Hey man, can I ask you about the clock in the middle of dashboard, I saw it comes only from 2011 model, B7, but you have B6 and this clock inside, is it possible to remove old dashboard with this disgusting red triangle and replace it with this clock?
Salut! Am achizitionat de curand un B6 care a beneficiat de acelasi upgrade precum in video. Comenzile merg, dar am eroare la airbag - igniter 2 for airbag driver side ( N250) 001 upper limit exceeded MIL on. Nu pot sterge eroarea, ai idee ce as putea face?
Stii cumva daca la DSG merge si calculatorul cu AK la sfarsit? Sau AK este doar pt cutie manuala?vreau sa instalez un volan cu padele de pe B7 pe un B6 dsg 2009 cbab.
hello stefan hope you good.... i want to ask you does this installation applicable for skoda octavia a5 with the same steering with shift paddles?? and which module can be used if yes? Thanks
hello again Stefan, did your wheel come equipped with steering mounted paddle shifters? is there a wheel that comes equipped with the updated multifunction buttons. and paddle shifters that is a direct swap onto the 08 B6 VR6 Passat? thanks again.
I just bought and Mk5 GTI steering wheel with controls, currently I have the wheel without controls, I just need to buy the steering module to enable the controls is this accurate?
Yep, managed to buy from eBay the Highline steering controle module the same you have taken out 3C953549B, an exact same airbag with dual igniter red and green, with the steering multifunction cable and the gti Mk5 wheel, you’ve dissembled what I’ll assemble on mine 😅 thanks for your awesome tutorial when everything arrives I’ll get it done
Good evening Stephen, I have a question. The car shows a yellow steering wheel signal on the Tacho. What is the reason? Thank you very much VW passt B6 3C5 2.0 TDI .
I have an old Passat 3c5 (B6) with the old style 4 round multimedia function buttons. Hvad model steering wheel (Passat B7?) should i look for for everything will work? I heard of people who installed much newer steerings wheels and the horn wouldn't work.
The original steering wheel is without controllers, but the new one is whit controllers, the part number of steering wheel is: 3C8 888 201 K. The horns and the controllers are not working... Many thanks for any information.
Many thanks for you advance 😊, I have one more thing to ask you, I forgot to tell you about my Passat, is a 1.6L TDI .The MODULE what you listened below are good for 1.6L TDI ?
I have a 2010 R36 Passat, I believe that I have the updated SWCM already - So i should be pretty much plug and play minus the errors in VCDS and the alignment?
Salut ai ideie daca modulul ala da semnal luminilor din bord. La mine nu se mai aprind ledurile in bord si butoanele de la geamuri dupa ce am schimbat bateria. Nu am nici o siguranta arsa toat merge in afara de lumini bord incalzire luneta si luminile de la butoanele geamurilor!
@@ultrawebteam , Hallo Alles ist möglich? Wenn ich angenommen, ein B7 lenkrad rein machen möchte, ist das sehr schwierig? Was für Sachen werden den da alles benötigt?
Hallo, Ja alles ist möglich, aber es könnte bei nächsten TÜV Termin problematisch werden. Ich würde lieber zum eine Multifunktion Lenkrad von B6 umsteigen. Oder sehe ich das falsch?
Zdravo, da li znas mozda za Kilometar sat, zelim sa onog starog na taj kao kod tebe da zamjenim, jel trebam modul i instalacije mijenjati ili se samo prikopca drugi i tjt?
Bonjour hier j'ai fait la même opération j'ai un module AK dans la Passat j'ai rajouté un volant golf 6 j'ai mis un codage volant 0000811 je trouve que ça fonctionne pas bien j'ai la touche moins qui fonctionne pas vous avez une idée merci
Hi, in your blog you are mentioning that for the MK5 steering wheel you need a 3C0 953 549 E module, but here in your video you had the modul with index B. Does it have big differences if I want to install an MK5 with multifunction ? Because there is a big price difference in with the E module, the B module is way cheaper.
@@ultrawebteam I meant just the steering wheel, this older one should be the MK5 and the never one should be the MK6 or at least someone called them this way in a blog what I read. Otherwise I have a Passat B6 like you in the video, so I think I need the 3C0 module
Pozdrav, imam pasata 3,2 fsi dsg, 06.g. imao je volan bez tipki i šiftera, kupio sam volan sa tipkama i šifterom i air bag, (sa dva deka) ali ne radi.(Nni šift, ni pojač, snanj, ni sirena..ništa) Volan sam stavio kao što si ti skinuo sa svog. Modul na autu je 3CO 953 549 J. Jel problem samo u modulu?, i koji modul trebam?
