She thought she was ready. Then he showed her he got much more going for himself the she does for herself. If their relationship is still going she has a good reminder to try to pull a fast one on him again
I agree. Even if she said it was going to be okay for her to drop him off, he should have at least had the basic respect to not put someone he supposedly loves in that position.
Catalina Reveco do you mean a woman actually saying what she wants/how she feels? Instead of the usual having to know without a woman actually saying it?
Jealousy doesn’t come from low self esteem necessarily. Your boyfriend is going on dates with other people and you’re clearly unhappy about it. Jealousy is the natural feeling in this case.
Nah to me this seems like when you hear about couples that have been together for years and the woman knows he's cheating but pretends it's not happening because she knows it makes him happy and she's scared things will end if she doesn't let him have his way. I dunno, they may be happy, but I disagree that she's upset she didn't have the same success. As soon as they started she wasn't interested in even trying. She only tried as a means to compete. I've also totally been the girl who's tried to be super chill and cool with something, then the jealousy hits and you wish it didn't but you can't help it.
@Grumpy Old Brit - 1) It's not cheating if they agree to it beforehand. That's the idea of an open relationship. 2) SHE suggested they get into an open relationship. So, no, there is not "abuse" here or manipulation.
Isabella Oliveira yes honey we heard what they said. But when you have maturity and life experience you realise that most things are not literal and simple. In other words, actions speak louder than works, talk is cheap. It os clearly obvious that her actions and feelings do not align with her words. Neither of them look like they truly care about each other -- they both look like they are settelling. I can tell that he is not that into her, he only stays out of convienence. And she appears to like and care for him more than he does her.
Haha, the woman went into this thinking she was going to get all the action you can see the joy on her face at the beginning. Then reality strikes and she gets nothing whilst the guy is pulling all sorts and she starts getting second thoughts. That plan kinda backfired.
Pantelimon Pantelimon i’m surprised she thought that when she doesn’t even put any effort into looking good. she needs to lose weight, learn how to do makeup and get a new wardrobe then she’d probably get some.
candysweet434 tbh I think the girl needs a little bit of work ..the way she was sitting on the chair in the beginning all slouched it bothered me
@@ElanaVital83 why blame him in the first interview she was elated that she convinced him to try it and he was very reluctant but once she was getting nothing and he had like 3 dates in a month and he had started to fix his hair and take the glasses off all of a sudden she was regretful that he had found someone better
Javi this girl will do anything for this guy. If they get married. I think they will continue the open relationship on the guy side. So i think this guy will keep her as his maid i mean partner forever
I honestly don’t know how I got through this video. She clearly did not want to be in this “open” relationship... it was all for him. Literally, this is going to break them up as he continues this open relationship.
weirdly enough, i had the feeling it was the other way around she seemed pretty eager about this in the intro, talking about how she doesn't want to put all of her love for one person only they both seem like they're not completely happy about the open relationship, but they don't look like they'd feel nice as a regular couple, they're too awkward to me.. i feel like they'd make good friends but that might be all lol
Worst. Idea. Of. Life. If you're taking such a drastic measure to find happiness or "spice things up" after just 1.5 years... You're in the wrong boat my friend
To me her eyes tell a completely different story to what shes saying, she looks so sad at the end. I think/feel that as soon as he sleeps with another person this relationship will be over because she is doing all this for him and shes just not into it for her. I may have it completely wrong but she really doesnt feel at ease and happy with this.
I saw the same thing as you did. Her eyes looked sad. It's like she didn't want to disappoint him by standing her ground and saying no. The whole "jealousy comes from self esteem" was incorrect. I believe doing something for your partner that makes you sad or hurt inside to just please them is from low self esteem. Sad, so sad.
THEEV o honestly I agree. He is actually cute. She’s just basic. I think if she cut her hair a certain way or if it was super long she would look more interesting
Wow. When she brings up both of them being sexually satisfied, and he shrugs... You can see the end right there. Sister -- get out. You really deserve a guy who really actually fully totally wants to be with u and only u!
+Valerie S she was probably the one who actually said it to begin with but I bet he had been dropping hints to her for a while about it and she was just eventually like "do you want to be in an open relationship??"
She decided to experiment thinking it would be fun, thinking she'd have fun sleeping with other people. He played along only to find out how much he enjoyed being with other people. In the end, the person who wanted to see others destroyed her own happiness.
@@kbanghart "she didn't even really try" Lol delude yourself more. You look like the sort of person who'd say "I didn't like him anyway. Blah blah blah" after you get rejected. Or the sort of person who'd go "I could do so many great things if I tried. But I'm not going to" Lmfao
Maybe you should not project her expression with how you would feel about this, but listen to what she is actually saying. Maybe their love is not puppy love, but they are very considerate for each others feelings and communicate very well.
hey, almost 1,000 people agree with me. I'm reading body language. It's simple to tell she's uncomfortable and really trying to push past it, but can't seem to.
Unless both parties are completely and 100% comfortable and okay with a situation like this, then DON'T do it??? If there's even a little of hurt, jealousy, or sadness at all on either person, then you shouldn't be doing it. This is emotionally unhealthy and can cause serious damage. This was so sad to watch.
Heyit'smec sometimes people need space and time to work through jealousy and hurt. sometimes it's not always appropriate or it's their goal to change something so they need to feel it fully in order to fix it (if they personally think they want to fix it) ex boyfriend would always get angry and upset when I would hang out with people other than him. he is hurt because of his controlling ideas but that doesn't mean I should have coddled him and said sorry I won't see anyone else ever other than you
Jealousy is something you can work through, if you really want it. People in healthy open relationships are not robots, they feel jealous and hurt too, and that's ok, as long as you talk a lot about your feeling and don't expect the other person to put their genitals on carbonite to make it go away. Jealous people just need to work on themselves and find the root of their jealousy / insecurities, while the partner is there to offer support. I know it's easier said than done, but the difference between monogamy and polyamory is really all in how you manage jealousy: monogamous people locke their spouse up so they remove the trigger so they never have to face their fears, polyamorous people talk about it and learn how to cope.
As someone in a successful open relationship, I can say that jealousy and insecurity definitely still happens. It’s an emotion, you don’t control how you feel. You do, however, have control on how you deal with these emotions. That’s where it gets more difficult for people, I think. Not everybody is suited for open relationships or polyamourous relationships. Communication is extremely important.
If you try something like this and your partner isn't super into it, you should stop. They're more of a priority than your new date.. She seems unhappy with the situation. Also 1.5 years is a really short amount of time to get bored with someone in any capacity tbh.
Liz Bee your write bee. Do you think that if a couple is together for 20 years and they want to experiment is it better to have 3 sums or go out separately.
thats cool though that he found out this is sth for him and she learend that poly is not for her. i'd say win win. they werent a great match, good to find out no?
This made me feel so terrible. That poor girl is CLEARLY not happy about the situation & it's unfortunate she's with someone who isn't 100% dedicated to her.
She broke his heart by telling him she wanted to sleep with every dude in town. He got revenge by beating her to it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I would never do this, and neither would my partner. It’s just another way for the man to cheat on his faithful gf/wife and get away with it because she agreed
I just feel like I don’t have any desire to do that. Idk why someone would. I feel like when you’re in love with someone, you wanna be with only them and focus on only them. Sure other people are attractive and you can acknowledge that, but I don’t feel like someone would need to pursue that if they’re already with someone else.
Alyssa like jasmine djs just said she agreed so he can date and/or f whoever he wants because he did everything with her permission because they were in a open relationship. Saying what you said is like saying that they were going to a resturant for dinner but he went to a restaurant before with her consent and knowledge of him going there and then being mad at him.
@@sormly500 But I don't see how that's a bad thing. I mean, I guess some people want to be happy because she was upset that he was getting dates? I don't get it
I’m not gonna say polyamory is terrible, because it works for a lot of people. However, I don’t think it’s smart for people who are happily mono-amorous to try this. Unless they aren’t satisfied.
You're right. My main partner and I are poly (and parents, I might note). It was uncomfortable at first, and those moments will inevitably happen from time to time. On the whole, however, the experience has made our relationship much stronger. I can't recommend it to just anyone; most people's brains are hardwired for the traditional monogamous setup. Don't try to counteract your brain's hardwired functions, because it'll break you and may hurt more than being cheated on in the first place. I've seen it happen, unfortunately. Do what's best for you and your partner. If you want to try it, cool. If not, cool. If you do and it isn't working, cut it off and stick to your guns. Be safe, and happy tidings everybody!
I think it's only good for people who are happy, full/complete/grown/self-satisfied first alone and THEN in a successful relationship and then both are ready, still self-satisfied or complete/whole and are open enough to envision.and have that life + very good at communicating & dont feel the need to hide. SOOOOOOOO basically not a good idea if you've had a toxic upbringing/life snd are not at peace with who you are and where your life is at and where it's going..
This was probably not the right couple to do this experiment. They seem to not be in a place where they would be ready for something like this. I would suggest they start with like a three-some or something.
Agreed! I think having sexual relations with other people/couples first would've been a better start than just jumping in head first to an open relationship. Open relationships are a HUGE step.
Lmao women wants an open relationship finds out nobody wants her while the guy pulling multiple people and she instantly regrets it cause he'll find someone better
Watching the whole video, she says she did it just to make him happy. (around 6:40) so it did start with him being sort of at least sexually unsatisfied and she obviously felt that and wanted to make it better somehow but still be with him. I don't see why you should attack either of them. Maybe they'll realize they aren't right for each other, but we can't tell so I don't see why you should attack her. She might want to be with someone who is actually satisfied with her, lol.
