Zeus: "Imma need you to stop your people from invading all the lands in the world." Poseidon: "Well they can't invade the lands IF THEY'RE UNDER WATER!"
Plato: "There, I'll sink Atlantis and that will be the end of it" Atlantis: "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"
So Plato created a fictional world with incredible detail, then pretended that he was actually translating an ancient text about a story that really happened a long time ago, and even translated names based on their meaning? TOLKIEN!
@@Oddi0 Well everyone today knows middle earth never existed and was made up by a random dude. People back then didn’t have extensive maps and encyclopedic knowledge of geography and history. They didn’t have methods for fact-checking. Plus Tolkien didn’t sell it as history, he sold it as fantasy. Plato is claiming he is supposedly just translating records that already exist. That’s something else entirely, especially when you have existing credibility and no good methods for fact checking. Edit: we can even directly follow many of the fables and folklore LOTR is based off of from its original sources. We have the archetypes and the creatures and the precedents for his tropes. Plato had no sources to have been copying. None that we can verify, at least.
Hey! What about Blue? He deserves a little history cred too. And no, I'm definitely NOT blue in disguise! That's so- what? Why would you even suggest that!? Naaah..
@@devlinmcguire7543 Bluenaissance Man just....sounds off. I mean we can, but is there a more appropriate word we can work Blue into to better appreciate his history lesson?
Concept: "Doggerlantis" story that combines Atlantis mythos with the Arthurian mythos. Seems like we could have a lot of fun with the Isle of Avalon in that idea...
Finale: Quetzalcoatl just kinda shows up, having foreshadowed from the beginning and sinks everything because of reasons that were also foreshadowed, and then he and King Arthur/Atlas have a sword fight. Because sword fights are cool.
Fun fact: Tolkien loved the Atlantis myth so much that he wrote it into Númenor (even having the warmongering!) but when he realized what he was doing he kind-of panicked because "oh come on I should have gone for something more subtle than that..." and desperately wanted to make sure at least the name for the story didn't reference it too obviously. So he called it Akallabeth in Númenorean, which means something like "the sinking/descent". He was happy with that name too. Then he translated it into Quenya (one of his Elvish languages). And it was ATALANTE. :'D
@@Jake007123 Well yes it kinda did, Sauron was machinating... to exploit the Hubris of Ar-Pharazôn which was such that he tried to assail Valinor. So one may say Tolkien did go for the hubris angle 😊
@@akaneh1989 Well, yes, Sauron always went for the weak points of their enemies, and that's why he was so successful in the first place (until he could not longer shape-shift after losing a battle if I recall correctly, but he still managed to manipulate people like Saruman after that). What I meant is that Númenor got destroyed by an evil foreign force, and not just by it own hubris.
@@Jake007123 He stopped being able to take any form a human dwarf hobbit or elf would find nice or beautiful after he got caught on Númenor as it sank 😊 but yeah point taken
@UCXEyz09b2XxdTfJ9YTWRekg For some reason I thought the Necromancer thing was Sauron being hella on the down low and slightly changing his modus operandi plus most people actually thinking Sauron was really gone after the Battle of the Last Alliance. But yeah you're right about us not really knowing his real form. And as for Morgoth, good point I didn't consciously notice before or if I did I thought Sauron was sort of mimicking the ole boss/honouring him (the more evil you are it seems the less creative you become in Tolkien's world)
A phobia is an uncontrollable, often irrational fear which drastically alters your behavior and decisions. So, someone could be afraid of the ocean but power through it. I myself am nervous on the waves ever since I witnessed somebody drown a few years ago, but I can be on a boat, even if a little anxiously. But someone with thalassophobia would not be able to sit on a boat, and would do everything they could to avoid coming close to it. It’s an incredibly profound fear which taps into out most basic survival instinct, and which can’t be confronted except by attending specialized therapy for it, and even then it’s an arduous and uncomfortable process which most people agree is not worth the hassle unless your phobia is directly affecting your daily life or making you actively miserable. You literally need to reprogram your mind to be able to deal with a phobia in a healthy way.
Plato: I've just made up this awesome civilization as an allegory, but I'm worried that people might think the civilization actually existed & look for it instead of learning from the allegory. I know! I'll put in a verifiably incorrect fact in the story. Readers: He must have just gotten the location wrong... Plato: ...
He could be basing it on real events greatly exaggerated. Maybe there was an Atlantis like place and he fudged the details to make it more Mythological. There's been a lot of crazy things explained by Science, as well as things thought to be Fake that we later found to at least partially exist
Socrates wasn't materialistic, you're talking about one man like he's an entire culture or race. That honestly seems kinda prejudiced, if only there were a word for people who do that... Also you're judging someone for judging, while claiming higher ground, over someone whose ancestors had to literally scramble for higher ground over a thousand foot tidal wave. Double irony points, turd.
@@amewarashi5770 Tell me when i said literally any of that. i just pointed out the irony of the legend. edit: also, not to be nit-picky but it's plato
2:00 Should be noted that Aristotle, who actually knew Plato personally, being one of his students, noted in his comments on Plato that the story of Atlantis was made up to serve a debating device, and was not meant to be taken literally. Funny that two thousand years later no one remembers the point Plato was trying to make, but everyone remembers the narrative device.
Yea thats kinda sad...i guess it just proves the point that..people would rather just take something from a meaningful lesson..and roll with it without caring whats the actual meaning behind that thing. Or people just like cool shit like a whole futuristic island, and cuz thats inherently just so cool..you don't need to know anything else. Its prob that lol
@@DelusionalInsider Well that is the bright side of it, the dark side of it is people like certain German people in the 30s and 40s claiming that their race are descended from Atlantis and that's why they supposedly are superior.
@@DelusionalInsider Oh yeah and they're not the only ones loads of important monuments the world over was once considered to have been built by some long lost white race often linked to Atlantis, because clearly the non white locals couldn't build something like that.
There's some interesting evidence now showing an advanced civilisation was running pre-global flood around 12,000 years ago. We've been around 200,000+ years with our modern intelligence but why do we only begin our historical record 5000 years ago? Why did we wait so long before creating civilisation if we were just as smart? Or had we already done this all before and it got destroyed? Space is scary yo, and extraterrestrial threats are no joke
This makes me think if two thousand years from now where modern literature might be considered as myths, people would think Hogwarts is true and try to find it.
The terrifying thing is gonna be the collections of fragmentary myths about folk heroes such as "bad luck Brian" and the mysterious creature known only as the Troll, whose body is hidden but the face is posted as a warning all over our literature. Ooh, or even worse, Vine being taken literally
The same for Superheroes who are our equivalent of Ancient Mythological Heroes. In a thousand or so years from now, if our current civilization is destroyed like Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Mesopotamia, archeologists from the future will debate whether Superman, Batman, Iron Man, and Spider-Man were real.
@@foldabotZ - Is the ultra-logical “Spock” figure merely a half-remembered reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes? The similarity in the names ( _Sherlock->Shlock->Slock_ , with influence from words like ”sploot” or “spa” leading to _Splock_ and eventually _Spock_ ) would seem to suggest it strongly.
@@foldabotZ I doubt it due to how many different versions of superheroes there are ie DC Superhero girls gen1 and gen2. One with characters in a high school for superheroes, one with a few superheroes in a normal high school. Also in gen 1 Harley Quinn, Cheetah, Star Sapphire and Poison Ivy are good and in gen 2 they are evil.
XD that's actually pretty hilarious given how in the show it was all dartz fault that his home was destroyed because he was being a terrible leader. So it doesn't surprise me how much of tge myth plays out in the show
"an ancient and powerful proto-greek kingdom with similar levels of technology to his time, is attacked by a group of powerful seafarers from the Atlantic who are trying to invade the whole Mediterranean." If you remove the part about Athens winning, the story you get is fairly similar to that of the Bronze Age Collapse. It's not that hard to imagine Plato hearing about this war the Mycenaeans (the actual proto-greek kingdom that the greeks idolized) and making some key changes to glorify this fanfic version of ancient greece that he idolized.
