Conan the Barbarian is a very special movie for me ever since I was a little kid. It was my introduction to Arnold and it's still my favorite move of his. A very close second is Terminator 2. Sandahl Bergman was my first celebrity crush and she was fantastic as Valeria. Gerry Lopez was great as Subutai. Makoto Iwamatsu was excellent as the wizard Akiro. Conan would not have gotten far without his friends and that's something worth remembering. James Earl Jones as Thulsa Doom was the premier performance. I love a villain that can captivate the audience with a great line. The power in his voice alone lends itself to the idea that there's magic manipulating the listener which ties in perfectly with his character the shape-shifting, death and snake cult leader Thulsa Doom! I just wanted to say that it's been a lot of fun revisiting Arnold movies and I've worked through what I consider to be the best of his discography so we're going to be taking a break from Arnold. We're still going to be doing revisits as I'm enjoying the series week to week. I'll keep it a surprise for now but let's just say you know the actor that I'm going to be focusing on next if you know anything about movies. As always thanks for watching!
Conan the Barbarian is a very special movie for me ever since I was a little kid. It was my introduction to Arnold and it's still my favorite move of his.
A very close second is Terminator 2. Sandahl Bergman was my first celebrity crush and she was fantastic as Valeria. Gerry Lopez was great as Subutai. Makoto Iwamatsu
was excellent as the wizard Akiro. Conan would not have gotten far without his friends and that's something worth remembering. James Earl Jones as Thulsa Doom was
the premier performance. I love a villain that can captivate the audience with a great line. The power in his voice alone lends itself to the idea that there's
magic manipulating the listener which ties in perfectly with his character the shape-shifting, death and snake cult leader Thulsa Doom!
I just wanted to say that it's been a lot of fun revisiting Arnold movies and I've worked through what I consider to be the best of his discography so we're going
to be taking a break from Arnold. We're still going to be doing revisits as I'm enjoying the series week to week. I'll keep it a surprise for now but let's just
say you know the actor that I'm going to be focusing on next if you know anything about movies. As always thanks for watching!
Love this film. It's timeless.
Absolutely! I can watch this film any time!