Liebe Community, ausgewählte Videos werden von uns im Nachhinein auch in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht, um Bundeswehrthemen auch Leuten zugänglich zu machen, die Deutsch nicht verstehen. Allerdings verrät ein Blick in die Beschreibung, dass es das Video bereits auf Deutsch gibt:видео.html Beste Grüße /Tobias
Time passes but certain things never change, you Germans are damned good at making tanks, and it is something you like, and I can only approve, a greeting from Italy.
@@ralfweber4346 It's definitely not a coincidence, seeing as they went from A7A1 to A7V. They switched their naming scheme. Yes, the letters mean different things but nobody can tell me it wasn't an intentional choice to pay homage
All I can say is that our German brothers as a nation are one hell of an excellent engineering country. You guys build some of the best machines in the in the world 🇬🇧🇩🇪
Considering Germany is doing everything to keep their gear out of Ukraine, I have a feeling Germany is a paper tiger and only makes gear for propaganda- like Ruzzia and China does…
brother. it wasn't long ago that our two nations bashed each other's skulls in. and if there's actually anything good about all this shit, it's the fact that we feel we're actually pretty close. and the brits in particular definitely don't have to be modest when it comes to engineering. personally, i'd like to see us finally put our vanities aside and become a serious force for good as a europe - a counterpoint to china, the usa and russia. but of course, the batty brits have ruined the party for us again #brexit ;) ... just kidding
German Mechanics: we are about to announce the next version after Leopard2A9 the world: ah, you gonna finally call it Leopard 3? German Mechanics: Leopard 2.1
@@cursedcliff7562 Skipping over command and export variants (many of these will have a "K" model which is a command tank with extra radios): T-72 "Ural" T-72 "Ural-1" T-72V T-72A T-72A obr.1979g T-72A obr.1984g T-72AV T-72B T-72BA T-72BV T-72B1 T-72B obr.1989g T-72B obr.1990g T-72B2 T-72B3 T-72B3M T-72B3 obr.2016 So lots of variants is pretty par for the course for modern tanks. Sometime during the 70's we got hull design down about as well as we were going to get it for a while and most of the developments in tank tech since then have been things that are easy to bolt on to a pre-existing hull with no need for any sort of redesign in order to implement them (things like improved fire control systems, better ammunition, better optics, and explosive reactive armor (all of which make a substantial enough difference to mean that if a company of M1s faced off against a company of M1A2 SEPv3s, the M1s would be absolutely massacred)).
Wrong. The russian Armata is better. It is a completely new design where the german is just an improvement of the past versions which are dating back to the mid 70s
@Martin Kremmel hat mir mein Opa erzählt der in Russland war und dort irgendwas zutun hatte. Ist schon mehrere Jahre her aber er erwähnte ebenfalls das ihn die Soldaten leid taten schon für das essen was sie bekommen... hat sich sicher nicht viel geändert.
@Martin Kremmel aber nur weil sie noch keinen Befehl dazu erhalten haben. Die machen alles was von oben angesagt wird. Bei G20 haben sie auch Anwohner geprügelt und Tänzerinnen das Bein gebrochen statt gegen den gefährlichen Mob vor zu gehen. Weil Olaf Scholz es so wollte. Hat natürlich jeder inzwischen vergessen und die Leute finden ihn drollig... baaaah! Ein Kanzler Söder würde bestimmt Familien mit Kindern vom Platz prügeln lassen...
There's a reason I love the Leopard 2 line of tanks. It's just so beautiful. A wonderfully well designed piece of equipment, it is fast, deadly, and just looks awsome.
@@roadrunnerv8651 darfst ihnen ned böse nehmen, diese naivität liegt definitiv am alter und wird sich legen mit den schlechten erfahrungen der kommenden Jahren
@@roadrunnerv8651 Dein Handy wurde nicht auf ner Bananplantage in der dritten Welt zusammengeflickt, aber die Rohstoffe wurden da zu Tage gefördert und das unter ziemlich miesen Bedingungen. Darüber solltest du dich vielleicht mal informieren bevor du hier den großen Weisen mimst und einen auf dicke Hose machst weil du ja so erleuchtet bist und jeder der dir widerspricht ja nur ein unwissendes Kind sein kann oder mit Beleidigungen beginnst, auch immer ein Zeichen von großer Reife wie man weis.
@@roadrunnerv8651 Mir ist schon klar das das Ironie war, dennoch werden die Rohstoffe unter miesen Bedingungen gewonnen aber du sprichst dich ja frei von sowas. Und mit Beleidigen meinte ich deine allererste Reaktion auf den Originalkommentar und ja jeder macht mal Fehler...du leider ziemlich viele.
@@G31M1 The german people have the best engineers of the world. My country assignate military contracts from Brazilian Army in 30's and 40's .Artillery Krupp, Guns and more.
@@outdooradventureHungary 12 LeopardA4s have been delivered, but no A7s yet. The A4s have certainly full combat capabilities, but currently serve rather training purposes for the upcoming 44 A7s.
