Being the country with the largest population in the world isn't something to be proud of. More pollution, more cramped, less opportunities & more chaos overall...
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state in India that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
The older man said everything correctly. Every single point. Also it's nice to see that the young educated people have the right mindset when it comes to population growth
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state in India that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
He was praising China's one child policy. That shows how simplistic his understanding of population control is. You should also look into it. Population decline is one of the biggest problems most developed nations face today, especially China. India's population is one of it's biggest assets. The real problem is the concentration of opportunities and facilities in big cities. This is changing rapidly, and will get much better in the coming years.
@@ShirazHansen the one child policy is not a bad idea. Chinas problem was that they would eliminate a daughter because a son is preferred. So now they are short of females same as Indias now. Eventually India will face the same problem once theyre more develop. For now India has too many uneducated poor citizens that bring 10 childs into the world.
no he didn't wtf are you on about , have you not read about the foreced sterilization ( which is illegal) that happened in the 1970's for population control ? And the problem isn't the population , the problem is majority of the people still prefer just having a job over creating jobs. India still has a lot of potential for new businesses to meet demand, IIT and IIM even after them being the top 1% of Students most of them go for jobs. Why do you think there's so much funding in start-ups right now , the big busniesses can't venture into completely new fields themselves and need people who identify oppurtunities and they are willing to invest if they are feasible. If you look at states with massive population growth it's states which are worse off and have a lot of religious conflict due to politics. They are failing at a systematic level. There's also the issue the current government is talking about changing the base year of population for Parliment Seats, which puts states who have controlled population at a disadvantage.
Well he aint wrong. So far, we have always succumb to tribalism/nationalism/ego/fear of the “other”. And he also is aware that people tend to congregate and there is actually sooooooo much land even for a couple billi. Convenience makes us all swarm together. Maybe we do need to go back to “tribalism” in terms of density minus the fear of the other etc.
@@wejsmith5446 Unless he is preparing for another stick & rock throwing war against China, there is a point where population size hardly matters and the size of the military is limited by the amount of resources and equipment available.
Love the idea you covered from the logical, sensible to illogical people. We want this kind of content. From naive & dumb to mature conversation we can see how the most people this about population. The importance of education & experience is highlighted in this videos loved that part it covered all the topics from job, opportunity, marriage & population. The discussion was broad.
Educated Old man is speaking facts. It is the uneducated poor that is boosting the Indian birth rate. Urban city and educated Indians are following behind the trends found in East Asia, but there are still so many rural Indians.
You can see the difference in answer between those educated in economy and who know basic life responsibility and those who have no knowledge of the bad impact of overpopulation and still live in the old day of ' let me leach of my family' ... yes I am looking at that guy who said he wants the whole land covered and to have as many kids as possible and how you should expect your siblings to carry you on in life.
He is a local chapri n kat_wa from some jhopadpatti for sure, these guys (along with backward n f**cked up bimaru/cow belt states of NI) are one of the biggest reasons behind India's useless population explosion.
The older man spoke straight facts. The young educated people don’t want children or one to two at most. The guy with the hat on doesn’t come off as too knowledgeable when it comes to economics and the demand on resources with so many people. He’s part of the group that keeps having children no matter what. India needs to educate their population. With increased literacy amongst a population that is so big, India can become very powerful.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Now it is coming from an Indian woman. Tons of women are FORCED into "marriages" and "pregnancies" which also resulted in high birth rate. I have seen tons of forced marriages specially of women at most cases. A lot of my own female friends accept that they will be FORCED into a marriage. I don't need to explain what kind of a mental, emotional and physical torture it is on a woman when she's FORCED into such things.
@@peteck007 it still happens with mostly women Buddy. One of my very own female friends recently got forced into a marriage. She said that herself, but she can support herself as she doesn't have a job so she can't escape the situation as well.
@@cloudscape5996 nope he wasn't. Patriotism is too much here cause politicians use that sentiment to manipulate common citizens. Especially the people who are not that educated
As a Chinese graduate student (22-years old ),I can share my view of point about this question ,but my English is not good ,so pardon me using Mandarin to answer . 0:40 - Reactions to news 我并不吃惊,因为中国现状就是年轻人不想生孩子,而印度人口本来就与中国接近,超越中国的人口很正常。 1:17 - Is this a good or bad thing? 对于印度来说,如果莫迪政府可以给新生儿提供良好的教育(就像视频中其他人所说的那样),让孩子们健康成长为新一代印度人,这将会是件好事。但是如果不对他们进行教育和健康保障,那么无知、暴力、缺少逻辑思考能力的民众将会拖累整个印度。 2:22 - Did you notice the population growing around you? 可能是因为我是受过高等教育的大学生,我周围的中国年轻人都不想生孩子。但是我认识一些从农村来的同龄人,他们只上了9年学就去工厂里打工了,他们倒是会愿意生孩子。 3:29 - How many siblings do you have? 我有一个姐姐,我是2000年出生,我姐姐是1990年出生 5:13 - How many kids do you want to have? 和视频中被采访的年轻人一样(我猜他们也是大学生),我也不想生小孩,我甚至和我的女朋友表达过这个观点。因为我认为在当今的经济条件下,我养活自己已经很困难了(在不靠父母的情况下),如果再让我养一个小孩,这简直是噩梦。因为我一旦生了小孩子,我就得买房(这将透支我未来40年的收入),以及孩子的教育医疗开支(这也得花很多钱,尤其是政府对这方面的补贴非常少),另外抚养一个孩子还会占用我的很多个人时间,我不希望孩子会拖累我的个人幸福(请原谅我的自私)
6:44 - Why did India’s population grow so much? 我不知道,但是中国出生人口减少的原因我倒是了解。因为贫富差距过大,阶层固化。年轻人生的孩子将来还得给上层人做牛马,被他们压榨。为了防止让我的后代受这份苦,我决定不让他来到这个世界。 8:22 - More competition on job market 就我所在的城市--北京而言,我今年刚毕业,还没有找到工作。我的专业是能源工程,但是在这个城市里没有我的机会。很多同龄人也是这样,疫情结束以后,工作尤其难找。现在连生存都是一个问题,我每个月的房租要2500元,其他生活开销要2000元,可是我没有收入,也就是说,我活着的每一个月都要亏损4500元。 10:13 - Should the government control its population growth? 中国政府现在巴不得求着我们生孩子,但是喊了这么多口号,却不肯拿出真金白银,反正谁爱生谁生,我是不愿意生。 12:31 - Positive Prospects of India's Young Population 印度老哥们,加油,我和你们一样,都是想过上好日子的普通中国人,我和你们没有恩怨,我不讨厌印度,虽然中国印度的政府总是会有边境冲突,但是我不关心,我也没有什么所谓的民族自豪感。当下,我只想找份工作养活自己,希望印度的经济也能好起来,这样你们政府就不会把精力花在和别的国家对抗上了。 希望两个国家的老百姓都过上好日子吧,少把注意力放在对抗和冲突上 best wish from China Beijing
Loved how you answered all the questions with such honesty. And it actually took me as a surprise that two countries with all these border issues and yet our youths have so much in common. You seem very rationale hope you do find the job you're seeking. All the best!
The worst reply was from the man who wanted to do as many children he can do and all land to be filled with people. Crazy man, I hope his opinion changes.
Being an Indian citizen it hurts me that no interviewee addressed the issue of how this humongous population is posing a great threat to the environment. We have entered 6th mass extinction phase already because of climate change . Fundamental problem being a huge population(consumer base).Today a average person produces 60 metric tonnes of carbon emission per year. This earth can't even bear one new consumer so We should bring awareness about the importance of antinatalism and veganism into our society instead of multiplying like crazy. In the times we live today ,I think, begetting is the extreme form of violence to this earth and everything on this earth.
"We have entered 6th mass extinction phase already". 'The 6th mass extinction', also known as the Holocene Extinction event started already more than 10,000 years ago and is ongoing. Humans have brought species to extinction all that time, not only in recent years. What is different now is that we're actually doing quite a lot about it. Up until about 100 years ago, there were no nature reserves, national parks, or protected areas anywhere in the world. No one cared about species going extinct. There were no animal protection efforts, no WWF, no Greenpeace. India did not have a Ministry of Environment, there was no Wildlife Institute of India, no Forest Survey of India, no protection of tigers, or elephants, or any other species. India and other countries now have a great focus on renewable energy and environmental protection. It will probably get worse before it gets better, but it will definitely get better, slowly but surely, as long as we all work together on the problems.
