We love you all. Please Like & Comment on this video for The Algorithm and spread this Sarde further! 00:00 - Intro to Dayekh and Kaouk 01:48 - Al Akhbar campaign against Hussein Kaouk 09:05 - When the duo faced the author of the Al Akhbar article 13:40 - How did their community react to the comedy sketches? 15:22 - How the duo met and how they started: Theatre 21:20 - How were the characters of Ali Ali Alawiyeh and Abu Hmed created? 24:02 - Stigma around being an artist in the Muslim community 30:01 - Power dynamic and support of Dayekh’s parents 33:10 - Were the two ever attacked in their living areas? 40:48 - Radicalized Shia may be more dangerous to Hezbollah than Israel 45:00 - Simplicity vs. Poverty (While shooting their movie in Ouzai) 48:21 - The sickness of commercial films 56:00 - Classism exists in all parts of society 59:37 - How Dayekh helps Kaouk in his comedic sketches 01:03:52 - “Democratization” of comedy through social media 01:06:08 - Muslims do not have the right to rent houses in Hadath 01:10:59 - Stereotyping and political-correctness 01:15:56 - Dayekh’s play “La3alla w 3asa” You can support us on Patreon.com/sardeafterdinner
Welcome back Sarde, and we wish you and your guests a healthy and safe 2022. Another successful year to come; we are proud of you. From our town of (-40celcius)
@@sardeafterdinner thanks dears. Maybe we should send the freezing 🥶 to the leaders' tribesmen like GB and his father in law, Nasrallah, Berry, Makati, and the list goes on! This will freeze their brains and return your rights alive.
Please give hussein kaouk his own episode because he seems like such an interesting and deserving gentleman. He's also an incredibly talented actor! And he sounds like he has a lot he wants to say and he didn't get much of a chance with mohammad around.
@@gilbertfarah7110 mafi shakk eno mohammad is very cultured and very aware and very impressive But hussein is cool too and you should watch his comedy special with awk.word
I am an American Lebanese trying to improve my language skills and this is such a blessing - great, interesting interviews and perfect subtitles. Thank you so much
These 2 guys here are real artists . Really guys well done for everything you're doing. Can't describe how brave you guys are. And of course very talented. Bless you both
I am not Lebanese but i've been to lebanon in 2017 I find these Sarde's so interesting to watch and to understand the Lebanese mainstream.. Good job guys
I found this podcast by mistake. I must have been living under a rock! I was glued to the screen. Fantastic, informative, hilarious, sensitive.. I am an Australian born Lebanese male… thank you thank you thank you for this. I will share and spread the word on your brilliant product.
Amazing sarde!! I enjoyed every moment of the podcast, and I am truly glad that there are people like Hussein and mhmd are being given the chance to explain their point of view (thx to Medea and Mou3in), such people with this spirit will change the country that's how I feel.
Bravo Sarde, another notch to your belt 👌🏻 شو بحب انكم كشعب بتحكوا عن الطائفية بشكل طبيعي و سهل و بلاد كاملة بسياسيينها و فنانيها و activists ما بتتجرأ تلمح ل هالموضوع ، بتتصرف و كأنه مو موجود رغم انه متأصل بتفكيرنا و محدد كل حركتنا … واكيد ضيفينكم عم يعملوا عمل ريادي بهالموضوع تحية الهم و ل " الست زينب " 😄 يلي بسبب مقالها ضوت على شغلهم للناس يلي متلي ما كانو بيعرفوهم.
