Pratim te vec neko vrijeme! Bavimo se istim stvarima! Nedavno sam te bas pitao kada si ugradivao novi volan zasto si modul mjenjao kad je vec imao mf al sam poslije skontao da novi volan radi na Lin 2.0 i da je najbolje stavit modul koji podrzava lin1.3,2.0. Ja sad istu stvar radim na Golfu 5 2005g,ubacujem sat od golfa 6 plus! Znaci ubacio gateway 2008g,da bi sad dosao do toga da moram zamjenut abs pumpu jer abs modul do 2006 ne moze imati komunikaciju sa novijim satom... Uglavnom svaka cast na odradenom poslu,detaljno si ovo pokazao👍🏻💪🏻
Jesi uspeo da ubacis mk6 sat u mk5? Ja hocu isto u Scirocco 2009 sa crvenim satom da stavim od R 2010 sa belim ali ima immobilizer u satu pa sam tu zaglavio. Ima li resenja za to? Vidim da treba da se kodira novi rfid cip ali ne znam ko to radi u Srbiji.
@@milance941 odradio mi poznanik,dijagnostikom upisao nove vrijednosti... Tu sam i ja bio zapeo ali na kraju je uspjelo. Za vozila 2007 i mlade puno je lakse odradit jer dosta stvari ne treba mjenjat.
@@marijobosnjak7259 Meni je problem samo immobilizer. Ostalo cu sam resiti ali kodiranje kljuca mi problem. Kad bi moglo to da se odradi van auta bilo bi super. Gledam ljudi kupe nove transpondere i upare ih na sat i onda ubace u kljuc
I have a 2006 passat I’m completely retrofitting from a 2009 CC can I directly switch out the gauge cluster I also messaged and fallowed you on here and Instagram thanks in advance ! I love my 435x and my G82 M4 but I’ll never give up on my passat !
Hi Stefan! Congratulation for the really nice work you have done on your car with all the retrofit. I know it takes a lot of time for research, buying, installing, coding etc. So hands down for everything you've done! Could you please tell me if you had to change the CAN gateway in order for the cluster to work properly without faults? If yes, was it a 7NO........... (chinese or OEM) or the 3CO907530Q Can Gateway (2010 Passat). Also, did you have to replace the CCM with one from Passat B7? Thanks in advance! Cheers!
OK man. You are professional!!! Can you tell me how to disassemble and repair the rear plastic from window buttons. They are terrible after 14 years. Do you have any video ?
Hi Stefan, Thank you very much for the tutorial. Really well explained. I have had a problem with the cluster as the lights are not working anymore. I'm thinking about buying a second hand one, same model. Do you know if I will be able to setup it with the vagcom? Thanks!
Hallo steffan, Sieht absolut richtig gut aus, kannst du mir bitte mal schreiben, ob man das auch als normal Autobesitzer hin bekommen kann? Ich finde es super, wie du es gemacht hast. Brauchen man ein Codierung?
Brate zahvaljujuci tebi sam uspio da sebi sam zamijenim taho tablu, jedino me je napatio prikljucak za taho tablu, onda sam skontao da se treba skloniti na strani gdje da moze uci citava taho tabla, hvala ti !!!
Pozdrav druže, imam ovakvu identičnu tablu samo fabričku, problem je što ne mogu da pristupim meniju sa opcijama preko dugmeta na volanu, ništa se ne dešava kad ga pritisnem dok ostali dugmići rade. Da li možda znaš u čemu je problem i da li postoji drugi način da uđem u opcije?
@@ultrawebteam i have steering wheel and i want to change i have angel sensor and moduel with buttons and all with it would i need to used vcds ? Or diffrent tool softwee
Hi Stefan. I want to change my Passat 2006 red cluster to a b/w or color cluster. I see that there are people who have problems later with the menu because options disappear, which one is recommended? I am already clear that there is no need to reprogram anything but... can the km of the new cluster be entered with vagcom VCDS? Thanks.
Km cant change whit VCDS,If you use 3C0920.... parts number for new cluster (cluster from B6 Facelift) all menu option work.This is just if you put 3AA from B7 you lost comfort menu.
Gday Stefan. Excellent video.. very well put together.. I have a MKV jetta TDI blue/red cluster for DSG auto. I will fit MK6 GTI STEERING wheel with new CH control module. Looking at the mkV 2010 jetta cluster (when VW put first MK6 cluster in) all I need is the 36-32 pin adaptor and change kms on a OBD TOOL like the one you used??
@@ultrawebteam I found a mk6 cluster from a 2010 Jetta MKV.. about the secret pin.. do I definatly need the ignition key to take the transponder out or can the secret pin from both clusters be found using VCDS ? Have a friend with a VCDS program just hoping we can get the mk6 cluster going. Is this part number 5K0 920 870B on ebay?? Would I need to ask for a transponder pin but still my original ignition key?
I bought a new instrument cluster. What will happen if I disconnect my current cluster and try the new one (to test if working) and then put the ‘current’ again for the time being.
Hello bro I changed my Passat B6 instrument cluster with a Passat cc everything works fine except that when I do a diagnosis I can't find the speedometer calculator. any idea ? THANKS
hello my friend, I want to change the same tachometer on my Passat B6 dsg6. is a car speedometer with manual gearbox compatible with an automatic. THANKS
Hi Stefan I retrofitted white cluster code 3C0 920 871T to my passat 2008 with Gw 3C0 907 530H everything is working but comfort menu and radio/music in not showing in cluster. Do you know how to program it with VCDS ?
Stefane, super video klipovi koje radis. Imam 2006 B6 (iz Amerike, ali proizveden u Wolfsburgu, DE), Centralni displej (MFD) mi nekad kada je vrelo vrijeme (kao sada :-) ) izblijedi, pa se opet vrati na normalu. Je li moram mijenjati komplet klaster ili se moze samo displey zamjeniti ili mozda servisirati? Puno hvala i jos jednom svaka cast na videima..
Mozes naci drugi cluster polavan jako jeftino i samo bocnes. Postoji mognost kupovine novog ekrana na aliexpress ali je cena oko 60$ koliko se sećam.Verovatno imas mali mfa,mozes uzeti veliki ekran bez prepravka.