@@amythistariara Or he just made it up with no direct influence. Plus, the concept of Bronze Age Collapse records is a little oxymoronic. It was a bit of a societal apocalypse for everyone involved; if we had significant records, there wouldn't be like 20 proposed theories ranging from economic collapse to invasions to disease to volcanic eruption (point being those are wildly different). Though Plato was significantly closer, he was still 700 years out from the Collapse, and what he most certainly *didn't* have was modern archeology and our various methods of gaining extra information, plus detailed analysis of seemingly unrelated things (as in, we can go "hang on we lose records of these people at the same time as these other people appear way further away with a kinda similar looking culture, maybe there was a collapse and migration")
@@martincastro6051 Their point was that Mycenaean Greece would have been invaded as well, but it doesn’t hurt to clarify I suppose. I personally think either Plato invented the whole incident, or used another conflict entirely that was lost to thousands of years of history.
Floods are already a very real nightmare in Britain, but now knowing that a large portion of the country disappeared under the ocean is absolutely terrifying
Well, we live in a society that primes us to applaud and strive for riches and a "decadent lifestyle". So it's normal that we look at them in a positive light, while he considered that a bad thing.
The biggest surprise that I found out about was that Orichalcum was the latinization of the Greek word Orichalcos, which means that Yu-Gi-Oh knew EVEN MORE about Atlantis than anyone thought
@@Sephiroth144 I think somewhere in a spin-off Plot they also have to deal with Ancient Greek guys. And Alexander the Great. So Yu-Gi-Oh isn't exclusive egyptian...
Popular authors throughout history have been, at the very least, disliked by the state. Probably something about their ability to get a message out to the populace that doesn't work with the way the state wants people to think.
All authors reuse and adapt ideas from past stories - there are only so many tropes. Nothing to do with teenage English students putting sex scenes in popular novels.
Thousands of years from now archeologists are going to discover the ruins of New York City and, based on the myths that have been passed down through the ages, will conclude that Spider-Man existed.
I...thought it was pronounced Ori-haalcum? Also, this story reminds me of that poor guy who told everyone about 'Wolf-Packs' and 'Alphas', nobody even listened to him when he came back a few years later and told everyone that the packs were just families and the Alpha was just the Dad of said family. And now the media is full of 'Alpha-Male' bullshit.
Yeah, on the topic of alpha males being BS I have danio fish and lemme tell you, even with their incredibly primitive brains might doesn't make right in their society. There's more to being the leader than winning fights. A while back I had a fight break out between the tank alpha and a younger, more ambitious male. The younger one bit off the alpha's fin during the fight and since he was still able to pick the direction he wanted to swim in, that pretty solidly meant he won. But winning didn't earn him any respect from the other fish. The females exclusively hung out with the fish who had his fin bitten off and not the one who did the biting. They weren't willing to let a male that violent breed, winner or not. These little guys have like a tenth of the number of neurons as bees have. They're too stupid to swim their way out of an open box. But even for them, there's zero respect for violence and intimidation as a form of social advancement.
@@fingerboxes uh..... you know tons of animals fight for mating right? this one might havenjust had less attractive traits or he didn't fight for mates
Grey Jedi by that logic the entire universe is made up of one giant fish, since if there is always a bigger one than there must logically be an infinite sized fish to be the logical endpoint
I remember hearing Tolkien once had a dream where he was on Atlantis when it sank, which A) led him to believe he was decended from an Atlantian, and B) inspired him to write the downfall of Numenor, a similarly prosperous island that also sank into the sea.
You'd be surprised how much you can learn about biology, mythology, cultural concepts, cryptozoology, and geography (Japanese for the first four gens) from playing Pokemon
@@reyonXIII you'd be surprised how much mythos you'd get some understanding from granblue when your tired of farming your eyes out.... the cardinal beasts for example.
"Also that YU-GI-OH knew more about Atlantis then I did." Personally I like to think that this shows we can learn so much from even a children's card game.
It’s the Japanese. They’ll shove as much lore related info into a game/manga/anime as they can to make it more realistic and grounded. And it works… sometimes. *looks at the Fate series with contempt*
"Calm down there, Lovecraft" LOL And Blue's got a point, there's horrors going deeper, and there's always a bigger fish (or something else, not necessarily a "fish")
Anytime I hear "Atlantis" it's automatically followed up in my head by the statement "Behold the power of the orichacamalos Phawoah!" I blame Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged for that.
Guys, Atlantis is just Helike. The sunken Greek city that was discovered in the 1980s and sunk about thirteen years before Plato wrote about Atlantis and did I mention Plato lived near where Helike was?
@@merrittanimation7721 That's not the point he was getting at. This is also the reason why people bash others for dumb reasons. 13myrrh was pointing out that Heracleion was indeed a sunken city and that it wasn't found until 2000 people did believe it was fictional as well. Even if it was above water when Plato was alive the fact that it sunk gives some evidence that perhaps a city like Atlantis or similar did undergo a similar disaster
In Monty Python's "Life of Brain", the main character tries at some point to tell a parable. The people below, instead of focusing on the meaning of the story, they ask stupid questions like "what were their names?" etc. Just like Plato's Atlantis, where instead of focusing on the meaning of the story, people ask stupid questions about the fictional place itself. One of the myriad reasons i love Monty Python.
My favorite point was when the mob stoned the priest for blasphemy. I feel like that was an allegory for the futility of censorship. “Now I want to be very clear, nobody is to stone anyone without permission, even if they do say, ‘Jehovah’!”
I also learned a lot from, “What have the Romans ever done for us?”, “Splitters,” and “Are you a virgin?” How the hell is Monty Python of all things educational?
@@RRW359 they are the origin of every great civilization that rises, different ancients brought different parts of their heritage to different parts of their world when they returned.
@@RRW359 The ancients returned to the milkyway 10.000 years ago. The vikings just over 1.000 years ago. The ancients likely interacted with the ancestors of the vikings too but the Asgard did so at a much later point.
It was a cardinal rule on the production department that Atlantis was to have minimal Greco-Roman influences as possible, and instead drew influence from ancient Asian/South-Asian and South-American cultures in its worldbuilding to set it up as the "Mother Culture."
Remember the biggest fish is always the ocean, And when your planet is just a speck of dust in a vast Galaxy, Make me question what the real ocean is... And how to swim out of the way of the bigger fish.
I mean, if we’re gunna go there, his biggest fears were the racial ‘corruption’ of the dem whites and that he himself wasn’t pure of blood enough. He just used fish monsters breeding with humans as a stand-in.
@@vathek5958 Which is a weird concept for a man who readily acknowledged man's insignificance in the face of the greater universe. You figure a guy like that wouldn't split hairs so much when all of man was a friggin' swam of gnats to the old ones.
Yugioh has taught me more about mythology (mainly Egypt) then any of the textbooks ive ever read. So I researched in my own time and as it turns out- Yugioh was right About a lot Anime really does have anything
Wonder Woman: "Where did you find it?" Aquaman:"In his grave." WW: "You robbed my uncle's grave." Aquaman:"...Hey the giant monster fish said I could, and that makes me the rightful king of Atlantis." WW:"Strange fish lying at the bottom of the sea, distributing tridents, is no basis for a system of government."
Red: *Describes a material with magical properties that has a value comparable to gold. Me: I guess Black Panther's Wakanda took more inspiration than we realized. African Atlantis.
The bits about telling Blue to go watch Atlantis, when he's thalassophobic, THOSE ARE JOKES. Seriously. Don't push people to face their phobias unless you are a therapist trained specifically in that kind of therapy. That's the ONLY way that ever ends well. Especially don't demand people do something they're phobic about or terrified of, if you're really just denying that their fears exist. That's even worse.
“Alright calm down there Love Craft” Love Craft: But I already wrote about the *mysterious cities unlike any other on earth* Edit: WTF 800 likes in an hour? Well this is some *mysterious success unlike any other in my life*
If you're paying attention in watching the Disney version, in his deathbed the king of Atlantis confesses that he wanted to weaponize the Crystal. And remember the spinoff movie Milo's Return? Kida says that the resulting war "nearly destroyed the world". So Atlantis did go to war/get into colonization in that version.
Huh. Atlantis The Lost Empire was my go-to comfort movie as a kid, and during the ungodly amount of times I watched it I remember thinking about that line and coming to the conclusion that the king wanted to weaponize the crystal to fight an alien invasion (cuz who else would they be fighting to need a weapon of that power?). But after they destroyed themselves the aliens had no reason to invade anymore and left. Never saw the sequel.
