I'm gonna be honest, I still don't understand how that video was even possible. Scarlett Johansson narrating?! Multiple Led Zeppelin songs?! Collectors! Artists! A Larry Gagosian interview!!! I know the MOCA is not some mom & pop operation but this is incredible. Anyway, great great stuff. I love Jeff Koons and I show this video to my students every year. Thank you for this beautiful and fun production.
"El arte de Jeff Koons es un arte de las superficies pulidas e impecables y de efecto inmediato. No ofrece nada que interpretar, que descifrar ni que pensar. Es un arte del 'me gusta'" (Byung Chul Han, La salvación de lo bello).
Koons' art is very interesting, all those colors, how they shine and the unexpected shapes, but at the same time makes me think what is art and what makes art being art
Probably, what he does is not as original as the art of another artists and he have had a lot of problems with copyright, but it has something that makes it unique. After all, art is about transmitting something, and somehow his works make you feel involved and part of the art work. I like that brilliant (reflective) characteristic of his work that reflects oneself and means that the art happens inside of you. Also his puppy made out of flowers gives to people a feeling of happiness and protection, and that, to me, is something wonderful.
The work of this man looks like is inspired from the modern art movements such as dada or even a little bit of pop art, in my opinion this man and his team are showing the main elements of the contemporary culture, based in the iconic objects which have marked one of more historical momentd and revive the art work with a new perspective, because at the end our contemporary perspective is chabging through the years.
I don't understand why so many people in the comment section are hating on this guy for making money off his work. Just because the process of creating it is unconventional doesn't mean it's not artwork. Even if a whole team works on a piece, it's still his vision.
the issue is not that an artist of minimal talent is making art. I'm all for that. I"m gonna do it myself in a few minutes. It's that these academic fools ascribe such monetary value to pieces of such artistic insignificance.
Not only art, but also cosmetics, weapons, spacial aircraft, candy, mirrors, pets, sports, popcorn, ketchup, earrings, jewlery in general, books, non-online teachers, preachers, poker games... Maybe we could make the list exhaustive if that wasn't wasting valuable time we could use by doing social work. Somehow art is the scapegoat of people who could be volunteering but are instead commenting on the internet.
@ art is art. In my opinion each piece should be taken on it’s merits, not the story, not who made it. He is a bullshit artist. Nothing more. A good Aunt Sally is better than a bad Picasso. A Jeff Koons painting is just a blown up photo collage. I don’t care how much they paid. I don’t care if you fall for his story. Go read the Emperor’s New Clothes and then look at Mr Koons studio’s work
At fist one might think that if he's not the one who actually does all of the work he shouldn't be credited for it, but we have to be honest and accept that without him all of these works of art wouldn't exist. We have this team of extremely talented people who ate in charge of the process of bringing it to life and make it real, but if he wasn't for him none of this would be possible. He's the mastermind behind it. His work is very aesthetically pleasing, however I think he's the perfect example that with money you can do and be almost anything you want.
I think Koons is an artist that is taking advantage of the hype his work has, which is not necessarily bad. he is indeed employing lots of people to help him out with his projects. He is a sort of an architect. I do not necessary like what he does, tho. Some of his pieces are, at best, eye-catching for me. I do not truly find a deeper meaning to his work, but I think he should exploit the hype.
I believe that Jeffrey Koons' art is fresh and funny. I perceive it like looking at a mirror and seeing our current society. Contemporary art is a experience that makes it clear that art should not be reduced to a technique or to the recognition of a single person. My favourite one is the Play-Doh sculpture, the colors are bright, the texture is loyal and the shape is free.
The materials and how he uses common objects as inspiration is pretty interesting. I must say that I consider clever that he proposes the idea but accomplish it with a team. It just shows how art has changed because now is not only individual but collective, however it keeps looking forward to a feelings explosion.
The way in which he turns daily objects into pieces of art makes me think that I can do the same with daily situations which in some way affect life. I love the way he tries to give a different view of things and persuade people to do the same as he did.
Nowadays is kind of hard to understand how art works. People stand in the idea of criticising art we must know about art rules. In Jess Koons work perception of the viewers is everything on it. At first sight, we may not understand it, but when we know that we are the center of the work, we can play freely through it. With the gazing ball works, we are part of the paintings and sculptures; we feel as we were there since the artist concieved the idea.
