.
    4) Even the biggest GALAXIES in our universe are shown to be circling around a SINGLE axis point.
    Anyone who thinks rationally and logically using his or her God given intellect can see the obvious truth while the disbelievers use their free will (test) to fool themselves by saying, "it's all just a coincidence."
    May Allah continue to have MERCY on us, continue to PROTECT us, continue to FORGIVE us, continue to GUIDE us, and continue to BLESS us.

  • @daveboo7002
    @daveboo7002 9 месяцев назад

    He's clearly saying there could have been trillions of combinations of the draw that could have happened, and this is the one we exist in at this time.

  • @eyashawk6283
    @eyashawk6283 Год назад +1

    "The probability isn't that small because it happened"
    Bro lmao

  • @kimowahran8785
    @kimowahran8785 Год назад +5

    look at yourself in a mirror you'll see an intelligent designe!

  • @Brata19
    @Brata19 Год назад +1

    We ( human) design camera based on eyes, now you wanna say that camera is designed and eyes are not (random occurances)? Not to metion that eyes are much more complex and sophisticated than camera. Also DNA is like software progamming... and so on...

  • @frazmeup
    @frazmeup 3 месяца назад

    Jareer keep shakin it, dance bruh. Bro you are "Egyptian" ok dont forget it 🤣🤣

  • @daveboo7002
    @daveboo7002 9 месяцев назад

    Muslim dude does not understand how probability works!

  • @caesart9264
    @caesart9264 Год назад

    The concept of God has existed since the beginning of mankind.. Look at history. The oldest civilizations that we already know, such as Sumer and ancient Egypt, already believed in God..
    So maybe a more appropriate question is when did the concept of atheism appear?

  • @JesusChrist_myLordmySavior.
    @JesusChrist_myLordmySavior. Год назад

    Seriously, you can't see things that was not created by man, the Trees, the Sea, the Sun, the Stars, the Moon, the Air that we breathe, Animals...Hello 🤷‍♂️.

  • @Bunyourdesires
    @Bunyourdesires Год назад +1

    Are you not perfect design? Ponder…

  • @giammarinostamerra4910
    @giammarinostamerra4910 Год назад +2

    Why don't you invite Mohammed Hijab and ask your question directly to him? Your followers and subscribers will surely appreciate....

    • @frazmeup
      @frazmeup 3 месяца назад

      he wont, he is a Jareer. Enslaved to this day and subservient

  • @jonrendell
    @jonrendell Год назад

    I love watching Muslims tie themselves in knots.

  • @antontomov8532
    @antontomov8532 Год назад

    An all powerful God wouldn't need to fine tune to create life, after all he's the one making the rules, right? Otherwise he's not an powerfull God, hence, not a God or simply he doesn't exist as described in religions.

  • @musawenkositshabalala45
    @musawenkositshabalala45 Год назад

    Is Muhammad hijab making the case for Allah, Angels, jinn, Gog & Magog?

  • @caesart9264
    @caesart9264 Год назад

    do you think the way of proving that there is intelligent design means something that exists has to be perfect??
    That's very strange, because that means you won't believe in God until God creates another God..

  • @amnaal9007
    @amnaal9007 Год назад +1

    the same question why all human has two ears two eyes two legs two hands they just pop like this in nature sharing same thing nad live for 70 or 100 years then die without creator it werid doesnt make no sense

  • @Tcrror
    @Tcrror Год назад +2

    You asked a very good question: if something created everything, then that something HAD to come from somewhere. Religious people are always saying "something can't come from nothing", but with their theory, something DID come from nothing!!

    • @albak6552
      @albak6552 Год назад +3

      Smh the Muslims also tell you why God can’t come from anything either which you seem to skip over every time it seems. If something can’t come from nothing, the creator or origin of the universe MUST be outside the universe and it’s laws. And you can’t have infinite regress where something always comes from something else. At one point it must have a absolute origin.

    • @katyana92
      @katyana92 Год назад +4

      God is the Ultime Creator. He has no beginning and no end.
      He is out the space and time.
      So creation has beginning but not God.
      God is not a thing. He is the Almighty, Omnipotent and Omniscient.
      With no God, our realm has no sense to be honest. Just try to check the contingency argument, you might get your answer.
      I speak as a Muslim and I do not share the Christian concept of God being a human. It does not make sense for me.

    • @yoosufsamir
      @yoosufsamir Год назад +1

      My realization that God was real was based on this fact.