@@jmckenzie962 you do need a weapon of overwhelming power to colonnialize different nations. Spear versus spear ain't gonna end well for the invaders in the long run. But spear versus breech loaded rifle? That's a different story all together
I _adore_ the Doggerland-as-Atlantis theory, which also makes Ys and Lyonesse seem like mythologized remnants of the memory of the Storegga Slide (with some good ole’ misogynistic moralizing thrown in).
Reminds me of a legend here in Malaysia about a whole small kingdom along with a super huge super tall castle that sank into Lake Chini. The princess and the prince that visited her whom she fell in love with both turned into sea dragons or naga and swam out into the ocean. The prince swam back to China and the princess waits for him for so long she became Tioman Island. I love Malaysian myths.
Just realized that Tolkien’s story of Númenor was probably more than a little inspired by the classic fall of Atlantis, even down to the parts of the line of kings becoming less “godlike” over time and their ever growing greed culminating in their waging war on the rest of the world, though with major differences such as the machinations of Sauron, the split of Numenorean’s into “true” and “treacherous” factions, their war on the West that brought about their destruction being done in the pursuit of immortality, and the fact that the “true” Numenoreans were able to escape from the doom of their homeland (as well as some of the “treacherous” / Black Numenoreans who were away in settlements on Middle Earth).
Well... I guess Plato was a neckbeard of sorts. Am I one of the few that liked Disney's animated take on Atlantis with "Atlantis: The Lost Empire"? Ancient super-tech, language potentially a proto-language predating everything, etc? ... I mean, um... not all of it really made sense, but ooh, pretty designs and colors. So much magic light and blues... EDIT: Goodness gracious, guess I'm not exactly in a "minority" of people that like the film after all.
6:20 Well, there once was a barrier separating the mediterranian sea from the atlantic. That narrow passageway at Gibraltar hadn't always been there, and this separation of the oceans even lead to the mediterranian sea DRYING UP, leaving nothing behind but a salt desert and some hypersaline lakes. Now here's the issue: That whole shenanigan, which we refer to as the Messinian Event, happened about 6 Million years ago. At the end of the Miocene era. And it hasn't happened again since! So for Atlantis' debris to be forming a blockade at the Passage of Gibraltar, they'd be about 5,991 Million years late.
Red: posts a wonderful, in-depth video discussing how awesome Atlantis is Disney: announces they're considering a Live-action remake of Atlantis the same week Coincidence? I think NOT!!!
Wait, what?! I am kinda dreading it with how they fucked up with The Lion King but I think they did well with Beauty and the Beast... But... I want to see it...
@@kiya46107 Apparently Disney is serious about it, as they are looking to cast Tom Holland as Milo Thatch and getting Guillermo del Toro to direct the film. It should be noted though that del Toro has refuted these claims. I still think this is an odd move, as out of all the films you could pick to make a live-action version Disney selects... Atlantis? I mean sure, it is a bit of a fan favorite but it is also kind of a cult classic in Disney's library.
Hey yo so this story as well as what you have said about Doggerland reminded me of a similar Welsh myth about a sunken civilisation (side note I have been to the petrified forest at the beach at Borth that people have said points to the fact that this mythological kingdom exists). The story goes that the kingdom was called Cantre'r Gwaelod which existed where Cardigan Bay now is. The prince of the Kingdom was in charge of manning the floodgates against the sea, but he got drunk one night and neglected his duties, causing the sea to sweep into the kingdom and flood it all. In Aberdovey, there is a huge bell underneath the pier, which the waves cause to ring as the tide goes in and out. It is meant to represent the sunken bell towers of the drowned kingdom, which are still supposed to ring in times of trouble
> be Atlantis > be a technological superpower with magic > somehow don't flee to other landmasses > somehow don't flee to space where life would be easier anyway. > get rekt by water.
@@spacejunk2186 What are you talking about? We had flight a lot longer than we had spaceflight. And even now it's not advanced enough to evacuate even 1 person without huge amounts of planning.
Atlantis sounds like a magical kingdom filled with awesome architecture and powerful magic. Doggerland sounds a Welsh county that wasn’t important enough to get a ship named after it.
Yugioh is about monsters from Egypt why wouldn’t they know about Atlantis a land “taken from Egyptian text” (made up by Plato) when it bases off of it in the first place?
In the show, the ruins of Atlantis are discovered by an archaeologist who used to work with Yugi's grandfather in, guess where, Egypt. Also, Dartz says he was in Egypt during the time of the nameless pharaoh, about 7-5k years after Atlantis's sinking (depending on sub or dub)
Except that in Yugioh, Atlantis is a completely separate civilization with no connection to Egypt and is supposed to be twice as old. Really it was just more filler. But the team does damn good research for cards.
You know how in the Millennium World Arc we found out the Millennium Items came from an ancient spellbook that had been around for generations but no one could translate it until then? Then the book's never mentioned again? I've always wondered if it might be Atlantean.
I have a small headcanon that if you go to Atlantis there is always an omnipresent tune of Ocean Man bopping in the background that can never be muffled and silenced. It’s just- there.
11:59 another good one is zealandia. It’s a real continent like Australia or Antarctica too. But after getting stretched incredibly thin after the breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent most of it sank into the sea save for New Zealand and New Caledonia
Um 😐 okayyyyyyyyyyyy but I really don't know what you mean sorry for all that of what I said it just makes no sense not at I like your idea or maybe it wasn't a idea i just am more used to something different heh SORRY 😰
I do like the idea that Atlantis was never ACTUALLY destroyed by Poseidon
Zeus: Poseidon deal with Atlantis
Poseidon: Sureeee *hides under carpet*
The idea that he turned the atlantians into rad fishpeople isnt bad, who doesnt like fish people aside from ironically blue.
Zeus: "Imma need you to stop your people from invading all the lands in the world."
Poseidon: "Well they can't invade the lands IF THEY'RE UNDER WATER!"
yeah and the carpet was the ocean
@@jonsnor4313 And I mean, turning people into half fish would not be the weirdest thing the Olympians have done. Looking at you Zeus.
@@jonsnor4313 I get it! The deep blue seas and....yeah... I'll stop now..
Plato: "There, I'll sink Atlantis and that will be the end of it"
Atlantis: "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"
Plato: And then Atlantis sank...
Atlantis: *I Awaken!*
Todd Dempsey **pillarmen theme plays**
I’m sorry, but where did you get that quote from? It’s beautiful.
@@DreyriAldranaris36 Star-Wars /Obi-Wan vs. Darth-Vader
@Packless1 thank you. :)
"Sinking underwater was supposed to destroy it, not make it cooler." -Red 2019
Well, deep sea water is cold so, sinking it should be making it COOLER
Sorry I'll see myself out
@Luc Robillard DAMMIT, BEAT ME TO IT
@@leyspun (c) Silco from Arcane
So Plato created a fictional world with incredible detail, then pretended that he was actually translating an ancient text about a story that really happened a long time ago, and even translated names based on their meaning?
The first dnd dungeon master
This makes me wonder what people will think of Middle Earth 2000 years from now.
@@Oddi0 Well everyone today knows middle earth never existed and was made up by a random dude. People back then didn’t have extensive maps and encyclopedic knowledge of geography and history. They didn’t have methods for fact-checking. Plus Tolkien didn’t sell it as history, he sold it as fantasy. Plato is claiming he is supposedly just translating records that already exist. That’s something else entirely, especially when you have existing credibility and no good methods for fact checking.
Edit: we can even directly follow many of the fables and folklore LOTR is based off of from its original sources. We have the archetypes and the creatures and the precedents for his tropes. Plato had no sources to have been copying. None that we can verify, at least.
Tolkien is just Plato 2
Not only that, he added his own Atlantis to the legendarium
Sea = Internet?
What with Pirates being a thing yeah. Digital sea the internet be.
Sea of Information.
It *is* usually compared to an iceberg
Qui-Gon: "My true successor."
Modern UK: It's over Doggerland I have the high ground.
@@alienalchemist Doggerland: You underestimate my power
Oh really? Would you like to duel for that title?
@@Obi-Wan_Kenobi Dueling for a title seems kind of hypocritical for a jedi
@@whoknows7968 Only from a certain point of view
Wow. We get Plato, Trope talks, and even REAL HISTORY. Red truly is a Renaissance Woman.
