This Comic Con Did Not Go Well....Promoter Threatened To CALL THE POLICE

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024

Комментарии • 247

  • @gabrielringgenberg4273
    @gabrielringgenberg4273 8 месяцев назад +13

    Sorry this happened. I enjoyed meeting you yesterday

    • @HillBillyComix
      @HillBillyComix 8 месяцев назад +3

      All that happened is that he was asked not film…am I missing something?

  • @RonSM2112
    @RonSM2112 8 месяцев назад +53

    It seems very obvious….in the video from last year, you outright say that the guy’s prices are all way too high, while showing their faces on the video. It’s not surprising that he felt trashed. And at 9:45, you say it right there - he didn’t want it to happen again. You really seem to lack self-awareness and any appreciation of how your opinions affect others.

    • @Tommy_23t
      @Tommy_23t 8 месяцев назад +15

      I agree, Sticky Goose doesnt know how to socialize.

  • @jimcrumb1118
    @jimcrumb1118 8 месяцев назад +60

    Regardless of anything you say, regardless of how much you play the victim, your early videos were going to cons, putting dealers faces on cameras, and then doing a VO later about how they were overpriced or wouldn't buy your books and essentially dumping all over them. There are multiple videos of this. That guy was trying to protect his vendors. And the tone in your video at the show is very different than the tone you have here. And I haven't even mentioned the shops you've been kicked out of AFTER those con videos. I mean, I get it, you're monetizing this, but it's the "I don't know why people do this to me" angle that's kind of a joke.

  • @HillBillyComix
    @HillBillyComix 8 месяцев назад +36

    It’s were asked by the promoter to not film, you admittedly knew filming would be a problem there, you say “apparently there’s a Facebook group” when you’ve been kicked out of the group twice lol, the event was put on by the group admin, he fronted the money for the venue, and while it was a public event, to setup there it was only open to that went to this knowing the probability of a conflict was got your booth under someone else’s name..this whole thing seems to be like a “gotcha” video.
    You were setup to sell, hadn’t paid the fee, you weren’t registered, you were asked by the promoter NOT film, and instead of just stopping, making some money and moving along…you got mad, took your toys and went home, then made a video about it…😂 you were in the wrong, plain and simple
    Discussing the legality of the matter is just you trying to justify it..”legally he can’t ask me not to film; legally he can’t kick me out, etc etc” its all just you trying to justify your actions..which were admittedly wrong, or at the minimum shady

    • @sbentsen2714
      @sbentsen2714 5 месяцев назад +5

      Well said 👍🏼💯 agree on all points

  • @randommanwill802
    @randommanwill802 8 месяцев назад +38

    For everyone wondering what happened, OP got in trouble for filming at a con. Now you have the five second version and don't need the extra 22 minutes of pointless ramblings that were included just to qualify for ad revenue.
    Seriously, if you don't have much to say, get to the point and don't ramble in endlessly just to stretch the video out long enough to qualify for ad revenue.

    • @jimbomba4365
      @jimbomba4365 5 месяцев назад +2

      I should've read your post five minutes and twenty-six seconds ago. ; )

