The Mahdi Madness

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2 тыс.

  • @bf945
    @bf945 2 года назад +961

    "Jesus will fight the Jews." Ummmmm, Jesus WAS a Jew.

    • @chadgaston8615
      @chadgaston8615 2 года назад +128

      Just another delusion they have.

    • @sarajhd6358
      @sarajhd6358 2 года назад +116

      @Jamal Ramadan and what? You’re saying that he will take his revenge? He’s not like that. In the cross he asked the Father to FORGIVE them because they didn’t know what they were doing, there is no reason for him to fight them

    • @sarajhd6358
      @sarajhd6358 2 года назад +46

      @Jamal Ramadan and what? that's not fighting. By the way I will never again follow someone who cursed the jews and the christians before his death while Jesus asked for their forgiveness, how sightless can you be to follow that and more, to say that momo was perfect if comparing their actions and teachings, Jesus is perfect in all things?

    • @Timeren2010
      @Timeren2010 2 года назад +7

      @@sarajhd6358 I believe Jamal is an ex-muslim. At least he has been a while back.

    • @rexsceleratorum1632
      @rexsceleratorum1632 2 года назад +9

      ​@@sarajhd6358 The Peacelamic Jesus was a warrior, just like the Aryan Jesus of Hitler's. Jesus is remade in their own images. In Mo's imagination, Jesus' followers even fought the Israelites and won (Qn 61:14)

  • @Ex-Mohammed_Anwar
    @Ex-Mohammed_Anwar Год назад +248

    My mom used to tell me that I was the Mahdi when I was a kid because she dreamed about vision of me being the Mahdi and I believed her and when I grow older I understood that she had a mental issues

  • @mahidunnabi6702
    @mahidunnabi6702 2 года назад +194

    So back in 2011 when I was in class seven, like 11 years ago lol. I used to be a devout Muslim, I remember praying six times a day. 5 times I used to go to the nearest mosque to pray and later late at night I would perform the tahajjud prayers.
    I started studying the quran going through multiple translations. I left learning the guitar, left singing with friends, left playing football, left smoking cigarettes(yeah I used to be chainsmoker from a very early illegal age, that's just how things are in Bangladesh, where I'm from), left dancing, left debating, and only focused on religious spirituality and religious philosophy.
    So my name is Mahidun Nabi and friends and family call me Mahee. The imam of that nearest mosque I mentioned earlier, got very close to me and we would study religion together and he was very fond of me. He never called me Mahee, he would only address me as Mahdi. Lol.
    From 2012, when I started studying in class eight, I was told by that imam that polytheists will burn in hell for eternity. That was the point, I left Islam.
    Now, I'm a happy agnostic atheist and life's great.

    • @nogabog1706
      @nogabog1706 2 года назад +6

      You ruined you chances going heaven if does exist because someone going burn in hell for define there maker what sad story 😂😂😂

    • @manazon6945
      @manazon6945 2 года назад +45

      When someone leaves a religion, we say okay. When someone leaves islam, the first thing people say is "oh god stay safe". Only a cult kills people who leave it. Just saying ☺️. That friend and people like him need help. Like, god made gay people, and he hates them? Or worse, god hates people who interpret him in different ways? This should ring bells.

    • @mahidunnabi6702
      @mahidunnabi6702 2 года назад

      @@nogabog1706 not someone but communities of people, not that it matters. I cannot worship a God that is more childish than that annoying kid in the neighbourhood.

    • @oggypilestro6343
      @oggypilestro6343 2 года назад +15

      I hope you stay safe I'm from Bd btw

    • @mariahchoudhury2134
      @mariahchoudhury2134 2 года назад +17

      Wow,I am also from🇧🇩,stay safe brother.

  • @jenniferskweter
    @jenniferskweter 2 года назад +835

    As someone who had the unlucky fate of being born in a Shia Muslim family, the obsession with Mehdi is even worse.
    I remember listening to my aunt tell me about how Mehdi is going to come back after the end of the world and save Islam and fight the wrongdoers. Their beliefs are so irrational and deranged, it's bonkers.

    • @trinoyliniray1336
      @trinoyliniray1336 2 года назад

      Ready for ur going to Hell...Knowing Islam without proper explanations and asking an islamic scholar It is the example of swimming in the sea though u do not know how to Swim..Go to direct conversation with Dr. Zakir Naik. Coward.Remember Every real Islam scholar is ur father..Even explanation has a short explanation in Islam..Coward

    • @atgwiuz
      @atgwiuz 2 года назад +14

      Cute name

    • @nextlevelrelaxed615
      @nextlevelrelaxed615 2 года назад

      Same as Jehovah witnesses. Nutters.

    • @sorguvasfen2426
      @sorguvasfen2426 2 года назад +30

      No wonder why that guy is called Mehdi Hasan lol

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +5

      in christianity God is human and he has a mother he also always existed aperntley even tho mary gave birth to him

  • @evanr6421
    @evanr6421 2 года назад +270

    When I was 14 years old, I was planning how to fight with Imam Mahdi,
    Now I’m atheist at 18 years old lol

    • @bleirdo_dude
      @bleirdo_dude 2 года назад +20

      Theism is a thought addiction.

    • @Marvin2003s
      @Marvin2003s 2 года назад +6

      Same thing buddy, but believing in god is not bad It's just having hope and that's good I think

    • @manazon6945
      @manazon6945 2 года назад

      When someone leaves a religion, we say okay. When someone leaves islam, the first thing people say is "oh god stay safe". Only a cult kills people who leave it. Just saying ☺️

    • @bleirdo_dude
      @bleirdo_dude 2 года назад

      @@Marvin2003s *Drug addictions, and thought addictions are closely related on a neurological level.* Some people are more beholden to the ancient part of the brain (Meso Limbic System/emotional) rather than someone that reasons using the modern part (Frontal Cortex/rational).
      Imagine the euphoria experienced by the average person for believing they won a million dollars on a scratch off ticket (it could be a joke ticket yet as long as they believe). Now imagine someone having the same sensations, but being convinced it's a paranormal contact for believing John 3:16.
      We evolved to seek pleasure (eating/reproduction), and avoid getting killed (tiger in the grass/competing neighbor/harsh enviroment). With our increased cognitive abilities we made up other reasons for pleasure, and survival beyond basic necessity. The Dopamine Reward System over time bridges gaps in pathways in order to form habits in order to repeat behaviors, and or thoughts. The often cited testimony of getting off an addiction thanks to a God is just a placebo replacement due to the power of the mind (an AA participant I heard of chose to worship the radiator in his room instead of an higher power, and became sober).
      "The second system, known as the mesolimbic system, has its cell bodies in the ventral tegmental area, which is medial to the substantia nigra. It projects to several parts of the limbic system, including the nucleus accumbens and ventral portions of the striatum, amygdala, and hippocampus, as well as prefrontal cortex. *This system has been linked to reward-related behavior (Berridge and Kringelbach, 2015). Dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens increase in response to both natural reinforcers (such as food, drink, and sex) and drugs of abuse (such as amphetamine and cocaine). Additionally, in humans, activity in this region increases in response to more abstract rewards, such as money."*
      Marie T. Banich/Rebecca J. Compton, Cognitive Neuroscience, Section: Subsystems, pp. 2/3
      *"Dopamine, in fact, is critical in association learning and the reward system of the brain that Skinner discovered through his process of operant conditioning, whereby any behavior that is reinforced tends to be repeated. A reinforcement is, by definition, something that is rewarding to the organism; that is to say, it makes the brain direct the body to repeat the behavior in order to get another positive reward.* ...The connection between dopamine and belief was established by experiments conducted by Peter Brugger and his colleague Christine Mohr at the University of Bristol in England. *Exploring the neurochemistry of superstition, magical thinking, and belief in the paranormal, Brugger and Mohr found that people with high levels of dopamine are more likely to find significance in coincidences and pick out meaning and patterns where there are none."*
      Michael Shermer, The Believing Brain, Section: 6 The Believing Neuron pp. 8-10/29
      *"Genetic and behavioral factors influencing religiously motivated behavior appear related to dopamine metabolism and signaling. Inclination toward religious behavior and motivation has been associated with a polymorphism on the dopamine receptor gene DRD4 (Comings, Gonzales, Saucier, Johnson, & MacMurray, 2000;Sasaki et al., 2013). Acquired disorders of dopamine physiology also show links to religious behaviors."*
      *"Religious and spiritual experiences activate the brain reward circuits in much the same way as love, sex, gambling, drugs and music,* report researchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine."
      "Dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline are neurotransmitters that belong to the catecholamine family. Dopamine is produced in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental regions of the brain, and *dopamine alterations are related to schizophrenia (1, 2). ...The “original dopamine hypothesis” states that hyperactive dopamine transmission results in schizophrenic symptoms."*
      *"Dopamine In schizophrenia (SCZ), there is evidence that very high levels of dopamine in the limbic system play a major role in emergence of hallucinations and delusions. Antipsychotic medications, which block central dopamine activity, alleviate the hallucinations of psychosis. Drugs with strong dopaminergic effect, such as L-dopa, methylphenidate, bromocriptine, pramipexole and piribedil, may induce hallucinations. D-amphetamine, a direct dopamine agonist, may also induce psychosis and hallucinations."*
      *"Here, we show that administration of a drug that enhances dopaminergic function (dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine; L-DOPA) increases an optimism bias. This effect is due to L-DOPA impairing the ability to update belief in response to undesirable information about the future."*
      "Tibetan mystics have long practiced a method to create sentient beings (Tulpas) from the power of concentrated thought."
      Note: These (Tulpas) are not sentient beings, but a manifestation of the subconscious mind through neural plasticity via neurochemical imbalancing inducing meditation. In other words it's having a dream state while awake, and interacting with a character that's made up of one's own preformed thoughts (building blocks of ideas/concepts that are below conscious awareness) which gives the illusion of sentience. In simpler words it's self induced schizophrenia due to stresses (psychological/physical/environmental) where neurochemical traffic gets rerouted causing hallucinations to any of the five senses, also including involuntary movement, and distorted speech (glossolalia).
      Ancient people did not know the neurosciences. Philo of Alexandria thought that joy came from Heaven by way of God's chief archangel the "Divine Word/Right Reason (Logos)".
      "XXXVII ...And *who can pour over the happy soul which proffers its own reason as the most sacred cup, the holy goblets of true joy, except the cup-bearer of God, the master of the feast, the Word?"*
      "LX *...the soul very often, when it is delighted, is yet unable to explain what it is that has delighted it; but it is taught by the hierophant and prophet Moses, who tells it, “This is the bread, the food which God has given for the Soul, (Exo. **16:15**)” explaining that God has brought it, his own Word and his own Reason; for this bread which he has given us to eat is this Word of his."*
      The High Priest's headdress had a crown made of a plant known for it's hallucinogenic properties at which a golden plate covered the forehead. On said golden plate was inscribed sacred characters for the name of God.
      "6. The high priest's mitre was the same that we described before, and was wrought like that of all the other priests; above which there was another, with swathes of blue embroidered, and round it was a golden crown polished, of three rows, one above another; out of which arose a cup of gold, which resembled the herb which we call Saccharus: *but those Greeks that are skilful in botany call it Hyoscyamus. ...Now the fruit is preserved by this coat of the calyx, which fruit is like the seed of the herb Sideritis: it sends out a flower that may seem to resemble that of poppy. Of this was a crown made, as far as from the hinder part of the head to each of the temples; but this Ephielis, for so this calyx may be called, did not cover the forehead, but it was covered with a golden plate, which had inscribed upon it the name of God in sacred characters. And such were the ornaments of the high priest."*
      *Hyoscyamus Niger*
      " ...was historically used..., *as well as for its psychoactive properties in "magic brews". These psychoactive properties include visual hallucinations and a sensation of flight. ...The plant, recorded as Herba Apollinaris, was used to yield oracles by the priestesses of Apollo.* "
      Scrambled neurochemistry is insight to another realm for some people.
      The Holy Dopamine Ghost (Thoughts are addictive)
      Scripture is designed to keep people in the thought addiction, and shut out from the group those that question.
      "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Prov. 1:7)
      "In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." "but when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed." (2 Cor. 4:4, 3:16)
      "As for the Disbelievers, Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not it is all one for them; they believe not. Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom." (Quran 2.006-.007)
      "Fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is no one who does good." (Psa. 14:1)
      "but whoever blasphemes against the *Holy Dopamine Ghost* can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin" (Mark 3:29)