@@fd2r0 seriously where do you people come from? Caves? There is abundance of evidences that confirms climate change's factuality. It is real , imminent and now it looks inevitable.
Sorry nih sebelumnya, kalau di Jakarta masih banyak gak sih orang nikah muda atau bahkan nikah karena hamil duluan? (saya tinggal di kota kecil dan gak pernah menetap di kota besar)
Salah satu alasan kenapa ibukota mau dipindah ke Kalimantan, pulau Kalimantan lebih besar dari pulau Jawa tapi populasinya lebih sedikit dari pulau Jawa.
@@mydhy angka kelahiran jakarta di tahun 2020 cuma 1,75 dan terendah di Indonesia. yang bikin jakarta kelihatan banyak penduduk itu orang-orang pendatang dan orang-orang kota satelit yang kerja di jakarta.
The man with cap is totally from bihar Even his accent proves it . He should keep his ideologies in bihar and live there too rather than burdening over maharashtra.
Wow that was a really good interview I loved hearing the perspectives from young, middle and mature aged people. Very informative and I’m so proud of the young people how they’re evaluating their financial situation with family planning. Truly the previous generations did a good job raising these fine young people. The husband was so inspirational with the responsibility of men who choose to have large families being financially able to support them. The middle aged gentleman discussed the importance of having more than one sibling in the event of a family crisis or setback, knowing that another sibling can provide support. Good point on his part when considering family planning. Thanks for inquiring about the one child policy in China loved how the girls expressed the lack of brides, kidnapping, safety issues, and why sons were preferred over the daughters. Thanks for sharing ❤
The old man was HITTING THE CORE. he spoke straight facts in the most minimal words. Basically he summed up the whole situation of india and it’s alarming population growth.
Population is one of the reason west is so much interested in investing in India. Also population is the reason so many foreign RUclipsr earning from RUclips 😂😂😂😂😂
@@deepsince2002 ha bhai mai y sochti hon ki agar inkey maa baap n population k baare mai soch leeya hota tou y log woke hoke itna bakwas na kar rahe hote. India ki population matlab India k jeetey jagtey insaan = power of India
Also population is one the reason indian immigration is everywhere in the world and that's why nowadays evey race hate indian and do racism against us.
The younger generations have got their priorities straight. It's great to see such well-informed, self-aware and society conscious young adults articulating their hopes, ideas and concerns. The older generation is still being driven by fear. Although his lecture on being a responsible parent is very much on point.
You forgot to write younger Educated generation. These people hardly represent the Indian rural/uneducated population ( which contribute to the maximum population in the country). They still want >5 kids even though they have no money to have food.
The people in this interiview are from a middle class. If you go to the low classes, families marry off their daughters underaged because of a financial burden, and these girls make more babies and the cycle continues
A couple had opposing opinions. There was a misconception by the interviewed girls not knowing that the boy to girl ratio was still higher in India than that of China with the one child policy.
@@true_chels States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
@@true_chelsThe old guy said there's a huge disparity between the rich and poor. This applies to every country world-wide. Educated (science&data) vs Ignorant (&highly superstitious). Whether it's India China Europe, Japan, New Zealand the misunderstandings still exist between each individual.
As a South East Asian person, I love Indian people. I've traveled to India more time than I could count. Majority are very smart and kind. Occasionally, I get scammed by the taxi and hotel. Of course, with every poor country there are people who try to make extra money for their family. Like the old saying goes, "don't hate the player, hate the game."
@@shanmugapriyaamohan Even then majority of our people are poor . 200 million live below the poverty line and then middle class can be again divided into lower , middle and upper middle class. Our population means we have more people to feed to educate, to ensure proper health care.
@@shanmugapriyaamohanGDP doesn't indicate people are poor or not but the per capita income do and India's GDP is around 2000 dollars annually so it is not upto that mark that u can say that majority of people here are not poor,there are income disparity rich, middle and poor where the number of poor people (according to income) are the highest so I guess saying people here are poor is not totally incorrect
The real problem lies in the lack of innovation. A country must have the ability to diversify its economy and explore more alternatives to expand the income sources. For instance, establishing IT hubs decades ago has helped in paving another path of employment for the youth. India really needs to carve more models of employment in order to prevent the over competition amongst the youth in seeking jobs.
I believe that India's population growth is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it is a testament to the country's progress in healthcare and education. On the other hand, it poses significant challenges to the government in terms of providing basic amenities and employment opportunities to its citizens. India should focus on sustainable development and population control measures to ensure a better future for its people.
I would say feeding and keeping em alive isn't the big hurdle. Just getting education for so many people can be a big hurdle. But getting so much good jobs and achieving a high living standard is just not possible for so many people.
A large population is only beneficial if productivity, is high. More people means more competition for jobs which depresses wages. India also needs infrastructure to provide for all these people. Efficient national public services, Nationwide High speed rail network, nationwide cheap Internet & telecommunications etc.
All the downsides of being over-populated mentioned in the interview are basically the same as I heard when I was growing up in China. But now what? As China's population has just started to grow at a lower speed, there are voices of how terrible that situation and future are. Sorry, the over-population has always been the issue, we are just on the track of fixing that.
The issue is people are always looking at population from a short term perspective. India's population growth rate has been decreasing since the 1990s and its population will only grow for another three decades and after which it will be in decline. In fact, by the end of the century, India will lose 42 crores out of ~1.42 crores currently. So, while short term light measures to control the population is fine, it shouldnt have a long term impact(like China) and India should have some solutions to its eventual population decline.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
India's fertility rate is below 2.0 as per 2021 report Population growth rate is 0.81% Young population (0-14 ) started declining from 2010 approximately that time young population was 382 million (peak) Now young population nearly 35cr and declining rapidly... So i don't think population is increasing fast in India the thing is that those young population is becoming youth... 2011 young population share was 29% 2023 it's 25% Our problem isn't population growth which isn't growing fast actually Our problem is population development Thank you for the beautiful videos from West Bengal 🇮🇳
True. These news channels aren't actually reading the numbers. They just following headlines. Actually our population is plateauing. Some states have gone below the replacement rate.
@@dontbeafraidimhere5421 West Bengal is having one of lowest fertility rate 1.6 even lower than Kerala. Kolkata population is declining from many years.. What do you mean by West Bengal???? Study first
People need to live in a moderate population country to realize its blessings. Most people in subcontinent still have agricultural DNA (more kids = more hands in fields). Big mindset shift needs to be driven at government levels.
Yes. I know the US has alot of problems but one of the main things I like about the US is that there is so much space. I can drive like 15-30 mins outside of the city and be completely alone in nature.
Rural fertility rate in India is already at replacement level. In most states, rural fertility rate is already below replacement level. Population control would be more harmful than beneficial. Government should instead work to reduce inequality, improve working conditions, and expand access to quality services such as education.
@@BalsamowiecmirraStates with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Hindus considers fertility is a sign of prosperity and babies will one day look u and ur business. How do u build a dynasty ? U need a lot of blood relatives.
@@gha9543enough with this nonsense own blood mentality. Go adopt children if you want. There's already tons left. An orphan would still provide for you if you raise them well
One of the major reason India is still in positive GDP growth after the pandemic is the domestic demand which directly relates to the population. In a world of free market population is a boon for India let alone the demographic dividend advantage we have. Obviously dense population complicates things but I believe any country will trade a growing population over a shrinking population for the sake of economy alone.
Mere Economic Growth by consuming low end and mid end products doesnt get any revenue benefits for the Govt. Also, India lacks real talent in the world..That consumption led growth in the beginnin itself is the biggest impediment for any talent to occur and is doomed to fail..China doesnt have that many problems india has except with the low birth rates due to high quality education and a developing per capita income. Once, It reached the Moderately Developed Per Capita, along with the consumption growth in China, this will have the biggest positive impact on the population leading to Marriages under 30 and having two-3 children per family..Although I am not irrationally optimist but I believe we can push for new societal changes due to tje efforts made by our predecessors...Today China leads in many areas and will lead in other areas as well. India neither has Academic Talent nor Athletics or even Culturally, It doesnt produce enough quality content unlike Japan, Korea or even China in Asia..Let alone the American and A Few European Countries Cultural Products....even Latin America shines in their cultural talent i.e New Dance Genres and Africans as well...