I think, personally, that his work is very cool and actually it is my type of art because the fact in which he involves the participation of other people. In my opinion his work is to show and transmit to the public they can participate. I have a crazy idea that in the balloon dog’s exhibitions he tries to reflect the public what his art is and that thing he said “People must move to see the whole shapes of it, if they don’t move they won’t see nothing.”
Hi, Oscar. I’m your big fan from South Korea. Your artwork is really really impressive and I love it so so so much! Keep making a great video for us. Thank you!
So the style includes the representation of all types of materials, and the author creates a relationship between objects which were not intended for that, eventhough people buy his pieces having an expectation but I ignore what is the impact, I dont have enough to show about what is art for me but this seems to prove that there are hundreds of pieces expressing nothing and at the same time everything for some others, that is art for me. Not the real object but what you have inside so you get the meaning in many ways .
MMMM Is it art? i dont really know but i like his hobby he makes a really nice job with that objects, they transmit happiness and you feell like a child in a magic world.
Great vid Oscar, you captured his playful energy and his love for controversy very well in 8 and a half minutes, I've seen quite a few docs on Koons running over an hour that can't say that! 👍🏻
My relationship with Jeff Koons is very strange. I agree with his idea of finding beauty on simple, not fancy objects, and I see how his elements of choice could have been seen as brave and bold when he was a nobody. But now it seems to me he just lacks focus and his ideals are all over the place. For someone who makes unusual art he sure loves mainstream media a lot. His Michael Jackson piece is definitely one of my least favourites. Reading how much Koons idolised the singer for his enormous dedication to appealing to as much people as possible and being the biggest entertainer in the world left a sour taste in my mouth. Leaves to wonder how much he has dedicated to becoming such a big name in art today.
He’s an art director so one could argue an artist but the scale he is doing it, he can’t do it alone but people need to know a Jeff Koons is no different than a Jobs Apple. They directed not made
Jeff Koons' art seems to be so common that I think he is actually quite original, although it feels a bit disappointing the fact that he does not work on the physical art, but he's the mind behind all that, he's very creative and I do think that he's the only creator.
Jeff Koons is a business man who manufactures and sells stuff. That is his art. Here's the way you do it: 1. Have some ideas about things you want to make. 2. Have someone else make those things. 3. Figure out who would buy your stuff. That is, find out what the market for it. 4. Sell your stuff to that target market. And there you go.
Learned something new today! 1) Jeff Koons is awesome and I want to see more of his work 2) Oscar delivered a super engaging less than 10 minute documentary. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Jeff Koons' work for most of the people may not be art, since all you can see is just a big structure. I personally enjoy this kind of art. And the fact that it takes this big production, to finally give a job to this big amount of people is just amazing.
It is evident that his work follows the ideals of Pop art and I'm not a big fun of it because all the popular elements it includes. Although I do love the appropiations he does of famouse paintings, where he adds the shiny mirror-like ball, because it makes us re-think of the concept of art by making us part of it.
Well I ike the idea to take a common object and turn it an art piece, but I believe he sometimes exaggerate the whole idea. I do like the "reflective" and ballons sculptures, they are quite original and his intention to present an interaction between the viewer and the piece of art is great too. I believe that to understand, analyze and finally have a posture about his art is important to get rid of cliches and accept that art is about freedom.
Jeff Koons' work is very interesting because he has such a unique vision of what he wants to do with his art and the message and the feelings he wants to express with it. For me, i think that the most impressive part of his works is how he manages to capture the textures of the materials, it feels very strange to see those images and know how would they feel just by looking at them.
I could be volunteering right now, but I righteously prefer to deprecate artists on the internet. Why not sports, you ask. Because sports are easier to understand.
Thousands of technicians make a living out Jeff Koons. That's enough for me, and let's face they are great fun. By the way art was and always will be a business.
I must say, this artist is one of the best I've seen! I love the way he does his own style and transform it into something really different than the usual! He is a genius. I have to say that art nowadays is not of my taste, but watching this master pieces just gets me so interested!
Well, art has transformed a lot in different aspects. For instance, Koons' art represent for me the idea of how create art when you have everything by your side. You can take advantage of objects and colorful things and make some wonderful things. We can realize that Koons create espectacular works with simple materials and that’s interesting.
The way Jeffrey Koons works is just about the mass production of art, it does not give a huge change to the pieces, talking about meaning. It looks good but it is only the fusion of many artists with different abilities; demeritates the individual work. Nevertheless, it is what modern art has become and if the audience likes, this tendency will continue to grow.
