It's curious, but for us (I'm Portuguese, not Spanish, btw) hugging is much more intimate that kissing*. You may kiss* a stranger you're being introduced to - nut you only hug very close friends and family! And you don't kiss strangers on a professional/formal setting. Kissing strangers only happens in informal social settings, when being introduced. * Usually, you don't actually kiss, the lips seldom touch the other person's cheek; you just touch cheeks and do the kissing sound, as if you were actually kissing.
We wear stockings because we usually have to walk a lot more than in the USA, so stockings are more comfortable. I feel that's the reason. Also for many of us it sucks wearing high heels without stockings lol
Pantyhose or tights as they’re called in the UK are pretty common in Europe. On averages Europeans dress better and take more pride in their appearance than Americans. When I went to the USA, I was shocked by some of the fashion choices.
American fashion is certainly there but the main problem is that with how expensive things have become it is just impractical to wear designer or even higher end clothes. Nice clothes are for nice occasions, not just to wear to work or to go to walmart of all places. Besides, it probably starts from childhood as we dress kids in very inexpensive and durable clothing because they would otherwise just thrash them with how hard they like to play. My mom once bought me a nice pair of jeans and i ripped through them a week later running in the bushes.
Como española veo estos videos y no me extraña que la gente venga con estereotipos aprendidos...🤦🏻♀️ Nadie come cerdo para expulsar a los musulmanes por favor!!! Y menos en la edad media en la reconquista😂 y caminamos rápido también por supuesto
Those are not co-ed bathrooms. Those are two separate toilets (men & women) sharing a sink, probably because of lack of space. The sink are is "common", but the toilet area is definitely separate.
Qué falta de consideración de la gente en España. Mira que tomar el metro en hora punta y ocupar los asientos vacíos sin reparar en que le moleste a una yankee con serios problemas de comprensión cívica.
Los yankis viven en los mundos de yupi, en el que son el ombligo del mundo. He visto una que dice que a los españoles nos dan el dni en el acto y que porque a ella no??? Lo dicho, se creen con derecho a todo y no entienden que este no es su país
Ahhh, you are so cute! Thank you for sharing your experience in Spain. I am about to study abroad for the summer, and I was unsure what to expect. You've inspired me to keep notes about my experiences there!
In Spain we use to say: del cerdo me gustan hasta los andares!! Is similar as James Taylor sang: there’s something in the way she moves!! Hahaha!! Good video!!
Moving from London to Paris it was a huge shock with personal space - In Paris they will sit next to you with everything touching but in London that is far from normal
About this, it's not the same in Spain, like we stand Closer when talking and physical contact it's not that Big of a deal when you are meeting someone or talking to someone known but, we never, i repeat never, sit in someone's else table or sit Next to someone we don't know outside bus/metro (here you don't have much of an option, seats are really close together), that i only Saw It in Paris...that is shocking
I was just about to say a lot of what she said reminds me of Paris. I’m like why are people moving so close to me in line, I’ll be moving back to give them space and they move closer lol
claro... desayuno ligero, almuerzo a mediodia 11 o 12 a.m. ( que no es la comida principal) es algo como tapas o una fruta, algunos un bocadillo. La comida que es la mas pesada del dia a las 2 p.m hasta las 3 y a las 5 o 6 pm merienda que es un bocadillo, sandwich... algo suave... y la cena a las 9 o las 10... si vas de fiesta mas tarde incluso... Ha veces de fiesta cuando son las 3 de la mañana o las 4, la gente sale de la discoteca come algo y vuelve... se hacen de oro esos negocios.
The problem with eye contact is as follows: if you deny the other person's the "right" to look into you eyes you are likely to be untrue. We look into each others eyes because we are avoiding being found untrue and possible liars.
Totalmente de acuerdo... también hay otras culturas en las que mirar directo resulta insultante o invasión brusca de tu intimidad...En la nuestra nos gusta ser directos y lo consideramos un signo de franqueza...lo curioso es que para muchos animales(entre ellos los primates)es un signo de reto y genera conflictos .... Sólo son distintas maneras culturales de interpretar las cosas... la interpretación de gestos,es cómo todos los idiomas,todos distintos y ninguno mejor que otro
@DiotimaMantinea1 No, se aprende desde la educación más elemental de toda la vida que el que evade la mirada durante una conversación es porque oculta algo, como si quisiese "esconderse". Es probable que no esté siendo honesto/sincero contigo si evita mirarte a los ojos, si no has escuchado algo semejante en tu vida, no te has criado en España. Mirar a los ojos es lo más común si no estás mintiendo y quieres transmitir confianza a la otra persona, al menos aquí. Las miradas lascivas o confrontativas son otra cosa pero se entiende que un extranjero con poca o nula cultura de la comunicación no-verbal, donde les enseñan desde la infancia que mirar a los ojos es desafiante y de mala educación, no sepan apreciar estas diferencias. Extraer conclusiones sobre el uso de la comunicación no-verbal en el reino animal no explica con justicia estas diferencias sociológicas. Algunos jóvenes españoles ya no miran a los ojos, eso es verdad, les da ansiedad estar en público, pero este perfil es de gente que vive demasiado tiempo en las redes sociales y hablan más en texto que de frente y poniendo la cara.