دايخ وقاووق حبايب قلبي! شكرا ميديا و معين انكن استضفتوهن.. أنا سوري عشت بلبنان سنتين ل 2019 برمت وتعلمت بكل لبنان بس ما دعست بالضاحية من كتر ما في خوف حواليا. بتمنى تنضف عقولنا كلنا بهالشرق المعتر لحتى تنضف بلادنا الجميلة، كل التوفيق جميعا وكل الدعم انتو كتير عم تفيدونا ❤️
من اول ما بلّشت احضر و صرت شيّك اديش بعد فيها الحلقة و قول انشاء الله ما تخلص 😍 انا متغرّب صرلي ١٤ سنة ، بس احضر الشباب بيحسسوني انو بعدني عايش بلبنان و الحي تبعنا . Hats off للبرنامج اللي ما بقفي حلقة و شكرا للشباب اللي عنجد بيضحكونا من قلبنا
صرلي ٦ ساعات بحضر مقابلاتكم و اكم سكتش … بعد ما حضرت صدفة مقابلة مع الصحفية زينب اللي كتبت عنكم المقال… قبل ما كنت اعرفكم.. بس بسبب هالمقال صرت اعرفكم اكتر و احبكم اكتر.. و بهاي الحلقة، اول مرة بشوف محمد مرتاح و مش anxious … واضح قديه مسترسل بالحكي و مرتاح بعكس اي مقابلة عملها… مبدعين
I'm loving all your episodes, specially that I live in the States since 10 years now, you keep me connected to what's really going on back home in Lebanon. I also like to add about renting apartments and religion. We are Muslims but my sister is married to a Christian guy, they bought a house in Bsaba بسابا but the municipality refused to register the house in both their names. They refused to register the property in my sister's name because she's Muslim even if she's married to a Christian. It's pathetic. Keep the good work, we love you
انا عشت بالضاحية 4سنين ك غريب والله الناس طيبة وبس بدها تعيش وبتحب تعيش واخر همها السياسة تحياتي للجميع حلقة رائعة #الكوثراني انشالله يرجع لبنان احلا سوري مهاجر
أحسن ما قاله محمد هو نقطة سياسة الإنتظار أن يعيش الإنسان على أمل قدوم المخلّص فالشيعة ينتظرون المهدي والمسيحيين ينتظرون المسيح وبعض المحسوبين على السنة كأحزاب المتأسليمن كالإخونج والقواعد والدواعش ينتظرون المهدي أيضاً وكل ذلك هراء وكذب وليس له أساس في أصول الدين المسيحي والدين الإسلامي ولكن كيف تستطيع سرقة أتباع الديانة الفلانية إن لم تخترع مثل هذه القصص التي تعطل أفكارهم ويستمروت متعلّقين بقدوم المخلّص الوهمي الإنسان لا يحتاج لغيره ليخلصه من مأسيه ومصائبه هو يحتاج أن يكون شجاع ويغير تفكيره للإيجابية ويتخذ القرارات عن نفسه ويتحمل كل التبعات ومهما حصل من عثرات يجب أن يواصل حتى يصل في أي لحظة
قديش بتكون فهمان الوضع بلبنان بعد هالسردة بتتوضحلك أمور ما بتكون منتبهلا !!! و صحيحة كتير ! الدايخ و القاووق و المقدم و المقدمة اشخاص كتير لبنانيين، كتير حلوين 👍🏻👍🏻
@@mazentiger5440 when this episode reach a míllion views, you'll watch the Sarde with al Kawtharany. This episode will definitely reach more than a mill.
Shout out from bangkok thailand, love what ur doing and how ur bringing all these young fresh lebanes blood of artists, actors, and whatevrelse yall are doing its all great as a lebanese male living abroad it feels nice seeing someone portray the image of the lebanon i know and love the one that sort of mirrors me in all its diversity and culture and lifestyle. Mad respect keep it going!
ألف تحية للشباب المثقف الحر البعيد كل البعد عن الدين والتقوقع . الشعب إن أصبح من لونٍ واحد .. الأفضل له الإحتراق . ك.ه الإنسان ككل الكائنات بدون تنوع تحترق 😢
fourth time I re-watch this. hilarious duo yet so many important issues discussed! everytime I watch it again I realize I missed something ! well done you guys !
I was a bit skeptical when I started listening but I listened it to all of it! Really different point of views translating the reality of our various lebanese communities! Bravo Sarde! Keep it up!
High ratings on awkward members…see a good trend!! Love the work…these 2 gentlemen are supernatural…love this one ☝️…sarde is becoming interesting, Subscribed!!
Beautiful Episode I am very proud of Mohammad’s & Hussein's Minds, but especially mohammad because we are from the same village and the same environment the eposide was amazing great job all of yoy guys and would love to watch more eposides and would love to come and talk freely
جدي حكالي قصة حدثت في قرى جنوب العراق في بداية القرن العشرين اجاهم مبشرين من الكنيسة الكاثوليكية و عرضوا على اهل القرية دينار اذا صاروا مسيحيين، فالقرية تقريباً كلهم صاروا مسيحيين و اخذوا الدينار. قرر المسؤول عن الحملة ان يزور هذه المنطقة المباركة. اجى المسؤول و بدأ بالقاء كلمة عن معجزات يسوع فقال "يسوع ارجع البصر لمن كان اعمى" فاجابه الجمهور "اللهم صل على محمد و ااااااااااال محمد".
