Frodo: Why the hell wouldn't you tell us you were a friend of Gandalf so we'd trust you? Aragorn: Well I just kind of hoped you'd wanna be my friend anyway. I don't have many friends. Frodo: ... Aragorn: ..... Frodo: Are you ok man? Aragorn: No I'm actually very lonely Frodo: It's ok man we had to leave our home and everyone we knew behind, we could use a friend Aragorn: *PURPOSE AQUIRED*
It's so true 🤣especially because in the book, this is the point where Aragorn declares "if by my life or death I can save you I will" etc. Like, that's all it takes to win his undying loyalty - just allow him to help you without demanding references first. Poor, lonely Strider....
00:12 finally a depiction that is accurate in showing the Pelennor as not a barren plain but dotted with farms and homesteads that you would expect to be the outskirts of a capital city!
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Like so many of your videos, what an interesting topic! Aragorn's friendship is definitely very valuable within the legendarium, no doubt about it!
Just goes to show, always be nice to strange travelworn vagabonds, because you'll probably end up the sworn vassal of one 🤣 Hope you had a great Tolkien Reading Day!
That's an interesting take on friendship in the LOTR. I always thought of Gimli and Legolas as the paradigmatic Tolkien friendship. But it is true that Aragorn's relationships are unique in that his status puts a distance between him and would-be friends. His visit to the shire comes to mind, in that he doesn't visit Hobbiton like Gandalf used to, but only the bridge, as he is bound by his own decree. He remains apart, but still wishes to come close.
Indeed - it reminds me a bit of the injunction against 'daunting' others that the Istari have to observe. 'Bad' Ainur delight in intimidating others with their raw power; 'good' Ainur go out of their way to veil their power so they can actually relate to other races in an open, free way. Something similar seems to be going on with Aragorn, both before and after his coronation.
Being not fully grown is to experience the wonders of simplicity. Growing is question the simplicity. Being grown is recognising that the simplicity was not a naive dream, but an ideal to strive for. A lot of people get stuck in the first and second stages.
Excellent insights as usual, thank you! I never thought about how speaking the healer's language was not just a way for Aragorn to cut to the chase and establish his knowledge, but also a way for him to touch the man's mind in a way he would appreciate. It's no wonder Aragorn is distraught at Boromir's death. There is so much going on there. Boromir fell to the Ring while Aragorn was preoccupied with the quest. Then he died carrying out Aragorn's orders. He is the son of Denethor, with whom Thorongil no doubt hoped to establish a good relationship, but failed. Boromir would likely have been King Elessar's steward after Denethor, if things had gone as Aragorn hoped - his future right hand man. To make matters worse, now it will look deeply suspicious to Denethor and the council. But Aragorn probably also had the insight to realize that Boromir had saved himself. Then add how the difficult quest to destroy the Ring had been taken out of Aragorn's hands, and he was back on the path to Gondor. All the grief, guilt, relief, and pressure all coming together with what I think was sincere admiration for Boromir's many great deeds.
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! My Favorite Friends: 1. Finrod and Beor (Who doesn't want to be friends with Finrod? He's a rockstar! I would love to see what could he do with a Fender Strat.) 2. Frodo and Sam (Expert gardening, cooking, and piggy back rides to the Sammath Naur. What more could you ask for?) 3. Maedhros and Fingon (Firstborns acting like firstborns. Just trying to make peace and hold the Noldor together.) 4. Legolas and Gimli (Blazing the trail to grace and pardon between the Dwarfs and the Sindar one dead orc at a time) 5. Aragorn and Merry ("The first time I met that 'wee lad,' he had just been out spying on Nazgul at night. He was either incredibly brave or foolish. Perhaps a bit of both? That's how we became friends." - Aragorn to his Guard Captain)
All excellent examples of friendship 💖Aragorn and Merry are my top choice for underrated friendships. I imagine them commiserating on shared watches ("If Pippin doesn't get his act together I'm going to tie him up." "Don't worry, Boromir's already got the rope ready.") and it seems that he's the hobbit Aragorn prefers to bring along on scouting missions, so I suspect a few quick rangering tutorial sessions took place as well.
I related to that a lot reading the lord of the ring when I was young, and now I wonder how much it influenced me becoming a therapist. It's a good excuse for a lonely hurt person that's also very shy to get to know other people in a safe environment, and get to work with them for their healing, as I got my healing also being helped by others that were kind to me when I needed
This was as ever very good stuff. Aragorn was indeed friendly and empathetic with all he meets. He shows understanding of the fates of Gollum and the oath breakers. This attitude wins him friends everywhere. Just one thing. Isn’t every day Tolkien reading day?
For me it sure is 🤣 Aragorn's character definitely warrants further exploration. Researching his most prominent friendships alone gave me a lot of ideas for future stuff!
Ahh… Aragorn. Many of my favorite chapters of the Lord of the Rings involve him in some way, and have since decades before the films. His character did need “rehabilitation” as you call it, but one thing that the films did right was showing his loyalty toward and fondness for his friends. Many of the best leaders share the “I’m a Ieader of friends, not strangers” persona that he exemplifies. Two GNG videos in one week!
Apart from the tacked-on bits of his new 'character arc,' I think the films did capture his Strider-vibe especially well. Very serious, even grim, by default, but every so often he'll relax just enough that you can see his inherent gentleness. The scene where Theoden arrives in Isengard and is met by Merry and Pippin, and Aragorn gets to see his hobbits again and breaks into a grin while Gandalf mutters and Gimli shouts, is one of my favorites for how efficiently it communicates the friendship dynamics.
Are you sure this isn't a Character Rehab of Aragon video? Because one of the most common critiques I hear of him is that he isn't relatable. But here you are framing him in such a personable and relatable way! I'm gonna have to embrace that like button like Aragorn running forward and embracing Halbarad on the fields of Rohan!
Oh, we've got more material for his Character Rehab when it comes time... but I agree, I think this side of his personality is sometimes overshadowed by how heroic and epic he definitely is. Yet I think the reason he's such a lovable character in addition to being an admirable one is that he shows those flashes of loyalty, affection, and humor.
Between 10:40-ish, and 11:18-ish, there's a picture of what I assume is Boromir. Is it just me, or does the stylised depiction of The White Tree on his shield, also look like a stylised face of some sort of Cthuloid monstrosity?
The only time Aragorn ever actually loses patience with one of his friends he immediately regrets it and what he says is so endearing. 'You have looked in that accursed stone of wizardry!' exclaimed Gimli with fear and astonishment in his face. 'Did you say aught to - him? Even Gandalf feared that encounter.' 'You forget to whom you speak!,' said Aragorn sternly.... 'Did I not openly proclaim my title before the doors of Edoras? What do you fear that I should say to him? Nay, Gimli,' he said.... He looked like one who has laboured in sleepless pain for many nights. 'Nay, my friends, I am the lawful master of the Stone, and I had both the right and the strength to use it, or so I judged. The right cannot be doubted. The strength was enough - barely.'....
I do not often relate to Aragorn son of Arathorn, the Elessar, Envinyatar, Isildur's Heir, but this whole video had me nodding and saying "samesies, bro"/
"By the power of FRIENDSHIP AND EMPATHY!" Aragorn cried, as Andúril clove through the Mouth of Sauron's neck. Also, after seeing that illustration at 13:35 I really want to see Arnold Schwarzenegger play Aragorn for some reason...
Umm... book Aragorn would never kill during a truce save in self-defense. Peter Jackson should have showed the power of Anduril in defense, NOT against the King of the dead (who does strike first in the movie, but is NOT destroyed in response). Rather, he could have the Mouth mouth off about his 16 amazing unstoppable Morgul-Sword, and, miffed at Aragorn's skeptical response, swing it at him. Stopped by Anduril, drawn swiftly to party, Mouth has no time to react before Aragorn's counterstrike beheads him. Gimli could still even be given the joke about "concluding negotiations". Simple, really.
Regarding the greeting of Aragorn to Eomer, I am reminded of the following illustration of the difficulty of discerning an author's intent without the full context: How does the author finish a story of which you have only a small fragment of conversation: "Tex, you ol' sunovabitch!" he roared... Will the conclusion be: (1) The louder roar, of a gunfight. (2) The comparatively subdued sound, of a friendly backslap. (3) Something else.
I enjoyed this so much, thank you. I thought I knew Aragon pretty well but you really crystallise a trait I hadn't thought about, his ability to respond in exactly the right way to those around him. I thought also of that wonderful, moving moment at the Field of Cormallen when Sam cries Strider! And he says, it is a long way, is it not, from Bree where you didn't like the look of me; but yours has been the darkest road. And leads them to the thrones. It struck me he also echoes one of Tolkien's big themes, as Sam and Faramir also do, the rejection of the desire to dominate others. Wonderful stuff. Happy Tolkien reading day.