With some added Blue.
Redaissance Woman
Hey! What about Blue? He deserves a little history cred too. And no, I'm definitely NOT blue in disguise! That's so- what? Why would you even suggest that!? Naaah..
@@devlinmcguire7543 Bluenaissance Man just....sounds off. I mean we can, but is there a more appropriate word we can work Blue into to better appreciate his history lesson?
@@arutka2000 I-.... Don't understand what you said...
PS (Post Script) I was joking about the "Blue in disguise" thing.
Concept: "Doggerlantis" story that combines Atlantis mythos with the Arthurian mythos. Seems like we could have a lot of fun with the Isle of Avalon in that idea...
Already a thing dude, Stephan Lawhead’s pendragon cycle
I love this idea, thank you!
Quetzalcoatl just kinda shows up, having foreshadowed from the beginning and sinks everything because of reasons that were also foreshadowed, and then he and King Arthur/Atlas have a sword fight. Because sword fights are cool.
So Shirou Emiya might reunite with Artoria, noice
Doggerlantis… ah fun story that’s where I met my first wife
Wait, Orichalcum is slightly less valuable than gold, reddish in colour, and a possible "magic" conductor.
It's copper.
...Meaning we use the hell out of orichalcum in modern-day technology. Interesting...
Huh...who knew we used orichalcomalos.
@@KhanhNguyen-mh5ec wait, orichalcum, seal of orichalchos....
@@christiancrusader9374 are you saying some bitch killed people just to run a giant copper circuit in the ground?
@@Tenshi6Tantou6Rei uhhh, hunger games?
Fun fact: Tolkien loved the Atlantis myth so much that he wrote it into Númenor (even having the warmongering!) but when he realized what he was doing he kind-of panicked because "oh come on I should have gone for something more subtle than that..." and desperately wanted to make sure at least the name for the story didn't reference it too obviously.
So he called it Akallabeth in Númenorean, which means something like "the sinking/descent". He was happy with that name too.
Then he translated it into Quenya (one of his Elvish languages).
And it was ATALANTE. :'D
Didn't Númenor get destroyed by the machinations of Sauron? Sad he didn't went for the hubris perspective.
@@Jake007123 Well yes it kinda did, Sauron was machinating... to exploit the Hubris of Ar-Pharazôn which was such that he tried to assail Valinor. So one may say Tolkien did go for the hubris angle 😊
@@akaneh1989 Well, yes, Sauron always went for the weak points of their enemies, and that's why he was so successful in the first place (until he could not longer shape-shift after losing a battle if I recall correctly, but he still managed to manipulate people like Saruman after that). What I meant is that Númenor got destroyed by an evil foreign force, and not just by it own hubris.
@@Jake007123 He stopped being able to take any form a human dwarf hobbit or elf would find nice or beautiful after he got caught on Númenor as it sank 😊 but yeah point taken
@UCXEyz09b2XxdTfJ9YTWRekg For some reason I thought the Necromancer thing was Sauron being hella on the down low and slightly changing his modus operandi plus most people actually thinking Sauron was really gone after the Battle of the Last Alliance. But yeah you're right about us not really knowing his real form. And as for Morgoth, good point I didn't consciously notice before or if I did I thought Sauron was sort of mimicking the ole boss/honouring him (the more evil you are it seems the less creative you become in Tolkien's world)
Blue... Has thalassophobia... Blue is afraid of the big blue..
Huh, ironic
I'd be scared of a mega me, wouldn't you?
@@Silverwind87 now that i think about it... Yes, that's some cosmic horror stuff right there
He has phobia of the big blue, or is phobia the same as fear? I don’t really know.
LJ Clyburn phobia is sorta like a fear but 39648373637 times worse
A phobia is an uncontrollable, often irrational fear which drastically alters your behavior and decisions. So, someone could be afraid of the ocean but power through it. I myself am nervous on the waves ever since I witnessed somebody drown a few years ago, but I can be on a boat, even if a little anxiously. But someone with thalassophobia would not be able to sit on a boat, and would do everything they could to avoid coming close to it. It’s an incredibly profound fear which taps into out most basic survival instinct, and which can’t be confronted except by attending specialized therapy for it, and even then it’s an arduous and uncomfortable process which most people agree is not worth the hassle unless your phobia is directly affecting your daily life or making you actively miserable. You literally need to reprogram your mind to be able to deal with a phobia in a healthy way.
Plato: I've just made up this awesome civilization as an allegory, but I'm worried that people might think the civilization actually existed & look for it instead of learning from the allegory. I know! I'll put in a verifiably incorrect fact in the story.
Readers: He must have just gotten the location wrong...
Plato: ...
At least some poeple was listening to him
He could be basing it on real events greatly exaggerated. Maybe there was an Atlantis like place and he fudged the details to make it more Mythological. There's been a lot of crazy things explained by Science, as well as things thought to be Fake that we later found to at least partially exist
Reader: look Plato is all about putting incorrect facts in the piece so i bet he just put the location wrongly
Plato: .... Guys please...
i love how people, in search of wealth and luxury, pursue a story about people who pursued too much luxury.
"Ironic. He could save others from the vice of greed, but not himself"
that’s poetic
Irony the word you're looking for irony
Socrates wasn't materialistic, you're talking about one man like he's an entire culture or race. That honestly seems kinda prejudiced, if only there were a word for people who do that...
Also you're judging someone for judging, while claiming higher ground, over someone whose ancestors had to literally scramble for higher ground over a thousand foot tidal wave.
Double irony points, turd.
@@amewarashi5770 Tell me when i said literally any of that. i just pointed out the irony of the legend.
edit: also, not to be nit-picky but it's plato
2:00 Should be noted that Aristotle, who actually knew Plato personally, being one of his students, noted in his comments on Plato that the story of Atlantis was made up to serve a debating device, and was not meant to be taken literally. Funny that two thousand years later no one remembers the point Plato was trying to make, but everyone remembers the narrative device.
Yea thats kinda sad...i guess it just proves the point that..people would rather just take something from a meaningful lesson..and roll with it without caring whats the actual meaning behind that thing.
Or people just like cool shit like a whole futuristic island, and cuz thats inherently just so cool..you don't need to know anything else.
Its prob that lol
@@DelusionalInsider Well that is the bright side of it, the dark side of it is people like certain German people in the 30s and 40s claiming that their race are descended from Atlantis and that's why they supposedly are superior.
@@DaDunge wait...srsly?
Damn didn't know that lol
@@DelusionalInsider Oh yeah and they're not the only ones loads of important monuments the world over was once considered to have been built by some long lost white race often linked to Atlantis, because clearly the non white locals couldn't build something like that.
There's some interesting evidence now showing an advanced civilisation was running pre-global flood around 12,000 years ago. We've been around 200,000+ years with our modern intelligence but why do we only begin our historical record 5000 years ago? Why did we wait so long before creating civilisation if we were just as smart? Or had we already done this all before and it got destroyed? Space is scary yo, and extraterrestrial threats are no joke
"There's always a bigger fish."
- Qui-Gon Jinn
Rest in peace my Jedi friend.
Qui-Gon Jinn= best Jedi
"the deeper you go the more nightmares there are"
I love this quote and will forever use it to explain why the ocean is terrifying
You mean the more FUN there is!
You can't spell "funeral" without FUN!
I quote this *all the time*
Especially if you're an incompetent billionaire building a submarine for cheap.
Perfectly describes Lovecraft too
I really love Red and Blue chatting back and forth like this. It’s like they live in my phone 😆
"It’s like they live in my phone"
*Stares in desktop*
Green: has left the chat
In conclusion, the REAL Atlantis was in your hearts and the journey all along.
This is a legitimate argument used by Neil Gaiman in a book one time.
I thought it was the friends we made along the way
Sounds very shounen
*cries in corner*
Didn't you shave your mustache?
oh hey it's a Mysterious Color Unlike Any Seen On Earth
I love this comment.
It's the Orichalcemalos
Oh shit its back
Lovecraft, we've been over this.
Maybe the real Atlantis was the colonies we made along the way
@@joranjansen8670 wholesome.
hella wholesome.
I don't think this is wholesome but i like it
“Yugioh knew more about Atlantis than I did. That one... kind of stung a little.”