  • @calim4412
    @calim4412 Год назад +1

    Intelligent atheist lol

  • @aidanya1336
    @aidanya1336 Год назад +3

    The amount of times the muslim tries (and succeeds) to sneak in that our configuration is somehow "special" is staggering.
    First the universe happened. Than humans resulted from that universe. So ofc we perfectly fit in our universe. We are created from its rules.
    The chance of humans coming about in a universe that allows for humans to come about is entirely unremarkable.
    It would actually be evidence for a god if humans came about in a universe that did not allow for humans to exist and they did anyway.

    • @albak6552
      @albak6552 Год назад +2

      Staggering? Dude, most of the universe can NOT support human life yet we came to be due to perfect fine tuned “chance”? lmao. What’s unremarkable is the simple dismissal of the argument

    • @profs2981
      @profs2981 Год назад

      This reply sTagGeriNgLy misses the point, it is highly improbable for the universe to support life yet it does, to argue that this is just obvious since we exist to observe this improbability and therefore need no further explanation is the equivalent of a firing squad firing bullets at a man point blank and the man somehow survives the encounter unharmed only to say “what does the improbability of me surviving matter? Of course I survived because I’m here to observe it”

    • @aidanya1336
      @aidanya1336 Год назад

      @@albak6552 i suggest you try to learn some statistics. Everything has extremely small odds. You existing depended on 1 out of a lot of sperm-cells reaching the egg. Any other reaching there first would have resulted in another person. It depends on your parents meeting at the time they did, having sex at the time they did, in fact all there life choices lead up to you. If anything was different you would not exist. Same goes for your grand parents, grand grand parents ext. The chance of you is smaller than that of the universe being this way. Yet we do not walk across the street in awe of all the tiny tiny odds of all these people being here in this exact moment and place...
      The point is that if any of these things would have been different you would not be here. But someone else would or something else.
      It is not remarkable that someone exist as all the other possibilities also lead to a viable outcome.
      What makes a remarkable outcome in statistics? Not low odds. Every outcome has low odds in this scenario and you always get an outcome. So this is to be expected to get a low odds result.
      This is like shuffling a deck of cards and turning them over 1 by 1. And saying how amazing that they appeared in this exact random order of ace of spade , 5 of hearts, queen of Clubs, ect.
      The odds are about 8*10^67 (1 in 8000000... with 60 more zero's behind it) But is this outcome special? No it is not. because all other outcomes were equally likely and viable and you had to get 1 of these outcomes by the nature of your shuffle.
      So getting an outcome with small odds is not remarkable.
      What does make an outcome remarkable?
      2 options. A prediction before hand about an outcome and that outcome also happening making that result special among other equally viable results.
      The prediction must be before the event or hindsight makes it unremarkable again.
      It would be remarkable if you said before the cup that in the foodball (soccer) world cup there would be 172 goals.
      But if you would say that now after it happened it is not remarkable anymore.
      Humans are working with hindsight about our universe.
      The other option is having many nonviable options and a few viable results. And than getting a viable option out.
      But for this again you must determine which results are nonviable and which are.
      Something we do not know about our universe. Maybe the laws of physics are all tied together and if 1 was this way the rest automatically falls in line.
      Or the other possibilities are impossible to come about. But even if the chances for our universe were as small as you think.
      You cannot just dismiss the other possibilities as nonviable. Yes they most likely would not have us here on this planet looking up. But that does not mean that universe could not happen just fine without us.
      In fact on most planets in our universe the conditions for life are off. So this is why most planets are empty and do not have lifeforms looking up at the sky...
      It is our arrogance to think that we are somehow special or the universe had us in mind that somehow makes you think the other options are nonviable. Sorry but this is a false assumption.
      So nether option work. therefor our existence in the universe is not remarkable despite its small odds.

    • @albak6552
      @albak6552 Год назад

      @@profs2981 that’s the point I was making, due to the fact the probability wise it’s hard for life to exist, the fact we do there must be a reason. It is “you” who shit the door for possibility and just say we exist because we just do. You don’t follow your own logic

    • @albak6552
      @albak6552 Год назад

      @@aidanya1336 forget someone telling you or humans are special, nothing of what you say or can say refutes the existence of a creator. Or according to you “possibility” of a creator. Your reply was unrelated to the topic of the video

  • @kewell65
    @kewell65 Год назад +4

    Bro your embarrassing yourself

  • @mdshahadathossain3282
    @mdshahadathossain3282 Год назад +1

    Please react dr zakir naik videos

  • @MrFa3noon
    @MrFa3noon Год назад

    wow you can't realize that your answering your self if " we have one eye " then you will say why don't we have 2 eyes !! ... if am an atheist my question will be why did he made us ??