Guyz hal podcasts mukhifin kel wehde ahla mn l tene the whole concept of sarde is a brilliant idea. Now can we take a moment to appreciate the translation/sub 3anjad chatour great job
Un épisode révélateur et riche. Le vidéo nous montre que la jeunesse chiite au Liban est pleine de potentiel, malgré les obstacles du passé comme du présent.
I m a huge fan of Sarde. Love everything you do to make the Lebanese like each other more. Demystifying the Dahyeh is a highlight 🙏🏼👍🏼More empathy and less judgement on each other, this is what we need!. On a more constructive point of view the sectarian narrative here while funny felt heavier than usual . It’s all about tte Shia the Christians the Sunnis as if the confession defined us more than anything else … the whole country is dying because of sectarianism. We would love you to always steer the debate in a secular direction. Also wish we heard more Médéa and Hussein today. Hussein seems to be such an amazing soul, more sensitive and less extrovert, wish he was allowed to express himself for longer. Anyway, Love you all and keep up the great work. Thank you 🙏🏼
A looooooooooot of respect to all of you. I really love the vibe and how down to earth all of you all. I hope a lot of people understand the way we should think and free our mind from propagandas. Great show love you and alla ya3tikon alef 3afye. I live here in Lebanon, I work my ass of everyday but I know that I can come and watch a show that always reminds and give me hope to a better future with healthy mentalities. Bless you all
بتجي اليقظة دايما من جيل جديد او الاكتر جيل التسعينات ولما بتجي الفكرة بتجي متل الطلقة وقت الطلقة تجي بالهدف لحتى تفيق هالمجتمع #قطيع. وقتها بتبلش ثورة فكر وثورة حوار والأحداثة......الخ بالنهاية سردة شمس بضوي على كل المواضيع من قلبي بحبكون
We love you all. Please Like & Comment on this video for The Algorithm and spread this Sarde further!
00:00 - Intro to Dayekh and Kaouk
01:48 - Al Akhbar campaign against Hussein Kaouk
09:05 - When the duo faced the author of the Al Akhbar article
13:40 - How did their community react to the comedy sketches?
15:22 - How the duo met and how they started: Theatre
21:20 - How were the characters of Ali Ali Alawiyeh and Abu Hmed created?
24:02 - Stigma around being an artist in the Muslim community
30:01 - Power dynamic and support of Dayekh’s parents
33:10 - Were the two ever attacked in their living areas?
40:48 - Radicalized Shia may be more dangerous to Hezbollah than Israel
45:00 - Simplicity vs. Poverty (While shooting their movie in Ouzai)
48:21 - The sickness of commercial films
56:00 - Classism exists in all parts of society
59:37 - How Dayekh helps Kaouk in his comedic sketches
01:03:52 - “Democratization” of comedy through social media
01:06:08 - Muslims do not have the right to rent houses in Hadath
01:10:59 - Stereotyping and political-correctness
01:15:56 - Dayekh’s play “La3alla w 3asa”
You can support us on Patreon.com/sardeafterdinner
Welcome back Sarde, and we wish you and your guests a healthy and safe 2022. Another successful year to come; we are proud of you. From our town of (-40celcius)
@@pgf2785 KEEP WARM 🥰🥰
@@sardeafterdinner thanks dears. Maybe we should send the freezing 🥶 to the leaders' tribesmen like GB and his father in law, Nasrallah, Berry, Makati, and the list goes on! This will freeze their brains and return your rights alive.
It's not a waste of time , watch till the end❤🇱🇧🇱🇧🇱🇧
We love you too
The translator definitely deserves a day-off after this episode 🤣
شفت كيف ترجم الكلمات البذيئة؟
Please give hussein kaouk his own episode because he seems like such an interesting and deserving gentleman.
He's also an incredibly talented actor! And he sounds like he has a lot he wants to say and he didn't get much of a chance with mohammad around.
I agree 100% !
