Dr. Abramson, i am a Jewish doctor who went to medical school in the Dutch Caribbean and married a Cuban Jew. I have been told there is a Jewish pirate graveyard on St Eustachius island. I believe many of us would love to hear you talk about the Jewish pirates of the Caribbean!
Yes, we do not hear enough of Jewish pirates, there was a famous Jewish pirate from Morocco; Samuel Pallache (שמואל פלאצ'ה) who was in fact known as the “Pirate Rabbi”.
Mr. Abramson, I must concede that the last edit of the star for Hamilton was very funny. I'm curious if you have any other content, or perhaps are considering producing some in the future, with respect to the general religious mesh of Early continental America, and the subsequent effects of the early Jewish community / on the early Jewish community therein. Do persist in the great work you are performing, rest assured it is not going unnoticed.
He does. Look for his videos: "92. Origins of the Jews of the Americas (Jewish History Lab)" "Bilhah Abigaill Levy Franks: The Jews of Colonial America Dr. Henry Abramson"
Very interesting, Henry. My daughter-in-law loves the Alexander musical, often referring to various favorite songs. He seems to be quintessentially American :)
I really enjoyed the book, and I appreciate you giving it a thoughtful overview for your audience! Porwancher really does present a comprehensive argument that, while acknowledging that the full answer cannot be known with 100% certainty, the most logical conclusion would be that Hamilton would have been halachically Jewish.
Do Benjamin Franklin next!!! Definitely a Crypto-Jewish lineage. Franklin is an Anglicized version of "Frauncelin" a French word meaning 'Land owning person not of Royal Blood'. Notably, like many 'Possibly Jewish' names it had no historic record/crest in England before the Middle Ages, 'Franklin' appears out of nowhere and they likely were immigrants from France after the Norman conquest. France - The land of The Franks was historically hospitable to Jews, who were involved in Principalities and Courts as Stewards/Treasurers/Lenders, even being a place where they could buy land/trade and the 'Silk Road' officially ended. (Jewish names = Frank, Franklin, DiFranco etc.) His first name was Benjamin!!! In England his ancestors were in the Silk Dying/Weaving trade - near exclusively a Jewish occupation. His immediate family in Boston were printers, could read and write (Jews unlike many Europeans, could read and write because of Torah Studies). Many of the founding Fathers probably had Jewish roots as they could read, write, knew numbers, were lawyers and doctors, silversmiths (John Adams. Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson had Turkish DNA - many Jews settled in Turkey after Expulsion from Europe).
@@screamtoasigh9984 Names mean everything. Yes, Jews were forced to take names and yet, we often know which kinds of names they were forced to take. We also know which names were often Jewish biblical names/symbols and translated into various languages of countries they moved to. Or town names where Jews were settled (Rappaport = Rappa) It's a pillar of Crypto -Judeo studies. The Professor often points this out.
@myradioon if we know they are Jewish. If you are using a name to state that person is Jewish and we are looking at origin it doesn't work. Hence the multiple sterns and goldbergs and millers who are not Jewish.
Totally circumstantial and quite dubious. "Franklin" is an occupational surname that was given to landowners of many families. An analogue is the name "Freeman", which likewise has no unified pedigree or heraldry and implies no shared genetics. Not until the 19th century did Jews meaningfully enter the British textile industry, which was previously dominated by Huguenots and Flemish Protestants (Franklin's weaver ancestors were the latter). Franklin's mother came from a family that was Puritan, which was another community with a high rate of literacy. And no American founders were known to have Turkish ancestry (though Jefferson's ancestors did live on *Turkey Island* in Virginia). And besides Hamilton, none of the Framers are known to have Jewish ancestors (the fact that they could read and were educated is not in itself evidence of Jewish genetics).
@@GilmerJohn It was ah set up to get non native born creole out of dih way; given dat he was'nt quite white. Notice his writings and papers were destroyed. He is dih founder of dih USA. Before , dey were 13 seperate independent states.
He was raised by a Jewish mother, taught in a Jewish school (and perhaps she wanted her sons to be Jews), but as an adult he clearly decided to be a Christian. He was married in a Christian church and raised his kids as Christians. Just because he wasn't a flagrant anti-semite and open to Jewish culture doesn't make him Jewish. If he chose to be Jewish as an adult having a Jewish mother could have expedited that.
Yeah, he was a member of Trinity Church in NYC, rented a pew there, and is buried in their churchyard. He took communion on his deathbed. Whatever his early childhood experiences were, he clearly did not consider himself a Jew.