  • @popsequentialism7213
    @popsequentialism7213 8 месяцев назад +17

    Sorry to have to say this, but Mrs. Goose is incorrect in her understanding of single-consent law and how she is defining a "public place."
    "Public Property" in West Virginia is identified by the term `place of public accommodations,' meaning any establishment or person, as defined herein, including the state, or any political or civil subdivision thereof, which offers its services, goods, facilities or accommodations to the general public, but shall not include any accommodations which are in their nature private."
    West Virginia defines "Private property" as "real estate in private ownership without regard to the manner in which it is used."
    Unless this convention was a city or state sanctioned event, by these civil codes, any private business owner or their agent (or renters of private areas of public buildings) can set rules about permitted activity on their grounds (including filming), so long as they do not deny services based on gender, color, creed, or other constitutionally protected forms of discrimination.
    The single party consent law allows film or audio recordings to be used in a legal proceeding. It does not grant unfettered right for public broadcast of footage obtained without the consent of all parties. Notwithstanding public disclosure of recordings that have been officially entered into evidence in a public trial (defined as unsealed proceedings free of gag order restrictions), the failure to obtain authorization from all people on a private recording is likely a violation of their civil rights. Broadcasting unconsented footage in which one is likely to be identified as a result of that broadcast (ie. without fogging, masking or otherwise encrypting their voice or appearance) is a violation of civil rights that has been upheld as such by multiple judgments and easily located case law.
    And while not germane to the issues at hand for the reasons stated above, the capability for single-party recordings to reach any all-party consent territories could additionally injunct the right to disseminate that footage as well, and would require a motion to unseal from the judge presiding over the case in which that single party recording was admitted as evidence.
    Unless you are filming on a public sidewalk or auditing a public building (as defined above), or filming on your own private property, you generally need permission to film people. You keep running into problems because you don't contact businesses in advance to get permission and that creates an unnecessarily adversarial situation. The owner of private property and holder of trademarks is entitled to charge for the privilege of filming or to deny it outright. Or have you trespassed.

  • @big90sspec9
    @big90sspec9 8 месяцев назад +12

    An owner can remove you at their discretion. The fact that the public was invited in does not give you any "rights" to film. It's not a public building, it's private. He can allow it or he can prohibit it. You "should" ask permission but you aren't required to. If asked to stop by the owner, or his representative, you ARE required to.
    Curious where she went to school...

  • @CretanBull
    @CretanBull 8 месяцев назад +14

    You're wife's understanding of the law is flawed on this issue. Being open to the public does not make private property a public space. There's tons of case law on this, and she should look in to all of the times that First Amendment auditors have tried to argue the position she made here and lost. A recent example is United States v. Cordova (available on Pacer). Cordova was arrested for filming in a DMV, claiming that he was allowed to because it was open to the public. The DMV in question was a private contractor of the Colorado state government opperating in a private building. He was arrested and found guilty. There is a slight difference here because the person who asked you to stop filming wasn't the ower or opperator of the property, but the general premise that being "open to the public" does not equal = "public" if the event is on private property still holds true. Being a one party or two party state isn't relevent.

    • @mitchrouire6186
      @mitchrouire6186 8 месяцев назад +2

      This is the exact right take. Public event on private property. Someone paid rent. They decide who can stay or go. If they ask you to leave or not film they very much have that right.
      Your wife is wrong on this one.
      And either way. These videos aren’t the flex you think they are.
      You look petty, petulant, childish and your behaviour is honestly appalling. Ask permission first. You don’t go in somewhere and just start filming.
      At this point considering how many times this has happened to you, you would think you would have clued in.
      Either good luck in the future. I’m sure in the next 3-6 months I’ll see another similar video where someone is mad at you. And you will mock them and give them a name based on their appearance or fit in video stills of fat unshaven comic book caricatures.

  • @ahkup5283
    @ahkup5283 8 месяцев назад +21

    The safe way is always to seek permission to film

  • @darthrooster1
    @darthrooster1 8 месяцев назад +23

    You reap what you sow man. How are you still surprised how people react to you?

  • @Tommy_23t
    @Tommy_23t 8 месяцев назад +8

    First of all, you dont know that the guy who organized the show was the guy you criticized in a video before> So you didnt do research. Second, stop saying negative things about people, if you say negative things about people in public you'll get negative karma. I want you to watch Lunch Money Comics and see how Mike interacts with people. He is awesome! You have no clue how to socialize.

    • @HillBillyComix
      @HillBillyComix 8 месяцев назад +2

      Well said

    • @RustburgMike
      @RustburgMike 8 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah, I enjoy his videos but some of this drama is brought on himself.

  • @Leshil
    @Leshil 8 месяцев назад +9

    Mind you I have 0 issue with you or your channel and content. I just think you were putting yourself into a position for this to happen.

  • @OGComics06
    @OGComics06 8 месяцев назад +9

    It is his show. Maybe respect his show and just move on. You knew that you were gonna start a problem. There are many others that will let you film.
    Admittedly he could have approached you better but again- his show.