    • @evanr6421
      @evanr6421 2 года назад +16

      @@ssfdf7751 it simply didn’t make sense, a lot of logical disagreement for free will, morality, the accuracy of the ancient narratives

  • @vikramsawant7353
    @vikramsawant7353 2 года назад +60

    Thatswhy I am Ex-muslim now.
    Feeling liberated.
    Freedom is life.

    • @Activedriver
      @Activedriver 2 месяца назад

      I just want to remind you that when death comes to you and your soul departs, you will see that you left Islam for me. Do what you want in this life. The important thing is that when you die, you will know the whole truth, but it will be too late. Believe me, you have no idea about death. Return to Islam before it is too late, and I will remind you that you have no idea. Upon death, you will regret it greatly. Watch The End of the Atheists online. Read the stories. Peace be upon you. O God, make me steadfast in Islam and make my best deeds the last ones. And make us firm with the firm word in this life and in the hereafter, and let us die as Muslims.

    • @Activedriver
      @Activedriver 2 месяца назад

      I just want to remind you that when death comes to you and your soul departs, you will see that you left Islam for me. Do what you want in this life. The important thing is that when you die, you will know the whole truth, but it will be too late. Believe me, you have no idea about death. Return to Islam before it is too late, and I will remind you that you have no idea. Upon death, you will regret it greatly. Watch The End of the Atheists online. Read the stories. Peace be upon you. O God, make me steadfast in Islam and make my best deeds the last ones. And make us firm with the firm word in this life and in the hereafter, and let us die as Muslims.

  • @Undisputed_King
    @Undisputed_King 2 года назад +234

    Overheard some Muslims talking about the maHdi and dajjaal the other day. They sounded so serious. I wanted to laugh out loud it was that ridiculous.

    • @randomindianboy-wb9eq
      @randomindianboy-wb9eq 2 года назад +35

      This concept is copied from zooraristrian or hinduism

    • @sista363
      @sista363 2 года назад +28

      These people live in the world of fan fiction lmao. I remember some of my distant cousins discussing about it and i was so disinterested and they looked at me like I'm committing blasphemy and gasped that "it was said by the prophet himself and you are denying that?" I was like wtf i didn't even say anything

    • @sista363
      @sista363 2 года назад +27

      @@randomindianboy-wb9eq sometimes I feel like Islam is a combination of all the religions present in the world lmao

    • @indiankid8601
      @indiankid8601 2 года назад +10

      @@sista363 Ya in hinduism we have legend of kalki avatar of God who would come the world of demons in future in the end times (kaliyug - the age of Kali)

    • @LightSaber12345
      @LightSaber12345 2 года назад +32

      @@sista363 it's an accumulation and amalgamation of nearly every religion that came prior to it. I don't think Muhammad's companions actually believed in the core beliefs. They must've known he was lying or deluded but didn't say anything because they got everything they wanted in life so they continued to entertain him and establish a legacy to maintain influence, power, authority, relevance and control.

  • @indiankid8601
    @indiankid8601 2 года назад +114

    So Shia's mehedi is like Captain America? Cool 😎. Come back from hibernation after 800 years. They have their own cinematic universe. Captain Shia

  • @mahdih2141
    @mahdih2141 2 года назад +296

    Im an ex muslim and my name is mahdi 😂😂

    • @masterwhitebelt8585
      @masterwhitebelt8585 2 года назад +83

      Yo, Mahdi, they prophesied you cuh 😂.

    • @mohanpaswan2421
      @mohanpaswan2421 2 года назад +11


    • @samlofi3289
      @samlofi3289 2 года назад +72

      They are looking for you. And you here are chilling?

    • @Claudia-cm9rp
      @Claudia-cm9rp 2 года назад +16

      @@samlofi3289 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @Felixknightson
      @Felixknightson 2 года назад +37

      Hello mahdi, who will guide the muslims now that you are an ex muslim yourself, allah surely will not be happy 🙃

  • @chrislister570
    @chrislister570 2 года назад +118

    The annoying thing about failed prophecy is that people can say it just hasn't happened yet.

    • @bleirdo_dude
      @bleirdo_dude 2 года назад +1

      Or as Jesus started out as a celestial prophecy fulfilment, and then a parable written set on Earth come to be believed.
      I can show this, but it's a lengthy read.

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 2 года назад

      Google Prophecies/CHRIST

    • @bleirdo_dude
      @bleirdo_dude 2 года назад +2

      @@cindyweatherly4501 Plato: Theaetetus
      "SOCRATES: In the name of the Graces, what an almighty wise man Protagoras must have been! He spoke these things in a parable to the common herd, like you and me, but told the truth, "his Truth" (a book by Protagoras) in secret to his own disciples."
      The earliest Gospel called Mark is mostly an allegory, or midrash of OT scripture (overt/covert), and Pauline theology. The author hints to the reader that it's entirely a parable in which the meaning is an inside secret.
      Mark 4:10-12
      "10 When he was alone, those who were around him along with the twelve asked him about the parables. 11 And he said to them, "To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside, everything comes in parables; 12 in order that 'they may indeed look, but not perceive, and may indeed listen, but not understand; so that they may not turn again and be forgiven (Isa. 6:9-10).'"
      This is the author saying that the entire Gospel is a parable. Taking it literally is for those outside the cult.
      Romans 11:7-12
      "7 What then? Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking. The elect obtained it, but the rest were hardened, 8 as it is written, "God gave them a sluggish spirit, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, down to this very day. (Deut. 29:4)" 9 And David says, "Let their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a retribution for them; 10 let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see, and keep their backs forever bent. (Psa. 69:22-23)" 11 So I ask, have they stumbled so as to fall? By no means! But through their stumbling salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous. 12 Now if their stumbling means riches for the world, and if their defeat means riches for Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!"
      Here's an example: In Mark faith is rewarded while in 2 Kings unfaithfulness is punished. One is lowered gets healed while other falls then dies.
      Mark 2:3-5, :11 "3 And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. 4 And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him; and when they had made an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic lay. 5 And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “My son, your sins are forgiven.”' "11 “I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home.”'
      2 Kings 1:2-4
      "2 Now Ahazi′ah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber in Samar′ia, and lay sick; so he sent messengers, telling them, “Go, inquire of Ba′al-ze′bub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this sickness.” 3 But the angel of the Lord said to Eli′jah the Tishbite, “Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samar′ia, and say to them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Ba′al-ze′bub, the god of Ekron?’ 4 Now therefore thus says the Lord, ‘You shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone, but you shall surely die.' So Eli′jah went."
      Here's an example that shows Jesus as the preexistent being he is. Mark has Jesus walking on water intending to pass by. Genesis the Wind/Spirit is God's Firstborn. God's glory passes by in Exodus. In Job to an early Christian it's Jesus who's God's Agent of Creation is who did that.
      Mark 6:48 "48 When he saw that they were straining at the oars against an adverse wind, he came towards them early in the morning, walking on the sea. He intended to pass them by."
      Genesis 1:2c
      "2c while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters."
      Exodus 33:22
      "22 and while my glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by; 23 then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back; but my face shall not be seen.""
      Job 9:8
      "8 who alone stretched out the heavens and trampled the waves of the Sea;"

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 2 года назад +3

      @@bleirdo_dude I've already heard your version of reality. Here's mine: " Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to CHRIST. For in Him dwells all the fullness of DEITY Bodily..and you are complete in Him, who is the Head of all principality and power. " ( Colossians 2: 8-9)

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +2

      Like the human christian God ppl have been waiting for him to comback for centuries but he is not bather to comback lol

  • @secularsekai8910
    @secularsekai8910 2 года назад +178

    AP, keep doing what you do. Your work is important 💪

    • @trinoyliniray1336
      @trinoyliniray1336 2 года назад

      Ready for ur going to Hell...Knowing Islam without proper explanations and asking an islamic scholar It is the example of swimming in the sea though u do not know how to Swim..Go to direct conversation with Dr. Zakir Naik. Coward.Remember Every real Islam scholar is ur father..Even explanation has a short explanation in Islam..Coward...I am ur father too

    • @oussama6233
      @oussama6233 2 года назад +1

      Hi rizwan
      I'm calling u to discuss kaba in the bible and jewish tradition!
      What happened? it is u who raise this topic?
      did u change your mind?
      People are waiting? I think it was a big mistake when u made a video about it!
      Anyway people are waiting? and invite david also BTW all the world will know that Islam is the truth
      May Allah guide all of us

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +3

      Christian preachers : Jesus is God but the father is also God but u don't understand but but but..😁

    • @secularsekai8910
      @secularsekai8910 2 года назад +4

      @@oussama6233 Nah, you are misguided, brother. One day, you will learn that.