The man said people should give birth only if they could afford to take care of the children. However, the fact is people have children hoping their children could take care when they are old. Poorer people overstretched their resources on more kids so that at least 1 will survive to take care of them. Richer people focus their resources on lesser kids so that at least 1 will succeed to take care of them.
The problem is that many do not stop at 2 kids, if they have 2 girls they try for a boy even if they are poor. Till there is no law to limit to 2 it is impossible to control the population soon. Sex education is taboo they don't use proper contraceptives, many men before marriage don't know about periods so they keep popping out more babies. Also most women in India are SAHM, 20% female employability rate near lowest in the world, most women don't have a say and are not empowered to know.
The difference I see. Those who are English educated and speak well know the pros and cons pretty well of an increasing popn. The only guy who didn't speak English (and wanting as many as possible), presumably not college-educated lacks the holistic understanding of those more educated, which is reflective of the mindsets of those in rural areas who are contributing to the population boom. Those with fewer siblings like one or two tend to be from wealthier, more highly educated backgrounds as can be seen here. So assuming it's the lowly educated from the rural areas who are contributing to the population boom in India, then there are unlikely to have the resources to nurture these kids to increase the quality of the future workforce. Also bear in mind things are moving up the value chain, with a lot of manufacturing jobs being automated by the robots, so if there is no labour intensive industries to absorb an increasing popn, this itself can be a crisis.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt
9:30 Interesting that NEET is an entrance exam in India, in other parts of Asia we recognise it as Not in Employment, Education or Training Kinda coincidentally showing how competitive education is in India, even NEETs are educated lol
NEET is basically synonymous to hikikomori lifestyle, where young men (and women) secluded themselves away from society, and live in their house never going outside. Also this is also commonly found in India too. I know a guy who got out of education, and since then he didn't find job nor he had that drive to try more. He's now, housebond barely going outside, watch tv all day, virgin too, and 29 years old.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt
I think that the girl who recognized that there are both benefits and problems to population growth had the most balanced response. Large populations can be an incredible boon in terms of innovation, productivity, labor and wealth generation. However, they also come with serious challenges that need to be properly addressed. If you manage a population boom in the right way, it can really help a country grow. But you do have to put those people to work in a way that maximizes their potential, because if you just make them a dependent with nothing to contribute they become as burden on the society rather than a benefit to it.
India's population is still growing because of population momentum. According to recent data, India is already below replacement level. Because of this, the population will eventually decline sooner or later. I believe that the decline will begin sooner than current projections similar to other countries, whose populations have declined earlier than expected.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
As a muslim indian, the cap guy surely muslim because I have seen similar in my village. Those guys just keep breeding without doing any proper upbringing.
😂 , let me tell you something I have a muslim friend and you don't believe he has 16 siblings including him 😂😂 . And I have this sterotype that muslims are responsible for world's population growth 😂
China. Education rate is high High in tech Less in poverty % Employement is stable Innovative Ambitious thinkers for country Development nation developed brains .
Majority of the population still lacks in education, basic amenities , with unemployment and commodity prices shooting sky high combined with an uneducated government this is only going to add to the misery.
Even though India has the highest population in the world, the fertility growth rate has been constantly decreasing and now it is below 2.1% which is the baseline for population increase. The next few decades are going to be difficult in managing population but after that it will start falling. With globally population rate falling, Indias population is its asset because in a few decades only us and a few other countries will have enough working population to grow the economy. The population debate is now over in India. That being said, still lot if education is needed so that people have children responsibly.
@@santhoshv3028States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Quality of children & family planning is important than quantity even china/Hong kong ,Singapore,south korea,Japan & Taiwan have large aging population & low birthrate even cost of living, uncertaineconomic,career,education & social changing trendly but population will increased either decline with different stage in future
@@JM_TusheEvery country has both positive and negative sides's upto you on which part you're focusing. And many Indian knows very well about the propaganda that is going on against Indians ... majority of European and western channel+ many Asian channels cover only negative sides and promote stereotypes with their biased and half knowledge.
As an African indians are very innovative people and most stay in their country why should it be a problem if they can manage it so well like they're doing now
Yeah and also stop scamming everyone earn a honest living and those in poorer districts of India stop prostituting your young daughters just to earn money kids shouldn't be put through that there already is enough rapists that go unpunished in India every day let alone their own parents pimping them out for money let kids be kids and you parents get a proper job and take care of you're kids like a parent is supposed to do
The thing is India has more than enough land to accomodate the population. But we need to understand that having a huge population means we have to scale up investment in public infrastructure as well as spacialy distribute and widen our city development programs in accordance with the population growth. We are not addressing and focusing on rural economy and development as well as developing more cities from scratch and that's why out cities are getting overcrowded as well as creating extreme natural resource stressed pockets. If we leave out financially lower tier people as is, it's going to only drag our economy down. So we have to invest massively more in public education as well as public trade schools. That's one thing that China did well that we can and must emulate. We need a lot of government run trade and industrial training schools close to industrial cities within commute distance from villages. People in villages don't really want to leave and struggle in expensive cities. Give them opportunities for developing skills closer to their home as well as employment opportunities closer to them. Pushing low income families from rural less expensive areas where they have a home and land, into highly expensive cities for a living only pushes them further down into financial insecurity. Rural economy, rural development and massive diverse public education opportunities is what we should be focusing on. Digital fintech and cheap internet connectivity has already laid a stable fundation for us to actualize this. We just has to get into the building aspect. If we want to turn this huge young population into an asset, we have to invest in honing them into a resource with diverse skillset and sustain them.
It simply means 1) we need more good quality electric buses 2) better and faster trains 3) better healthcare because of more old people 4) better govt schools and colleges. I absolutely agree with focus on villages. Villages are getting empty...give them opportunities so that they don't have to live in overcrowded cities
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Attention attention I would like to present you an overly proud south Indian and he or she is going to start a north vs south debate so have your seat and enjoy the show🎉
@@aqualord6285 he is just putting some facts. North and central part of India is much behind in education to south India and thus is a populated region of India.
Being the most populous country is a liability. but India's obsession of overtaking China in everything is bearing fruit especially in population but it comes with a fatal twist...give it another 10 years from now India will have a food crisis and high unemployment issues that may threaten the stability of the Government and India.. India has to tread very carefully and plan their destiny according to their own ability rather than being obsessed with jealousy and envy on China's success.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
We don't have a desire of beating only china , we want to beat even US someday 😅. That's not jealousy or envy, that's because these two are ahead of us, and we want to reach the top 😅
Most Indians whether in India or abroad Don't care about China at all We we have our own issues in our country Most of us are engrossed in our political affairs Secondly Recently India had its Successfull Chandrayaan 3 Moon Mission Became first country in World to explore Southern lunar surface of Moon So we are progressing
@@srishti8870 You dont have to go far to dispute this Wion... Vantage Palki...Gravitas.. Hindustan TImes... All these Channels are anti China ... You dont find any articles in China bad mouthing India...There is a saying. When you want something said ask India and when you want something done ask China...Anyway congrats to India on the moon landing ..
India surpassed China's population by default. It's not because of India's growth. India has actually shown a decline in growth rate. 1.9 kids per 2 people. It's because of China's 1 child policy and young Chinese not wanting to have kids.
Cracking any competitive exam in india is a ACHIEVEMENT mainly govt exam due to overpopulation 😢 I am sacred we Indian's are not far from resources shortage we will surely face this.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021) 1) Bihar - 18.16% 2) Jharkhand - 16.71% 3) Haryana - 16.71% 4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35% 5) Rajasthan - 15.54% 6) Gujarat - 15.49% 7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 % 8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11% 9) Uttrakhand - 13.02% 10) Assam - 12.16% States with the lowest growth rate 1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03% 2) Kerala - 6.27% 3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30% 4) West Bengal - 7.37% 5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80% 6) Punjab - 8.40% 7) Odisha - 8.40% 8) Telangana - 8.56% 9) Karnataka - 9.66% 10) Goa - 9.70% Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
The girls pair and the older uncle were making sense in this. The girls were at least partially aware of the situation and the uncle was aware that the cons outweigh the pro's for this.