I love that moment - Sam being nervous to meet 'the King' and then getting close enough to recognize him as good old Strider - which of course he still is, in addition to being king. We talk a lot about Faramir and Aragorn being able to resist the Ring because of their lack of interest in domination - but I don't think it's recognized how crucial that trait is AFTER the Ring is destroyed, in making them good leaders and not despots. Thanks for the comment, and have a happy Tolkien Reading Day!
The LotR films definitely indicate that Legolas and Aragorn had a prior relationship, and the end of the Hobbit trilogy makes this explicit with Thranduil's injunction that Legolas go seek 'Strider' out. This is diffferent from the timeline in the books, where Aragorn is born in 2931 and Smaug is slain in 2941, when Aragorn was 10. The books don't indicate anything about Aragorn and Legolas having a prior relationship - though Aragorn might have met Legolas when he dropped Gollum off in Mirkwood the year before the Council of Elrond. Regardless of how long they've known each other, though, it's impressive how deeply Legolas respects Aragorn by the end of RotK. He and Gimli even wait for Aragorn's death before setting sail to Valinor.
13:40 but clearly king Elessar arranged marriages of Éowyn & Faramir and Éomer & Lothíriel /s Though, due to that joke I'm left wondering how the latter couple met. Was it some kind of celebration, anniversary of Sauron's fall perhaps? Or was either of them visiting other one's realm?
Lothiriel is Faramir's cousin - my vote is that they met during the preparations for Eowyn and Faramir's wedding. Maybe she was even one of Eowyn's attendants. Maybe Faramir needed a best man after Boromir died and Aragorn was already giving Eowyn away so Eomer got conscripted. ...okay now I'm giving myself vicarious hypothetical fictional wedding-tears and I need to stop. I was wondering if someone would bring up Eomer and Lothiriel, so I was careful to specify that this was not how Aragorn PRIMARILY did business, though I can't imagine he was displeased by all the convenient intermarriage.
What a great guy 😭 Especially considering all he's ben through and the weight he carries on his shoulders. One of my favorite little details that I find so endearing was when he requested the Hobbits to stay in Gondor just a little longer, because he wanted all his best friends there on his wedding day. Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
That's so perfect - Aragorn is such a 'mom friend' kind of guy that the moments when he betrays how much he needs and relies on his friends, just as they rely on him, are really special 🥺 Hope you had an excellent TRD, MGC!
What a cheeky title. I love it! The part you pointed out about how Aragorn wished to be liked for his own sake at Prancing Pony almost made me cry. Thank you for another brilliant video, and happy Tolkien reading day!
Thank you! Yeah, I was getting pretty choked up over poor li'l Strider by the end of my script - despite all his toils and his external grimness, he has a certain purity, almost an innocence, at his core.
Dang! This is two days in a row of amazing GirlNextGondor content! What a wonderful surprise! Edit: Also, wasn't your first video on Tolkien Reading day last year? Happy anniversary!
Oh Tolkien. The greatest proponent of found family. This entire video really made me think how ironic it is that in the series that's accredited for setting the modern stereotypes of fantasy (at least those that we've come to think of were prompted by this) and how masculine and stoic many fantasy leading men are, Aragorn is one of the most compassionate and anti-toxic-masculinity examples I can ever think of. WHich says a lot about the things we decide to see and perpetuate. I really loved the aspect of this character that he had been to witness, listened, and really saw a lot of people of middle earth, their ideas, their pain, their hopes. We need more Aragorns in this world Thank you for pointing out all the characteristics of a character I think we don't bother to really put thought in. We just accept or like. Such lovely thought. And as always you sneak in the best hint of snark "Juuuusst emotionally damaged enough."
This is really one of the things (along with the many half-formed opinions on Tolkien's views on his female characters) that I think both his critics and his fans often miss: while heroism and courage are definitely important in LotR, compassion/ "pity" is the primary virtue, and Tolkien views it as a source of strength that is *meant* to coexist with valor and firmness of will. It's a very Tolkienian theme of course that one's suffering can magnify aspects of one's character while also leaving deep psychological scars; that moral victories are not without lasting emotional costs; etc., etc. - but in this case I just can't help but find it funny that, as noble and gracious and in-charge as Aragorn seems, Arwen probably has to reassure him that yes, the Ambassador from Far Harad still likes you; no, the fact that Pippin took longer than usual to reply to your letter does not mean he's mad at you.... 🤣
Aragorn was always my favorite character, perhaps in all of fiction. This video cemented that and taught me even more reasons and subtleties to admire and cherish. Thank you!
Not Jeff here, thanks for another intriguing and entertaining video! Especially for the mention of Aragorn's friendship with Bilbo, a quick reference in the book that begs for more exploration. I like to think that they met well before Bilbo's retirement to Rivendell. Perhaps Bilbo was restless and decided to take a turn as a Bounder, and encountered a lonely young Ranger tasked with patrolling the outskirts of the Shire. Or maybe Gandalf introduced them, as he was also keenly interested in making unlikely alliances. Anyhow, I think Bilbo would be delighted to meet someone who understood his pursuit of adventure. Aragorn in turn would find respite from his labors with the friendship of the hospitable Hobbit. Song and poetry would resound!
Mae govannen, Not-Jeff, my favorite person to not-see in the comments! That is an excellent point that I hadn't thought of that before - we know Bilbo spent decades wandering around the Shire and occasionally communing with Elves (Gildor and co. seem familiar enough with him); it can't be out of the question that he'd have made it as far as Bree, at least. Maybe he overhears Strider humming his translation of the Lay of Leithian in the Prancing Pony one evening, and pounces on him with questions about historical meters and the Doriathrin Plural. Said Ranger would probably be terribly bewildered, even suspicious, until Bilbo drew him into an argument about anti-Noldorin bias in the surviving historical records, a subject Aragorn has strong opinions on after hearing Glorfindel, Elrond, and Galadriel all give wildly different accounts of the same event. Gandalf finds out about their little 'book club' a few months later, and doesn't know whether he's amused or terrified by their association.
I like to think he and Glorfindel are kindred spirits that way, that Glorfindel's "finally, THERE you are!" is partly "you have to come home NOW, you have no idea how cranky everyone has gotten and I can't be the Ray of Sunshine for the whole valley by myself, also I see you found a Doomed Hobbit, good on you bro." 😅
@@GirlNextGondor I think Aragorn found his ability to quickly make friends with people from all sorts of backgrounds during those days when he wandered south and east through many lands, including lands rather hostile to the men of Gondor and the fallen kingdom of Arnor. I suspect Aragorn ran into a few old friends from those younger days in the aftermath of the War of the Ring and the role those friendships played in achieving peace with the Easterlings and Southrons was probably significant. It's interesting to think about what might have happened had Aragorn not fallen in love with Arwen. Would he still have been driven as much to become the great leader and forger of critical friendships/alliances as he was during and leading up to the War of the Ring?
This is a very well thought out video. It’s kind of fitting to the story over all that the thing that set Aragorn on his path was his love for Arwen. It was a desire to be with the one he loved, not necessarily solely a desire to reclaim his rightful throne that spelled the downfall of Sauron
Well, he was pretty stoked to hear about being the Heir before he even met Arwen, but I think she really brought home to him how defeating Sauron/renewing his realms wasn't just some political abstraction - it had actual ramifications for some of the people he most cared about. Including his favorite half-elven lady, who would likely have left Middle-earth if he failed.
Thank you for this. This morning I read Ainulindalë, one of my favorite passages--to me, a passage that never gets enough love--to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day. Ilúvatar's love for the Ainur, and for the Children of Ilúvatar, evident throughout Ainulindalë, has caused me to shudder, brought tears to my eyes, every time since first reading, that I've read, written, or listened to the passage. "And thus was the habitation of the Children of Ilúvatar established at last in the Deeps of Time and amidst he innumerable stars. Happy Tolkien Reading Day 2022 everybody." Yeah, I'll probably post this same comment elsewhere :-)
Great video, Lexi. Sorry I took so long to watch it. I actually stopped watching Tolkien videos for Lent this year. I promise I will catch up and watch the other 3-4 videos I missed. I really love your style and you are so funny... The quintessential odd couple Legolas and Gimli.😆😂🤣😄
Ah, that makes sense ☺️ welcome back to the 'Tube, and I hope you've been refreshed by your abstinence! Imagine being friends with Legolas and Gimli... the perpetual third wheel, soaking up all the disparaging comments about "silly humans," never knowing which language someone's going to yell in next. Only Aragorn and a handful of others could handle it gracefully 🤣
@@GirlNextGondor 🤣😂😆😂🤣 It was refreshing, but I missed watching videos, giving 👍s and reading and making comments. Anything to help get those clueless algorithms to send more viewers to Tolkien RUclipsrs.