    • @indiankid8601
      @indiankid8601 2 года назад +7

      @@generaljg4373 God is omnipresent. He is both father, Jesus and holy Ghost. If he can be bush to Moses why can't he be human?
      If you can be in RUclips world and real life at the same time why can't God? You think you are stronger than God? 🙄

  • @darabumdarabum
    @darabumdarabum 2 года назад +126

    I am an ex-Shia (ex-Muslim) and its interesting to hear you saying: "people believe in all kinds of strange things" after you explain the Shia view, because when I still believed, it was the most normal thing for me. Now I also think it is quite strange.
    And a small clarification: for twelver Shias today (at least those within Iranian influence), the Mahdi is considered to be in occultation but that he is still "among us". Shias will cite narrations about people interacting with him, and then after he "appears", they will say, "oh! We met him before but didn't know it was him!".
    There is also narrations about him going to Hajj each year. When my grandmother went to Hajj, she sat by some bench and kept looking at the faces of the passing men because she thought she could catch a glance of him, even if she didn't know who he was.

    • @mohammad-alhussainawi2004
      @mohammad-alhussainawi2004 2 года назад +3

      May Allah bless her and reward her for her profound love of Imam mahdi AS. I wish I had taqwa like her. She is a very great woman.

    • @totoitekelcha7628
      @totoitekelcha7628 2 года назад

      @@mohammad-alhussainawi2004 your allah is a donkey and muhammad is a child rapist.

    • @sus527
      @sus527 Год назад

      @@mohammad-alhussainawi2004 Kafir Kafir Shia Kafir majoosi Shia Kafir

    • @mohammad-alhussainawi2004
      @mohammad-alhussainawi2004 Год назад +3

      @@sus527 whatever helps you sleep at night.

    • @MGonzzz
      @MGonzzz Год назад +3

      So sad

  • @narjess6040
    @narjess6040 2 года назад +46

    I come from a Shia Muslim family of “descendants”. The people in my home village practically worshipped my family and treated us like royalty. I remember several women begging and crying for a cup of my urine or saliva to “heal” their illnesses . They would be advised to bath in the urine to heal them or rub saliva on their face and body. I remember my family having to pressure me into spitting on these women’s faces as a child. I didn’t want to do it and hated it at the time. They’d often donate food or money to our house as if we were a mosque because they believed good fortune would come back to them in doing so. The people that come to our home truly believed that we had magic. This superior belief complex made a lot of my relatives dangerous ego maniacs. They would treat people like crap and get away with it. people who weren’t descendants were scared to talk back and kept their feeling buried deep because they truly believed that speaking or feeling negatively towards the decedent would curse their own lives. They believe that Allah, the prophet and his children favor, love and protect the descendants above all. Most decedents make a pretty big deal about marrying other descendants to keep the title. That’s why many end up marrying cousins or relatives. It’s a sad and scary reality for many people in Muslim countries.

    • @debodatta7398
      @debodatta7398 9 месяцев назад +1

      8:25 Adnan Oktar is so funny cause looking at clips/pictures of him it's so clear he's a sex obsessed weirdo, he is constantly surrounded by scantily clad turkish women who have dyed their hair blonde, covered their faces in the lightest shades of makup and wear western clothing to look as white as possible, all have clearly had plastic surgeries and share almost the same bodytype and you can't watch a single sermon of the guy where he doesn't get them to sit on his lap, or dance in front of him...

    • @arandompasserby1725
      @arandompasserby1725 8 месяцев назад +10

      That is just pure madness, how you survived that

    • @konianfatima7025
      @konianfatima7025 6 месяцев назад

      She is lying about Syeds

    • @grapefruitpineapple7667
      @grapefruitpineapple7667 4 месяца назад

      I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is a "descendant"?

    • @batuayde2074
      @batuayde2074 2 месяца назад

      Authubillah that’s not Islam. This sounds trippy…

  • @ItsRogerSmith
    @ItsRogerSmith 2 года назад +147

    I always made fun of Mahdi in front of my fanatic shia friend like "Did he come out of the pit yet? No? Next Friday then?" Now he is an apostate too

  • @audesigns42
    @audesigns42 2 года назад +23

    So the mahdi is believed to
    • come in riding a white horse
    • rule for seven years
    • convert the entire world to one religion
    And the mahdi comes from a religion who’s book denies the divinity of Jesus more than 20 times.
    This guy sounds familiar🤔🤔🤔

    • @thelastgeneration1926
      @thelastgeneration1926 2 года назад +14

      Sounds like the Anrichrist

    • @audesigns42
      @audesigns42 2 года назад +4

      The area the ‘little horn’ rises out from Daniel 7:8 and 8:9 is an overlap of the Ancient Grecian and Ancient Roman area.
      What a fascinating thing that area is now almost entirely islamic and they’re all waiting on the mahdi who will come in riding a white horse, rule for 7 years and convert the world to a single religion🤔🤔🤔🤔
      It’s also interesting we see people beheaded in Revelation 20:4 and the area the little horn rises out of is full of a religion known for it’s skill in beheadding 🤔🤔🤔

    • @mohammed9w553
      @mohammed9w553 2 года назад

      I don't know where the white horse thing came from but it's not true , maybe from shia sources , their mahdi is like the antichrist actually.
      What do you mean he will convert the entire world to one religion , this is false , he will conquer the world though.
      The anti christ claims to be God , the mahdi doesn't , so who is gonna follow him again ?
      Demi god worshipping pagan like christians have a high chance of following him , especially since he is a white guy 😂.

    • @wengercleopatra2150
      @wengercleopatra2150 8 месяцев назад +1

      The antichrist

    • @bullymaguire321
      @bullymaguire321 2 месяца назад +1


  • @secondchance6603
    @secondchance6603 2 года назад +79

    "He turned into a sex cult leader."
    Hmmm... sounds just like?

  • @1968gadgetyo
    @1968gadgetyo 2 года назад +58

    Sounds like the Islamic version of Joseph Smith.

    • @justhair17
      @justhair17 5 месяцев назад

      Thats why people call Mormonism islam for white people😂

    • @jeffreywinkelman8671
      @jeffreywinkelman8671 5 месяцев назад +1

      unpopular opinion: Joseph Smith WAS the Mahdi

  • @elmirasmiscellaneous1129
    @elmirasmiscellaneous1129 2 года назад +48

    Bless you Ap. May your message of freedom and liberty conquer all the Islamic mindsets.

  • @sheikhammaar2117
    @sheikhammaar2117 2 года назад +27

    My friend said he was Mahdi and eventually he did show some unusual behaviour like telling people to eat banana peels 😂. He is going through a psychological counseling right now. All his health became deteriorated because of pathetic SHOUTING muslim preachers. 😔

  • @sunnysparkles1831
    @sunnysparkles1831 2 года назад +85

    To be fair Islam is bananas 🍌 all the way through from page 1 onwards

    • @vhyles
      @vhyles 2 года назад +9

      Pretty evident

    • @2msystems740
      @2msystems740 2 года назад +7

      So are all of them... judaism, christianity, etc.

    • @user-ge6dv8qr7j
      @user-ge6dv8qr7j 2 года назад +2

      I invite you to read the Quran

    • @2msystems740
      @2msystems740 2 года назад +6

      @@user-ge6dv8qr7j That is the problem, been reading (and reciting) it from very early age. Still does not make sense for the most parts.

    • @user-ge6dv8qr7j
      @user-ge6dv8qr7j 2 года назад

      @@2msystems740 give me an example

  • @dssonline
    @dssonline 2 года назад +40

    I think its not Mahdi but MODI 🤣😂

    • @debodatta7398
      @debodatta7398 9 месяцев назад +1

      8:25 Adnan Oktar is so funny cause looking at clips/pictures of him it's so clear he's a sex obsessed weirdo, he is constantly surrounded by scantily clad turkish women who have dyed their hair blonde, covered their faces in the lightest shades of makup and wear western clothing to look as white as possible, all have clearly had plastic surgeries and share almost the same bodytype and you can't watch a single sermon of the guy where he doesn't get them to sit on his lap, or dance in front of him...

    • @techi.k7872
      @techi.k7872 10 дней назад

      U hammer it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @markdunaway7489
    @markdunaway7489 2 года назад +229

    I'm a follower of Jesus christ but this was fun to listen to and educational!