Bro we also have fools. I am pretty sure if more interviews were taken, you would find more fools too. At the moment we have more fertility rates in uneducated states. Me as an Indian wish the population comes under control especially automation and AI will take away the need to have large human resources.
Hi, There is an increase in fertility rate in certain states of India. The states are 2-3 in number and contribute to the Highest poverty ratio in terms of population whereas the remaining 23 states have a Total fertility rate of Less than 2.
It's also very interesting to see so many diverse views on the one-child policy. It's not only about whether the government has the power to enforce it but also about Indian people's family bonding and concerns about gender equality. However, from what I see one-child policy on China's gender equality, it actually helps people to accept girls more and see them the same as boys because China has also banned revealing the gender of fetuses therefore the parents can only accept who he or she is. And human trafficking issue? China has that all along that in some rural areas it's acceptable to see women as tradable objects either through marriage or not.
Actually India also has a ban on reveiling neonatal gender. But it's something very easy to overstep. Some briding and the ultrasound technicians will reveal it. So instead India focused on issues that makes people prefer boys over girls. Indian government has scholarships for people who has a single girl child, it would not only incentivice them to have that child but would also be a reason to not have anymore kids, as it will only be available for a child without siblings. That is apart from many other incentives for girls' education. Right now thankfully India has attained normalized gender ratio or having more females than men
'it's acceptable to see women as tradable objects either through marriage or not.' I think nowadays, that kind of case and including kidnapping brides etc are all in the past, people are more and more educated and the law is strict on human trafficker. The trend I see right now is rural Chinese men go to south east Asia and other countries too I think (mostly because they are working there) and they find brides; even just from Indonesia, I see quite a lot of Indonesian ladies married rural Chinese men and go to China (many of those ladies are making vlog and showing their life there); those ladies are treated very well by the parents-in-law because they know it's not easy for their son to find bride.
Funfact : Most states in India are at replacement rate of birth of 2 baby per family or some states which negative growth. Except for U.P and bihar which is 3 to 4 births. In short population is not growing as fast as before and is about to decline. Next population boom is from Africa.
There is huge difference in opinions of people living in metrocity like mumbai and some random town in India If possible try to cover opinions about people from towns too
India's current birth rate is only 0.1% above the recommended for sustainable population, the growth phase was in the past, now you are seeing it reach the plateau,
The old uncle answer is so accurate and in india actually ppl had 5-6 kids in old days now hindus have 2-3 kids while muslim have 10kids i guess uncle wants to mention them too ..we all indians know the reason why And the worst part is gov is doing nothing to stop population Also 2:44 this man thinks so different I don't know why hes not even concerned
India is not like USA , in USA there is not a very high difference between salaries in tire1 and tire 3 cities , plus you can support yourself if you loose job with part time jobs . Mumbai Station is 10 times more crowded than NY subway stations .
@@jasonmiller3011 how does salaries matter in a station being more crowded...All tier 1 thru 3 travel through train...I doubt if you can support yourself,cuz ppp...Here things are cheaper so you can support your life here too...10 times more crowded cuz it is a bigger country
@@yoman6367You don't understand. The more the station is crowded, the more are the number of people working there. Look at the posh areas of Mumbai- Andheri, Mulund, Kurla... soo many come there because there's jobs (minus Kurla because it's the junction. Us Trans-Harbour line folks have to drop off at Kurla to change trains) with high salaries. Tier3 cities don't provide you much ngl
What an enlightening video not only about the overpopulation but also of the state of the young people's mindset. Half of them don't know what they're being asked.
Please don't implement the one-child policy that China did. It's cruel and brought other serious problems they're still dealing with. Education and providing incentives is the key.
Being the country with the largest population in the world isn't something to be proud of. More pollution, more cramped, less opportunities & more chaos overall...
Also a huge demand for ressources in general.
and it generates more carbon emissions
@@shrimaliom Yeah although you could argue that they are (still) not emitting that much for their size.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state in India that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Two child policy needs to be implemented
The older man said everything correctly. Every single point. Also it's nice to see that the young educated people have the right mindset when it comes to population growth
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state in India that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
He was praising China's one child policy. That shows how simplistic his understanding of population control is. You should also look into it. Population decline is one of the biggest problems most developed nations face today, especially China. India's population is one of it's biggest assets. The real problem is the concentration of opportunities and facilities in big cities. This is changing rapidly, and will get much better in the coming years.
LMAO...He praised one child policy which is a disaster for China and even they have realised it.
@@ShirazHansen the one child policy is not a bad idea. Chinas problem was that they would eliminate a daughter because a son is preferred. So now they are short of females same as Indias now. Eventually India will face the same problem once theyre more develop. For now India has too many uneducated poor citizens that bring 10 childs into the world.
no he didn't wtf are you on about , have you not read about the foreced sterilization ( which is illegal) that happened in the 1970's for population control ?
And the problem isn't the population , the problem is majority of the people still prefer just having a job over creating jobs.
India still has a lot of potential for new businesses to meet demand, IIT and IIM even after them being the top 1% of Students most of them go for jobs.
Why do you think there's so much funding in start-ups right now , the big busniesses can't venture into completely new fields themselves and need people who identify oppurtunities and they are willing to invest if they are feasible.
If you look at states with massive population growth it's states which are worse off and have a lot of religious conflict due to politics.
They are failing at a systematic level.
There's also the issue the current government is talking about changing the base year of population for Parliment Seats, which puts states who have controlled population at a disadvantage.
That man telling we should fill this country with kids was irritating me so much.......shows why education is important
He is the kind who doesn't pay tax and live on government subsidies
he is muslim thats why
@@msdolly6101981 Yup that's true.
He sounds uneducated by the way he is talking.
Madrassa Education
Out of all the Indian langauges that old man could speak, he chose to speak straight FACTS
“Because if there was a war, we'd have many soldiers” 😂
It was pain hearing that ngl, wish he was joking
Well he aint wrong. So far, we have always succumb to tribalism/nationalism/ego/fear of the “other”.
And he also is aware that people tend to congregate and there is actually sooooooo much land even for a couple billi.
Convenience makes us all swarm together.
Maybe we do need to go back to “tribalism” in terms of density minus the fear of the other etc.
@@wejsmith5446 Unless he is preparing for another stick & rock throwing war against China, there is a point where population size hardly matters and the size of the military is limited by the amount of resources and equipment available.
This is not something to underestimate .
Man , their patriotism is in every nook and corner of people.
Although rational, I wish humans weren't reduced into tools for rich men's wars
Love the idea you covered from the logical, sensible to illogical people. We want this kind of content. From naive & dumb to mature conversation we can see how the most people this about population. The importance of education & experience is highlighted in this videos loved that part it covered all the topics from job, opportunity, marriage & population. The discussion was broad.
Yes, it's a good sampling. Quite frankly I see the standard bell curve in all opinions these days.
The interview also proved the stereotypes right. The Muslim guy wanted the most kids, that too for war (most probably Gazwa e Hind).
Educated Old man is speaking facts. It is the uneducated poor that is boosting the Indian birth rate. Urban city and educated Indians are following behind the trends found in East Asia, but there are still so many rural Indians.
State with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
The population explosion is mostly happening in the Hindi belt
Not all, but some of India's problem's would become tamer if my state (Bihar) and Uttar Pradesh were bombed into oblivion
Literally most of them in my class hate east asia except japan
@@srinivasashree0000can you stop bringing North vs South angle in every frigging topic?
@@jugeullae9950rhene de bhen nhi do Stalin jaise chutiye ko vote kaise milenge
You can see the difference in answer between those educated in economy and who know basic life responsibility and those who have no knowledge of the bad impact of overpopulation and still live in the old day of ' let me leach of my family' ... yes I am looking at that guy who said he wants the whole land covered and to have as many kids as possible and how you should expect your siblings to carry you on in life.
Educated are more useless than a common man these days
What more u expect from them.
That's the kind who get everything free from government.
He was 💯 from one community 😂
@@ankushKM77 'them' ?
Japan, South Korea, China to their populations: "Please give birth, guys."
