This is by far my favorite channel on RUclips. If every other channel went out except for this one, I would be absolutely fine. Favorite pocket of the internet.
Bacopa is my amphibious plant of choice. It grows flowers when it grows above water. Its super easy to propagate too. Even leaves can potentially form new plants. Can grow it floating or planted.
@@Fishtorythey didn't have that one at the local store I went too. But if I come across it I'll give it a try. I've been growing my bacopa on my filter 😂 that's how I found out about the flowers. Filters can be a good medium to grow plants.
La bacopa non so se lo sapete ma è una pianta commestibile e ha una serie di proprietà per il cervello. Fate una ricerca e rimarrete piacevolmente sorpresi 😜
Dude! Thankyou so much for sharing. You have great clarity of speech and a wealth of plant knowledge, its great you can share with us. I am twice your age but I know I am the novitiate in this conversation. You also possess a kindness towards others too that is not common but in sharing it you propagate it, so much kudos to you and I trust you have a great day too.
So nice of you to say such kind things. I can only hope to pass on a fraction of the gratuity and wonder that nature imparts into me daily. I'm flattered that it seems to be shining through the content. Welcome and again thank you for such compassion and thoughtful words
Love this video. My collection of water boxes includes many nanos and some are only 6-8" deep. Planted a lovely submerged grown sword in one (soil based) which grew very fast putting out leaf after floppy adorable leaf for 2 years - they would come out a deep rosy color then float just under the water line, many many nice medium green large broad leaves. One day last year a leaf stem didn't bend over and the leaf quickly grew up above the water line and that was that. Every leaf under the water degraded to nothing quickly as a few new leaves grew above, and all new leaves are stiff, tall, small, thick, and few. Usually seen from the other direction going emersed to submerged, this was a very cool transition to witness. Very pretty still but completely different form. Some leaves have a few small dry spots I think indicating not enough humidity. Other than that I have basic houseplants with roots in water - syngonium, dracaena, aglaonema, spathiphyllum. Side note: my emersed peace lilies that are in water level lava or leca pots grow as big as the ones I have with roots floating free in water, but the roots floating free are crazy huge and require trimming while the potted ones barely have any roots poking out of pot holes. Wondering if it has to do with the crown of the plant being above water for potted ones and in water for non-potted, or if it has to do with the roots searching for bottom purchase and instantly finding it for the potted ones and not searching further. I braided the roots like hair (18") for 2 of the free floating ones:)
Perfect timing on this video, I have just begun exploring aquatic plants that grow out of tank for my next tank. As usual thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Great video man! Very well layed out, and structured. The information given was fantastic compared to many other youtubers i've watched on aquatic plants.
Really interesting video. Maybe I didn't understand you right about plants like pothos. I know an aquarium where pothos is used like this for years and the plant seems to be thriving. Very inspiring aquarium you showed in this video.
Love your information. I am going through trial and error with plants. All and all your information is really helping my brain more active than the health service here. Ta pal keep going please 😊
Sometimes it needs a little help getting above the water line, but once it has even a little new growth above water, itll find it's way quickly. Cheers
I love hygrophilas! I take excess cuttings and plant them in wet soil and it's awesome to see the difference between the plant grown underwater vs in the air. It's truly amazing how adaptable plants can be!
Alexander , it's not really an aquarium plant , but I like to put peace lily's down into my aquariums , I just sit them on the substrate and let the roots dig in. as long as a few leaves are out of the water they live. any fully submerged leaves eventually die off and the new leaves will grow long stems to reach up out of the water. I even to a cutting from a large monstera plant the had some air roots on it and put it in an empty 10 gallon tank. then I covered all the roots and a bit of the stem with Fluval Stratum the capped it with some pool filter sand . it is growing really well and has been going for about 4 months.
Super red natans has grown extraordinarily for me when becoming emersed, same advice as your rotala tips. Does better when replanting the stems submerged I believe also
This is a great video and very helpful as well. Your aquariums are beautiful! I have a question about the submerged portion of plants that have breached the surface. Once they have leaves in the air, do they drop their submerged leaves so they can put all their resources into developing the emersed foliage?
It depends on the plant. True aquatic plants like swords or Java fern, will not. But most stem plants will loss most their lower leaves . Very observant btw
So I've just ventured into plants outside the aquarium and started with lucky bamboo and a peace Lily. For plants inside the aquarium my favorite is Cabomba hands down. Im in Swfl so we have it everywhere and I've seen some get a beautiful red/ purple color.