I was surprised by Muhammad , he's a great oriented guy.
@@gilbertfarah7110 mafi shakk eno mohammad is very cultured and very aware and very impressive
But hussein is cool too and you should watch his comedy special with awk.word
Totally 🙌
@@saratakkoush6109 what about shaden fakih is she talented too?
I am an American Lebanese trying to improve my language skills and this is such a blessing - great, interesting interviews and perfect subtitles. Thank you so much
Keep going my bro!!
You mean Lebanese American
@@bb1786 human beings
I'm Tunisian and i've already seen this episode 5 times! Mohamed Dayekh is hilarious.
تحسو تونسي
احلى عالم انتو❤
Merci pour cet épisode..je ne connaissais pas ces deux artistes et c'est une agréable surprise 🇩🇿الله يحمي لبنان
These 2 guys here are real artists . Really guys well done for everything you're doing. Can't describe how brave you guys are. And of course very talented. Bless you both
I am not Lebanese but i've been to lebanon in 2017 I find these Sarde's so interesting to watch and to understand the Lebanese mainstream.. Good job guys
This is a lecture in sociology. Mahamd Deyekh is a genius, and Hssein Kaouk is beautiful human being.
I found this podcast by mistake. I must have been living under a rock! I was glued to the screen. Fantastic, informative, hilarious, sensitive..
I am an Australian born Lebanese male… thank you thank you thank you for this. I will share and spread the word on your brilliant product.
Sardé is a precious jewel.
I only hope that they don’t close you down, because you are so important.
I love you guys!
Never ♥️ love you too
بغض النظر عن كثرت المسبات..
افضل سرده بقناتكم..
The best Sarda episode ever..
So far 300K viewers in 2 months..
Amazing sarde!! I enjoyed every moment of the podcast, and I am truly glad that there are people like Hussein and mhmd are being given the chance to explain their point of view (thx to Medea and Mou3in), such people with this spirit will change the country that's how I feel.
Bravo Sarde, another notch to your belt 👌🏻
شو بحب انكم كشعب بتحكوا عن الطائفية بشكل طبيعي و سهل و بلاد كاملة بسياسيينها و فنانيها و activists ما بتتجرأ تلمح ل هالموضوع ، بتتصرف و كأنه مو موجود رغم انه متأصل بتفكيرنا و محدد كل حركتنا … واكيد ضيفينكم عم يعملوا عمل ريادي بهالموضوع تحية الهم و ل " الست زينب " 😄 يلي بسبب مقالها ضوت على شغلهم للناس يلي متلي ما كانو بيعرفوهم.
قصدك بسوريا ما بيسترجوا يلمحوا 😂؟
حسيت انك سورية من تعليقك انا سوري كمان لان
@@طارقالعباسي-ع7ه يلا صار فيكن هلق🤣
دايخ وقاووق حبايب قلبي!
شكرا ميديا و معين انكن استضفتوهن..
أنا سوري عشت بلبنان سنتين ل 2019
برمت وتعلمت بكل لبنان بس ما دعست بالضاحية من كتر ما في خوف حواليا.
بتمنى تنضف عقولنا كلنا بهالشرق المعتر لحتى تنضف بلادنا الجميلة، كل التوفيق جميعا وكل الدعم
انتو كتير عم تفيدونا ❤️
فوت عالضاحية و ح تكتشف انها منطقة عادية و ما بتخوّف
ما بعرف مين حاطط هالافكار براسكن
Can’t miss a second of this episode!
One of the best so far.
This amazing interview with Mhamad and Hssain is a sweet ode for simple humanity! Inchallah that success be always with them
من اول ما بلّشت احضر و صرت شيّك اديش بعد فيها الحلقة و قول انشاء الله ما تخلص 😍 انا متغرّب صرلي ١٤ سنة ، بس احضر الشباب بيحسسوني انو بعدني عايش بلبنان و الحي تبعنا . Hats off للبرنامج اللي ما بقفي حلقة و شكرا للشباب اللي عنجد بيضحكونا من قلبنا
صرلي ٦ ساعات بحضر مقابلاتكم و اكم سكتش … بعد ما حضرت صدفة مقابلة مع الصحفية زينب اللي كتبت عنكم المقال… قبل ما كنت اعرفكم.. بس بسبب هالمقال صرت اعرفكم اكتر و احبكم اكتر..