6:00 As a younger man, I lived a life of modern adventure with a group of like minded individuals. Risks, travails, betrayals and years later. All are gone. Friendship amongst companions in .....endeavors of stock and trade, are very rare. To lose a friend due to fear overbalancing their loyalty is far worse than having one taken out by opposition, they still have to be taken care of.
I think I'd have to agree. Solid friendship can be hard enough to come by even under normal circumstances, and there's always a risk that your investment won't pay off in the end.
Hello again 😍😍😍😍 Your videos make me so excited, I'm so glad they're slowly coming back! Thanks so much for caring about artists and for producing such great content 🤩🥳
Thank you Mellon 😊 I've really enjoyed getting in touch with different artists and finding new ones, and it's nice knowing the channel is as secure as it can be!
The more we suffer, the more neuroses we develop, which means increasing chances that one of them will prove unexpectedly vital to the salvation of the world one day 🤣🤣
@@GirlNextGondor on another note (astronomy is a hobby of mine), I just have to point out that the Hubble space telescope caught an image of the farthest star to date. They named it: Earendil. I’m not kidding either😂. Check it out!
Happy Tolkien Reading Day to one of the two smartest readers and one of the greatest Tolkien-fans on earth. Love your analysis of Aragorn, his loneliness and the small show of vulnerability that lay beneath his stony exterior. You truly nailed it all, and love that you bring up Aragorn's friendship with Eowyn (my fav LotR character!), and his touching bond with the Hobbits and even reference that he has with Boromir.
Thank you good sir, so glad to hear you enjoyed it! I think the unrequited love story overshadows the real fondness Aragorn shows for Eowyn; it's one of the few examples that comes to mind when thinking of platonic friendships in Tolkien between a woman and a man (after Eowyn gets over her crush and falls for Faramir, of course).
I don’t know if it’s the artworks or the highlight on this character who has been mocked on by people, but for the first time I drew a parallel between Aragorn and Geralt of Rivia : ) Great video !
@@GirlNextGondorh my goodness, that’s one of the best things I’ve seen in months. Especially the details of Andúril and Geralt’s sword at the side, and the friends and allies from both universes looking on and just having a good old time. Hang on, why is Frodo wearing the wolf amulet?
Love the "Politics of Aragorn..." He had friendship, yes. But what policy? Yet you did a great job showing how his friendships have political repercussions, so.... Checkmate, George R.R. Martin!
He really deserves his title as healer. Not just healing people affected nu the nazgul's bad breath, but also healing the world of men. Especially the far east and south. I mean, those people have been under the control of Sauron for at least 6000 years, and even longer under Morgoth.
Certainly his reign wasn't entirely peaceful (and there's always that pesky question of what you can ethically do with Orcs who outlive their Dark Lord) - but Aragorn could easily have started expanding Gondor as the kings of old did, and instead he seems to have opted for some fairly generous terms of surrender.
@@GirlNextGondor It kind of reminds me how Germany was treated after the surrender. Just destroying the old ideology is not enough; you have to proof that you are better than them.
OMG Lexi, you blow my mind every time! You have made Aragorn go from that amazing hero to a dearly relatable character to me! How do you do it? Love your intellect and insight!!!
Thank you so much! I think the best thing about Aragorn is that he's both a *truly* heroic, epic, untouchable, and awe-inspiring figure, *and* a down to earth, loyal friend who is wracked with worry and uncertainty at times, has a sly sense of humor, and prefers a very specific kind of beer from his favorite inn. It's the combination of the two factors that makes him such a favorite for many readers.
What an interesting topic, thanks for the insight into Aragorn's friendships. As always, your content is of the highest quality. Yours is easily one of the greatest channels on this platform!
A very thoughtful, in depth look into Aragorn's thoughts, based on his history, virtues and motivations. Which as always, tells of how much you and the lore are joint as one. Amazing work, Lexi!
@@GirlNextGondor haha bless you Lexi! We are all ruled by it in some ways :) But unlike the Nazgs/Nazgmates/Nazgm8s/Zm8s, you have the ability and strength of will do look the lore in it's many eyes (depending on the version) and talk to it as a friend.
Aragorn has always been, and will always be, one of my favorite characters in all literature. In many ways, as a "man," I've drawn on observations of his character... I've wanted to be like him in that he had access to great power and authority, but he did not let that corrupt his character, which is something I also saw in Luke Skywalker but anyway... I've often been seen as having a lack of confidence - which I do, don't get me wrong. I just didn't want such trait, however useful, to blind me as I've seen it do to literary figures and historical ones alike. I wanted to be an Aragorn and not a Denathor, in other words, but I've also learned more about Denathor since my youth.
The new intro is legendary! Bless you Lexi! Can't wait to watch this :) I'll find the time soon enough, I'm a bit of a Butterbur these days :\ It's always joyous to see the GNG in the notifications :) And on Tolkien Reading Day it's twice as happy
Thank you, dear Squashed! They will be waiting for you whenever you're ready. I was so happy to be able to get both of these out by Tolkien Reading Day 😄
Well met! Glad to see your video. You do such a wonderful job. Keep it up Mellon. Aragorn is the man who all should strive to be and or follow. Hope you have a wonderful Tolkien Reading Day! Sincerely, Lord Storm Crown the Brun
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Whenever someone complains that Aragorn spends too much of Towers & Return hyping his newly reforged legendary sword to anyone who will listen, Imma point them to this video and its excellent description of his clandestine, lonely, toil-filled early life.
Thank you very much, and a Happy TRD to you as well! Lately I've been thinking that those bits with the swords and the yelling that people find so jarringly OOC for Aragorn have been misunderstood from both ends - the Rohirrim are an 'unlettered' culture, and very martial, so the only way to get their respect (and show that you respect them!) is by relating to them on that level. I'd need to do more research into Rohirric culture and its real-world analogues, but I suspect this topic requires a video in itself.
Thank you, and the same to you! I remember watching your 'relatable' characters video and thinking this would be a good one to pair with it, as I think the coexistence of Aragorn's remote, aspirational qualities with his remarkable relatability is one of the things that animates his character and makes him lovable as well as admirable. Denethor he is not (despite being basically his long-lost twin in other ways, to hear Tolkien tell it!)
@@GirlNextGondor maybe a dose of living as a vagabond in the wild would have done old Denethor some good in the humility and relatability departments. 😂
My favorite non-hobbit LOTR character has always been Aragorn, especially since reading the chapter on him in Master of Middle-earth (sorry I don't remember the author, it's been at least 30 years, I'm not even sure that's the right book), which also expresses many of the points that GirlNextGondor makes (making me think it's fairly likely that she has read the same book) (LOL). Due to reading that, I've always seen him as a very human and likeable character despite his "designated hero" status.
Thank you! I really enjoyed exploring this aspect of his personality - after about halfway through Book II, he really becomes the Fellowship's de facto cultural ambassador, no matter what nation or people they find themselves dealing with, and I have always thought this was one of the coolest parts of his character!
I love how this video ends with Losgar xD. Yes yes yes exactly. Aragorn’s philosophy of leadership is the opposite of Sauron’s and *that is WHY he wins*.
I'd have to check my notes but I think that even without the Ring, the suggestion is that if Denethor had 'won' he would have essentially set up Gondor as a rival Mordor, more humane and ethical at first perhaps, but consumed with the same spirit of domination and on the same road. Only someone who has the strength of will/valor AND the compassion/humility that Aragorn has could possibly offer a real renewal. I didn't plan it that way, but yeah, Losgar is kind of the ultimate anti-Aragorn moment 🤣
Well, if one only looks at leadership as something gained and upheld by machiavellian machinations, then ofc the mere notion that someone in power wouldn´t act in accordance to those rules is unthinkable in itself. Such a person is as blinded by their own perception as a certain famous tower-dweller who could never ever dream of the destruction of his favorite piece of jewelry. ;) Thanks for another insightfull presentation! :)
It's probably pretty telling that Aragorn and Faramir are two mortal characters decidedly NOT motivated by power in itself, and are particularly successful in withstanding the Ring's lure.