Imam pitanje, imam passata b6, i ne rade mu tipke na volanu, i ne zaključava se volan.. Navodno je pretprošli vlasnik kada je mjenjao radio izvadio modul volana.. Jel moguće da taj cijeli modul fali i da auto ne baca greške? Samo na 3 sec zasvijetli žuta lampica volana kad izvadim ključ.. Ne znam isplati li mi se kupovati modul, ako će tada tipke na volanu proraditi (i zaključavanje)
@@ultrawebteam hvala ti puno, baš ću provjeriti sutra ili prekosutra, moguće da samo tipke na volanu nisu spojene, iako mi ne ide u glavu zašto to netko ne bi napravio.. Ali opet ostaje to zaključavanje.. iako mi je i bolje da ga ne zaključava haha
Do you get an airbag fault after this retrofit? I noticed the old airbag has got dual igniter's but the new one would be single igniter. If you've cleared the fault, could you please share how you've done this? Thanks
@Stefan Babic... Hi, I have a 2006 passat 2.0 tdi with DSG, buttonless steering wheel. With the new steering wheel, the module and coding, can I have the functions? Thank you
Hello bud I’ve found the steering wheel needed no issue but I’m looking for the correct module is it from the b7 or can it be from the b6? Or is there a way to find the correct one, thanks
Good morning I have a vw passat b6 2007 I changed the steering wheel and module! my car already had controls on the steering wheel! now it's nothing! you can help? Thanks
Cum controlai ceasurile inainte sa montezi volanul? Nu vad sa fi avut maneta cu BC. Am schimbat ceasurile la passat b6 cbab dsg( rosu cu albastru) cu unele de pe passat cc(alb cu rosu).Am pus mufa adaptoare( am modificat-o putin sa intre in locasul ala metalic) ,functioneaza ,dar pe afisajul din mijloc imi apare doar distanta ramasa de parcurs cu combustibilulu din rezervor( asta fiindca nu am control pe ceasuri .Din butoane pot sa reglez doar ora,maneta mea de stergator neavand functia bc).Intrebarea este daca pot schimba doar maneta sa aiba bc sau trebuie intreg ansamblu de manete inclusiv cea cu functie bc?sau trebuie volan cu comenzi?( nu prea vreau varianta asta fiindca este cam scump).Si alta problema care apare este un mesaj pe afisajul din mijloc al ceasurilor in care sunt anuntat ca : BUtton for driever assistence defective.....mesajul apara doar cand actionez maneta de stergatoare si o aduc pe revenire ,la fel face si cand semnalizez ( pe avarie nu face) si cand apas butonul de pe maneta schimbatorului( dsg).Ce ar trebui sa fac?Multumesc
Druze, imam cetverokraki volan bez komandi, takodjer passat6, 2007 godiste.. i nasao sam volan od golfa 6.. sa komandama. Da li pase njegov modul, mislim od golfa 6 na passata i da li pase konektor od airbaga, djek na djek..
Da li znaš postoji li ikakav USB priključak za MFD2 multimediju u passatu 6. Pošto nemam cd changer, volio bih provući u ladicu USB priključak, al ne znam koji paše za MFD2.. Pozz
Pozdrav, imam passat b7, volan bez komandi, kupio sam volan isto od passat b7 samo sa komandama, dali samo treba da se zameni volan da bi komande radile ili???? Hvala
brate moj ja imam staru skalu i trokraki volan stari,hteo sam da kupim ovaj b7 volan,jel treba samo njega da kupim ili moram i spulnu da kupujem i da menjam?
Zdravo. Iman passat b6 nema multifunkcionalni volan Kupio sam od b7 volan i modul AH ali nece da radi ( ne radi ni sirena ni dugmici) Jel mora da se menja spula ? Ako treba koju da uzmem
Pozdrav,hocu da skinem volan da ide na farbanje isto je trokraki sa komanda i ima f1 saltanje u pitanju je volan sa b6 3c,moram da makmem akumulator i da kljuc nije u bravi,a hoce li posle toga izbaciti greske neke i hoce li biti sve okej kada ponovo auto dobije struju,hvala unaprijed?
Zdravo druze jel ovo isto vazi i za 2006 god zato sto ja imam isti stari volan sa multifunkcionalnim tipkama..? Takodje imam i vcds kod sebe,trebali nesto da se koduje kako bi se prepoznao taj volan ili kada se taj modul stavi,sve radi kako treba?
Benko DiєsєLTM ja nisam kodirao nista sve je radilo, u slucaju da nesto ne radi mozes lako da kodiras ali ja nisam imao problem.Jedina stvar kod 2006 mora da se jedan otpornik zalemi na ovaj modul da nebi prilazivAo gresku za airbag.Sve ostalo je isto.
hello stefan !!! congratulations for the videos and the channel !!!! I have a b6 and installed a multimedia screen and it comes with canbus so that the multimedia buttons on the steering wheel work .... so far everything is perfect but it turns out that my passat b6 does not have multimedia buttons ... my question and see if you can help me is that if my steering wheel has a previous installation and if only buying the buttons would it be worth it? Or would I have to change the entire steering wheel control unit etc ... thank you for your attention I hope you get me out of doubts !!!
@@ultrawebteam Thank you for answering me but your answer has not been very clear to me ... I will ask you again ... If I buy a vw passat b6 steering wheel complete with airbag and multimedia buttons and I change it for mine that does not have multimedia buttons .... it would be remove and put? without changing any other parts or activating anything with vagcom or obd ?? Thanks again
@@thecoponbendito1 yoo need different sterring wheel modul wich Supports multifunktions sterring wheel. After instal you need vcds coding sterring wheel angel sensor.
Našao sam volan od b6 restyling ( još je sve na autu) ali je spulna drugačija nego na mom b6 iz 2008. Uopšte nema modula tu gde stoji na ovom tvom snimku.
Salut! Am si eu un b6 dar nu are comenzi pe volan! Pot pune unul la fel ca cel pe are îl pui aici în clip ? Trebuie sa ii fac ceva din tester după!?Mulțumesc
Imam Passat B6 (2006). Volan je običan, bez komandi. Mogu li promijeniti volan s drugog passata b6 koji ima komande na volanu bez mijenjanja kompjutera (elektronika volana)? Volan bi ostao isti kao kod passata b6 samo s komandama. Drugače, svaka čast šta radiš, vrlo vrlo dobro.
Pozdrav, planiram zamjeniti volan na golf V 2004 (trendline Lowline modul, nemam ni bord) ubaciti MF sa tipkama trokraki, Nasao sam djelove od passata 6 orginal komplet volan airbag modul i spula, - 3C0-953-549-M SW 0015 Highline 1.3 Nisam siguran hoce li raditi airbag sa ovog volana na mom posto je kod mene sa 4 kraka volan i airbag single stage 1 konektorom, ne znam jel sa dva ili jednim konektorom ovaj sto cu uzeti(modeli na slikama) I interesuje me stering angle senzor hoce li izbacivati gresku volana , Imam vcds kod kuce i planirao sam iskodirati sve, samo me muče konektori na airbagu 2 komada su, jel jedan za airbag a drugi za komande ili?? i steering angle senzor kod pasata je u spuli?