@@Roaden Yeah it's sickening, nobody wants Hungary to get those beauties since they are undemocratic, but KMW has to sell them since they don't want to file for bankruptcy.
@@AzUniverzumUraesParancsoloja they all go to the 25th Infantry Brigade in Tata?current the A 4 is standard in austria and much better what every other nighbour country from hungary have .I'm curious what the Hind Mi -24 will be replaced with.he will be probably replaced in a few years
@@duNkN0Wn actually not. It's more like a little show for the Nato member's. Hey guys look what we have done we called it new model. (But it's a upgrade) XD
My thoughts too at first. But tbh the Challenger 2 is a perfectly capable tank, there would be no need to switch to a whole new battle tank. But I´ve heard that Britain is planning to upgrade the Challenger 2 with the "new" Rheinmetall L/55 Cannon.
@@zoolkhan Oh and I voted for Brexit not out of any nationalistic desire but a deep dislike of the EU a corrupt and incompetent organisation that has it's own benefit as it's primary motivation far above that of it's citizens. I have no problem or issue with any European nation I've been to a few and always found the people fantastic.
@@argumasch663 Yeah. Kinda sucks when the country that made tanks doesn't do anything to modernize their mbts when back in WW1 and 2 they have millions of variations.
Just easier and cheaper to build a new AC into an existing frame than to design a new frame. And German thoroughness needs to name the one with AC differently than the base model
Rheinmetalls new Tank modell is called the "KF51 Panther" aswell. Not gonna lie it makes me pretty courious if they are going to engineer a new heavier MBT called the Tiger :D
Ich finde ihn auch ganz schick doch das Geld wäre besser angelegt, denn die Rentner müssen immernoch im Müll nach Flaschen suchen deshalb würde für mich ein neuer Panzer an letzter Stelle stehen.
@be an ass in live Für Deutschland ist es gerade nicht nötig große Summen für die Verteidigung auszugeben, das ist schon seot 2000 so. Viele vergessen das wenn Deutschland bedroht werden würde in Sachen Hard-Power (Militärisch) es A) in der Nato ist und B) die Wahrscheinlichkeit davon sehr gering ist. Deutschland würde, wenn nötig, aufrüsten. Aber das ist einfach nicht nötig.
@@niku4154 Mit anderen Worten, die anderen NATO Partner sollen gefälligst Geld ausgeben, damit du uns sicher aus dem warmen Kinderzimmer die Welt erklären kannst?
I wonder if we ever see a Leo2A7HEL contract being announced in the following years and when the pandemic situation gets more stable. Leopard ist der beste Panzer aller Zeiten, love from Greece to the Bundeswehr :)
Imagine you have an Rpg in your hand and you see that beast aiming at you in full speed while you try to estimate the movement of your rocket with the iron sights 😂. Even god cant help
Honestly seeing them move quickly is kind of unsettling. As a civilian I'm not used to seeing something so big and heavy move like that, it's uncanny in a way.
You see at 0:40 the narrator makes a fatal mistake. You never let the Kampfpanzer Leopard 2 A7V gain tactical superiority by performing a flanking maneuver in plain site- the narrator is lucky he survived.
@@M42135 you’re definitely right that a few will get destroyed or damaged or even a few dozen as the Russians will prioritize them. Here’s the thing the Ukrainians aren’t going to lob them at Russian forces without support and movement by fire with combined arms (infantry support tanks plus any IFV’s, tanks support infantry plus any IFV’s with a few drone strike/reconnaissance units or air assets to provide Close air support) rendering any potential threats to it minimal and forcing Russian air assets to target it and risk getting shot down by manpads. The Ukrainians are far more competent then the Russians and have the benefit of western training/support. They will use the shit out of these things to maximum lethality. If it means losing some or even most and regaining hundreds or even thousands of Kilometers of territory in exchange then I’d say they’ve done their job. Nothing is invincible especially ego’s.
Es ist kein Übersetzungsfehler! Metrische Pferdestärke (PS) kann man nicht 1 zu 1 in englische horsepower (HP) Übersetzen, da es zwei unterschiedliche Maßeinheiten sind (PS durch 1,014 dividieren).
Man muss es trotzdem übersetzen, weil in der englischsprachigen Welt kein Schwein eine Ahnung hat was "PS" sind. Dass ein PS nicht 100% genau ein HP ist, ist dabei völlig egal. Erstens ist der Unterschied so winzig dass er sogut wie immer völlig ignorierbar ist. Zweitens sind die angegebenen Werte sowieso nur grobe Schätzwerte, oder glaubst du jeder Leopard-Motor hat EXAKT 1500 PS? Mit anderen Worten, wenn man so genau ist dass man meint 1500 PS sind nicht 1500 HP, dann muss man auch so genau sein zu sagen dass der Panzer sowieso nicht genau 1500 hat, egal ob in PS oder HP. Einer hat 1505, der nächste nur 1495 usw.