@@ultrawebteam Ne bih ja nista da upgrade-ujem, vec samo isti ovakav da ugradim.. .spominjete novi ekran na aliexpress (da li imate link?) - pa bolje mi je $60 dati samo za ekran jer mi u BIH traze 250KM za citav klaster. Je li mislite da li bi uz zamjenu samo ekrana trebalo reprogramirati klaster, kljuceve ili slicno? PUNO HVALA!!!
hello Stefan, i have change the instrument cluster on my VW Eos 2008 to black and white, but the engine doesn't started it shows me ''immobilizer active'' please tell me how to fix this problem with obd eleven best regards
Hi Stefan, is possible to change cluster to coloraturas 2D/3D, in my 2009 Passat - where I have BW cluster? Also, If I want to change my actual steering wheel without multifunction, to wheel with multifunction from Passat b7, there are some else needs for this type of cluster and SWCM? And is change the wiper stalker are also needed if I put the new steering wheel (the old stalker will have the steering buttons for menu).
If you have b/w cluster you can put 2D/3D no problem plug and play. About sterring wheel you need change modul.Stalker wiper you can chnage but not neseser,you can diseble in coding button for MFA.
Hello, I have installed a new type of gisterge panel in my 2005 caddy vehicle like this, but a lot of warnings and lights are on asr brake etc. gives warnings Have you encountered such a problem Thank you
Bok Stefane. Ovako imam Passata B6 2005. godište i neki dan mi je crkla instrument tabla u njemu pa bih sad ako je moguće hio nadograditi na noviju tablu kao što si ti stavio u svog. Sad me zanima... pošto kada sam otišao na link u opisu tvog videa vidim da koliko mi se čini da ti prodaješ te novije table sa plavim kazaljkama... Pa ako mi možeš reći da li bi imao problema ako ubacim noviju tablu u njega ili je samo plug & play. Vidio sam da dosta ljudi govori kako je samo plug & play pa ako je tako onda bi možda uzeo tablu i adapter za nju od tebe (Naravno ako to ti prodaješ). Unaprijed ti hvala na odgovoru.
Hello, i hawe one question I change cluster old to new passat b6, all is good, cluster has work, but i can't connect to wcds diagnostic, is fault controler not respoding.. Cluster code is 3c0920871TWhat is a problem? Old gateway? Or what? Thank you :)
Pozdrav Stefane, isto ovo želim u svom passatu b6 1.9tdi 77kw 2006g.Jel samo trebam uzeti ovakav sat, dal se mora kodirati npr. Kao u audi a4 b6 kad mjenjaš sat mora i kod jer neće da upali poslje.Hvala na odgovoru, video extra 👍👋
Hi Stefan! Maybe you can help me. I have a 2006 passat b6 with a red dashboard and I also decided to install a white dashboard from B7 3AA920870A (420 software) also bought a gateway 3C0 907 530 Q (reprogrammed it through the list of equipment). I installed it, everything was fine, but the next morning I couldn't start the car because the battery ran out. I recharged the battery, but the next morning the situation repeated. What could be the matter? I will be glad if you answer me. Thanks
@@ultrawebteam In long coding, I didn't change anything. only through the list of equipment all those blocks that were on the old gate are marked. I think it's because of the radio. since when you open the car there is no cd-rom sound, as if the radio does not fall asleep. radio rns mfd2+dvd
@@ultrawebteamat 9:07 there is a box with a 12 S sticker on it, will i need that as well? i'm upgrading from the blue and red b6 to the one in the video, but im wondering if it supports the needle sweep on startup
@@ultrawebteam aye, I have 3CO I tried using a tool called OBDeleven. It shows the option named "needle celebration" and one for "staging" when I select either of those I'm getting function unavailable
Poštovani, klipovi i uputstva i sav rad Vam je na zavidnom nivou. Zamolio bih samo jednu informaciju trenutno u passatu b6 imam sat 3CO 920 852 S htio bih ubaciti ovaj sat bijeli, pitanje je podržavali kod mene i ima li odredžena serija satova koje treba potražiti. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru
Poštovani, pitanje sat koji je bio na vozilu koje ima Dsg mijenjac može li na vozilo koje ima manual transimisiju i treba li se nešta kodirati!? Unaprijed hvala
Ahoj Stefane, U B6 není třeba párovat klíče ani řešit immo? Plánuju udělat úplně to samé u svojí b6 to samé, mám stejnou GW, budíky, kabílek i nový kryt. Po výměně tedy jen korektně dokódovat a nastavit Km? Stejně tak chci vyměnit páčky za ty s ovládáním budíku a tempomatem. Postup stejný, jen vyměnit páčky, plasty okolo a dokódovat?
@@ultrawebteam Ok for some reason i thought you are Slovak :) So the question is, do I have to care about IMMO in this case as I'm in completly same situation old B6 with the most basic cluster and i got the new white cluster as you have used, I also have the same GW. So can i just swap the clsuter, dash trim and thats it? Btw I dont have the MF steering wheel but guys online are telling me its not needed that the buttons/control on wiper will do the job. is that correct? I dont have any controls on the wiper as well as the car us super basic so i will have to buy that - plan is to buy the complete set with wiper MFI/MFI control buttons and cruise control. Since i also have the most basic trim color which will not match the new trim i had already ordered vinyl wrap to cover whole interior to be matching.
You dont must care about immo, swap like me on video. Yes you can swap complet parts from mfi and this work good. Must have vcds to coding some staff. About gateway whit and A, B, C not support new cluster all anather support. If you need more info or some parts contact me on instagram @stefan.babic.
@@ultrawebteam I have the same gateway as you, ending E so it should work :) So great, i will just swap it, code it and enjoy it :) btw my B6 is the same color as yours, but mine is just the super poor edition, just the most, most, most basic setup. Great to hear that i can improve some things :)
Hola Stefan tengo una duda e puesto un cuadro de un Passat b7 en un b6 y e perdido el modo confort ,la visualización de la radio,navegación en el fis y un par de botones del volante bueno uno por que el del tel y la estrella no funciona,que tendría que cambiar o hacer para que funcione?
Pozdrav sa Slovenije. Vrlo dobar video, svaka čast. Imam jedno pitanje, imam jedan števec sa brojem 3CO920872B pa ne znam da li ga mogu ugraditi u moj passat b6, godina 2006?