@@ultrawebteam upravu si druze za sve hvala ti, kupit cu ovaj volan samo, on je sa 1 konektorom ljubicastim za i Airbag isto kao i moj, i mislim da bit trebala raditi sirena i airbag bez greski?? Sta mislis ti? a posle cu org modul spulu od golfa naci pa ubaciti.
Pozdrav, koji moduli pasu i koji kodovi moraju biti da bi volan s komandama radio, imam volan ovakav kao sto si ti skinuo ne ovakakav kakav si stavio, pa me samo zanima koji kodovi modula pasu za moj auto da bi sve radilo (VW passat b6 2007 je u pitanju)
Pokusao sam staviti ovaj 3C0 AC modul i komande rade ali nema nikakvog ocitanja za kut volana, pa sad sto treba napraviti da bi mogao ocitati kut volana i kako bi servo radio
@@ultrawebteam pokusana je kalibracija ali bezuspjesno jedino ako sam pogrijesio sto sam ostavio staru zavojnicu na volanu, kodiranje je uspjesno obavljeno preko Launch dijagnostike jer sam izgubio kabal od vcds-a
Dear Stefan Babic! I have steering wheel with multifunction buttons for Passat CC 2009 but I don't have module for this steering wheel and my Horn and Multifunction Buttons don't work. Which Module I have to buy ? My passat cc is manual gear transmission. So my question is which from this serial number modules i have to buy: a) 3C0 953 549 AH b) 3C0 953 549 AG c) 3C0 953 549 AJ d) 3C0 953 549 A e) 3C0 953 549 AD f) 3C0 953 549 AK Thank you.
@@ultrawebteam Thank you. I'm very confusing because i dont know which module i need to buy for multifunction steering wheel for passat cc 2009. Maybe AH is correct ?
Hello friend, is it possible to do this to a car that was not equipped with the steering wheel control buttons from the factory? I have a 2006 b6 automatic that was not equipped with the steering wheel buttons, and I would really like to do this do this to it. If so can you provide me with the parts or modules I would need? Thanks for the help.
I have same 2006 Passat b6 when I change my steering wheel from non multifunction to mk6 no horn and the multifunction no work and the key lock is making noise when I press the gear lever button and I used 3C0 953 549 AJ steering controls module. And my old steering control module iis 3C0 953 549 H Pls any help.
Pozdrav i hvala za ovaj odličan video snimak 👍 Dali može da se ugradi multifunkcionalni volan od Passat B7 ili sličan tom volanu u Passat B5.5 ( 2003 godište, velikim bord kompjuterom i trokrakim ( bez multi tastera ) volanom ) ?
Ist eine gute Frage, ich überlege gerade ob es eventuell möglich wäre bei einen VW Passat 3C, der noch keine Multifunktionslenkrad hat ein nachrüsten???
I have same 2006 Passat b6 when I change my steering wheel from non multifunction to mk6 no horn and the multifunction no work and the key lock is making noise when I press the gear lever button and I used 3C0 953 549 AJ steering controls module. And my old steering control module iis 3C0 953 549 H Pls any help.
Salut stefan babic j'aurais une question à te poser j'ai un petit souci j'ai une Passat SW b6 de 2007 je lui ai déjà apporté quelques petites modifications quelques le compteur par exemple j'ai mis un compteur un peu plus récent années 2009 et là j'aurais voulu mettre le même volant que toi je l'ai déjà acheté j'ai ainsi acheter le module AJ mon problème et que maintenant j'ai un souci de esp alors que j'ai tout effacé avec VCDs peux-tu m'éclairer faut-il que je change le capteur d'angle derrière le volant où y a-t-il un souci sur la pièce que j'ai commandé sur Internet merci j'attends ta réponse
Top izgpeda,a vidim da si i tablu stavio od novog passata ili je to od golfa? Mozes li da mi napises sta mi sve treba voleo bih da i ja ugradim u mog passata iste stvari. Hvala
@@ultrawebteam jel to znaci da moj passat ima kablove pripremite da se samo ustekaju kablovi novog volana sa komandama ili moram privlaciti neke kablove sam
kako mogu da promenim kilometrazu od staru u novu i da stavim onu lajsnu sa satom u sredini auto mi je 2008 godiste commonrail ne znam zasto uopste je sa starom kilometrazom
@@ultrawebteam wow. do you know how to install steering control on steering without steering control? and new cluster because old one is small screen? do I need to replace the module? thanks
Salut, eu trebuie sa scot si spira volan cu manete după aia sa bag calculator coloana cod 3CO cu terminație AHsau AJ ca asa imi vine ca eu am spira cu butoane in capat
My man out here with his windows xp laptop
Lights, ignition, boom. Brave man 😊
Nisam to sto mislis samo jedna plavusaaa
Please disconnect your battery before you make this with air bag.
bornele le scoatem dupa ce a sarit capacul airbagului sau dupa ce fixam volanul in pozitia corespunzatoare?
Scoate bornele inainte de toata operatiunea ca exista riscul sa iti sara in fata
Which modul i need for automat? Thanks.
@@povilasivanovas9150 AH or AJ
@@ultrawebteam Is it posible to do on touran 1t?
Новый руль не намного дороже, но в сто раз приятнее. Этот весь затёрт уже.
Где купить то новый) вообще как будто дефицит
Salut! Se poate pune un volan de B7 sau B8 pe un Passat B6 din 2008 care are deja comenzi pe volan? Trebuie achizitionate alte piese pe langa volan?
