iyi yapmissiniz ama iscilerinize calisanlarina bir koruyucu elbise, ekipman vs verememissiniz. bu sekilde mi calisilir. ne olursa olsun o sekilde agir sanayi icinde calisilmaz.
What's in the white bag that the claw operator breaks open over the bucket? Alloying metals - chromium, manganese, vanadium, etc? Or something like ground up limestone?
its limestone, to form a fresh slag which reacts with phosphorus oxides and chromium oxides to create clean, raw steel for tapping. after the last charge of scrap has been added into the eaf, theyll start to blow oxygen into the steel in order to get the carbon content down, C (carbon) reacts with O (oxygen) leaves as CO Gas, and to enrich the Fe (Iron) -> FeO, which can then react with the Phosphorus and the Phosphorusoxid reacts with Limestone -> Calciumposphat (this gets scraped off after tapping). Same goes for the Chromium Oxid
i work for a comany that makes all of the water cooled copper parts and cables. I'm wondering where the big "shoe" connectors go. We also repair a lot of terminals that are 6-7 inches in diameter.
This has to be the cleanest melt shop I have ever seen.
I know right? Is this like the first time its ever been run or something? Im feeling a bit self conscious here now...
Cleanest I've ever seen
Eaf +lrf +ccm
This very nice and clean looking EAF
brand new. I see so many problems already. I work in one of the smaller meltshops in the world which put many big player's to shame
You can see the feed cables moving due to the ampere force huge magnetic fields around those !!
mate , if a cable hit's you , It will break you
6:00 That big pipe that sucks out the fumes...what are all those pipes around it? Does it have to be water-cooled so that it doesn't melt?
Yes. The entire upper shell of the furnace and part of the duct work are made of water cooled panels :)
Machine looks brand new.
What is it the guys are doing at the side? Adding oxygen?
Karbon ve oksijeni işciler el hortumu ilemi veriyor ben mi yanlış görüyorum
Helal olsun bende şarj vinç operatörüyüm arkadaşlar adamlar harika yapmış
Abi dökümhane de çalışmak nasil birşey
@@havakuvvetleri2.anajetussu534 çok farklı bende döküm vinc operatörüyüm
iyi yapmissiniz ama iscilerinize calisanlarina bir koruyucu elbise, ekipman vs verememissiniz. bu sekilde mi calisilir. ne olursa olsun o sekilde agir sanayi icinde calisilmaz.
What's in the white bag that the claw operator breaks open over the bucket? Alloying metals - chromium, manganese, vanadium, etc? Or something like ground up limestone?
its limestone, to form a fresh slag which reacts with phosphorus oxides and chromium oxides to create clean, raw steel for tapping. after the last charge of scrap has been added into the eaf, theyll start to blow oxygen into the steel in order to get the carbon content down, C (carbon) reacts with O (oxygen) leaves as CO Gas, and to enrich the Fe (Iron) -> FeO, which can then react with the Phosphorus and the Phosphorusoxid reacts with Limestone -> Calciumposphat (this gets scraped off after tapping). Same goes for the Chromium Oxid
i work for a comany that makes all of the water cooled copper parts and cables. I'm wondering where the big "shoe" connectors go. We also repair a lot of terminals that are 6-7 inches in diameter.
nice video, thank you!
bu ocak küçükmüş bende döküm vinç oprtoruyum her pota 150 çelik alıyo
acaba makinenin gücü ve yaratığı sıcaklık nekadardır. W eritebilirmi mesela
@Bertuğ AYNAGÖZÜşenmeyip Bilgi verdiğinizden dolayı çok teşekkür ederim.
I produce graphite electrodes in China. Business is welcome
WhatsApp: 86 178 2222 4949
O ortam çok sıcak oluryormu
3000 dereceye kadar cıkabilir
Çubuklar kaç volt ?
300v @ 50,000amps
Thanks 🔵
bu fabrika Gebze de değil mi?Otoban kenarında?Hangi bölümünü yaptınız?
Bura ora deil dedin yer kroman çelik
80 tonluk bir ark ocağının maliyeti n kadardır arkadaşlar
Sir duty milega kya
En sağlıklısı indüksiyon ocağı 20yildir ergitme operatoruyum
Adamlar yapmış helal olsun
Sen de yap sana da helal olsun diyelim.
Bende isderdim calsım yardım edin 055 761 91 11
Salam aleykum mende calşmaq isderdim calşmışam azerbaycanda yardım edin 055 761 91 11 Ali
God bless you
Respected Sir Good Afternoon I am induction manager my excuse in 40 years
Merhaba usta görüşelim telofonu verir misin ocak
burada birkaç sene sonra ölümlü iş kazası oldu
eaf of disaster, old of 1970
if theres a hell on earth, it must be in that oven..
zor is
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