    • @PIForever
      @PIForever  Год назад

      No, my questions are what is a God? Can you define this God? What attributes does this God have? There are thousands of so called Gods, how do you know yours is the real one? And a question to your comment... " Why did he make us??", Who are you speaking of and how do you know?

    • @MrFa3noon
      @MrFa3noon Год назад

      @@PIForever first of all my friend logic dictate "if" there is creater he must be one ... Second if you really sincere in searching for the truth you will find it and in the end its all for your benefit .. if there is no god we all Paresh and that's it but if there is eternity is along time my friend and this is a bad bet .. the key is to be humble , sincere ,and logical not emotional

    • @PIForever
      @PIForever  Год назад

      I would enjoy having a cordial conversation with you, i'm on discord now if you are up for it?

    • @MrFa3noon
      @MrFa3noon Год назад

      @@PIForever i wish i could bro sorry i only reached out coz its really hurt me one i see a follow human being is confused and in my humble point of view asking there wrong questions hope the best to you in seeking the truth
      Ps: if your wondering am a Muslim btw

    • @PIForever
      @PIForever  Год назад

      @@MrFa3noon Ok, that is fine, I appreciate your time, however, I would like to ask , in your opinion, what is the truth? Also, could you answer my questions from my previous comment? What is a God? What are its attributes? How do you know this and out of the thousands of so called Gods, how do you know you believe in the right one?

  • @anaromana8183
    @anaromana8183 Год назад

    Also fine tunning means so many digits as precision.
    But that doesent mean zero error.
    37 digits after zero is a very hight precision , yes, but is not 100 percent precision.
    So his allah ,which is an omnipotent god, cannot create something with zero error?
    An inteligent and omnipotent designer should have no problem in doing that.

    • @anaromana8183
      @anaromana8183 Год назад

      @@pmbbmp you are confusing intelligence with omnipotence.
      Think again.
      I dont invent any rule.

  • @Bunyourdesires
    @Bunyourdesires Год назад

    13:26 that’s the argument you made for us… totally contradicted yourself.
    If there is no creator why do you have 2 eyes? And a nose on top of your mouth….surely that’s perfect! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Your Argument contradicted your Argument haahahah

  • @O.PNayakVlogs
    @O.PNayakVlogs Год назад +1

    Bro please try to reaction the odia BHAI movie teaser and please support odia movie please

  • @anaromana8183
    @anaromana8183 Год назад

    Probability depend on the initial number.If you have an initial infinite probability then even the smallest probability event can have 100 percent probability to occur.
    What is the initial probability for this universe to be like this?Islamist didt know.
    What is the probability that a planet like us to be made in this universe?
    Taking in consideration the huge dimensions of the universe is very close to 100 percent!!

    • @grandsultan7886
      @grandsultan7886 Год назад

      The big bang, the concept of life... Have they a causality? The probability is not near 0, it is 0. Believing that something come from nothing by itself and everything, every law, concepts come from accident is really absurd. Each aspect, the smaller scale to the larger, is complex and the probability is near to 0 for every aspect.

    • @anaromana8183
      @anaromana8183 Год назад

      @@grandsultan7886 of course.But how did you know that before bigbang was nothing?
      And how can you prove?

  • @anaromana8183
    @anaromana8183 Год назад

    Also if this universe was created for us why we have 200 millions years of dinosaurs 30 millions years ago before a single human made his way on this planet?

    • @sajidraza-wx3ol
      @sajidraza-wx3ol Год назад

      Simple so we can have fuel .! Fossils fuel

    • @anaromana8183
      @anaromana8183 Год назад

      @@sajidraza-wx3ol ofcourse.
      because you mighty allah cannot create fuel directly.
      Using magic.
      He made something, which generate something which generate something.
      But hey, mighty god has a complicated mind

    • @albak6552
      @albak6552 Год назад

      You don’t read much into islam do you. There were many creations before us as well, including dinosaurs. And it is in Gods wisdom he took that long (for him it’s not long) to set up everything. Allah produced everything and all the natural processes in a logical manner, but you are saying why didn’t he poof it all in one day and make the year 2022.

    • @albak6552
      @albak6552 Год назад

      @@anaromana8183 it’s not complicated, you’re mind is just a hypocrite.

    • @anaromana8183
      @anaromana8183 Год назад

      @@pmbbmp ha ha ha.
      so the week of creation is in fact equivalent of billion years.
      but how did they know that?
      and what is exact amount of time conversion?

  • @steveaustin7997
    @steveaustin7997 Год назад