  • @Crypto2814
    @Crypto2814 7 месяцев назад +5

    What kind of law does Mother Goose specialize in? Because she’s like 1/3rd correct about the circumstances. It is legal to record in any public property. For example; sidewalks, police stations, city halls, government buildings, etc. It is one’s’ right to video record anything they can see from public. You can even record into private areas and properties if you can see it from public property. The eyes cannot be trespassed. And one can only be trespassed on public property only if they are committing a crime.
    But in this instance, he was not on public property. He was on private property and although the guy running the con was not the property owner, he was running the con, had most likely rented the space for the time allotted, and therefore is the current authority over the property. So basically think about it like being in a Walmart or a McDonalds.
    Now in that situation, the authority of the property can trespass anyone from the property for anything they want. It’s legal to record there, you can’t be arrested for it, but the authority of the property does not have to allow recording and can ask you to leave for that or anything else they want. If you do not leave after they tell you that, then the police can be called and you can be removed and cited with criminal trespass.
    So really, as much as it sux, turning off your recording and complying was the correct choice if you wanted to stay on the property

  • @JB0528
    @JB0528 8 месяцев назад +6

    He rented the venue, no different than someone renting an apartment and telling you to get out. You say you knew he had a problem with you. You went there looking to start trouble so you could record it for your channel. I wouldn't want you at my show either. Off to click the Don't Recommend This Channel button.

  • @Shire4Hire
    @Shire4Hire 8 месяцев назад +30

    Mother Goose trying to not laugh when you 1st said "strap on" is meme gold. Kudos to you both

    • @Swamp-Bat
      @Swamp-Bat 8 месяцев назад +2

      I went straight to the comments looking for this comment after laughing at that part

  • @TechTab00
    @TechTab00 8 месяцев назад +9

    sticky seems like a good dude, but gd, drama seems to follow my man around. In my experience, when that much drama surrounds one person...time to look inward.
    I think you have to ask yourself if someone came up to you with a camera in your face and doesn't announce what they're doing or what it's for, you're going to be hesitant. It's common f'n sense. Treat others how you would want to be treated. People don't wanna be filmed just chillin' on the weekend at some backwoods, low key comic event. 😂😂
    There are youtubers that have mastered this, and having the camera pointed at you instead of everyone else seems to make a difference. If you're going to have someone else on camera, asking permission is a common courtesy. You don't wanna be a state law statute ninja. That's annoying AF.
    Give it a thumbs up and take care 👌👌😊😊😒😒😂😂

    • @Creech786
      @Creech786 8 месяцев назад +1

      Thinking the exact same thing.

  • @Tommy_23t
    @Tommy_23t 8 месяцев назад +6

    I have observed that you're not very professional and you dont know how to interact with people, that's why you get in trouble all the time. Besides selling comics, whats your day job? Have you ever worked in a corporation?

  • @loki2stunt
    @loki2stunt 8 месяцев назад +7

    So basically you set this whole situation up to film a video to get clicks and likes...... 😂🤣😅 You have what's legally right then what's morally right.

  • @wayneweidman1543
    @wayneweidman1543 8 месяцев назад +10

    I would’ve asked permission to film. It’s just a courtesy thing. It’s usually not illegal to film in a public space. If the person in charge of that space asks you to stop and you don’t comply then they can basically kick you out. At that point you’d technically be trespassing if you refused to leave. If that guy was in charge of the venue he has the right to kick you out. Basically filming in public is legal but you risk getting trespassed. I’m pretty sure the guy can kick you out for filming if he is indeed in charge. Exactly like the no shoes no shirt deal. It’s not illegal to go into a store without shoes but they can absolutely kick you out for violating their policy.

  • @jaguargod3483
    @jaguargod3483 8 месяцев назад +6

    Some of this information is not correct. The premise that it was not his building has no bearing. Most businesses operate in facilities that they do not own, yet as the operator of the business occupying the building, they do have the right to refuse service. As far as discrimination goes, discrimination only applies to things that are called protected classes. This is things like age, sex, color, national origin, disability and sexual orientation. If a business operator calls the police and asks to file a trespass against you, the police will order you to leave and tell you that you are no longer allowed to be there, regardless of whether or not you were committing a crime.