@@GirlNextGondor Absolutley true! That´s also one reason Bilbo, Frodo and Samwise the Brave are resistant. ;) Ofc it is also for Hobbits depending on the persons character, imagine the Sackville-Baggins getting their hands on the ring: We would get a female Gollum version (I am sure Lobelia would beat Otho)! XD
FYI. You mistakenly said in the video that Aragorn new King Thingol in Rohan? Elu Thingol was long dead since the first age I know you meant Theoden King in Rohan. 😂 Thingol is Elway that was 1 of the 3 first Elves to awaken in Middle Earth. He heard the call of Valinor but left his people and met Melian and falls in love. He does not go to Valinor. He becomes a great King in the kingdom of Doriath.
😅 I was very alarmed when I read this - I know I make gaffes sometimes but did I really say Aragorn knew Thingol? I think I know what happened though: 'Thorongil' aka Aragorn worked for *Thengel,* Theoden's father and the king of Rohan before Theoden. It's kind of fun imagining Aragorn and Thingol meeting though. I feel like Aragorn resembles Luthien closely enough, but with an undeniable Mannish flavor, that Thingol would just start crying every time he looked at him....
@@GirlNextGondor Yes check it out.I spelled it wrong 😂. King Thingol's original name is Elwe. Theoden a child when Strider was younger and fought with Theoden's gradndfather. Aragorn was called as a Dunedain ranger Thorngull. After Estel.
@@GirlNextGondor probably very true 🤣 but he's also often incredibly understanding of human faults at various points throughout the story, and tends to inspire the best in people. Either his middle-eaethness would cause him to have Major anime protagonist energy in Westeros and change people to good with the power of friendship, or he'd be betrayed and murdered in grand Westerosi fashion :D
Aragorn acted out the true role of a king before he was ever crowned. Thats why I think Peter Jackson's reluctant Aragorn was such a dumb interpretation. Its not like Tolkien's Aragorn wanted to be king out of personal ambition. He was the heir of Elendil. Sauron was about to go nuclear. He had a duty. He never lost his humility, except that one time in Rohan outside Theoden's door lol. He could relate to common people a hell of a lot better than Denethor, I imagine. I want to know what Aragorn expected to happen when he set out from Rivendell and strode into Minas Tirith with Boromir, as he originally planned. Id advise him to not drink anything from Denethor's table. I wouldnt put it past Denethor to poison him as a rival lol.
I still think the bit with the sword was macho-man theater for the sake of the onlooking Rohirrim 😅 But yes, thank you for the excellent observation - Aragorn embodies what a Good King should be like even before he's crowned. That's *why* he becomes king, and that's what all the prophecy/destiny business boils down to: this will be the Right Man at the Right Time to save mannish civilization, though none of you could have predicted it, because Providence. Aragorn would have been familiar with Denethor's MO from his Thorongil exploits; I imagine the ensuing chess game would have been a sight to behold.
@@GirlNextGondor Thats an interesting thought about the Rohirrim. Theyre the jocks of the western coalition. They're cool and badass, but we have to remember these are people who hunt Druedain for sport. They're not always so nice. They'd probably spear you as soon as look at you if you're labelled an outsider or a threat. Aragorn would know better than anyone how to appeal to the values of these semi nomadic savages and speak in their idiom. No wonder Tolkien said later kings after Aragorn would be "mere kings and governors." They'll be raised in the purple. Aragorn spent his life in the mud. My favorite Aragorn moment is when he recovers from his near nervous breakdown to hunt for Merry and Pippin against hopeless odds, because those were his friends and its the right thing to do. They pushed themselves to the absolute limits of the endurance of each race just to save the most seemingly useless members of the Fellowship in the name of undying friendship and loyalty. It's a real epic fantasy hero moment but it's also political. It sets the tone and tenor of Aragorn's leadership and what he values above all else.
Merry Tolkien Reading Day. Good jab at thr Aragorns tax policy meme, as this video really highlights why that doesn't matter (besides being s detail outside the scope of a fantasy adventure) as Aragorn's policies are inferred from those actions he takes as king
I actually have a soft spot for political fantasy, but yes - you can't really criticize The Lord of the Rings for not being a political fantasy when it's clearly not trying to be one, and you can't even say that it's a flaw in the worldbuilding or detracts from suspension of disbelief, when his 'policies' are clearly implied, just not spelled out (because really who wants to read fictional tax code??)
Thanks! There's links to each artist's portfolio in the description, as well as a link to a Google spreadsheet that will give you the source of each individual piece. To find artists, I do a lot of searching on portfolio sites like ArtStation and DeviantArt; Instagram and Tumblr are good sources as well; and there's always Google Images!
I'm really hoping the Faramir character rehab returns soon. I loved thay video so much! Also, maybe this is funny, but I've watched this video so many times, and every time my favourite part is when you refer to Merry and Pippin as Aragorn's hobbits 😂 so cute 🥺
FYI. You mistakenly said in the video that Aragorn knew King Thingol in Rohan? Elu Thingol was long dead since the first age I know you meant Theoden King in Rohan. 😂 Thingol is Elway that was 1 of the 3 first Elves to awaken in Middle Earth. He heard the call of Valor but left his people and met Melian and falls in love. He does not go to Valinor. He becomes a great King in the kingdom of Doriath.
BUT, is Aragorn clean-shaved or bearded? Inquiring minds don't need to know. Once again, a wonderful and enlightening discussion of Tolkien's work; thanx very much GirlNextGondor!!!
My pleasure! 🤣 I was permanently shaped by the Jackson trilogy, I'm afraid, so my default-Aragorn has stubble and looks a lot like Vigo; but I must believe that canonically, he'd be beardless. Catherine Chmiel's drawings of Boromir probably come closest to reality IMO.
Speaking of friendship, if you'd like to pray a rosary for my recovery, it would be appreciated! I have a cold, and perhaps residual damage from an assault ... (13 * 13 + 1 = 10 *17).
@@GirlNextGondor Appreciated, it seems it already worked, so do so in thanksgiving instead, as to the cold (for the possible residual damage, not sure yet).
Frodo: Why the hell wouldn't you tell us you were a friend of Gandalf so we'd trust you?
Aragorn: Well I just kind of hoped you'd wanna be my friend anyway. I don't have many friends.
Frodo: ...
Aragorn: .....
Frodo: Are you ok man?
Aragorn: No I'm actually very lonely
Frodo: It's ok man we had to leave our home and everyone we knew behind, we could use a friend
It's so true 🤣especially because in the book, this is the point where Aragorn declares "if by my life or death I can save you I will" etc. Like, that's all it takes to win his undying loyalty - just allow him to help you without demanding references first. Poor, lonely Strider....
Hahahah I can see it now
He's an archetype of what a leader ought to be
00:12 finally a depiction that is accurate in showing the Pelennor as not a barren plain but dotted with farms and homesteads that you would expect to be the outskirts of a capital city!
I never took that "take to me for my own merits" line to heart when I first heard it in my audiobook but you've made me see it in a whole new way
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Like so many of your videos, what an interesting topic! Aragorn's friendship is definitely very valuable within the legendarium, no doubt about it!
I came to this video through the Men of the West channel. Loved the video, hastily subscribed! All the best to you both.
Just goes to show, always be nice to strange travelworn vagabonds, because you'll probably end up the sworn vassal of one 🤣 Hope you had a great Tolkien Reading Day!
That's an interesting take on friendship in the LOTR. I always thought of Gimli and Legolas as the paradigmatic Tolkien friendship. But it is true that Aragorn's relationships are unique in that his status puts a distance between him and would-be friends. His visit to the shire comes to mind, in that he doesn't visit Hobbiton like Gandalf used to, but only the bridge, as he is bound by his own decree. He remains apart, but still wishes to come close.
Indeed - it reminds me a bit of the injunction against 'daunting' others that the Istari have to observe. 'Bad' Ainur delight in intimidating others with their raw power; 'good' Ainur go out of their way to veil their power so they can actually relate to other races in an open, free way. Something similar seems to be going on with Aragorn, both before and after his coronation.
Being not fully grown is to experience the wonders of simplicity.
Growing is question the simplicity.
Being grown is recognising that the simplicity was not a naive dream, but an ideal to strive for.
A lot of people get stuck in the first and second stages.
Aragorn is such a great example of transforming a tough and lonely childhood into a life of goodwill and acceptance.
Excellent insights as usual, thank you! I never thought about how speaking the healer's language was not just a way for Aragorn to cut to the chase and establish his knowledge, but also a way for him to touch the man's mind in a way he would appreciate.