Plen122 if you're not getting anyone, of course you're gonna act like you're disinterested lol. She was so excited at first but obviously she wasn't able to successfully get dates
Girl go find someone else, he clearly is bored of you lol I felt so bad for her because she clearly isn't too into this while he is way too into this. An open relationship should be wanted by both parties.
Gijay Sorez She's literally the one who wanted to start the open relationship. It was right there at the beginning of the video. It's not okay to pin this on him. If she realized that she made a mistake with asking for an open relationship she should have spoken up instead of acting the way she did.
People typically make that choice about a restaurant or a movie, not an entire relationship premise. They both in general need to communicate better with each other, but on the topic of the open relationship, it really is on her. He even asked her several times, "You're not just doing this for me?", and every time she insisted, "No".
Yasmin, even if she was trying to it to make him happy, that doesnt mean she was doing anywhere close to the right thing by him. She is clearly uncomfortable with the entire scenario, and insists nothing is wrong, which does nothing but undermine the trust between them, foster jealousy, and make herself look like a flake. I feel bad for him.
This was a bad idea, he did way more than she did. It almost seemed unfair to her even though she agreed to this. They should've cut this short seeing how she was handling this.
lmao what ? The point of an open relationship is for both person to be free. as much as i hate the idea of "open relationships", not his fault if he had more frequent dates than her lmao come on.
JzachR6 It's not about the fact he "got" more dates. He was looking for more, because it was clear the idea was brought up, and probably semi forced by him. She even mentioned that in the video... This isn't a healthy open relationship.
earthopriya I know right. They more like room mates who maybe get sexual sometimes. The dude is clearly into guys but she's not that into girls so I don't get it.
earthtopriya more like family. No spark but she truly does seem to love him. Hope she gets out of denial and he comes clean that he’s more attracted to men.
If that's what you think then we must have watched different videos. He's just better at getting dates then she is, but she clearly was excited at the beginning. This was more likely her idea
Holly Wallis oh, you obviously know nothing... looks are arguably the most important factor in love! Personality comes after... that’s why you don’t find beautiful models with fat hideous women.
God this was terrible to watch 😑 it's basically a girl ripping her own heart and disregarding her feelings for a guy that doesn't know if he's 100%in love with her and still wants other people
Bob Severson I doubt it something's are easy to see and this is one of them they aren't on the same page in their relationship she feels secure in the love she has for him but he's having doubts that's completely normal but the way they are dealing with it is unhealthy for her especially
OKAY, THIS!! i know this is an old comment but if you "feel bad about the emotional baggage" you're putting on your partner, the solution is to go to counseling and manage it. take a break from the relationship and work on yourself. not find more people to put that on and expect all these people to carry you.
Nooooo. There's nothing wrong with open relationships or poly relationships. But they aren't something to try to "fix things" with. The second there is guilt then it should end. This relationship had tons of complications that aren't going to be fixed by this.
+Haley Rorick There's nothing wrong with poly relationships 😊 they're actually very wonderful if the couples are strong and healthy. You just have to make sure it stays healthy and this is a very bad example of that
exactly, also an open relationship it is if you want to date because you like, not at the moment you open your relation one of them start to having dates like crazy, I mean, you don't like all the people around you meet in one week, looked forced.
I could not imagine doing this with my wife. Sure, we all have attraction towards other people, but she's my world. I'm a very committed person. Even if we brought another woman into our relationship, my wife would always take priority in every way. Not sure that sounds like it could work.
Randy Lott as a general rule...women have an easier time getting dates than men. The playing field is uneven. the woman in this video hasn't been very aggressive in her pursuit of dating.
Anita Barneycastle I think it’s very important to note also that she was pursuing woman while her boyfriend was pursuing men, so it was probably much easier for him to find dates. A large amount of gay men rely on dating apps to meet other men, so it’s not shocking that he was able to get so many dates in such a short amount of time. Woman are usually less likely all around to use dating apps.
That would be when u mess your relationship up. Respect goes out the will destroy your relationship. If she is your world....then I wouldn't do it sir.
What you're describing is hierarchy polyamory. You have one primary partner with secondary or tertiary partners on the side. So you have your wife that is involved in finances, living space, etc. Maybe you have a girlfriend on the side that you date regularly and she has a bf on the side as well but they don't take care of finances or the house.
As a person that is Poly, But this seemed so forced and made me sad that the lady seemed so sad and lonely. Poly doesn't work for everyone. But I wish them luck.
I just feel like the guy didn’t even have feelings for the woman just the way he looked at her and how he s so excited to go on dates nahh go find yourself the man you deserve girl
1.5 years together and you need to try an open relationship to be more affectionate and fall more in love with each other? Um doesn’t sound too good. I’m madly in love with my husband we’ve been affectionate since day the beginning and no open relationship. This was an odd and uncomfortable video to watch. Tried with an open mind but just no
Same. Even though my husband and I have had rough times, I would never want anyone else touching me or taking me out. And I wouldn't want anyone touching him either. Marriage is a monogamous commitment in which you get to live in your own beautiful little world. And I know a few couples with open marriages. No matter what they say to each other's faces, one of them is miserable in it.
You know, you can disagree with something although deeming a relationship that's not yours as, "Not good" Having an open relationship doesn't nessesaraly effect the strength of the relationship...They're relationship looked great to me, not troubled at all. It's just your comment made me feel sorta crappy because I've been an an open relationship with my partner for 4 years. And I know it's none off my business because it's your relationship but honestly the thought of being with someone forever and not being able to have experiances and feel love from other people..doesn't sound good to me and makes me extremely uncomfortable but I'm trying to have an open mind.. :) ^ See how unessesary that was? Grow up and learn how to respect differences without judging xo
You are all incapable of respecting other people's relationships and forms of love and it makes me sad. You must all come to an understanding that there is more then one definition of love, and until you understand that, I don't think any of you will be happy. I'm sorry for you all. I hope you all learn to grow. :)
mirpandas I agree. She seems so nice and so sweet even helping pick his clothes for the dates. He looks like he's with her but thinks "there's better somewhere else" it made me cringe the whole time
Camera_kid007 u don’t understand at all. Us girls are very sensitive. Not saying boys aren’t but if this wasn’t a challenge the guy would just be like “bye” and go off to some random chick. The girl obviously loves him the guy seems like he doesn’t care.
Ross Oliver yes it is and those relationships are healthy and great as long as all parties are totally comfortable with the boundaries of the relationship(s) and these two are clearly on two different pages. she’s insecure and a little controlling and is very clearly monogamous but wants him to be happy regardless of what damage it does on her emotions. he’s less committed to the relationship than she is and is not satisfied with the relationship and is therefore going into this open relationship for all the wrong reasons. they’re so dysfunctional and unstable with each other and it sucks that buzzfeed is representing non-monogamy with these two because what they have is a broken toxic relationship and fake polyamory(lol sorry for ranting)
Give me a break. Couples who have an open relationship are clearly not happy with each other if they have to seek whatever is missing in their relationship from other people.
I really dont understand this "open relationship" thing, to me it just feels like hanging onto something easy and safe untill you find an escape route through other people....
Honestly it sounds like they would fit better with a polyamorous relationship and dating other people together rather than having an open relationship. Both of them being bi could actually facilitate that.
An open relationship can be when you and your partner pursue different people. Now, every relationship is different and these all require a lot of communication. So a polyamorous relationship can be when you and your partner invite a third person into your relationship who you BOTH would like to date. I have poly friends who go on one on one dates with anyone looking to be their girlfriend because they both want to make sure everyone clicks. It's not like a religious man with two wives. But these are just the very basic concepts of each kind of relationship and if you want to learn more I suggest googling "open vs polyamorous relationships"
Agreed, the guy seems like he wants to have another person in their relationship, but the girl seems like she'd be happier if she was more included in everything.
I wonder if they told their dates they were doing this “open relationship” experiment. I wouldn’t go on a date with someone if I knew they had a significant other. That’s a waste of time .
@@ellieparker9862 Literally just had this. It's a NOPE from me. I wasn't told from the beginning either since he assumed I somehow knew. Found out 5 weeks in -_-
The last part where he’s like “yeah it’s great we’ll stay in an open relationship...” you can see her face fall😭 and then he’s like I’m falling more in love with you and when she replies she’s literally convincing herself and she’s like “okay” 😭 I’m so upset
I feel like he isn't 100% satisfied with her and that's why he has to keep convincing himself he wants to go on these other dates and meet other people while having 'wifey' back home to go back to. I feel really sorry for the girl.
This guy OBVIOUSLY wants to be single and explore being with other people. Which is okay. Just break up and be single to do it. I mean it seems to me as if he feels like a "prisoner" or something. Just break up and do your thing? I feel bad for the girl its obvious that she's only doing this for him. She keeps saying "we came out stronger," girl quit playin' yourself.
There is a whole spectrum between "being single" and "being monogamous together forevah" and you trying to erase it is sort of discriminatory. Open relationships exist, and people can be happy in an open relationship. No mater what is your opinion of us, we'll keep existing, thank you very much.
An open relationship to me is being more like roommates with benefits then it does actually being in a relationship. I could never have an open relationship with my partner! I mean each to their own and all that, but thats my opinion.