Yes the light level and low nitrates gives it that color. There is also a specific species called Cabomba pantanal that is rainbow and has a nice metallic shimmer... you can find it online usually
@arlenecam4239 i would understand that if it were from outside the usa but its kind of lame they made a species illegal, that could have eventually ended up in CA. I mean cabomba is naturally in texas
😂 didn't expect to see a picture of my tank in your videos (Pothos aquaponics)... I guess we go to the same forums. I am using Monstera in a tank too, with good nitrate control.
Really?! Whats odd is i searched "open source, free to share or remix recycle CC license and google provided the photos from a pinterest user i contacted... who is clearly stealing your photos i guess. My apologies though, i usually try and track down the sources of photos i use...but digital media is near impossible to track if someone intentionally removed water marks, cropped it or flipped, filtered, or photoshopped it as a new upload. Please Let me know if you'd like to have your name or website etc. Cited...or the photo removed. My appologies, my friend...and thank you
I have an Anubias that I've been trying to grow in a submersed/emersed state. I don't know the exact species as I've had this one for over 10 years. The current problem I have right now is that the matured emersed leaves tend to blacken on the edges and decay after a while. Any ideas on why this happens? Air humidity varies a lot because of where I live and I don't spritz the leaves with water.
Yeah it sounds like "abscisson", or when a plant tries to conserve its energy by killing off extra cells and tissue... or it could be a fungal or bacterial infection, but either way you could sink the plant totally under water for a few months, or trim off the leaves with decay if some are still healthy. This let's the plant reset essentially
@@Fishtory Thank you for answering my question! I will definitely fully submerse the Anubias then, I've tried trimming these leaves specifically, but the problem tends to return. It makes me wonder if my Anubias is lacking anything...
Great video as always. I really love your choices! You mentioned plants that shouldn’t be in the tank for longer than a month. I’ve started growing tradescantia zebrina from water rooted cuttings in the tank to block gaps in the lid for my neon gobies. Do you think there’s any precautions I should take or a timeline for it’s suitability? It’s a bee shrimp tank so low TDS with akadama soil and I don’t want to mess up the equilibrium. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and help out 😊
syngonium, hedera helix, almost all in philodendrons family, walking iris, draceana, monstera deliciosa, calathea/mantras, xanudu, spathyphylium amongst manyy others are all house plants that are good options for growing out of aquariums
Nice list! I have tried this out with many different plants too, and it is quite fun to see the differences between the leaf forms under- vs over water. Many plants will not make it if there´s not a lot of humidity in the air though. An interesting side note is to try out the "magical pH border" - to see what happens to plants above or below pH 7. Since most of the filter bacteria will be gone under pH 7, plants are often one of the only ways to keep the nitrogen low. I have visited Tropica in Denmark some times, and walked _under_ the leaves of an extremely big Echinodorus-species. Can´t remember the name though, but it was a cool feeling! :)
Hi. Thank u so much for this video. May i know if you are adding any co2 into this tank please? Also what is the temperarure of the water in your tank please?
Oh you lucky dog! You have Salvinia Cultallata floating around in your tank! Wish I know where I could get some of that. They are just so cool looking in amongst the duckweed.
Thanks, Alex! Question…can you trim the emersed growth and replant it underwater, or would that just cause melt? Also, I would love to see a video like this, for varieties of terrestrial plants that can be in the tank. Like you mentioned pothos. Thanks again! I’m just now seeing some plants do this in my tanks.
Alternanthera and Myriophyllum can be options, just be responsible not to throw them away just anywhere since they can be very invasive which they already are.
Yes. Myrios are banned in Washington state, and i know some other common plants to waters all over North America, but I left those out and opted for species in the aquarium hobby essentially.
you once mentioned on a video about stem plants out of water that had stop producung leaves at the bottom of the stem but growing lots at the top but i cant remember if you said you should do anything about it like cut the stem?
You ever try finding and growing native submerged plants from your area? I found two types of pondweed, one native, another invasive, and I'm trying to grow them in a couple of different tanks and buckets. So far, the invasive pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) is growing very fast, it has reached the top of the water and I am curious to see if it will grow up out of the water. The other pondweed (clasped leaf pondweed, Potamogeton perfoliatus) is much slower to get going, but if it does take off, could be a very interesting looking plant. Definitely a stem plant that spreads by runners, I'm not sure if it will grow up out of the water or not. Where I found it, there were colonies of it growing up to the surface but it only put a flower up above the water and otherwise stayed submerged.