    • @reprintranch
      @reprintranch 8 месяцев назад +1

      The fact that SG was shooting video in a place where attendees have no reasonable expectation of privacy means that SG is protected from being arrested for “shooting video without permission” and he’s potentially protected from being sued for “shooting video of Person X without Person X’s permission.”
      But if the operator decides that SG is doing something that is legal but is nonetheless not in the best interests of the business operation, the operator can ask SG to stop, or ask SG to leave. Could be SG is walking around barefoot, is trying to use a shopping cart that impedes other peoples’ movements, SG has horrible body odor, SG is walking around with a boom box blasting the Merry Marvel Marching Society theme song, or is shooting video.

  • @rlburns1978
    @rlburns1978 8 месяцев назад +6

    I don't think it's a coincidence that people don't like you and treat you like that. If you have to make fake accounts to buy online...then obviously you are doing something on the shady side...just saying.

  • @adoniscomics
    @adoniscomics 8 месяцев назад +7

    Because the guy was the promoter of the show, couldn't he have had the police trespass Sticky and had him removed?

    • @HillBillyComix
      @HillBillyComix 8 месяцев назад +4

      The goose didn’t even register to sell there, he had a friend do it, so technically he wasn’t even supposed to be there

  • @AmoralPhat40oz
    @AmoralPhat40oz 8 месяцев назад +35

    Barely play the clip. And you drag the explanation out on and on and on and on.. how am I supposed understand when you won’t just say quickly what made them so mad? I have to sit here for 22 minutes to hear a 1 minute worth of content ?

    • @horvathsogranfume658
      @horvathsogranfume658 8 месяцев назад +11

      "i have to sit here" lolwut. *I free you from your toil my child*

    • @AmoralPhat40oz
      @AmoralPhat40oz 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@horvathsogranfume658 what did i say that wasn’t true?

    • @horvathsogranfume658
      @horvathsogranfume658 8 месяцев назад +8

      @@AmoralPhat40oz nothing, im sure u feel imprisoned by my mean comment 🤣

    • @fuzzy8593
      @fuzzy8593 8 месяцев назад +4

      Hey, in my opinion it is interesting when both parties believe they are in the right. Do you not want to know what is lawful or moral in these situations? Have some patience, not everyone is YOU.

    • @AmoralPhat40oz
      @AmoralPhat40oz 8 месяцев назад

      @@fuzzy8593 😖

  • @tybug1
    @tybug1 8 месяцев назад +8

    Would Mother Goose have got same treatment if she used the strap-on?? That's the question.

  • @Rushman666
    @Rushman666 8 месяцев назад +15

    "As soon as I strap on" lmao!!! That's the best

    • @sbentsen2714
      @sbentsen2714 5 месяцев назад

      😋 I know I laughed several times

  • @Leshil
    @Leshil 8 месяцев назад +12

    If you "knew" this show was going to be difficult because of the promoter having an issue with you, then you were looking for this trouble. Why didn't you talk to him prior to even filming? Why didn't you just try and break the ice with him when you got to the Con? You were looking to have that confrontation by virtue of your actions.

  • @oophorror2251
    @oophorror2251 8 месяцев назад +8

    People seem to not like you. I’d be self-reflecting if I got kicked out of this many comic shops and cons.

    • @oophorror2251
      @oophorror2251 8 месяцев назад +8

      If his first move is to get the law involved then you know exactly what he’s capable of: being reasonable. You annoy and insult people. Trials and tribulations lol. You knew your attendance was going to be a problem? LOL. You’re a constant victim.

    • @oophorror2251
      @oophorror2251 8 месяцев назад +6

      You should show this video to a therapist. No cap.

  • @seanmitchell8151
    @seanmitchell8151 8 месяцев назад +6

    Love Mother Goose, you guys are cute. Here’s an ironic observation: Sticky the southerner (where people are supposed to be polite) gets in more trouble with his camera than Mike From Lunch Money Comics, who’s in the northeast where everyone is supposed to be an a-hole. 😂😂😂

  • @jthomascruz4890
    @jthomascruz4890 8 месяцев назад +8

    Uh-oh, the return of Strap-On!!! Brother, I can't let you out anywhere, your always getting into something or causing a ruckus. 😂

  • @fdawg78
    @fdawg78 8 месяцев назад +4

    I can understand the guy's resentment. Legal or not, I believe the decent thing to do is probably to ask the organizers permission prior to filming. This is not a question of legality but more a question of morality.