Was James Madison Jewish? His mother's family name is Conway, if I recall correctly. I have suspected that Hamilton was Jewish and it turns out to be right! Thanks for your lectures, Dr, Abramson.
Checking this against Wikipedia (admittedly not perfectly reliable, but it's often good enough), Alexander's mother's husband was Lavien, not Levine, though Hamilton (once?) spelled it Lavine. Her (Rachel's) maiden name was Fawcette (or Fawcett), her father being a French Huguenot and her mother, Mary Uppington, being English. Claiming that Rachel converted to Judaism then married, at age 16, a non-Jewish planter seems to me a contradiction. In other words, I'd have to see stronger evidence that Rachel Fawcette (later Lavian, then Hamilton) converted properly to Judaism before accepting Hamilton as being in any way Jewish.
Maybe not "Jewish" practicing- but Semitic DNA. Many French Huguenots were converted Jews who landed in French Ports where Huguenots were already allowed to live. Being un-landed and second class they had similar trades (silversmithing, merchant, silk) and it is well observed the two cultures mixed.and intermarried. Paul Revere (Huguenot spelling 'Riviere' from "Ribero") is most likely of French Huguenot/Jewish ancestry with his ancestors originating in Spain/Portugal name "Rivera". In English it was often translated to "Rivers" a Jewish name. There is zero contradiction. And a slight variation of the the name "Levine" (which can be spelled even as "Lavigne") means nothing. still from the Jewish name Levi Levine. Many Crypto Jews re-converted back and or married other crypto Jews.
@@myradioonsemitic dna isn't. a thing it's a language grouping of Semitic languages. Antisemite comes from a German prenazi group that tried to sound more intellectual than using judenhaus.
Just because a name appears "Jewish" doesn't mean it is. Although i think kahuna being Hawaiian origin is suspect. No proof before Christians appeared just coincidentally having being used to mean priest. Compared to kahana (variant of Cohen, like Kagen, kohan). Irish also have kohen but its not from Hebrew, it's Cohan a variant of Cadhain/ O'Comhdain. It's a lesson that just because it looks like a levi doesn't mean it's a levine.
Thanks for this book review and analysis. ✅ I read it myself last year. One main take away I got was the author’s properly motivated historiography toward Hamilton’s mother exercising her own agency and self efficacy in her marriages and extramarital relationships.
Scot is the traditional designation though parentage was murky. Notice he didn't say he was Jewish because he was good with money. Though it's evident his early life included training in a triangular trade business.
An atheist jew told me Columbus and a lot of crew were Jewish . Makes sense the Jewish bible says the world is round and The Pope at the time said the world was flat . Catholics would have been frightened to go too far out to sea .
Jews new about 5 continents from the mystic book refers to forefathers Abraham. Jewish sailor draw maps of their sails. There is a huge archive of Jewish maps In Spain. Also , close family member of Columbus drew maps. Columbus was forced into Christians conversation , as many jews in Europe. I certainly believe he didn’t make a direction mistake. Also , there is a sailor’s diary written by Columbus crews in the ship in Spanish , which was kept in archive.
What is interesting to note is before converting his mother was part Huguenot (a French protestant group), a group who have seemed to have a long history of affinity for Jews.
I didn't know that about huguenots. I have some Huguenot family background. It explains some of the very forward thinking that we have always had on racial equality and acceptance of the Jewish people.
@@dougfowler1368 The starting event of the Huguenot diaspora is the French religious wars. The start of them is I guess Calvin when he was preaching in France (most people don't know he was French). Obviously if some flee east they could end up in areas like Frankfurt, which was also a place in the 1500s for English protestants. I haven't looked into it though, so those are just guesses at where to look.
4:13 none of this matters except for #1. You don't get to identify as something you are not. Your rights do not supercede against ours. If you aren't a Jew by Halacha you aren't a Jew
I saw where some people were suggesting that Franklin had Jewish ancestry on his mother's side with living relatives still practicing, and possibly on his father's side. There's also talk of renewed interest in Adams & Jefferson. Not only DNA and links to early settlers, but also matchmaking documents suggesting a continued awareness.
Could it also be that Rachel too was at least partially of Jewish heritage? Hence the name Rachel, plus the continuate commitment to the faith even after her marriage broke down
Haven't read the book yet, but Hamiton having been considered Jewish by his contemporaries seems dubious at best. I doubt he would have been allowed to marry into the prestigious Schuyler family if he had been considered a Jew.