@@TrangleC völlig irrelevant kein Land der Welt nutzt PS oder HP als offizielle Maßeinheit für Motorleistung. Die offizielle Maßeinheit ist überall KW (Kilowatt) da man diese wirklich berechnen kann und keiner weiß welche Pferderasse Grundlage der Pferdestärken ist. PS hat sich mal ein sehr findiger Kaufmann ausgedacht um Bauern vor über 100 Jahren 6 kw (ca 10 Ps) starke Traktoren zu verkaufen. Klar das der mit 6 kW nichts anfangen konnte ;) 10 PS hat der verstanden
@@fj1659 Ich sage nicht das sei gut so, aber die Leute denken auch heute noch genau so wie der Bauer vor 100 Jahren und deshalb ist PS/HP immernoch die gebräuchlichere Maßeinheit und wird demnach in Videos wie diesem benutzt. "Offiziell" ist was irrelevant ist. Offiziell ist es auch ein Schraubendreher und kein Schraubenzieher, aber ich habe noch nie jemanden ausserhalb eines Seminarraumes den offiziellen Namen benutzen gehört. Menschen machen die Sprache. Da kann sich der Amtsschímmel noch so sehr auf den Kopf stellen und die Haare raufen.
@@TrangleC ist auch wieder wahr. Mir ging es im Prinzip nur darum das es egal ist HP in PS umzurechnen, da beides Falsch ist. Ob man jetzt 36% oder 37% am Realwert vorbei schießt ist hier dann auch egal
Hätten alle Protagonisten Lederhosen getragen und ne Brezel gehalten, dann wären die Engländer etc. auch ohne Kommentator ausgekommen. Ahhhh - the Germans ! 😄
@@matthew_turkmen7482 Where are the result of those test? They literally did a test in 2019 were they compared british,german,american,russian and french tank.The only place the leo dominated was armor.Both mobility and firepower first place were took by the leclerc.
The K2 is a lot better than the Base Version of the Leopard 2. Don't know how they'd Perform against the 2A5 upwards, but considering that Poland wants to use them together, they seem to be a good Addition to each other and at least a even Match.
@@derbe8647 Ach was, mehr Geld und vorallem am den Richtigen stellen würde gut tun um auch die letzten Spaarschäden der vergangenheit zu kurieren. Danach kann mans ja wieder moderat halten, aber es ist ja kein Geheimnis dass es immernoch Probleme gibt.
Liebe Community,
ausgewählte Videos werden von uns im Nachhinein auch in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht, um Bundeswehrthemen auch Leuten zugänglich zu machen, die Deutsch nicht verstehen. Allerdings verrät ein Blick in die Beschreibung, dass es das Video bereits auf Deutsch gibt:видео.html
Beste Grüße /Tobias
Vielen Dank!
I'm glad to hear that improvements include better air-quality in those VERY hot climates for soldiers too!
Ob man da wieder einen Bierkrug Test machen kann😂
Are you the guy that talked to Red Effect? Tobias?
@@radonsider9692 Who are you talking to?
I like that they called it the A7V
Ww1 flashbacks incomming
They got to know it
We skipped several variants to name that thing the a7v but don't tell anyone
@@argumasch663 War 'n Witz Mann
German tanker back then: we use a tank called the A7V back then.
German tanker now: How weird, we actually use the same tank.
Heil Dir Im Siegerkranz can be heard from a distance.
@@Joshua_N-A "Deutschland über alles"
@@kamerad_marzuki3631 instruction unclear. Becomes Austro-Hungarian citizen instead.
Militarism and its Ideologyвидео.html
old habits die hard lol
Könntet ihr bitte den Amazon link in die Beschreibung stellen !
@@maximilianhypnose1682 so unlustig, dass du deinen eigenen Kommentar liken musstest
@@linusbosse285 kein Grund ein Arsch zu sein
Mal gucken ob die Vorjahresmodelle jetzt bei Zoll Auktion raus gehen.
Jetzt müsst ihr nur noch den "Masskrug-Test" machen;)
ich hielt das ganze ja immer für eine Urban Legend bis mir die letzten Tage das Video dazu mal vorgeschlagen wurde
Des wäre absolut geil
Eine neue Version von dem Video wäre echt der Hammer
@@outdooradventureHungary Regelungstechnik regelt, mein Freund.
Time passes but certain things never change, you Germans are damned good at making tanks, and it is something you like, and I can only approve, a greeting from Italy.
Your Ariete is also a capable tank 👍
Only Italians suck at fighting. Where's the great ancient generations from Rome. It died out I think.
@@jpm5125 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣👍✌️
And still a danger to Europe by not helping Ukraine adequately.
New Leopard-2 A7V
Germany's new main battle tank with a World War I twist!
And A7 is the official name. Actually the first A7A1 has been delivered.