Nessie Jay having done both open and fwb, they are really different. Fwb is often mostly about the benefits, where as open dating feels more like making super deep connections, and finding people that fulfill different needs, much the way different close frienss are better at certain things than others. My bf is a super introvert and doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything, so I have a secondary who likes to go on adventures and play board games with friends.
poketvenus from previous experiences, you can have super deep connections on a fwb level too and thats what it seems to be. Saying a 'secondary just sounds super disrespectful (i mean its your choice, you do you and all that) towards that person. Personally, an open relationship is not for my partner and me (especially seeing as out daughter needs a stable lifestyle, not mummy and daddy going on dates with different people.) I cant see myself ever being with my partner and any other people at the same time, its still cheating to me.
poketvenus ps, i'll add to that, the way you do your relationship is totally upto you and your partner and if that works for you then carry on with it! I realise my previous message sounds quite pompous, but i dont mean for that! :)
@@jgw9990 I didnt just straight up ask point blank, there were things he was not willing to try/do with me at a point on our relationship that was strained so we opened a conversation about a Polygamous Relationship and the theoretic rules/guidelines etc that would go with it. After a week on and off talking about the details etc we made the decision to try it with the Rules set it place. How can you as a person that has been likely discriminated against for your sexual preference etc be so ignorant and discriminatory towards what people in a relationship do privately and what make THEM happy. I completely understand that other such as yourself prefer Monogamy and I'd never tell you otherwise since that's what makes YOU happy and it's none of my buisness what you do. It's not dissimilar to Kink shaming. Grow up and be realistic instead of believing that One way is the true and only way and anyone else that does it different is disgusting and wrong like the religions and bigots that the LGBTQI have fought so long and hard against.
@@jrw4421 you've just admitted that you did it because of difficulties in your relationship though.... Ultimately it speaks to the weakness of that relationship, you had irreconcilable differences, but rather than confront them you tried to keep the relationship on life support by using other people to compensate.
I dont care what annnnnnyone says there is no open relationship that exist where jealously doesnt exist. What is the real purpose of it? Just admit you cant stay committed.
It's not cheating, as long as all parties involved are good with it, there are ground rules set and good communication is maintained then I see no problem.
Spoiler alert for the entire video: Him: I want to bone other people. Her: Yeah that sounds interesting we should both do that. I'm secretly hoping you won't find anyone though. Him: I found some people to bone. Her: I haven't found anyone to bone and I don't want to bone other people and I'm jealous that you have and do. Him: I'm having a good time not being with you. Her: I really miss being just us and I wish you felt as jealous as I do. Him: I'd really like to keep doing this. Her: It sounds like this isn't working for either of us. Him: It's working for me and I wish you would find someone else to bone like I am because I secretly want out of this relationship and I'm looking for excuses to break up. Her: I can't be with anyone except you. Him: I'm gonna keep seeking other people. Her: I'm telling myself that I like this open relationship stuff for my partner because that way I get the extra attention I should be getting regardless. My partner can't satisfy my emotional needs unless he feels like he owes me something and I can't understand how unhealthy that is. Him: I don't really care if she didn't enjoy this past month, I'm going to say that this was a success so that I can continue to seek out other people. Her: Yeah, whatever he wants to do, I'm just afraid of losing him.
Neilxoxoxo She didn’t want to venture out on him to begin with. She was doing this to please him. I think he’s gay and using her as a cover up for his family, and tricking her into this open relationship where he can live out his gay fantasies
Some people say to go against monogamy: "Oh but being attracted to other people is just so natural, so natural" and at the same time say jealousy is wrong even though it's just as natural.
I know right? There is reason monogamy is found widespread across the Globe, monotheistic religion or no. It's the best, stable concept for maintaining family, breeding, protecting off-spring and more. Monogamy creates order and leaves options for all parts of society while all forms of "relationship anarchy" are selfish concepts where the prettiest and richest get everything and everyone standing at above average to abysmal in social standing get nothing. The more I see the excesses of post-modern society, the more I understand Christianity of old, Islam and such. Slaughter the whores, slaughter the cheaters and slaughter all the traitors, too. Because blasphemy destroys society at large and creates resentment and war. Be content with what you have, abandon desires that would lead to dysfunctional behavior. The preachers of old were entirely right.
I suggested this once in a relationship because we weren't being intimate anymore (despite my many requests and inquiries regarding why and making no progress). I just figured it was because my partner loved me but was no longer sexually interested in me. We ended up breaking up too 😂😂😂. Life goes on!
I can't imagine being with someone and wanting to date somebody else. I also don't think I can stand my partner going on a date with someone other than me. Just feels like cheating to me... But hey different things for different people.
Whelp. This relationship is doomed to fail, if it already hasn't. He clearly wanted this more than her, and isn't happy in their relationship right now. Girl, he's just not that into you! You deserve to be with someone who loves and cares for you.
+emma ca1tlyn Oh I see... Are you doing that thing where you haven't gotten offended today; therefore, you just got have to get offended somehow in order to make yourself feel special?
Guys, come on. This was a terrible experiment to do. An open relationship is supposed to be 100% accepted on BOTH sides. There are healthy open relationships out there (works for some people not for others, everyone has their own way of life), but this video just makes them look bad. The girl clearly looks unhappy. I don’t know how producers still okay-ed uploading this.
Polyamorous relationships are BS. Anything in life that is worth it requires a certain level of sacrifice (you want a big house, you have to work hard and make money; you want to be very intelligent, you have to read and study for a long time; you want abs, you have to work out at the gym, etc) and the sacrifice for a solid romantic relationship is precisely that, a monogamous sexual life. Sacrifice makes people grow and if you just get rid of it then the rest has no value.
its not about owning anyone else, i dont own my boyfriend he is able to do whatever he wants, i am the most encoraging and helpful person i can be, and i will do anything to make my boyfriend happy. However if he was to go out and kiss another girl i would not be with him simple. How can you be with a person that you dont know if he has just slept with someone else? for me that is cheating, and something i do not believe in. everyone has their views and thats is just mine
Ines Fernandes They do know, though. They’re telling each other about it, they gave each other permission, and they can talk about closing it off whenever.
they know after its been done, or even before. i understand their communication is on point, but like i have said i wouldnt be happy, im not saying they are not thats fine with me i just dont have the same views i could not sleep with someone next to me that has the perfume (to say the least) of another women
there's a kind of love where you love someone so unconditionally that the most important thing is their happiness. i literally cried happy tears when my ex found a new girlfriend who he was really happy with. his happiness makes me happy. (and he better invite me to their wedding tbh) of course in this video's case it's different, but i really just believe there's love behind it. i personally don't think i could reach the point where i would be comfortable with an open relationship considering my self-esteem issues, but i can understand how other couples are okay with pursuing open relationships.
Why do you want to own your partner ?? Men don't have menopause and bs . And also modern women hate setting boundaries in relationship do why restricting each other ?? Go and enjoy your life .
I think people who enter a relationship with the idea of polyamory in mind tend to fare well, but people who are naturally monogamous often try to force themselves into polyamory to avoid the unpleasantness of an already dissolving monogamous relationship. It's like instead of owning and maintaining multiple houses, you buy a new house but keep the old one just because you're afraid to let it go, but it's already decrepit and falling apart.
An open relationship doesn't seem like a relationship. It seems like you don't want to really be with that person. Just seems like friends with benefits.
this isn’t a good example of an open relationship. healthy open relationships aren’t fueled by guilt and lack of love; it’s more about being able to love more than one person in a romantic way. it’s better off with couples who are 100% okay with it and happy with the relationship already, as opposed to what we see here, which doesn’t seem like a good relationship to begin with :(
While I'd never do this, open relationships aren't necessarily terrible. As long as boundaries are set and comfort levels are not crossed, the experience can certainly be all one could hope for, for some people. I've heard of quite a few open relationships that have worked just fine. But open relationships are NOT things people who don't feel the most self assured, confident, or comfortable with should get into. If you are making a conscious choice to get into one, make sure you don't have any doubts, and if you do, be vocal about them. Because relationships are built on communication after all. Like I said, I personally would never be in one, but hey if it works for you, I won't be one to judge and I wish you the best.
Most of my relationships have been open and the number one thing that makes or breaks it is communication. You have to let the other partners know what’s going on otherwise it just won’t work.
An open relationship can be a fulfilling relationship just as much as a monogamous one. HOWEVER 1. All parties need to be in complete agreement and understanding. 2. The people outside you're bringing into your relationship need to know what's happening fully they can't consent fully and that's shady as fuck. 3. This seems like cheating more than any other open relationship I've seen. She is obviously not very into it.
This makes me sad. It's like watching a relationship die.
She wasn't ready.
$10 said they didn’t last after this “challenge”
I dont even think he actually likes her
karolina i mean apparently not
She thought she was ready. Then he showed her he got much more going for himself the she does for herself. If their relationship is still going she has a good reminder to try to pull a fast one on him again
Her: We're not sexually unsatisfied.
Him: **shrugs shoulders**
This is so so awkward to watch especially the part where she drops off the guy on the date. Dude, take a damn uber if you’re going to do this.
Keri C. Yesssss, I thought the same thing!
Keri C yes!! Their so awkward!
I agree. Even if she said it was going to be okay for her to drop him off, he should have at least had the basic respect to not put someone he supposedly loves in that position.