و بهاي الحلقة، اول مرة بشوف محمد مرتاح و مش anxious … واضح قديه مسترسل بالحكي و مرتاح بعكس اي مقابلة عملها… مبدعين
Love the diversity of the guests' backgrounds in your podcast. All the love and support Mouin & Médéa
I'm loving all your episodes, specially that I live in the States since 10 years now, you keep me connected to what's really going on back home in Lebanon. I also like to add about renting apartments and religion. We are Muslims but my sister is married to a Christian guy, they bought a house in Bsaba بسابا but the municipality refused to register the house in both their names. They refused to register the property in my sister's name because she's Muslim even if she's married to a Christian. It's pathetic. Keep the good work, we love you
والله انت فاهم المجتمع صح ❤️❤️ كملوا حتصلوا للعالمية بهي الافكار ❤️🇱🇧🇱🇧❤️
Nice sarde overall, would’ve loved to hear more from hussein
ive never watched a full podcast with this much attention, all the love from syria
انا عشت بالضاحية 4سنين ك غريب والله الناس طيبة وبس بدها تعيش وبتحب تعيش واخر همها السياسة
تحياتي للجميع حلقة رائعة
انشالله يرجع لبنان احلا
سوري مهاجر
هو الفن لازم يكون نابع من المجتمع المحيط، والشباب عارفين كتير منيح شو عم يعملوا إن كان عفوية أو ذكاء. برافو احلى سردة ❤️
J'adore ce que vous faites
Big up from Tunisia ♥️
Great episode.
You always create me a space for thoughtful and deep meditation.
Thank you Médéa and thank you Mou'in.
Hussein and Mohammed you guys are rocking the comedy theatre. We love you all the way from UAE.
Comedians in general are really intuitive and smart and these two Hussein and Mohamad show exactly that. The thinkers in our society.
❤❤حلقة رائعة
دليل على ثقافة ووعي الشباب اللبناني الحر
أحسن ما قاله محمد هو نقطة سياسة الإنتظار
أن يعيش الإنسان على أمل قدوم المخلّص فالشيعة ينتظرون المهدي والمسيحيين ينتظرون المسيح وبعض المحسوبين على السنة كأحزاب المتأسليمن كالإخونج والقواعد والدواعش ينتظرون المهدي أيضاً وكل ذلك هراء وكذب وليس له أساس في أصول الدين المسيحي والدين الإسلامي
ولكن كيف تستطيع سرقة أتباع الديانة الفلانية إن لم تخترع مثل هذه القصص التي تعطل أفكارهم ويستمروت متعلّقين بقدوم المخلّص الوهمي
الإنسان لا يحتاج لغيره ليخلصه من مأسيه ومصائبه هو يحتاج أن يكون شجاع ويغير تفكيره للإيجابية ويتخذ القرارات عن نفسه ويتحمل كل التبعات ومهما حصل من عثرات يجب أن يواصل حتى يصل في أي لحظة
Kick ass podcast. The vibe was through the roof. Literally.
ياسيدي هي تالت مرة بحضر الحلقة هدول تنين احلى تنين تحية من سوريا الكم وي لافىذات
the best podcast i.ve ever watched. Thank you guys !!!
قديش بتكون فهمان الوضع بلبنان بعد هالسردة بتتوضحلك أمور ما بتكون منتبهلا !!! و صحيحة كتير ! الدايخ و القاووق و المقدم و المقدمة اشخاص كتير لبنانيين، كتير حلوين 👍🏻👍🏻
Loved this show. It genuinely depicted the reality in Lebanon. Bravo for the guests & hosts ❤️
Next week the guest of Sarde is الكوثراني
There's someone called kawatharany working with the team.. I guess!!
مين يعني ؟
@@mazentiger5440 when this episode reach a míllion views, you'll watch the Sarde with al Kawtharany. This episode will definitely reach more than a mill.