The Hamilton name comes from Scotland and Scottish kings have a lot of indicia of Jewishness. They had multiple kings named Malcolm, which relates to the Hebrew word Milcom, or Great King. SH 4445. This leads to the more interesting question of the Jewishness or not of King James I of England, the "author" of the King James Bible. Looks kinda Jewish in paintings. Scottish lore calls Scotland Alba, also an important name in Spain or Iberia. The Scotichronicon, a 15th century 9 volume history of Scotland including "mythological" stories by Walter Bower, relates in volume 1 the story of Scota, an Egyptian daughter of the pharaoh who settled in Spain. Iberia means Hebrew, as in Eber, Ivrit, etc. Catalonia has the Ebro or Hebrew river. European history tells us the Inquisition attacked the Jews of Spain. Southern France and northern Spain developed the Kabbala, with such luminaries as Abraham ben David of Posquieres (linguists tell us the word David relates to the Egyptian word for king, Tut), and his son Isaac the Blind. We should not confuse the modern idea of Jews with the much broader Torah idea of the children of Israel led by Moses, a Levite, not a Jew. The modern idea of Jewishness comes down from rabbinical Judaism given to us by Yohanen ben Zakkai. Do we know any of our real history? I suspect maybe 1% or less. Look around Europe and you will see the names of the 12 tribes everywhere. President Trump derives from the Lewis family, an Anglicization of Levi, I think. Who knows?
There are at least two well know Christian sects that claim that the British people comprise one of the missing tribes of the original Israel. (They have weekly TV programs broadcast is most US TV markets.)
@@GilmerJohn Yes. I think most of our history, including agreed upon religious history, consists of a pack of lies. George Santayana said "history is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there." We can see that from the last few years where people have lied to us about important events over and over. WMD anyone?
@Nudnik1 it's all based on one researcher. It's all speculation. Who do you think you are site says no. His great great grandmother was celia tackett NOT Burdine. They are saying he is Jewish because of burdine, but she isn't his great grandmother. His biographers say he wasn't. Orthodox Jews he was around say no( he worked as shabbosgoy). We can solve this easily though. Lisa marie Presley has kids. Dna testing exists. This rumour is like Liz Warren claims.
I strongly suspect that Hamilton's description of himself as an "Anglican" in a British colony at the time would have flowed more from the fact that there would be conflict of religion - his mother asserts him to be Jewish and Judaism flows through the mother, his father asserts him to be of whatever non-conformist Christian community - which English law would resolve to a default religion of the state.
I loved the book and am completely convinced that Hamilton was in fact a Jew by virtue of the fact there was no way (even today) that a non-Jewish child could or would ever attend a Talmud Torah. My only lingering question is that why didn't the author locate the records of Alexander's half-brother (the son of Johan Lavien)? That is the whole child of Alexander's mother and her supposedly Jewish husband. Are there baptismal records of that child? Did he ever acknowledge being a Jew?
I was already aware that his mother had married a Jew after his birth. I had heard that the reason he went to the Jewish school was because he was not allowed in the local Christian school due to his mother's divorced status. Even if she did convert to marry Levine, that would not mean he did, since he was already born. I didn't hear a convincing argument or compelling new information.
@HenryAbramsonPhD I checked my local library database and they don't have it. But I found it on Abebooks for $15 and ordered it. Hope you didn't take it personally that I'm a little skeptical. I appreciate the information I have learned from you over the past couple years.
Yes, Rabbi Aaron Hart (Levi) was Alexander and Charles (brothers) Hamilton’s teacher on the Caribbean Island of Nevis. Nevis was the judicial seat of the Royal Navy because is was the hub of sugar cane, sugar trade of the British West Indies!
Hamilton is a Crypto-Jewish Scottish name. In the 12th century, many Sephardic Jews fled England to seek refuge in Scotland. They adopted English sounding surnames. His portrait certainly shows the features of a Sephardic Jewish person.
I did read of this idea of the Scottish Jerusalem as an explanation for City of London having various Scottish Lord Mayors, goldsmiths and so on. That said, I don't think there is proof of it.
@@ValidatingUsername True, but let's also allow Ashkenazi can be a title for different peoples genetically even if they are part of the culture of Germanic Jews. The Ashkenazi earlier on have more Cyprus or Italian like DNA whereas later Ashkenasi fled into central or eastern Europe and have mixes sometimes similar to Chechen or Ossetian DNA.