I'm from NEW YORK and there is not personal space on the subway, we are basically, like fish in cans. sidewalks are so crowded that people are pushing all the time. I agree with the other points.😁
About the eating times here in Spain, it's not only "eating" times, but "living" times, because our timezone is *WRONG* since 1941 as we should have Britain's UTC/GMT+0 instead of Central Europe UTC/GMT+1. Besides, during summer one additional hour is added so in the end, we have *2 HOURS* of displacement with the real solar time. That's why we have lunch at 14h instead of noon, we use to have dinner at 21-22h instead of 19-20h like other countries. In fact our lives go with the sun exactly like evey other human being. A related topic is that the country "seems to stop" for a couple of hours after lunch because in summer it's really *TOO HOT* to work because we reach 39-40ºC (102-104ºF). That doesn't mean that Spaniards are lazy at all, it's something that also happens in the Middle East. Small shops usually have split time and are closed 3 hours (1 for lunch and a couple more for resting, some people take a nap "siesta", but most DO NOT, it's a false stereotype) and reopen later from 17h until 20h. However office workers don't stop at all, start at 9 AM and use to finish at 6 PM (that is, 8 working hours + 1 lunch hour ). Also big Department Stores have enough logistics to handle 2 shifts and are open twelve hours from 10h to 22h at night.
I don't think Spanish love for pork has to do with Muslims. Also important to note that the Muslims were invaders and occupiers of Spain. They were not native, so there was nothing dark about them leaving.
Cuando los musulmanes estuvieron en la península (700 años!) España no existía como tal. Fueron tan invasores como los romanos, los celtas, los fenicios, los iberos, o cualquier otro pueblo que pasó por aquí
@@bre_me So we're all. Half of the heritage of a Spaniard is from roman invaders, the other half from arab invaders. Very few genetic traces of the gauls and other prerromanic invaders. Everyone who lives anywhere descends from people who invaded that land when it was already inhabited by someone else - who was an invader, also.
Europeans in general, and spaniards in particular, rarely eat meat well done. We usually consider that to be overcooked. We actually call a well done beef a "shoe sole".
@@TaylorFaye A Spaniard here. I went to Argentina (you know, the Beef Country) and every time I ordered a burger rare they gave me the looks and brought it well done anyway.
@@TaylorFayeIn Deutschland essen wir sogar rohes gewürztes Hackfleisch auf Brötchen. Ich nicht, mich Ekel jedes Fleisch, weil ich seit viele Jahren vegan lebe.
Omg. So happy to have found your channel and you're from Louisiana too! I literally let out a happy shriek. Grew up on the westbank but from cajun country. I hit that subscribe.
Every culture has three (sometimes only two, but that's rare) distances of communication, one for complete strangers, one for friends and acquitances and one for lovers, family and extremely close friends. The only thing that changes is the measurament in metres or inches. American > Spanish > Japanese, for example. Americans talk to strangers from five yards away, friends no closer than five feet and they will stand close only to partners and relatives - and not too close: public displays of affection are frowned upon. Spaniards talk to strangers at 1,5m, friends at 1m or less and literal rubbing shoulders is normal for everyone that it's not just an acquitance or workmate. This is important to know, because if a Spaniard wants to befriend you, they will unconsciously approach to you in order to talk to you at "friendship distance", since speaking from to far away to a friend feels weird. If you think that they are too close and you step back to regain what you think is "friendship distance" you are sending an unequivocal vibe of "stay away from me". Then, after two years in here you will be complaining "making Spanish friends is so hard!". 😉
These are really good!! I appreciate you getting into ones that a hundred others haven’t said. Like the staring, I visited France, and Spain and I think that might be a european thing ..the American in me wanted to square up everytime and I had to remind myself to breathe so I would just stare back until they looked away lmao
Cuando dejaréis de creeros el ombligo del mundo? En vídeos como este demostráis vuestra profunda incultura e incapacidad de razonamiento. Y con tu comentario no haces más que reafirmarlo
Very interesting video. The love for the pig goes back a long time, even from the time of the Romans. In fact, when the local population converted to Islam, many couldn't stop eating pork even though it was prohibited. There are writings in which it was said there were times when Al Andalus was very relaxed and permissive and they ate pork and especially alcohol, as shown by the many poems dedicated to wine in these times. It's true that when the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity, they had to prove that their conversion was real so they'd hang chorizo and sausages on their doors, including pork in their recipes (the famous "cocido" and "lentejas") and even cleaning the meat of pig in public. Those were dark times that are thankfully long gone, but pig love is totally a long-ago cultural thing lol. Hope you enjoy your stay in Spain : )
I myself was in a huge biggest culture shock of my life. when I came to Spain this year. I was walking across the streets in Valencia at 2 pm . Almost every office banks shops are closed. I was like ooh really 😂. Coming from Mexico City were is open till late night. I first saw it in France at 3 pm is closed. I felt wow ooh Europe. While the north of Europe is a different system. Yeah I agree the public space here is something else. They told me that dinner is at 9 10 pm at night. Was another shock. Coming from a country where people are very open to me. I speaks Spanish so yeah was a bonus. Oboy o oboy. I asked when I was in Sevilla that everybody in this city smokes cigarettes? Anyways ce la vida. I was racially abused in Valencia many times. But I don't really care about racism xenofobia tribalism because is everywhere in the world. But the people are very nice people in España.I am a big football ⚽ fan so I am playing football with the kids and it's the most wonderful experience. Big difference between America's and Europe..