  • @Mikey_Gee
    @Mikey_Gee 8 месяцев назад +8

    “Ever since this channel, I’m rocking a strap on wherever I go” 😂😂😂

  • @mastazink4087
    @mastazink4087 8 месяцев назад +11

    Bald hahahahahaha

  • @BryanH63
    @BryanH63 8 месяцев назад +6

    Personally, as a show of respect, I would always get permission from the event organizer and not show anyone on camera unless getting their permission first.

  • @katelynnjklk7905
    @katelynnjklk7905 8 месяцев назад +2

    your voice is weird

  • @briansilverman1388
    @briansilverman1388 8 месяцев назад +10


    • @horvathsogranfume658
      @horvathsogranfume658 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @briansilverman1388
      @briansilverman1388 8 месяцев назад

      @@horvathsogranfume658 BROKEN KEYBOARD OK?

    • @bugman160
      @bugman160 8 месяцев назад


  • @curtis3986
    @curtis3986 7 месяцев назад +1

    Sticky goose the keemstar of the comic book world

  • @JoeCasnaw-xe1pz
    @JoeCasnaw-xe1pz 2 месяца назад +1

    He is renting the hall. For teh day he can toss anybody that he wants.

  • @jesselynch1928
    @jesselynch1928 8 месяцев назад +4

    1). Sorry that happened. 2). I did go back and watch the earlier video. You were pretty well behaved and said a lot of positive things about his booth. The one thing you mentioned were the prices were high. Maybe 2021 prices. That might have made him feel bad and he wanted to protect other dealers from that happening. 3). It was great to see Mother goose again. I loved when she said something like. It doesn’t surprise me anymore. That was pretty funny. 4). Your channel is not candy canes and puppy dogs. You are going to wrankle people That’s just what a channel like yours is going to do. I think you have to accept that. 5). Love you SG and will continue to pray for you whether u like that or not. Jess

  • @chloe-vz2hy
    @chloe-vz2hy 8 месяцев назад +4

    you’re a bully

  • @mattcollects1
    @mattcollects1 8 месяцев назад +4

    Drama boy is back 😂

  • @MissilesOnMotorcycles
    @MissilesOnMotorcycles 8 месяцев назад +8

    Love how you admit that you want to bully someone at around 21 ish minutes. Be who you are no matter what! Do your bully thing! So incredibly brave #bullywarrior

    • @bcash1994
      @bcash1994 8 месяцев назад

      His point was “when people see someone filming, whether it’s selfie stick or strap on, people just want to bully them”
      I think you’re taking it out of context 😊

  • @presto111man
    @presto111man 8 месяцев назад +3

    You left out the part where Bob Barker said, "Sticky Goose, come on down"

  • @collectingwithderrz
    @collectingwithderrz 8 месяцев назад +6

    You could have called this video "Click Bait" only, man. 2024 is the year that people need to be called out on this foolishness. Made this entire video, barley explaining anything or even showing what happened. Could have been condensed into a short or an IG post. Nope, gota make sure we milk whatever pointless negativity we can. 🤦‍♀️

    • @HarperBomb
      @HarperBomb 8 месяцев назад +2

      Why are you here then ?

    • @collectingwithderrz
      @collectingwithderrz 8 месяцев назад

      @@HarperBomb This simple fact 🤡. Calling them when I see them this year.

    • @collectingwithderrz
      @collectingwithderrz 8 месяцев назад

      @@HarperBomb Well my comment got deleted lol. But if someone doesn't call this stuff out who will?

  • @justinshannon814
    @justinshannon814 8 месяцев назад +2

    As Leia said to Han, you certainly have a way with people.

  • @JayKillXRP
    @JayKillXRP 8 месяцев назад +1

    Just wear your camera and leave the strap on at home and you should be good next time.