We don't know what you mean.😁
yes we continue with the tradition
@@ralfweber4346 It's definitely not a coincidence, seeing as they went from A7A1 to A7V. They switched their naming scheme. Yes, the letters mean different things but nobody can tell me it wasn't an intentional choice to pay homage
@@ralfweber4346 Yes, that's what I meant. I don't believe that was a coincidence
All I can say is that our German brothers as a nation are one hell of an excellent engineering country. You guys build some of the best machines in the in the world 🇬🇧🇩🇪
maybe before, but not anymore
Considering Germany is doing everything to keep their gear out of Ukraine, I have a feeling Germany is a paper tiger and only makes gear for propaganda- like Ruzzia and China does…
brother. it wasn't long ago that our two nations bashed each other's skulls in. and if there's actually anything good about all this shit, it's the fact that we feel we're actually pretty close. and the brits in particular definitely don't have to be modest when it comes to engineering. personally, i'd like to see us finally put our vanities aside and become a serious force for good as a europe - a counterpoint to china, the usa and russia. but of course, the batty brits have ruined the party for us again #brexit ;) ... just kidding
@@markvms4377 there are always a brain afk troll like you.
@@carsonchan5102 yeah, they still build the best of the world. The Leopard A7V is seen as the best and most modern tank of the world.
Germany: This is our new Main Battle Tank
France: Uhm we still cool with each other, right?
Germany: Jawohl!
France has leclercs
I think Germans now speak arabics
@@spartanx9293 yeah but the 2a7 is superior to the leclerc
@@sgxbot How so?
@@Sone418 pretty much impossible to pen the turret. And it looks a lot nicer
Me: how many variants do you want?
Leopard 2: Yes
Could go with the t55 or centurion
German Mechanics: we are about to announce the next version after Leopard2A9
the world: ah, you gonna finally call it Leopard 3?
German Mechanics: Leopard 2.1
What about M1 Abrams?
M1A2 SEPv2
M1A2 SEPv3
@@Kalashnikov413 T-72:
@@cursedcliff7562 Skipping over command and export variants (many of these will have a "K" model which is a command tank with extra radios):
T-72 "Ural"
T-72 "Ural-1"
T-72A obr.1979g
T-72A obr.1984g
T-72B obr.1989g
T-72B obr.1990g
T-72B3 obr.2016
So lots of variants is pretty par for the course for modern tanks. Sometime during the 70's we got hull design down about as well as we were going to get it for a while and most of the developments in tank tech since then have been things that are easy to bolt on to a pre-existing hull with no need for any sort of redesign in order to implement them (things like improved fire control systems, better ammunition, better optics, and explosive reactive armor (all of which make a substantial enough difference to mean that if a company of M1s faced off against a company of M1A2 SEPv3s, the M1s would be absolutely massacred)).
Thanks for the english voice over! Though the german did help me in practicing my understanding :D
Melle, 22: Born in Austria. Trying to learn real German
@@schlimmbotg472 If it helps the Austrians it will also be helpful for the Bavarians! It would be so cool if they could answer me in German one day!
@@G31M1 better not put them with their on party in the parliame... Ohh.
At least not letting some foreign Bavarian as federal minis... Oh.. oh.
No doubt this is the best tank in the world , german engineering at it's finest.
Wrong. The russian Armata is better. It is a completely new design where the german is just an improvement of the past versions which are dating back to the mid 70s
@@tzafas2 never change a running system. The old Leopard 1 from the 70s is much different to the modern Leopard 2 tanks.
@@tzafas2 Nothing Russian is better.
German engineering is about managing foreign talent.
@@tzafas2 well that aged well lmfao. Russia getting railed hard rn :) No armata nothing, wonder why. Cuz they dont exist and are trash
0:36 lol leopard is shy of the camera. Turns left 😂
Was a turn to the east
@@_stepko_ in the leopard's perspective, leopard turns left.
I know but was a reference to the old german habit to go to the east
@@_stepko_ operation barbarossa 😂😂
Nah, the crew is on their way to Russia
Es ist einfach der geilste Panzer. Alleine das aussehen ist schon etwas perfektes
@@Peter1x2y wird ja aber an nem neuen Panzer gearbeitet, mit 130mm kannone
@@sway9725 der 2A7 soll ne 130mm bekommen in machen Varianten
@Martin Kremmel und Ausbildung der Besatzung die in russland mangelhaft sein soll
@Martin Kremmel hat mir mein Opa erzählt der in Russland war und dort irgendwas zutun hatte. Ist schon mehrere Jahre her aber er erwähnte ebenfalls das ihn die Soldaten leid taten schon für das essen was sie bekommen... hat sich sicher nicht viel geändert.
@@Peter1x2y ein Kunststück nach 30 Jahren endlich dem Leo ebenbürtig zu sein...warte ab was unser nächster Panzer wird..
Germany: constructs Leopart 2 A7 V
"V" stands for Vendetta
France: (chuckels) i am in danger
also V can mean Five (Funf) like Panzer V Panther
Should be VI :3
And we can start new tour of French...
@@agungsuryapangestu2446 Why? A7V also went to france, even a few years sooner then the VI did.
@@agungsuryapangestu2446 the Tiger was builded after the fall of France
You guys just dont get it... Hahahaa
I like how they put the deer signs on the tank road. "Did you feel zat, Hans?" "Ja, must haff been ä small bump in ze tarmac"
those roads are also used by smaller vehicles.
also, my name is not hans.
