How are they all abandoned? Rita Hayworth had children and one is a princess. Grace Kelly son is the prince of Monaco. Her home would have been left to husband Prince Rainer iii then left in turn to her 2 daughters and Albert the son and current ruler of Monaco! Sophia Loren is still alive so may not be abandoned or even hers still. Bogarts house would have passed on to his children and Bacall. Half of these houses with estates could easily be pulled down and rebuilt or opened as hotels! The more expensive your house is the smaller the market is for would be buyers.
They should have photos of what they look like now.
How are they all abandoned? Rita Hayworth had children and one is a princess. Grace Kelly son is the prince of Monaco. Her home would have been left to husband Prince Rainer iii then left in turn to her 2 daughters and Albert the son and current ruler of Monaco! Sophia Loren is still alive so may not be abandoned or even hers still. Bogarts house would have passed on to his children and Bacall. Half of these houses with estates could easily be pulled down and rebuilt or opened as hotels! The more expensive your house is the smaller the market is for would be buyers.