    • @RD-un2qk
      @RD-un2qk 2 года назад

      We know the mahdi is the antichrist

    • @PeterMasalski93
      @PeterMasalski93 2 года назад +1

      Great! one religious zombie commenting on another religious zombie.
      You are exactly like those Muslims who think the Mehdi will come, except you think Jesus will come.. its like looking in the mirror.
      You are a mrn

    • @user-ry8xr7in8t
      @user-ry8xr7in8t 2 года назад

      religions are man made

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +20

      Christianity is still false tho

    • @markdunaway7489
      @markdunaway7489 2 года назад +44

      @@generaljg4373 I didn't know that, thanks for informing me, I guess I'll just stop believing. LoL!

  • @SolaGratia.
    @SolaGratia. 2 года назад +54

    It's also interesting to consider the fact that the Islamic Mahdi is the Christian's prophesied "Antichrist/Man of Sin", according to our Scriptures. So as usual, polar opposites.

    • @yakovmatityahu
      @yakovmatityahu 2 года назад +5

      Yes 🙂

    • @oussama6233
      @oussama6233 2 года назад +1

      Hi rizwan
      I'm calling u to discuss kaba in the bible and jewish tradition!
      What happened? it is u who raise this topic?
      did u change your mind?
      People are waiting? I think it was a big mistake when u made a video about it!
      Anyway people are waiting? and invite david also BTW all the world will know that Islam is the truth
      May Allah guide all of us

    • @SolaGratia.
      @SolaGratia. 2 года назад +7

      @@ssfdf7751 You haven't read the Bible, then. In which case, you can say whatever you like, but you aren't going to convince anyone.

    • @SolaGratia.
      @SolaGratia. 2 года назад +6

      @@oussama6233 He didn't mention any of that (which isn't even true to begin with) because he's an ex Muslim. Not an ex Jew or an ex Christian. And making this video is perfectly alright. You may not like or agree with it, but there's honestly nothing you can do to stop him. Why do you feel the need to try? Do you not realize how controlling that is?

    • @justinarzola5782
      @justinarzola5782 2 года назад +10

      The gnosticism in Islam is really obvious,things like Jesus not dying or the medhi and Islamic Jesus having markers of the Christian anitchrist.

  • @jackbarnes5589
    @jackbarnes5589 2 года назад +30

    JESUS WILL KILL THE BACON! Yeah... that makes total sense.

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +4

      He also will free himself from christianity hes Israelite not christian truine God

    • @praisekingjesusforever5494
      @praisekingjesusforever5494 2 года назад +1

      REVELATION 20.10
      1ST JOHN 2.22
      2ND THESSALONIANS 2. 8-10
      REVELATION 19. 11-16

    • @stevejankins405
      @stevejankins405 2 года назад

      Israeli army is unfefeatable enemy for abduls.
      IDF akbar! 🇮🇱💪💪💪💪💪

    • @rexsceleratorum1632
      @rexsceleratorum1632 2 года назад +4

      @@generaljg4373 Your kitab says your god led the true followers of Jesus to success and dominance against the other, disbelieving Israelites (61:14). If you look at history, the believers in the triune God became dominant over those who remained in non-triune Judaism. Seems pretty clear cut

    • @tahahagar7664
      @tahahagar7664 2 года назад

      @@rexsceleratorum1632 Jesus never ate pork, his deceived supposed followers now do because they follow that imposter Paul and not Jesus

  • @Undisputed_King
    @Undisputed_King 2 года назад +35

    Debunk the scientific and historical miracles. That's the main stuff that keeps people muslim.

    • @alberteinstein2027
      @alberteinstein2027 2 года назад +5

      Well I don’t think so, people are more emotionally attached to their religion

    • @Undisputed_King
      @Undisputed_King 2 года назад +18

      @@alberteinstein2027 I've seen videos of ppl claiming there's general relativity in the qur-aan and apparently the speed of light is mentioned in it too and there's brainwashed Muslims who actually believe it to be true. This is getting out of hand. Search it up on RUclips and you'll see how ridiculous the supposed proof is.

    • @atgwiuz
      @atgwiuz 2 года назад +6

      Scientific lmao earth is flat and sun sets in muddy water 😂

    • @AndrewMartinNZ
      @AndrewMartinNZ 2 года назад

      AP has already done this. There are no miracles in Islam. No scientific miracles. No historical miracles. Read your Koran. The Jews and the Quraysh in the Koran shows Muhammad was a false prophet. Allah's hand is chained.

    • @nextlevelrelaxed615
      @nextlevelrelaxed615 2 года назад

      Pretty sure it's not getting beheaded by your family members

  • @tripperdan
    @tripperdan 2 года назад +28

    good word, thanks for the lesson. very informative

    • @user-ge6dv8qr7j
      @user-ge6dv8qr7j 2 года назад

      I invite you to read the Quran

    • @tripperdan
      @tripperdan 2 года назад +2

      @@user-ge6dv8qr7j Thank you, no worries here, I've got great sources that allow me to pull out the "TRUTH" about Islam and Quran.Also, which of the 32 different versions of the Quran do you recommend?

  • @chadgaston8615
    @chadgaston8615 2 года назад +17

    Shias in Herat Afghanistan: Mahdi, please come and help Kashmir
    Those same shias to Modi: give us food or we will starve to death

    • @khar3118
      @khar3118 2 года назад

      Taliban used the food grains provided by prophet Modi to pay their fighters!

    • @RagnarLothbrok-n2h
      @RagnarLothbrok-n2h 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @debodatta7398
      @debodatta7398 9 месяцев назад +1

      8:25 Adnan Oktar is so funny cause looking at clips/pictures of him it's so clear he's a sex obsessed weirdo, he is constantly surrounded by scantily clad turkish women who have dyed their hair blonde, covered their faces in the lightest shades of makup and wear western clothing to look as white as possible, all have clearly had plastic surgeries and share almost the same bodytype and you can't watch a single sermon of the guy where he doesn't get them to sit on his lap, or dance in front of him...

  • @markustanbeck9149
    @markustanbeck9149 2 года назад +14

    I had a discussion with a Muslim yesterday, about this exact thing - he criticized Christians (I am not a Christian myself), and his gripe was that Christians appraise Jesus (a human in this Muslims eye) and see him as someone to save them, on behalf of God - which was terrible in his eyes. But then I had to remind him, and that Mahdi/Mehdi and Jesus will be serving the same function on the day of Judgement in Islam, a hypocrisy.

    • @nogabog1706
      @nogabog1706 2 года назад

      If don't believe what your argument

    • @markustanbeck9149
      @markustanbeck9149 2 года назад +3

      @@nogabog1706 My argument is, that it invalidates the credibility of his position, to be inconsistent in how he applies criteria for what is terrible. A common term for this, is intellectual dishonesty - while not being the same as blatantly lying, it is hypocritical in nature. And Muslims claim that Allah abhors hypocrisy - so this made me question how he can claim to support something, and want all other people to come in support of something; when he breaks the tenants of the guidelines it sets out for its followers.

    • @nogabog1706
      @nogabog1706 2 года назад

      @@markustanbeck9149 so as Muslim how no trying convert anyone is wrong to be scared of someone who has god mod and judge god jugment to end is if does exist hell or risk it become a ethiest and become one be in in hellfire definitely or have nothing gain or lose only god know for me idk about you.Trana preserve my chances.

    • @nogabog1706
      @nogabog1706 2 года назад

      @@markustanbeck9149 how does this desprove if god dictator and make you suffer all have do is believe doesn't seem asking for much.

    • @nogabog1706
      @nogabog1706 2 года назад

      @@markustanbeck9149 you awake and woke you have free will you replied my comment what that gods doing or your tell me?

  • @kaloarepo288
    @kaloarepo288 2 года назад +69

    The first I heard of the term "mahdi" was in the movie "Khartoum" which is based on real historical events concerning the British identity General Gordon who was besieged in Khartoum,Sudan by an insurectionary force of local Sudanese opposed to British expansion and they were led by someone who claimed to be the Mahdi whose job was to defeat the infidel!

    • @venenareligioest410
      @venenareligioest410 2 года назад +2

      Kalo Arepo: …and did he, defeat ‘the infidel’ 😂🤣😂

    • @kaloarepo288
      @kaloarepo288 2 года назад +3

      @@venenareligioest410 The answer is both yes and no and then yes again.General Gordon was killed by the Mahdi's troops-but not that much later the Anglo-Egyptians established a protectorate over Sudan which lasted until Sudan became independent after World War Two -so he probably won out against the British infidels in the end!

    • @venenareligioest410
      @venenareligioest410 2 года назад +2

      @@kaloarepo288 I think you mean ‘the faux mardi’ 🤣

    • @Undisputed_King
      @Undisputed_King 2 года назад +8

      That is jokes lol they've probably been doing that for centuries. When you leave Islam you can appreciate this nonsense so much more.

    • @venenareligioest410
      @venenareligioest410 2 года назад +7

      @@Undisputed_King Yes, leaving Islam must be like leaving an asylum which is being run by the inmates 👍

  • @tarantula51
    @tarantula51 2 года назад +59

    When i was a teenager. I look up the name mahdi on youtube to know more about him. I remember the ustaz in that video describe Mahdi as the following
    1. He is rich
    2. He didnt know he was the Mahdi until it was reveal to him in his dream
    3. He was a sinner up until his dream
    4. He was an arab.
    That last part for sure convince me that the so call Mahdi was only an arab propaganda.

    • @indiankid8601
      @indiankid8601 2 года назад +7

      I wonder how you can think logically but not many of your friends and family in your community. They get brainwashed and controlled by others but you didn't. How does that happen that some people are automatically more logical and some blind followers. Scientists should research on this phenomenon.

    • @tarantula51
      @tarantula51 2 года назад +5

      @@indiankid8601 i maybe have a theory. I think all of this madness is cause by saudi oil money. I blame them for the current state of muslim around the world

    • @tipsy09
      @tipsy09 2 года назад

      The Mahdi is the Antichrist. The false prophet is Isa. Will form an Antichrist coalition of nations. A beast. That will be ridden by the whore of Babylon (Saudi Arabia). Royalty.