Many of Your cultural shocks, is unfortunately your lack of travel outside of USA, about pork consumption, maybe you don't want go to Germany, is bigger there, Poland, France, Italy and the prosciutto (jamon serrano in Spain)Hungary, why????, for centuries was the cheapest meat everyone can afford, not because be opposite for the moors or Arabs, please take the opportunity to be un a country with 2000 more years of civilization
Glad to see you still thriving and enjoying your new home 🙏🏾 We have to shoot you a new intro maybe I’ll put spain on my bucket list for trips this upcoming year 😇🎥💪🏾🔥
Nice one. I live 10 years in Southern Spain and can agree with pretty much all of it. I only find that the guys here in the South ARE very push forward and will aproach you easily. Plus here there are seperate toilets pretty much everywhere, so curious that it is different in Madrid. Hope you are still enjoying it there 😊
wow, first thing that came to mind when you talked about the slow walking/taking time but idk if you've seen the movie "Eat Pray Love" but they touch on the topic of "doing nothing" and taking their time. "Dolce far niente" -sweetness of doing nothing. good movie 😇💫
Really nice video, I kow I reply very very late but I hope you still like Spain after a year and are enjoying it here I've been told when I studied abroad that we're very "touchy", part of our conversation is conveyed a lot with our hands and arms (less than italians though) when talking and together with not being as concious of personal space we tend to touch other people's shoulders, arms, hugging, the famous two kisses on the cheeks, etc. I've been told it makes people uncomfortable Also the pork story is not how I leant it, but it's like the chiken and the egg, who came first?. As far as I know Spain has always been keen on pork, rabbit and beef because they're indigenous, like Romans (Spain has deep Roman history) we always enjoyed them (wine too), but after the Muslim invasion and ocupation seeing who ate or didn't eat pork was a good indication of which ones were Muslim/pro Muslim and who weren't during the Reconquista
Wow girl, has been already a month???? Time flys so fast!!! Anyway, not only Spain is like that, few European countries, including Italy (except for traffic, traffic here is so fast) but the rest is pretty much the same….and about the pork being si popular here in Europe, the story you heard of, is 100% correct
Hola! Insecto de amor ❤️🐞!! Thank you for sharing other aspects of Spain Taylor. Happy Halloween Beautiful 🔥😘🍂🧡🖤! The month flew by lol. I see and hear how humble it is lol. In Spain it's nonchalant ❤️❤️. Have a great week!
Eye contact means trust. It would be suspicious if you would avoid eye contact. This would mean that you would have something to hide. Be careful if somebody enters a room and would avoid eye contact.
Pero¿ de que país hablas? ¿que la mayoría de los restaurantes no están abiertos por la mañana en España? Será en tu barrio o es el traductor de Google que es muy especial. Lo de caminar" estúpidamente lento", ¿no será que camináis ¿estúpidamente rápido?, aquí si tienes prisa caminas rápido y si no tienes prisa, pues andas tranquilo, paseando y disfrutando del paseo. ¡ Cuanto estrés!
Love this kind of culture say from a spaniard: breakfast,nailed but; around 11/12 we have some food (tapa or small ration) and then is when is normal to drink beer ot wine...and spirits are later, after lunch if you are not a frat boy..(shots for breakfast its not a good thing even here); another thing about the pork, agree 100%, but it was not introduced to get rid of muslims instead was to probe anyone was no longer muslim (only cristians could stay...and not everyone was).....and the slow service in restaurants...the main diference with U.S. would be that the tips are shared (service,kitchen sometimes even the owner has a part) so the waiters are not so interested in work faster or better than their partners. Un saludo, que sigas disfrutando de españa...te sugiero que conozcas granada, cantabria y galicia y descubras lo diverso que puede ser este pais.
Americans do enjoy eating out the way we do it’s OUR culture. I don’t want to sit around 4 hours in a restaurant. Their culture suits them plus we have more modern homes to go back to big backyards
The eyes language is very important in Spain. Yes. spanish look direct to eyes for follow. Because in spanish language one phrase double or thereefold meaning... love or hate... similar phrase... the eyes also follow... greetings sweet honey woman.