India to its people: "Can you just have a few children each family?"
nah, india's fertility rate is already 2.1
*Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
@@hars771 2.0 (2021)
bihar and uttar pradesh is what sustaining population otherwise India would have been below 2.1 long ago@@sudhirghosh_
@@hars771 ya UP and Bihar produce 34% of total annual birth
The man with the cap is delusional
he is drunk it would be more funny if you know hindi
Uski community bhi delusional hai 🤣🫴
He is a local chapri n kat_wa from some jhopadpatti for sure, these guys (along with backward n f**cked up bimaru/cow belt states of NI) are one of the biggest reasons behind India's useless population explosion.
he belongs to pissfool community 😂
He is not delusional, He is a Muslim. He said he is happy with number of kids Allah gives.
The older man spoke straight facts. The young educated people don’t want children or one to two at most. The guy with the hat on doesn’t come off as too knowledgeable when it comes to economics and the demand on resources with so many people. He’s part of the group that keeps having children no matter what.
India needs to educate their population. With increased literacy amongst a population that is so big, India can become very powerful.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Yes that guy with hat is a Muslim
that person is muslim and every muslim mindset is same
@@srinivasashree0000so what do you want to say?
Now it is coming from an Indian woman. Tons of women are FORCED into "marriages" and "pregnancies" which also resulted in high birth rate. I have seen tons of forced marriages specially of women at most cases. A lot of my own female friends accept that they will be FORCED into a marriage. I don't need to explain what kind of a mental, emotional and physical torture it is on a woman when she's FORCED into such things.
Old-school thinking. I feel bad for them.
Probably much more common 30 years ago. Nowadays, it isn't that case.
@@peteck007 it still happens with mostly women Buddy. One of my very own female friends recently got forced into a marriage. She said that herself, but she can support herself as she doesn't have a job so she can't escape the situation as well.
@@frenzybuzz3703 what state? Or city?
@@peteck007 I am Bihari from ethnicity and I live in the Eastern part of India.
4:31 this man is speaking straight up facts
Common sense, it drives my mind crazy how there are people who can't understand this simple fact.
1:23 also
@@hanslimbersmith5018 LMFAOO i really hope he was trolling,
Doesn'T this just mean, you are not allowed to have kids if you are poor or stupid ?
@@cloudscape5996 nope he wasn't. Patriotism is too much here cause politicians use that sentiment to manipulate common citizens. Especially the people who are not that educated
As a Chinese graduate student (22-years old ),I can share my view of point about this question ,but my English is not good ,so pardon me using Mandarin to answer .
0:40 - Reactions to news
1:17 - Is this a good or bad thing?
2:22 - Did you notice the population growing around you?
3:29 - How many siblings do you have?
5:13 - How many kids do you want to have?
6:44 - Why did India’s population grow so much?
8:22 - More competition on job market
10:13 - Should the government control its population growth?
12:31 - Positive Prospects of India's Young Population
best wish from China Beijing
Loved how you answered all the questions with such honesty. And it actually took me as a surprise that two countries with all these border issues and yet our youths have so much in common. You seem very rationale hope you do find the job you're seeking. All the best!
👍🏻 nice
Loved your response. It shows its only the politicians who are creating conflicts
एक तार्किक टिप्पणी करने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद 🙏।
The worst reply was from the man who wanted to do as many children he can do and all land to be filled with people.
Crazy man, I hope his opinion changes.
He was muslim .. 70% Indian muslims are like that …
Less brain…
@@sneha6652if he were, then the most nationalist man in all of India is a Muslim guy rn
@@doit2810 Either way the point still stands. Their religion preaches becoming a majority through population change.
@@doit2810once their population increases then India will become like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Lebanon
@@sneha6652arre bhakt tum yaha😂😂😂
Being an Indian citizen it hurts me that no interviewee addressed the issue of how this humongous population is posing a great threat to the environment. We have entered 6th mass extinction phase already because of climate change . Fundamental problem being a huge population(consumer base).Today a average person produces 60 metric tonnes of carbon emission per year. This earth can't even bear one new consumer so We should bring awareness about the importance of antinatalism and veganism into our society instead of multiplying like crazy. In the times we live today ,I think, begetting is the extreme form of violence to this earth and everything on this earth.
"We have entered 6th mass extinction phase already".
'The 6th mass extinction', also known as the Holocene Extinction event started already more than 10,000 years ago and is ongoing. Humans have brought species to extinction all that time, not only in recent years. What is different now is that we're actually doing quite a lot about it. Up until about 100 years ago, there were no nature reserves, national parks, or protected areas anywhere in the world. No one cared about species going extinct. There were no animal protection efforts, no WWF, no Greenpeace. India did not have a Ministry of Environment, there was no Wildlife Institute of India, no Forest Survey of India, no protection of tigers, or elephants, or any other species.
India and other countries now have a great focus on renewable energy and environmental protection. It will probably get worse before it gets better, but it will definitely get better, slowly but surely, as long as we all work together on the problems.
Learn from frieza ma friend
climate change is a hoax this earth have lived for millions of years
@@fd2r0 seriously where do you people come from? Caves? There is abundance of evidences that confirms climate change's factuality. It is real , imminent and now it looks inevitable.
As an Indonesian I can relate, Jakarta is so overpopulated
They say India, China, Indonesia etc are conservative countries. I say b.s. they love to f*** 😂😂😂
Sorry nih sebelumnya, kalau di Jakarta masih banyak gak sih orang nikah muda atau bahkan nikah karena hamil duluan?
(saya tinggal di kota kecil dan gak pernah menetap di kota besar)
Salah satu alasan kenapa ibukota mau dipindah ke Kalimantan, pulau Kalimantan lebih besar dari pulau Jawa tapi populasinya lebih sedikit dari pulau Jawa.
@@mydhy angka kelahiran jakarta di tahun 2020 cuma 1,75 dan terendah di Indonesia. yang bikin jakarta kelihatan banyak penduduk itu orang-orang pendatang dan orang-orang kota satelit yang kerja di jakarta.
The man with cap is totally from bihar
Even his accent proves it .
He should keep his ideologies in bihar and live there too rather than burdening over maharashtra.
Yes the population explosion is mostly happening in the Hindi belt
He is a Muslim also.
you guys like killing muslims so much, even in 21 century, 2020 in dehli
, crazy man@@mexicanmomo
Andh Namazi + Bihari : worst combo possible
He is not from Bihar. He is a Muslim chapri Urdu speaker
Wow that was a really good interview I loved hearing the perspectives from young, middle and mature aged people. Very informative and I’m so proud of the young people how they’re evaluating their financial situation with family planning. Truly the previous generations did a good job raising these fine young people. The husband was so inspirational with the responsibility of men who choose to have large families being financially able to support them. The middle aged gentleman discussed the importance of having more than one sibling in the event of a family crisis or setback, knowing that another sibling can provide support. Good point on his part when considering family planning. Thanks for inquiring about the one child policy in China loved how the girls expressed the lack of brides, kidnapping, safety issues, and why sons were preferred over the daughters. Thanks for sharing ❤
The old grandpa stated absolute proper facts and what we are suffering from.
The girl talking about assets and liabilities is pretty balanced in her thinking. That's kind of extraordinary.
The old man was HITTING THE CORE. he spoke straight facts in the most minimal words. Basically he summed up the whole situation of india and it’s alarming population growth.
Population is one of the reason west is so much interested in investing in India. Also population is the reason so many foreign RUclipsr earning from RUclips 😂😂😂😂😂
@@deepsince2002 ha bhai mai y sochti hon ki agar inkey maa baap n population k baare mai soch leeya hota tou y log woke hoke itna bakwas na kar rahe hote. India ki population matlab India k jeetey jagtey insaan = power of India
Also population is one the reason indian immigration is everywhere in the world and that's why nowadays evey race hate indian and do racism against us.
but population needs to be sustainable!
The younger generations have got their priorities straight. It's great to see such well-informed, self-aware and society conscious young adults articulating their hopes, ideas and concerns.
The older generation is still being driven by fear. Although his lecture on being a responsible parent is very much on point.
You forgot to write younger Educated generation. These people hardly represent the Indian rural/uneducated population ( which contribute to the maximum population in the country). They still want >5 kids even though they have no money to have food.
The people in this interiview are from a middle class. If you go to the low classes, families marry off their daughters underaged because of a financial burden, and these girls make more babies and the cycle continues
A couple had opposing opinions. There was a misconception by the interviewed girls not knowing that the boy to girl ratio was still higher in India than that of China with the one child policy.