It should be in my more recent videos. If the link is still not working right, ill have to ask amazons help team, because the links seem to break with a time limit or any change to the listings. Thanks for asking though and clickin!
One of the pothos in my 55 has decided to start growing leafs completely submerged. Is this normal, or could it be low lightning? Thanks for the video and fantastic information on the subject!
Another great video! Off-topic question…I’ve purchased 2 different schools of neon tetras (from different online retailers) that have a small mouth wart on them; seems to be semi-contagious (one of the lambchop rasboras sharing the quarantine tank looks to have it now) and definitely not cottony like a fungus. 1st school has been in quarantine now 5 months and seem to be thriving otherwise; my newest school just a few weeks in also seems to be in great health with the exception of this mouth wart. Don’t want to introduce a virus or something into my display tank but I now have 28 tetras and 2 quarantines going without end. Do you know what this is and what should I do?
Id have to see the fish to know...could be a tumor or cyst. 5 months and nothing has spread or killed the fish? After a month of no issues, i set loose any QT fish
Hi there! I have a tank full of anubias of all kinds (my very favorite plant 😊). I have been told not to allow my frazeri to grow above the waterline because it will dry out and brown if the room is not very humid. It's my kitchen... so no. It wants to grow up and out and i keep tucking it under other leaves keeping it under the surface. Will it be fine if i allow it to break the surface in a dry room?
Another plant which is easy to grow in an aquarium is "Lucky Bamboo".. It is common to give these plants around Asian New Year, and if you get one, you can just stick it in your aquarium, and it will eventually grow right up out of the aquarium without any support. You can either emerse it in the pot it came in, or you can remove the pebbles and plant it into whatever you have in your tank. It doesn't need any fancy soil or anything like that.
Complimenti veramente. Bellissime vasche. Anche io ho diciamo l'occhio botanico e sto realizzando una mega vasca da 1000 lt integrata in una parete. Ci lavoro ormai da 4 anni perché contemporaneamente sto facendo casa anche 😅 Un lavoraccio ma è anche perché sto creando un sistema idroponico che consentirà di crescere piante anche in emerso sia sopra la vasca che alla base e creare i servizi per il ricircolo dell' acqua e le luci non è cosa da poco. Diciamo che sono a metà del lavoro e quando ho testato le illuminazioni a vasca ancora vuota sono rimasto sorpreso del risultato che ha superato le aspettative. Vedremo cosa riesco a fare... Ci vorrà ancora un paio di anni visto tutto il contesto che ruota intorno alla vasca.. Impianto ad osmosi con serbatoio acqua già fatto ma da collegare e completare Samp da circa 300lt da posizionare e collegare e tanto altro...
Great video. I actually just started a plant farm in a 20 gal long. I got the idea from halfman half cichlid. I put substrate down and only a couple inches of water above the substrate so that the roots are under water and the leaves are emergent. I’m growing Anubias nana and Java fern. The Anubias is growing well, but the Java fern is barely growing. Hopefully it will take off. My plan is to grow these plants in abundance to transfer to my larger tanks. Has anyone had any luck growing Java fern emergent?
Can you underfeed? I have 4 sulawesi shrimp and 5 sherry shrimps plus 5 elephant snails. In a 30 liter Cube. If I put a little part of a waffer one of the snails take it. And the faster shrimps don't care.. I try bacter EA butt very very little. Some time a week. Boil a small piece of cucumber and the snails eat it all.. But how big/likely is the chance that they get under feed ? Is there any signs? I see that the cherry is sitting under up on a floating plant and picking at the water surface from the underneath when I put the bacter EA on it. So they clearly want to eat..
When you buy these plants from an aquarium dealer, can you plant them immediately with their leaves out of the water? Or do they come conditioned to be submerged (and will dry out if planted above the water)?
Would El Nino Fern be a good low humidity Bulbitis? Can you point me to any other good low humidity marginal plants? My house is where humidity goes to die, regardless of how humid it is outside; Right now it's in the low 40% in here, and that's even just above the water. I do have anubias nana growing out of the water, but all the leaf edges are brown and crusty a good ways in to the point where I don't know how it's still alive and putting out new leaves over a year later. I can get syngonium arrowhead house plants to grow marginally, as well as ficus pumula vines which are literally growing up my walls and across my ceiling, but that's about it. I'm probably gonna buy whatever decent looking philodendron Home Depot has, or maybe a dracaena this evening and play with that...