You can say that again
I'm watching this and the whole time I'm thinking. "Wait... just how much did Yu-gi-oh! actually reference!?"
--11 year old me.
The manga also had a lot of references to Egyptians mythology and beliefs. I guess the people who worked on it actually did their research.
The more you know.
uanime1 yah the creators of the manga wheat to Egypt when he was working on the story
Blue: “There’s always a biGGER FISH!”
Liam Neeson: *breaks through the wall* “YES THERE IS!”
Dìonadair Productions Liam Neeson > Koolaid Man
Just imagine it,
England and France,
*sharing a land border*
Mon Dieu...!
Thank the heavens almighty the English Channel exists.
good Jesus lord
Gregory Walter this sounds like a hetalia fanfic...
This makes me think if two thousand years from now where modern literature might be considered as myths, people would think Hogwarts is true and try to find it.
The terrifying thing is gonna be the collections of fragmentary myths about folk heroes such as "bad luck Brian" and the mysterious creature known only as the Troll, whose body is hidden but the face is posted as a warning all over our literature. Ooh, or even worse, Vine being taken literally
The same for Superheroes who are our equivalent of Ancient Mythological Heroes. In a thousand or so years from now, if our current civilization is destroyed like Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Mesopotamia, archeologists from the future will debate whether Superman, Batman, Iron Man, and Spider-Man were real.
@@foldabotZ - Is the ultra-logical “Spock” figure merely a half-remembered reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes? The similarity in the names ( _Sherlock->Shlock->Slock_ , with influence from words like ”sploot” or “spa” leading to _Splock_ and eventually _Spock_ ) would seem to suggest it strongly.
Ben 10 , Percy Jackson , Artemis Fowl
@@foldabotZ I doubt it due to how many different versions of superheroes there are ie DC Superhero girls gen1 and gen2. One with characters in a high school for superheroes, one with a few superheroes in a normal high school. Also in gen 1 Harley Quinn, Cheetah, Star Sapphire and Poison Ivy are good and in gen 2 they are evil.
"It was beautiful, rich in resources, aND ....
america. it was america"
Me too, Red. Me too
America is still beautiful is just all the SJW and racist bigots make it look bad
"And Elephants"
Dale Drinnon ???
I mean... America will fall SOMEDAY
@Swagonborn basically
Me: it's 12:14 AM
Overly sarcastic productions: uploads
Me: *_I don't need sleep, I need answers_*
Kamryn Turner _Exactly_
Kamryn Turner oh ok 😆
Given that Atlantis' origin is actually "Egyptian", perhaps it shouldn't come as a shock that Yu-Gi-Oh knew so much about it.
XD that's actually pretty hilarious given how in the show it was all dartz fault that his home was destroyed because he was being a terrible leader. So it doesn't surprise me how much of tge myth plays out in the show
I actually like the idea that there were actually records of it in the iron dark age.
Holy crap! Now that you mention it!! XD
"Given that Atlantis' origin is actually "Egyptian""
No it isn't.
@@MrGreensweightHist its celtic
"an ancient and powerful proto-greek kingdom with similar levels of technology to his time, is attacked by a group of powerful seafarers from the Atlantic who are trying to invade the whole Mediterranean." If you remove the part about Athens winning, the story you get is fairly similar to that of the Bronze Age Collapse. It's not that hard to imagine Plato hearing about this war the Mycenaeans (the actual proto-greek kingdom that the greeks idolized) and making some key changes to glorify this fanfic version of ancient greece that he idolized.
Great but I think he heard it from the Egyptians not the Mycenaeans
Bc only Egypt made it out of the collapse in one piece
@@martincastro6051 I mean I think he read some Egyptian records and thought "let's use this to glorify my political views."
@@amythistariara Or he just made it up with no direct influence. Plus, the concept of Bronze Age Collapse records is a little oxymoronic. It was a bit of a societal apocalypse for everyone involved; if we had significant records, there wouldn't be like 20 proposed theories ranging from economic collapse to invasions to disease to volcanic eruption (point being those are wildly different). Though Plato was significantly closer, he was still 700 years out from the Collapse, and what he most certainly *didn't* have was modern archeology and our various methods of gaining extra information, plus detailed analysis of seemingly unrelated things (as in, we can go "hang on we lose records of these people at the same time as these other people appear way further away with a kinda similar looking culture, maybe there was a collapse and migration")
@@martincastro6051 Their point was that Mycenaean Greece would have been invaded as well, but it doesn’t hurt to clarify I suppose. I personally think either Plato invented the whole incident, or used another conflict entirely that was lost to thousands of years of history.
Floods are already a very real nightmare in Britain, but now knowing that a large portion of the country disappeared under the ocean is absolutely terrifying
Hey it stopped both Nazi Germany and Spain before it.
Just wait
And it's about to happen again
That's it I'm bloody moving to Australia
@@lilly-b874 I wouldnt move to a country thats literally on fire for half the year. Drowning is a lot better than burning
So wait a minniut we just had a video that was basically discussing the ancient equvilant of reddit posts from 2500 years ago.
Or 4-Chan, depending on the topic.
@@demi-femme4821 Or Alt.fan.furry...
Now imagine what ancient Egyptian Wattpad was like
"Atlantis is bad and failed because of the corruption of humanity."
Literally everyone else:
Looking at Atlantis "We just think they're neat!"
Plato: *facepalm*
Plato:"you ffing idiot!"
Well, we live in a society that primes us to applaud and strive for riches and a "decadent lifestyle". So it's normal that we look at them in a positive light, while he considered that a bad thing.
@@sleepysera Plato renounced the Stoics but all the same borrowed from them.
The biggest surprise that I found out about was that Orichalcum was the latinization of the Greek word Orichalcos, which means that Yu-Gi-Oh knew EVEN MORE about Atlantis than anyone thought
The totally real records used were Egyptian, and the Millennium Puzzle/Yami Yugi are ancient Egyptian...
The saddest thing about season four is that it had potential to be more than just a really shitty official fanfic.
@@Sephiroth144 I think somewhere in a spin-off Plot they also have to deal with Ancient Greek guys. And Alexander the Great. So Yu-Gi-Oh isn't exclusive egyptian...
@@Xaiclun Yes, but the basis of the whole (first) series is Egypt.
@safaiaryu12 That is correct. Although I was speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh in its full measure, not just the first season.
it's weird to think that the *ancient fables of yore* are really just ancient fanfiction written by popular authors.
If "Popular Authors" = Executed by the State, then yes.
You must be new around here
Popular authors throughout history have been, at the very least, disliked by the state. Probably something about their ability to get a message out to the populace that doesn't work with the way the state wants people to think.
All authors reuse and adapt ideas from past stories - there are only so many tropes. Nothing to do with teenage English students putting sex scenes in popular novels.
Thousands of years from now archeologists are going to discover the ruins of New York City and, based on the myths that have been passed down through the ages, will conclude that Spider-Man existed.
A wild "oh hey it's a Mysterious Color Unlike Any Seen On Earth" appears on 9:18
I always pictured the color in the novel to be bleak and greenish. Not pink like in the movie...
Glad to see I am not alone.
*Oh ThE uNcOmPeRaBlE hOrRor*
It's a mysterious text, unlike any seen on earth!
Unlike any se-
I love that this is the channel's new meme.
I would love to see a more ancient Egyptian themed Atlantis. Underwater sphinx and pyramids.
After this video, I imagine Atlantis to be like an underwater Mesopotamia. It's like a combination of both Greco Roman AND Egyptian!
Why would Poseidon go to an island in Egypt to bang a girl?
He's Zeus's brother. Why wouldn't he go to Egypt to meet a girl?
@@johnnygyro2295 A better question, why would he not already have been banging Egyptian girls?
dragonSUNgod Poseidon bang everyone
I...thought it was pronounced Ori-haalcum?
Also, this story reminds me of that poor guy who told everyone about 'Wolf-Packs' and 'Alphas', nobody even listened to him when he came back a few years later and told everyone that the packs were just families and the Alpha was just the Dad of said family.
And now the media is full of 'Alpha-Male' bullshit.