Mha Andrei se pare ca nimeni nu vrea sa ne spuna nimic...
Salam akhi ay madina inta habk tsa3idni fi tarkib wahda li sayarti chokran
Hey man, can I ask you about the clock in the middle of dashboard, I saw it comes only from 2011 model, B7, but you have B6 and this clock inside, is it possible to remove old dashboard with this disgusting red triangle and replace it with this clock?
Yes its posiblem.
Ja sam tvoj 1850 subscriber (pretplatnik) !!!! Tooooo!
Hvala druze 🙂
I have a Jetta 2010, with DSG Automatic, Tempomat, and Manual shifters.
Which steering wheel can I get to retrofit in my car?
Steering wheel modul:
3C0 953 549 AK (only Manuel)
3C0 953 549 AH
3C0 953 549 AJ
Salut! Am achizitionat de curand un B6 care a beneficiat de acelasi upgrade precum in video. Comenzile merg, dar am eroare la airbag - igniter 2 for airbag driver side ( N250) 001 upper limit exceeded MIL on. Nu pot sterge eroarea, ai idee ce as putea face?
Hi Only manuel means only for manual transmission?
@@pecike221 yes
don't work with modul (3C0 953 549 A)? and what will not work the buttons or the airbag?
Stii cumva daca la DSG merge si calculatorul cu AK la sfarsit? Sau AK este doar pt cutie manuala?vreau sa instalez un volan cu padele de pe B7 pe un B6 dsg 2009 cbab.
hello stefan hope you good.... i want to ask you does this installation applicable for skoda octavia a5 with the same steering with shift paddles?? and which module can be used if yes? Thanks
I dont know man for Skoda
Check my youtube channel. I retrofitted paddle shifters on MK6 Golf. It's the same steering wheel.
hello again Stefan, did your wheel come equipped with steering mounted paddle shifters? is there a wheel that comes equipped with the updated multifunction buttons. and paddle shifters that is a direct swap onto the 08 B6 VR6 Passat? thanks again.
He used the b7 passat steering wheel so just search for “b7 passat steering wheel with paddle shifter” or mk6 gli/gti steerings w paddle shifters
is it necessary to replace the module in any case?
I have b6 2009 cbab
Must first see what modul did you have in car.
I just bought and Mk5 GTI steering wheel with controls, currently I have the wheel without controls, I just need to buy the steering module to enable the controls is this accurate?
Pedro Augusto Silva Yes like this.
Yep, managed to buy from eBay the Highline steering controle module the same you have taken out 3C953549B, an exact same airbag with dual igniter red and green, with the steering multifunction cable and the gti Mk5 wheel, you’ve dissembled what I’ll assemble on mine 😅 thanks for your awesome tutorial when everything arrives I’ll get it done
@@ultrawebteam Do you mind sending the link for the tools you used? Would like to buy a kit...
Good evening Stephen, I have a question. The car shows a yellow steering wheel signal on the Tacho. What is the reason? Thank you very much
VW passt B6 3C5 2.0 TDI .
Did you change sterring wheel?
Nice upgrade!
Daca am B7 si nu am nici comenzi, nici pilot, mai am nevoie de modul ca sa trec la comenzi si pilot, sau doar volan si spira cu pilot?
What is the module name and wheee can I get that from?
What kind of head-unit is in your car? It looks awesome !!!
9inch Android from China
I love ur choice of music?
Do u have the playlist?
I have an old Passat 3c5 (B6) with the old style 4 round multimedia function buttons. Hvad model steering wheel (Passat B7?) should i look for for everything will work? I heard of people who installed much newer steerings wheels and the horn wouldn't work.
When you change sterring wheel modul all work perfect.
Hi.. Where have you bought the AJ module for volkswagen passat 2007? Thankkss
Wher are you from?
@@ultrawebteam Spain
Hi,for a VW Passat 1.6 Diesel 2010 what MODULE I need, I have the aame steering wheel like in you video.
Many thanks 😊 🙏.
This is b7?
No is a B6 2005-2010.
Can you please let me know what module I need please.
Many thanks 😊 🙏.
The original steering wheel is without controllers, but the new one is whit controllers, the part number of steering wheel is: 3C8 888 201 K.
The horns and the controllers are not working...
Many thanks for any information.
Steering wheel modul:
3C0 953 549 AK (only Manuel)
3C0 953 549 AH
3C0 953 549 AJ
Many thanks for you advance 😊,
I have one more thing to ask you, I forgot to tell you about my Passat, is a 1.6L TDI .The MODULE what you listened below are good for 1.6L TDI ?
I have a 2010 R36 Passat, I believe that I have the updated SWCM already - So i should be pretty much plug and play minus the errors in VCDS and the alignment?
Must see nummber of steering wheel modul.
The controls on the steering wheel co-op with the system?
Cao Stefo. Da li je porwd volana moguce ubaciti i istrument tablu od B6 restajlinga umesto ove klasicne na B6? Hvala.
Moze, ako misliš ma kilometar sat imas video na kanalu. Cela tabla (armatura) je ista u B6/b7/cc
Salut ai ideie daca modulul ala da semnal luminilor din bord. La mine nu se mai aprind ledurile in bord si butoanele de la geamuri dupa ce am schimbat bateria. Nu am nici o siguranta arsa toat merge in afara de lumini bord incalzire luneta si luminile de la butoanele geamurilor!
Da li treba minjat zavojnicu ako volan prethodno nije ima tipke
Ne treba
Hallo zusammen,
Kurz frage, ist es sehr schwierig, soll was ein zu bauen?
Ich hab nur ein Standard Lenkrad drin, nix dran.
Alles ist moglich.