I think in a different way, I feel that art has been transformed, it has become simple, I am not an expert to judge in detail the art shown in the video, but I did not feel anything when I saw the pieces of art by Koons and this is something that It makes me feel bad, I feel that his art is not innovative it´s just take common objects and take them on a large scale and put them bold colors.
I find his art very interesting and how he uses ordinary objects to create art, but for me, some of them have not sense, I mean I don't feel anything when I saw them
yeah me too, I feel like his style has gone so far into abstraction that it o longer means anything. He has outgrown meaning and to me that makes his art worse
Jeff "Toons" wants to go to Paris to make more money with his tulip statue in front of the modern Art Museum ! That' simply Engagement in business transaction ( He practicises "Taylorist Art") involving small risk and offering the chance of large gains ! ...and mostly mocking the victims of terrorism ! I explain that in french : "Circularité d'intérêts entre grands collectionneurs de Petits Mickeys géants , de conservateurs en mal de publications-validant-toutes les spéculations et d'institutions bien pensantes,, toujours à la remorque du dernier gadget US = Installation d'une Visibilité pour créer artificiellement une Légitimité -... et si ça ne marche pas, on en parle quand même : Bravo le Marketing ! Assez déKoonné, cette forme d'art contemporain est une bulle spéculative qui va faire Pschitt ! En hommage aux victimes du terrorisme , il serait préférable d'ériger une statue géante du Grand Duduche de Cabu embrassant Isabelle, la fille du proviseur et de déposer cette statue monumentale sur le parvis de l'hôtel de Ville Cela, ce serait un hommage de la France à un caricaturiste du niveau de Daumier, un clin d'oeil en passant à Doisneau, et là, il y aurait véritablement de l'ART ! CQFD : on nous prend pour des Koons-ou des Toons- avec cette spirale de valorisation entre collectionneurs spéculateurs ( Pinault , Arnault et autres princes de la déduction fiscale...) et petits marquis affidés de Cour , tous pétochants devant la bulle de l'art contemporain-Mickey-Mouse proche de l'éclatement !"
I'm gonna be honest, I still don't understand how that video was even possible.
Scarlett Johansson narrating?! Multiple Led Zeppelin songs?! Collectors! Artists! A Larry Gagosian interview!!!
I know the MOCA is not some mom & pop operation but this is incredible.
Anyway, great great stuff. I love Jeff Koons and I show this video to my students every year. Thank you for this beautiful and fun production.
"El arte de Jeff Koons es un arte de las superficies pulidas e impecables y de efecto inmediato. No ofrece nada que interpretar, que descifrar ni que pensar. Es un arte del 'me gusta'"
(Byung Chul Han, La salvación de lo bello).
Koons' art is very interesting, all those colors, how they shine and the unexpected shapes, but at the same time makes me think what is art and what makes art being art
Probably, what he does is not as original as the art of another artists and he have had a lot of problems with copyright, but it has something that makes it unique. After all, art is about transmitting something, and somehow his works make you feel involved and part of the art work. I like that brilliant (reflective) characteristic of his work that reflects oneself and means that the art happens inside of you. Also his puppy made out of flowers gives to people a feeling of happiness and protection, and that, to me, is something wonderful.
No its not, its laziness. Pure unadulterated laziness. And he knows this. No one in a hundred years will remember this hack.
Awesome celebration of Jeff Koons narrated by Scarlett Johansson!
The work of this man looks like is inspired from the modern art movements such as dada or even a little bit of pop art, in my opinion this man and his team are showing the main elements of the contemporary culture, based in the iconic objects which have marked one of more historical momentd and revive the art work with a new perspective, because at the end our contemporary perspective is chabging through the years.
transforming art into an industry. Perfect parallelism between the way he makes art and the subjects he represents. Very alienating
andy warhol did it. so did carravagio.
I don't understand why so many people in the comment section are hating on this guy for making money off his work. Just because the process of creating it is unconventional doesn't mean it's not artwork. Even if a whole team works on a piece, it's still his vision.
the issue is not that an artist of minimal talent is making art. I'm all for that. I"m gonna do it myself in a few minutes.
It's that these academic fools ascribe such monetary value to pieces of such artistic insignificance.
You can sooo tell this is Oscar's work.
If only people donated as much as they spend money on art
Not only art, but also cosmetics, weapons, spacial aircraft, candy, mirrors, pets, sports, popcorn, ketchup, earrings, jewlery in general, books, non-online teachers, preachers, poker games... Maybe we could make the list exhaustive if that wasn't wasting valuable time we could use by doing social work.