So, would you have any suggestions for emersive /submerged plants that can survive winter conditions in a pond? I live in Oklahoma and I'm building a pond, and I want different plants AND fish fir the pond. Koi are nice but, well common, everybody has them! Or gold fish. I have white clouds out there which I like, but all the plants and fish available are so..... boring... just wondering if you or anyone out tgere had thoughts...
No worries but thank you kindly for the thought. If you ever want to support something im doing on the channel or later when we get the nonprofit fish preservation fund going, i have links to my paypal too...but dont feel obligated at all please. Just commenting and being here tuning in, means the most to me!
So I have a question I’m new too the hobby and have been told so many different things and am so confused. I have a heavily planted 10 gallon but some are saying that it is too small for fish and I’m really struggling. I am unable to have a 20 because of space issues and thought a 10 would be fine. I’m confused because some are saying it’s fine and others not. This is my first tank so I’m learning and am just confused.
10 gallons has tons of potential... granted you dont want oscars and plecos in there, but you can have some shrimp, snails, plants and 15 or so nanofish easily
My favorite emersed plant so far is Alocasia. Submerge just the roots at the top of your tank, just like a Pothos. The leaves are HUGE and one plant has easily been enough to suck all of the nitrates out of my 60 gallon.
This is by far my favorite channel on RUclips. If every other channel went out except for this one, I would be absolutely fine. Favorite pocket of the internet.
I'm honored. Thank you for the kind words. Luckily there are 1600 episodes for yuh haha
Didn’t realize there were so many, that’s amazing! Your channel is fascinating. Thank you for all your hard work making it so brilliant.
Bacopa is my amphibious plant of choice. It grows flowers when it grows above water. Its super easy to propagate too. Even leaves can potentially form new plants. Can grow it floating or planted.
Yes caroliniana is my favorite to grow emersed. With purple or blue flowers!
@@Fishtorythey didn't have that one at the local store I went too. But if I come across it I'll give it a try. I've been growing my bacopa on my filter 😂 that's how I found out about the flowers.
Filters can be a good medium to grow plants.
I heard it’s anti microbial and anti fungal too, so you can supposedly use it on skin injuries somehow.
La bacopa non so se lo sapete ma è una pianta commestibile e ha una serie di proprietà per il cervello.
Fate una ricerca e rimarrete piacevolmente sorpresi 😜
Be still my planty heart 💚
Dude! Thankyou so much for sharing. You have great clarity of speech and a wealth of plant knowledge, its great you can share with us. I am twice your age but I know I am the novitiate in this conversation. You also possess a kindness towards others too that is not common but in sharing it you propagate it, so much kudos to you and I trust you have a great day too.
So nice of you to say such kind things. I can only hope to pass on a fraction of the gratuity and wonder that nature imparts into me daily. I'm flattered that it seems to be shining through the content. Welcome and again thank you for such compassion and thoughtful words
Love this video. My collection of water boxes includes many nanos and some are only 6-8" deep. Planted a lovely submerged grown sword in one (soil based) which grew very fast putting out leaf after floppy adorable leaf for 2 years - they would come out a deep rosy color then float just under the water line, many many nice medium green large broad leaves. One day last year a leaf stem didn't bend over and the leaf quickly grew up above the water line and that was that. Every leaf under the water degraded to nothing quickly as a few new leaves grew above, and all new leaves are stiff, tall, small, thick, and few. Usually seen from the other direction going emersed to submerged, this was a very cool transition to witness. Very pretty still but completely different form. Some leaves have a few small dry spots I think indicating not enough humidity. Other than that I have basic houseplants with roots in water - syngonium, dracaena, aglaonema, spathiphyllum. Side note: my emersed peace lilies that are in water level lava or leca pots grow as big as the ones I have with roots floating free in water, but the roots floating free are crazy huge and require trimming while the potted ones barely have any roots poking out of pot holes. Wondering if it has to do with the crown of the plant being above water for potted ones and in water for non-potted, or if it has to do with the roots searching for bottom purchase and instantly finding it for the potted ones and not searching further. I braided the roots like hair (18") for 2 of the free floating ones:)
I think its the crown. The crown tells the rest of the plant what to does the stem where it meets the open air or water .