    • @mohammed9w553
      @mohammed9w553 2 года назад

      He is an arab because he is a decendent of the prophet Mohammed , it's so that we can know who he is when he shows up.

    • @tarantula51
      @tarantula51 Год назад

      @@mohammed9w553 when the uztas said he was an arab is the moment i knew it was total bullshit

  • @proverbs2522
    @proverbs2522 2 года назад +21

    You're got some cold hard truths there, AP

  • @frankbauerful
    @frankbauerful 2 года назад +23

    Allah spoke to me in my dream and told me that the Mahdi and the Easter Bunny are the same person.

    • @stevejankins405
      @stevejankins405 2 года назад +4

      Don't lie, dude. I didn't tell you that.
      They were different sh^ts

    • @frankbauerful
      @frankbauerful 2 года назад

      @@stevejankins405 Hi Allah! Has anyone ever told you that you are akbar as fuck!

  • @venenareligioest410
    @venenareligioest410 2 года назад +12

    “Fear prophets ... and those prepared to die for the ‘truth’, for as a rule they make many others die WITH them, often BEFORE them, at times INSTEAD of them.”
    Umberto Eco

  • @somegirl4631
    @somegirl4631 2 года назад +9

    A bit of a difference between Jewish and Muslim messiah is that in the Jewish messiah, what the messiah brings is world peace, where everyone are equal, however in the Islamic version of messiah, it will kill all who aren’t Muslims.

    • @ciscodisco3590
      @ciscodisco3590 2 года назад

      es, why the hell allah bothered to create non muslims on the first place?🤷

    • @Meanthes
      @Meanthes Год назад +1

      Islam doesn’t have a unique messiah, the true messiah is Jesus, and Mahdi is by Islamic and biblical standards considered a prophet and we all know no prophet after Mohamed S.A.W so your argument is invalid

    • @justhair17
      @justhair17 5 месяцев назад

      Ironically, both the jewish and islamic messiah is Jesus Christ, its just that the jews rejected him and failed to recognise him and muslims get him completely wrong due to Muhammed's herecies

  • @charlesiragui2473
    @charlesiragui2473 2 года назад +58

    It seems like the Mahdi was originally Jesus (very similar mission) but, as Islam detached from Christianity, this became garbled and the Mahdi became a separate person. Some people believe that "Muhammad" (the praised one) was initially a reference to Jesus (see: inscription inside the Dome of the Rock), so this relating of the Mahdi to Muhammad's family lineage makes sense as a historical process of emergence of legend. Muhammad himself is legend, so his descendant the Mahdi is logically too.

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +1

      Christianity is just a copy of Judaism, jesus is Jewish not christian but the romans created their own religion and named it christianity

    • @truthprevails8836
      @truthprevails8836 2 года назад +1

      Logical really?

    • @victoriacharlesworth7099
      @victoriacharlesworth7099 2 года назад

      That is the most garbled load of rubbish I have ever read. Jesus Christ has NOTHING to do with islam and Christianity NEVER detached from it. Christianity worships the son of God who gave His life to pay for the sins of mankind. islam worships a demonic man and satan who wants to destroy all.видео.html

    • @charlesiragui2473
      @charlesiragui2473 2 года назад +3

      @@truthprevails8836 There is an implicit "if" in the last sentence. I could rewrite it: "If Muhammad himself is legend, his descendant the Mahdi must logically be too." I myself am not yet convinced that Muhammad is a legend, so I meant to raise this pattern as stemming from logical necessity: If I am mere legend, my descendants must be too, at least in as much as they claim to be descended from me.
      And this "in as much as they claim to be descended from me" may have relevance here. The Alid branch received legitimacy in the 8th century as the descendants of Muhammad.

    • @charlesiragui2473
      @charlesiragui2473 2 года назад +2

      @@generaljg4373 That's the orthodox view of how Christianity came about. See Acts 11:26. I am assuming here that by Romans you mean Gentiles.
      The parallel with Christianity is really to the debunking of Jesus. Historical criticism claiming that Jesus did not exist, or was not crucified or at least was not resurrected has been around for a long time (centuries?). Islam is now receiving similar critical analysis.

  • @klopcodez
    @klopcodez 2 года назад +17

    This is the Antichrist for sure

    • @markdunaway7489
      @markdunaway7489 2 года назад +3

      My first thought also!

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 2 года назад +1

      Chr-Islam - One World Religion - Jesus of the Quran vs Jesus of the Bible ( RUclips)

    • @klopcodez
      @klopcodez 2 года назад

      @@markdunaway7489 I have read more about this mahdi in the Quran and in the Bible he’s actually the Antichrist everything that the Quran says from him coming with a white horse etc into building his temple in Jerusalem and many more yet they will sit there and try to twist it stating that the Dijal or something is the Antichrist but the Bible says how easy the Antichrist will deceive and will be accepted by people this false savior that wants to try and beat God

    • @robbyhendrawan6634
      @robbyhendrawan6634 2 года назад

      Perhaps. Islam eschatology is contrary with the Christian. Christian will undergo persecution again. Until Jesus coming to restore the world.

    • @klopcodez
      @klopcodez 2 года назад +2

      @@robbyhendrawan6634 RUclips somehow deleted your comment weird

  • @hrsh6198
    @hrsh6198 2 года назад +17

    Hi AP. I am from Iran. I was raised in a twelver Shia muslim family. I am an atheist and a fan of your fantastic work. thank you for what you have done for us. I really hope you would look into Shia Islam and make some fantastic videos. thank you xoxo

  • @brandoncruz6267
    @brandoncruz6267 2 года назад +28

    I'm a Christian and 3:51 made my jaw drop since the antichrist is said to rule during the tribulation which is 7 years long. Could be a coincidence though in the grander view of Islamic teachings I think it may not be one. May God bless you who are reading this, your family, and you AP and your family!

    • @brandoncruz6267
      @brandoncruz6267 2 года назад +3

      @Jamal Ramadan I have learned that the 7 year tribulation comes from the remaining week that Daniel received a prophecy of. The 69 weeks leading up to when Jesus came were fulfilled though one is left with the idea being that believers will be raptured out before the tribulation leading to God dealing with Israel for the remaining week, aka seven years. Gotquestions has a good article on the tribulation and where the 7 year time fram comes from. Hope this didn't come off rude just trying to explain what I have learned.

    • @brandoncruz6267
      @brandoncruz6267 2 года назад +1

      @Jamal Ramadan Yeah I just didn't know if it would sound rude but thank you for your replies! Hope you have a great day and may God bless you and your family!

    • @robbyhendrawan6634
      @robbyhendrawan6634 2 года назад

      Christian eschatology is contrary with Muslim. Perhaps the 7 years of tribulation is Mahdi times of reign. Time will show. War at Ukraine is the door. Next thing will be inflation. It seem prophecy from Revelation book come before our eyes.

    • @DuckMcDuckinson
      @DuckMcDuckinson Год назад

      The Islamic mahdi is 100% the biblical Antichrist.

    • @Meanthes
      @Meanthes Год назад +1

      Christianity copied from Jews 🤷‍♂️

  • @mabokmicin
    @mabokmicin 2 года назад +22

    Have you made a video about the privilege of being descendants of Muhammad (the sayyid and syarifah)?
    They're usually called 'Habib' and are very respected here in Indonesia. Some of the Habib act like celebrities and are very passionate about influencing people to change the country into a caliphate.
    our government is against them and has banned their activity, but it seems not effective enough. Very annoying

  • @laurajarrell6187
    @laurajarrell6187 2 года назад +9

    Apostate Prophet, great explanation! Thankyou. 👍💖🥰✌

    • @bdf2718
      @bdf2718 2 года назад +1

      Laura! You get everywhere!
      Ridvan does a great job of exposing Islam's flaws.

    • @laurajarrell6187
      @laurajarrell6187 2 года назад +1

      @@bdf2718 Wow, and I've been missing alot! But, we sure have similar tastes! 😘💖✌

  • @user-ry8xr7in8t
    @user-ry8xr7in8t 2 года назад +7

    At the end of the day we can all agree on something , religions are man made

  • @barrywhite1256
    @barrywhite1256 2 года назад +46

    Well said at the end there AP. You are the real mahdi... the messenger of truth.

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад

      AP is a prophet of the human christian God

    • @barrywhite1256
      @barrywhite1256 2 года назад +5

      @@generaljg4373 I don't know what the hell you are trying to say. AP is a rational atheist man.

    • @denizbluemusic
      @denizbluemusic 2 года назад

      also, amogus

    • @veritasdeutsch6608
      @veritasdeutsch6608 Год назад

      ​@@generaljg4373how can a non-Christian be a Prophet of God lmao

  • @Bisqwit
    @Bisqwit 2 года назад +46

    3:11 Actually the Mahdi does appear in the Qur’an as well. It is in 2:248, which describes that one of the identifying traits of the Mahdi is that he is somehow able to pilfer and possess the Ark of Covenant that belongs to Israel (which contains some items left in it by Moses and Aaron, from the times of Israeli Exodus described in the Bible). If this item still exists (and I think it does), this item is the most sacred relic of Judaism - so it is natural that Islam wants to rob it.
    Please correct me if I am wrong regarding whom this verse is describing.

    • @divyamagrawal9071
      @divyamagrawal9071 2 года назад +10

      See bro
      Comical stories with fictional character
      Are still "FICTION"

    • @islamicdefender641
      @islamicdefender641 2 года назад

      Who the hell told you 2:248 is about Mahdi. Do any scholar agrees with you? Or all u pulling it it
      Straight from ur ass

    • @MrEVAQ
      @MrEVAQ 2 года назад +6

      What do this verse have to do with the Mahdi? Why did you assume this is related to the Mahdi in any way? In context it is about some past Israelite king (which sometimes is identified as Saul by Muslim interpreters).