@@true_chels States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
@@true_chelsThe old guy said there's a huge disparity between the rich and poor.
This applies to every country world-wide. Educated (science&data) vs Ignorant (&highly superstitious). Whether it's India China Europe, Japan, New Zealand the misunderstandings still exist between each individual.
As a South East Asian person, I love Indian people. I've traveled to India more time than I could count. Majority are very smart and kind. Occasionally, I get scammed by the taxi and hotel. Of course, with every poor country there are people who try to make extra money for their family. Like the old saying goes, "don't hate the player, hate the game."
We are not poor country check ur fact first we are fifth largest economy country
@@shanmugapriyaamohan Even then majority of our people are poor . 200 million live below the poverty line and then middle class can be again divided into lower , middle and upper middle class. Our population means we have more people to feed to educate, to ensure proper health care.
@@shanmugapriyaamohanGDP doesn't indicate people are poor or not but the per capita income do and India's GDP is around 2000 dollars annually so it is not upto that mark that u can say that majority of people here are not poor,there are income disparity rich, middle and poor where the number of poor people (according to income) are the highest so I guess saying people here are poor is not totally incorrect
@@shanmugapriyaamohan another brainless bihari
The real problem lies in the lack of innovation.
A country must have the ability to diversify its economy and explore more alternatives to expand the income sources. For instance, establishing IT hubs decades ago has helped in paving another path of employment for the youth.
India really needs to carve more models of employment in order to prevent the over competition amongst the youth in seeking jobs.
Problem is with complete ignorance from Rural people
I believe that India's population growth is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it is a testament to the country's progress in healthcare and education. On the other hand, it poses significant challenges to the government in terms of providing basic amenities and employment opportunities to its citizens. India should focus on sustainable development and population control measures to ensure a better future for its people.
India's population growth rate is 0.81% only population is mostly growing in uttar pradesh and Bihar...
Here we're facing aging population issue
I would say feeding and keeping em alive isn't the big hurdle.
Just getting education for so many people can be a big hurdle.
But getting so much good jobs and achieving a high living standard is just not possible for so many people.
Top 5 states with highest population fertility rates in India
1) Bihar - 3.0
2) Meghalaya - 2.9
3) Uttarpradesh - 2.4
4) Jharkhand - 2.3
5) Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh - 2.0
State with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
The population explosion is mostly happening in the Hindi belt.
India’s TFR is 2.1. They’re good for now
india is such an interesting country! thanks for the video
Being single in world's most populated country is like nothing short to hell 🥲😂
A large population is only beneficial if productivity, is high. More people means more competition for jobs which depresses wages. India also needs infrastructure to provide for all these people. Efficient national public services, Nationwide High speed rail network, nationwide cheap Internet & telecommunications etc.
I’m happy to see that people like me do exist who don’t want to have children….thanks for this video!!
3:50 that grand parent having 10 to 12 sibling is true my father has 3 brother 4 sisters
i guess that is common in asia during world war and boomer era.
🇺🇦my dude said “if there’s a war we’d have people to go die”~_ more people more suffering can’t overlook that fact-still ❤India🙏🏾
All the downsides of being over-populated mentioned in the interview are basically the same as I heard when I was growing up in China. But now what? As China's population has just started to grow at a lower speed, there are voices of how terrible that situation and future are. Sorry, the over-population has always been the issue, we are just on the track of fixing that.
Moderation is required in everything. China overdid it with one child policy
没错 人多是一个问题 但中国的问题是生育率掉的太快了
that one guy certainly stuck in the past 😅
Sure , feels very disappointed.
Of course he is a Muslim
Only that guy? 🧐
Which one? The cap guy?
The issue is people are always looking at population from a short term perspective. India's population growth rate has been decreasing since the 1990s and its population will only grow for another three decades and after which it will be in decline. In fact, by the end of the century, India will lose 42 crores out of ~1.42 crores currently.
So, while short term light measures to control the population is fine, it shouldnt have a long term impact(like China) and India should have some solutions to its eventual population decline.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Indian population growth is already around the replacement level of 2.1. So that's not the problem, problem is the jobless growth of the economy.
That is called fertility rate not population growth rate
Population growth rate is 0.81% in 2023
Fertility rate 2.0 children per women (2021)
everything is problem in india
State with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
The population explosion is happening mostly in the Hindi belt
Eventually the global population will peak and then start declining. Some countries are already declining at a rapid rate!
India's fertility rate is below 2.0 as per 2021 report
Population growth rate is 0.81%
Young population (0-14 ) started declining from 2010 approximately that time young population was 382 million (peak)
Now young population nearly 35cr and declining rapidly...
So i don't think population is increasing fast in India the thing is that those young population is becoming youth...
2011 young population share was 29%
2023 it's 25%
Our problem isn't population growth which isn't growing fast actually
Our problem is population development
Thank you for the beautiful videos from West Bengal 🇮🇳
True. These news channels aren't actually reading the numbers. They just following headlines. Actually our population is plateauing. Some states have gone below the replacement rate.
West Bengal is having one of lowest fertility rate 1.6 even lower than Kerala.
Kolkata population is declining from many years..
What do you mean by West Bengal????
Study first
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Can you add more detail to “population development”?
People need to live in a moderate population country to realize its blessings. Most people in subcontinent still have agricultural DNA (more kids = more hands in fields). Big mindset shift needs to be driven at government levels.
Yes. I know the US has alot of problems but one of the main things I like about the US is that there is so much space.
I can drive like 15-30 mins outside of the city and be completely alone in nature.
you realize most space is designated to AGRICULTURE and national parks(aka not destroying all nature )@@sushmag4297
Rural fertility rate in India is already at replacement level. In most states, rural fertility rate is already below replacement level. Population control would be more harmful than beneficial. Government should instead work to reduce inequality, improve working conditions, and expand access to quality services such as education.
@@BalsamowiecmirraStates with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
@@Balsamowiecmirrahow 2 child policy can be harmful?
The population explosion in India is mostly happening in Hindi states and the main reason for this is illiteracy in those states
Hindus considers fertility is a sign of prosperity and babies will one day look u and ur business. How do u build a dynasty ? U need a lot of blood relatives.
@@gha9543people when they won't find opportunities in villages would come to cities and overcrowd it .
@@gha9543 "bache allah ki den hote he "😂😂
@@gha9543enough with this nonsense own blood mentality. Go adopt children if you want. There's already tons left. An orphan would still provide for you if you raise them well
@@kdjoshi726 They often have many wives and sons and grandsons and step sons..etc
One of the major reason India is still in positive GDP growth after the pandemic is the domestic demand which directly relates to the population. In a world of free market population is a boon for India let alone the demographic dividend advantage we have. Obviously dense population complicates things but I believe any country will trade a growing population over a shrinking population for the sake of economy alone.
Mere Economic Growth by consuming low end and mid end products doesnt get any revenue benefits for the Govt. Also, India lacks real talent in the world..That consumption led growth in the beginnin itself is the biggest impediment for any talent to occur and is doomed to fail..China doesnt have that many problems india has except with the low birth rates due to high quality education and a developing per capita income. Once, It reached the Moderately Developed Per Capita, along with the consumption growth in China, this will have the biggest positive impact on the population leading to Marriages under 30 and having two-3 children per family..Although I am not irrationally optimist but I believe we can push for new societal changes due to tje efforts made by our predecessors...Today China leads in many areas and will lead in other areas as well. India neither has Academic Talent nor Athletics or even Culturally, It doesnt produce enough quality content unlike Japan, Korea or even China in Asia..Let alone the American and A Few European Countries Cultural Products....even Latin America shines in their cultural talent i.e New Dance Genres and Africans as well...
1:00 these guys just nailed it! 💯😂
Thanks it’s me and my friend xD
Why tf they r laughing 😂
@@yashkaware6780 lol found you on LinkedIn
@@yashkaware6780well you guys gave good answers
The man said people should give birth only if they could afford to take care of the children. However, the fact is people have children hoping their children could take care when they are old. Poorer people overstretched their resources on more kids so that at least 1 will survive to take care of them. Richer people focus their resources on lesser kids so that at least 1 will succeed to take care of them.
Being productive is more important than being populous.