Perfect timing on this video, I have just begun exploring aquatic plants that grow out of tank for my next tank. As usual thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Glad I could help!
Woohoo! I love it when FISHTORY! Drops a new video!! Hello Everyone! Hope your weekend goes stupendously! 💗
Aww you too. Thanks for stopping by
Awesome stuff, I love plants grown out of the water.
Great video man! Very well layed out, and structured. The information given was fantastic compared to many other youtubers i've watched on aquatic plants.
I appreciate that, thanks for stopping by. Welcome to the channel as well
Love this! I didn't know Cabomba would flower until I saw some buds growing last week in my outdoor 55 gallon 😅
Update: Just checked, and some a hole ate them 😭
Arent the blooms pretty
Very cool! Thank you for sharing. I definitely am interested in learning about more plants that grow out of the water.
Sure thing!
Gives me lots of ideas for having fun with plants and water! Thank you!
I'm so glad!
Really interesting video. Maybe I didn't understand you right about plants like pothos. I know an aquarium where pothos is used like this for years and the plant seems to be thriving. Very inspiring aquarium you showed in this video.
Neat stuff, thank you! Is that the velvet water spangles floating there? +1 for the algorithm!
I have been growing my anubius as floaters lately to break up my bettas lines of sight and it gives them little hammocks and play grounds.
Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing 👍
Excellent video. Lots of info and pictures and real examples
Love your information. I am going through trial and error with plants. All and all your information is really helping my brain more active than the health service here. Ta pal keep going please 😊
Thanks for writing. Best of luck to you
Perfect timing, I was just recently trying to figure out how I would get my rotala to grow up instead of sideways
Sometimes it needs a little help getting above the water line, but once it has even a little new growth above water, itll find it's way quickly. Cheers
The video we all have waited for! Wuuuuhuuuu!
I want to make a betta-koi tank.
Perfect timing, I’m about to set up some outdoor bins to try and cross pollinate some different crypts, hygros and alternantha. Any tips?
Use a small dry paint brush for art.. like a little 1cm wide or 1/4 inch brush, and just pretend to be a bee or butterfly hehe
I love hygrophilas! I take excess cuttings and plant them in wet soil and it's awesome to see the difference between the plant grown underwater vs in the air. It's truly amazing how adaptable plants can be!
I totally agree!
Alexander , it's not really an aquarium plant , but I like to put peace lily's down into my aquariums , I just sit them on the substrate and let the roots dig in. as long as a few leaves are out of the water they live. any fully submerged leaves eventually die off and the new leaves will grow long stems to reach up out of the water.
I even to a cutting from a large monstera plant the had some air roots on it and put it in an empty 10 gallon tank. then I covered all the roots and a bit of the stem with Fluval Stratum the capped it with some pool filter sand . it is growing really well and has been going for about 4 months.
Totally that, pothos, wandering *j3w / wandering dude, and lucky bambo are all great for that as well
Boosting for the algorithm 🙌 Love your work, keep it up! 🌻🐝
Thanks for the informative vid... and you look like Dr. John.
Thank you, very helpful video !
Super red natans has grown extraordinarily for me when becoming emersed, same advice as your rotala tips. Does better when replanting the stems submerged I believe also
Thanks for the info!
@@Fishtory would you like some stems?
This is a great video and very helpful as well. Your aquariums are beautiful! I have a question about the submerged portion of plants that have breached the surface. Once they have leaves in the air, do they drop their submerged leaves so they can put all their resources into developing the emersed foliage?
It depends on the plant. True aquatic plants like swords or Java fern, will not. But most stem plants will loss most their lower leaves . Very observant btw
So I've just ventured into plants outside the aquarium and started with lucky bamboo and a peace Lily. For plants inside the aquarium my favorite is Cabomba hands down. Im in Swfl so we have it everywhere and I've seen some get a beautiful red/ purple color.
Yes the light level and low nitrates gives it that color. There is also a specific species called Cabomba pantanal that is rainbow and has a nice metallic shimmer... you can find it online usually
@@Fishtory oh wow I definitely need to search that. I thought it was all the same type, thanks for the info 👍👍
Hi Cabomba is now illegal in California according to the fish shop I went to today.