@@zoolkhan ok Khans
Love your impersonation haha
0:30 The moment you know it's over....
Hey, you're finally awake
The Leopard was always my favorite tank. A beautiful machine.
Germany: our new tank is called A7V
WW1 Veteran: wait it's still the newest?
Gaijin: "Write this shit down!"
0:38 - 0:42 when the cops are waiting for you in the bushes with speed cameras
Nice! German tanks have always been amazing.. best tanks in the world in my opinion
pffff not anymore lol
@@johnsmith-dx2ql Certainly they are the best.
The test engineer with the laptop on top of the tank while it’s moving is having the best job in the world, he would be like “weeeee big tank go fast”
Now I can comment in english :o
@@wasgeht6681 Bruh
@@wasgeht6681 dann lern es
Google übersetzter regelt
Hier kommen 62 Tonnen Einigkeit Recht und Freiheit
Laut MLC sogar fast 69 Tonnen, wird ja nicht leichter die Karre mit den ganzen neuen Bauteilen.
Thanks, Jon Snow
Jo und wenn 2022 die Leute keinen Bock mehr auf Lockdown haben kommen die 62 Tonnen auch im Inland gegen das eigene Volk zum Einsatz. :)
@Martin Kremmel aber nur weil sie noch keinen Befehl dazu erhalten haben. Die machen alles was von oben angesagt wird. Bei G20 haben sie auch Anwohner geprügelt und Tänzerinnen das Bein gebrochen statt gegen den gefährlichen Mob vor zu gehen. Weil Olaf Scholz es so wollte. Hat natürlich jeder inzwischen vergessen und die Leute finden ihn drollig... baaaah! Ein Kanzler Söder würde bestimmt Familien mit Kindern vom Platz prügeln lassen...
There's a reason I love the Leopard 2 line of tanks. It's just so beautiful. A wonderfully well designed piece of equipment, it is fast, deadly, and just looks awsome.
...and on top, now it's air conditioned..! The Afrika Korps would have LOVED it !!!
....and comfortable as well ! The air conditioning must have been a dream for the Afrika Korps Panzerdivisionen.......
@@pedrolistacarey4880 if Afrikas have that division, it would be Germany division. Just like old days....
not faster and not deadlier than anti tank missiles LOL
@@johnsmith-dx2ql Did you just laugh at yourself? Wow.. You're very easily amused.
Keeping Europe safe 👍 thanks for having an English Dub for easy communication. Respect from Ireland 🇮🇪
Hey look that’s me
You are a fearsome beauty
Damn, the new War Thunder Leopard 2 looks so realistic. Almost as if it was the new variant of the Leopard 2 itself.
please no more leopards
Great another overpowered German top tier
If they add this tank, it will break the game lmao. Can imagine what its pen could be
@@elijahwojton3524 it isnt that overpowered. A lil bit maybe, but it got a meh armor. Just powerful guns and mobility is high
@@em_ar8124 "meh armor" > it has the best armor in the game but OK
0:39 I don't know why but the Leo just going into the woods looked adorable...
yay show it to gaijin entertainment
Hey. That's illegal.
I can feel US, RU and GB main players ranting in Forums and on Reddit :P
Not again 😭
Dont you dare!! This will be premium and cost 69.696 GE!
Poland panicking right now 💀
I wonder why this has been recommended to me this day of all days 🤔
Goddamn the tank drives so smooth. Just like audi
With BMW eksterior, Mercedes Interior adi motors
Ich finde das Mutig von euch, euer Leben aufs Spiel zu setzen um uns zu Beschützen. Danke dafür :)
@@roadrunnerv8651 unsere genderkids brauchen noch ein paar Jahre um das System zu verstehen
@@roadrunnerv8651 darfst ihnen ned böse nehmen, diese naivität liegt definitiv am alter und wird sich legen mit den schlechten erfahrungen der kommenden Jahren
@@roadrunnerv8651 nenn doch bitte mal beispiele, sonst ist dein kommentar nutzlos.
@@roadrunnerv8651 Dein Handy wurde nicht auf ner Bananplantage in der dritten Welt zusammengeflickt, aber die Rohstoffe wurden da zu Tage gefördert und das unter ziemlich miesen Bedingungen. Darüber solltest du dich vielleicht mal informieren bevor du hier den großen Weisen mimst und einen auf dicke Hose machst weil du ja so erleuchtet bist und jeder der dir widerspricht ja nur ein unwissendes Kind sein kann oder mit Beleidigungen beginnst, auch immer ein Zeichen von großer Reife wie man weis.
@@roadrunnerv8651 Mir ist schon klar das das Ironie war, dennoch werden die Rohstoffe unter miesen Bedingungen gewonnen aber du sprichst dich ja frei von sowas. Und mit Beleidigen meinte ich deine allererste Reaktion auf den Originalkommentar und ja jeder macht mal Fehler...du leider ziemlich viele.
A beast!
