Why couldn't God just forgive us?

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Excerpt from the message "He Was Numbered Among the Transgressors" at Liberty Hill Baptist Church.

Комментарии • 55

  • @mattrrhodes
    @mattrrhodes 4 года назад +1

    Love the window analogy. Going in my toolkit!

  • @t.k.2836
    @t.k.2836 4 года назад +1

    That was actually very well explanation

  • @davehorton1486
    @davehorton1486 6 месяцев назад +1

    God is Perfect and can not Look upon Sins. So he loved us so much , he sent his Son to Pay off our Debt of Sin. God is the Author of the Plan, Jesus initiated the Plan at the Cross, The Holy Spirit is the revealer of the Plan. The Plan? the Gospel of Salvation, God gave us a Way out of our Dilemma, and His Son was the Answer.

  • @MichaelGustavsonArchitect
    @MichaelGustavsonArchitect Месяц назад +1

    Why do we owe God a debt?

    • @PastorMarc
      @PastorMarc  Месяц назад

      Because of our sin. We took His gift of life and we have abused and misused it. Like in the example of the broken window in the video, we have "broken" God's creation. Our selfish hearts and the suffering we cause. Those who cause a damage have the responsibility to repair it. But we can't.
      Likewise, God being the sovereign Creator, we owe Him our worship and obedience, which we have not given.

    • @MichaelGustavsonArchitect
      @MichaelGustavsonArchitect Месяц назад

      @@PastorMarc If God made us, then isn't it his fault that we "broke" his creation?

    • @PastorMarc
      @PastorMarc  Месяц назад

      How so?

    • @MichaelGustavsonArchitect
      @MichaelGustavsonArchitect Месяц назад

      @@PastorMarc Huh?

    • @PastorMarc
      @PastorMarc  Месяц назад

      How would it be God's fault?

  • @edgarmorales4476
    @edgarmorales4476 3 года назад

    From the standpoint of God, redemption is not necessary; everyone is already forgiven from on high.
    Jesus' teachings on forgiveness is about forgiving ourselves and others, so that we can move on and not remain stuck in a pain of the past.
    Jesus did not come to redeem humanity from Satan, that would required Jesus to annihilate Satan; who is perfectly designed to do what he does.
    Even if Satan could be annihilated, Jesus would not annihilate what God created.
    Jesus came to teach humanity how to free themselves, to teach humanity how to conquer Satan and return to Love.
    Satan, through the voice in our head, tempts us to go against our divine nature; to go against Love.
    Satan, through the voice in our head, tempts us to act selfishly and short-sightedly to do what is in his self-interest; rather than what is best for the whole to which we are intimately and inextricably connected.
    When we go against the whole and harm others, we also harm ourselves.
    Sin is like hitting ourselves, because we also suffer when we cause others to suffer.
    This is one of humanity's primary lessons. Which is why: do unto others as you would have them do unto you, work so well as a guideline.

    • @PastorMarc
      @PastorMarc  3 года назад

      Undoubtedly, there is a lot in the teachings of Jesus about the need to forgive between human beings, but where do you get the idea that "redemption is not necessary; everyone is already forgiven from on high"? The Bible seems to be pretty clear on our need to be forgiven by God.

    • @edgarmorales4476
      @edgarmorales4476 3 года назад

      The teaching of original sin is a lie from Satan, that is how Satan leaves us feeling ashamed and divorced from our divine nature.
      This is one more way Satan disavows our divine nature and fortifies our carnal nature.
      Again, there is no original sin! We are not innately bad, but the opposite; we are innately good.
      It is Satan that causes us to see ourselves separate, lacking, and at odds with life and others; at odds with Love, so we behave badly.
      But we are not bad! We are just mistaken, we just misunderstand life.

    • @PastorMarc
      @PastorMarc  3 года назад +1

      The term "Original Sin" covers a variety of doctrinal views, so I am not sure what you mean by that. Regardless, the Bible (and the overwhelming testimony of history and human experience) is pretty clear that mankind is indeed inherently selfish and prideful (ie. bad). The Bible describes mankind as rebels and enemies of God. That our hearts are deceitful and wicked.
      Cruelty, rape, murder, genocide, greed, .... these are the common universal state of mankind throughout history. From the Nazi concentration camps to the Soviet Gulags to the Massacre of Nanjing by Imperial Japanese to Genocidal Warlords in Africa. It's been true all throughout human history. Child Sacrifice. Cannibalism. Slavery. Rape. Torture.
      The depravity of mankind is so undeniably demonstrable that any worldview that denies it must be rejected. And the Bible makes perfect sense of it in that mankind has rebelled against our creator and needed Christ to save us. To deny the sinfulness of mankind is to deny the Gospel.

    • @edgarmorales4476
      @edgarmorales4476 3 года назад +2

      Even though God is behind creation, that doesn't mean that God is behind everything that happens within creation.
      Since certain creations, such as ourselves, have been given free will and are capable of being creators in our own right; including creating suffering for ourselves and others.
      This particular misunderstanding, that God is causing our suffering and perhaps punishing us, is one of the most dangerous misunderstanding promoted by religious teachers; for how can we become free from suffering if we don't understand what's causing it?
      As long as we believe that lie, we will blame God or others, or our circumstances for our suffering and not see that we are the ones responsible for our suffering.
      Our mistaken thinking, and the negative emotions and negative actions that flow from our thoughts causes our suffering.
      Depending on what we choose to believe, and how we choose to respond to life; we create more Love in the world or the opposite.
      When we choose to express the opposite of Love or cause harm, it is not God that is at fault.
      God gifted us with the freedom to choose and to create, and we eventually learn from our choices to be better creators; to create happiness instead of suffering, and it is suffering that teaches us this; suffering points us away from what is anti-life, anti-Love.
      Our own personal suffering is the so-called "punishment" we receive when we make choices that are not aligned with Love; that is the only "punishment," if we will, meted out by God.
      We are designed to suffer whenever we miss the mark, which is the meaning of sin; the mark, the target or goal, is Love. We suffer whenever we fall out of alignment with Love.
      Suffering and joy are part of the guidance system we've been given; the homing device, which when followed, will bring us back home to Love.
      Suffering tells us that we are believing a lie or taking a wrong direction; while joy tells us the opposite.
      If we don't want to suffer, then we must stop believing and doing what causes us and others suffering; and start believing and doing what brings peace, Love and joy.

    • @PastorMarc
      @PastorMarc  3 года назад

      Yes. AND ...
      You did a good job of describing an aspect of existence, and one facet of the truth about our sinfulness.
      Of course God is not creating our suffering. The suffering we experience in this life is of our own making, individually or corporately.
      But what you describe is not the whole story. The Bible is crystal clear that those who choose the lie or choose the wrong direction will be judged and will not "inherit the Kingdom."
      All of mankind has gone astray and embraces lies and wicked deeds that lead to suffering and away from peace, love, and joy.
      The bible describes two Kingdoms: The Kingdom of God (peace love and joy), and the illegitimate Kingdom of Man (lies, misdeeds and suffering). The day will come that The True King will put an end to the lies and misdeeds and suffering, and those who have not repented and followed Jesus into the Kingdom of God will be judged.