@@fufu3539 Read the book, "When Scotland was Jewish", by Elizabeth Caldwell. The research she has done and the incredible proof she provides is staggering. I found the book on Kindle.
He's buried in Trinity Church in lower Manhattan, New York City. He didn't have a Jewish father, so he had no male role models to help him practice his Judaism, even though he was Jewish by law.
"Thousands of Years Led to This Day Returning to Heaven is not fantasy; there is a way Dafa [Great Law] offers a Great Vehicle heavenward You have awaited this lifetime o’er thousands of years In this moment, the Creator comes to renew the Way Modern thought and deeds deceive the self Behind atheism and evolution, an evil specter runs the show Most human lives are beings divine with a mission On pilgrimage here, awaiting the Creator’s salvation He calleth upon us to offer the truth He calleth upon us to share Dafa far and wide February 19, 2020" Master Li Hongzhi (Hong Yin VI, from Falun Dafa teachings)
Caro fratello israelita credi che Gesù Cristo e il messia ???? Ebbene se lo credi fai bene perché lo e .Lo era anche 2000 anni fa che fu messo in croce per i peccati di tutti morì. E il terzo giorno Ascen lo risuscito secondo le scritture poi sali al cielo mettendosi alla destra di Ascen . Tornerà nella gloria per salvare israele e il mondo dalla malvagità e Gesù Cristo muscia lo e sempre stato lo e. E lo sarà in eterno amen Alleluyia
@@Riviera1777 to claim that Hamilton was a Jew because his mother converted to judaism is a stretch because traditional Judaism in matrilineal which means a woman would need to be born from a Jewish woman. Traditionally speaking, one couldn’t convert because in the 18th century conversions weren’t recognized by all sects.
*being born of a Jewish woman to be considered Jewish by Law is not of the Law of Moses and was instituted by scribe or by the saduccees/pharasees been a minute since i read it..**i say that is a fairly significant turn of event's***many blessing's reb-..💙🌎✌🏽🥷🏽.
Dr. Abramson, i am a Jewish doctor who went to medical school in the Dutch Caribbean and married a Cuban Jew. I have been told there is a Jewish pirate graveyard on St Eustachius island. I believe many of us would love to hear you talk about the Jewish pirates of the Caribbean!
most of us would really like not to hear any more talk about sir.
@donnasherwood283 Speak for yourself. That actually sounds like an interesting topic.
Yes, we do not hear enough of Jewish pirates, there was a famous Jewish pirate from Morocco; Samuel Pallache (שמואל פלאצ'ה) who was in fact known as the “Pirate Rabbi”.
Port Royal?
His mother was too black to attend his funeral on the USA.
Mr. Abramson, I must concede that the last edit of the star for Hamilton was very funny.
I'm curious if you have any other content, or perhaps are considering producing some in the future, with respect to the general religious mesh of Early continental America, and the subsequent effects of the early Jewish community / on the early Jewish community therein.
Do persist in the great work you are performing, rest assured it is not going unnoticed.
He does. Look for his videos:
"92. Origins of the Jews of the Americas (Jewish History Lab)"
"Bilhah Abigaill Levy Franks: The Jews of Colonial America Dr. Henry Abramson"
@@babababad Dose of Judah from Portugal are black or Aftican; no racist destortiond please.
Very interesting, Henry. My daughter-in-law loves the Alexander musical, often referring to various favorite songs. He seems to be quintessentially American :)
And, apparently, Jewish!
I really enjoyed the book, and I appreciate you giving it a thoughtful overview for your audience! Porwancher really does present a comprehensive argument that, while acknowledging that the full answer cannot be known with 100% certainty, the most logical conclusion would be that Hamilton would have been halachically Jewish.
Do Benjamin Franklin next!!! Definitely a Crypto-Jewish lineage. Franklin is an Anglicized version of "Frauncelin" a French word meaning 'Land owning person not of Royal Blood'. Notably, like many 'Possibly Jewish' names it had no historic record/crest in England before the Middle Ages, 'Franklin' appears out of nowhere and they likely were immigrants from France after the Norman conquest. France - The land of The Franks was historically hospitable to Jews, who were involved in Principalities and Courts as Stewards/Treasurers/Lenders, even being a place where they could buy land/trade and the 'Silk Road' officially ended. (Jewish names = Frank, Franklin, DiFranco etc.) His first name was Benjamin!!! In England his ancestors were in the Silk Dying/Weaving trade - near exclusively a Jewish occupation. His immediate family in Boston were printers, could read and write (Jews unlike many Europeans, could read and write because of Torah Studies). Many of the founding Fathers probably had Jewish roots as they could read, write, knew numbers, were lawyers and doctors, silversmiths (John Adams. Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson had Turkish DNA - many Jews settled in Turkey after Expulsion from Europe).