Yeah, on the topic of alpha males being BS I have danio fish and lemme tell you, even with their incredibly primitive brains might doesn't make right in their society. There's more to being the leader than winning fights. A while back I had a fight break out between the tank alpha and a younger, more ambitious male. The younger one bit off the alpha's fin during the fight and since he was still able to pick the direction he wanted to swim in, that pretty solidly meant he won. But winning didn't earn him any respect from the other fish. The females exclusively hung out with the fish who had his fin bitten off and not the one who did the biting. They weren't willing to let a male that violent breed, winner or not. These little guys have like a tenth of the number of neurons as bees have. They're too stupid to swim their way out of an open box. But even for them, there's zero respect for violence and intimidation as a form of social advancement.
The orichalcamalose
And how now it's a common misconception and also the foundation of a popular fanfiction trope
I've heard it pronounced both ways, as well as with a hard K sound (ori-kalkum) which I personally prefer. To each his own.
@@fingerboxes uh..... you know tons of animals fight for mating right? this one might havenjust had less attractive traits or he didn't fight for mates
"The modern UK is just the highest highlands of this ancient landmass"
Are you telling us that _we were Atlantis all along?_
Laughs in Dutch
Hail Britlantis.
@@kayleighbrown459 Brexit makes this 30% funnier.
Well, half of you at least
The real Atlantis was in you all along... or something
I laughed so hard I almost cried. Banter is on point today, you guys.
Seriously i replayed that bit about a half dozen times XD
Waiit whats his phoiba???
@@kingofkilps Thalasophobia
@@meticulousexistence2540 OOOOOOOOOOOH THAT MAKES SENSE
Grey Jedi by that logic the entire universe is made up of one giant fish, since if there is always a bigger one than there must logically be an infinite sized fish to be the logical endpoint
--Blue, 2019
As someone who's also thalassophobic... Yes, yes there are more nightmares the deeper you go.
I didn’t even realise that had a name, or that other people had it. It feels oddly comforting knowing I’m not the only one.
Why am I thinking about my ex?
That's actually a pretty good description of the movie.
I remember hearing Tolkien once had a dream where he was on Atlantis when it sank, which A) led him to believe he was decended from an Atlantian, and B) inspired him to write the downfall of Numenor, a similarly prosperous island that also sank into the sea.
Related note: anyone else see that map of Doggerland and immediately think of Beleriand?
So lemme get this straight YUGIOH, FREAKING YUGIOH had a better account of Atlantis than most others have!?
Im honestly impressed.
And it was shown off in a _filler arc_ that nobody even liked! That's REALLY saying something!
Hardly. It just namedropped some dudes that no one else bothers to namedrop.
Shit man, you'd be mindblown about how much I already knew about Kabbalah from anime and videogames.
You'd be surprised how much you can learn about biology, mythology, cultural concepts, cryptozoology, and geography (Japanese for the first four gens) from playing Pokemon
@@reyonXIII you'd be surprised how much mythos you'd get some understanding from granblue when your tired of farming your eyes out.... the cardinal beasts for example.
Atlantian sees orichalcum:
A mysterious color unlike any seen on earth!
Sir Nobilant *Screams in Confused and Interesting Nazi*
Why do I feel Lovecraft vibes on this?
Hmm. Sounds like something _Lovecraft_ would come up with..
Is the kid skeleton still in the well
Could be, could be not
"Also that YU-GI-OH knew more about Atlantis then I did." Personally I like to think that this shows we can learn so much from even a children's card game.
It’s the Japanese. They’ll shove as much lore related info into a game/manga/anime as they can to make it more realistic and grounded. And it works… sometimes. *looks at the Fate series with contempt*
Card games on motorcycles
@@ghetoknight7801 Don't be ridiculous. That could never happen.
@@manupontheprecipice6254 Fate: Where every female historical figure is a hot girl, and every male historical figure is a hot girl.
@@Red-mg4ro I see no problem with this..other than the fact 99% of female Sabers have the EXACT same face...-_-;
"Calm down there, Lovecraft" LOL
And Blue's got a point, there's horrors going deeper, and there's always a bigger fish (or something else, not necessarily a "fish")
That's deep sea gigantism.
Props one for Doggerland, props two for Going Under by Evanescence
Liked, and I'd do it again if I could :D
Anytime I hear "Atlantis" it's automatically followed up in my head by the statement "Behold the power of the orichacamalos Phawoah!" I blame Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged for that.
Anytime I hear Atlantis I hear Mako wanting to tell me about the days of high adventure.
@@malcomalexander9437 "In the times between when oceans drunk Atlantis and the rise of sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of"
Jeez, Nappa's hilarious quote line really applies to everything Taka voices
There's a sunken Egyptian/Greek city called Heracleion right on the Egyptian shoreline discovered in 2000 with giant statues and underwater mummies!
Underwater mummies... -shudder- DnD flashbacks
Too bad that was above water when Plato was alive.
Guys, Atlantis is just Helike. The sunken Greek city that was discovered in the 1980s and sunk about thirteen years before Plato wrote about Atlantis and did I mention Plato lived near where Helike was?
No relation.
@@merrittanimation7721 That's not the point he was getting at. This is also the reason why people bash others for dumb reasons. 13myrrh was pointing out that Heracleion was indeed a sunken city and that it wasn't found until 2000 people did believe it was fictional as well. Even if it was above water when Plato was alive the fact that it sunk gives some evidence that perhaps a city like Atlantis or similar did undergo a similar disaster
"I'm sure Platos is spinning in his grave about it" serves him right
In Monty Python's "Life of Brain", the main character tries at some point to tell a parable. The people below, instead of focusing on the meaning of the story, they ask stupid questions like "what were their names?" etc. Just like Plato's Atlantis, where instead of focusing on the meaning of the story, people ask stupid questions about the fictional place itself. One of the myriad reasons i love Monty Python.
My favorite point was when the mob stoned the priest for blasphemy. I feel like that was an allegory for the futility of censorship.
“Now I want to be very clear, nobody is to stone anyone without permission, even if they do say, ‘Jehovah’!”
I also learned a lot from, “What have the Romans ever done for us?”, “Splitters,” and “Are you a virgin?”
How the hell is Monty Python of all things educational?
4:02 That is why I admire Disney’s Atlantis. It doesn’t go for a Greco-Roman look.
SGA doesn't entirely either. The Ancients/Alteirans/Lantians do have some Greco-Roman influence, but also have a lot of Buddhist elements.
@@RRW359 they are the origin of every great civilization that rises, different ancients brought different parts of their heritage to different parts of their world when they returned.
@@DaDunge Even the Vikings? I thought those originated with the Asguard.
@@RRW359 The ancients returned to the milkyway 10.000 years ago. The vikings just over 1.000 years ago. The ancients likely interacted with the ancestors of the vikings too but the Asgard did so at a much later point.
It was a cardinal rule on the production department that Atlantis was to have minimal Greco-Roman influences as possible, and instead drew influence from ancient Asian/South-Asian and South-American cultures in its worldbuilding to set it up as the "Mother Culture."
"Where do I sign up"
Aquaman: right here
*_paper rips apart due to water_*
"What did you wish for, Patrick?"
"Another piece of paper."
Well, might as well throw these in the fire!
No Atlantis by Donovan? Quite a shame :3
I read that as "the water rips because paper"
“Whoever sent this obviously has no idea about the physical limitations of life underwater! Well, might as well throw these in the fire!”
The deeper you go the more nightmares there are, theres always a bigger fish! - Blue
Remember the biggest fish is always the ocean, And when your planet is just a speck of dust in a vast Galaxy, Make me question what the real ocean is...
And how to swim out of the way of the bigger fish.
The ocean is a soup.
@@brandonporter8509 and we are on the menu
I cast Summon Bigger Fish!
9:54 Also unless you're H.P. Lovecraft, whose literal greatest fear (as you explained several videos ago) was a sunken city full of magic fish-people.
Lovecraft's fears were kinda like fish. There was always a bigger one for the poor, miserable bastard.
No, his biggest fear was a sunken city full of non-white, magical, poor fish people who paint with the colors of non-visible light.
His greatest fear was 'the unknown', he just interpreted it like a sunken city of unknown architecture hiding eldrich horrors beyond our understanding
I mean, if we’re gunna go there, his biggest fears were the racial ‘corruption’ of the dem whites and that he himself wasn’t pure of blood enough. He just used fish monsters breeding with humans as a stand-in.