It's no wonder Aragorn is distraught at Boromir's death. There is so much going on there. Boromir fell to the Ring while Aragorn was preoccupied with the quest. Then he died carrying out Aragorn's orders. He is the son of Denethor, with whom Thorongil no doubt hoped to establish a good relationship, but failed. Boromir would likely have been King Elessar's steward after Denethor, if things had gone as Aragorn hoped - his future right hand man. To make matters worse, now it will look deeply suspicious to Denethor and the council. But Aragorn probably also had the insight to realize that Boromir had saved himself. Then add how the difficult quest to destroy the Ring had been taken out of Aragorn's hands, and he was back on the path to Gondor. All the grief, guilt, relief, and pressure all coming together with what I think was sincere admiration for Boromir's many great deeds.
Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
My Favorite Friends:
1. Finrod and Beor (Who doesn't want to be friends with Finrod? He's a rockstar! I would love to see what could he do with a Fender Strat.)
2. Frodo and Sam (Expert gardening, cooking, and piggy back rides to the Sammath Naur. What more could you ask for?)
3. Maedhros and Fingon (Firstborns acting like firstborns. Just trying to make peace and hold the Noldor together.)
4. Legolas and Gimli (Blazing the trail to grace and pardon between the Dwarfs and the Sindar one dead orc at a time)
5. Aragorn and Merry ("The first time I met that 'wee lad,' he had just been out spying on Nazgul at night. He was either incredibly brave or foolish. Perhaps a bit of both? That's how we became friends." - Aragorn to his Guard Captain)
All excellent examples of friendship 💖Aragorn and Merry are my top choice for underrated friendships. I imagine them commiserating on shared watches ("If Pippin doesn't get his act together I'm going to tie him up." "Don't worry, Boromir's already got the rope ready.") and it seems that he's the hobbit Aragorn prefers to bring along on scouting missions, so I suspect a few quick rangering tutorial sessions took place as well.
I've struggled making friends my whole life I NEVER RELATED TO ARAGORN SO HARD 😢
Thanks for this.
A politics of friendship
I related to that a lot reading the lord of the ring when I was young, and now I wonder how much it influenced me becoming a therapist. It's a good excuse for a lonely hurt person that's also very shy to get to know other people in a safe environment, and get to work with them for their healing, as I got my healing also being helped by others that were kind to me when I needed
Happy Tolkien Reading Day to the channel that takes the cake for the best name!
A very happy TRD and huge thank you to the best wizard-educated hobbit painting tutorial RP channel in existence!
The other handle that tickles my fancy is one of the other Tolkien channels' main supporters: "TomDaBombadil", lol
This was as ever very good stuff. Aragorn was indeed friendly and empathetic with all he meets. He shows understanding of the fates of Gollum and the oath breakers. This attitude wins him friends everywhere. Just one thing. Isn’t every day Tolkien reading day?
For me it sure is 🤣
Aragorn's character definitely warrants further exploration. Researching his most prominent friendships alone gave me a lot of ideas for future stuff!
Ahh… Aragorn. Many of my favorite chapters of the Lord of the Rings involve him in some way, and have since decades before the films. His character did need “rehabilitation” as you call it, but one thing that the films did right was showing his loyalty toward and fondness for his friends. Many of the best leaders share the “I’m a Ieader of friends, not strangers” persona that he exemplifies. Two GNG videos in one week!
Apart from the tacked-on bits of his new 'character arc,' I think the films did capture his Strider-vibe especially well. Very serious, even grim, by default, but every so often he'll relax just enough that you can see his inherent gentleness. The scene where Theoden arrives in Isengard and is met by Merry and Pippin, and Aragorn gets to see his hobbits again and breaks into a grin while Gandalf mutters and Gimli shouts, is one of my favorites for how efficiently it communicates the friendship dynamics.
Are you sure this isn't a Character Rehab of Aragon video? Because one of the most common critiques I hear of him is that he isn't relatable. But here you are framing him in such a personable and relatable way!
I'm gonna have to embrace that like button like Aragorn running forward and embracing Halbarad on the fields of Rohan!
Oh, we've got more material for his Character Rehab when it comes time... but I agree, I think this side of his personality is sometimes overshadowed by how heroic and epic he definitely is. Yet I think the reason he's such a lovable character in addition to being an admirable one is that he shows those flashes of loyalty, affection, and humor.
The Valar: They'll need a perfect king to rebuild humanity.
Eru: Already covered.
Happy TRD! :)
Between 10:40-ish, and 11:18-ish, there's a picture of what I assume is Boromir. Is it just me, or does the stylised depiction of The White Tree on his shield, also look like a stylised face of some sort of Cthuloid monstrosity?
The only time Aragorn ever actually loses patience with one of his friends he immediately regrets it and what he says is so endearing.
'You have looked in that accursed stone of wizardry!' exclaimed Gimli with fear and astonishment in his face. 'Did you say aught to - him? Even Gandalf feared that encounter.'
'You forget to whom you speak!,' said Aragorn sternly.... 'Did I not openly proclaim my title before the doors of Edoras? What do you fear that I should say to him? Nay, Gimli,' he said.... He looked like one who has laboured in sleepless pain for many nights. 'Nay, my friends, I am the lawful master of the Stone, and I had both the right and the strength to use it, or so I judged. The right cannot be doubted. The strength was enough - barely.'....
8:07 He's just like me frfr
I do not often relate to Aragorn son of Arathorn, the Elessar, Envinyatar, Isildur's Heir, but this whole video had me nodding and saying "samesies, bro"/
"By the power of FRIENDSHIP AND EMPATHY!" Aragorn cried, as Andúril clove through the Mouth of Sauron's neck.
Also, after seeing that illustration at 13:35 I really want to see Arnold Schwarzenegger play Aragorn for some reason...
"Come with me if you want to live." - Aragorn, son of Arathorn, at the Prancing Pony, TA 3019
@@GirlNextGondor "GET TO DAH EAGAALS!"
“Èomer! You son of a bitch!”
-Aragon, greeting his friend near the conclusion of the battle at Pelennor with the customary Bro-Shake
Umm... book Aragorn would never kill during a truce save in self-defense. Peter Jackson should have showed the power of Anduril in defense, NOT against the King of the dead (who does strike first in the movie, but is NOT destroyed in response). Rather, he could have the Mouth mouth off about his 16
amazing unstoppable Morgul-Sword, and, miffed at Aragorn's skeptical response, swing it at him. Stopped by Anduril, drawn swiftly to party, Mouth has no time to react before Aragorn's counterstrike beheads him. Gimli could still even be given the joke about "concluding negotiations". Simple, really.
Regarding the greeting of Aragorn to Eomer, I am reminded of the following illustration of the difficulty of discerning an author's intent without the full context:
How does the author finish a story of which you have only a small fragment of conversation:
"Tex, you ol' sunovabitch!" he roared...
Will the conclusion be:
(1) The louder roar, of a gunfight.
(2) The comparatively subdued sound, of a friendly backslap.
(3) Something else.
I enjoyed this so much, thank you. I thought I knew Aragon pretty well but you really crystallise a trait I hadn't thought about, his ability to respond in exactly the right way to those around him. I thought also of that wonderful, moving moment at the Field of Cormallen when Sam cries Strider! And he says, it is a long way, is it not, from Bree where you didn't like the look of me; but yours has been the darkest road. And leads them to the thrones. It struck me he also echoes one of Tolkien's big themes, as Sam and Faramir also do, the rejection of the desire to dominate others. Wonderful stuff. Happy Tolkien reading day.
I love that moment - Sam being nervous to meet 'the King' and then getting close enough to recognize him as good old Strider - which of course he still is, in addition to being king. We talk a lot about Faramir and Aragorn being able to resist the Ring because of their lack of interest in domination - but I don't think it's recognized how crucial that trait is AFTER the Ring is destroyed, in making them good leaders and not despots.
Thanks for the comment, and have a happy Tolkien Reading Day!
11:15 it would be at that point that Boromir should have bowed in reverence because that is sufficiently humble and bad-ass all at once.
he knew Legolas for over fifty years
The LotR films definitely indicate that Legolas and Aragorn had a prior relationship, and the end of the Hobbit trilogy makes this explicit with Thranduil's injunction that Legolas go seek 'Strider' out. This is diffferent from the timeline in the books, where Aragorn is born in 2931 and Smaug is slain in 2941, when Aragorn was 10. The books don't indicate anything about Aragorn and Legolas having a prior relationship - though Aragorn might have met Legolas when he dropped Gollum off in Mirkwood the year before the Council of Elrond.
Regardless of how long they've known each other, though, it's impressive how deeply Legolas respects Aragorn by the end of RotK. He and Gimli even wait for Aragorn's death before setting sail to Valinor.
13:40 but clearly king Elessar arranged marriages of Éowyn & Faramir and Éomer & Lothíriel /s
Though, due to that joke I'm left wondering how the latter couple met. Was it some kind of celebration, anniversary of Sauron's fall perhaps? Or was either of them visiting other one's realm?