  • @SSFEbor
    @SSFEbor 8 месяцев назад +3

    You really should be polite and ask permission to film - did you? If not well what do you expect?

    • @Aries329
      @Aries329 8 месяцев назад +1

      You don't need permission to film in public that is a first amendment right

    • @oophorror2251
      @oophorror2251 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Aries329it’s not public if it’s a rented venue. Dave Chapelle won’t even let you bring in your phone. Just because the operator lets people in for free does not make it a public space.

    • @Aries329
      @Aries329 8 месяцев назад

      @@oophorror2251 yes legally speaking any place open to the general public is a public space doesn't matter if it's rented now the renter still has the right to ask him to leave but he doesn't need permission to film

    • @oophorror2251
      @oophorror2251 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Aries329you don’t know what you’re talking about. Try filming in a Wal-Mart or LCS. There’s a reason cop auditors only film in government buildings and on the sidewalk. You’re wrong.

    • @oophorror2251
      @oophorror2251 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Aries329and who cares. He knows it makes people angry and still does it. People are getting sick of these people not respecting others. Last time he was insulting a Christian owner’s religious music. He’s weird and rude.

  • @rustes
    @rustes 8 месяцев назад +3

    You do trash people a lot in your channel. Promoter probably saw your videos complaining about vendors before... Be positive stay positive in your videos. My advice.

  • @doctorshawn3461
    @doctorshawn3461 8 месяцев назад +3

    Totally agree, the first person vlog videos are my favorites. This video was also interesting, I actually learned something from it. Keep up the good work!

  • @justinbirchletters
    @justinbirchletters 8 месяцев назад +2

    I'm happy to see I'm featured prominently in the thumbnail.

  • @comicjourney
    @comicjourney 8 месяцев назад +1

    Not everyone embraces strapons. You might want to ease in the strapon on the future

  • @ProWrestlingReality
    @ProWrestlingReality Месяц назад

    You should have told the guy saying he was going to call the police that you just got some new punisher comics and you hope that they don't start giving you...ideas....

  • @sbentsen2714
    @sbentsen2714 5 месяцев назад

    You know what just because you've got a channel, doesn't mean everyone's gonna be cool with you filming. Its a form of bias, that youre not seeing his perspective, & you're framing it like hes the bad guy. 🤷🏻 Just saying, when youre filming in public at an event or something, be ready for some pushback because not everyone is totally cool with people filming and making content with their involvement, without their consent etc

  • @TacoWolf702
    @TacoWolf702 7 месяцев назад

    Is it just me being immature or do you also giggle every time they say "strap on".....😂😂😂 I think he means chest mount right???

  • @LOLheyman
    @LOLheyman 5 месяцев назад

    Just the amount of goons defending scummy comic book dealers is hilarious. Everybody films at conventions. Keep shining a light on horrible comic shops and conventions. And people wonder why comics are dying and manga is taking over.

  • @keytothegate68
    @keytothegate68 3 месяца назад

    It was a small comic convection. You filming it and commenting on it on your RUclips channel could greatly influence it. The owner didn't have to call the police he could have asked you to leave himself. Why are you obsessed with with the legality of it? Are you refocusing from comics to legal issues ?

  • @stevelikescomics
    @stevelikescomics 7 месяцев назад

    I generally have enjoyed your videos in the past, but I think I'm done after this one. I don't comment often on the videos I watch, but yikes. Your "social media influencer"-style entitlement is staggering. You don't have the right to film in a private venue if someone doesn't want you filming. The promoter has every right to set any rules he wants and he doesn't have to explain why. He has no obligation to provide you content for your channel. It just seems gross and pretty childish that you are putting him and his show on blast like this instead of taking a more humble, thoughtful approach that maybe not everyone wants to be fodder for your RUclips aspirations.

  • @wonkington1
    @wonkington1 Месяц назад

    hi basically new here I've been watching a lot of your content lately and the way you talk to and about people is very condescending which makes you seem in the videos as unlikable. I'm not here to talk trash its just an observation I am seeing since this is a hobby that I enjoy also and get recommended videos based on that hobby, everything else in your videos is good but you seem very unlikable by the way you talk in your content.