@@vathek5958 Which is a weird concept for a man who readily acknowledged man's insignificance in the face of the greater universe. You figure a guy like that wouldn't split hairs so much when all of man was a friggin' swam of gnats to the old ones.
You know it’s old when China uses bamboo strips instead of paper.
"oh hey, it's a mysterious color unlike any seen on earth"
Hey Tweek
@@siyacer who?
@@KeitieKalopsia Tweek Tweak
Oh no Lovecraft 😱
Yugioh has taught me more about mythology (mainly Egypt) then any of the textbooks ive ever read. So I researched in my own time and as it turns out- Yugioh was right
About a lot
Anime really does have anything
Does anime have fighter jets dogfighting Wyverns?
I swear to you, on every plane of existence, there probably is. I am not the person to actually know this stuff, Google is free.
@@oliveravenstrike8578 *YES*
@@oliveravenstrike8578 Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be one.
@@Attaxalotl well then. It will probably be there soon.
3:31 they called all of North Africa Libya though. That would make Atlantis MUCH bigger
id like this, but 69 likes
@@picgmr1575 Your time is now.
So Atlantis is North America
Gamer 987 no North Africa
Zaid it’s America
Aquaman shows up to the first meeting of the Justice League.
Wonder Woman: "You found my uncle's trident."
Wonder Woman: "Where did you find it?"
Aquaman:"In his grave."
WW: "You robbed my uncle's grave."
Aquaman:"...Hey the giant monster fish said I could, and that makes me the rightful king of Atlantis."
WW:"Strange fish lying at the bottom of the sea, distributing tridents, is no basis for a system of government."
@@whoknows7968 Get a load of this watery Tart.
@@whoknows7968 is that a Monty Python reference ?
@@Emanon389 Who knows
Its ok if Atlantis doesn’t exist because tons of costal cities are soon to become it
More like Doggerland
too far dude too far
Goodbye, hometown....
something something leftists something something decadence something something hubris
As an avid Odd-Eyes fan, I’m quite proud that Yu-Gi-Oh! knew more about Atlantis than you did.
So the people in Atlantis because farriers
I like hero 💀
@@heroduelist9242 I'll chill in that corner with you
But only if we kick out Evil HEROES, fuck 'em
The real Atlantis was the friends we made along the way.
This comment is the reason why a atlantis themed yugioh season exists
Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged Series has entered the chat
The real Atlantis was the empires we conquered and subjugated along the way
Britain: it's over Doggerland I have the high ground
You underestimate my archeological value Britan!
@@PokemonFreak6298 Don't try it Doggerland.
Better yet, the Netherlands had the high ground over Doggerland. That doesn't happen a lot.
Doggerland: do not underestimate my power (•̀_•́)
Britain is doggerland. Oh, and maybe Denmark I guess.
Red: *Describes a material with magical properties that has a value comparable to gold.
Me: I guess Black Panther's Wakanda took more inspiration than we realized. African Atlantis.
YmirIsHere holy shoot, you’re right!
You mean African American Atlantis. Keep it PC people.
Actually it took inspiration from haiti
The way Blue said 'there's always a bigger fish' makes me so happy for absolutely no reason.
2:57 - yeah, that's an Avatar reference.
Also, where can I start a petition to make Blue play Subnautica?
I do SCUBA diving IRL and even I found Subnautica to be fucking terrifying at times.
I feel like that would be torture.
I wanna see it
You're all sadistic freaks
Hell yeah
Oh but it's not Japanese children's card game. It's a Japanese show about an Egyptian children's card game.
@@megadeathx more like a Japanese children's card game with some Egyptian and pseudo Egyptian influences
This was honestly the most shocking thing about the video. I had no idea the orichalchamos was a thing.
@@MrSGZone Color me impressed that the writers/producers did their homework, because I thought that was made up by them too.
It's Japan they put way more effort into their stories than we do.
*Plato, writing about Atlantis
"Reality can be anything I want"
The bits about telling Blue to go watch Atlantis, when he's thalassophobic, THOSE ARE JOKES. Seriously. Don't push people to face their phobias unless you are a therapist trained specifically in that kind of therapy. That's the ONLY way that ever ends well.
Especially don't demand people do something they're phobic about or terrified of, if you're really just denying that their fears exist. That's even worse.
“Alright calm down there Love Craft”
Love Craft: But I already wrote about the *mysterious cities unlike any other on earth*
Edit: WTF 800 likes in an hour? Well this is some *mysterious success unlike any other in my life*
Mad Bois in the swamp/artic/Caribbean: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!!
@@waynes.wilson6616 Lovecraft: People of different ethnicity from me? *(Screams in abject terror)*
R’lyeh City Review when
@@merrittanimation7721 april 1st 2020 ;)
If you're paying attention in watching the Disney version, in his deathbed the king of Atlantis confesses that he wanted to weaponize the Crystal. And remember the spinoff movie Milo's Return? Kida says that the resulting war "nearly destroyed the world". So Atlantis did go to war/get into colonization in that version.
Huh. Atlantis The Lost Empire was my go-to comfort movie as a kid, and during the ungodly amount of times I watched it I remember thinking about that line and coming to the conclusion that the king wanted to weaponize the crystal to fight an alien invasion (cuz who else would they be fighting to need a weapon of that power?). But after they destroyed themselves the aliens had no reason to invade anymore and left. Never saw the sequel.
@@jmckenzie962 you do need a weapon of overwhelming power to colonnialize different nations.
Spear versus spear ain't gonna end well for the invaders in the long run.
But spear versus breech loaded rifle? That's a different story all together
@@sudanemamimikiki1527 "For we have the Maxim gun, and they do not."
*~ Mermaid Man 2018*
"But I must do, what I do!"
Ice cream? I love Ice Cream!
@@Gojiragon Chocolate? Chocolate, CHOCOLATE
E- Every
V- Villains
I- Is
L- Lemons
I _adore_ the Doggerland-as-Atlantis theory, which also makes Ys and Lyonesse seem like mythologized remnants of the memory of the Storegga Slide (with some good ole’ misogynistic moralizing thrown in).
The Atlantis movie is very underrated. The Disney movie with Leonard Nemoy.
Dayala Singh My god yesss
Film with Mike Mignola's art style and great characters
I love this movie, I don’t care what anyone says.
Wait, Leonard Nemoy is in that? _thinks for a second_ Oh my god he is!
I miss Disney's short lived sci-fi period, where they stopped making fairy tale musicals and made action adeventure movies
This is the one time Yugioh's atlantis season makes me happy
"Nah. As the president of a major corporation I have to do that every day."
May I interest you in a certain abridged series?
The true Atlantis is the friends you've made along the way!
No friends are worth the prospect of sexy mermaid people!
Awesome dad joke.
Nice YGOAS reference
I play my orichacmomoms
Reminds me of a legend here in Malaysia about a whole small kingdom along with a super huge super tall castle that sank into Lake Chini. The princess and the prince that visited her whom she fell in love with both turned into sea dragons or naga and swam out into the ocean. The prince swam back to China and the princess waits for him for so long she became Tioman Island.
I love Malaysian myths.
That’s worse than the lady who bragged about how she was better than leto and then turned into a rock when all her kids died
Plato: Atlantis is real.
Namor: I am its king!
Aquaman: I am its king!
Spongebob: Its near Bikini Bottom.
That was a good one
I love this channel because it's the only place I can reliably get quality philosophy memes.
And sweet-ass guitar music.
Amen to that
9:18 "oh hey it's a mysterious color unlike any seen on Earth"
Red that made me burst out laughing way harder than it should've so 10/10
Just realized that Tolkien’s story of Númenor was probably more than a little inspired by the classic fall of Atlantis, even down to the parts of the line of kings becoming less “godlike” over time and their ever growing greed culminating in their waging war on the rest of the world, though with major differences such as the machinations of Sauron, the split of Numenorean’s into “true” and “treacherous” factions, their war on the West that brought about their destruction being done in the pursuit of immortality, and the fact that the “true” Numenoreans were able to escape from the doom of their homeland (as well as some of the “treacherous” / Black Numenoreans who were away in settlements on Middle Earth).
numenor was written just because tolkien had a dream he was on atlantis when it sank and he had a theory he had atlantian ancestors
The best part is the Quenya name given to Númenor after it sank, translating to 'the fallen'... Atalantë
@@laurelelasselin And apparently that wasn't even deliberate - Tolkien described it as a "happy accident" in a letter!