@@ultrawebteam pozdrav majstore. Ugradio sam števec, jednak kao tvoj. A sada imam mnogo problema, ne dobijem ovaj plastik (blende) za armaturo. Treba mi plastika za števec, plastika sa dijesne strane pri suputniku i ova tanka koju muntiraš na video (14:00 minuta). Tražim preko ebay, aliexpres, poljska, engleska... ako nađem neku zaminjivu onda je poštarina skupa. Imaš kakvo rešenje? Ili so to jednake plastike koje ugrađaš kao na passat CC?
Hello Stefan, it is hard for me to find the speedometer trim cover at reasonable price. so do you have any suggestions for a website where I can buy the trimming set for a good price? Thanks in advance.
Okey thank you man. Another question I have a cluster red/blue with code 3C0 920 871 E and I fond white one with code 3C0 920 872 G can I fit it in my car without problems or do i need to find different code for my car ?
I have this cluster and adapter for my mk5 r32 I plug it in and it all functions correctly only issue is that the mileage is wrong and the engine won’t start, where do I get that tool you used to code that stuff?
Zdravo Stefan,zamijenio sam sat na pasatu kao i ti ali mi kad ukljucim bluetoth modul ostane na meniju telefona i ne mogu izaci iz njega,jel moram i novi volan i modul volana mjenjat da bi sve radilo.hvala lp
Hallo, Ich fah eine VW Passat 3C Variant ( bj 2006) und möchte gern auch den Umbau machen. Wie kann man das an besten machen? Verkauf die auch diverse Produkte von den Umbau? Wie lange dauert es sowas? Kann man das auch selbst machen? Gruß
@@ultrawebteam,dann würde man alles bekommen bei ihren? Man benötigt ca. Blende, Tacho,und noch eine Adapter für den Umbau? Mit was für Kosten muß ich rechnen? Gruß
Hello Stefan my name is Johnny. I am from UK. Two weeks ago I change my instrument clusters on my Passat B6 2006 with an black and white instrument clusters from Passat CC 2010. From then I have two issue that I don't manage to solve them; first is the mileage that I can't change it with my VCDS interface (I don't have a genuine interface), and the second is with the fuel gauge (don't indicate the fuel level from the tank). I can't get rid of the fault code (in the INSTRUMENTS module) from the fuel level sensor inside the tank. Can you please help me with some advice how to solve the problem with the fuel gauge because with the first issue I understand, from what I read here, that I need to have a different interface to be able to change the mileage. The new instrument clusters code is 3C0 920 972 J and CAN GATWAY code is 3C0 907 530 Q. Best regards, Johnny!
Can you Text me on instagram @stefan.babic. For milage you need special device, vcds can just change if cluster in 0. You dont need genius licence. About fuel did your car have 4motion?
@@ultrawebteamHello Stefan, and I am sorry for later reply! I did manage to solve the issue with the fuel gauge; it was a problem with some pins from the cable adapter. And no, my car is not 4motion, I have a BMR engine, Sportline. I try'd retrofit more things to my car but the only issue that bothers me is with the CCS sistem that I try to retrofit two years ago and I didn't manage to get it work! I did all the steps right, even activate it in ECU module, but it still not working. I think the problem is from my ECU because after I activate it, nothing is change in the ECU module, and on MFD display it show me an exclamation sign in front of CCS symbol. I try activate it and deactivated many times and still nothing! And thank you for the information for changing the milage! I am sorry, I don't have Instagram! Best regards, Johnny!
hello... may car (passat b6 sedam 2005) have the red and blue cluster and getaway 3C0907530A. I have bought the getaway 3C0907530Q and ia will by the cluster 3AA920881A. will this work ok? will i have any problem with fuel tank sender? tks..
@@ultrawebteam sorry just more 2 questions... are you sore i will lose comfor menu whit the the cluster (3d) 3AA920881A? tha cluster is from a passat PASSAT highline (362) 2.0 TDI 2014. And can mileage correction be done by Obdstar x300m on this cluster? thanks...
Brate uradio sam sve kao ti na videu, al se meni na dijagnostici ne ocitava instrumental tablu probo sa star x300 kao ti ne mogu doc do toga da upisem kilometrazu sat radi i sve al se ne spaja na dijagnostiku. Lp
@@ultrawebteam kako cu vidit to prijatelju moj ja sam samo stavio sat i tjto. Jel se nalazi ispod dole treba plastike skidati i to ili se moze bez toga vidit koji je. Lp i hvala ti
I was thinking about replacing my Can Bus gateway with a newer one since I get a battery drain when I installed a upgrade stereo. I have a B6 2006 and I guess it would be the best to do, but then I also guess I need to reprogram stuff in it
A koliko ti je ugradnja i da se ubaci i volan iz b7 ili golf 6 sa tiptronic shifterima i sve da radi za dsg menjac jel moze? I pitanje da li novi bord kad se ubaci ovaj crno beli prikazuje sve funkcije, jel mu pokazuje recimo i digitalni brzinomer?
Pratim te vec neko vrijeme! Bavimo se istim stvarima! Nedavno sam te bas pitao kada si ugradivao novi volan zasto si modul mjenjao kad je vec imao mf al sam poslije skontao da novi volan radi na Lin 2.0 i da je najbolje stavit modul koji podrzava lin1.3,2.0. Ja sad istu stvar radim na Golfu 5 2005g,ubacujem sat od golfa 6 plus! Znaci ubacio gateway 2008g,da bi sad dosao do toga da moram zamjenut abs pumpu jer abs modul do 2006 ne moze imati komunikaciju sa novijim satom... Uglavnom svaka cast na odradenom poslu,detaljno si ovo pokazao👍🏻💪🏻
Hvala i srecno sa projektrom, javi rezultate mozemo podeliti ljudima ovde, bice nekom od koristi sigurno.
Jesi uspeo da ubacis mk6 sat u mk5? Ja hocu isto u Scirocco 2009 sa crvenim satom da stavim od R 2010 sa belim ali ima immobilizer u satu pa sam tu zaglavio. Ima li resenja za to? Vidim da treba da se kodira novi rfid cip ali ne znam ko to radi u Srbiji.