Somehow art is the scapegoat of people who could be volunteering but are instead commenting on the internet.
they do
hardly any private collector spends money on art. they invest it. it is a giant and horrible speculation bubble
I use to think this man was hack but now I consider him a genius.
he truly is one. He has the ability to make art that changes your perception, because it's so direct. That is amazing.
what changed ?
All I see is the hack.
@@seanfaherty you can’t look at him as a traditional artist but more as a CEO of a company that produces sought after “art”
@ art is art.
In my opinion each piece should be taken on it’s merits, not the story, not who made it.
He is a bullshit artist. Nothing more.
A good Aunt Sally is better than a bad Picasso. A Jeff Koons painting is just a blown up photo collage.
I don’t care how much they paid.
I don’t care if you fall for his story.
Go read the Emperor’s New Clothes and then look at Mr Koons studio’s work
@@seanfaherty I thought the same as you then looked at business as his art
At fist one might think that if he's not the one who actually does all of the work he shouldn't be credited for it, but we have to be honest and accept that without him all of these works of art wouldn't exist. We have this team of extremely talented people who ate in charge of the process of bringing it to life and make it real, but if he wasn't for him none of this would be possible. He's the mastermind behind it.
His work is very aesthetically pleasing, however I think he's the perfect example that with money you can do and be almost anything you want.
Yes similar to Jobs R.I.P and the iPhone and Apple in general . Heard that he couldn’t code, but like he once said he’s directing the orchestra
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Jeff Koons
Mr. Koons , I'm glad you think outside the norm with your art, it just makes me smile. As always Oscar, I love your presentation .
What an awsome movie Oscar!!
Fun, dynamic mini documentary! 'It's like he starts new careers with every project', very accurate quote by Pharell.
I think Koons is an artist that is taking advantage of the hype his work has, which is not necessarily bad. he is indeed employing lots of people to help him out with his projects. He is a sort of an architect. I do not necessary like what he does, tho. Some of his pieces are, at best, eye-catching for me. I do not truly find a deeper meaning to his work, but I think he should exploit the hype.
I love Jeff
I believe that Jeffrey Koons' art is fresh and funny. I perceive it like looking at a mirror and seeing our current society. Contemporary art is a experience that makes it clear that art should not be reduced to a technique or to the recognition of a single person. My favourite one is the Play-Doh sculpture, the colors are bright, the texture is loyal and the shape is free.
The materials and how he uses common objects as inspiration is pretty interesting. I must say that I consider clever that he proposes the idea but accomplish it with a team. It just shows how art has changed because now is not only individual but collective, however it keeps looking forward to a feelings explosion.
The way in which he turns daily objects into pieces of art makes me think that I can do the same with daily situations which in some way affect life. I love the way he tries to give a different view of things and persuade people to do the same as he did.
Nowadays is kind of hard to understand how art works. People stand in the idea of criticising art we must know about art rules. In Jess Koons work perception of the viewers is everything on it. At first sight, we may not understand it, but when we know that we are the center of the work, we can play freely through it. With the gazing ball works, we are part of the paintings and sculptures; we feel as we were there since the artist concieved the idea.
Ia great to take any object with the purpose of art creation, there are many forms to see it, I liked it.
I think, personally, that his work is very cool and actually it is my type of art because the fact in which he involves the participation of other people. In my opinion his work is to show and transmit to the public they can participate. I have a crazy idea that in the balloon dog’s exhibitions he tries to reflect the public what his art is and that thing he said “People must move to see the whole shapes of it, if they don’t move they won’t see nothing.”
Is this Scarlet Johansson narrating this??
Hi, Oscar. I’m your big fan from South Korea. Your artwork is really really impressive and I love it so so so much! Keep making a great video for us. Thank you!
Awesome video! Awesome!!
Not so long ago nobody heard about Compmaturism Today compmaturism becomes the most interesting trend in contemporary art.
I loved it Oscar
What a businessman.
Why don’t you guys make these anymore??? Might I suggest that john Currin, Kara Walker, Kehinde Willey, deserve their own.
One year later, and I'm still asking this.
The Kanye of the art world
Holy shit, what a knock-out!