@@ultrawebteam , Hallo
Alles ist möglich?
Wenn ich angenommen, ein B7 lenkrad rein machen möchte, ist das sehr schwierig?
Was für Sachen werden den da alles benötigt?
Ja alles ist möglich, aber es könnte bei nächsten TÜV Termin problematisch werden.
Ich würde lieber zum eine Multifunktion Lenkrad von B6 umsteigen.
Oder sehe ich das falsch?
hello can i put new passat 2014 wheel to touran 2010 and do same like you ?
Pozdrav da li taj modul volana moze biti sa bilo kog vw modela samo je bitno da je ak aj ah?
Bitno da je 3C0 znaci od Passata b6 ili cc
Zdravo, da li znas mozda za Kilometar sat, zelim sa onog starog na taj kao kod tebe da zamjenim, jel trebam modul i instalacije mijenjati ili se samo prikopca drugi i tjt?
Imas video na kanalu o tome.
Bonjour hier j'ai fait la même opération j'ai un module AK dans la Passat j'ai rajouté un volant golf 6 j'ai mis un codage volant 0000811 je trouve que ça fonctionne pas bien j'ai la touche moins qui fonctionne pas vous avez une idée merci
Hi, in your blog you are mentioning that for the MK5 steering wheel you need a 3C0 953 549 E module, but here in your video you had the modul with index B. Does it have big differences if I want to install an MK5 with multifunction ? Because there is a big price difference in with the E module, the B module is way cheaper.
For mk5 you need 1K0 modul not 3C0.Have list in google what modul support multifucion.
@@ultrawebteam I meant just the steering wheel, this older one should be the MK5 and the never one should be the MK6 or at least someone called them this way in a blog what I read. Otherwise I have a Passat B6 like you in the video, so I think I need the 3C0 module
@@Alonso012LP new sterring whell ist 3C8 from golf 6,cc,b6 facelift, b7...
Vw eos 2010 is it applicable mate
Pozdrav, imam pasata 3,2 fsi dsg, 06.g. imao je volan bez tipki i šiftera, kupio sam volan sa tipkama i šifterom i air bag, (sa dva deka) ali ne radi.(Nni šift, ni pojač, snanj, ni sirena..ništa) Volan sam stavio kao što si ti skinuo sa svog. Modul na autu je 3CO 953 549 J. Jel problem samo u modulu?, i koji modul trebam?
Samo drugi modul i radice sve. B, E, K, M, AC, AE, AF, AH nesto od toga.
@@ultrawebteam ok, hvala
Esti cumva din zona Bihorului, sunt dispus sa platesc pt o operatiune de genul...
Imam pitanje, imam passata b6, i ne rade mu tipke na volanu, i ne zaključava se volan.. Navodno je pretprošli vlasnik kada je mjenjao radio izvadio modul volana.. Jel moguće da taj cijeli modul fali i da auto ne baca greške? Samo na 3 sec zasvijetli žuta lampica volana kad izvadim ključ.. Ne znam isplati li mi se kupovati modul, ako će tada tipke na volanu proraditi (i zaključavanje)
Ne može auto upaliti bez modula jer je brava povezana tu. Verovatno je ostecen samo. Skini dole poklopac i vidi sta tacno imas. Nije skup drugi modul.
@@ultrawebteam hvala ti puno, baš ću provjeriti sutra ili prekosutra, moguće da samo tipke na volanu nisu spojene, iako mi ne ide u glavu zašto to netko ne bi napravio.. Ali opet ostaje to zaključavanje.. iako mi je i bolje da ga ne zaključava haha
Do you get an airbag fault after this retrofit? I noticed the old airbag has got dual igniter's but the new one would be single igniter. If you've cleared the fault, could you please share how you've done this? Thanks
@Stefan Babic... Hi, I have a 2006 passat 2.0 tdi with DSG, buttonless steering wheel. With the new steering wheel, the module and coding, can I have the functions? Thank you
Yes whit new modul and sterring wheel yes.
Salut, imi poti spune ce bit ai folosit pentru a scoate surubul care fizeaza volanul? Multumesc mult.
I bought steering wheels, a module, but the connection to the airbag strap does not fit, now I have to buy it, but it's hard to hit
Have easy why to fit this, send me message on instagram.
Hello bud I’ve found the steering wheel needed no issue but I’m looking for the correct module is it from the b7 or can it be from the b6? Or is there a way to find the correct one, thanks
Good morning I have a vw passat b6 2007 I changed the steering wheel and module! my car already had controls on the steering wheel! now it's nothing! you can help? Thanks
Parts nummber of new modul?
Old modul 3C0953549 M
@@carlosgameiro9183 for new steering wheel need new modul.
@@ultrawebteam I bought the new module 3C0953549AK
@@carlosgameiro9183 AK its good if you have Manuel
Jeli potrebno mjenjane tog Steuergeräta ako ocu da stavim volan bez funkcija? Ili se treba i on zbog airbaga?
Pa ako hoces bez funkcija ne mora.
@@ultrawebteam a stekeri za airbag sa volana pasu na stekere od starog volana od b6?
Volan,airbag i kabal trebe od b7.Kabal samo malo krajeve iseces videces kad stavis jedan pored drugog.Prosto je
Cum controlai ceasurile inainte sa montezi volanul? Nu vad sa fi avut maneta cu BC.