The two kisses on the cheek are a French heritage. Since the 18th century, when the Spanish monarchy was occupied by a French family (Bourbons), many of their customs began to be imitated in Spain.
Girl, you lost me at personal space. Most of the other countries outside of the US don’t have a lot of space. And they have very similar ratios on population. You don’t get space when you go to Europe usually… Either your bougie and buy a very nice piece of land and get that Apartment.
Interesting! Next time you can try in spanish, what about a vídeo telling things you like and things you dont spanish?? 😂😂 I follow you if you make it
Woman, wherever you go, THEY GON STARE AT YOU!!!! Lol!!! I BET YOU SOMETIMES STARE AT YOU!!!! Lmao!!!! You’re gorgeous!!!!! Leave that pork alone though, it’s cool for them but not for you. Shalom Sis
It sounds like there is less fear of each other in Spain. Kinda surprising being they had a bloody civil war not too long ago. In America, too much eye contact between guys is often a threat or a challenge. In America, I view people being too close to me, unless we’re in a subway, as a threat.
You obviously miss New Orleans a lot (hence the worrying lack of enthusiasm and the growing inner unrest - the “well-made burger” thing is definitely your “red flag”). There are ways (the supremacist and snobbish one, full of prejudices) and ways (the humble and full of surprise, for example) of putting these cultural differences into words… and, frankly, if after a month you still haven’t “mentally landed” in your new host country and haven’t dared to check if all your clichés about “the black legend of Spain” are true; maybe it’s time to start thinking about going back to your beautiful and paradisiacal New Orleans (… full of mosquitoes and swamps that you should never have left). “You know”, nobody is perfect!… the “Exit” is over there. (#There are people who are not mentally prepared to travel; their education has made them positively "square." It's like trying to make a Nazi feel comfortable on a safari in Botswana without trying to hunt down any "bushmen."#)
“Late night snacks”. As an American myself, even I find it crazy and I generally eat late. Half the time too late but still late. For me 9pm is early for dinner but that’s late for an average American
It's curious, but for us (I'm Portuguese, not Spanish, btw) hugging is much more intimate that kissing*.
You may kiss* a stranger you're being introduced to - nut you only hug very close friends and family!
And you don't kiss strangers on a professional/formal setting. Kissing strangers only happens in informal social settings, when being introduced.
* Usually, you don't actually kiss, the lips seldom touch the other person's cheek; you just touch cheeks and do the kissing sound, as if you were actually kissing.
We wear stockings because we usually have to walk a lot more than in the USA, so stockings are more comfortable. I feel that's the reason. Also for many of us it sucks wearing high heels without stockings lol
Plus your socks will stink at the end of the day rather than the shoes
Pantyhose or tights as they’re called in the UK are pretty common in Europe. On averages Europeans dress better and take more pride in their appearance than Americans. When I went to the USA, I was shocked by some of the fashion choices.
American fashion is certainly there but the main problem is that with how expensive things have become it is just impractical to wear designer or even higher end clothes. Nice clothes are for nice occasions, not just to wear to work or to go to walmart of all places. Besides, it probably starts from childhood as we dress kids in very inexpensive and durable clothing because they would otherwise just thrash them with how hard they like to play. My mom once bought me a nice pair of jeans and i ripped through them a week later running in the bushes.
also americans are exhausted and working like all of the time :/@@alexzander7386
Um people in the UK cannot dress…
@@alexzander7386no hace falta gastar mucho para vestir bien. Vestir bien no significa vestir caro. Zara, por ejemplo, tiene ropa bastante económica
Yeah we not dressed up for McDonalds
Como española veo estos videos y no me extraña que la gente venga con estereotipos aprendidos...🤦🏻♀️ Nadie come cerdo para expulsar a los musulmanes por favor!!! Y menos en la edad media en la reconquista😂 y caminamos rápido también por supuesto
Those are not co-ed bathrooms. Those are two separate toilets (men & women) sharing a sink, probably because of lack of space. The sink are is "common", but the toilet area is definitely separate.
Qué falta de consideración de la gente en España.
Mira que tomar el metro en hora punta y ocupar los asientos vacíos sin reparar en que le moleste a una yankee con serios problemas de comprensión cívica.
Tienes razón, somos de lo que no hay 😤. 😂
Los yankis viven en los mundos de yupi, en el que son el
ombligo del mundo. He visto una que dice que a los españoles nos dan el dni en el acto y que porque a ella no??? Lo dicho, se creen con derecho a todo y no entienden que este no es su país
Interesting "culture shocks". Sounds like Spaniards are stress free individuals.
Thanks for sharing your experience in Spain.
We are...
@@eduardomarin2783I love Gypsy Kings Viva Espana. Aloha from Hawaii Honolulu.