@@milance941 odradio mi poznanik,dijagnostikom upisao nove vrijednosti... Tu sam i ja bio zapeo ali na kraju je uspjelo. Za vozila 2007 i mlade puno je lakse odradit jer dosta stvari ne treba mjenjat.
@@marijobosnjak7259 Meni je problem samo immobilizer. Ostalo cu sam resiti ali kodiranje kljuca mi problem. Kad bi moglo to da se odradi van auta bilo bi super. Gledam ljudi kupe nove transpondere i upare ih na sat i onda ubace u kljuc
@@milance941 za kodirat kljuc moras kupit novu ampulu pa kodirat,ne moze sa starom...
I have a 2006 passat I’m completely retrofitting from a 2009 CC can I directly switch out the gauge cluster I also messaged and fallowed you on here and Instagram thanks in advance ! I love my 435x and my G82 M4 but I’ll never give up on my passat !
Hi Stefan! Congratulation for the really nice work you have done on your car with all the retrofit. I know it takes a lot of time for research, buying, installing, coding etc. So hands down for everything you've done!
Could you please tell me if you had to change the CAN gateway in order for the cluster to work properly without faults? If yes, was it a 7NO........... (chinese or OEM) or the 3CO907530Q Can Gateway (2010 Passat). Also, did you have to replace the CCM with one from Passat B7? Thanks in advance! Cheers!
3C0 907530A, B, C not support new cluster all after support. You dont need 7N0.
@@ultrawebteam thank you!
OK man. You are professional!!! Can you tell me how to disassemble and repair the rear plastic from window buttons. They are terrible after 14 years. Do you have any video ?
I dont have video, you can buy new one, or re paint yours.
Hi Stefan,
Thank you very much for the tutorial. Really well explained.
I have had a problem with the cluster as the lights are not working anymore. I'm thinking about buying a second hand one, same model. Do you know if I will be able to setup it with the vagcom?
Tnx you mean backlights or?
@@ultrawebteam The lights in the instrument cluster stopped working suddenly. However, the needles for the speedometer or tachometer are working fine
Hello stefan, are there any other sites where you sell, I can't order from willhaben because I'm from Latvia
u just change the instrument cluster and with this wiring and it's done?
no modules need to change?
Make all like me and no poroblem
To change the kilometers purchase obdstar x300m? Does it work on passat 2009?
9:24 car mechanic simulator 15 memories
Hallo steffan,
Sieht absolut richtig gut aus, kannst du mir bitte mal schreiben, ob man das auch als normal Autobesitzer hin bekommen kann?
Ich finde es super, wie du es gemacht hast.
Brauchen man ein Codierung?
Hallo tacho verkaufen ich auch,mit meine tacho must nicht extra coding.
Sie meine sie das mit den Codierung?
@@ultrawebteam ,wieviel kostet das alles?( Umbau)
If you have a plain steering wheel without buttons. Can it be done?
Yes can be
Do you have a list of which numbers match which? How do I know which ones will fit my car individually? Can I easily install the ones you have?
All fit.
Can you link for the odometer tester?
Just change the adapter and than will works ? Ich have vw golf 5
This is for Passat B6,whit golf its different.Need abs support and immo adaptation.
Hello sir I have the red blue cluster on my 2008 passat but it has a half red screen, im wondering if I can still upgrade to b7 cluster
Yes you can.
Brate zahvaljujuci tebi sam uspio da sebi sam zamijenim taho tablu, jedino me je napatio prikljucak za taho tablu, onda sam skontao da se treba skloniti na strani gdje da moze uci citava taho tabla, hvala ti !!!
Drago mi je da sam bio od pomoci.
Which is your steering control module version with old steering mfsw buttons work with new cluster? Or you changed it in anvanced?
All modul whitch work whit old also whit new cluster work.
Hello. Cluster with 3AA is for b7?
@@ultrawebteam 2 late..
It is not necessary to change the ABS Control Unit to connect a new Cluster? So is in Golf V ( You need to change ABS Control Unit)
On Passat B6 you dont need change abs.
Why you can use menu button? I changed cluster but if I want to go to menu, i need to long press down or up button.
Because donor car dont have multifucion wheel, need epprom coding change to support sterring button.
@@ultrawebteam you mean, it can t be done with vcds, right? I am not so good at this
Hello Man can I do the same exact steps except with a VW Golf 1.4 ??
Pozdrav druže, imam ovakvu identičnu tablu samo fabričku, problem je što ne mogu da pristupim meniju sa opcijama preko dugmeta na volanu, ništa se ne dešava kad ga pritisnem dok ostali dugmići rade. Da li možda znaš u čemu je problem i da li postoji drugi način da uđem u opcije?
Mora da se u km satu preko eeprom koda aktivira da auto ima komande na volanu. Ili kupovina drugog km sata bi resila problem.
Zdravo, da li moze u tiguana 2014, da se ugradi sat 5N0920 883C, a sada je u njemu 5N0920 873E
Moze bez problema.
Do u know how the ones on the Audi A4 b7 are done ?
I never try.
I’ve changed the needles to blue but how do I change the infotainment system from red to clear?
You must change led light. Not coding color.
Hi did u pogram
Cluster or just the miles u have change
Just Miles.
@@ultrawebteam i have steering wheel and i want to change i have angel sensor and moduel with buttons and all with it would i need to used vcds ? Or diffrent tool softwee
@@Bobzymarek vcds or delphi for steering angel calibration.
How to fix the ABS lighting on,when I already done it
What parts nummber for new cluster did you put?
@@ultrawebteam my car was 2006 b6 and I only charge the number 3C0920971E
Hello, do you need to code the new cluster, or its plug and play? I mean, the car will start and work without immobilizer?
How you see dont need coding, passat dont have immo in Cluster.
@@ultrawebteam Passat is kinda like a golf. Do you know if golfs are plug and play like this too?
@@maciejd7823 no its have immo key in cluster.
Is this plug and play with B6 2007 model? No need to change any modules because I don't want to mess with those.
Yes its plug and play
@@ultrawebteam di you ship your parts to finland with an extra fee?