Am schimbat ceasurile la passat b6 cbab dsg( rosu cu albastru) cu unele de pe passat cc(alb cu rosu).Am pus mufa adaptoare( am modificat-o putin sa intre in locasul ala metalic) ,functioneaza ,dar pe afisajul din mijloc imi apare doar distanta ramasa de parcurs cu combustibilulu din rezervor( asta fiindca nu am control pe ceasuri .Din butoane pot sa reglez doar ora,maneta mea de stergator neavand functia bc).Intrebarea este daca pot schimba doar maneta sa aiba bc sau trebuie intreg ansamblu de manete inclusiv cea cu functie bc?sau trebuie volan cu comenzi?( nu prea vreau varianta asta fiindca este cam scump).Si alta problema care apare este un mesaj pe afisajul din mijloc al ceasurilor in care sunt anuntat ca : BUtton for driever assistence defective.....mesajul apara doar cand actionez maneta de stergatoare si o aduc pe revenire ,la fel face si cand semnalizez ( pe avarie nu face) si cand apas butonul de pe maneta schimbatorului( dsg).Ce ar trebui sa fac?Multumesc
Ich habe jetzt ein neues Lenkrad und ein neues Steuergerät, aber der Airbagstecker passt nicht, was soll ich machen?
Write me on instagram @stefan.babic
the paddle shift in the steering wheel are working?
If you use AH or AJ modul yes.
Pozz dug imam passat 6 bez komandi volana da li mi treba samo modul i mf volan ?
Tako je.
@@ultrawebteam hvala na odgovoru
Pozz..interesira me kako si stavio klimatronik iz novijeg modela ? Dali mozes napravit neki klip na tu temu..hvala
Mogu napravicu nije problem.
Hoće biti tog klipa?
Druze, imam cetverokraki volan bez komandi, takodjer passat6, 2007 godiste.. i nasao sam volan od golfa 6.. sa komandama. Da li pase njegov modul, mislim od golfa 6 na passata i da li pase konektor od airbaga, djek na djek..
Konektor dzek na dzek, modul mora od b6 sa oznaka na kraju AK, ah ili aj.
Jesi li prodao taj “stari” volan i modul? .. kupio bih ga
Javi mi se na instagram @stefan.babic
Hi, I Have a passat b6 2008.
What is the difference between AK, AJ, AH?
Everyone told me it could only be AH.
All ist highline 2.0 make good job.I have AH and AK i dont see different.
Da li znaš postoji li ikakav USB priključak za MFD2 multimediju u passatu 6. Pošto nemam cd changer, volio bih provući u ladicu USB priključak, al ne znam koji paše za MFD2.. Pozz
Postoji ali se ne isplati to... Ima konverter da se kupi ali je oko 50-70e.Bolje uzmi drugi radio.
Hi! Can you help me with a module wich support a golf 7 R steering with 12 buttons on this B6? Thanks
3C0 953 549 AK (only Manuel)
3C0 953 549 AH
3C0 953 549 AJ
But this tempomat cant work, bether you use from Polo same.
Salutare! Se potriveste modulul de pe B6 care vine cu volanul nou din fabrica?
Druze, gdje bi mi preporucio kabal i vcds program da uzmem? Kod ovih novih aita, ne mozes ni filter zamjeniti bez programa. Hvala pozz
Odakle si tačno, javi mi se na instagram.
What radio is that. Did it come with the car or is it aftermarket
Aftermarket somting from China 😊
Pozdrav, imam passat b7, volan bez komandi, kupio sam volan isto od passat b7 samo sa komandama, dali samo treba da se zameni volan da bi komande radile ili???? Hvala
Senzor ugla volana mora da se zameni (onja prsten iza volana gde se kače ručice).spulna.
Drug, posto sam ja iz Prokuplja a ti iz Kruševca, dali postoji mogućnost da mi vi to odradite, naravno da platim. Hvala
@@vladicaradonjic javi se na instagram @stefan.babic
brate moj ja imam staru skalu i trokraki volan stari,hteo sam da kupim ovaj b7 volan,jel treba samo njega da kupim ili moram i spulnu da kupujem i da menjam?
Volan, modul volana i desnu rucicu iza volana. Spulna moze da ostane ista.
what cable is that your using ? ross tech or a cheaper version ?
China clone vcds 19.6
Привет, автор, скажи название магнитолы, и где покупал!? Заранее спасибо.
Daj mi molim te objasni kako si spojio prekidac od 4 zmigavca i analogni sat.
Mogu,javi se na instagram @stefan.babic
It works for 1.8 tsi or it has a special module
All passat b6 model 2005-2010
Pozdrav jedno pitanje dali moze da se stavi volan sa komandama na mjestu gde je bez komandi na passat 2013god hvala
Može, ali na B7 moraš da promeniš spulnu volana zato što b7 nema modul volana kao b6 nego je sve to u spulni zajedno.
Iman passat b6 nema multifunkcionalni volan
Kupio sam od b7 volan i modul AH ali nece da radi ( ne radi ni sirena ni dugmici)
Jel mora da se menja spula ?
Ako treba koju da uzmem
Ne treba spulna ,samo da se iskodira lepo modul.
Pozdrav,hocu da skinem volan da ide na farbanje isto je trokraki sa komanda i ima f1 saltanje u pitanju je volan sa b6 3c,moram da makmem akumulator i da kljuc nije u bravi,a hoce li posle toga izbaciti greske neke i hoce li biti sve okej kada ponovo auto dobije struju,hvala unaprijed?
Trebalo bi da bude sve okej ako skines kleme od akku.
@@ultrawebteam ok hvala
Zdravo druze jel ovo isto vazi i za 2006 god zato sto ja imam isti stari volan sa multifunkcionalnim tipkama..?
Takodje imam i vcds kod sebe,trebali nesto da se koduje kako bi se prepoznao taj volan ili kada se taj modul stavi,sve radi kako treba?
Benko DiєsєLTM ja nisam kodirao nista sve je radilo, u slucaju da nesto ne radi mozes lako da kodiras ali ja nisam imao problem.Jedina stvar kod 2006 mora da se jedan otpornik zalemi na ovaj modul da nebi prilazivAo gresku za airbag.Sve ostalo je isto.