Love it!! thank you
So the style includes the representation of all types of materials, and the author creates a relationship between objects which were not intended for that, eventhough people buy his pieces having an expectation but I ignore what is the impact, I dont have enough to show about what is art for me but this seems to prove that there are hundreds of pieces expressing nothing and at the same time everything for some others, that is art for me. Not the real object but what you have inside so you get the meaning in many ways .
Amazing vid
Great job Oscar!
An enigmatic artist.
I really wanna work on another Oscar Boyson collaboration!!
It's funny that people want you to do art THEY like, almost as in a cultish fashion, not the art you want to do or art people NEED (or SHOULD) to see.
Good job Oscar!!!
This just confirmed what I already suspected: I will never understand art
Would you like me to explain?
MMMM Is it art? i dont really know but i like his hobby he makes a really nice job with that objects, they transmit happiness and you feell like a child in a magic world.
Oc its art. Thats a stupid question
Great vid Oscar, you captured his playful energy and his love for controversy very well in 8 and a half minutes, I've seen quite a few docs on Koons running over an hour that can't say that! 👍🏻
The L. Ron Hubbard of art.
I think he's bigger than that, I'd call him the Joseph Smith of art.
Jeff Koons is Damien Hirst of art, and Damien Hirst is Jeff Koons of art. Stop digging where it's not that deep
My relationship with Jeff Koons is very strange. I agree with his idea of finding beauty on simple, not fancy objects, and I see how his elements of choice could have been seen as brave and bold when he was a nobody. But now it seems to me he just lacks focus and his ideals are all over the place. For someone who makes unusual art he sure loves mainstream media a lot. His Michael Jackson piece is definitely one of my least favourites. Reading how much Koons idolised the singer for his enormous dedication to appealing to as much people as possible and being the biggest entertainer in the world left a sour taste in my mouth. Leaves to wonder how much he has dedicated to becoming such a big name in art today.
amazing direction!
I love Oscar, and I find this directing style pretty cool. its like a 30 second ad that lasts for 8 minutes
god when she said "you sexy motherfucker" woahh.
It is awful. People don't know what beauty is anymore.
Really nice work, Oscar
He’s an art director so one could argue an artist but the scale he is doing it, he can’t do it alone but people need to know a Jeff Koons is no different than a Jobs Apple. They directed not made
Jeff Koons' art seems to be so common that I think he is actually quite original, although it feels a bit disappointing the fact that he does not work on the physical art, but he's the mind behind all that, he's very creative and I do think that he's the only creator.
Interesante la verdad
Jeff Koons is a business man who manufactures and sells stuff. That is his art. Here's the way you do it: 1. Have some ideas about things you want to make. 2. Have someone else make those things. 3. Figure out who would buy your stuff. That is, find out what the market for it. 4. Sell your stuff to that target market. And there you go.
Awesome Oscar *
Jeff Koons and Jhoan Roa are my favorite artists!
Learned something new today! 1) Jeff Koons is awesome and I want to see more of his work 2) Oscar delivered a super engaging less than 10 minute documentary. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Oscar Boyson is the man. Jeff Koons however....I'm afraid that our culture is oversaturated with irony, and as such - is on the wane.
A drawing without a touch of mind and soul is not art all....... It's just a drawing.
Jeff Koons' work for most of the people may not be art, since all you can see is just a big structure. I personally enjoy this kind of art. And the fact that it takes this big production, to finally give a job to this big amount of people is just amazing.
Make no mistake, it’s all about you. No one else. But now you’re dead. And so...well, yea.
It is evident that his work follows the ideals of Pop art and I'm not a big fun of it because all the popular elements it includes. Although I do love the appropiations he does of famouse paintings, where he adds the shiny mirror-like ball, because it makes us re-think of the concept of art by making us part of it.
Well I ike the idea to take a common object and turn it an art piece, but I believe he sometimes exaggerate the whole idea. I do like the "reflective" and ballons sculptures, they are quite original and his intention to present an interaction between the viewer and the piece of art is great too. I believe that to understand, analyze and finally have a posture about his art is important to get rid of cliches and accept that art is about freedom.
Scarlett Johansson !
I raise you Oscar Boyson!
Mr. Meeseeks best username award 🥇 #getschwifty
SJ- see the transinvestigation vids & stop lusting.
Nice , but it requires so much money to make them, what would he do without it?