@@RobertRod818 suena al punto de vista de un extranjero a través de sus propios filtros, no la realidad de España
Don't beleive her. Those are HER stereotypes.
Ahhh, you are so cute! Thank you for sharing your experience in Spain. I am about to study abroad for the summer, and I was unsure what to expect. You've inspired me to keep notes about my experiences there!
This is interesting.. I’ve always wanted to go to Spain, it seems like a peaceful and pretty place. Glad you’re enjoying it & adjusting so far ❤️
Thank you❤
@@TaylorFayeI love you my sweet loving darling ❤ viva espana Aloha from Honolulu.
In Spain we use to say: del cerdo me gustan hasta los andares!! Is similar as James Taylor sang: there’s something in the way she moves!! Hahaha!! Good video!!
Moving from London to Paris it was a huge shock with personal space - In Paris they will sit next to you with everything touching but in London that is far from normal
About this, it's not the same in Spain, like we stand Closer when talking and physical contact it's not that Big of a deal when you are meeting someone or talking to someone known but, we never, i repeat never, sit in someone's else table or sit Next to someone we don't know outside bus/metro (here you don't have much of an option, seats are really close together), that i only Saw It in Paris...that is shocking
I was just about to say a lot of what she said reminds me of Paris. I’m like why are people moving so close to me in line, I’ll be moving back to give them space and they move closer lol
En realidad son 5 comidas, desayuno, almuerzo, comida, merienda y cena.
De verdad.
claro... desayuno ligero, almuerzo a mediodia 11 o 12 a.m. ( que no es la comida principal) es algo como tapas o una fruta, algunos un bocadillo. La comida que es la mas pesada del dia a las 2 p.m hasta las 3 y a las 5 o 6 pm merienda que es un bocadillo, sandwich... algo suave... y la cena a las 9 o las 10... si vas de fiesta mas tarde incluso... Ha veces de fiesta cuando son las 3 de la mañana o las 4, la gente sale de la discoteca come algo y vuelve... se hacen de oro esos negocios.
The problem with eye contact is as follows: if you deny the other person's the "right" to look into you eyes you are likely to be untrue. We look into each others eyes because we are avoiding being found untrue and possible liars.
The thing is that we are taugh since child to keep eye contact to show interest and honesty.
We haven an idiom: "Esa persona no mira de frente", so he is not honest.
Totalmente de acuerdo... también hay otras culturas en las que mirar directo resulta insultante o invasión brusca de tu intimidad...En la nuestra nos gusta ser directos y lo consideramos un signo de franqueza...lo curioso es que para muchos animales(entre ellos los primates)es un signo de reto y genera conflictos .... Sólo son distintas maneras culturales de interpretar las cosas... la interpretación de gestos,es cómo todos los idiomas,todos distintos y ninguno mejor que otro
@DiotimaMantinea1 Yes tards look to the floor instead.
@DiotimaMantinea1 No, se aprende desde la educación más elemental de toda la vida que el que evade la mirada durante una conversación es porque oculta algo, como si quisiese "esconderse". Es probable que no esté siendo honesto/sincero contigo si evita mirarte a los ojos, si no has escuchado algo semejante en tu vida, no te has criado en España. Mirar a los ojos es lo más común si no estás mintiendo y quieres transmitir confianza a la otra persona, al menos aquí. Las miradas lascivas o confrontativas son otra cosa pero se entiende que un extranjero con poca o nula cultura de la comunicación no-verbal, donde les enseñan desde la infancia que mirar a los ojos es desafiante y de mala educación, no sepan apreciar estas diferencias. Extraer conclusiones sobre el uso de la comunicación no-verbal en el reino animal no explica con justicia estas diferencias sociológicas. Algunos jóvenes españoles ya no miran a los ojos, eso es verdad, les da ansiedad estar en público, pero este perfil es de gente que vive demasiado tiempo en las redes sociales y hablan más en texto que de frente y poniendo la cara.
Comemos cerdo porque es un animal que lleva desde siempre aquí y además esta de muerte PUNTO.
Eso es una gran tontería, como celtas el Jabalí y ahora los cerdos,son auctotono de Europa
@@carmenboullosacorreo3919 ni caso, en unos años dirán que nos han descubierto 🤦🏻♀️🤣
This is my first video from this channel. She seems like a LOVELY young lady.
I'm from NEW YORK and there is not personal space on the subway, we are basically, like fish in cans. sidewalks are so crowded that people are pushing all the time.
I agree with the other points.😁
"Cured pork" maybe jamón, chorizo or salchichón? 🙂
Lovely video. Glad you are happy among us. Greetings from Madrid. And Happy New Year!
Y lomo
Well, if the metro is full and there's a seat next to you where do you expect the people to seat in order to respect your personal space ?