@arlenecam4239 i would understand that if it were from outside the usa but its kind of lame they made a species illegal, that could have eventually ended up in CA. I mean cabomba is naturally in texas
Excellent information and straight to the point! Thank you so much. At 17:41 you state the video is about "submerged plants"...oops, love ya
Doh! Emersed! Thanks
awwesome aquarium, must have taken time to figure out which plants have synergy and dont kill eachother due to allelopathy
Leonardo DiCaprio keeps aquariums? 😉👍 great video, thanks man.
Hahaha thanks (i haven't heard that one in a while!)
Great video Alex!
Glad you enjoyed it
Very informative. Do any these need to be rooted in the substrate?
😂 didn't expect to see a picture of my tank in your videos (Pothos aquaponics)... I guess we go to the same forums. I am using Monstera in a tank too, with good nitrate control.
Really?! Whats odd is i searched "open source, free to share or remix recycle CC license and google provided the photos from a pinterest user i contacted... who is clearly stealing your photos i guess. My apologies though, i usually try and track down the sources of photos i use...but digital media is near impossible to track if someone intentionally removed water marks, cropped it or flipped, filtered, or photoshopped it as a new upload.
Please Let me know if you'd like to have your name or website etc. Cited...or the photo removed. My appologies, my friend...and thank you
Nah... I am honored!
Thanks for the information sir 😊
I have an Anubias that I've been trying to grow in a submersed/emersed state. I don't know the exact species as I've had this one for over 10 years. The current problem I have right now is that the matured emersed leaves tend to blacken on the edges and decay after a while. Any ideas on why this happens? Air humidity varies a lot because of where I live and I don't spritz the leaves with water.
Yeah it sounds like "abscisson", or when a plant tries to conserve its energy by killing off extra cells and tissue... or it could be a fungal or bacterial infection, but either way you could sink the plant totally under water for a few months, or trim off the leaves with decay if some are still healthy. This let's the plant reset essentially
@@Fishtory Thank you for answering my question! I will definitely fully submerse the Anubias then, I've tried trimming these leaves specifically, but the problem tends to return. It makes me wonder if my Anubias is lacking anything...
Awesome! Thanks so much!❤
You are so welcome!
@@Fishtory 🥰🥰
Expect to see lots of little "🐟🐠🌿❤️'s swimming around your comment sections. They're there for your algorithm and to show my love! 🥰
Great video as always. I really love your choices! You mentioned plants that shouldn’t be in the tank for longer than a month. I’ve started growing tradescantia zebrina from water rooted cuttings in the tank to block gaps in the lid for my neon gobies. Do you think there’s any precautions I should take or a timeline for it’s suitability? It’s a bee shrimp tank so low TDS with akadama soil and I don’t want to mess up the equilibrium. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and help out 😊
I think that should be okay, just remove the debris from leaves if and when it DOES melt. And you'll be in the clear. Best of luck!
Very beautiful 😊
Thank you! Cheers!
I quite enjoy myself some Hygrophila species, H. corymbosa and its varieties are very nice to look at.
Great subject. Shows us viariety of what plants are capable of.
syngonium, hedera helix, almost all in philodendrons family, walking iris, draceana, monstera deliciosa, calathea/mantras, xanudu, spathyphylium amongst manyy others are all house plants that are good options for growing out of aquariums
Nice list! I have tried this out with many different plants too, and it is quite fun to see the differences between the leaf forms under- vs over water. Many plants will not make it if there´s not a lot of humidity in the air though. An interesting side note is to try out the "magical pH border" - to see what happens to plants above or below pH 7. Since most of the filter bacteria will be gone under pH 7, plants are often one of the only ways to keep the nitrogen low.
I have visited Tropica in Denmark some times, and walked _under_ the leaves of an extremely big Echinodorus-species. Can´t remember the name though, but it was a cool feeling! :)
Hi. Thank u so much for this video.
May i know if you are adding any co2 into this tank please?
Also what is the temperarure of the water in your tank please?
No co2 just a good light. It has co2 wired up but hasnt been on in a year now. Temp is about 78 to 80f
@@Fishtory Thank you so much
Oh you lucky dog! You have Salvinia Cultallata floating around in your tank! Wish I know where I could get some of that. They are just so cool looking in amongst the duckweed.
A Local pond was my source surprisingly!
Thanks for that name, I couldn't stop looking at its cool form
Do all anubius grow out of the water???? Thank you for your videos they are top notch
Hey this was enjoyable
This was cool
Glad to hear you enjoyed it
It sure was!
