I can't answer the question that compared with Daikin because I have not been used that. Only I just say, Balmuda is chipper and strong power than other products, kind of Blue Air, Armway air purifier. But Xiaomi air purifier is more chipper than this one, anyway, It depends on your decision that you buy which product.
As far as I know, air engine is the only one size model of balmuda. I guess that you said model is xiaomi air cleaner. they has 2 model of air cleaner. It looks like balmuda air engine. so you were confused
Is this expensive? If compared to other products like Daikin, I better buy which one?
I can't answer the question that compared with Daikin because I have not been used that. Only I just say, Balmuda is chipper and strong power than other products, kind of Blue Air, Armway air purifier. But Xiaomi air purifier is more chipper than this one, anyway, It depends on your decision that you buy which product.
This big balmuda air engine or small balmuda air engine?
As far as I know, air engine is the only one size model of balmuda. I guess that you said model is xiaomi air cleaner.
they has 2 model of air cleaner. It looks like balmuda air engine. so you were confused
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