Lothiriel is Faramir's cousin - my vote is that they met during the preparations for Eowyn and Faramir's wedding. Maybe she was even one of Eowyn's attendants. Maybe Faramir needed a best man after Boromir died and Aragorn was already giving Eowyn away so Eomer got conscripted. ...okay now I'm giving myself vicarious hypothetical fictional wedding-tears and I need to stop.
I was wondering if someone would bring up Eomer and Lothiriel, so I was careful to specify that this was not how Aragorn PRIMARILY did business, though I can't imagine he was displeased by all the convenient intermarriage.
What a great guy 😭 Especially considering all he's ben through and the weight he carries on his shoulders. One of my favorite little details that I find so endearing was when he requested the Hobbits to stay in Gondor just a little longer, because he wanted all his best friends there on his wedding day.
Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
That's so perfect - Aragorn is such a 'mom friend' kind of guy that the moments when he betrays how much he needs and relies on his friends, just as they rely on him, are really special 🥺
Hope you had an excellent TRD, MGC!
What a cheeky title. I love it!
The part you pointed out about how Aragorn wished to be liked for his own sake at Prancing Pony almost made me cry.
Thank you for another brilliant video, and happy Tolkien reading day!
Thank you! Yeah, I was getting pretty choked up over poor li'l Strider by the end of my script - despite all his toils and his external grimness, he has a certain purity, almost an innocence, at his core.
Dang! This is two days in a row of amazing GirlNextGondor content! What a wonderful surprise!
Edit: Also, wasn't your first video on Tolkien Reading day last year? Happy anniversary!
Thank you! I didn't quite plan it this way but it worked out in the end. And yes, this is my 1-year channelversary! 🥂
Oh Tolkien. The greatest proponent of found family. This entire video really made me think how ironic it is that in the series that's accredited for setting the modern stereotypes of fantasy (at least those that we've come to think of were prompted by this) and how masculine and stoic many fantasy leading men are, Aragorn is one of the most compassionate and anti-toxic-masculinity examples I can ever think of. WHich says a lot about the things we decide to see and perpetuate. I really loved the aspect of this character that he had been to witness, listened, and really saw a lot of people of middle earth, their ideas, their pain, their hopes. We need more Aragorns in this world
Thank you for pointing out all the characteristics of a character I think we don't bother to really put thought in. We just accept or like. Such lovely thought. And as always you sneak in the best hint of snark "Juuuusst emotionally damaged enough."
This is really one of the things (along with the many half-formed opinions on Tolkien's views on his female characters) that I think both his critics and his fans often miss: while heroism and courage are definitely important in LotR, compassion/ "pity" is the primary virtue, and Tolkien views it as a source of strength that is *meant* to coexist with valor and firmness of will.
It's a very Tolkienian theme of course that one's suffering can magnify aspects of one's character while also leaving deep psychological scars; that moral victories are not without lasting emotional costs; etc., etc. - but in this case I just can't help but find it funny that, as noble and gracious and in-charge as Aragorn seems, Arwen probably has to reassure him that yes, the Ambassador from Far Harad still likes you; no, the fact that Pippin took longer than usual to reply to your letter does not mean he's mad at you.... 🤣
Aragorn was always my favorite character, perhaps in all of fiction. This video cemented that and taught me even more reasons and subtleties to admire and cherish. Thank you!
Not Jeff here, thanks for another intriguing and entertaining video! Especially for the mention of Aragorn's friendship with Bilbo, a quick reference in the book that begs for more exploration. I like to think that they met well before Bilbo's retirement to Rivendell. Perhaps Bilbo was restless and decided to take a turn as a Bounder, and encountered a lonely young Ranger tasked with patrolling the outskirts of the Shire. Or maybe Gandalf introduced them, as he was also keenly interested in making unlikely alliances.
Anyhow, I think Bilbo would be delighted to meet someone who understood his pursuit of adventure. Aragorn in turn would find respite from his labors with the friendship of the hospitable Hobbit. Song and poetry would resound!
Mae govannen, Not-Jeff, my favorite person to not-see in the comments!
That is an excellent point that I hadn't thought of that before - we know Bilbo spent decades wandering around the Shire and occasionally communing with Elves (Gildor and co. seem familiar enough with him); it can't be out of the question that he'd have made it as far as Bree, at least. Maybe he overhears Strider humming his translation of the Lay of Leithian in the Prancing Pony one evening, and pounces on him with questions about historical meters and the Doriathrin Plural. Said Ranger would probably be terribly bewildered, even suspicious, until Bilbo drew him into an argument about anti-Noldorin bias in the surviving historical records, a subject Aragorn has strong opinions on after hearing Glorfindel, Elrond, and Galadriel all give wildly different accounts of the same event.
Gandalf finds out about their little 'book club' a few months later, and doesn't know whether he's amused or terrified by their association.
Thank you!!!!
Aragorn is the ultimate bro!
I like to think he and Glorfindel are kindred spirits that way, that Glorfindel's "finally, THERE you are!" is partly "you have to come home NOW, you have no idea how cranky everyone has gotten and I can't be the Ray of Sunshine for the whole valley by myself, also I see you found a Doomed Hobbit, good on you bro." 😅
@@GirlNextGondor I think Aragorn found his ability to quickly make friends with people from all sorts of backgrounds during those days when he wandered south and east through many lands, including lands rather hostile to the men of Gondor and the fallen kingdom of Arnor. I suspect Aragorn ran into a few old friends from those younger days in the aftermath of the War of the Ring and the role those friendships played in achieving peace with the Easterlings and Southrons was probably significant.
It's interesting to think about what might have happened had Aragorn not fallen in love with Arwen. Would he still have been driven as much to become the great leader and forger of critical friendships/alliances as he was during and leading up to the War of the Ring?
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! 💚
Same to you!
Holy moly, you just made me love Aragorn even more. I didn't realize there was any room for that left.
There is always more room to love Aragorn!
This was an excellent video as always. Cinema Therapy has a great video of Aragorn as an antidote to toxic masculinity.
This is a very well thought out video. It’s kind of fitting to the story over all that the thing that set Aragorn on his path was his love for Arwen. It was a desire to be with the one he loved, not necessarily solely a desire to reclaim his rightful throne that spelled the downfall of Sauron
Well, he was pretty stoked to hear about being the Heir before he even met Arwen, but I think she really brought home to him how defeating Sauron/renewing his realms wasn't just some political abstraction - it had actual ramifications for some of the people he most cared about. Including his favorite half-elven lady, who would likely have left Middle-earth if he failed.
Friendship is Radical!
It is if you're doing it right! 🤣
Thank you for this.
This morning I read Ainulindalë, one of my favorite passages--to me, a passage that never gets enough love--to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day.
Ilúvatar's love for the Ainur, and for the Children of Ilúvatar, evident throughout Ainulindalë, has caused me to shudder, brought tears to my eyes, every time since first reading, that I've read, written, or listened to the passage.
"And thus was the habitation of the Children of Ilúvatar established at last in the Deeps of Time and amidst he innumerable stars.
Happy Tolkien Reading Day 2022 everybody."
Yeah, I'll probably post this same comment elsewhere :-)
Ooof, the Ainulindale is a great choice! I'm thinking something from Children of Hurin might be what I sample.
Great video, Lexi. Sorry I took so long to watch it. I actually stopped watching Tolkien videos for Lent this year. I promise I will catch up and watch the other 3-4 videos I missed. I really love your style and you are so funny... The quintessential odd couple Legolas and Gimli.😆😂🤣😄
Ah, that makes sense ☺️ welcome back to the 'Tube, and I hope you've been refreshed by your abstinence!
Imagine being friends with Legolas and Gimli... the perpetual third wheel, soaking up all the disparaging comments about "silly humans," never knowing which language someone's going to yell in next. Only Aragorn and a handful of others could handle it gracefully 🤣
It was refreshing, but I missed watching videos, giving 👍s and reading and making comments. Anything to help get those clueless algorithms to send more viewers to Tolkien RUclipsrs.
6:00 As a younger man, I lived a life of modern adventure with a group of like minded individuals. Risks, travails, betrayals and years later. All are gone.
Friendship amongst companions in .....endeavors of stock and trade, are very rare.
To lose a friend due to fear overbalancing their loyalty is far worse than having one taken out by opposition, they still have to be taken care of.
I think I'd have to agree. Solid friendship can be hard enough to come by even under normal circumstances, and there's always a risk that your investment won't pay off in the end.