    • @Bisqwit
      @Bisqwit 2 года назад +3

      @@MrEVAQ To be honest, I mentioned it because I have heard someone claim that this is about the Mahdi. I have not put much focus to this subject myself.

    • @tahahagar7664
      @tahahagar7664 2 года назад

      Sacred relic of Judaism??? You think Moses, Aaron, Jacob etc... were Jews?? What a r3tard

  • @myriamickx7969
    @myriamickx7969 2 года назад +6

    I am a Christian but I love to watch AP’s videos and read the comments, it's very educational sometimes. As to this Mahdi stuff, however, I think this is even more crazy than some Christian beliefs were in the Middle Ages. For those Muslims who do not become atheist, isn't it time to modernise the Islamic message a little bit? I don't understand how people can hang on to the letter of things reported 1400 years ago.

    • @mohammed9w553
      @mohammed9w553 2 года назад

      Pathetic weak christians got demolished by "reformation" , liberalism , secularism and atheism , and they wish this would happen to the rest of the world 😂

    • @CodnGta
      @CodnGta 2 года назад

      God sent us revelation 1400 years ago, its the absolute Truth. If you dont want to follow it, thats your choice. We follow only whats from God, not what other godless humans are following. Its not for us to alter Gods' messege to fit our desires or anyone elses desires. God decides right and wrong, we submit ourselves to him

    • @BT-qs7id
      @BT-qs7id 2 года назад

      AMEN 🌎 ✝️

    • @debodatta7398
      @debodatta7398 9 месяцев назад +1

      8:25 Adnan Oktar is so funny cause looking at clips/pictures of him it's so clear he's a sex obsessed weirdo, he is constantly surrounded by scantily clad turkish women who have dyed their hair blonde, covered their faces in the lightest shades of makup and wear western clothing to look as white as possible, all have clearly had plastic surgeries and share almost the same bodytype and you can't watch a single sermon of the guy where he doesn't get them to sit on his lap, or dance in front of him...

  • @mariongranbruheim4090
    @mariongranbruheim4090 2 года назад +10

    6:32 These 3 blokes were keen on the eye makeup.

    @BLACK.ANGEL. 2 года назад +8

    *Ali Dawah is the Mahdi, it's clear as day!*

    • @juadwhite1391
      @juadwhite1391 2 года назад +1

      @BLACKANGEL Behind your sarcastic tone there is a loving heart , full of compassion :)

  • @myironlung9651
    @myironlung9651 2 года назад +12

    Ex muslim here. Forever grateful to you, atheist republic, rationality rules and darkmatter2525 🤝

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 2 года назад

      A Muslim Encounters Jesus Christ on His Hospital Bed, Bishop Haifham Besmar - Samal Saleem: A Muslim Cries Out To Jesus ( cultural jihadist/USA hears the audible voice of GOD)

    • @sorguvasfen2426
      @sorguvasfen2426 2 года назад +2

      Darkmatter2525 the OG of Internet atheism

  • @LoavesofBread
    @LoavesofBread 2 года назад +4

    Based on prequel books the Fremen of Dune are descended from Arab Muslims.
    Why did Frank Herbert know so many Islamic concepts in 1960?
    Hafs Quaran wasn't even standardized until 1985 and English sources were very poor prior to that.

    • @bdf2718
      @bdf2718 2 года назад +1

      Dune was essentially OPEC.

  • @rowangoldsmith1269
    @rowangoldsmith1269 2 года назад +8

    yooooooo i love ur content

  • @boriss.861
    @boriss.861 2 года назад +6

    From Mahdi to "Don't lose the upper hand Mehdi Hussain ( a guided individual)"

    • @sorguvasfen2426
      @sorguvasfen2426 2 года назад

      I remember that speech. There’s no way to know if he still believes in those views.

  • @adonaisservant1592
    @adonaisservant1592 2 года назад +5

    Anyone got a crack out of shiites,
    Mohammed: time travels to investigate past patriarchs and religious figures
    Also Mohammed: Cranks up the story so high the dial falls off.

  • @xena83
    @xena83 2 года назад +15

    Very typical for religions, just promise something and never say exactly when or what it might come and be, just keeping people hoping for that for something that is never gonna come or be giving to them.

    • @nogabog1706
      @nogabog1706 2 года назад

      So if does come will accept hellfire?

    • @myriamickx7969
      @myriamickx7969 2 года назад

      Typical of cults, really.

    • @nogabog1706
      @nogabog1706 2 года назад

      @@myriamickx7969 big ass cult

    • @dinimueter539
      @dinimueter539 2 года назад

      What kind of God sends good people to hell because they don’t follow a certain religion? Do you believe in God or in a merciless monster?

  • @AshishKumar-ef5lu
    @AshishKumar-ef5lu 2 года назад +6

    The thumbnail was epic 👌🏻👌🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @mariongranbruheim4090
    @mariongranbruheim4090 2 года назад +22

    More madness. Who would’ve guessed?

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +1

      In christianity the story of messiah is god who will come in end time as a human being and only save Christian's when the rapture begins Lol talk about fairytales

    • @jwrobin21
      @jwrobin21 2 года назад

      Do you mean Madhiness.

    • @jwrobin21
      @jwrobin21 2 года назад +1

      Well, when Muslims can actually produce some PRINTED, REFERENCED LITERATURE on the Prophecies of Muhammad from the Quran and how they come true, we will have something to compare, contrast and generally talk about.
      Oh, that's right. What did Muhammed say about how he would die if he was a FALSE PROPHET? Come on General, lets have some deep and meaningful insights on this!

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад

      @@jwrobin21 no prophecies in christianity its just a copy of Judaism stories and prophecies even jesus is Jewish, christianity is a Roman religion

    • @jwrobin21
      @jwrobin21 2 года назад

      This is a typical Islamic NON answer (Zakir Naik is expert at it).
      You ask a Muslim a question and he NON answers it by attacking you and what you believe instead of actually referring to the Quran which has all the answers.
      The Bible is full of prophecy. The Book of Revelation is basically a run down of end times. If you want a better exposition, try reading The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay or watch Barry Rumsey Smith on RUclips.
      Finally, yes Jesus was born into a Jewish family but as for Christianity being a Roman religion: where do you get your facts?
      The early church was mostly Jews and the Romans persecuted the Christians by killing them. You wonder Muslim Scholars do not have much credibility

  • @m.m6270
    @m.m6270 2 года назад +5

    Excellent subject brother ❤

  • @tynytian
    @tynytian 2 года назад +4

    This occultation thing sounds like the failed prediction made by the Watchtower Society. They originally said that Jesus would return in 1914, then the date was repeatedly pushed back, then they started saying that what ACTUALLY happened in 1914 was that Jesus was "crowned king of heaven", whatever that means, just so they can pretend that their initial lie was still fulfilled by some unobservable event.

    • @lunawalker6648
      @lunawalker6648 2 года назад

      They are liars. No one knows the time or day that Jesus will rapture His church. The signs are here though. The Bible says that the generation who sees Israel gathered again, which happened in 1948, will not pass before Jesus comes back for His Church.

    • @tynytian
      @tynytian 2 года назад

      @@lunawalker6648 actually, Jesus was talking about the destruction of the temple in 70AD. In context, He meant those people to whom He was preaching wouldn't pass away until the temple was dsstroyed. He wasn't talking about the state of Israel being reestablished.
      As you said, no one knows the day or the hour, but we should prepare as though it will come when we don't expect it.

    • @lunawalker6648
      @lunawalker6648 2 года назад

      @@tynytian Jesus spoke about the destruction of Jerusalem, which happened in 70 A.D., in Matthew 24. Later in the day, he spoke about the signs of the end times in Matthew 31. He explains the gathering of the chosen people from all over the Earth, which happened in 1948. He said this generation will not pass until all these things take place.
      70 AD is when the chosen people were sent away from the promise land and 1948 is when they were gathered back.

    • @tynytian
      @tynytian 2 года назад

      @@lunawalker6648 the gathering of the chosen doesn't just refer to the Jews, but the entire church. This is the "rapture" that happens at His second coming, after the tribulation, and accompanied by the resurrection and the final judgement. These events obviously haven't happened yet. As I've said, the state of Israel in 1948 has nothing whatsoever to do with the end times.

    • @lunawalker6648
      @lunawalker6648 2 года назад

      @@tynytian respectfully and completely disagree.

  • @natjackson4880
    @natjackson4880 2 года назад +5

    "He is among us, which is very sus" 🤭

  • @randomindianboy-wb9eq
    @randomindianboy-wb9eq 2 года назад +4

    The mehdi concept is copied from zooraristrian or hinduism "kalki avatar ". But here the twist kalki avatar will come after 4,32,000 years and will destroy all the bad people who left.... and will establish dharma (truth ) again..

    • @annemurphy9339
      @annemurphy9339 2 года назад +3

      I don’t think so - it was the Bible they plagiarized so heavily, so I think they decided to have their own Messiah, so to speak.

    • @robbyhendrawan6634
      @robbyhendrawan6634 2 года назад +1

      Do Kalki and Jesus be the same person? Buddhist also wait for their Maitreya.

  • @ikechukwuameachi1361
    @ikechukwuameachi1361 2 года назад +5

    I am the mahdi... Still looking for my sword.

  • @yarnybart5911
    @yarnybart5911 2 года назад +3

    The British dealt with the Madhi in the 19th century. Wiped him and his forces out I think.

  • @kumarcgowda
    @kumarcgowda 2 года назад +4

    They actually destroyed idols that were being worshipped. In Hinduism, they have a saying in their scripture that says there’s Kalki who will be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who will end the current era that is Kaliyug and start Satya-yug. May be just like their Hadith originated from many rumours, this also could be a similar one.

    • @Rajomega1
      @Rajomega1 2 года назад

      Kalki come true? Or it’s a fictional

    • @robbyhendrawan6634
      @robbyhendrawan6634 2 года назад

      Do your Kalki similar to Jesus?