WOW!!! Thank you for finding/knowing/posting/sharing all of those very intriguing points!!!
Names mean nothing. Jews were forced to take names. And we weren't the only group to do so.
@@screamtoasigh9984 Names mean everything. Yes, Jews were forced to take names and yet, we often know which kinds of names they were forced to take. We also know which names were often Jewish biblical names/symbols and translated into various languages of countries they moved to. Or town names where Jews were settled (Rappaport = Rappa) It's a pillar of Crypto -Judeo studies. The Professor often points this out.
@myradioon if we know they are Jewish. If you are using a name to state that person is Jewish and we are looking at origin it doesn't work. Hence the multiple sterns and goldbergs and millers who are not Jewish.
Totally circumstantial and quite dubious. "Franklin" is an occupational surname that was given to landowners of many families. An analogue is the name "Freeman", which likewise has no unified pedigree or heraldry and implies no shared genetics. Not until the 19th century did Jews meaningfully enter the British textile industry, which was previously dominated by Huguenots and Flemish Protestants (Franklin's weaver ancestors were the latter). Franklin's mother came from a family that was Puritan, which was another community with a high rate of literacy. And no American founders were known to have Turkish ancestry (though Jefferson's ancestors did live on *Turkey Island* in Virginia). And besides Hamilton, none of the Framers are known to have Jewish ancestors (the fact that they could read and were educated is not in itself evidence of Jewish genetics).
Well, a more interesting question is WHY he picked a fight with Burr?
@@GilmerJohn It was ah set up to get non native born creole out of dih way; given dat he was'nt quite white. Notice his writings and papers were destroyed. He is dih founder of dih USA. Before , dey were 13 seperate independent states.
Thanks, Professor, very informative.
Fun history of Hamilton. I’ll put the book on my never ending reading list ! Have a good shabbos. 📚
He was raised by a Jewish mother, taught in a Jewish school (and perhaps she wanted her sons to be Jews), but as an adult he clearly decided to be a Christian. He was married in a Christian church and raised his kids as Christians. Just because he wasn't a flagrant anti-semite and open to Jewish culture doesn't make him Jewish. If he chose to be Jewish as an adult having a Jewish mother could have expedited that.
Yeah, he was a member of Trinity Church in NYC, rented a pew there, and is buried in their churchyard. He took communion on his deathbed. Whatever his early childhood experiences were, he clearly did not consider himself a Jew.
Judeo-Christian. He was influenced in the best way possible. Old Testament and New. Most people don't know Columbus was Jewish.
His mother was not Jewish, nor was he. His step father was Jewish.
Well, maybe he couldn’t expedite his jewiness because of community pressure?
His mom was not so he was not. No creative thinking changes halacha
Was James Madison Jewish? His mother's family name is Conway, if I recall correctly. I have suspected that Hamilton was Jewish and it turns out to be right! Thanks for your lectures, Dr, Abramson.
Checking this against Wikipedia (admittedly not perfectly reliable, but it's often good enough), Alexander's mother's husband was Lavien, not Levine, though Hamilton (once?) spelled it Lavine. Her (Rachel's) maiden name was Fawcette (or Fawcett), her father being a French Huguenot and her mother, Mary Uppington, being English. Claiming that Rachel converted to Judaism then married, at age 16, a non-Jewish planter seems to me a contradiction.
In other words, I'd have to see stronger evidence that Rachel Fawcette (later Lavian, then Hamilton) converted properly to Judaism before accepting Hamilton as being in any way Jewish.
Maybe not "Jewish" practicing- but Semitic DNA. Many French Huguenots were converted Jews who landed in French Ports where Huguenots were already allowed to live. Being un-landed and second class they had similar trades (silversmithing, merchant, silk) and it is well observed the two cultures mixed.and intermarried. Paul Revere (Huguenot spelling 'Riviere' from "Ribero") is most likely of French Huguenot/Jewish ancestry with his ancestors originating in Spain/Portugal name "Rivera". In English it was often translated to "Rivers" a Jewish name. There is zero contradiction. And a slight variation of the the name "Levine" (which can be spelled even as "Lavigne") means nothing. still from the Jewish name Levi Levine. Many Crypto Jews re-converted back and or married other crypto Jews.