Hello again 😍😍😍😍 Your videos make me so excited, I'm so glad they're slowly coming back! Thanks so much for caring about artists and for producing such great content 🤩🥳
Thank you Mellon 😊 I've really enjoyed getting in touch with different artists and finding new ones, and it's nice knowing the channel is as secure as it can be!
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Nice video !
Thanks so much! I'm still catching up with the playlist; it's been another great collaboration so far though 🥰
Ahhhh. It’s so nice to know emotional damage can yield positive results 😂. I’m feeling optimistic now! Great video!
The more we suffer, the more neuroses we develop, which means increasing chances that one of them will prove unexpectedly vital to the salvation of the world one day 🤣🤣
@@GirlNextGondor on another note (astronomy is a hobby of mine), I just have to point out that the Hubble space telescope caught an image of the farthest star to date. They named it: Earendil. I’m not kidding either😂. Check it out!
Happy Tolkien Reading Day to one of the two smartest readers and one of the greatest Tolkien-fans on earth. Love your analysis of Aragorn, his loneliness and the small show of vulnerability that lay beneath his stony exterior.
You truly nailed it all, and love that you bring up Aragorn's friendship with Eowyn (my fav LotR character!), and his touching bond with the Hobbits and even reference that he has with Boromir.
Thank you good sir, so glad to hear you enjoyed it!
I think the unrequited love story overshadows the real fondness Aragorn shows for Eowyn; it's one of the few examples that comes to mind when thinking of platonic friendships in Tolkien between a woman and a man (after Eowyn gets over her crush and falls for Faramir, of course).
I don’t know if it’s the artworks or the highlight on this character who has been mocked on by people, but for the first time I drew a parallel between Aragorn and Geralt of Rivia : )
Great video !
^fan art of Aragorn and Geralt arm-wrestling. I don't know whether to say 'you're welcome' or 'I'm sorry' 😅
@@GirlNextGondorh my goodness, that’s one of the best things I’ve seen in months. Especially the details of Andúril and Geralt’s sword at the side, and the friends and allies from both universes looking on and just having a good old time.
Hang on, why is Frodo wearing the wolf amulet?
Love the "Politics of Aragorn..."
He had friendship, yes. But what policy?
Yet you did a great job showing how his friendships have political repercussions, so....
Checkmate, George R.R. Martin!
@@GirlNextGondor that's a thank you for my part ! Jaskier ahahaha what is he doing again 😂 ?
Politicians and leaders today could learn a LOT from Aragorn.
Woohoo video is back. I was really looking forward to watching it. Great work as always.
Thanks! Yep, it was luckily something I was able to quickly resolve. Glad you enjoyed it!
He really deserves his title as healer. Not just healing people affected nu the nazgul's bad breath, but also healing the world of men.
Especially the far east and south. I mean, those people have been under the control of Sauron for at least 6000 years, and even longer under Morgoth.
Certainly his reign wasn't entirely peaceful (and there's always that pesky question of what you can ethically do with Orcs who outlive their Dark Lord) - but Aragorn could easily have started expanding Gondor as the kings of old did, and instead he seems to have opted for some fairly generous terms of surrender.
@@GirlNextGondor It kind of reminds me how Germany was treated after the surrender. Just destroying the old ideology is not enough; you have to proof that you are better than them.
Nice work
OMG Lexi, you blow my mind every time! You have made Aragorn go from that amazing hero to a dearly relatable character to me! How do you do it? Love your intellect and insight!!!
Thank you so much! I think the best thing about Aragorn is that he's both a *truly* heroic, epic, untouchable, and awe-inspiring figure, *and* a down to earth, loyal friend who is wracked with worry and uncertainty at times, has a sly sense of humor, and prefers a very specific kind of beer from his favorite inn. It's the combination of the two factors that makes him such a favorite for many readers.
@@GirlNextGondor Tolkien was certainly a master of his craft!
Thanks for not making me read. 🙃 Great job! Nice surprise to see another video so soon.
I’ve watched a lot of videos about the essence of Aragorn’s ethic, and I think this video nails it on the head.
Happy Tolkien Reading Day my friend!
Thank you, and the same to you!
Happy Friday, great as always
What an interesting topic, thanks for the insight into Aragorn's friendships. As always, your content is of the highest quality. Yours is easily one of the greatest channels on this platform!
Very much appreciated 😁
A very thoughtful, in depth look into Aragorn's thoughts, based on his history, virtues and motivations. Which as always, tells of how much you and the lore are joint as one.
Amazing work, Lexi!
Thank you very much, squashy!
As the Nazgul are an extension of Sauron's thought, so am I an extension of the lore; I have no will of my own 😅
@@GirlNextGondor haha bless you Lexi! We are all ruled by it in some ways :)
But unlike the Nazgs/Nazgmates/Nazgm8s/Zm8s, you have the ability and strength of will do look the lore in it's many eyes (depending on the version) and talk to it as a friend.
Glad I came across your channel! Love the quotes and attention to details!
Thank you! So glad you're enjoying them!
Thanks lexi .i read the exil of the noldor . And still in the mood , unfinished tales galadriel and celeborn.
That was nice and refreshing, thank you.
How can I hit like when it's at 420 at this very moment?
I'm obviously biased in favor of likes, but even I would have a hard time telling you to wreck that number 😆
Aragorn has always been, and will always be, one of my favorite characters in all literature. In many ways, as a "man," I've drawn on observations of his character... I've wanted to be like him in that he had access to great power and authority, but he did not let that corrupt his character, which is something I also saw in Luke Skywalker but anyway... I've often been seen as having a lack of confidence - which I do, don't get me wrong. I just didn't want such trait, however useful, to blind me as I've seen it do to literary figures and historical ones alike.
I wanted to be an Aragorn and not a Denathor, in other words, but I've also learned more about Denathor since my youth.
The new intro is legendary!
Bless you Lexi! Can't wait to watch this :) I'll find the time soon enough, I'm a bit of a Butterbur these days :\
It's always joyous to see the GNG in the notifications :) And on Tolkien Reading Day it's twice as happy
Thank you, dear Squashed! They will be waiting for you whenever you're ready. I was so happy to be able to get both of these out by Tolkien Reading Day 😄
@@GirlNextGondor You are the best, dear Lexi :) Wishing a great weekend (!)
Watching this, I'll have to watch the other I missed :)
Well met! Glad to see your video. You do such a wonderful job. Keep it up Mellon. Aragorn is the man who all should strive to be and or follow. Hope you have a wonderful Tolkien Reading Day!
Lord Storm Crown the Brun
Thank you very much, and a happy Tolkien Reading Day to you!
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Whenever someone complains that Aragorn spends too much of Towers & Return hyping his newly reforged legendary sword to anyone who will listen, Imma point them to this video and its excellent description of his clandestine, lonely, toil-filled early life.
Thank you very much, and a Happy TRD to you as well!
Lately I've been thinking that those bits with the swords and the yelling that people find so jarringly OOC for Aragorn have been misunderstood from both ends - the Rohirrim are an 'unlettered' culture, and very martial, so the only way to get their respect (and show that you respect them!) is by relating to them on that level. I'd need to do more research into Rohirric culture and its real-world analogues, but I suspect this topic requires a video in itself.
A video I didn’t know I needed but found incredibly insightful. Happy Tolkien Reading Day!
Thank you, and the same to you! I remember watching your 'relatable' characters video and thinking this would be a good one to pair with it, as I think the coexistence of Aragorn's remote, aspirational qualities with his remarkable relatability is one of the things that animates his character and makes him lovable as well as admirable. Denethor he is not (despite being basically his long-lost twin in other ways, to hear Tolkien tell it!)
@@GirlNextGondor maybe a dose of living as a vagabond in the wild would have done old Denethor some good in the humility and relatability departments. 😂
Your videos offer thoughtful analysis. Thank you
My favorite non-hobbit LOTR character has always been Aragorn, especially since reading the chapter on him in Master of Middle-earth (sorry I don't remember the author, it's been at least 30 years, I'm not even sure that's the right book), which also expresses many of the points that GirlNextGondor makes (making me think it's fairly likely that she has read the same book) (LOL). Due to reading that, I've always seen him as a very human and likeable character despite his "designated hero" status.
Great vid again, and Happy Tolkien Reading Day! :D
Happy Tolkien Reading Day, Lexi! I love the topic - one of Aragorn’s often overlooked strengths.
Thank you! I really enjoyed exploring this aspect of his personality - after about halfway through Book II, he really becomes the Fellowship's de facto cultural ambassador, no matter what nation or people they find themselves dealing with, and I have always thought this was one of the coolest parts of his character!
Really great video, thanks!
Glad you liked it!