Catalina Reveco do you mean a woman actually saying what she wants/how she feels? Instead of the usual having to know without a woman actually saying it?
Oh my... I can smell the jealousy seeping through my computer screen coming from the girlfriend LMAO
I played the video for 9 seconds and got that feeling already... went to the comments section to confirm.
Note to self:
"Don't hold on to someone who doesn't want to be held on to."
Destiny Jones awwww exactly and I'm still holding on
amen to that.
If it's a note to self why not keep it for yourself?
Ana Puscau Either way shes right.
If your boyfriend only puts up with you because he thinks no one else would even want him, don't prove him wrong.
Jealousy doesn’t come from low self esteem necessarily. Your boyfriend is going on dates with other people and you’re clearly unhappy about it. Jealousy is the natural feeling in this case.
ugh! The worst part is that she looks like she's probably beating herself up for not being cool with it.
Yeah I don't see why people are saying she's insecure or has low self esteem. Open relationships just aren't for her. They're not for everybody.
Iman El You can’t be jealous of a relationship you already have... they just need to break up and go their separate ways.
Nah to me this seems like when you hear about couples that have been together for years and the woman knows he's cheating but pretends it's not happening because she knows it makes him happy and she's scared things will end if she doesn't let him have his way. I dunno, they may be happy, but I disagree that she's upset she didn't have the same success. As soon as they started she wasn't interested in even trying. She only tried as a means to compete. I've also totally been the girl who's tried to be super chill and cool with something, then the jealousy hits and you wish it didn't but you can't help it.
@Grumpy Old Brit - 1) It's not cheating if they agree to it beforehand. That's the idea of an open relationship. 2) SHE suggested they get into an open relationship.
So, no, there is not "abuse" here or manipulation.
i just witnessed a relationship fall apart on youtube, wow.
did you watch the video? they literally said it made them closer and fall deeply in love with each other
Isabella Oliveira yes honey we heard what they said. But when you have maturity and life experience you realise that most things are not literal and simple. In other words, actions speak louder than works, talk is cheap. It os clearly obvious that her actions and feelings do not align with her words. Neither of them look like they truly care about each other -- they both look like they are settelling. I can tell that he is not that into her, he only stays out of convienence. And she appears to like and care for him more than he does her.
do you have their @? do you have actual proof bc id like to see, this is genuine, like i want to know where you understood this from
Fmblogger04 thats your feelings being projected. Words arent always literal but everyone can interpret things differently
phantasticdun o
Haha, the woman went into this thinking she was going to get all the action you can see the joy on her face at the beginning. Then reality strikes and she gets nothing whilst the guy is pulling all sorts and she starts getting second thoughts. That plan kinda backfired.
The best part is towards the end where they act like they both friend zoned each other
@Anonymous soy boy is a term used by weak men who are probably Trump supporters.
@@kbanghart you are saying that because you are one but dont want to admit it
Pantelimon Pantelimon i’m surprised she thought that when she doesn’t even put any effort into looking good. she needs to lose weight, learn how to do makeup and get a new wardrobe then she’d probably get some.
candysweet434 tbh I think the girl needs a little bit of work ..the way she was sitting on the chair in the beginning all slouched it bothered me
This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen
It’s actually not if you work through the issues! My partner and I are in an open relationship, and it’s going very well so far!
@@townesking9133 Maybe that's fine for you, but this couple clearly has other issues pertaining to his sexuality that should be addressed.
@@ElanaVital83 why blame him in the first interview she was elated that she convinced him to try it and he was very reluctant but once she was getting nothing and he had like 3 dates in a month and he had started to fix his hair and take the glasses off all of a sudden she was regretful that he had found someone better
@@Fitzy_Fitz Yeah but what I'm saying is maybe he's gay, and she's going to get in the way
im cringing lol i wonder if the girl REALLY wanted to go thru this.. dude seems so detached. AWK.
He seems so emotionally detached it's almost scary... 😷
Javi he's Gona run away with a dude
She’s gotta run it looks like he’s keeping her there as a “just in case I can’t find anything else” oooh so cringy 😬
Javi this girl will do anything for this guy. If they get married. I think they will continue the open relationship on the guy side. So i think this guy will keep her as his maid i mean partner forever
I honestly don’t know how I got through this video. She clearly did not want to be in this “open” relationship... it was all for him. Literally, this is going to break them up as he continues this open relationship.
It seems like he's unsatisfied with her, i think she deserves someone who thinks she is enough.
weirdly enough, i had the feeling it was the other way around
she seemed pretty eager about this in the intro, talking about how she doesn't want to put all of her love for one person only
they both seem like they're not completely happy about the open relationship, but they don't look like they'd feel nice as a regular couple, they're too awkward to me..
i feel like they'd make good friends but that might be all lol
Seems like he wants to be with a guy.
100% agree. It made me really uncomfortable to watch, it felt like I was watching her heart break 😥
Worst. Idea. Of. Life.
If you're taking such a drastic measure to find happiness or "spice things up" after just 1.5 years... You're in the wrong boat my friend
To me her eyes tell a completely different story to what shes saying, she looks so sad at the end. I think/feel that as soon as he sleeps with another person this relationship will be over because she is doing all this for him and shes just not into it for her. I may have it completely wrong but she really doesnt feel at ease and happy with this.
Joy Walsh he already slept with the person. Notice his clothes in the morning after the last date
I saw the same thing as you did. Her eyes looked sad. It's like she didn't want to disappoint him by standing her ground and saying no. The whole "jealousy comes from self esteem" was incorrect. I believe doing something for your partner that makes you sad or hurt inside to just please them is from low self esteem. Sad, so sad.
mothjira ohh!!! I hadnt registered that bit. Oh how sad 😔
CarinaChristo yes same here, it would break my heart if my other half wasnt satisfied with being with me and wanted others too
Tina Kershner yeah it truly is, i hope that she is ok
there really isn't a spark in their relationship... i don't see them being together for very long
Emily Jacobson amen to that. Uuuuuuuuuuuugh they are annoying.
does anyone know if they are still together?
Dark Caesar then what’s the point?
Dark Caesar True😧
Well that inicial rush turnes in to something more valuable over time when you have a deeper connection with someone.
30 seconds in- it is a bad idea.
3 minutes in- definitely a bad idea.
She: "I want to have an open relationship"
He: "okay" *conquers every man he sees*
She: :o
Lol, he's getting more men than she is. Wop-wo
Such win
I wonder if he was hooking up with girls instead, would it be 10x worse for her? the jealousy of woman to woman seems to be a lot more
He was wayyy more into this than she was. She was insecure, jealous and not into it much at all. Not a good way to start an open relationship
Princess Peach at the start. Now they’re happy. What you complaining about it made her and their relationship better
I don’t see a problem because their experimenting and they talked with each other the whole way through.
Princess Peach you don't always know how you're going to react untill you're in the middle of it
This is the truth on how most people start open relationships. Not everyone has the perfect emotional and physical moment to start a new chapter.
THEEV o honestly I agree. He is actually cute. She’s just basic. I think if she cut her hair a certain way or if it was super long she would look more interesting
Honestly throw the whole relationship away
Nicole Coxton PREACH IT
Yup throw it away with the pan. Its that terrible.
Wow. When she brings up both of them being sexually satisfied, and he shrugs... You can see the end right there. Sister -- get out. You really deserve a guy who really actually fully totally wants to be with u and only u!
she deserves sooo much better
Bliss Fancy the part when he shruged you can just tell it broke her heart.
He's probably fully gay. He prefers getting his fudge packed.
+Valerie S she was probably the one who actually said it to begin with but I bet he had been dropping hints to her for a while about it and she was just eventually like "do you want to be in an open relationship??"
She decided to experiment thinking it would be fun, thinking she'd have fun sleeping with other people. He played along only to find out how much he enjoyed being with other people. In the end, the person who wanted to see others destroyed her own happiness.
She didn't even really try.
Plen122 lmao yea okay
@@Charles-kc2vt yeah
@@kbanghart "she didn't even really try"
Lol delude yourself more. You look like the sort of person who'd say "I didn't like him anyway. Blah blah blah" after you get rejected.
Or the sort of person who'd go "I could do so many great things if I tried. But I'm not going to"
@@DivineAtheistWannabe Well then if she did put in a lot of effort into it,, please show me in the video where she did?
She looks like she's screaming for help behind her words.
Maybe you should not project her expression with how you would feel about this, but listen to what she is actually saying. Maybe their love is not puppy love, but they are very considerate for each others feelings and communicate very well.
hey, almost 1,000 people agree with me. I'm reading body language. It's simple to tell she's uncomfortable and really trying to push past it, but can't seem to.
I knew something was up with her interviews but i couldnt put my finger on it until i read your comment. You worded it perfectly hahaha
Bella my exact thoughts
Most likely this experience will improve their relationship than being detrimental.
Unless both parties are completely and 100% comfortable and okay with a situation like this, then DON'T do it??? If there's even a little of hurt, jealousy, or sadness at all on either person, then you shouldn't be doing it. This is emotionally unhealthy and can cause serious damage. This was so sad to watch.