Jeff Koons' work is very interesting because he has such a unique vision of what he wants to do with his art and the message and the feelings he wants to express with it. For me, i think that the most impressive part of his works is how he manages to capture the textures of the materials, it feels very strange to see those images and know how would they feel just by looking at them.
monet it aint
renoir it aint'
hell it aint even da vinci
this mans craft is the mass production of xpensive wooworth toy$.
Okay but how did he get Scarlett Johansson to voice this?
I could be volunteering right now, but I righteously prefer to deprecate artists on the internet. Why not sports, you ask. Because sports are easier to understand.
well I guess I'll go out and do some vandalism cuz that's how I display my art
Koons’ an Oldenburg reject
It has to be legit because Scarlett Johansson narrates it:')
Well spotted! Her voice is pleasing as always
Thousands of technicians make a living out Jeff Koons.
That's enough for me, and let's face they are great fun.
By the way art was and always will be a business.
King is naked... funny to see so much appreciation for crap.. this is not art...
is Rashida Jones narrating?
Scarlett Johansson
she sounds like jessica savitch! don't you think?
I must say, this artist is one of the best I've seen! I love the way he does his own style and transform it into something really different than the usual! He is a genius. I have to say that art nowadays is not of my taste, but watching this master pieces just gets me so interested!
He looks like guy who farts im room but when asked he denies it..
Margaret Keane + Thomas Kinkade = Jeff Koons
U mght knw me smdy
I doubt Jeff work will have enduring appeal. Its very much the in thing. only time will tell.
Well, art has transformed a lot in different aspects. For instance, Koons' art represent for me the idea of how create art when you have everything by your side. You can take advantage of objects and colorful things and make some wonderful things. We can realize that Koons create espectacular works with simple materials and that’s interesting.
I met him years ago in the 80s and had a conversation with him. He was full of sh.. even then.
The way Jeffrey Koons works is just about the mass production of art, it does not give a huge change to the pieces, talking about meaning. It looks good but it is only the fusion of many artists with different abilities; demeritates the individual work. Nevertheless, it is what modern art has become and if the audience likes, this tendency will continue to grow.
compmaturism better than bitcoin and the other kind of art
it's a great piece of shit !
Funny how they didn't even touched the subject of plagiarism in Koons' work, specially when they mentioned "Ballerina" lol
Anyone else here because of Mouthy Buddha?
8:40 just trying
This doesn‘t make sense
If you have a religious cult and some vacuum cleaners to sell Jeff's your guy.
I think in a different way, I feel that art has been transformed, it has become simple, I am not an expert to judge in detail the art shown in the video, but I did not feel anything when I saw the pieces of art by Koons and this is something that It makes me feel bad, I feel that his art is not innovative it´s just take common objects and take them on a large scale and put them bold colors.
Nooooo make it stop
Jeff kons octubre 19 2021 morira
I find his art very interesting and how he uses ordinary objects to create art, but for me, some of them have not sense, I mean I don't feel anything when I saw them
yeah me too, I feel like his style has gone so far into abstraction that it o longer means anything. He has outgrown meaning and to me that makes his art worse
Jeff "Toons" wants to go to Paris to make more money with his tulip statue in front of the modern Art Museum ! That' simply Engagement in business transaction ( He practicises "Taylorist Art") involving small risk and offering the chance of large gains ! ...and mostly mocking the victims of terrorism !
I explain that in french :
"Circularité d'intérêts entre grands collectionneurs de Petits Mickeys géants , de conservateurs en mal de publications-validant-toutes les spéculations et d'institutions bien pensantes,, toujours à la remorque du dernier gadget US =
Installation d'une Visibilité pour créer artificiellement une Légitimité -... et si ça ne marche pas, on en parle quand même : Bravo le Marketing !
Assez déKoonné, cette forme d'art contemporain est une bulle spéculative qui va faire Pschitt !
En hommage aux victimes du terrorisme , il serait préférable d'ériger une statue géante du Grand Duduche de Cabu embrassant Isabelle, la fille du proviseur et de déposer cette statue monumentale sur le parvis de l'hôtel de Ville
Cela, ce serait un hommage de la France à un caricaturiste du niveau de Daumier, un clin d'oeil en passant à Doisneau, et là, il y aurait véritablement de l'ART !
CQFD : on nous prend pour des Koons-ou des Toons- avec cette spirale de valorisation entre collectionneurs spéculateurs ( Pinault , Arnault et autres princes de la déduction fiscale...) et petits marquis affidés de Cour , tous pétochants devant la bulle de l'art contemporain-Mickey-Mouse proche de l'éclatement !"