About the eating times here in Spain, it's not only "eating" times, but "living" times, because our timezone is *WRONG* since 1941 as we should have Britain's UTC/GMT+0 instead of Central Europe UTC/GMT+1. Besides, during summer one additional hour is added so in the end, we have *2 HOURS* of displacement with the real solar time. That's why we have lunch at 14h instead of noon, we use to have dinner at 21-22h instead of 19-20h like other countries. In fact our lives go with the sun exactly like evey other human being. A related topic is that the country "seems to stop" for a couple of hours after lunch because in summer it's really *TOO HOT* to work because we reach 39-40ºC (102-104ºF). That doesn't mean that Spaniards are lazy at all, it's something that also happens in the Middle East. Small shops usually have split time and are closed 3 hours (1 for lunch and a couple more for resting, some people take a nap "siesta", but most DO NOT, it's a false stereotype) and reopen later from 17h until 20h. However office workers don't stop at all, start at 9 AM and use to finish at 6 PM (that is, 8 working hours + 1 lunch hour ). Also big Department Stores have enough logistics to handle 2 shifts and are open twelve hours from 10h to 22h at night.
Many of these things are common all over Europe, except maybe the UK. They seem to be more similar culturally to Americans than other Europeans.
I don't think Spanish love for pork has to do with Muslims. Also important to note that the Muslims were invaders and occupiers of Spain. They were not native, so there was nothing dark about them leaving.
Cuando los musulmanes estuvieron en la península (700 años!) España no existía como tal. Fueron tan invasores como los romanos, los celtas, los fenicios, los iberos, o cualquier otro pueblo que pasó por aquí
Los musulmanes no invadieron España ya que no existía,invadieron la Península Ibérica en la que actualmente hay dos países que son Portugal y España
@@juanmovijuanmovi4143 Semantics. They were invaders and occupiers nonetheless.
@@bre_me So we're all. Half of the heritage of a Spaniard is from roman invaders, the other half from arab invaders. Very few genetic traces of the gauls and other prerromanic invaders. Everyone who lives anywhere descends from people who invaded that land when it was already inhabited by someone else - who was an invader, also.
@@rafarequeni822 That's not true. Spaniards have very little Arab genetics and culture. The only traces of Arabic are in names and some words.
Europeans in general, and spaniards in particular, rarely eat meat well done. We usually consider that to be overcooked. We actually call a well done beef a "shoe sole".
Wowwwww, I never knew that. Thank you for sharing!
@@TaylorFaye A Spaniard here. I went to Argentina (you know, the Beef Country) and every time I ordered a burger rare they gave me the looks and brought it well done anyway.
@@TaylorFayeIn Deutschland essen wir sogar rohes gewürztes Hackfleisch auf Brötchen. Ich nicht, mich Ekel jedes Fleisch, weil ich seit viele Jahren vegan lebe.
Omg. So happy to have found your channel and you're from Louisiana too! I literally let out a happy shriek. Grew up on the westbank but from cajun country. I hit that subscribe.
Every culture has three (sometimes only two, but that's rare) distances of communication, one for complete strangers, one for friends and acquitances and one for lovers, family and extremely close friends. The only thing that changes is the measurament in metres or inches. American > Spanish > Japanese, for example. Americans talk to strangers from five yards away, friends no closer than five feet and they will stand close only to partners and relatives - and not too close: public displays of affection are frowned upon. Spaniards talk to strangers at 1,5m, friends at 1m or less and literal rubbing shoulders is normal for everyone that it's not just an acquitance or workmate.
This is important to know, because if a Spaniard wants to befriend you, they will unconsciously approach to you in order to talk to you at "friendship distance", since speaking from to far away to a friend feels weird. If you think that they are too close and you step back to regain what you think is "friendship distance" you are sending an unequivocal vibe of "stay away from me". Then, after two years in here you will be complaining "making Spanish friends is so hard!". 😉
Es normal que aquí en españa te miren a los ojos y más con esos ojos tan bonitos.
About personal space, that's just baloney. Take the metro in NYC and tell me about personal space.
What time do they wake up if they eat so late? Very interesting
They wake up early, at normal hours. Work and school start at 8:30, 9
These are really good!! I appreciate you getting into ones that a hundred others haven’t said. Like the staring, I visited France, and Spain and I think that might be a european thing ..the American in me wanted to square up everytime and I had to remind myself to breathe so I would just stare back until they looked away lmao
Very informative
Congratulations on hitting the one month mark 👏👏👏👏😊😊😊😊
Thank you! 🫶🏽
@@TaylorFaye your welcome 😊😊😊
"Bien cocido" is well-done in Spanish. If you use preface with "muy" then, it is very well done. " Muy bien cocido
América tiene 35 países, es decir EEUU y 34 más. ¿Por qué siempre se apropian todo el continente como si fueran los únicos que estuvieran en él?
América es un solo continente no está separado....
