Hello Kana! Such a sensational jazzy rendition of this classic Christmas song. Your playing is fluid and catchy🙂 You even have an incredible bass line going too....which is something you are very talented at🙂 You combine both guitar and bass on this and it sounds amazing. You need to treat yourself to a special dinner. For only playing guitar for three years and solo guitar for one year, you play on the top level. You are truly gifted and very dedicated to playing🙂 I started playing at age 17... and I am 52 now🙂 The guitar is a very therapeutic thing, and a big reason I have played for so many years🙂 You play amazing so always remember that🙂 Struggles with be overcome and replaced with happy fingers and a smile🙂 Have a wonderful night Kana and I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year as well my friend🙂🗼🎆
Hi Troy! Thank you so much for your warm and thoughtful comment! Your kind words mean more to me than I can express. I feel so fortunate to have this encouragement-it’s an incredible source of strength for me! I completely agree with you about the therapeutic power of the guitar. There’s something so special about its sound, isn’t there? Just hearing it has such a calming and healing effect, and it always reminds me why I started in the first place. It makes me want to pick up my guitar and play even more! I might, just might, upload one more video before the year ends-it really depends on how my practice progresses-but just in case, I wish you a wonderful New Year filled with happiness and music. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, my dear friend!🎄😊🎸
@カナのギター部屋KanasGuitarRoom You are very welcome Kana. Watching/listening to your playing is also a therapeutic moment🙂 Oh yes, I agree that the sound of my acoustic is a big factor in playing more. That sound pushes the stress to the side🙂 How wonderful if you upload again before the new year. I know your playing will be incredible as you always play. I won't be uploading until maybe mid January🙂 Remember you play amazing so don't stress too much. Music is about having fun right🙂 But I understand what you are thinking when it comes to presenting to the world.... I think that way too🙂 Well my friend, if you do not upload again this year, have a merry Christmas and happy new year 🙂 I look forward to the amazing music you will bring in 2025🙂 Have a wonderful music filled day Kana, and happy playing my friend🙂🎄
カナさん おはようございます☀
Thank you so much!!✨🥂🎶💕🌈👍👍
サムさん、観てくださりありがとうございます! 街のイルミネーション綺麗ですよね🎄✨そんな風に感じて頂けたなら嬉しいです✨これからも楽しんでいただける動画が作れるようがんばります!😊
もんちゃんさん、いつもありがとうございます! クリスマス感を感じて頂けたなんてすごく嬉しいです✨🎄🎅 温かいお気持ちで観ていただけて本当に感謝しています😊🍀
ぴあぴあさん、温かいコメントをありがとうございます! 優しいお言葉、とても嬉しいです! クリスマスの気分を少しでもお届けできていたら幸せです🎄✨ どうぞ素敵なホリデーシーズンをお過ごしくださいね🎁😊
jucoさん、聴いてくださりありがとうございます! ジャズアレンジなので覚悟してましたが、練習を重ねても難しさは変わらず本番撮影では手が震えてました笑
Sounds wonderful my friend, big like 🎸🎸👍👍🎶🎶
Thank you so much for watching! I truly appreciate your kind words🙏✨✨
ピースぱぱさん、いつもありがとうございます! 1年経つのが早い今日この頃ですよね😅 ぱぱさんにはチャンネル立ち上げ時からずっと温かく見守ってくださり、本当感謝です✨✨ 一緒にギターライフ楽しんでいきましょうね🎄🎸😊
カベさん、聴いてくださりありがとうございます! 温かすぎるお言葉いただけてすごく嬉しいです🙏✨ カベさんにそう仰っていただけて、また頑張って練習しようと前向きな気持ちになれました✨感謝です🙏 素敵なクリスマスをお過ごしくださいね🎄🎁😊
さなえさん、聴いてくださりありがとうございます! このアレンジ、おしゃれで練習の励みになりました😊 ベースラインが本当に難しかったので、そう言っていただけて嬉しいです! 親指の爪の長さ、いつも悩むので音色を褒めていただけたのはとても励みになります🙏✨
A very nice Christmas guitar performance.