You have it right. Not Jewish.
@@myradioonsemitic dna isn't. a thing it's a language grouping of Semitic languages. Antisemite comes from a German prenazi group that tried to sound more intellectual than using judenhaus.
@@myradioonRivers is not a Jewish name. We didn't use western naming conventions until we were forced to.
Just because a name appears "Jewish" doesn't mean it is. Although i think kahuna being Hawaiian origin is suspect. No proof before Christians appeared just coincidentally having being used to mean priest.
Compared to kahana (variant of Cohen, like Kagen, kohan).
Irish also have kohen but its not from Hebrew, it's Cohan a variant of Cadhain/ O'Comhdain. It's a lesson that just because it looks like a levi doesn't mean it's a levine.
5:49 ..unless Rachel converted for Yohan.. then that conversion is void
Thanks for this book review and analysis. ✅ I read it myself last year. One main take away I got was the author’s properly motivated historiography toward Hamilton’s mother exercising her own agency and self efficacy in her marriages and extramarital relationships.
Totally agree!
Scot is the traditional designation though parentage was murky. Notice he didn't say he was Jewish because he was good with money. Though it's evident his early life included training in a triangular trade business.
An atheist jew told me Columbus and a lot of crew were Jewish . Makes sense the Jewish bible says the world is round and The Pope at the time said the world was flat . Catholics would have been frightened to go too far out to sea .
Jews new about 5 continents from the mystic book refers to forefathers Abraham. Jewish sailor draw maps of their sails. There is a huge archive of Jewish maps In Spain. Also , close family member of Columbus drew maps. Columbus was forced into Christians conversation , as many jews in Europe. I certainly believe he didn’t make a direction mistake. Also , there is a sailor’s diary written by Columbus crews in the ship in Spanish , which was kept in archive.
Always excellent and always fascinating Professor! I’ve placed the book on my Amazon list.
Hope you enjoy it!
What is interesting to note is before converting his mother was part Huguenot (a French protestant group), a group who have seemed to have a long history of affinity for Jews.
I didn't know that about huguenots. I have some Huguenot family background. It explains some of the very forward thinking that we have always had on racial equality and acceptance of the Jewish people.
@@dougfowler1368 The starting event of the Huguenot diaspora is the French religious wars. The start of them is I guess Calvin when he was preaching in France (most people don't know he was French). Obviously if some flee east they could end up in areas like Frankfurt, which was also a place in the 1500s for English protestants. I haven't looked into it though, so those are just guesses at where to look.
Calvin, a reformator, was of Swiss ancestry from Geneva
@@elisabethgerni2159 He ends up in Geneva, but was French.
@@fufu3539 yup, he was born in Picardy and his family was all from northern France
4:13 none of this matters except for #1. You don't get to identify as something you are not. Your rights do not supercede against ours. If you aren't a Jew by Halacha you aren't a Jew
Fascinating, thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it
I saw where some people were suggesting that Franklin had Jewish ancestry on his mother's side with living relatives still practicing, and possibly on his father's side. There's also talk of renewed interest in Adams & Jefferson. Not only DNA and links to early settlers, but also matchmaking documents suggesting a continued awareness.
The awareness could have influenced Jefferson's perception of marriage within slavery being valid, as well as considering Sarah "Sally" a pilegesh.
Could it also be that Rachel too was at least partially of Jewish heritage? Hence the name Rachel, plus the continuate commitment to the faith even after her marriage broke down
And he lived on the Upper upper West Side. Zabar's would not open for another 130 years but he had the right idea.
Haven't read the book yet, but Hamiton having been considered Jewish by his contemporaries seems dubious at best. I doubt he would have been allowed to marry into the prestigious Schuyler family if he had been considered a Jew.