Well done, such a good analysis. Thanks
Thank you! Aragorn's a very neat character, one who has spawned (if nothing else) a host of TTRPG characters; glad you enjoyed this look at him.
I love how this video ends with Losgar xD.
Yes yes yes exactly. Aragorn’s philosophy of leadership is the opposite of Sauron’s and *that is WHY he wins*.
I'd have to check my notes but I think that even without the Ring, the suggestion is that if Denethor had 'won' he would have essentially set up Gondor as a rival Mordor, more humane and ethical at first perhaps, but consumed with the same spirit of domination and on the same road. Only someone who has the strength of will/valor AND the compassion/humility that Aragorn has could possibly offer a real renewal.
I didn't plan it that way, but yeah, Losgar is kind of the ultimate anti-Aragorn moment 🤣
I know you like to interact on simple terms like button. I show affection by clicking, and you show affection by turning blue.
A beautiful symbiosis 🤣
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! Great video as always!
Thank you! You too!
Great video. A very loving look at the at some of the the traits that make him such a great character.
Very good video indeed, really liked this topic. Thanks and happy Tolkien reading day 😄
Thank you, and the same to you!
Amazing as always, thanks :)
Thank you too!
Awesome video!
Thank you!
Well, if one only looks at leadership as something gained and upheld by machiavellian machinations, then ofc the mere notion that someone in power wouldn´t act in accordance to those rules is unthinkable in itself. Such a person is as blinded by their own perception as a certain famous tower-dweller who could never ever dream of the destruction of his favorite piece of jewelry. ;)
Thanks for another insightfull presentation! :)
It's probably pretty telling that Aragorn and Faramir are two mortal characters decidedly NOT motivated by power in itself, and are particularly successful in withstanding the Ring's lure.
@@GirlNextGondor Absolutley true! That´s also one reason Bilbo, Frodo and Samwise the Brave are resistant. ;) Ofc it is also for Hobbits depending on the persons character, imagine the Sackville-Baggins getting their hands on the ring: We would get a female Gollum version (I am sure Lobelia would beat Otho)! XD
FYI. You mistakenly said in the video that Aragorn new King Thingol in Rohan? Elu Thingol was long dead since the first age I know you meant Theoden King in Rohan. 😂 Thingol is Elway that was 1 of the 3 first Elves to awaken in Middle Earth. He heard the call of Valinor but left his people and met Melian and falls in love. He does not go to Valinor. He becomes a great King in the kingdom of Doriath.
😅 I was very alarmed when I read this - I know I make gaffes sometimes but did I really say Aragorn knew Thingol?
I think I know what happened though: 'Thorongil' aka Aragorn worked for *Thengel,* Theoden's father and the king of Rohan before Theoden.
It's kind of fun imagining Aragorn and Thingol meeting though. I feel like Aragorn resembles Luthien closely enough, but with an undeniable Mannish flavor, that Thingol would just start crying every time he looked at him....
@@GirlNextGondor Yes check it out.I spelled it wrong 😂. King Thingol's original name is Elwe. Theoden a child when Strider was younger and fought with Theoden's gradndfather. Aragorn was called as a Dunedain ranger Thorngull. After Estel.
@@GirlNextGondor Yes Aragorn fought with him and the names are close.
Nice work thanks
that was great. thank you .
Ha! Robert Baratheon and Aragorn have a similar method for forging alliances.... I wonder how that alliance would go?
I think Aragorn would be appalled by almost any Martin character 😅 though he might politely disguise the fact. Ned might possibly be an exception.
@@GirlNextGondor probably very true 🤣 but he's also often incredibly understanding of human faults at various points throughout the story, and tends to inspire the best in people. Either his middle-eaethness would cause him to have Major anime protagonist energy in Westeros and change people to good with the power of friendship, or he'd be betrayed and murdered in grand Westerosi fashion :D
That was great, thanks.
You're welcome!
What a great analysis, like always Good job!
Aragorn acted out the true role of a king before he was ever crowned. Thats why I think Peter Jackson's reluctant Aragorn was such a dumb interpretation. Its not like Tolkien's Aragorn wanted to be king out of personal ambition. He was the heir of Elendil. Sauron was about to go nuclear. He had a duty. He never lost his humility, except that one time in Rohan outside Theoden's door lol. He could relate to common people a hell of a lot better than Denethor, I imagine. I want to know what Aragorn expected to happen when he set out from Rivendell and strode into Minas Tirith with Boromir, as he originally planned. Id advise him to not drink anything from Denethor's table. I wouldnt put it past Denethor to poison him as a rival lol.
I still think the bit with the sword was macho-man theater for the sake of the onlooking Rohirrim 😅
But yes, thank you for the excellent observation - Aragorn embodies what a Good King should be like even before he's crowned. That's *why* he becomes king, and that's what all the prophecy/destiny business boils down to: this will be the Right Man at the Right Time to save mannish civilization, though none of you could have predicted it, because Providence.
Aragorn would have been familiar with Denethor's MO from his Thorongil exploits; I imagine the ensuing chess game would have been a sight to behold.
@@GirlNextGondor Thats an interesting thought about the Rohirrim. Theyre the jocks of the western coalition. They're cool and badass, but we have to remember these are people who hunt Druedain for sport. They're not always so nice. They'd probably spear you as soon as look at you if you're labelled an outsider or a threat. Aragorn would know better than anyone how to appeal to the values of these semi nomadic savages and speak in their idiom. No wonder Tolkien said later kings after Aragorn would be "mere kings and governors." They'll be raised in the purple. Aragorn spent his life in the mud. My favorite Aragorn moment is when he recovers from his near nervous breakdown to hunt for Merry and Pippin against hopeless odds, because those were his friends and its the right thing to do. They pushed themselves to the absolute limits of the endurance of each race just to save the most seemingly useless members of the Fellowship in the name of undying friendship and loyalty. It's a real epic fantasy hero moment but it's also political. It sets the tone and tenor of Aragorn's leadership and what he values above all else.
I've seen a few of your videos. I think this is the best one I've seen thus far. The Sin of Creation was pretty good too.
Great video.
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!
Merry Tolkien Reading Day. Good jab at thr Aragorns tax policy meme, as this video really highlights why that doesn't matter (besides being s detail outside the scope of a fantasy adventure) as Aragorn's policies are inferred from those actions he takes as king
I actually have a soft spot for political fantasy, but yes - you can't really criticize The Lord of the Rings for not being a political fantasy when it's clearly not trying to be one, and you can't even say that it's a flaw in the worldbuilding or detracts from suspension of disbelief, when his 'policies' are clearly implied, just not spelled out (because really who wants to read fictional tax code??)
What a review.
Please do try to restrain yourself, m'lord; this is your great^66-grand-foster-hostage-son's time to shine.
Great content! Where do you find those beautiful drawings?
There's links to each artist's portfolio in the description, as well as a link to a Google spreadsheet that will give you the source of each individual piece. To find artists, I do a lot of searching on portfolio sites like ArtStation and DeviantArt; Instagram and Tumblr are good sources as well; and there's always Google Images!
My pleasure!
I'm really hoping the Faramir character rehab returns soon. I loved thay video so much!
Also, maybe this is funny, but I've watched this video so many times, and every time my favourite part is when you refer to Merry and Pippin as Aragorn's hobbits 😂 so cute 🥺
"Only I threaten Pippin with grievous bodily harm! NO ONE ELSE!" 💖
FYI. You mistakenly said in the video that Aragorn knew King Thingol in Rohan? Elu Thingol was long dead since the first age I know you meant Theoden King in Rohan. 😂 Thingol is Elway that was 1 of the 3 first Elves to awaken in Middle Earth. He heard the call of Valor but left his people and met Melian and falls in love. He does not go to Valinor. He becomes a great King in the kingdom of Doriath.
BUT, is Aragorn clean-shaved or bearded? Inquiring minds don't need to know.
Once again, a wonderful and enlightening discussion of Tolkien's work; thanx very much GirlNextGondor!!!
My pleasure!
🤣 I was permanently shaped by the Jackson trilogy, I'm afraid, so my default-Aragorn has stubble and looks a lot like Vigo; but I must believe that canonically, he'd be beardless. Catherine Chmiel's drawings of Boromir probably come closest to reality IMO.
Speaking of friendship, if you'd like to pray a rosary for my recovery, it would be appreciated! I have a cold, and perhaps residual damage from an assault ... (13 * 13 + 1 = 10 *17).
Sorry to hear that☹️ I'll work a couple decades in for you.
@@GirlNextGondor Appreciated, it seems it already worked, so do so in thanksgiving instead, as to the cold (for the possible residual damage, not sure yet).
He really is the opposite of toxic masculinity