@@ultrawebteam i wanna buy the parts from you directly
@@shueibdahir txt me on instagram@stefan.babic
@@shueibdahir yes
Hi Stefan. I want to change my Passat 2006 red cluster to a b/w or color cluster. I see that there are people who have problems later with the menu because options disappear, which one is recommended? I am already clear that there is no need to reprogram anything but... can the km of the new cluster be entered with vagcom VCDS?
Km cant change whit VCDS,If you use 3C0920.... parts number for new cluster (cluster from B6 Facelift) all menu option work.This is just if you put 3AA from B7 you lost comfort menu.
Gday Stefan. Excellent video.. very well put together.. I have a MKV jetta TDI blue/red cluster for DSG auto. I will fit MK6 GTI STEERING wheel with new CH control module. Looking at the mkV 2010 jetta cluster (when VW put first MK6 cluster in) all I need is the 36-32 pin adaptor and change kms on a OBD TOOL like the one you used??
You need also immo key coding, golf and jetta have immo lock in cluster. (maybe you need Transponder in key from golf6)
@@ultrawebteam I found a mk6 cluster from a 2010 Jetta MKV.. about the secret pin.. do I definatly need the ignition key to take the transponder out or can the secret pin from both clusters be found using VCDS ? Have a friend with a VCDS program just hoping we can get the mk6 cluster going. Is this part number
5K0 920 870B on ebay??
Would I need to ask for a transponder pin but still my original ignition key?
I'm not sure about that. So I can't give real advice.
Does this work on vw passat 2007 3.6 b6 gas? I can only see hall of the display now I would like to upgrade also.
Whit good coding, yes can work. Text me on instagram @stefan.babic
I bought a new instrument cluster. What will happen if I disconnect my current cluster and try the new one (to test if working) and then put the ‘current’ again for the time being.
You can do this, just you lost time must set again this is all.
Hello. What is the name of the diagnostic device you used to replace the odometer?
Just for km change obdstar x300m
@@ultrawebteam Thank you 👊🏻
Hello. If I want to change cluster, on my b6 2006 bmp, I need another CAN?
If you wish coding cluster yes.
@@ultrawebteam coding meaning to add al options from old can to new can? It is easy to code?
Is this also possible for a 2007 vw caddy?
Yes if ABS support new cluster.But for golf and Caddy need coding Key also.
Hello, I have a VW Passat B6 with old red cluster. If I change to 3C0920872G, will it work as normal, is it just plug and play?
Yes,like in my video.
hello where can i find dashboard like yours and the cable to come with it for connect
I can sell you,wher did you from?
Svaka cast matori. Jel bi znao napraviti led sijalice za karavan za stopove na gepeku.
Nije to teško mozes i sam.
@@ultrawebteam Jos kad bih se ja i razumeo u sve to. Imas fb da me dodas lakse mi pisati
Hello bro
I changed my Passat B6 instrument cluster with a Passat cc everything works fine except that when I do a diagnosis I can't find the speedometer calculator. any idea ? THANKS
Hello friend.. Do you have the Part Number for the Speedometer cover? its hard to find here in Brazil.
I dont know, look cc and b6 facelift
hello my friend, I want to change the same tachometer on my Passat B6 dsg6. is a car speedometer with manual gearbox compatible with an automatic. THANKS
hello, i also did it just the diagnostics don't work (does not detect the vcds) Is there a solution?
If Gateway A B or C not support new cluster.
What code can i put in it?
Hi Stefan I retrofitted white cluster code 3C0 920 871T to my passat 2008 with Gw 3C0 907 530H everything is working but comfort menu and radio/music in not showing in cluster. Do you know how to program it with VCDS ?
Try to take 15min battery disconnect and giv me info did help this.
@@ultrawebteamToday I disconnected battery for about 2 hours but it didnt change anything. Comfort menu and audio isnt there.
Do you need to programing tje cluster ? I change my cluster but the ligth ABS is on i dont know why
Normali no, connect your car whit vcds and see what its problem.
Hello Stefan, did you see convinience and light & vision menu's after changed?
If you put 3C0 or 3C8 yes...
@@ultrawebteam thank you 👍
Hi Stefan fantastic video, where did u get the adapter from ?
I make and sell.
Stefane, super video klipovi koje radis. Imam 2006 B6 (iz Amerike, ali proizveden u Wolfsburgu, DE), Centralni displej (MFD) mi nekad kada je vrelo vrijeme (kao sada :-) ) izblijedi, pa se opet vrati na normalu. Je li moram mijenjati komplet klaster ili se moze samo displey zamjeniti ili mozda servisirati? Puno hvala i jos jednom svaka cast na videima..
Mozes naci drugi cluster polavan jako jeftino i samo bocnes. Postoji mognost kupovine novog ekrana na aliexpress ali je cena oko 60$ koliko se sećam.Verovatno imas mali mfa,mozes uzeti veliki ekran bez prepravka.
@@ultrawebteam Ne bih ja nista da upgrade-ujem, vec samo isti ovakav da ugradim.. .spominjete novi ekran na aliexpress (da li imate link?) - pa bolje mi je $60 dati samo za ekran jer mi u BIH traze 250KM za citav klaster. Je li mislite da li bi uz zamjenu samo ekrana trebalo reprogramirati klaster, kljuceve ili slicno? PUNO HVALA!!!
@@sonnysanelhalilbegovic1237 ne treba nista da se programira
a da li imate link za ovaj display koji spominjete sa aliexpressa ili bar part number.. Zivio!!
hello Stefan, i have change the instrument cluster on my VW Eos 2008 to black and white, but the engine doesn't started it shows me ''immobilizer active'' please tell me how to fix this problem with obd eleven
best regards
You need special tools to coding key,eos like golf need immo in cluster.Obd eleven not help.Avdi,Xtols ...
@@ultrawebteam you mean OBDeleven can not coding the key 🔑🥺?
@@ultrawebteam tell me please if change the instrument and the key pulled from same car then install it on my car is it will work without coding?
Hi Stefan, is possible to change cluster to coloraturas 2D/3D, in my 2009 Passat - where I have BW cluster? Also, If I want to change my actual steering wheel without multifunction, to wheel with multifunction from Passat b7, there are some else needs for this type of cluster and SWCM? And is change the wiper stalker are also needed if I put the new steering wheel (the old stalker will have the steering buttons for menu).