Brate jel
Moze u golfa 5
Volan od golfa 6 bez menjanja spulne itd..
Ima tu dosta posla zavisi od godista itd..
@@ultrawebteam nema posla, ako hoces mf ubacuje se i modul ako hocee obican samo skines i stavsis , raspitao se.. :)
@@ralelera6159 srećno
hello stefan !!! congratulations for the videos and the channel !!!! I have a b6 and installed a multimedia screen and it comes with canbus so that the multimedia buttons on the steering wheel work .... so far everything is perfect but it turns out that my passat b6 does not have multimedia buttons ... my question and see if you can help me is that if my steering wheel has a previous installation and if only buying the buttons would it be worth it? Or would I have to change the entire steering wheel control unit etc ... thank you for your attention I hope you get me out of doubts !!!
Easy way change steering wheel and modul also. Need new cabel for airbag.
@@ultrawebteam Thank you for answering me but your answer has not been very clear to me ... I will ask you again ... If I buy a vw passat b6 steering wheel complete with airbag and multimedia buttons and I change it for mine that does not have multimedia buttons .... it would be remove and put? without changing any other parts or activating anything with vagcom or obd ?? Thanks again
@@thecoponbendito1 yoo need different sterring wheel modul wich Supports multifunktions sterring wheel. After instal you need vcds coding sterring wheel angel sensor.
Do I need to change resistant also in this case?
Druže, koji su serijski brojevi modula koji podržavaju ovaj noviji volan? Ne vidi se jasno.
Imas prvi pinovan komentar na ovom videu AK(samo Manuel) , AH i AJ.
Menja li se i špulna volana?
@@Z_line ne
Našao sam volan od b6 restyling ( još je sve na autu) ali je spulna drugačija nego na mom b6 iz 2008. Uopšte nema modula tu gde stoji na ovom tvom snimku.
@@Z_line na tom autu je kao na b7. Moze to sve da se prepakuje ali mora da se menja instalacija. (pinovi u kablovima)
lepo zgleda, katero OBD napravo imaš za branje napak?
Salut! Am si eu un b6 dar nu are comenzi pe volan! Pot pune unul la fel ca cel pe are îl pui aici în clip ? Trebuie sa ii fac ceva din tester după!?Mulțumesc
si de modul de sub volan
Imam Passat B6 (2006). Volan je običan, bez komandi. Mogu li promijeniti volan s drugog passata b6 koji ima komande na volanu bez mijenjanja kompjutera (elektronika volana)? Volan bi ostao isti kao kod passata b6 samo s komandama. Drugače, svaka čast šta radiš, vrlo vrlo dobro.
Ne, mora i modul koji podržava komande. Kodiranje ugla volana preko vcds naravno.
Stefan Babic, which radio do you have in your car? I like the look very much! 🙂
9 inch androdi
@@ultrawebteam ebay link?
@@MrHussain1998 no...only china link if u want !!!
@@HATER.NR.1 no but thank you
Geht das auch in einem VW Passat B6 3C Baujahr 2005? Ich finde irgendwie nix für mein Baujahr 🤷🏻♂️
Ja moglich das habe ich gemacht im 2005.
Pozdrav, planiram zamjeniti volan na golf V 2004 (trendline Lowline modul, nemam ni bord) ubaciti MF sa tipkama trokraki,
Nasao sam djelove od passata 6 orginal komplet volan airbag modul i spula,
- 3C0-953-549-M SW 0015 Highline 1.3
Nisam siguran hoce li raditi airbag sa ovog volana na mom posto je kod mene sa 4 kraka volan i airbag single stage 1 konektorom, ne znam jel sa dva ili jednim konektorom ovaj sto cu uzeti(modeli na slikama)
I interesuje me stering angle senzor hoce li izbacivati gresku volana ,
Imam vcds kod kuce i planirao sam iskodirati sve, samo me muče konektori na airbagu 2 komada su, jel jedan za airbag a drugi za komande ili??
i steering angle senzor kod pasata je u spuli?
Volan moze od B6, modul mora od golfa.
Mozes li objasniti zbog cega da ne uzimam onda, ovo je komplet set highline s pasata volan spula modul.
@@MrHardcoreBS tempomat nije na istom mestu npr. Jednostavno to nije isto i nije kompatibilno jedno sa drugim...
@@ultrawebteam upravu si druze za sve hvala ti,
kupit cu ovaj volan samo, on je sa 1 konektorom ljubicastim za i
Airbag isto kao i moj, i mislim da bit trebala raditi sirena i airbag bez greski?? Sta mislis ti?
a posle cu org modul spulu od golfa naci pa ubaciti.
Nisam siguran oko Golfa mahom passat-a radim.
Please tell me what I need to buy. I have the same your car. Thank you
Just steering wheel and modul.
Unde te pot gasi? Ms de sfat
Just curious, the 3co numbers do not have to match? It's just needs to be coded back into system? Or calibrated?
Pozdrav, koji moduli pasu i koji kodovi moraju biti da bi volan s komandama radio, imam volan ovakav kao sto si ti skinuo ne ovakakav kakav si stavio, pa me samo zanima koji kodovi modula pasu za moj auto da bi sve radilo (VW passat b6 2007 je u pitanju)
Stari volan 3C0.... B/E/K/M/AC/AE/AF.
Pokusao sam staviti ovaj 3C0 AC modul i komande rade ali nema nikakvog ocitanja za kut volana, pa sad sto treba napraviti da bi mogao ocitati kut volana i kako bi servo radio
@@mariodujmic1410 Mora da se uradi kalibracija volana.