Thanks, Alex! Question…can you trim the emersed growth and replant it underwater, or would that just cause melt?
Also, I would love to see a video like this, for varieties of terrestrial plants that can be in the tank. Like you mentioned pothos. Thanks again! I’m just now seeing some plants do this in my tanks.
Alex, do you add any fertiliser to showed tanks?
also i believe in the pilea famil there are some as well
Alternanthera and Myriophyllum can be options, just be responsible not to throw them away just anywhere since they can be very invasive which they already are.
Yes. Myrios are banned in Washington state, and i know some other common plants to waters all over North America, but I left those out and opted for species in the aquarium hobby essentially.
Did you go live Friday or did I miss your live stream Friday
No i was sick
Working towards Fishtory standards of planted tanks.
you once mentioned on a video about stem plants out of water that had stop producung leaves at the bottom of the stem but growing lots at the top but i cant remember if you said you should do anything about it like cut the stem?
Well if you want more blooms or buds, might as well trim the aquatic part, because it will melt and die eventually
@Fishtory thank you ☺️
You ever try finding and growing native submerged plants from your area?
I found two types of pondweed, one native, another invasive, and I'm trying to grow them in a couple of different tanks and buckets. So far, the invasive pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) is growing very fast, it has reached the top of the water and I am curious to see if it will grow up out of the water. The other pondweed (clasped leaf pondweed, Potamogeton perfoliatus) is much slower to get going, but if it does take off, could be a very interesting looking plant. Definitely a stem plant that spreads by runners, I'm not sure if it will grow up out of the water or not. Where I found it, there were colonies of it growing up to the surface but it only put a flower up above the water and otherwise stayed submerged.
Yes lots ;)
can u link your amazon as cant see it hoping to buy tings today. tks
It should be in my more recent videos. If the link is still not working right, ill have to ask amazons help team, because the links seem to break with a time limit or any change to the listings. Thanks for asking though and clickin!
Thank you for the video.
Oh wow.. amazing
One of the pothos in my 55 has decided to start growing leafs completely submerged. Is this normal, or could it be low lightning? Thanks for the video and fantastic information on the subject!
Is normal to see a few leaves still under the surface :)
Another great video!
Off-topic question…I’ve purchased 2 different schools of neon tetras (from different online retailers) that have a small mouth wart on them; seems to be semi-contagious (one of the lambchop rasboras sharing the quarantine tank looks to have it now) and definitely not cottony like a fungus. 1st school has been in quarantine now 5 months and seem to be thriving otherwise; my newest school just a few weeks in also seems to be in great health with the exception of this mouth wart. Don’t want to introduce a virus or something into my display tank but I now have 28 tetras and 2 quarantines going without end. Do you know what this is and what should I do?
Id have to see the fish to know...could be a tumor or cyst. 5 months and nothing has spread or killed the fish?
After a month of no issues, i set loose any QT fish
Can you use epsom salt treatment with a plant growing?
Hi there! I have a tank full of anubias of all kinds (my very favorite plant 😊). I have been told not to allow my frazeri to grow above the waterline because it will dry out and brown if the room is not very humid. It's my kitchen... so no. It wants to grow up and out and i keep tucking it under other leaves keeping it under the surface. Will it be fine if i allow it to break the surface in a dry room?
Another plant which is easy to grow in an aquarium is "Lucky Bamboo".. It is common to give these plants around Asian New Year, and if you get one, you can just stick it in your aquarium, and it will eventually grow right up out of the aquarium without any support. You can either emerse it in the pot it came in, or you can remove the pebbles and plant it into whatever you have in your tank. It doesn't need any fancy soil or anything like that.
This is the best
Complimenti veramente.
Bellissime vasche.
Anche io ho diciamo l'occhio botanico e sto realizzando una mega vasca da 1000 lt integrata in una parete.
Ci lavoro ormai da 4 anni perché contemporaneamente sto facendo casa anche 😅
Un lavoraccio ma è anche perché sto creando un sistema idroponico che consentirà di crescere piante anche in emerso sia sopra la vasca che alla base e creare i servizi per il ricircolo dell' acqua e le luci non è cosa da poco.
Diciamo che sono a metà del lavoro e quando ho testato le illuminazioni a vasca ancora vuota sono rimasto sorpreso del risultato che ha superato le aspettative.