    • @kumarcgowda
      @kumarcgowda 2 года назад +1

      @@Rajomega1 it’s written in Bhagavad Geeta which is similar to Bible.

    • @AB-fc8io
      @AB-fc8io 2 года назад

      @@kumarcgowda wrong its not mentioned in Bhagwad Gita at all. It's mentioned in puranas. Puranas are like stories nothing much.

    • @Randomperson-md9mu
      @Randomperson-md9mu 2 года назад

      Yes we Muslims are commanded to destroy false Idols just like Prophet Abraham did.

  • @SaintMatthieuSimard
    @SaintMatthieuSimard 2 года назад +7

    Let me cut that short. I literally tried to split my head right in two once to learn about imam mahdi and his head a few weeks after.
    I slayed the beast and that beast was the same as the bismilah, a name, a number and an image.
    Islam is my personal property.

    • @sista363
      @sista363 2 года назад

      What? Islam is your property?

    • @war13death
      @war13death 2 года назад

      Perhaps you should've wiped after you pooped it out.

    • @SaintMatthieuSimard
      @SaintMatthieuSimard 2 года назад

      @@sista363 - By the book, yeah.

    • @SaintMatthieuSimard
      @SaintMatthieuSimard 2 года назад

      @@war13death Perhaps your mom should have throwed you out with the bath water.

    • @arandompasserby1725
      @arandompasserby1725 2 года назад +1

      Please don't start another cult

  • @coachwork
    @coachwork 2 года назад +10

    It sounds like someone copied Jesus!

    • @justinarzola5782
      @justinarzola5782 2 года назад

      This is also copied from other religions with a messianic figure.

    • @annemurphy9339
      @annemurphy9339 2 года назад

      Exactly. They copied the Second Coming of Christ with a fictitious mahdi & the bizarre idea that Christ would join in the fantasy.

    • @user-pw2gg6py1g
      @user-pw2gg6py1g 2 года назад

      Jesus was a false messiah

  • @SahitDagani
    @SahitDagani 2 года назад +6

    "That sounds like MY D.... whatever"

  • @muhammadthegaylord4155
    @muhammadthegaylord4155 2 года назад +13

    Peace be upon You oh Prophet @Apostate Prophet

    • @timeisnear
      @timeisnear 6 месяцев назад

      Your profile is annoying you dont have the right to do this

    • @MlSamuel
      @MlSamuel 4 месяца назад

      ​@@timeisnear Gay ahh Prophet

  • @History_Matters
    @History_Matters 2 года назад +3

    The hadiths of Imam Mahdi in our Twelver Imami books are very numerous.
    We have hadiths Narrated by Mohammad Al Mahdi himself .

  • @AHumbleStudent90
    @AHumbleStudent90 2 года назад +5

    There is no *Mahdi* will come in the Future.

    • @AHumbleStudent90
      @AHumbleStudent90 2 года назад

      Yes, there is no *Jesus* will come in the Future.

    • @AHumbleStudent90
      @AHumbleStudent90 2 года назад

      Democracy is a System, what's wrong with Democracy?

    • @rexsceleratorum1632
      @rexsceleratorum1632 2 года назад

      @@AHumbleStudent90 He doesn't believe in democracy because a 7th century warlord's barbaric rule was better than democracy

  • @mercenaryknight5419
    @mercenaryknight5419 2 года назад +5

    Great job, AP. Would love to see you do a video on the Hadiths as a whole.

  • @MarioRodriguez-qm6jv
    @MarioRodriguez-qm6jv 2 года назад +4

    Sounds similar to the Buddhist Maitreya, and the indo-Iranian Mitra,
    Avesta Mithra
    Ancient prophetic myths from various times and peoples, of a future messiah.
    Trouble is Islam is double dipping and you get two of the same person

    • @stevejankins405
      @stevejankins405 2 года назад

      Most paganisms don't have messiahs.
      Messiah concept exists only in abrahamic religions.

    • @MarioRodriguez-qm6jv
      @MarioRodriguez-qm6jv 2 года назад +2

      I just wrote the different similar sounding names from different faiths.
      You don’t like the word “messiah” attributed with them? Well, okay,… future judge, savior.
      Remember the three wise men were pagan too, but within their faiths they believed in the birth of a divine king, Jesus the son of God.

    • @rexsceleratorum1632
      @rexsceleratorum1632 2 года назад +2

      @@stevejankins405 Hinduism has a messiah of sorts, Kalki

    • @ujjwalyadav3783
      @ujjwalyadav3783 Год назад

      @@rexsceleratorum1632 nope it is incarnation

  • @anarchistgigachad3426
    @anarchistgigachad3426 2 года назад +4

    You're right about the Shiite belief. Mahdi is the basis of our lives now, we're encouraged to look out every Friday waiting for him, and if he doesn't come, then we must be sad and shed a few tears.
    Also, it is believed in Shia faith that Mahdi will have 313 followers/supporters/true believers, and so we're emotionally manipulated again by saying that inspite of so many Shias present around the world, not even 313 of them could be true believers, so we must change our actions. 🤦‍♀️

    • @greatexpectations6577
      @greatexpectations6577 Год назад

      313 is such a specific number. 🤔

    • @debodatta7398
      @debodatta7398 9 месяцев назад +1

      8:25 Adnan Oktar is so funny cause looking at clips/pictures of him it's so clear he's a sex obsessed weirdo, he is constantly surrounded by scantily clad turkish women who have dyed their hair blonde, covered their faces in the lightest shades of makup and wear western clothing to look as white as possible, all have clearly had plastic surgeries and share almost the same bodytype and you can't watch a single sermon of the guy where he doesn't get them to sit on his lap, or dance in front of him...

  • @donkeysmile4205
    @donkeysmile4205 2 года назад +8

    I always find muslim Jesus wll come back to kill the Pig Hilarious...
    It's like that video game Angry Birds or something...hahaha

    • @rexsceleratorum1632
      @rexsceleratorum1632 2 года назад +1

      @Jamal Ramadan Mo heard this story and invented a whole new fantasy it seems

  • @pvtj0cker
    @pvtj0cker 9 месяцев назад +3

    I feel sorry for Gog and Magog; those arrows won't be of much use in this day and age.

    • @justhair17
      @justhair17 5 месяцев назад

      What if they are huge arrows with nuclear warheads tho?

    • @timisthebestboi0
      @timisthebestboi0 Месяц назад

      What if they have demons for leaders I'm just saying

  • @peteovidio3939
    @peteovidio3939 2 года назад +7

    Jesus christ is Lord and savior 🙏 the light of the world 🌎

  • @ar8970
    @ar8970 2 года назад +2

    Just yesterday ( the day that you released this clip) someone in Iran claimed he is Mahdi :))) it happens every now and then in Iran.

  • @ilovechrist9780
    @ilovechrist9780 2 года назад +5

    Thank you AP for your work I'm sure you have saved people's life's God bless you and your family ❤

    • @anomalianomali5080
      @anomalianomali5080 2 года назад

      he is an atheist

    • @ilovechrist9780
      @ilovechrist9780 2 года назад

      @@anomalianomali5080 Yes I know I mean by making people leave Islam he has potentially saved people from terrorism and having terrible lives

    • @wasjucktdichmeinname2167
      @wasjucktdichmeinname2167 Год назад

      ​@@ilovechrist9780 hopefully will save people from the dirt christianity too its not better than islam

    • @ilovechrist9780
      @ilovechrist9780 Год назад

      @@wasjucktdichmeinname2167 if you truly belive that then my cat is smarter then you

  • @rajeshsolanki6226
    @rajeshsolanki6226 2 года назад +4

    AP peace be upon you. you are just wonderful. There is no Mahadi coming, even if he comes he will find apostates everywhere. Then who will he save??? totally failed religion, Thanks to internet and technology and people like you for exposing these things. Just wondering how the Mahadi will fight the internet and social media???

    • @2msystems740
      @2msystems740 2 года назад

      Don't forget he is also part of a virus, called religion.

  • @lockwoodthexton
    @lockwoodthexton 2 года назад +11

    Interesting that the Mahdi “will rule for 7 years.”

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +1

      Jesus in the bible is the false messiah who will claim to be God

    • @lockwoodthexton
      @lockwoodthexton 2 года назад +1

      @@generaljg4373 Prove it.

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад

      @@lockwoodthexton only the the false messiah will claim to be God

    • @ichtus3323
      @ichtus3323 2 года назад

      Antichrist also will rule for 7 years, says Biblical prophecy.. there's a connection there..

    • @lunawalker6648
      @lunawalker6648 2 года назад

      The eschatology of Islam and Christianity are the same, just flipped. The Mahdi is Christianity's antichrist.

  • @theastronomer5800
    @theastronomer5800 2 года назад +17

    Amazing that people in the 21st century believe such things. Christians believed and believe that Jesus will come back any time (soon), for the last ~1990 years...

    • @michaelnance8319
      @michaelnance8319 2 года назад

      Okay! Faire display of logic. Here’s something to Contemplate Your mind around.
      The Great Awakening verse!
      The Angel look upon the Settlers standing in the City courtyard and open a scroll and read from it. Look now to the future and see the Great False Caliphate coming and know the days and minutes that leads up to the formation and see it for what it is, but a lie that is build on the falsehood and claims made to cherish “those” that blasphemy against God and disgrace the words of the past Prophets. “Killeen” the Bright Head One known by many names that wears a golden crown stain in the human blood of dead Saints riding a great beast from Babylon waiting for the Great False Caliphate to rise and “those” unaware of current events are doom to be pawns of the Great False Caliphate.
      When the settlers gather around in a circle from all sides and ask the Angel. What all this mean?
      The Angel look at the group of individuals from Men to Women and children then gaze at them and reply.
      “For what is to come, shall come and, what has not been seen, will be seen.” For the lawless and disobedience and Fools that prey on the weak of mind and body and the soul. “Shall increase in numbers!” Those that repeat and keep thy Faith in the lord’s commandments and love and cherish your Family, also love Your brethren and kin of your sister’s house for they have made convent with thy Lord and they are also Your brothers and sisters. When the time of “The Great Awakening” begins, know thy Lord shall be among You in spirit and all the disbelief and horrors and lies comes will not disturb the spirit of the believers.