Leopard 2s are the meanest looking modern MBTs IMO
Eh, I personally think the Eastern Bloc tanks such as the T-80 look intimidating.
correct. newer Leopard 2’s are BY FAR the most aesthetically pleasing tanks in existence.
Idk man, I love me a leopard but those british challengers look THICK
The best MBT of the world. Amazing! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Thanks my dude, as a german boi that has nothing to do with the Bundeswehr or the development of this tank I still feel complimented for some reason!
@@G31M1 The german people have the best engineers of the world. My country assignate military contracts from Brazilian Army in 30's and 40's .Artillery Krupp, Guns and more.
I think the Armata is superior.
@@idyllsend6481it's also a parade-only tank. Mainly concept vaporware.
@@bequergarcia4755 Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, eeehhhh Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian, Brazilian...
How fast and smoothly it moving ❤
Hungary also can’t help waiting for its ordered 44 pieces LeopardA7+! 👍
you not get already some?in which town are they stationed?
wtf they deliver tanks to hungary??
12 LeopardA4s have been delivered, but no A7s yet. The A4s have certainly full combat capabilities, but currently serve rather training purposes for the upcoming 44 A7s.
@@Roaden Yeah it's sickening, nobody wants Hungary to get those beauties since they are undemocratic, but KMW has to sell them since they don't want to file for bankruptcy.
@@AzUniverzumUraesParancsoloja they all go to the 25th Infantry Brigade in Tata?current the A 4 is standard in austria and much better what every other nighbour country from hungary have .I'm curious what the Hind Mi -24 will be replaced with.he will be probably replaced in a few years
Thanks for #freeleopards
@@M42135 Sure, they will be destroyed sooner or later, how Like the shells will be fired and so on.. The Leopards are the tools, tools for defense.
A7V... Back to the roots 😄
They made the video as if the tanks are purchaseable just like the new iPhones lol
It might be ? I mean selling weapons was pretty big before the iron curtain, i think it still is
@@ChuddAnon its even bigger when the walls were tore down, when ex Soviets arsenal reached terrorists
@@ramal5708 iirc only older versions are sold. the newest is only for the german military
@@duNkN0Wn Yet they sold the Revolution variant to few other countries, Revo is relatively new
@@duNkN0Wn actually not. It's more like a little show for the Nato member's. Hey guys look what we have done we called it new model. (But it's a upgrade) XD
Can't wait for Leopard 3 comes out!
I think there wont be a Leopard 3. I think that the MBT (thats the name^^) from Rheinmetall will be the new one.
@@MaugriMGER MBT is certainly not the name since that just means Main Battle Tank.
Will the next tank not be a cooperation with France?
@@roberthenze662 It is.
@@MaugriMGER the soldiers will call it leopard 3
Damn those tank turn like car.... German engineer at it finest
Jesus the speed it went flying around the turn could scare any tanker to death! that thing is a monster
Saw the Union Jack on the thumbnail and I thought UK is finally purchasing Leos for the army
nah, british ego would not survive the hit. Admitting the germans did something right would not go well with their nationalist brexit base.
Or because the British have differing requirementss it's not all about nationality.
My thoughts too at first. But tbh the Challenger 2 is a perfectly capable tank, there would be no need to switch to a whole new battle tank. But I´ve heard that Britain is planning to upgrade the Challenger 2 with the "new" Rheinmetall L/55 Cannon.
@@zoolkhan Oh and I voted for Brexit not out of any nationalistic desire but a deep dislike of the EU a corrupt and incompetent organisation that has it's own benefit as it's primary motivation far above that of it's citizens. I have no problem or issue with any European nation I've been to a few and always found the people fantastic.
The new Leopard 2 A7V is a well designed battle tank. I wish in the austrian army we could have the same instead of our old 2A4.
Just need to rejoin Germany
United again 💀
Germany never fails to put out 50 versions of an already existing tank.
But I genuinely love the improvements.
@@argumasch663 Yeah. Kinda sucks when the country that made tanks doesn't do anything to modernize their mbts when back in WW1 and 2 they have millions of variations.
Just easier and cheaper to build a new AC into an existing frame than to design a new frame. And German thoroughness needs to name the one with AC differently than the base model
Why fix what aint broke right ?😂
...Challenger 2 has had 'crew AC' and an under-armour APU for over 20 years.
Germany is the master of tanks and armed vehicles
I love when they named the most latest variant of the Leopard 2 from ths first World War tank they ever built in 1918 which is also called A7V.
Stimmt ist mir garnicht aufgefallen
Rheinmetalls new Tank modell is called the "KF51 Panther" aswell. Not gonna lie it makes me pretty courious if they are going to engineer a new heavier MBT called the Tiger :D
We also need a tank or different vehicle called Löwe.
I am amazed we don't have one.
Bitte aufpassen bei der Vorstellung, nicht das ihr den kaputt macht wir haben nur den einen fahrtüchtigen
Klassischer Chuck Norris Witz: Chuck Norris ist so hart, dass er sogar sein eigenes Gehirn aufgefressen hat! Jetzt lebt er ohne weiter!