If you have b/w cluster you can put 2D/3D no problem plug and play. About sterring wheel you need change modul.Stalker wiper you can chnage but not neseser,you can diseble in coding button for MFA.
Hello, I have installed a new type of gisterge panel in my 2005 caddy vehicle like this, but a lot of warnings and lights are on
asr brake etc. gives warnings
Have you encountered such a problem
Thank you
What parts nummber of cluster you put in Caddy?
thank you for answering
2K0920875EX product tactical used in higher models
@@AlpCebi i just work whit passat cluster
@@ultrawebteam Are you alive problems?
Bok Stefane. Ovako imam Passata B6 2005. godište i neki dan mi je crkla instrument tabla u njemu pa bih sad ako je moguće hio nadograditi na noviju tablu kao što si ti stavio u svog. Sad me zanima... pošto kada sam otišao na link u opisu tvog videa vidim da koliko mi se čini da ti prodaješ te novije table sa plavim kazaljkama... Pa ako mi možeš reći da li bi imao problema ako ubacim noviju tablu u njega ili je samo plug & play. Vidio sam da dosta ljudi govori kako je samo plug & play pa ako je tako onda bi možda uzeo tablu i adapter za nju od tebe (Naravno ako to ti prodaješ). Unaprijed ti hvala na odgovoru.
Prodajem, javi mi se na instagram @stefan.babic da se dogovorimo.
Hi . Im from malaysia . How i can get the cluster meter for my passat b6 2.0 fsi ?
In Malaysia i dont know.
@ did u have ebay ? I can buy at your store in ebay
@@abeyameer9264 yes but i can just send tu Europe.
@ ohh , okay nevermind , thank you so much 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Pozdrav znaci potreban je samo taj adapter da sve funkcjonira,i onda programirat kilometrazu?
I druga plastika oko km sata pošto stara ne odgovara
Fantastic work
Price of this cluster friend?
100e - 150e
@@ultrawebteam thanks
What is the name of the yellow ODB reader that you change the kilometers with. And what model number does it have?
Thank you very much
Obdstar x300m
@@ultrawebteam Hello,
Where did you buy it? And have you updated it on the OBDSTAR website?
@@Rudolf.Taylor direct in obdstar website i never use update but have 1years free.
Treba li da se skida klema ili da se kodira ocu da skinem moj sat samo da ga ocistim
Otkaci klemu za svaki slučaj, ne treba kodiranje.
@@ultrawebteam ok hvala
Svaka cast, koliko je kostala ta investicija ako nije tajna? Pozdrav
Sve zavisi kako naletis na delove
Hello, i hawe one question
I change cluster old to new passat b6, all is good, cluster has work, but i can't connect to wcds diagnostic, is fault controler not respoding.. Cluster code is 3c0920871TWhat is a problem? Old gateway? Or what? Thank you :)
You need new gateway install A, B and C not support new cluster. All different Support 3C0....
Pozdrav Stefane, isto ovo želim u svom passatu b6 1.9tdi 77kw 2006g.Jel samo trebam uzeti ovakav sat, dal se mora kodirati npr. Kao u audi a4 b6 kad mjenjaš sat mora i kod jer neće da upali poslje.Hvala na odgovoru, video extra 👍👋
Ne moras kodirati auto ce upaliti,ako zelis javi mi se na instagram imam sve na prodaju sto ti je potrebno. @stefan.babic
@@ultrawebteam ceta.97 evo lakše je vama 👍
Ne mogu te naci javi se meni @stefan.babic
Hi Stefan! Maybe you can help me. I have a 2006 passat b6 with a red dashboard and I also decided to install a white dashboard from B7 3AA920870A (420 software) also bought a gateway 3C0 907 530 Q (reprogrammed it through the list of equipment). I installed it, everything was fine, but the next morning I couldn't start the car because the battery ran out. I recharged the battery, but the next morning the situation repeated. What could be the matter? I will be glad if you answer me. Thanks
Make auto scan whit vcds and see gateway list ist good coding or not.
@@ultrawebteam In long coding, I didn't change anything. only through the list of equipment all those blocks that were on the old gate are marked. I think it's because of the radio. since when you open the car there is no cd-rom sound, as if the radio does not fall asleep. radio rns mfd2+dvd
Does work on color display?
Hello 2005 2.0 tdi tool, what is the gateway code should I change?
Except A, B, C all. 3C0907570*
Poz imas li mozda pinout za taj noviji sat sa plavim konektorom hocu da sam napravim adapter?
Imam javi se na insta @stefan.babic
why do i need the small box controller?
@@ultrawebteamat 9:07 there is a box with a 12 S sticker on it, will i need that as well? i'm upgrading from the blue and red b6 to the one in the video, but im wondering if it supports the needle sweep on startup
@@Balto1357 needel swap must be coding in cluster.Just 3C8 (CC) have stock aktiv.3C0 or 3AA cluster must self aktiv.
@@ultrawebteam aye, I have 3CO I tried using a tool called OBDeleven. It shows the option named "needle celebration" and one for "staging" when I select either of those I'm getting function unavailable
anyways, do you have any recommendation for a tool that would allow me to activate the needle sweep? also thanks ^^
Ćao drug, htjeo bi isto to da uradim i na svom passatu, da li je potrebno neko dodatno kodiranje osim kilometraže, mislim na immo i slično?
Nije potrebno.
Hvala na odgovoru! @@ultrawebteam
Drug, gdje bi mogli da se čujemo, treba mi par informacija?
bravo brate
Brate moj da li bi ovaj kilometar sat pasao na moj B6 2005 godiste I gdje nadjes dijelove i da li se mogu ubaciti komande u volanu ? Hvala unaprijed
Sve moze pisi na instagram @stefan.babic
@@ultrawebteam ok
Poštovani, klipovi i uputstva i sav rad Vam je na zavidnom nivou. Zamolio bih samo jednu informaciju trenutno u passatu b6 imam sat 3CO 920 852 S htio bih ubaciti ovaj sat bijeli, pitanje je podržavali kod mene i ima li odredžena serija satova koje treba potražiti. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru
Bilo koji sat mozes ubaciti 3C0,3C8 ili 3AA. 3C0 i 3C8 do 2011 imaces sve opcije na ostale fali Komfort menu samo.