@@williamjones5334 Ha, I didn't know that! Makes it so much better 😂
So Disney's Atlantis was the most accurate adaptation of the myth?
I knew there was a reason why I loved that film as a kid.
Not the most accurate, though.
Yugioh is more accurate
@@rahmanmoncatar9675 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is even more accurate.
Well... I guess Plato was a neckbeard of sorts.
Am I one of the few that liked Disney's animated take on Atlantis with "Atlantis: The Lost Empire"? Ancient super-tech, language potentially a proto-language predating everything, etc?
... I mean, um... not all of it really made sense, but ooh, pretty designs and colors. So much magic light and blues...
EDIT: Goodness gracious, guess I'm not exactly in a "minority" of people that like the film after all.
Yeah it was an awesome movie. Check out SF Debris' site for a review and recap of the history of the myth.
Yeah, it was amazing and deserved better.
Favourite movie ever
Very underrated movie, though I enjoyed the expedition part more than the actually-in-Atlantis part.
Can't wait for that world to be a secret bad guy base in Kingdom Hearts
Yes Blue, there's always a bigger fish. Which just means there always needs to be a bigger harpoon!
And a bigger frying pan. Eating your non- human enemies is great revenge!
Eating your human ones is even better, because they actually understand the implication.
Steven Flaningam and a bigger boat
Vyse: "Harpoon cannon--FIRE!!"
6:20 Well, there once was a barrier separating the mediterranian sea from the atlantic. That narrow passageway at Gibraltar hadn't always been there, and this separation of the oceans even lead to the mediterranian sea DRYING UP, leaving nothing behind but a salt desert and some hypersaline lakes.
Now here's the issue: That whole shenanigan, which we refer to as the Messinian Event, happened about 6 Million years ago. At the end of the Miocene era. And it hasn't happened again since!
So for Atlantis' debris to be forming a blockade at the Passage of Gibraltar, they'd be about 5,991 Million years late.
I've got a sinking feeling about this video
I'm ashamed that I laughed at that
AAHH!! The puns!
Yeah, Red kinda watered everything down
And you are going to be getting a flood of replies.
Plato : " Atlantis is an allegory for the Hubris of Humanity "
Reader : " Whoa cool lost city "
Red: posts a wonderful, in-depth video discussing how awesome Atlantis is
Disney: announces they're considering a Live-action remake of Atlantis the same week
Coincidence? I think NOT!!!
Ohhh please don't fuck it up. Atlantis is one of my favorite animated movies and it never got the recognition it deserved when it came out.
WAITAMINNIT!! You mean...Disney is just bandwagon-hyping with Overly Sarcastic Productions?
Are you serious? Do have any sort of information regarding/discussing/confiming this?
Wait, what?!
I am kinda dreading it with how they fucked up with The Lion King but I think they did well with Beauty and the Beast...
But... I want to see it...
@@kiya46107 Apparently Disney is serious about it, as they are looking to cast Tom Holland as Milo Thatch and getting Guillermo del Toro to direct the film. It should be noted though that del Toro has refuted these claims. I still think this is an odd move, as out of all the films you could pick to make a live-action version Disney selects... Atlantis? I mean sure, it is a bit of a fan favorite but it is also kind of a cult classic in Disney's library.
Hey yo so this story as well as what you have said about Doggerland reminded me of a similar Welsh myth about a sunken civilisation (side note I have been to the petrified forest at the beach at Borth that people have said points to the fact that this mythological kingdom exists). The story goes that the kingdom was called Cantre'r Gwaelod which existed where Cardigan Bay now is. The prince of the Kingdom was in charge of manning the floodgates against the sea, but he got drunk one night and neglected his duties, causing the sea to sweep into the kingdom and flood it all. In Aberdovey, there is a huge bell underneath the pier, which the waves cause to ring as the tide goes in and out. It is meant to represent the sunken bell towers of the drowned kingdom, which are still supposed to ring in times of trouble
> be Atlantis
> be a technological superpower with magic
> somehow don't flee to other landmasses
> somehow don't flee to space where life would be easier anyway.
> get rekt by water.
"Water always wins."
Listen, just because they have magic flight doesn't mean they have magic space flight.
Then they are dumb.
@@spacejunk2186 What are you talking about? We had flight a lot longer than we had spaceflight. And even now it's not advanced enough to evacuate even 1 person without huge amounts of planning.
@NoisyCricket42 You're right about that. Still doesn't change the fact that advanced space travel is still decades, if not centuries off.
“The deeper you go, the more nightmares there are. There’s always a bigger fish!”
That line is hilarious! 😆
People probably talk about Doggerland so little because “Atlantis” is a way cooler name than “Doggerland.”
Atlantis sounds like a magical kingdom filled with awesome architecture and powerful magic.
Doggerland sounds a Welsh county that wasn’t important enough to get a ship named after it.
What if Atlantis is neighbours with R'leyh and the Atlantis are just chillin with Cthulu and the elder gods drinking Cosmos and riding dolphins?
That sounds awesome tbh
R’leyh is in the Pacific? Somewhere around Polynesian iirc.
Imagine, if you will: a zombie/horde shooter game where the players are Atlanteans and the enemies are eldritch spawn from R’lyeh
@@mistletoecanary I love it! Need's more Cthulu with a Cosmopolitan
Yugioh is about monsters from Egypt why wouldn’t they know about Atlantis a land “taken from Egyptian text” (made up by Plato) when it bases off of it in the first place?
In the show, the ruins of Atlantis are discovered by an archaeologist who used to work with Yugi's grandfather in, guess where, Egypt. Also, Dartz says he was in Egypt during the time of the nameless pharaoh, about 7-5k years after Atlantis's sinking (depending on sub or dub)
Except that in Yugioh, Atlantis is a completely separate civilization with no connection to Egypt and is supposed to be twice as old. Really it was just more filler. But the team does damn good research for cards.
And the mangaka seems to know a lot about ancient Egyptian mythology, as seen in the actually canon arcs.
You know how in the Millennium World Arc we found out the Millennium Items came from an ancient spellbook that had been around for generations but no one could translate it until then? Then the book's never mentioned again? I've always wondered if it might be Atlantean.
And cant forget the vampires who can stop time
Gigantic Tsunami:you can't beat me
Dogerland:i know but he can
British isle:i have the high ground.
Thus, Britain became powercrazy and invaded most of the world, while they subjucated the Irish from doing the same.
UK: it's over big tsunami! I have the high ground 🤣🤣
@@theshamanite and and a@wawqq
I have a small headcanon that if you go to Atlantis there is always an omnipresent tune of Ocean Man bopping in the background that can never be muffled and silenced.
It’s just- there.
Vivoversion11 It's like a picture of Stalin in the 40's to 60's, always there.
No wonder it collapsed.
Merritt Animation Just like the Union.
11:59 another good one is zealandia. It’s a real continent like Australia or Antarctica too. But after getting stretched incredibly thin after the breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent most of it sank into the sea save for New Zealand and New Caledonia
Literally any show or documentary about searching for Atlantis: *exists*
Red: I am about to end these men's whole careers
Um 😐 okayyyyyyyyyyyy but I really don't know what you mean sorry for all that of what I said it just makes no sense not at I like your idea or maybe it wasn't a idea i just am more used to something different heh SORRY 😰
Are you okAy tell me I think I might have hurt your feelings because I was the only reply I'm soooooooooooooooooooo SORRY 😕
I'm *sniffs* sorry *sniffs* *cries*😭😭😭😭😭😓😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Did you spot it?i think you did it was easy
any underwater crater that looks like it once went above the water but doesnt anymore: exists
conspiracy theorists: is this atlantis?
That last bit about season 4 of Yu-Gi-Oh got me laughing.
Dartz: I play The Seal of Orichalcamalos!
I just can't believe that word wasn't made up for the show...
@@marcusalm7350 Honestly I think that's my favorite part.
I love how Plato gets the Zuko award.
Also, the JoJo’s reference.
"Atlantis MUST be real if Plato says it is! A philosopher would never make up things that weren't real just for philosophical discussion!"