@@ultrawebteam pokusana je kalibracija ali bezuspjesno jedino ako sam pogrijesio sto sam ostavio staru zavojnicu na volanu, kodiranje je uspjesno obavljeno preko Launch dijagnostike jer sam izgubio kabal od vcds-a
Horn its not work if you leth old modul.
I want to make the steering wheel of the b6 Passat b8, is it possible?
From B8 to B6 yes you can make. Whit some adapter and change but its posible.
Dear Stefan Babic!
I have steering wheel with multifunction buttons for Passat CC 2009 but I don't have module for this steering wheel and my Horn and Multifunction Buttons don't work. Which Module I have to buy ? My passat cc is manual gear transmission. So my question is which from this serial number modules i have to buy:
a) 3C0 953 549 AH
b) 3C0 953 549 AG
c) 3C0 953 549 AJ
d) 3C0 953 549 A
e) 3C0 953 549 AD
f) 3C0 953 549 AK
Thank you.
AH, AJ, AK all 3 its good for B6 i dont know its same for cc 2009
@@ultrawebteam Thank you. I'm very confusing because i dont know which module i need to buy for multifunction steering wheel for passat cc 2009. Maybe AH is correct ?
@@flamursallahu5364 for B6 AH, AJ its support multi whit manuel and automatic and AK just manuel.
Hello friend, is it possible to do this to a car that was not equipped with the steering wheel control buttons from the factory? I have a 2006 b6 automatic that was not equipped with the steering wheel buttons, and I would really like to do this do this to it. If so can you provide me with the parts or modules I would need? Thanks for the help.
Yes you can do... All its same you can do.
I have same 2006 Passat b6 when I change my steering wheel from non multifunction to mk6 no horn and the multifunction no work and the key lock is making noise when I press the gear lever button and I used 3C0 953 549 AJ steering controls module. And my old steering control module iis 3C0 953 549 H
Pls any help.
i have a passat highline 3c5 from 2007, is it possible in my car?
Essal yes
@@ultrawebteam what about a golf 7 wheel, can i make that one work with this method?
Essal yes you can
@@ultrawebteam thank you so much
Pozdrav i hvala za ovaj odličan video snimak 👍
Dali može da se ugradi multifunkcionalni volan od Passat B7 ili sličan tom volanu u Passat B5.5 ( 2003 godište, velikim bord kompjuterom i trokrakim ( bez multi tastera ) volanom ) ?
Ist eine gute Frage, ich überlege gerade ob es eventuell möglich wäre bei einen VW Passat 3C, der noch keine Multifunktionslenkrad hat ein nachrüsten???
Why you didnt instal b8 or r line steering wheel ?
because it is expensive
@@ultrawebteam to much ?
I have same 2006 Passat b6 when I change my steering wheel from non multifunction to mk6 no horn and the multifunction no work and the key lock is making noise when I press the gear lever button and I used 3C0 953 549 AJ steering controls module. And my old steering control module iis 3C0 953 549 H
Pls any help.
Disconnect battery 2h,and try to use.
@@ultrawebteam ok thanks I will try to remove battery and try it
Salut stefan babic j'aurais une question à te poser j'ai un petit souci j'ai une Passat SW b6 de 2007 je lui ai déjà apporté quelques petites modifications quelques le compteur par exemple j'ai mis un compteur un peu plus récent années 2009 et là j'aurais voulu mettre le même volant que toi je l'ai déjà acheté j'ai ainsi acheter le module AJ mon problème et que maintenant j'ai un souci de esp alors que j'ai tout effacé avec VCDs peux-tu m'éclairer faut-il que je change le capteur d'angle derrière le volant où y a-t-il un souci sur la pièce que j'ai commandé sur Internet merci j'attends ta réponse
Can you say in Englisch?
@@ultrawebteam non que français
Top izgpeda,a vidim da si i tablu stavio od novog passata ili je to od golfa?
Mozes li da mi napises sta mi sve treba voleo bih da i ja ugradim u mog passata iste stvari. Hvala
Javi mi se na instagram @stefan.babic
Dali se može na pasat 6 bez komandi montirat volan od pasat 6 ili 7 koji ima komande za radio
@@ultrawebteam jel to znaci da moj passat ima kablove pripremite da se samo ustekaju kablovi novog volana sa komandama ili moram privlaciti neke kablove sam
@@zankobau ima kablove,sve isto radis kao i ja.
Puno hvala
Jel bi se moglo u Golfa 6 ugradit mfd, imam bez tipki samo, jel trebam modul ili?
Trebas modul,rucicu desnu,volan i kodiranje preko vcds.
@@ultrawebteam Jel radis naknadnu ugradnju tempomata na golfu 5?
kako mogu da promenim kilometrazu od staru u novu i da stavim onu lajsnu sa satom u sredini auto mi je 2008 godiste commonrail ne znam zasto uopste je sa starom kilometrazom
Stara lajsna ne moze mora nova od facelift ili CC.Za kilometrazu treba specijalni uređaji za to.
Amasing! Welldone
Please can you help me I do same with control model 3C0953549AJ don't work it says no signal connection Please can you teach me what I have to do
Contact me on instagram...
Where can you buy the parts?
And how much did it cost you for this complete build>?
I take for one brocke car, sterring wheel i pay 250e and modul 70e.
@@ultrawebteam wow. do you know how to install steering control on steering without steering control? and new cluster because old one is small screen? do I need to replace the module? thanks
@@DevFTW Yes you need replace modul.
Prijatelju koji ti je to radio to u passatu njegov naziv? Super ti je tutorial ovaj.
9 inch radio andorid tako trazi
Salut, eu trebuie sa scot si spira volan cu manete după aia sa bag calculator coloana cod 3CO cu terminație AHsau AJ ca asa imi vine ca eu am spira cu butoane in capat