Heyit'smec sometimes people need space and time to work through jealousy and hurt. sometimes it's not always appropriate or it's their goal to change something so they need to feel it fully in order to fix it (if they personally think they want to fix it) ex boyfriend would always get angry and upset when I would hang out with people other than him. he is hurt because of his controlling ideas but that doesn't mean I should have coddled him and said sorry I won't see anyone else ever other than you
Jealousy is something you can work through, if you really want it. People in healthy open relationships are not robots, they feel jealous and hurt too, and that's ok, as long as you talk a lot about your feeling and don't expect the other person to put their genitals on carbonite to make it go away. Jealous people just need to work on themselves and find the root of their jealousy / insecurities, while the partner is there to offer support. I know it's easier said than done, but the difference between monogamy and polyamory is really all in how you manage jealousy: monogamous people locke their spouse up so they remove the trigger so they never have to face their fears, polyamorous people talk about it and learn how to cope.
As someone in a successful open relationship, I can say that jealousy and insecurity definitely still happens. It’s an emotion, you don’t control how you feel. You do, however, have control on how you deal with these emotions.
That’s where it gets more difficult for people, I think.
Not everybody is suited for open relationships or polyamourous relationships. Communication is extremely important.
Opening a relationship as some kinda cure for what isn't working in a monogamous one is very likely to fail.
If you try something like this and your partner isn't super into it, you should stop. They're more of a priority than your new date.. She seems unhappy with the situation. Also 1.5 years is a really short amount of time to get bored with someone in any capacity tbh.
Yeah, he should leave her and find someone more attractive.
Liz Bee your write bee. Do you think that if a couple is together for 20 years and they want to experiment is it better to have 3 sums or go out separately.
Then why tf did she come up with the idea
Yeah I agree. People go decades with one person and that’s what I want. I don’t think I could ever do this ...
Liz Bee I was thinking the same thing.
Her plan backfired hard. Lol
@Michael Klump yeah
thats cool though that he found out this is sth for him and she learend that poly is not for her. i'd say win win. they werent a great match, good to find out no?
I love it when that happens
next up: ruining people’s relationships
Yara og Your name is so pretty
Noli Dube thank you! :)
White Knight!
Experimental relationships are for grownups. Of whom I see none in the video...and hardly any in this whole comment section.
@@evenmorenonsense the video, possibly, but definitely none in the comment section LOL.
This made me feel so terrible. That poor girl is CLEARLY not happy about the situation & it's unfortunate she's with someone who isn't 100% dedicated to her.
he is actually 100% uninterested in her
She broke his heart by telling him she wanted to sleep with every dude in town.
He got revenge by beating her to it.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I wouldn’t be able to do this.... This made me feel terrible.
The Inflatable Sea Lion me. It would probably be so bad that itll worsen my depression and anxiety D:
I would never do this, and neither would my partner. It’s just another way for the man to cheat on his faithful gf/wife and get away with it because she agreed
I just feel like I don’t have any desire to do that. Idk why someone would. I feel like when you’re in love with someone, you wanna be with only them and focus on only them. Sure other people are attractive and you can acknowledge that, but I don’t feel like someone would need to pursue that if they’re already with someone else.
Alyssa is not cheating if she knows and consented.
Alyssa like jasmine djs just said she agreed so he can date and/or f whoever he wants because he did everything with her permission because they were in a open relationship. Saying what you said is like saying that they were going to a resturant for dinner but he went to a restaurant before with her consent and knowledge of him going there and then being mad at him.
half the women in these comments are trying to make it seem like it wasn't her idea lmfao.
I am a girl and I do definitely think it was her idea. You can first tell by her smile when she started speaking about that.
So what if it was her idea?
@@kbanghart she looks so happy in the beginning but then reality hits her she said she wanted to make him happy but she wanted this
Trueee hahahagha
@@sormly500 But I don't see how that's a bad thing. I mean, I guess some people want to be happy because she was upset that he was getting dates? I don't get it
I’m not gonna say polyamory is terrible, because it works for a lot of people. However, I don’t think it’s smart for people who are happily mono-amorous to try this. Unless they aren’t satisfied.
You're right. My main partner and I are poly (and parents, I might note). It was uncomfortable at first, and those moments will inevitably happen from time to time. On the whole, however, the experience has made our relationship much stronger. I can't recommend it to just anyone; most people's brains are hardwired for the traditional monogamous setup. Don't try to counteract your brain's hardwired functions, because it'll break you and may hurt more than being cheated on in the first place. I've seen it happen, unfortunately. Do what's best for you and your partner. If you want to try it, cool. If not, cool. If you do and it isn't working, cut it off and stick to your guns. Be safe, and happy tidings everybody!
I think it's only good for people who are happy, full/complete/grown/self-satisfied first alone and THEN in a successful relationship and then both are ready, still self-satisfied or complete/whole and are open enough to envision.and have that life + very good at communicating & dont feel the need to hide. SOOOOOOOO basically not a good idea if you've had a toxic upbringing/life snd are not at peace with who you are and where your life is at and where it's going..
Star Shine why not? You might as well try to see if it’s better. Always better to try than not, you regret what you DONT do.
Katarina Hellwig you're asking a lot. I kinda agree but still
This is so awkward
Ameena N ikr the beginning they looked so confused 😐
Ameena N Ik
It’s bc they’re both awkward individuals 😂
This was probably not the right couple to do this experiment. They seem to not be in a place where they would be ready for something like this. I would suggest they start with like a three-some or something.
I haven't watched the whole video but thats just the vibe I'm picking up.
Totally agree.
Agreed! I think having sexual relations with other people/couples first would've been a better start than just jumping in head first to an open relationship. Open relationships are a HUGE step.
DestinyDK SAME ! Literally the first 30 seconds I was like, “MMMMM...this isn’t the right couple to do this, not feeling it.”
DestinyDK AMEN!
Lmao women wants an open relationship finds out nobody wants her while the guy pulling multiple people and she instantly regrets it cause he'll find someone better
Watching the whole video, she says she did it just to make him happy. (around 6:40) so it did start with him being sort of at least sexually unsatisfied and she obviously felt that and wanted to make it better somehow but still be with him. I don't see why you should attack either of them. Maybe they'll realize they aren't right for each other, but we can't tell so I don't see why you should attack her. She might want to be with someone who is actually satisfied with her, lol.
Nah, I just think she didn't really try.
Plen122 if you're not getting anyone, of course you're gonna act like you're disinterested lol. She was so excited at first but obviously she wasn't able to successfully get dates
@@kbanghart she absolutely did... this was 100% her idea he was not into it at first she was
114bleachfan the wall is undefeated 😂
Girl go find someone else, he clearly is bored of you lol I felt so bad for her because she clearly isn't too into this while he is way too into this. An open relationship should be wanted by both parties.
Gijay Sorez She's literally the one who wanted to start the open relationship. It was right there at the beginning of the video. It's not okay to pin this on him. If she realized that she made a mistake with asking for an open relationship she should have spoken up instead of acting the way she did.
Valerie S sometimes you sugest things that you dont want to try to make the other person happy 🤷🏻♀️
People typically make that choice about a restaurant or a movie, not an entire relationship premise. They both in general need to communicate better with each other, but on the topic of the open relationship, it really is on her. He even asked her several times, "You're not just doing this for me?", and every time she insisted, "No".
Yasmin, even if she was trying to it to make him happy, that doesnt mean she was doing anywhere close to the right thing by him. She is clearly uncomfortable with the entire scenario, and insists nothing is wrong, which does nothing but undermine the trust between them, foster jealousy, and make herself look like a flake.
I feel bad for him.
Well it was wanted by both . He was just more succesfull . Idiot
This was a bad idea, he did way more than she did. It almost seemed unfair to her even though she agreed to this. They should've cut this short seeing how she was handling this.
Veronika Permaul so it's sad for her c she couldn't find someone to hook up with? Stfu they are both disgusting and twisted people.
lmao what ? The point of an open relationship is for both person to be free. as much as i hate the idea of "open relationships", not his fault if he had more frequent dates than her lmao come on.
Veronika Permaul
I agree 100% with you Veronika!
JzachR6 It's not about the fact he "got" more dates. He was looking for more, because it was clear the idea was brought up, and probably semi forced by him. She even mentioned that in the video... This isn't a healthy open relationship.
this is so bad... they don’t even seem like a couple
earthopriya I know right. They more like room mates who maybe get sexual sometimes. The dude is clearly into guys but she's not that into girls so I don't get it.
earthtopriya omg seriously right!?
earthtopriya more like family. No spark but she truly does seem to love him. Hope she gets out of denial and he comes clean that he’s more attracted to men.
The passive aggression is strong with these two but especially the woman.
Indira Gutierrez Not like she didn’t have it coming
To each their own, but I can't get over the feeling that he wants this more than her 🙈
Yeah that's why open relationships don't work for most people. Usually one person wants the relationship open and the other one not so much...
Oh God, yeah!
Karina K same
If that's what you think then we must have watched different videos. He's just better at getting dates then she is, but she clearly was excited at the beginning. This was more likely her idea
It was literally her idea lol
She looks broken my god
Morgan Vienneau yeah... it makes me feel so bad for her. I feel like he doesn’t want to be with her.
She realized he can do better. That'll teach her to not try to get an "open relationship"
Looks fat tbqh fam
@@stephaniemelendez128 can you blame him?
She needs a new man or woman. Say goodbye to him sister, he doesn’t seem that into you
Marc Manuele he doesn’t seem that into the idea. Not her, don’t get it twisted.
I'm the 1k like :)
Nah you know nothing.