Vedremo cosa riesco a fare...
Ci vorrà ancora un paio di anni visto tutto il contesto che ruota intorno alla vasca..
Impianto ad osmosi con serbatoio acqua già fatto ma da collegare e completare Samp da circa 300lt da posizionare e collegare e tanto altro...
Great video. I actually just started a plant farm in a 20 gal long. I got the idea from halfman half cichlid. I put substrate down and only a couple inches of water above the substrate so that the roots are under water and the leaves are emergent. I’m growing Anubias nana and Java fern. The Anubias is growing well, but the Java fern is barely growing. Hopefully it will take off. My plan is to grow these plants in abundance to transfer to my larger tanks. Has anyone had any luck growing Java fern emergent?
Do you run Co2 in those tanks? I can never get my plants to explode like that. One of them is dirted.
Not at the moment. I did about 5 years ago in older videos...but those are more obviously "aquascaped" tanks
Can you underfeed?
I have 4 sulawesi shrimp and 5 sherry shrimps plus 5 elephant snails.
In a 30 liter Cube.
If I put a little part of a waffer one of the snails take it. And the faster shrimps don't care..
I try bacter EA butt very very little. Some time a week. Boil a small piece of cucumber and the snails eat it all..
But how big/likely is the chance that they get under feed ?
Is there any signs?
I see that the cherry is sitting under up on a floating plant and picking at the water surface from the underneath when I put the bacter EA on it. So they clearly want to eat..
My jungle Val keeps threatening to emerge, but it always takes a sharp turn at the last second.
When you buy these plants from an aquarium dealer, can you plant them immediately with their leaves out of the water? Or do they come conditioned to be submerged (and will dry out if planted above the water)?
Would El Nino Fern be a good low humidity Bulbitis? Can you point me to any other good low humidity marginal plants? My house is where humidity goes to die, regardless of how humid it is outside; Right now it's in the low 40% in here, and that's even just above the water. I do have anubias nana growing out of the water, but all the leaf edges are brown and crusty a good ways in to the point where I don't know how it's still alive and putting out new leaves over a year later. I can get syngonium arrowhead house plants to grow marginally, as well as ficus pumula vines which are literally growing up my walls and across my ceiling, but that's about it. I'm probably gonna buy whatever decent looking philodendron Home Depot has, or maybe a dracaena this evening and play with that...
So, would you have any suggestions for emersive /submerged plants that can survive winter conditions in a pond? I live in Oklahoma and I'm building a pond, and I want different plants AND fish fir the pond. Koi are nice but, well common, everybody has them! Or gold fish. I have white clouds out there which I like, but all the plants and fish available are so..... boring... just wondering if you or anyone out tgere had thoughts...
Dude, the Tube isn't letting me send a superthanks 😢
No worries but thank you kindly for the thought. If you ever want to support something im doing on the channel or later when we get the nonprofit fish preservation fund going, i have links to my paypal too...but dont feel obligated at all please. Just commenting and being here tuning in, means the most to me!
Thats awesome that Leonardo DiCaprio is into planted tanks.
Ill take it! Thank you lol
Is the tank dirted?
Love me some chemical laden trichomes!
So I have a question I’m new too the hobby and have been told so many different things and am so confused. I have a heavily planted 10 gallon but some are saying that it is too small for fish and I’m really struggling. I am unable to have a 20 because of space issues and thought a 10 would be fine. I’m confused because some are saying it’s fine and others not. This is my first tank so I’m learning and am just confused.
10 gallons has tons of potential... granted you dont want oscars and plecos in there, but you can have some shrimp, snails, plants and 15 or so nanofish easily
@@Fishtory mine currently has 6 corys ans 5 neon tetras and some shrimp
Gotta play with anubias often
My favorite emersed plant so far is Alocasia. Submerge just the roots at the top of your tank, just like a Pothos. The leaves are HUGE and one plant has easily been enough to suck all of the nitrates out of my 60 gallon.
Thats a sturdy one for sure.
1200 views , but only 176 likes ??????
Thank you! Lol youtube is killin me lately. only showed 5k people the thumbnail! Wtf
I think you skipped #7. Nice cut up.
The plural of 'genus' is 'genera' not 'genuses' 🤯🤓
Yeah i even know that too lol but sometimes i slip up... thanks though. Same with corydora not having a plural form
Starting this video rn, hope mint gets mentioned
Right on! Thank you