@@ultrawebteam znaci oznaka 3C0 ili 3C8 radi sve ostale bez komfor menu. Hvala još jednom na odgovoru
@@ajlingrcic2199 3C0 radi sve, 3C8 do 2011 radi sve 3C8 posle 2011 i 3AA fali Komfort menu.
Poštovani, pitanje sat koji je bio na vozilu koje ima Dsg mijenjac može li na vozilo koje ima manual transimisiju i treba li se nešta kodirati!? Unaprijed hvala
Ahoj Stefane,
U B6 není třeba párovat klíče ani řešit immo?
Plánuju udělat úplně to samé u svojí b6 to samé, mám stejnou GW, budíky, kabílek i nový kryt.
Po výměně tedy jen korektně dokódovat a nastavit Km?
Stejně tak chci vyměnit páčky za ty s ovládáním budíku a tempomatem.
Postup stejný, jen vyměnit páčky, plasty okolo a dokódovat?
Eng pls.
@@ultrawebteam Ok for some reason i thought you are Slovak :)
So the question is, do I have to care about IMMO in this case as I'm in completly same situation old B6 with the most basic cluster and i got the new white cluster as you have used, I also have the same GW.
So can i just swap the clsuter, dash trim and thats it?
Btw I dont have the MF steering wheel but guys online are telling me its not needed that the buttons/control on wiper will do the job. is that correct? I dont have any controls on the wiper as well as the car us super basic so i will have to buy that - plan is to buy the complete set with wiper MFI/MFI control buttons and cruise control.
Since i also have the most basic trim color which will not match the new trim i had already ordered vinyl wrap to cover whole interior to be matching.
You dont must care about immo, swap like me on video. Yes you can swap complet parts from mfi and this work good. Must have vcds to coding some staff. About gateway whit and A, B, C not support new cluster all anather support. If you need more info or some parts contact me on instagram @stefan.babic.
@@ultrawebteam I have the same gateway as you, ending E so it should work :)
So great, i will just swap it, code it and enjoy it :)
btw my B6 is the same color as yours, but mine is just the super poor edition, just the most, most, most basic setup. Great to hear that i can improve some things :)
@@ultrawebteam By any chance do you know if i can retofit the cruise control just swapping the indicators, changing the plastic and coding?
Hola Stefan tengo una duda e puesto un cuadro de un Passat b7 en un b6 y e perdido el modo confort ,la visualización de la radio,navegación en el fis y un par de botones del volante bueno uno por que el del tel y la estrella no funciona,que tendría que cambiar o hacer para que funcione?
Gateway, A ,B and C not support white cluster rest support 3C0 ....
Hay que reprogramar el módulo confort o solo es poner y listo?sale en un vídeo que cambias el cuadro y sale la foto de gateway
Me podría explicar que hay que hacer ?
@@ultrawebteam cambiando el gateway es suficiente?
@@ultrawebteam ?
Di si nabavio ovaj konektor za kilometar sat
Javi mi se na instagram, ja ih prodajem.
Ce misto erau trazintiile 😁
Hi! Is code 3C0920871T only for DSG? I have a passat b6, manual. It will work? Or can I look for another code? Thank you!
All code work for manuel and DSG
Pozdrav sa Slovenije. Vrlo dobar video, svaka čast. Imam jedno pitanje, imam jedan števec sa brojem 3CO920872B pa ne znam da li ga mogu ugraditi u moj passat b6, godina 2006?
@@ultrawebteam pozdrav majstore. Ugradio sam števec, jednak kao tvoj. A sada imam mnogo problema, ne dobijem ovaj plastik (blende) za armaturo. Treba mi plastika za števec, plastika sa dijesne strane pri suputniku i ova tanka koju muntiraš na video (14:00 minuta). Tražim preko ebay, aliexpres, poljska, engleska... ako nađem neku zaminjivu onda je poštarina skupa. Imaš kakvo rešenje? Ili so to jednake plastike koje ugrađaš kao na passat CC?
@@rmitja1986 imam ja par na prodaju javi mi se na instagram @stefan.babic
Hello Stefan, it is hard for me to find the speedometer trim cover at reasonable price. so do you have any suggestions for a website where I can buy the trimming set for a good price? Thanks in advance.
Wher are you from?
@@ultrawebteam Bulgaria
@@carspecs-net i found it at a local car trash (backyard)
Hi, what is name of reduction cable for that displey? Im from Slovakia.
36 to 32 pin vw
Hi Stefan, I want to ask how can i do millage correction ? Can it be done with VCDS ? Or do i need something else ?видео.html
You cant do whit vcds.
Okey thank you man. Another question I have a cluster red/blue with code 3C0 920 871 E and I fond white one with code 3C0 920 872 G can I fit it in my car without problems or do i need to find different code for my car ?
This fit good my friend.
@@ultrawebteam Okey i will try. Thanks man
Pozdrav dali je potrbno kodirati sat ili ga prilagoditi kljucu
Ne mora, passat nema immo lock u km sat.
I have this cluster and adapter for my mk5 r32 I plug it in and it all functions correctly only issue is that the mileage is wrong and the engine won’t start, where do I get that tool you used to code that stuff?
You need first chack did your abs support new cluster if support, immo off and in cluster put VIN Number from car.
Pozdrav može li audi b6 boja iz crvene da se prebaci ?Instrument tabla 2003 da bude u boji?
Nebi znao.
kako se zove ova adapter i gde mogu da ga nadjem u Srbiji,Hocu na Turana 2009 da stavim tablu od novog modela 2011,jel to izvodljivo?
Ja ga prodajem, moze ali mora immo i ključevi da se upisu u nov sat.
@@ultrawebteam jeste li u Srbiji?
@@luxshopbg jesam javi se na instagram @stefan.babic
Zdravo Stefan,zamijenio sam sat na pasatu kao i ti ali mi kad ukljucim bluetoth modul ostane na meniju telefona i ne mogu izaci iz njega,jel moram i novi volan i modul volana mjenjat da bi sve radilo.hvala lp
Koji Bluetooth modul imas?
Novero premium iz 2012 godine radi sve konektuje se dozvoli pozive i mediju
Salut de unde pot cumpara mufa acea .