The problem is that many do not stop at 2 kids, if they have 2 girls they try for a boy even if they are poor. Till there is no law to limit to 2 it is impossible to control the population soon. Sex education is taboo they don't use proper contraceptives, many men before marriage don't know about periods so they keep popping out more babies. Also most women in India are SAHM, 20% female employability rate near lowest in the world, most women don't have a say and are not empowered to know.
The younger generation gives me hope ❤
Imagine being an introvert in Mumbai...
The difference I see. Those who are English educated and speak well know the pros and cons pretty well of an increasing popn. The only guy who didn't speak English (and wanting as many as possible), presumably not college-educated lacks the holistic understanding of those more educated, which is reflective of the mindsets of those in rural areas who are contributing to the population boom. Those with fewer siblings like one or two tend to be from wealthier, more highly educated backgrounds as can be seen here. So assuming it's the lowly educated from the rural areas who are contributing to the population boom in India, then there are unlikely to have the resources to nurture these kids to increase the quality of the future workforce. Also bear in mind things are moving up the value chain, with a lot of manufacturing jobs being automated by the robots, so if there is no labour intensive industries to absorb an increasing popn, this itself can be a crisis.
India should train their youth to be entrepreneurs. This may probably increase the job opportunities for the increased population in the long run.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt
@@srinivasashree0000 why are you spamming everywhere
But majority of their parents are not allowing to do that
9:30 Interesting that NEET is an entrance exam in India, in other parts of Asia we recognise it as Not in Employment, Education or Training
Kinda coincidentally showing how competitive education is in India, even NEETs are educated lol
It’s the most competitive exam in india to get into a Med school
NEET is basically synonymous to hikikomori lifestyle, where young men (and women) secluded themselves away from society, and live in their house never going outside.
Also this is also commonly found in India too. I know a guy who got out of education, and since then he didn't find job nor he had that drive to try more. He's now, housebond barely going outside, watch tv all day, virgin too, and 29 years old.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt
@@srinivasashree0000kitna spam karega be chutiye
Nahi hoga popular
@@peteck007and sad fact is that people glamorize this! They think cracking NEET & JEE will land them a good job. Well no buddy
Why don't they ask such questions in villages .
Must ask this question in UP Bihar
The old man spoke every single word correct!
I think that the girl who recognized that there are both benefits and problems to population growth had the most balanced response. Large populations can be an incredible boon in terms of innovation, productivity, labor and wealth generation. However, they also come with serious challenges that need to be properly addressed. If you manage a population boom in the right way, it can really help a country grow. But you do have to put those people to work in a way that maximizes their potential, because if you just make them a dependent with nothing to contribute they become as burden on the society rather than a benefit to it.
The older man literally shared the widest words!!
u should ask the muslims how many childs they have u will get your answer...😂😂
That cap guy is one lol
India's population is still growing because of population momentum. According to recent data, India is already below replacement level. Because of this, the population will eventually decline sooner or later. I believe that the decline will begin sooner than current projections similar to other countries, whose populations have declined earlier than expected.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Yes, with our massive brain drain problem, it's going to come sooner than anyone and it's going to be real bad
As a muslim indian, the cap guy surely muslim because I have seen similar in my village. Those guys just keep breeding without doing any proper upbringing.
😂 , let me tell you something I have a muslim friend and you don't believe he has 16 siblings including him 😂😂 .
And I have this sterotype that muslims are responsible for world's population growth 😂
@@Êíøw57Bruh I have a muslim friend. Including her, they have total 9 children💀 and somehow all of them are toppers-
If you're muslim... why are you calling another Muslim 'those guys'? Nakaab utaar bhakt
India is not all about Mumbai
Top 5 states with highest population fertility rates in India
1) Bihar - 3.0
2) Meghalaya - 2.9
3) Uttarpradesh - 2.4
4) Jharkhand - 2.3
5) Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh - 2.0
@@dontbeafraidimhere5421 fact
Bihar needs to distribute free condoms@@dontbeafraidimhere5421
Education rate is high
High in tech
Less in poverty %
Employement is stable
Ambitious thinkers for country
Development nation developed brains .
Unemployment is huge in china 😂
@@gameworld9989Only among the youth and the Chinese government actually counts part time work as "unemployed" which greatly inflates the numbers.
We want more video with question ask in Indian languages........... ✋
Majority of the population still lacks in education, basic amenities , with unemployment and commodity prices shooting sky high combined with an uneducated government this is only going to add to the misery.
Majority? Bhaisahab... data padho jaake. Haha
Even though India has the highest population in the world, the fertility growth rate has been constantly decreasing and now it is below 2.1% which is the baseline for population increase. The next few decades are going to be difficult in managing population but after that it will start falling. With globally population rate falling, Indias population is its asset because in a few decades only us and a few other countries will have enough working population to grow the economy.
The population debate is now over in India. That being said, still lot if education is needed so that people have children responsibly.
Top 5 states with highest population fertility rates in India
1) Bihar - 3.0
2) Meghalaya - 2.9
3) Uttarpradesh - 2.4
4) Jharkhand - 2.3
5) Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh - 2.0
@@dontbeafraidimhere5421what are you trying to say? Say it clearly.
@@santhoshv3028States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
There is no point in asking random people about population sice most of them don't know any statistics. India's TFR is already below 2.1
Quality of children & family planning is important than quantity even china/Hong kong ,Singapore,south korea,Japan & Taiwan have large aging population & low birthrate even cost of living, uncertaineconomic,career,education & social changing trendly but population will increased either decline with different stage in future
Why is asian boss only covering negatives about india?? I have been observing this for a while now
They're run by Christian missionaries.
Are you saying that there are positives???? Wild.
Whether it is negative or positive, this is reality
@@JM_TusheEvery country has both positive and negative sides's upto you on which part you're focusing. And many Indian knows very well about the propaganda that is going on against Indians ... majority of European and western channel+ many Asian channels cover only negative sides and promote stereotypes with their biased and half knowledge.
Whats there positive about india
We are a bully n a liability to the world
There's nothing wrong with a large population, what's important is that the government plans around and for the said population explosion.
As an African indians are very innovative people and most stay in their country why should it be a problem if they can manage it so well like they're doing now
Dear India,
Please learn to use condoms.
No it's Fine😂
@@Darius01091 % of Indian population determine to take revenge on Britishers😂 it's Good
@@Darius0109 Young people here are not even interested in marriage. So I don't see the reason.
Yeah and also stop scamming everyone earn a honest living and those in poorer districts of India stop prostituting your young daughters just to earn money kids shouldn't be put through that there already is enough rapists that go unpunished in India every day let alone their own parents pimping them out for money let kids be kids and you parents get a proper job and take care of you're kids like a parent is supposed to do
Dear westerners, stop oversexualising yourselves
The thing is India has more than enough land to accomodate the population. But we need to understand that having a huge population means we have to scale up investment in public infrastructure as well as spacialy distribute and widen our city development programs in accordance with the population growth. We are not addressing and focusing on rural economy and development as well as developing more cities from scratch and that's why out cities are getting overcrowded as well as creating extreme natural resource stressed pockets. If we leave out financially lower tier people as is, it's going to only drag our economy down. So we have to invest massively more in public education as well as public trade schools. That's one thing that China did well that we can and must emulate. We need a lot of government run trade and industrial training schools close to industrial cities within commute distance from villages. People in villages don't really want to leave and struggle in expensive cities. Give them opportunities for developing skills closer to their home as well as employment opportunities closer to them. Pushing low income families from rural less expensive areas where they have a home and land, into highly expensive cities for a living only pushes them further down into financial insecurity.
Rural economy, rural development and massive diverse public education opportunities is what we should be focusing on. Digital fintech and cheap internet connectivity has already laid a stable fundation for us to actualize this. We just has to get into the building aspect.
If we want to turn this huge young population into an asset, we have to invest in honing them into a resource with diverse skillset and sustain them.
That's what the Government is doing but the problem is with complete ignorance of village people
It simply means 1) we need more good quality electric buses 2) better and faster trains 3) better healthcare because of more old people 4) better govt schools and colleges. I absolutely agree with focus on villages. Villages are getting empty...give them opportunities so that they don't have to live in overcrowded cities
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
Attention attention I would like to present you an overly proud south Indian and he or she is going to start a north vs south debate so have your seat and enjoy the show🎉
@@aqualord6285 does he said anything wrong details?