Really loved and enjoyed this episode
حلقة تاريخية كالعادة وإختياركن للضيوف موفق كمان كالعادة
This is a gem , I didn't want it to end and the thing is that at some point I felt jealous of Madea and Mouin
We spent two hours after the sarde laughing nonstop too mwahaha
@@sardeafterdinner now this is called torture. You wouldn’t want that 🥲
I agree, so I am not the only one who thought 1 hour more would be amazing
@@jimmyhanna1643 sorry bro there will be a next time
@@sardeafterdinner I hope I will have a next time
يعني كل ما بشوف حلقة زيادة ما بندم ابدا اني بلشت شوف سردة ..كتير كتير حلوين
It is very interesting to discover non-cliched lebanese artists.
Shout out from tunisia . We share a lot of shit and humour since ages.
We do share a lot of common culture and challenges, Lebanon and Tunisia! :)
Can't wait for all your works!
بيكفي هالمقابلات تكون دروس مهمة بالترجمة 👍👍👍
شكرا لقاء ممتع ومفيد ووضح كثير اشياء لنا
I cherish this episode. Although I don’t approve the swearing, I like the lack of censorship. This episode of Sarde is a classic.
Shout out from bangkok thailand, love what ur doing and how ur bringing all these young fresh lebanes blood of artists, actors, and whatevrelse yall are doing its all great as a lebanese male living abroad it feels nice seeing someone portray the image of the lebanon i know and love the one that sort of mirrors me in all its diversity and culture and lifestyle. Mad respect keep it going!
Thank you brother.! That means a lot!
ألف تحية للشباب المثقف الحر البعيد كل البعد عن الدين والتقوقع .
الشعب إن أصبح من لونٍ واحد .. الأفضل له الإحتراق . ك.ه
الإنسان ككل الكائنات بدون تنوع تحترق 😢
fourth time I re-watch this. hilarious duo yet so many important issues discussed! everytime I watch it again I realize I missed something ! well done you guys !
This is art, Pure art. Thank you sarde
I was a bit skeptical when I started listening but I listened it to all of it! Really different point of views translating the reality of our various lebanese communities! Bravo Sarde! Keep it up!
This is brilliant .. I just wish Hussein had the chance to talk more
High ratings on awkward members…see a good trend!! Love the work…these 2 gentlemen are supernatural…love this one ☝️…sarde is becoming interesting, Subscribed!!
حلقة خارقة للعادة،🔥🔥🔥
Big up from Tunisia
I love your show, you guys are great! Thank you!
Lots of love!
Expat from Germany
Médéa and Mouin you're intelligent interlocutors. This episode is amazing. Dayekh and Kaouk are so talented as well. Keep up the good work ❤
Beautiful Episode I am very proud of Mohammad’s & Hussein's Minds, but especially mohammad because we are from the same village and the same environment the eposide was amazing great job all of yoy guys and would love to watch more eposides and would love to come and talk freely
جدي حكالي قصة حدثت في قرى جنوب العراق في بداية القرن العشرين اجاهم مبشرين من الكنيسة الكاثوليكية و عرضوا على اهل القرية دينار اذا صاروا مسيحيين، فالقرية تقريباً كلهم صاروا مسيحيين و اخذوا الدينار. قرر المسؤول عن الحملة ان يزور هذه المنطقة المباركة. اجى المسؤول و بدأ بالقاء كلمة عن معجزات يسوع فقال "يسوع ارجع البصر لمن كان اعمى" فاجابه الجمهور "اللهم صل على محمد و ااااااااااال محمد".
هذا قصه فكاهيه مشهور عندنا في العراق
Your podcasts never disappoint. Love from Morocco 🥰
دا اشوف اللقاء مرة ثانية بسبب فديو كيف تتعلم اللغة الشيعية و اني بس اضحكككككككككك و الله العظيم محمد و حسين عظماء
ما بعرف كم مرة صرت حاضرة هيدي الحلقة 👍ما بزهق منكم🫶🫶❤️ 2:53
الموهبة كبيرة و بعدكم بالبداية و مكسرين الارض خليكم مكفيين الكل بحبكم وشكرا لمعين و ميديا أحلى سردة دايما معكون
Ktr hob la hal channel ❤️❤️ Darure Erja3 ehdar l podcast mara tnye keep going ❤️🔥🤟
W ne7na min 7ebbak ♥️
Ahla tnen hole wallah, arwa2 ras, nazra, fann… unique interview men khaykon el senneh🌹
Great episode i didn't want it to end❤️
Guyz hal podcasts mukhifin kel wehde ahla mn l tene the whole concept of sarde is a brilliant idea. Now can we take a moment to appreciate the translation/sub 3anjad chatour great job
Have been looking forward to this one
Me three!