@@carmansi8623 Gähn🥱
from an oversized lunchbox to one of the best tanks to have ever been produced
1:01 Oh 104 neue Panzer... Das ist mal ne Summe 👍
@be an ass in live das ist ziemlich viel
Ich finde ihn auch ganz schick doch das Geld wäre besser angelegt, denn die Rentner müssen immernoch im Müll nach Flaschen suchen deshalb würde für mich ein neuer Panzer an letzter Stelle stehen.
@be an ass in live Für Deutschland ist es gerade nicht nötig große Summen für die Verteidigung auszugeben, das ist schon seot 2000 so. Viele vergessen das wenn Deutschland bedroht werden würde in Sachen Hard-Power (Militärisch) es A) in der Nato ist und B) die Wahrscheinlichkeit davon sehr gering ist.
Deutschland würde, wenn nötig, aufrüsten. Aber das ist einfach nicht nötig.
@@niku4154 Mit anderen Worten, die anderen NATO Partner sollen gefälligst Geld ausgeben, damit du uns sicher aus dem warmen Kinderzimmer die Welt erklären kannst?
@@Comanderstick Wieviele Rentner kennst Du, die darauf angewiesen sind, Flaschen zu sammeln?
The "V" in Leopard 2 A7V does not stand for "verbessert /improved" it stands for "Vernichter/destroyer " :D
Top 1 tank in word 4ever !!!
So for people that don't know, the A7V was the first tank Germany had.
Wasnt it this small shitty looking Thing...idk the name anymore, smth with Sled or smth, har the form of an L, looked a bit like the british whippet.
I wonder if we ever see a Leo2A7HEL contract being announced in the following years and when the pandemic situation gets more stable.
Leopard ist der beste Panzer aller Zeiten, love from Greece to the Bundeswehr :)
Well Leopards are gonna get some real tests very soon.
not this one. a2a6 only
The Leopard 2A7V is a beautiful tank, I want it to remain operational for many more decades, and never need to be replaced.
Imagine you drive on this road and see this tank
normal near training grounds
Then you try hitch-hiking a ride home on it by pretending your car is breaking down?
That would be very epic, but luckily they have a similar behaviour on road to trucks. They even have turn signals.
@@Jan_372 You have a point.
Imagine you have an Rpg in your hand and you see that beast aiming at you in full speed while you try to estimate the movement of your rocket with the iron sights 😂. Even god cant help
The A7V lives again!
Wie jedes viedeo sehr interessant 😁🤝
Perfect commuter vehicle while being a great vehicle to park. Hitting the curb is no big deal
Honestly seeing them move quickly is kind of unsettling. As a civilian I'm not used to seeing something so big and heavy move like that, it's uncanny in a way.
Agree, but think about how much fun it would be to drive that thing so fast.
Hope Indonesia will buy this awesome tank again in the future...
You see at 0:40 the narrator makes a fatal mistake. You never let the Kampfpanzer Leopard 2 A7V gain tactical superiority by performing a flanking maneuver in plain site- the narrator is lucky he survived.
Its finaly going to defend democracy.
The United States needs to buy this tank and the PUMA!!! 🇺🇸 🇩🇪
"The A7V, with the V standing for Vergeltungswaffe"-
Britain: *chuckles* I'm in danger
more than 100 years and the german army still using the so called A7V, awesome
The A7V also fought in WW1 as Germany’s first tank.
What a good looking tank.
Ukraine has got 100 Leopard 2s from Germany and Poland! Greetings from Indonesia.
@@M42135 you’re definitely right that a few will get destroyed or damaged or even a few dozen as the Russians will prioritize them. Here’s the thing the Ukrainians aren’t going to lob them at Russian forces without support and movement by fire with combined arms (infantry support tanks plus any IFV’s, tanks support infantry plus any IFV’s with a few drone strike/reconnaissance units or air assets to provide Close air support) rendering any potential threats to it minimal and forcing Russian air assets to target it and risk getting shot down by manpads. The Ukrainians are far more competent then the Russians and have the benefit of western training/support. They will use the shit out of these things to maximum lethality. If it means losing some or even most and regaining hundreds or even thousands of Kilometers of territory in exchange then I’d say they’ve done their job. Nothing is invincible especially ego’s.
Leopard and Leclerc...favorite tanks 🦅
Best weapon. Keep it coming 😊
Are your awesome Alligators still hungry? 😉
@@relaxingsounds6168All of the Leopard that were destroyed, they had to be abandoned because they ran on mines and then were blown up by Artillery.
So this thing favours the crew. Cool
Air conditioning? The US Army could learn a few things from the Bundeswehr. Nice tank.
Let's hope this A7V will be better than last one
German army is growing strong. Keep up the good work
The best combat tank in the world.
I know now why this Tank is in hot demand.
And here we are, cheering for new German made tanks in production.
How times change...
Greeting from Czechia
Es ist kein Übersetzungsfehler! Metrische Pferdestärke (PS) kann man nicht 1 zu 1 in englische horsepower (HP) Übersetzen, da es zwei unterschiedliche Maßeinheiten sind (PS durch 1,014 dividieren).