I wish you a wonderful Christmastime 👏🎸✨🌸
Thank you so much for listening and for your kind words, my friend! Wishing you a wonderful Christmastime as well! 🎄🎅✨
今日はテイラーのアコギ ですね!音の輪郭がハッキリしてリズミカルな演奏でした。みんなの知ってるクリスマスソング、聴きながらつい娘が口ずさんでました^_^
温かいお言葉をありがとうございます! ちーちゃんも一緒に聴いて口ずさんでくださったなんて嬉しいです☺️✨ ご家族で素敵なクリスマスをお過ごしくださいね🎄⛄️🎁
岡本さん、いつも観てくださりありがとうございます! ヘッドフォンで丁寧に聴いていただけたなんて嬉しいです✨なかなかきちんと弦が押さえられず未熟な演奏ですが、大きな励みになるお言葉本当に感謝です✨😊
Dipaさん、聴いてくださりありがとうございます!ジャズアレンジはやっぱり難しくて、弾きこなせる日は遥か先のように感じました💦 それでも、拙い演奏に温かいお言葉をいただけて、本当に感謝しています🙏☺️✨
いつも観てくださり温かいコメントをありがとうございます! 素敵なクリスマスをお過ごしくださいね😊🎄🎅✨
まろさん、コメントありがとうございます😊 観ていただけて嬉しいです!
メリークリスマス!🎄🎅🎁 いつも聴いてくださり本当ありがとうございます!😊✨
アキラさん、観てくださりありがとうございます! 温かいお言葉いただけて感謝です✨ アコギ難しいですが、楽しみながら少しずつ頑張りたいです🎸☺️
Naka pageさん、メリークリスマス! 🎅🎄✨いつも観てくださり本当ありがとうございます! 😊
😃クウ〜Very nice 👍🎸
カロンさん、いつも温かいお言葉をありがとうございます! 久しぶりにアコギを集中して練習しましたが、クラギとはまた違う難しさがあって、なかなか大変でした💦 カロンさんのような素晴らしいギタリストさんにこんなに励ましていただけるなんて、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです😭✨ 本当いつもありがとうございます! 素敵なクリスマスをお過ごしくださいね🎄⛄️😊
福田さん、お聴きくださりありがとうございます! 温かいコメントいただけて嬉しいです✨😊
Hello Kana! Such a sensational jazzy rendition of this classic Christmas song. Your playing is fluid and catchy🙂 You even have an incredible bass line going too....which is something you are very talented at🙂 You combine both guitar and bass on this and it sounds amazing. You need to treat yourself to a special dinner. For only playing guitar for three years and solo guitar for one year, you play on the top level. You are truly gifted and very dedicated to playing🙂 I started playing at age 17... and I am 52 now🙂 The guitar is a very therapeutic thing, and a big reason I have played for so many years🙂 You play amazing so always remember that🙂 Struggles with be overcome and replaced with happy fingers and a smile🙂 Have a wonderful night Kana and I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year as well my friend🙂🗼🎆
Hi Troy! Thank you so much for your warm and thoughtful comment! Your kind words mean more to me than I can express. I feel so fortunate to have this encouragement-it’s an incredible source of strength for me!
I completely agree with you about the therapeutic power of the guitar. There’s something so special about its sound, isn’t there? Just hearing it has such a calming and healing effect, and it always reminds me why I started in the first place. It makes me want to pick up my guitar and play even more!
I might, just might, upload one more video before the year ends-it really depends on how my practice progresses-but just in case, I wish you a wonderful New Year filled with happiness and music. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, my dear friend!🎄😊🎸
@カナのギター部屋KanasGuitarRoom You are very welcome Kana. Watching/listening to your playing is also a therapeutic moment🙂 Oh yes, I agree that the sound of my acoustic is a big factor in playing more. That sound pushes the stress to the side🙂 How wonderful if you upload again before the new year. I know your playing will be incredible as you always play. I won't be uploading until maybe mid January🙂 Remember you play amazing so don't stress too much. Music is about having fun right🙂 But I understand what you are thinking when it comes to presenting to the world.... I think that way too🙂 Well my friend, if you do not upload again this year, have a merry Christmas and happy new year 🙂 I look forward to the amazing music you will bring in 2025🙂 Have a wonderful music filled day Kana, and happy playing my friend🙂🎄