Y en América del norte está está Canadá también... creo @@Joemomma666-b3e
@@ManuelFernandezCajide-hp1lqY México
Cuando dejaréis de creeros el ombligo del mundo? En vídeos como este demostráis vuestra profunda incultura e incapacidad de razonamiento. Y con tu comentario no haces más que reafirmarlo
@@Joemomma666-b3e Decir la verdad no es insultar. Madura tu, y de paso estudia geografía
Very interesting video. The love for the pig goes back a long time, even from the time of the Romans. In fact, when the local population converted to Islam, many couldn't stop eating pork even though it was prohibited. There are writings in which it was said there were times when Al Andalus was very relaxed and permissive and they ate pork and especially alcohol, as shown by the many poems dedicated to wine in these times. It's true that when the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity, they had to prove that their conversion was real so they'd hang chorizo and sausages on their doors, including pork in their recipes (the famous "cocido" and "lentejas") and even cleaning the meat of pig in public. Those were dark times that are thankfully long gone, but pig love is totally a long-ago cultural thing lol. Hope you enjoy your stay in Spain : )
Too little time in Spain to draw conclusions about the lifestyle of the Spanish.
Shut up
I myself was in a huge biggest culture shock of my life. when I came to Spain this year. I was walking across the streets in Valencia at 2 pm . Almost every office banks shops are closed. I was like ooh really 😂. Coming from Mexico City were is open till late night. I first saw it in France at 3 pm is closed. I felt wow ooh Europe. While the north of Europe is a different system.
Yeah I agree the public space here is something else. They told me that dinner is at 9 10 pm at night. Was another shock. Coming from a country where people are very open to me. I speaks Spanish so yeah was a bonus. Oboy o oboy. I asked when I was in Sevilla that everybody in this city smokes cigarettes? Anyways ce la vida. I was racially abused in Valencia many times. But I don't really care about racism xenofobia tribalism because is everywhere in the world. But the people are very nice people in España.I am a big football ⚽ fan so I am playing football with the kids and it's the most wonderful experience.
Big difference between America's and Europe..
Many of Your cultural shocks, is unfortunately your lack of travel outside of USA, about pork consumption, maybe you don't want go to Germany, is bigger there, Poland, France, Italy and the prosciutto (jamon serrano in Spain)Hungary, why????, for centuries was the cheapest meat everyone can afford, not because be opposite for the moors or Arabs, please take the opportunity to be un a country with 2000 more years of civilization
Glad to see you still thriving and enjoying your new home 🙏🏾 We have to shoot you a new intro maybe I’ll put spain on my bucket list for trips this upcoming year 😇🎥💪🏾🔥
Thank you and for sure! Let me know when you’re here haha
Nice one. I live 10 years in Southern Spain and can agree with pretty much all of it. I only find that the guys here in the South ARE very push forward and will aproach you easily. Plus here there are seperate toilets pretty much everywhere, so curious that it is different in Madrid. Hope you are still enjoying it there 😊
wow, first thing that came to mind when you talked about the slow walking/taking time but idk if you've seen the movie "Eat Pray Love" but they touch on the topic of "doing nothing" and taking their time. "Dolce far niente" -sweetness of doing nothing. good movie 😇💫
I’ll have to check it out, thank you! 💕
Really nice video, I kow I reply very very late but I hope you still like Spain after a year and are enjoying it here
I've been told when I studied abroad that we're very "touchy", part of our conversation is conveyed a lot with our hands and arms (less than italians though) when talking and together with not being as concious of personal space we tend to touch other people's shoulders, arms, hugging, the famous two kisses on the cheeks, etc. I've been told it makes people uncomfortable
Also the pork story is not how I leant it, but it's like the chiken and the egg, who came first?. As far as I know Spain has always been keen on pork, rabbit and beef because they're indigenous, like Romans (Spain has deep Roman history) we always enjoyed them (wine too), but after the Muslim invasion and ocupation seeing who ate or didn't eat pork was a good indication of which ones were Muslim/pro Muslim and who weren't during the Reconquista
So on point😄
Insightful commentary.
Wow girl, has been already a month???? Time flys so fast!!! Anyway, not only Spain is like that, few European countries, including Italy (except for traffic, traffic here is so fast) but the rest is pretty much the same….and about the pork being si popular here in Europe, the story you heard of, is 100% correct
No sé en qué lugar habrás meado tú...
Hola! Insecto de amor ❤️🐞!! Thank you for sharing other aspects of Spain Taylor. Happy Halloween Beautiful 🔥😘🍂🧡🖤! The month flew by lol. I see and hear how humble it is lol. In Spain it's nonchalant ❤️❤️. Have a great week!
Thanks so much my love, you too! ❤️
@@TaylorFaye You're more than welcome Honey, thanks as well 😘💞💞
Eye contact means trust.
It would be suspicious if you would avoid eye contact. This would mean that you would have something to hide.
Be careful if somebody enters a room and would avoid eye contact.
What are does? So you there for the future?
The European country that consumes the most pork is Denmark by a long way, followed by Spain and Poland. The most consumed meat in Europe is pork.