Marc Manuele i
It was her idea. Not his.
Buzzfeed always be out here tryna ruin people’s relationships
Catherine she ruined her won relationship
I think they were already planning to try this and they were just letting Buzzfeed record it.
They chose this.. lol
i saw this as her thinking she's not good enough for him so she wants him to find someone better than her.
noot noot then you have problems
JzachR6 not really, mate. i mean, i just wanted to give my thoughts on why this video was so excruciatingly painful to watch.
Agreed. She's clearly insecure but it seems she would feel guilty if she held him back from other happiness
god just reading this broke my heart
me too
Anyone else think that he doesn't love her as much as she loves him?
Holly Wallis it’s very obvious... don’t blame him... she ain’t a looker. Very average? I don’t wanna be mean
Love isn't about looks..
Holly Wallis oh, you obviously know nothing... looks are arguably the most important factor in love! Personality comes after... that’s why you don’t find beautiful models with fat hideous women.
God this was terrible to watch 😑 it's basically a girl ripping her own heart and disregarding her feelings for a guy that doesn't know if he's 100%in love with her and still wants other people
Facts my g😥😥😥
Mona Harris the terrible pity kiss he tried to force himself to give her at 7:10 is so sad wish she could see how he obviously truly feels poor girl 🤦
Bob Severson I doubt it something's are easy to see and this is one of them they aren't on the same page in their relationship she feels secure in the love she has for him but he's having doubts that's completely normal but the way they are dealing with it is unhealthy for her especially
3:06 made me physically oof she's here trying to reassure herself and he couldn't care less
Perfectly said!!
If she has emotional baggage too strong for one other person, she should probably work on it instead of find more people to put it on.
OKAY, THIS!! i know this is an old comment but if you "feel bad about the emotional baggage" you're putting on your partner, the solution is to go to counseling and manage it. take a break from the relationship and work on yourself. not find more people to put that on and expect all these people to carry you.
Wow, that guy didn’t waste his time for sure. 😳
Nooooo. There's nothing wrong with open relationships or poly relationships. But they aren't something to try to "fix things" with. The second there is guilt then it should end. This relationship had tons of complications that aren't going to be fixed by this.
there’s absolutely something wrong with “poly” relationships.
Haley Rorick how so???
+Haley Rorick There's nothing wrong with poly relationships 😊 they're actually very wonderful if the couples are strong and healthy. You just have to make sure it stays healthy and this is a very bad example of that
Mandy Harrell pervert
exactly, also an open relationship it is if you want to date because you like, not at the moment you open your relation one of them start to having dates like crazy, I mean, you don't like all the people around you meet in one week, looked forced.
Damn an open relationship wouldn't be something for me..
Panic! on the toilet im listening to miss jackson rn
Lvndscxpes awesome thats quite sympathic
Panic! on the toilet My sister just left my door open and I legit just screamed to her "HAVENT YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING A GODDAMN DOOR? NO"
Lvndscxpes haha classic 😂👌
Panic! on the toilet Do you have an instagram
I could not imagine doing this with my wife. Sure, we all have attraction towards other people, but she's my world. I'm a very committed person. Even if we brought another woman into our relationship, my wife would always take priority in every way. Not sure that sounds like it could work.
Randy Lott as a general rule...women have an easier time getting dates than men. The playing field is uneven. the woman in this video hasn't been very aggressive in her pursuit of dating.
Anita Barneycastle I think it’s very important to note also that she was pursuing woman while her boyfriend was pursuing men, so it was probably much easier for him to find dates. A large amount of gay men rely on dating apps to meet other men, so it’s not shocking that he was able to get so many dates in such a short amount of time. Woman are usually less likely all around to use dating apps.
That would be when u mess your relationship up. Respect goes out the will destroy your relationship. If she is your world....then I wouldn't do it sir.
Randy Lott Your statement sounds like “I would never do that but....”
What you're describing is hierarchy polyamory. You have one primary partner with secondary or tertiary partners on the side. So you have your wife that is involved in finances, living space, etc. Maybe you have a girlfriend on the side that you date regularly and she has a bf on the side as well but they don't take care of finances or the house.
This relationship is a mess, he's clearly not in love with her
J H dude is gay he said he had a date with a man
Geoff Ervin the beginning of the video literally said they were both attracted to men and women.
yeah i think i missed that part my wife had me watch this.
Geoff Ervin She telling you not to get any ideas 😂😂😂
As a person that is Poly, But this seemed so forced and made me sad that the lady seemed so sad and lonely. Poly doesn't work for everyone. But I wish them luck.
would you mind recommending a good, healthy example of polyamory we could watch? i'm interested in knowing more about it!
bumble I will do some searching! I'll be back to you :3
thank you!! :)видео.html I liked this one i just searched "poly couples" on youtube, my brother is Poly
NERDYBIRDIE 001 nope she no longer is poly. She felt like it didn't work out in reality
I just feel like the guy didn’t even have feelings for the woman just the way he looked at her and how he s so excited to go on dates nahh go find yourself the man you deserve girl
Manon* He seemed pretty disinterested in her.
Manon* she was going all the way for the kiss while he was like... "ok, I'll kiss you" *awkward kiss, not even touching her lips*
An ex boyfriend once asked me if we could have an 'open relationship'. That's why he is now my ex.
You did the right thing
Too bad, you could have had a lot of fun.
Same here. Open relationships are honestly just full of lust and greed
@@aliciahorton2075 lol not any more than any other
I do not think it is unreasonable to communicate that need. If that is not what both of you wanted it makes sense to part ways.
1.5 years together and you need to try an open relationship to be more affectionate and fall more in love with each other? Um doesn’t sound too good. I’m madly in love with my husband we’ve been affectionate since day the beginning and no open relationship. This was an odd and uncomfortable video to watch. Tried with an open mind but just no
Same. Even though my husband and I have had rough times, I would never want anyone else touching me or taking me out. And I wouldn't want anyone touching him either. Marriage is a monogamous commitment in which you get to live in your own beautiful little world. And I know a few couples with open marriages. No matter what they say to each other's faces, one of them is miserable in it.
You know, you can disagree with something although deeming a relationship that's not yours as, "Not good" Having an open relationship doesn't nessesaraly effect the strength of the relationship...They're relationship looked great to me, not troubled at all.
It's just your comment made me feel sorta crappy because I've been an an open relationship with my partner for 4 years. And I know it's none off my business because it's your relationship but honestly the thought of being with someone forever and not being able to have experiances and feel love from other people..doesn't sound good to me and makes me extremely uncomfortable but I'm trying to have an open mind.. :)
See how unessesary that was? Grow up and learn how to respect differences without judging xo
Chelsea Mackenzie ew ur comment it’s just cringe please stop
You are all incapable of respecting other people's relationships and forms of love and it makes me sad. You must all come to an understanding that there is more then one definition of love, and until you understand that, I don't think any of you will be happy. I'm sorry for you all.
I hope you all learn to grow. :)
Girl needs to dump that guy STAT. He's definitely going to leave her sooner rather than later.
mirpandas agree.
I agree 😞
mirpandas I agree. She seems so nice and so sweet even helping pick his clothes for the dates. He looks like he's with her but thinks "there's better somewhere else" it made me cringe the whole time
Insecure much?
Camera_kid007 u don’t understand at all. Us girls are very sensitive. Not saying boys aren’t but if this wasn’t a challenge the guy would just be like “bye” and go off to some random chick. The girl obviously loves him the guy seems like he doesn’t care.
This is so sad to watch her like that......
I feel like he wasnt happy so she tried to save the relationship by opening it. But obviously it backfired
she did it to herself
Anyone else want an update video of their relationship?
Bet they're broken up now lmao
Doubt they're together
Probably over now
Heartbreaking to watch. You can tell he loves her not even half as much as she loves him
Fred Smith how did you get thar?
Men who want to be open don't love the person they're with. Women who want to be open have too much love for the person they're with.
Probably because he prefers dudes.
Yep I agree with you. She was sad throughout this whole thing. It was almost too much to watch.
He loved her, she broke his heart, he got revenge.
It's not his fault her plan blew up in her face.
I hope they broke up this is really unhealthy
i totally agree
Ross Oliver who said it didn't exist? The reasons the couple were going in and their emotional responses to poly itself was problematic
Ross Oliver yes it is and those relationships are healthy and great as long as all parties are totally comfortable with the boundaries of the relationship(s) and these two are clearly on two different pages. she’s insecure and a little controlling and is very clearly monogamous but wants him to be happy regardless of what damage it does on her emotions. he’s less committed to the relationship than she is and is not satisfied with the relationship and is therefore going into this open relationship for all the wrong reasons. they’re so dysfunctional and unstable with each other and it sucks that buzzfeed is representing non-monogamy with these two because what they have is a broken toxic relationship and fake polyamory(lol sorry for ranting)
Angelia R. That's was exactly what I meant:)
Neil xoxoxo they clearly stated that they're interested in multiple genders so stop erasing their sexuality
If my husband said half the things this guy did, he come to home to the door locks changed.
She deserves somebody who loves her the way she loves him. Relationships entail some sacrifices and he is just so selfish
Mama Beaarr 😂😂😂😂
Not to mention he wanted to bring his date back to their home and in their bed!
Give me a break. Couples who have an open relationship are clearly not happy with each other if they have to seek whatever is missing in their relationship from other people.