Ich fah eine VW Passat 3C Variant ( bj 2006) und möchte gern auch den Umbau machen. Wie kann man das an besten machen?
Verkauf die auch diverse Produkte von den Umbau?
Wie lange dauert es sowas?
Kann man das auch selbst machen?
Ich verkaufen alles fur umbau.Kanns du selba um tauchen wann has du alles.
@@ultrawebteam,dann würde man alles bekommen bei ihren?
Man benötigt ca. Blende, Tacho,und noch eine Adapter für den Umbau?
Mit was für Kosten muß ich rechnen?
Hello Stefan my name is Johnny. I am from UK. Two weeks ago I change my instrument clusters on my Passat B6 2006 with an black and white instrument clusters from Passat CC 2010. From then I have two issue that I don't manage to solve them; first is the mileage that I can't change it with my VCDS interface (I don't have a genuine interface), and the second is with the fuel gauge (don't indicate the fuel level from the tank). I can't get rid of the fault code (in the INSTRUMENTS module) from the fuel level sensor inside the tank. Can you please help me with some advice how to solve the problem with the fuel gauge because with the first issue I understand, from what I read here, that I need to have a different interface to be able to change the mileage. The new instrument clusters code is 3C0 920 972 J and CAN GATWAY code is 3C0 907 530 Q. Best regards, Johnny!
Can you Text me on instagram @stefan.babic.
For milage you need special device, vcds can just change if cluster in 0. You dont need genius licence. About fuel did your car have 4motion?
@@ultrawebteamHello Stefan, and I am sorry for later reply! I did manage to solve the issue with the fuel gauge; it was a problem with some pins from the cable adapter. And no, my car is not 4motion, I have a BMR engine, Sportline. I try'd retrofit more things to my car but the only issue that bothers me is with the CCS sistem that I try to retrofit two years ago and I didn't manage to get it work! I did all the steps right, even activate it in ECU module, but it still not working. I think the problem is from my ECU because after I activate it, nothing is change in the ECU module, and on MFD display it show me an exclamation sign in front of CCS symbol. I try activate it and deactivated many times and still nothing! And thank you for the information for changing the milage! I am sorry, I don't have Instagram! Best regards, Johnny!
@@ionutpredoaica3127 did you take one wire form ecu to ccs?
@@ultrawebteam Yes of course; pin 16 from SCCM to pin 20 from ECU, for my car!
Odgovara li za pasata 6 2005 1.9. Kod mene je onaj obicni sat, nemam ni potrosnju goriva na njemu
Moze da se uradi nije problem. Sve je isto kao na video.
hello... may car (passat b6 sedam 2005) have the red and blue cluster and getaway 3C0907530A. I have bought the getaway 3C0907530Q and ia will by the cluster 3AA920881A. will this work ok? will i have any problem with fuel tank sender? tks..
All work normal just if you buy 3AA i lost comfor menu (coming home, leaving home..).
@@ultrawebteam must be 3C8 920 880 to have all working?
@@freemindmind9310 3C0 or 3C8 but this coming home not so importen.
@@ultrawebteam sorry just more 2 questions... are you sore i will lose comfor menu whit the the cluster (3d) 3AA920881A? tha cluster is from a passat PASSAT highline (362) 2.0 TDI 2014. And can mileage correction be done by Obdstar x300m on this cluster? thanks...
@@freemindmind9310 yes im sure about you lost comfortmenu, and i think you can change milage whit obdstar.
Hello. I have a 2008 B6 R36 with the red cluster and would like to change to white cluster. Could you assist please? Is there an email I can contact?
I have no problem buying ALL parts through you. I have access to VCDS.
Brate uradio sam sve kao ti na videu, al se meni na dijagnostici ne ocitava instrumental tablu probo sa star x300 kao ti ne mogu doc do toga da upisem kilometrazu sat radi i sve al se ne spaja na dijagnostiku. Lp
Koji je gateway u autu?
@@ultrawebteam kako cu vidit to prijatelju moj ja sam samo stavio sat i tjto. Jel se nalazi ispod dole treba plastike skidati i to ili se moze bez toga vidit koji je. Lp i hvala ti
@@ImEkeeee imas vcds?
VW Passat 1.9 TDI onaj sa pola displya najprostiji. Da li moze na taj model? 2005 godiste
Moze naravno.
@@ultrawebteam Hvala na odgovoru. Zivis u Austriji u Becu?
@@markowolf9540 Innsbruck
@@ultrawebteam pozdrav, gdje mogu da kupim adapter ovaj Jel on dolazi uz svaki sat na passatu 7 ili se kupuje posebno
@@munibhodzic7406 kupuje se posebnio javi mi se na instagram ja prodajem stefan.babic
Dobry A jak mam manual to muszę zmienić sterownik licznika
Pozdrav, dal paše 3C0920871T na 3C0 Passata, 2006-a.
Gdje živiš Stefane?
Javi se na instagram
Where do you get the adapter cable from?
Wher are you from?
@@ultrawebteam Sweden
I was thinking about replacing my Can Bus gateway with a newer one since I get a battery drain when I installed a upgrade stereo. I have a B6 2006 and I guess it would be the best to do, but then I also guess I need to reprogram stuff in it
@@bengtgronlund9447 yes its good why to fix, you need vcds to coding new gateway.
@@ultrawebteam I have a 2.0 FSI Bensin. Can I use a CAN Bus gw from a diesel for example?
Jak zmienić przebieg na taki jaki był na starym liczniku ?
You need special tools. Xtools,vvdi,obdstar....
Hallo kann ich dass an meine Touran machen 2.0 tdi 2003 wenn ja, was brauche ich
ich weiß nicht
Super si
Колико искошта конверзија?
Sa ili bez delova?
@@Serbozoid samo delovi.
A koliko ti je ugradnja i da se ubaci i volan iz b7 ili golf 6 sa tiptronic shifterima i sve da radi za dsg menjac jel moze? I pitanje da li novi bord kad se ubaci ovaj crno beli prikazuje sve funkcije, jel mu pokazuje recimo i digitalni brzinomer?
@@Serbozoid Moze sve da se ukodira nije problem,javi mi se na instagram @stefan.babic