Hopefully new vids soon I'm currently without WiFi, in the process of moving into a new home 😅 Update 1 ~ Got WiFi... Ish, we are running of the 4g network so we have 10mb/s until they can install FF, so no gaming until then. Update 2 ~ I cant play any games anyway now, while moving stuff into new home my mum crushed my finger in a metal/pure wooden fold out table, i have minimal mobility in the finger and hand and am in pure pain 24/7.
Hopefully new vids soon I'm currently without WiFi, in the process of moving into a new home 😅
Update 1 ~ Got WiFi... Ish, we are running of the 4g network so we have 10mb/s until they can install FF, so no gaming until then.
Update 2 ~ I cant play any games anyway now, while moving stuff into new home my mum crushed my finger in a metal/pure wooden fold out table, i have minimal mobility in the finger and hand and am in pure pain 24/7.
I normally build heartsteal first vs melee to start staking sooner ;)
Good idea thanks 😊
Mate, do something about your csing plssssssss
I'm new to the game
do you already play rankeds or are you still playing normals?
getting to that build in a real game is the problem, also nashors tooth is quite useless if ur not going full ap
I will look to switch the build around thank you
What rank are you