Pero¿ de que país hablas? ¿que la mayoría de los restaurantes no están abiertos por la mañana en España? Será en tu barrio o es el traductor de Google que es muy especial. Lo de caminar" estúpidamente lento", ¿no será que camináis ¿estúpidamente rápido?, aquí si tienes prisa caminas rápido y si no tienes prisa, pues andas tranquilo, paseando y disfrutando del paseo. ¡ Cuanto estrés!
Love this kind of culture say from a spaniard: breakfast,nailed but; around 11/12 we have some food (tapa or small ration) and then is when is normal to drink beer ot wine...and spirits are later, after lunch if you are not a frat boy..(shots for breakfast its not a good thing even here); another thing about the pork, agree 100%, but it was not introduced to get rid of muslims instead was to probe anyone was no longer muslim (only cristians could stay...and not everyone was).....and the slow service in restaurants...the main diference with U.S. would be that the tips are shared (service,kitchen sometimes even the owner has a part) so the waiters are not so interested in work faster or better than their partners. Un saludo, que sigas disfrutando de españa...te sugiero que conozcas granada, cantabria y galicia y descubras lo diverso que puede ser este pais.
Y en España, tienen un salario pagado por el empresario,en Estados Unidos, la mayoría ganan sólo mediante las propinas por eso son obligatorias 😂😂
When you are at bars you have to shout at bartenders for them to pay you attention 😂.
I know they love u in spain!!!
Americans do enjoy eating out the way we do it’s OUR culture. I don’t want to sit around 4 hours in a restaurant. Their culture suits them plus we have more modern homes to go back to big backyards
Happy Halloween, Taylor!
China also love to eat pork not only Spain . Plus most of the Asian countries eating pork.
So pretty 😍
Thank you! 💕
I’m young American and wear nylons I don’t like sweating in heels
The eyes language is very important in Spain. Yes. spanish look direct to eyes for follow. Because in spanish language one phrase double or thereefold meaning... love or hate... similar phrase... the eyes also follow... greetings sweet honey woman.
The two kisses on the cheek are a French heritage. Since the 18th century, when the Spanish monarchy was occupied by a French family (Bourbons), many of their customs began to be imitated in Spain.
Taylor so beautiful
Girl, you lost me at personal space. Most of the other countries outside of the US don’t have a lot of space. And they have very similar ratios on population. You don’t get space when you go to Europe usually… Either your bougie and buy a very nice piece of land and get that Apartment.
Interesting! Next time you can try in spanish, what about a vídeo telling things you like and things you dont spanish?? 😂😂 I follow you if you make it
En EE.UU no existen transportes públicos o al menos tú es evidente que no los frecuentas.
muy interesante conocer esto para los españoles. Gracias
Jamon, chorizo?
ok , single man coming to spain, so where are the Hot spots.. beaches, clubs , etc
Woman, wherever you go, THEY GON STARE AT YOU!!!! Lol!!! I BET YOU SOMETIMES STARE AT YOU!!!! Lmao!!!! You’re gorgeous!!!!! Leave that pork alone though, it’s cool for them but not for you. Shalom Sis
Thank you 🥺❤️❤️
Why isn't cedar meat good for her?
if you say it because of obesity, you should come to Spain. maybe he was in for a surprise.
@@albertomartin7576 I say that pork isn’t good for her because her God, The Most High God of Israel says for His people to not even touch pork.
@@lionpreyproductions6529 ok ok...
@@albertomartin7576 more than likely she’s an Israelite according to The Bible
It sounds like there is less fear of each other in Spain. Kinda surprising being they had a bloody civil war not too long ago.
In America, too much eye contact between guys is often a threat or a challenge.
In America, I view people being too close to me, unless we’re in a subway, as a threat.
In US you don't walk
You obviously miss New Orleans a lot (hence the worrying lack of enthusiasm and the growing inner unrest - the “well-made burger” thing is definitely your “red flag”). There are ways (the supremacist and snobbish one, full of prejudices) and ways (the humble and full of surprise, for example) of putting these cultural differences into words… and, frankly, if after a month you still haven’t “mentally landed” in your new host country and haven’t dared to check if all your clichés about “the black legend of Spain” are true; maybe it’s time to start thinking about going back to your beautiful and paradisiacal New Orleans (… full of mosquitoes and swamps that you should never have left). “You know”, nobody is perfect!… the “Exit” is over there. (#There are people who are not mentally prepared to travel; their education has made them positively "square." It's like trying to make a Nazi feel comfortable on a safari in Botswana without trying to hunt down any "bushmen."#)
Weird? Us? 😅
They smoke to many cigarettes out there,they will kill u with second hand smoke shit was annoying
Maybe they think : look at those realy rediculous eye lashes
So when Americans eat at 6 p.m., they call it “dinner...”
And what is it called everything they eat after that until they go to bed?
“Late night snacks”. As an American myself, even I find it crazy and I generally eat late. Half the time too late but still late. For me 9pm is early for dinner but that’s late for an average American