Man muss es trotzdem übersetzen, weil in der englischsprachigen Welt kein Schwein eine Ahnung hat was "PS" sind. Dass ein PS nicht 100% genau ein HP ist, ist dabei völlig egal.
Erstens ist der Unterschied so winzig dass er sogut wie immer völlig ignorierbar ist.
Zweitens sind die angegebenen Werte sowieso nur grobe Schätzwerte, oder glaubst du jeder Leopard-Motor hat EXAKT 1500 PS?
Mit anderen Worten, wenn man so genau ist dass man meint 1500 PS sind nicht 1500 HP, dann muss man auch so genau sein zu sagen dass der Panzer sowieso nicht genau 1500 hat, egal ob in PS oder HP.
Einer hat 1505, der nächste nur 1495 usw.
@@TrangleC völlig irrelevant kein Land der Welt nutzt PS oder HP als offizielle Maßeinheit für Motorleistung. Die offizielle Maßeinheit ist überall KW (Kilowatt) da man diese wirklich berechnen kann und keiner weiß welche Pferderasse Grundlage der Pferdestärken ist. PS hat sich mal ein sehr findiger Kaufmann ausgedacht um Bauern vor über 100 Jahren 6 kw (ca 10 Ps) starke Traktoren zu verkaufen. Klar das der mit 6 kW nichts anfangen konnte ;) 10 PS hat der verstanden
@@fj1659 Ich sage nicht das sei gut so, aber die Leute denken auch heute noch genau so wie der Bauer vor 100 Jahren und deshalb ist PS/HP immernoch die gebräuchlichere Maßeinheit und wird demnach in Videos wie diesem benutzt.
"Offiziell" ist was irrelevant ist.
Offiziell ist es auch ein Schraubendreher und kein Schraubenzieher, aber ich habe noch nie jemanden ausserhalb eines Seminarraumes den offiziellen Namen benutzen gehört.
Menschen machen die Sprache. Da kann sich der Amtsschímmel noch so sehr auf den Kopf stellen und die Haare raufen.
@@TrangleC ist auch wieder wahr. Mir ging es im Prinzip nur darum das es egal ist HP in PS umzurechnen, da beides Falsch ist. Ob man jetzt 36% oder 37% am Realwert vorbei schießt ist hier dann auch egal
Beautiful machine
Hätten alle Protagonisten Lederhosen getragen und ne Brezel gehalten, dann wären die Engländer etc. auch ohne Kommentator ausgekommen. Ahhhh - the Germans ! 😄
Du hast das 🍻 vergessen
The old A7V will be proud
Feed me Russians!! - As the the tank was made he whispered. :)
ADAC Rally Germany looks sick this year. They finally introduced a new Performance Class xD
Круто засняли. Gut :D
I didnt expect this kind A7V, wait why im still here? I need to defend my country. Damn this trenches
I can't help but think these tanks are a modern and improved version of the Tigers tanks they started to make at the end of II World War.
New German tank in war thunder.
Will still be 10.7 because "longer queue time" if they make a 11.0 br.
inb4 Gaijin Please memes
Germany doesn’t need 104 new main battle tanks.
It needs a thousand.
It doesn't need a thousand, it needs two thousands.
Remember that you have 2 flanks
Great tank, best in the world. :D
@@chernobylstaline3261 how? they literally tested tanks and this one has best results...
@@matthew_turkmen7482 Where are the result of those test?
They literally did a test in 2019 were they compared british,german,american,russian and french tank.The only place the leo dominated was armor.Both mobility and firepower first place were took by the leclerc.
@@chernobylstaline3261 French troll, Leo is better then Leclerc
@@matthew_turkmen7482 Well i gave you proof and gave noone,you mock me...Not a good way to win an argument
what a beautiful tank
I love Leopard★ from South Korea🇰🇷💕🇩🇪
+ Which Tank is better?
(Leopard2 🆚 K2 Black panther)
I will choose Leopard2
@@arvedludwig3584 I greatly appreciate your kind words
The K2 is a lot better than the Base Version of the Leopard 2.
Don't know how they'd Perform against the 2A5 upwards, but considering that Poland wants to use them together, they seem to be a good Addition to each other and at least a even Match.
I can't wait to see the Leapord 3 when it comes out
"Hopefully" it won't be called Leopard 3. That would be a sign that the cooperation with France had failed. We'll see in mid 2030.
@@TedSeverin Maybe it'll be like the Eurofighter and we'll have the Europanzer
Ich liebe unsere Panzer!
Deutschland sollte nur etwas mehr in Militär investieren.
@@crad5476 nicht unbedingt mehr. Nur weniger in berater.
@@derbe8647 Ach was, mehr Geld und vorallem am den Richtigen stellen würde gut tun um auch die letzten Spaarschäden der vergangenheit zu kurieren. Danach kann mans ja wieder moderat halten, aber es ist ja kein Geheimnis dass es immernoch Probleme gibt.
wow.. this tank got her very own play ground