The Hamilton name comes from Scotland and Scottish kings have a lot of indicia of Jewishness. They had multiple kings named Malcolm, which relates to the Hebrew word Milcom, or Great King. SH 4445. This leads to the more interesting question of the Jewishness or not of King James I of England, the "author" of the King James Bible. Looks kinda Jewish in paintings. Scottish lore calls Scotland Alba, also an important name in Spain or Iberia. The Scotichronicon, a 15th century 9 volume history of Scotland including "mythological" stories by Walter Bower, relates in volume 1 the story of Scota, an Egyptian daughter of the pharaoh who settled in Spain. Iberia means Hebrew, as in Eber, Ivrit, etc. Catalonia has the Ebro or Hebrew river. European history tells us the Inquisition attacked the Jews of Spain. Southern France and northern Spain developed the Kabbala, with such luminaries as Abraham ben David of Posquieres (linguists tell us the word David relates to the Egyptian word for king, Tut), and his son Isaac the Blind. We should not confuse the modern idea of Jews with the much broader Torah idea of the children of Israel led by Moses, a Levite, not a Jew. The modern idea of Jewishness comes down from rabbinical Judaism given to us by Yohanen ben Zakkai. Do we know any of our real history? I suspect maybe 1% or less. Look around Europe and you will see the names of the 12 tribes everywhere. President Trump derives from the Lewis family, an Anglicization of Levi, I think. Who knows?
There are at least two well know Christian sects that claim that the British people comprise one of the missing tribes of the original Israel. (They have weekly TV programs broadcast is most US TV markets.)
@@GilmerJohn Yes. I think most of our history, including agreed upon religious history, consists of a pack of lies. George Santayana said "history is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there." We can see that from the last few years where people have lied to us about important events over and over. WMD anyone?
Elvis Presley's mother was a Jew.. seriously.
Article on Algemeiner news .
Awesome 👍
תודה רבה שלום
We don't know so it's a lot of nonsense to state definitively
@screamtoasigh9984 Verify..
Algemeiner is Orthodox Jewish newspaper.
Perhaps you are not a Jew ?
תודה רבה שלום
@screamtoasigh9984 Best not to hurl insults at others before you fact check.
@Nudnik1 it's all based on one researcher. It's all speculation. Who do you think you are site says no. His great great grandmother was celia tackett NOT Burdine. They are saying he is Jewish because of burdine, but she isn't his great grandmother. His biographers say he wasn't. Orthodox Jews he was around say no( he worked as shabbosgoy). We can solve this easily though. Lisa marie Presley has kids. Dna testing exists. This rumour is like Liz Warren claims.
Isaiah 63:1-6
Zechariah 14:3,4
Zechariah 12:10-13:1
Wait! What? I have been told all of my life that the founding fathers were a few Protestant Christians and Unitarians but mostly Deists.
He can't be jewish with Ham in his name. Also, did he pronounce it with a chess like? "Chamilton" ?
I strongly suspect that Hamilton's description of himself as an "Anglican" in a British colony at the time would have flowed more from the fact that there would be conflict of religion - his mother asserts him to be Jewish and Judaism flows through the mother, his father asserts him to be of whatever non-conformist Christian community - which English law would resolve to a default religion of the state.
I loved the book and am completely convinced that Hamilton was in fact a Jew by virtue of the fact there was no way (even today) that a non-Jewish child could or would ever attend a Talmud Torah. My only lingering question is that why didn't the author locate the records of Alexander's half-brother (the son of Johan Lavien)? That is the whole child of Alexander's mother and her supposedly Jewish husband. Are there baptismal records of that child? Did he ever acknowledge being a Jew?
I was already aware that his mother had married a Jew after his birth. I had heard that the reason he went to the Jewish school was because he was not allowed in the local Christian school due to his mother's divorced status. Even if she did convert to marry Levine, that would not mean he did, since he was already born. I didn't hear a convincing argument or compelling new information.
You might find reading the book helpful.
@HenryAbramsonPhD Thanks. Will iyH look for it.
@HenryAbramsonPhD I checked my local library database and they don't have it. But I found it on Abebooks for $15 and ordered it. Hope you didn't take it personally that I'm a little skeptical. I appreciate the information I have learned from you over the past couple years.
Yes, Rabbi Aaron Hart (Levi) was Alexander and Charles (brothers) Hamilton’s teacher on the Caribbean Island of Nevis. Nevis was the judicial seat of the Royal Navy because is was the hub of sugar cane, sugar trade of the British West Indies!
Wait.. Is Henry Abramson Jewish?
Why did AAron Burr kill Hamilton ? Was Burr antisemetic ?
Why don’t understand why there needs to be so much speculation and explanations on someone’s conversion.