  • @RobertBarker-t5w
    @RobertBarker-t5w 8 месяцев назад +2

    OMG! The Rodney Dangerfield photo you used in this video is the SAME one I use for my Microsoft Teams photo for work!! LOL You were being a good boy and it seemed like a personal issue, nothing else. Mother Goose always has a smile on her face and had a good laugh at this. Glad you brought her in to discuss. Keep doing the videos, brother! If anyone gives you grief in WV, tell them that WV is a 1-party state and consent does not have to be provided, not to mention it's a public place. when you go places in WV for reference because you have rights! Sorry this happened and looking forward to seeing you again!

  • @Unkownsoilder11
    @Unkownsoilder11 8 месяцев назад +2

    What kind of law does MG practice? I didn’t know she was a lawyer so cool!

  • @millfilm1
    @millfilm1 5 месяцев назад

    Best show in WV is the Huntington comic and toy con

  • @chloe-vz2hy
    @chloe-vz2hy 8 месяцев назад +2

    this was the best hoster of a comic con show i have ever seen little boy

  • @thorodinson5520
    @thorodinson5520 4 месяца назад

    You probably were asked not to film because people are doing cash sales, all sales final. No record of transaction.

  • @lngambino
    @lngambino 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hey there Goose Man. Dude why is there so much drama in West Virginia? Get out of that hillbilly state. I heard grandmothers chew tobacco and carry shotguns there. ha, ha, ha. Seriouly though I'm glad you got out of that situation safely. Maybe you could just shoot some b-roll footage from your booth and add some voiceover later.

  • @lillian8613
    @lillian8613 3 месяца назад

    "Well how does he not know that I don't have HIV" 🤣 most iconic line from your channel to date!

  • @PatrickSamara
    @PatrickSamara 8 месяцев назад +1

    You used the term Strap-on so many times. I think you need to look up what that is. "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means" - Inigo Montoya

  • @nelsonrodriguez5451
    @nelsonrodriguez5451 7 месяцев назад

    Isn't his show for entertainment purposes? Doesn't he need to get paid for doing it? I don't think anyone does it for free. People have the power to fast forward if they want.

  • @RustburgMike
    @RustburgMike 8 месяцев назад

    Dude, just have fun. Some folks just don't liked to be filmed weather legal or not.

  • @rstet1
    @rstet1 2 месяца назад

    Hope you continue to film at comic cons and shows because it makes for entertaining videos.

  • @thecanadian5428
    @thecanadian5428 8 месяцев назад +3

    What a bunch if bs I subscribed because your like me don't put up with ppls bs

  • @CollectingLlama
    @CollectingLlama Месяц назад

    I’m just here for sticky goose saying “strap on”

  • @lisanoble
    @lisanoble 7 месяцев назад

    Hate Crime lol tell her look up the definition this was cringe

  • @bigghoww
    @bigghoww 8 месяцев назад +2

    Strap on? Thought i clicked the wrong con video

  • @thorodinson5520
    @thorodinson5520 4 месяца назад

    How is this the first time I'm seeing this if I've been a subscriber for a year now?

  • @thorodinson5520
    @thorodinson5520 4 месяца назад

    How is this the first time I'm seeing this when I have been a subscriber for a year now?

  • @crosskeycollectibles
    @crosskeycollectibles 7 месяцев назад

    Lol I love you and 'mother goose' interactions - so epic ! She is great !

  • @mastazink4087
    @mastazink4087 8 месяцев назад +5

    Wife onlyfans link?

  • @hungpham9566
    @hungpham9566 8 месяцев назад +1

    Seems like you get into a lot of these predicaments. 😂

  • @timo7203
    @timo7203 8 месяцев назад +1

    Controversy is always following you around. LOL

  • @GravelRacer1
    @GravelRacer1 8 месяцев назад +1

    It would be courteous to get their permission to be recorded first. I myself would not be comfortable if someone just walked up with a camera on.