Amazing episodes. Will love to see them in another sarde.
Glad to see you both had fun in the interview and I enjoyed you and laughed too
Watching you from the US! Love your sense of humor and approach
اجمل ثنائي 🤍
تحياتي لكم من سورية 🌷😘
great episode ....HUSSEIN and MOHAMMAD are really unbelievable. each one of them deserves his own episode 👍👍👍
Excellent episode guys. I am sure that for half of the Lebanese people this episode was akin to tourism. I love the neutral space created.
Many thanks Sarde,
You become an added value to our life
Go ahead
حلقة رائعة، صراحة كتير إستمتعت!👍👍
كل التوفيق يا مبدعين 💯🇸🇾
شكراً يا أحلى شباب وصبية، الله يسعدكم، بحبكم.
Original w moreeh.. heses helle e3d ma3kon .. keep it up guys❤️
تحية من العراق الى لبنان الجمال ❤
Un épisode révélateur et riche. Le vidéo nous montre que la jeunesse chiite au Liban est pleine de potentiel, malgré les obstacles du passé comme du présent.
محمد و حسين بمثلوني! كل الحب لفريق سردة!
اكيد في امل بوجود هيك شباب ❤
مان, مخيفين انتو! (تا نرجع العربي اللبناني) رائعة السردة!
بس بليز استضيفوا حسين قاوق بحلقة وحدو كمان!
حسين قاووق ضعيف بالمقابلات ما بيعرف يحكي، محمد دايغ غطا عليه
I m a huge fan of Sarde. Love everything you do to make the Lebanese like each other more. Demystifying the Dahyeh is a highlight 🙏🏼👍🏼More empathy and less judgement on each other, this is what we need!.
On a more constructive point of view the sectarian narrative here while funny felt heavier than usual . It’s all about tte Shia the Christians the Sunnis as if the confession defined us more than anything else … the whole country is dying because of sectarianism. We would love you to always steer the debate in a secular direction. Also wish we heard more Médéa and Hussein today. Hussein seems to be such an amazing soul, more sensitive and less extrovert, wish he was allowed to express himself for longer.
Anyway, Love you all and keep up the great work. Thank you 🙏🏼
🥰 thanks Alex!
Amazing duo keep your passion increase chabeb i was surprised by mohammad dayekh what a brilliant guy 👌👑
The place and atmosphere is sooo cosy
I love this episode it was amazing ❤ but why Hussein Kaouk was quite the most of the time? 😔😔
حلقة مميزة..شباب بياخدو العقل..صدق وموهبة..وقريب للقلب.
Sarde you guys are awesome. The people you are inviting are too. 2-3 hours would also be fine 😂👍Sho fy ya Khayyeee
A looooooooooot of respect to all of you. I really love the vibe and how down to earth all of you all. I hope a lot of people understand the way we should think and free our mind from propagandas. Great show love you and alla ya3tikon alef 3afye. I live here in Lebanon, I work my ass of everyday but I know that I can come and watch a show that always reminds and give me hope to a better future with healthy mentalities. Bless you all
احلى عالم المخرج
كل الاحترام والتقدير
You guys are the joe Rogan of the middle east!
Please never stop the sarde, cause you are the best. 🖤
every word was stuck in my tongue, mhamad dayekh said it.
thank you guys for this great episode ❤
انتو مو بس عملتو لينك بين الطوائف انتو عم تعملو لينك للشعوب العربية كلها في بعض
True I'm from Tunisia ❤
Great start to 2022 :) can’t wait for the rest of the season. Keep up the amazing work
بتجي اليقظة دايما من جيل جديد او الاكتر جيل التسعينات ولما بتجي الفكرة بتجي متل الطلقة وقت الطلقة تجي بالهدف لحتى تفيق هالمجتمع #قطيع. وقتها بتبلش ثورة فكر وثورة حوار والأحداثة......الخ بالنهاية سردة شمس بضوي على كل المواضيع من قلبي بحبكون
لبنان احلى بلد ❤️ كل بلد و إنتو حلويين 🙏 WE ARE THE HOPE
One of the best Channels ♥️♥️
احلا سردة واحلا عالم بل عالم🇸🇾