    • @williamgarayua5878
      @williamgarayua5878 2 года назад +3

      The difference between JESUS & the Mahdi is like day & night; 🌗
      So JESUS' said to His Disciples:
      -"LOVE THY ENEMY, heal the sick, rebuke demons, do miracles & do charity..."
      While the Caravan Assaulter commanded his idolizers to fight like "itchy scratchy" in their bloody show...
      So, The Militarized "religion" of the GREAT god, actualy believe more on Militarism than in their Handicapped GREAT god, so any Atheist can be more rational, heavenly & peaceful than any Jihadi & their Armies of JIHAD camouflaged as "warlegion", I mean "religion"...

    • @2msystems740
      @2msystems740 2 года назад

      And right on que, they put their hands up. One can be but amused at these types.

    • @Mysterychannel12
      @Mysterychannel12 2 года назад

      people are stupid even in the 21st century and that is just sad

    • @sarajhd6358
      @sarajhd6358 2 года назад +1

      @@Mysterychannel12 your answer was in 2 Peter 3 “Above all, you must understand that in the last days(E) scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.(F) 4 They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised?(G) Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”(H) 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word(I) the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.(J) 6 By these waters also the world of that time(K) was deluged and destroyed.(L) 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire,(M) being kept for the day of judgment(N) and destruction of the ungodly.
      8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.(O) 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise,(P) as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient(Q) with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.(R)”

  • @euttdsiggh2783
    @euttdsiggh2783 2 года назад +3

    If Mahdi will come back to bring peace when we are all good, do we really need him them? I mean, we will be all kind and good to eachother?

  • @VincentIrkallaOfficial
    @VincentIrkallaOfficial 2 года назад +8

    There was a very strange man here in Brooklyn, NY, who once claimed to be the Mahdi, as well as the illegitimate descendant of Sudanese royalty.
    He’s in prison now. 🤡

  • @balloon685
    @balloon685 2 года назад +4

    In india there is a muslim spiritual organisation which' leader claimed to be hindu god Vishnu' last avatar kalki

    • @tahahagar7664
      @tahahagar7664 2 года назад

      Hes pagan not Muslim...

    • @balloon685
      @balloon685 2 года назад +2

      @@tahahagar7664 that's the irony

  • @raphaelsamonte457
    @raphaelsamonte457 2 года назад +6

    AP, have you ever asked JPB to a discussion? Or vice versa? That would be a much interesting surely 😇

    • @oussama6233
      @oussama6233 2 года назад

      Hi rizwan
      I'm calling u to discuss kaba in the bible and jewish tradition!
      What happened? it is u who raise this topic?
      did u change your mind?
      People are waiting? I think it was a big mistake when u made a video about it!
      Anyway people are waiting? and invite david also BTW all the world will know that Islam is the truth
      May Allah guide all of us

    • @generaljg4373
      @generaljg4373 2 года назад +1

      The standard Christian narrative is sketchy theres many different bibles and people celebrate the birth of the sun God in Christmas

    • @sista363
      @sista363 2 года назад +1

      @@oussama6233 why are you commenting this here?

    • @sista363
      @sista363 2 года назад

      @@generaljg4373 who is talking about Christianity here? You people will bring down others to cover the fact that your religion is shitty and illogical huh? Christianity is stupid too but Islam is worse. Islam is like a obsessive cult yuck

    • @indiankid8601
      @indiankid8601 2 года назад

      @@generaljg4373 better than moon God Al-lah 😂 that muja hijacked from Egypt.

  • @jayb8881
    @jayb8881 2 года назад +2

    Loved the outro with that music! GO AP!!!

  • @xynoxys
    @xynoxys Год назад +3

    If the Mahdi raise the sword, believe me
    Islam wont stand a chance, come on guys
    Sword in modern era??

  • @jimmyshrimbe9361
    @jimmyshrimbe9361 2 года назад +4

    I'll tell ya what, that damn Jizya tax is a blight on humanity! Thank you so much, Jesus, for coming in the future to save us from the horrid Jizya tax! And you ISLAMAPHONES saying the "the Jizya tax isn't that bad." and "Give the Jizya tax a chance, it saved my mother's life!" should be ASHAMED of yourselves. Allah forbid YOU should EVER have to experience what the JIZYA TAX can do to a man. I've never eaten so many peas in my life! 😓 #saveusfromjizyatax #praisesheikhyaboody

    • @saadel348
      @saadel348 2 года назад

      jizia was cheap and poor people and women dont pay adn those who have diseases also it is like a tax for defense

  • @liberianlaughter7347
    @liberianlaughter7347 2 года назад +9

    Thanks for the teaching it enlighten me everytime. Pls stay away from islam God bless u..

  • @ablindgibsongirl
    @ablindgibsongirl 2 года назад +2

    For those curious and brave few who want to know what these people are wailing on about in their recitations there are a few young reciters who make their pedantic poetry avaibable to western ears. The Rehmani sisters just did one The Final Prince. They're begging, wondering why they have to wait so long for the mercy of death and the honor of meeting this figment. I used to think their recitations were something beautiful they were allowed to do. As I learn more I am ever grateful for the work of the Apostate Prophet and others. I am so sad they waste their lives in this way. Wailing and crying in the desert, in the dark, majliss are at night after all.

  • @shanthalperera5216
    @shanthalperera5216 2 года назад +2

    Aha! Signing off with Ave Maria! AP the undercover Christian 😂

  • @3GodisGreat3
    @3GodisGreat3 2 года назад +3

    Repent and forsake your sins. TRUST in JESUS Christ and his sacrifice on the cross. There is coming a day when the Lord will judge the world in righteousness. Hell awaits all sinners INCLUDING lukewarm christians. Jesus says go and sin no more so if you loved HIM you would OBEY HIM.

  • @marcusj9947
    @marcusj9947 2 года назад +6

    What a crazy religion

  • @christopherd6399
    @christopherd6399 2 года назад +13

    I wait for Jesus' return.

    • @markdunaway7489
      @markdunaway7489 2 года назад

      True that!

    • @tahahagar7664
      @tahahagar7664 2 года назад

      Jesus would condemn you

    • @christopherd6399
      @christopherd6399 2 года назад

      @@voilet233 I'm sorry. I did not make this video or laugh at anyone. Why do you introduce yourself to me with a lie?

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 2 года назад

      A Muslim Encounters Jesus Christ on His Hospital Bed, Bishop Haifham Besmar, RUclips
      2nd Peter 3

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 2 года назад

      @Jamal Ramadan Chr-Islam - One World Religion - Jesus of the Quran vs Jesus of the Bible ( RUclips)
      2nd Peter 3

  • @timeisnear
    @timeisnear 6 месяцев назад +1

    We will see him come. All the people have to do hard research about it and not just watching youtube videos.

  • @schuringleon3207
    @schuringleon3207 2 года назад +2

    Clearly the Apostate Prophet Ridvan is known as the True Mahdi

  • @user-sg1zx5dq2f
    @user-sg1zx5dq2f 2 года назад +3

    The Best part is this story is written in Hindu books also,Kalki would be the last saviour...

  • @owuorunmasked7969
    @owuorunmasked7969 2 года назад +3

    I never knew Mahdi was such an incoherent and baseless belief.
    The other bit is I don't know how Mahdi is identified with Jesus, a lesser prophet, and not Mohammed the Uber prophet

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 2 года назад

      Chr-Islam - One World Religion - Jesus of the Quran vs Jesus of the Bible ( RUclips)

  • @georgewright3949
    @georgewright3949 2 года назад +3

    I mean given the kind of guy Muhammed appeared to be it does seem odd that he ever prophesied the coming of another saviour. Especially as he was supposed to be the seal of prophets

  • @Anonymous-tm7jp
    @Anonymous-tm7jp 2 года назад +1

    The ideas are so similar
    Mahdi vs Dajjal in Islam
    Christ vs Antichrist in Christianity
    Kalki vs evil guys in Hinduism.
    All of them to save humanity at an apocalyptic end.
    Avengers Endgame part 2

    • @cindyweatherly4501
      @cindyweatherly4501 2 года назад

      Chr-Islam - One World Religion - Jesus of the Quran vs Jesus of the Bible ( RUclips)
      50 Reasons Why We Are In the End Times, Dr. David Reagan

    • @mohammed9w553
      @mohammed9w553 2 года назад +1

      There is no Mahdi vs dajjal , there is jesus vs dajjal.

  • @cucursayur1653
    @cucursayur1653 2 года назад +22

    While i respect the choices AP made in his life, deep inside i secretly pray for him to find peace in Christ 🤣
    Love this channel

    • @victoriacharlesworth7099
      @victoriacharlesworth7099 2 года назад

      Yep, me too 😊✝️видео.html

    • @myriamickx7969
      @myriamickx7969 2 года назад

      Ridiculous! Why would you ever want an ex-Muslim and happy atheist to convert to Christianity?

    • @user-cf5hp8bk1d
      @user-cf5hp8bk1d 2 года назад +2

      Jesus is dead

    • @dinimueter539
      @dinimueter539 2 года назад

      AP has already found peace.

    • @lunawalker6648
      @lunawalker6648 2 года назад +1

      Me too ✝️🍞🍷♥️

  • @nearchd504
    @nearchd504 2 года назад +4

    Love how china tackels radicalisation

  • @jakehickox7275
    @jakehickox7275 2 года назад +3

    The Holy Bible has some rather interesting things to say about the madhi.