Only 2-3% of Adults in America are True Disciples of Jesus | Dr. George Barna

  • Опубликовано: 9 май 2024
  • Dr. George Barna shares the state of Christian discipleship in America today. In short, only 2-3% of adult Americans hold to the standard of being true disciples of Jesus. Among the criteria for this distinction are the belief that the Bible is the true and reliable word of God, daily pursuit of Godly activities, and making a priority of a life lived in obedience to God.
    Listen to Dr. Barna's full message here:
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  • @robusc4940
    @robusc4940 Месяц назад

    Are you & I JUSTIFIED by faith or are works also required ?

    • @BellevueMemphis
      @BellevueMemphis  Месяц назад +2

      Hey there! We are justified by faith; however, if you don't feel like you have to confess sin to the Lord, if you don't think the Bible is important, and you don't want to obey God's commands, that faith looks pretty hollow.

    • @robusc4940
      @robusc4940 Месяц назад

      @@BellevueMemphis Do you agree as taught by Christ through Paul :-
      1.To enter Heaven a believer must place their faith/trust in ONLY the death/burial/resurrection of Christ to forgive/save them and NOTHING in anything they do.
      2. How they then lead their life will be subject to eternal rewards/loss yet regardless they remain saved.

  • @Phony-baloney8
    @Phony-baloney8 Месяц назад

    “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’” (Matt. 7:21-23) [and] “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matt. 7:13-14). Should it be “shocking” that “Few American Adults are True Disciples of Christ”? Maybe this guy needs to be one of those who “reads and studies the Bible daily.”

    • @robusc4940
      @robusc4940 Месяц назад

      Where does Paul teach "Lord Lord" for you & I to enter Heaven ?

  • @Phony-baloney8
    @Phony-baloney8 Месяц назад

    This sounds an awful lot like legalism to me. If you fulfill all of these criteria-if you do X, Y, and Z-then you are a “true disciple” of Jesus. Is THAT the Gospel? And this is eternal life,” Jesus prayed, “that they may known you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (Jn. 17:3). Saying that only 2-3% of Americans fit into this category requires complete and infallible knowledge of the heart-and that’s something only God knows. “For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to eternal life, and those who find it are few” (Matt. 7:14). The single worst thing that could ever be said to a person, is when he or she comes before Christ and He says to that person, “Depart from me, I never knew you.” (Cf. Matt. 7:23). It goes without saying that not every who says the believe in Jesus truly do. But to assume to know who those people are based on a list (like the one shown here) just seems wrong. At the same time, it takes more to get to heaven than sincere, good intentions. Again, only God knows the heart. And I think that when we get to heaven there are going to be many, many people who, so far as our earthly knowledge goes, did not deserve to be there. But then again, no one deserves to be there. Salvation is wholly a work of God and God alone. Every assuming we know those who will and will not be there is folly.

    • @damongreville2197
      @damongreville2197 Месяц назад

      These things are the results, the outflow, the consequences of true discipleship, not the cause.

    • @BellevueMemphis
      @BellevueMemphis  Месяц назад

      Good morning! While we cannot see into everyone's hearts, what Dr. Barna is reporting on are the results of surveys conducted where people were asked simple questions like "Do you believe the Bible is the ultimate source of truth?" or "Do you believe the universe is created by God?" or "Do you believe your purpose in life is to know, love, and serve God?" and so on. Furthermore, this isn't a simple pass/fail test for salvation, but an assessment of whether people are living in a way that, according to Jesus' teachings, would show them to be a disciple of Him. We hope that clears up any issues you have.

  • @gowthambalsamy4630
    @gowthambalsamy4630 Месяц назад

    I don't know much about the society. But I can surely say that people who are against this will called as a sinner or devil. If a Jesus can forgive the person who betrayed him, then I am sure he can forgive those who are not following this strict criteria.
    I am sorry If this hurt anyone's feelings. But you guys are making people guilty who are the genuine followers. Your criteria is dividing people and also at the same time deciding how to be a disciple. I am sorry to ask you this, who gives you the authority to decide whether the people are true disciple or not. It seems to me you are playing role of the God. Please learn to humble yourself and don't get caught up on spreading or installing what you think is the only path to the God. We are all humans so try to be like one.

    • @BellevueMemphis
      @BellevueMemphis  Месяц назад

      Absolutely! This message is intended as a wake-up call, not a condemnation written in stone for all time. Thanks for watching!