  • @ShuggsComicsandStatues
    @ShuggsComicsandStatues 8 месяцев назад +1

    A strap on in the UK, is not a chest plate for a go pro

    • @tiasmith2190
      @tiasmith2190 8 месяцев назад

      Nobody in the US except for this guy calls it a strap on either lol I'm laughing every time he says it, picturing him carrying a sex toy

  • @jeffjones229
    @jeffjones229 8 месяцев назад +1

    I see you are still not having any problems making friends.

  • @brandonmetro7115
    @brandonmetro7115 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hey Stickygoose, I don't ask for much but....Could we have mother goose do weekly top 10 please?

  • @JoeCasnaw-xe1pz
    @JoeCasnaw-xe1pz 2 месяца назад

    Who is Mothergoose? Sister or Cousin?

  • @88playmkr
    @88playmkr 5 месяцев назад

    Strap ons can be pretty intimidating

  • @WarriorsforInfoTV
    @WarriorsforInfoTV 8 месяцев назад +2

    You need a hidden cam. lol

  • @keithrobinson9766
    @keithrobinson9766 7 месяцев назад

    You're so dramatic. Haha.

  • @ThePsps1
    @ThePsps1 7 месяцев назад

    People don't wanna deal with u lol

  • @aiwa501
    @aiwa501 8 месяцев назад

    No strap on = no problems.

  • @BrooklynAvenue
    @BrooklynAvenue 8 месяцев назад +2

    Many comic book people have not grown up. They are overly sensitive to insult and will assume an insult on the slightest provocation.

  • @horvathsogranfume658
    @horvathsogranfume658 8 месяцев назад +1

    finally back to the usual SG content >.>

  • @junkdrunk3160
    @junkdrunk3160 8 месяцев назад +1

    You are now the Strap-on Sensation!

  • @katelynnjklk7905
    @katelynnjklk7905 8 месяцев назад


  • @Mr.ju4ncho
    @Mr.ju4ncho 8 месяцев назад +1

    Great job mother goose!!!!! Take care of our little brat 😁

  • @Bradimus1981
    @Bradimus1981 8 месяцев назад

    Dude, I know it has been a while. lol You just bring it out of people. You have strong opinions, but in MY opinion, I agree and share most of them with you. Far too many people cannot be criticized anymore and take it on the chin. Frankly the comic book industry as a whole needs an attitude adjustment. I understand that dealers and shops want to make money. I get that and they should. With that said... for too many years individuals with considerable resources (cash) kind of ruined the comic book industry. I actually bare no ill will towards these individuals. When the interest rates were so low and people have cash, you do what you can to make the most of it, right? Makes sense to me. I mean so many so called "collectors" do not even bother to read the damn comics they are "collecting". The entire US entertainment industry basically sucks. lol The people in the industry put out bad products and blame the customers when their products do not make them as much money as they thought they would. I could go on and on and on about all of this as you know StickyGoose. I just have one more thing to say... "WITNESS ME!" Nope I have not forgotten and I still would like to create that short video clip for you. Later! lol

  • @artofbusiness12
    @artofbusiness12 8 месяцев назад

    To: StickyGoose,
    Please, send me the link for this now
    infamous “strap-on” for cell phones you use.
    ( Everyone in the comments:
    Hold the jokes, please! )
    HaHaHa..!!! 😂
    - Thanks Sticky!

  • @DocReasonable
    @DocReasonable 8 месяцев назад

    The Simpsons' Comic Book Guy is an archetype for a reason. And that South Park gamer dude.

  • @madvizion742
    @madvizion742 8 месяцев назад

    If U knew dude had an issue with U, then U probably should have made an effort to stay out of his way. Not saying what he did is right. When U know better U do better.
    At the same time, it seems like the other guy is taking his position way too serious. He probably shouldn't have the job.
    Me personally, I wouldn't film ppl. If U can do it without making the public Ur background then by all means. And if U do film, ask first. Even if it's legal. It's respect.

  • @Sam-n7f1b
    @Sam-n7f1b 8 месяцев назад

    I'm a big fan and I do enjoy watching you, but can ask, do yiu actually ask to film? Because it dose hurt to just ask, that's probably half the problem there.

  • @paulshores8166
    @paulshores8166 8 месяцев назад +1

    Face it, that show runner is goosist!