@@aqualord6285 he is just putting some facts. North and central part of India is much behind in education to south India and thus is a populated region of India.
@@aqualord6285 What he said is not a lie because population explosion has increased in Hindi belt
@@aqualord6285 Yes we must exclude the truth! I didn't tell a lie and if you can't digest the truth then it's your fault
Population is controlled in many states of India and the largest population explosion is in the Hindi belt
Being the most populous country is a liability. but India's obsession of overtaking China in everything is bearing fruit especially in population but it comes with a fatal twist...give it another 10 years from now India will have a food crisis and high unemployment issues that may threaten the stability of the Government and India.. India has to tread very carefully and plan their destiny according to their own ability rather than being obsessed with jealousy and envy on China's success.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
We don't have a desire of beating only china , we want to beat even US someday 😅. That's not jealousy or envy, that's because these two are ahead of us, and we want to reach the top 😅
Most Indians whether in India or abroad Don't care about China at all We we have our own issues in our country Most of us are engrossed in our political affairs Secondly Recently India had its Successfull Chandrayaan 3 Moon Mission Became first country in World to explore Southern lunar surface of Moon So we are progressing
@@srishti8870 You dont have to go far to dispute this Wion... Vantage Palki...Gravitas.. Hindustan TImes...
All these Channels are anti China ... You dont find any articles in China bad mouthing India...There is a saying. When you want something said ask India and when you want something done ask China...Anyway congrats to India on the moon landing ..
Unemployment issue has been there since the 90s ngl
India surpassed China's population by default.
It's not because of India's growth. India has actually shown a decline in growth rate. 1.9 kids per 2 people.
It's because of China's 1 child policy and young Chinese not wanting to have kids.
Honestly our country is always full of people the only difference between then and now is the improvement of infrastructure.
Cracking any competitive exam in india is a ACHIEVEMENT mainly govt exam due to overpopulation 😢
I am sacred we Indian's are not far from resources shortage we will surely face this.
States with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
Among the population booming states in India are 8 Hindi belt states and Himachal Pradesh is the only Hindi belt state that is controlling population! This means that the non-Hindi states control the population and the biggest population explosion is happening in the Hindi belt.
@@srinivasashree0000u will cry if we solve these population control
I love Indian food
The girls pair and the older uncle were making sense in this. The girls were at least partially aware of the situation and the uncle was aware that the cons outweigh the pro's for this.
As Indonesian myself honestly regarding to education i think Indonesia must learn from India.
Bro we also have fools. I am pretty sure if more interviews were taken, you would find more fools too. At the moment we have more fertility rates in uneducated states. Me as an Indian wish the population comes under control especially automation and AI will take away the need to have large human resources.
Hi, There is an increase in fertility rate in certain states of India. The states are 2-3 in number and contribute to the Highest poverty ratio in terms of population whereas the remaining 23 states have a Total fertility rate of Less than 2.
It's also very interesting to see so many diverse views on the one-child policy. It's not only about whether the government has the power to enforce it but also about Indian people's family bonding and concerns about gender equality. However, from what I see one-child policy on China's gender equality, it actually helps people to accept girls more and see them the same as boys because China has also banned revealing the gender of fetuses therefore the parents can only accept who he or she is. And human trafficking issue? China has that all along that in some rural areas it's acceptable to see women as tradable objects either through marriage or not.
Actually India also has a ban on reveiling neonatal gender. But it's something very easy to overstep. Some briding and the ultrasound technicians will reveal it. So instead India focused on issues that makes people prefer boys over girls. Indian government has scholarships for people who has a single girl child, it would not only incentivice them to have that child but would also be a reason to not have anymore kids, as it will only be available for a child without siblings. That is apart from many other incentives for girls' education. Right now thankfully India has attained normalized gender ratio or having more females than men
'it's acceptable to see women as tradable objects either through marriage or not.' I think nowadays, that kind of case and including kidnapping brides etc are all in the past, people are more and more educated and the law is strict on human trafficker. The trend I see right now is rural Chinese men go to south east Asia and other countries too I think (mostly because they are working there) and they find brides; even just from Indonesia, I see quite a lot of Indonesian ladies married rural Chinese men and go to China (many of those ladies are making vlog and showing their life there); those ladies are treated very well by the parents-in-law because they know it's not easy for their son to find bride.
State with highest population growth rate (2011 to 2021)
1) Bihar - 18.16%
2) Jharkhand - 16.71%
3) Haryana - 16.71%
4) Madhya Pradesh - 16.35%
5) Rajasthan - 15.54%
6) Gujarat - 15.49%
7) Chhattisgarh - 15.49 %
8) Uttar Pradesh - 15.11%
9) Uttrakhand - 13.02%
10) Assam - 12.16%
@@luzyphilomena6174 States with the lowest growth rate
1) Tamil Nadu - 6.03%
2) Kerala - 6.27%
3) Andhra Pradesh - 6.30%
4) West Bengal - 7.37%
5) Himachal Pradesh - 7.80%
6) Punjab - 8.40%
7) Odisha - 8.40%
8) Telangana - 8.56%
9) Karnataka - 9.66%
10) Goa - 9.70%
That uncle
Paisa nahin to kya huh
Bachho ki factory khollunga , aag to nahi par bachhe ki fauj laga dunga
Too many Indians in Canada too
The girl who gave neet, her way of explaining things is amazing specially how imp sex education is
the reaction at 0:55 was so synonymous it almost looked staged ahahahha
Funfact : Most states in India are at replacement rate of birth of 2 baby per family or some states which negative growth.
Except for U.P and bihar which is 3 to 4 births.
In short population is not growing as fast as before and is about to decline.
Next population boom is from Africa.
There is huge difference in opinions of people living in metrocity like mumbai and some random town in India
If possible try to cover opinions about people from towns too
India's current birth rate is only 0.1% above the recommended for sustainable population, the growth phase was in the past, now you are seeing it reach the plateau,
It's not above actually. It's 0.1% below the sustainable fertility rate of at 2.0%
@@aleenaprasannan2146 I thinking current rate is 2.1%
I like how that uncle with his wife beside him he is so open minded….He think the same like me😊
India is also facing a demographic collapse, that of its middle class. Becoming similar to the movie Idiocracy.
The old uncle answer is so accurate and in india actually ppl had 5-6 kids in old days now hindus have 2-3 kids while muslim have 10kids i guess uncle wants to mention them too ..we all indians know the reason why
And the worst part is gov is doing nothing to stop population
Also 2:44 this man thinks so different I don't know why hes not even concerned
average hateful bindu liar lmao
muslim fertility rate is 2.4
then how tf they have 10 children
In USA 250M people NY station is crowded af....It doesnt matter if population is less or more...It depends on population density
India is not like USA , in USA there is not a very high difference between salaries in tire1 and tire 3 cities , plus you can support yourself if you loose job with part time jobs . Mumbai Station is 10 times more crowded than NY subway stations .
@@jasonmiller3011 how does salaries matter in a station being more crowded...All tier 1 thru 3 travel through train...I doubt if you can support yourself,cuz ppp...Here things are cheaper so you can support your life here too...10 times more crowded cuz it is a bigger country
@@yoman6367You don't understand. The more the station is crowded, the more are the number of people working there. Look at the posh areas of Mumbai- Andheri, Mulund, Kurla... soo many come there because there's jobs (minus Kurla because it's the junction. Us Trans-Harbour line folks have to drop off at Kurla to change trains) with high salaries. Tier3 cities don't provide you much ngl
@@kdjoshi726 lol true
What an enlightening video not only about the overpopulation but also of the state of the young people's mindset. Half of them don't know what they're being asked.
i am the guy in the pink tee😂, please let me know what do you guys think about my views
I agree with a lot of what you said. You answered sensibly 👍
it was very good i would have not able to speak if some random person come with camera to film my views 😂
Finally a video that covers all types of regular Indians and not just SOBO and high class people.
4:38 is the real guy
Love that old man and pink tshirt los Angeles guy🎉
As a Korean, the quality of life of each individual is more important than just having a large population.
Please don't implement the one-child policy that China did. It's cruel and brought other serious problems they're still dealing with. Education and providing incentives is the key.