Camille Maez not true at all
Six6 Nix camille is right, open relationships are bs. if you can’t handle one person move on
not true
very true
brendan have you ever had an open relationship, because I used to think like you before..
I really dont understand this "open relationship" thing, to me it just feels like hanging onto something easy and safe untill you find an escape route through other people....
Nailed it.
It is a post-modernist idea spread to further destabilize the family unit.
It's just an excuse to be a degenerate
Since we no longer follow any other traditional "rules", why should we keep the rule of living together with only one other person?
Emotional baggage comes within a relationship this is a whole joke
Honestly it sounds like they would fit better with a polyamorous relationship and dating other people together rather than having an open relationship. Both of them being bi could actually facilitate that.
if u dont mind my asking whats the difference with poly and an open relationship
Duff The Psych omg when someone you subscribe to is the first comment on a video
Jennifer Souther suuuup
An open relationship can be when you and your partner pursue different people. Now, every relationship is different and these all require a lot of communication. So a polyamorous relationship can be when you and your partner invite a third person into your relationship who you BOTH would like to date. I have poly friends who go on one on one dates with anyone looking to be their girlfriend because they both want to make sure everyone clicks. It's not like a religious man with two wives. But these are just the very basic concepts of each kind of relationship and if you want to learn more I suggest googling "open vs polyamorous relationships"
Agreed, the guy seems like he wants to have another person in their relationship, but the girl seems like she'd be happier if she was more included in everything.
I wonder if they told their dates they were doing this “open relationship” experiment. I wouldn’t go on a date with someone if I knew they had a significant other. That’s a waste of time .
I mean, it would be dishonest to not say its a open relationship.
Same. If you already have a significant other but are “experimenting” I’m sorry but I immediately grow disinterested
@@ellieparker9862 Literally just had this. It's a NOPE from me. I wasn't told from the beginning either since he assumed I somehow knew. Found out 5 weeks in -_-
@@emmsuthers ew that’s gross. I’m so sorry
That shrug hit me right in the heart
I know!
Lily Day which one
+Medusa XX when she asked him if hes sexually satified with her
Lily Day damn ❄
@@belli9281 omg it was cringy
The last part where he’s like “yeah it’s great we’ll stay in an open relationship...” you can see her face fall😭 and then he’s like I’m falling more in love with you and when she replies she’s literally convincing herself and she’s like “okay” 😭 I’m so upset
Sunita Baker I thought I was imagining it 😂 poor chick
I KNOWWWWWWW , I was so stressed this whole video lmaoo
I feel like he isn't 100% satisfied with her and that's why he has to keep convincing himself he wants to go on these other dates and meet other people while having 'wifey' back home to go back to. I feel really sorry for the girl.
She was the one who pushed it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
This guy OBVIOUSLY wants to be single and explore being with other people. Which is okay. Just break up and be single to do it. I mean it seems to me as if he feels like a "prisoner" or something. Just break up and do your thing? I feel bad for the girl its obvious that she's only doing this for him. She keeps saying "we came out stronger," girl quit playin' yourself.
missyasi lmao this is exactly what I thought ! This is so sad.
seriously! I wish them the best though
There is a whole spectrum between "being single" and "being monogamous together forevah" and you trying to erase it is sort of discriminatory. Open relationships exist, and people can be happy in an open relationship. No mater what is your opinion of us, we'll keep existing, thank you very much.
Of course it's buzzfeed.
An open relationship to me is being more like roommates with benefits then it does actually being in a relationship. I could never have an open relationship with my partner! I mean each to their own and all that, but thats my opinion.
Nessie Jay having done both open and fwb, they are really different. Fwb is often mostly about the benefits, where as open dating feels more like making super deep connections, and finding people that fulfill different needs, much the way different close frienss are better at certain things than others. My bf is a super introvert and doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything, so I have a secondary who likes to go on adventures and play board games with friends.
poketvenus from previous experiences, you can have super deep connections on a fwb level too and thats what it seems to be. Saying a 'secondary just sounds super disrespectful (i mean its your choice, you do you and all that) towards that person. Personally, an open relationship is not for my partner and me (especially seeing as out daughter needs a stable lifestyle, not mummy and daddy going on dates with different people.) I cant see myself ever being with my partner and any other people at the same time, its still cheating to me.
poketvenus ps, i'll add to that, the way you do your relationship is totally upto you and your partner and if that works for you then carry on with it! I realise my previous message sounds quite pompous, but i dont mean for that! :)
Eh, I promise you didn't come off that way, I was just giving my perspective having done both.
poketvenus fair enough, each to their own. :) i'd get jealous anyway, i'm not very good at sharing. 😂😂
This is so uncomfortable to watch, you can tell he wanted this more than she did
He definitely Did! He was already talking to 3 people and she was focused on what he was doing
kayla joseph really? It seemed to me that she was just trying to satisfy his needs
idk I just don’t like her she seems to be in it for all the wrong reasons
Neil xoxoxo mkayyy??
LolliRose98 9
alternative titel: why we broke up
Ceyda Eren oi r how I got AIDS
Here's a tip: The partner in the relationship who brings up the possibility of an open relationship is already in an open relationship.
That's not true haha, I brought it up to my partner I have never cheated 🙄, Insecurity is unattractive 😘
@@jrw4421 Being asked by your partner whether it's ok if they can sleep with other people is unattractive. Degenerate.
@@jgw9990 I didnt just straight up ask point blank, there were things he was not willing to try/do with me at a point on our relationship that was strained so we opened a conversation about a Polygamous Relationship and the theoretic rules/guidelines etc that would go with it.
After a week on and off talking about the details etc we made the decision to try it with the Rules set it place.
How can you as a person that has been likely discriminated against for your sexual preference etc be so ignorant and discriminatory towards what people in a relationship do privately and what make THEM happy.
I completely understand that other such as yourself prefer Monogamy and I'd never tell you otherwise since that's what makes YOU happy and it's none of my buisness what you do.
It's not dissimilar to Kink shaming.
Grow up and be realistic instead of believing that One way is the true and only way and anyone else that does it different is disgusting and wrong like the religions and bigots that the LGBTQI have fought so long and hard against.
@@jrw4421 you've just admitted that you did it because of difficulties in your relationship though.... Ultimately it speaks to the weakness of that relationship, you had irreconcilable differences, but rather than confront them you tried to keep the relationship on life support by using other people to compensate.
@@jgw9990 I said that he and I couldn't provide sexually certain things that each other wanted, so we found a way to compensate and it worked.
I dont care what annnnnnyone says there is no open relationship that exist where jealously doesnt exist. What is the real purpose of it? Just admit you cant stay committed.
for real, why would anyone want to see his/her significant other dating, banging other people.
Ikr just dont date at all if you cant commit.. i mean its basically like im ok with my partner cheating on me, just no?
It's not cheating, as long as all parties involved are good with it, there are ground rules set and good communication is maintained then I see no problem.
No-one denies jealousy exists in an open relationship lmao? Where did the idea of "committed" = sexual exclusivity come from?
Mz Kegz I recommend you Shan boodys channel she explained this open relationship Situation pretty good and is committed in one an really happy
Spoiler alert for the entire video:
Him: I want to bone other people.
Her: Yeah that sounds interesting we should both do that. I'm secretly hoping you won't find anyone though.
Him: I found some people to bone.
Her: I haven't found anyone to bone and I don't want to bone other people and I'm jealous that you have and do.
Him: I'm having a good time not being with you.
Her: I really miss being just us and I wish you felt as jealous as I do.
Him: I'd really like to keep doing this.
Her: It sounds like this isn't working for either of us.
Him: It's working for me and I wish you would find someone else to bone like I am because I secretly want out of this relationship and I'm looking for excuses to break up.
Her: I can't be with anyone except you.
Him: I'm gonna keep seeking other people.
Her: I'm telling myself that I like this open relationship stuff for my partner because that way I get the extra attention I should be getting regardless. My partner can't satisfy my emotional needs unless he feels like he owes me something and I can't understand how unhealthy that is.
Him: I don't really care if she didn't enjoy this past month, I'm going to say that this was a success so that I can continue to seek out other people.
Her: Yeah, whatever he wants to do, I'm just afraid of losing him.
Sarah N. Honestly,it's sad
Thank you for this. Could not get through the whole video...
Quite long, but precise
Belen Benitez it takes like 45 seconds to read it as opposed to 12 minutes to watch it
Sarah N. Yeah thanks, I would recommend to watch de cringey kiss in 7:06
I feel so bad for the girl ...
Jay Gatsby she's super clingy, i feel bad for the man.
Y’all. You only saw 10 minutes of their relationship, how about you save your judgey comments?
noot noot how is she clingy though? She's jealous because her partner is excitedly going on dates with others.. guess I'd be clingy too lol
Neil xoxoxo then he should leave her then bc he’s only wasting her time and leading her on.
Neilxoxoxo She didn’t want to venture out on him to begin with. She was doing this to please him. I think he’s gay and using her as a cover up for his family, and tricking her into this open relationship where he can live out his gay fantasies
Some people say to go against monogamy: "Oh but being attracted to other people is just so natural, so natural" and at the same time say jealousy is wrong even though it's just as natural.
I know right? There is reason monogamy is found widespread across the Globe, monotheistic religion or no. It's the best, stable concept for maintaining family, breeding, protecting off-spring and more.