Hamilton is a Crypto-Jewish Scottish name. In the 12th century, many Sephardic Jews fled England to seek refuge in Scotland. They adopted English sounding surnames. His portrait certainly shows the features of a Sephardic Jewish person.
The descendants of ashkenaz emigrated all over modern day Europe.
I did read of this idea of the Scottish Jerusalem as an explanation for City of London having various Scottish Lord Mayors, goldsmiths and so on. That said, I don't think there is proof of it.
@@ValidatingUsername True, but let's also allow Ashkenazi can be a title for different peoples genetically even if they are part of the culture of Germanic Jews. The Ashkenazi earlier on have more Cyprus or Italian like DNA whereas later Ashkenasi fled into central or eastern Europe and have mixes sometimes similar to Chechen or Ossetian DNA.
@@fufu3539 Read the book, "When Scotland was Jewish", by Elizabeth Caldwell. The research she has done and the incredible proof she provides is staggering. I found the book on Kindle.
@@fufu3539this is made up lies
I have read that Hamilton was Jewish. I have also read that he had some African ancestry. I don't know enough to evaluate either.
He was what he actually was: his mother converted, and the evidence shows he didn't want it.
Alexander Hamilton! Alexander Hamilton,
We are waiting in the wings for jews...
His step father was Jewish, not him, according to sources. The step father was not too nice also. Too bad.
Wow, thank you Professor! Very interesting
You are very welcome
Boy, the founding fathers and Columbus Day parade are sure taking a hit - lol
#1 is why we laugh at Reform and don't accept their converts
He's buried in Trinity Church in lower Manhattan, New York City. He didn't have a Jewish father, so he had no male role models to help him practice his Judaism, even though he was Jewish by law.
Identity is cultural,not racial or religious!
Psalm 110:1-5
Super interesting
Very interesting
The first portrait you shared is not at all of Alexander Hamilton
I graduated a Jewish run school, CEDU/RMA, but we were all mashugina.🤣
Hey Boss !
Hey Mike!
The picture in the first few seconds of the video is NOT Alexander Hamilton
"Thousands of Years Led to This Day
Returning to Heaven is not fantasy; there is a way
Dafa [Great Law] offers a Great Vehicle heavenward
You have awaited this lifetime o’er thousands of years
In this moment, the Creator comes to renew the Way
Modern thought and deeds deceive the self
Behind atheism and evolution, an evil specter runs the show
Most human lives are beings divine with a mission
On pilgrimage here, awaiting the Creator’s salvation
He calleth upon us to offer the truth
He calleth upon us to share Dafa far and wide
February 19, 2020"
Master Li Hongzhi (Hong Yin VI, from Falun Dafa teachings)
Wow That Is Huge!!!
Thank you added Jew light to nations ✡️💪
Wonderful content
Bring 💛 Them 💙 Home ❤
Am 💛 Yisrael 💙 Chai ❤
He was the Treasurer, makes sense lol
Simple answer. If his mother's conversion was valid then yes he was a Jew.
No ancient Levantine ancestral admixture, no Jew.
Thanks! It is really interesting, isn't it?
Caro fratello israelita credi che Gesù Cristo e il messia ???? Ebbene se lo credi fai bene perché lo e .Lo era anche 2000 anni fa che fu messo in croce per i peccati di tutti morì. E il terzo giorno Ascen lo risuscito secondo le scritture poi sali al cielo mettendosi alla destra di Ascen . Tornerà nella gloria per salvare israele e il mondo dalla malvagità e Gesù Cristo muscia lo e sempre stato lo e. E lo sarà in eterno amen Alleluyia
I would say he was not Jewish.
Even if he was not Jewish, his all important contribution to the US Constitution was very influenced by his Jewish education and Torah learning.
@mauricecohen3830 yes, I agree with that.
I think it a stretch. Self identification is the US standard and he said what his religion was
@@bobbrown4069 what do you mean, a stretch?
@@Riviera1777 to claim that Hamilton was a Jew because his mother converted to judaism is a stretch because traditional Judaism in matrilineal which means a woman would need to be born from a Jewish woman. Traditionally speaking, one couldn’t convert because in the 18th century conversions weren’t recognized by all sects.
what in the hell could it possibly matter?
*being born of a Jewish woman to be considered Jewish by Law is not of the Law of Moses and was instituted by scribe or by the saduccees/pharasees been a minute since i read it..**i say that is a fairly significant turn of event's***many blessing's reb-..💙🌎✌🏽🥷🏽.