Monogamy creates order and leaves options for all parts of society while all forms of "relationship anarchy" are selfish concepts where the prettiest and richest get everything and everyone standing at above average to abysmal in social standing get nothing.
The more I see the excesses of post-modern society, the more I understand Christianity of old, Islam and such. Slaughter the whores, slaughter the cheaters and slaughter all the traitors, too. Because blasphemy destroys society at large and creates resentment and war.
Be content with what you have, abandon desires that would lead to dysfunctional behavior. The preachers of old were entirely right.
@@Mayhzon lol yes monogamy has been so successful
There was also a reason why people used more horses around the world before cars existed.
@@kbanghart Yes, it sure has. The family has been the institutional foundation of the world's greatest societies
My girlfriend mentioned having an open relationship, I broke up with her immediately. Waste of my time honestly
Good I would break up with her too that’s crazy!
I suggested this once in a relationship because we weren't being intimate anymore (despite my many requests and inquiries regarding why and making no progress). I just figured it was because my partner loved me but was no longer sexually interested in me. We ended up breaking up too 😂😂😂. Life goes on!
FIFAgodFAM good. She’s better off being with someone that will talk about things instead of leaving because you won’t hear any other way.
When they offer that, they have cheated or would cheat and basically cucking you into submission
Better title would've been: "Couple Tries to Find the Most Ridiculous Way to End Their Relationship"
emi loo
Hahah hshahahahahahahaha
@@sunnythymes5444 right
I can't imagine being with someone and wanting to date somebody else. I also don't think I can stand my partner going on a date with someone other than me. Just feels like cheating to me... But hey different things for different people.
Just because Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors of ice cream, doesn’t mean I should have a scoop of all 31 flavors and call every one of them my favorite.
I mean deserve a big round of applause
Whelp. This relationship is doomed to fail, if it already hasn't. He clearly wanted this more than her, and isn't happy in their relationship right now. Girl, he's just not that into you! You deserve to be with someone who loves and cares for you.
Or maybe he0s just not that into monogamy
Hes gay
Why are they so cringey?
Grimm Reaper Because it’s Buzzfeed, most of the time it’s super cringey unless it’s people trying new foods, The Try Guys or The High Guys
they look like siblings ://
i think the girl is socially challenge, she seemed to have ticks and was having a very difficult time masking her emotions
Nina Dees And?
+emma ca1tlyn
Oh I see... Are you doing that thing where you haven't gotten offended today; therefore, you just got have to get offended somehow in order to make yourself feel special?
Guys, come on. This was a terrible experiment to do. An open relationship is supposed to be 100% accepted on BOTH sides. There are healthy open relationships out there (works for some people not for others, everyone has their own way of life), but this video just makes them look bad. The girl clearly looks unhappy. I don’t know how producers still okay-ed uploading this.
Nhi Truong yes I wanted to see what a real open relationship was like, they should’ve done it with a couple who is very experienced and actually happy
Polyamorous relationships are BS. Anything in life that is worth it requires a certain level of sacrifice (you want a big house, you have to work hard and make money; you want to be very intelligent, you have to read and study for a long time; you want abs, you have to work out at the gym, etc) and the sacrifice for a solid romantic relationship is precisely that, a monogamous sexual life. Sacrifice makes people grow and if you just get rid of it then the rest has no value.
roberto hevia roquer Best comment 👍
I agree!
Why do they have to be monogamous?? Other than our culture saying so.
RRW0601 you don’t have to be monogamous if you don’t want to. If you want a strong solid relationship then monogamy is the work you put in for it.
You know that's not how intelligence works? 😅
I have anxiety just watching this...
You CAN be open and happy if being open is right for you. You can't force being open if you're monogamous
Is this basically a break up lol
Ishan Ali no not really but yeah
Uhmmm no.... It seems like their relationship was stronger at the end.
Ishan Ali NOT AT ALL! If it was a break up, they wouldn't stay together. Think a little... Tssss
Ishan Ali
Basically lol
The way this backfired on her is hilarious.
But.... She even said it was a success becuase their relationship deepened.
Worst idea ever. Poor girl. She looked so unhappy. This is straight up cheating.
It isn't cheating if both partners agree.
Sara Hooker Yep
How they both basically said you can go out and date/f whoever you want and i cant get mad
Its not cheating. Its cheating if one doesn’t know about it or doesn’t agree
Sara Hooker how is it cheating if she agreed on this? She’s just stupid to agree on this if she’s going to be so jealous.
this is messed up. looks like a friendship. how can you be happy to see your boyfriend/girlfriend with another person??
Ines Fernandes some of us are able to realize we don’t own any other human and we should be genuinely happy for whatever makes them happy.
its not about owning anyone else, i dont own my boyfriend he is able to do whatever he wants, i am the most encoraging and helpful person i can be, and i will do anything to make my boyfriend happy. However if he was to go out and kiss another girl i would not be with him simple. How can you be with a person that you dont know if he has just slept with someone else? for me that is cheating, and something i do not believe in. everyone has their views and thats is just mine
Ines Fernandes They do know, though. They’re telling each other about it, they gave each other permission, and they can talk about closing it off whenever.
they know after its been done, or even before. i understand their communication is on point, but like i have said i wouldnt be happy, im not saying they are not thats fine with me i just dont have the same views i could not sleep with someone next to me that has the perfume (to say the least) of another women
there's a kind of love where you love someone so unconditionally that the most important thing is their happiness. i literally cried happy tears when my ex found a new girlfriend who he was really happy with. his happiness makes me happy. (and he better invite me to their wedding tbh) of course in this video's case it's different, but i really just believe there's love behind it. i personally don't think i could reach the point where i would be comfortable with an open relationship considering my self-esteem issues, but i can understand how other couples are okay with pursuing open relationships.
Oh god, this was definitely his idea😬
Yeah, she seemed pushed into this.
You can tell he's dissatisfied with her even if it's a little bit. He doesn't seem serious and he seems to have enjoyed this more than she did.
I thought in the beginning she said this was her idea..
Emily Mills it doesn’t really matter if they’re happy
The thought of having an open relationship makes my stomach turn. I couldn't do it.
Same here. Im very choosy but fully commit when Ive made my choice and I expect the same in return.
Lunatic Programmer same
Why do you want to own your partner ?? Men don't have menopause and bs . And also modern women hate setting boundaries in relationship do why restricting each other ?? Go and enjoy your life .
@@gokkulxavier3059 cause that’s the hole point of a relationship that’s why 🙄 to want one person. That’s commitment
yeah same it's basically cheating but consensual idk it don't sit right with me
The start of a breakup between two people too chicken to to actually do it.
M Garcia exact opposite
Joseph Mclaughlin
Said nobody ever.
I think the nearly; 400 likes on Garcia's comment can attest to that. It was a nice try though.
Lol, yeah, number of likes on a comment is now the currency of truth I see.
very narrow thinking if you ask me
I think people who enter a relationship with the idea of polyamory in mind tend to fare well, but people who are naturally monogamous often try to force themselves into polyamory to avoid the unpleasantness of an already dissolving monogamous relationship.
It's like instead of owning and maintaining multiple houses, you buy a new house but keep the old one just because you're afraid to let it go, but it's already decrepit and falling apart.
An open relationship doesn't seem like a relationship. It seems like you don't want to really be with that person. Just seems like friends with benefits.
DSHSP exactly
Exactly, what’s a relationship without commitment and working on a bond solely with one special person despite other temptations
Seriously - sexual exclusivity is the only thing that "makes" a relationship for you lmao wow
the difference between being friends with benefits and being in an open relationship i think is the love and affection you have for each other.
this isn’t a good example of an open relationship. healthy open relationships aren’t fueled by guilt and lack of love; it’s more about being able to love more than one person in a romantic way. it’s better off with couples who are 100% okay with it and happy with the relationship already, as opposed to what we see here, which doesn’t seem like a good relationship to begin with :(
While I'd never do this, open relationships aren't necessarily terrible. As long as boundaries are set and comfort levels are not crossed, the experience can certainly be all one could hope for, for some people. I've heard of quite a few open relationships that have worked just fine. But open relationships are NOT things people who don't feel the most self assured, confident, or comfortable with should get into. If you are making a conscious choice to get into one, make sure you don't have any doubts, and if you do, be vocal about them. Because relationships are built on communication after all.
Like I said, I personally would never be in one, but hey if it works for you, I won't be one to judge and I wish you the best.
UnovaTrainerWhite *boundaries
UnovaTrainerWhite i
Most of my relationships have been open and the number one thing that makes or breaks it is communication. You have to let the other partners know what’s going on otherwise it just won’t work.
how exactly sleeping with other people translates into respecting your partner😂😂😂😂😂😂
It's obvious he wants to leave and doesn't know how
An open relationship can be a fulfilling relationship just as much as a monogamous one. HOWEVER 1. All parties need to be in complete agreement and understanding.
2. The people outside you're bringing into your relationship need to know what's happening fully they can't consent fully and that's shady as fuck.
3. This seems like cheating more than any other open relationship I've seen. She is obviously not very into it.
The whole, "it's making us more attentive and interested in each other" thing really sounds like acting out of feeling guilty.
Natalia Anastasovski IPO
Um how stable was this relationship before this?'s crumbling now
I think she held the power in it before. Then she realized that this dude is much better then her
My whatsapp mobile number, +918318970168
Pankaj Kumar no one cares
They literally said the exact opposite so idk where you got that idea