I really disagree with the notion of “if you want a figure to resemble the original toy, buy the original toy.” The original toys had a very cool look to them, but had such limited poseability and engineering that they can really only be in one static pose. I don’t think that it should be a big deal to want a modern figure with the original toy aesthetic, but with modern engineering and poseability.
I find menasor to be a good example. Most menasors have the cars on the back of the legs which is show accurate but looks wise for me it doesn’t look the best due the legs usually look like black and grey bricks while there’s 2 cars slapped on the back. The magic square menasor has the option for front of leg configuration which looks much better like he looks like a combiner made of cars and not large grey and black robot with cars slapped on
i agree with you what perspective said was stupid ngl the original toys are very dated it’s not wrong for someone to want an updated take of the toys design with modern engineering
I gotta be honest, I like the diecast weight and hard smooth ratchets, as the noise just makes my brain go "uuuhhhh that's good", and the weight just makes it feel the price it is
And that's fine. If you enjoy that there's nothing wrong with it. But they don't make the figure objectively better just for being there. If it was used to good effect they could, but they aren't here.
@@PerspectiveEnd I believe you’re attacking this thing frzom the wrong angle. The ratchets and die cast do infact make it objectively better in the end, much the same way that durable paint feels objectively better.
This is true. Though it would be nice if they weren't so expensive. The MP due to Scarcity from being so old, and FT because it needs to crawl out of it's own ass.
@@PerspectiveEnd I agree with the Mp. I am not a huge hater on Fanstoys. Their prices are high but I paid for Mp-40 (v.3 prime). Fanstoys isn't a billion dollar company. They don't even "crowd fund" (haslab). I assume they have to get the money to make the next figure and the profit isn't as much as people think it is. They use good materials, and paint. Have to pay for the molds and engineering. Regardless of if or if not they own the factory shit costs money, especially shipping. I really like your channel and I think your opinions are pretty spot on. Just found it the other day and have watched a bunch. Thanks for the reply it is appreciated and again I agree with you. I am just trying to point out why I think FT prices are high.
The MP-02 Soundwave is my first masterpiece and it still holds up even compared to modern official masterpiece figures. Then I got Acoustic Wave and, after messing with it and handling this guy, it’s one of my favorite figures in my collection. And Soundwave is my favorite character. Quality build, quality paint, and very poseable. The transformation isn’t horrendous like I expected and I had fun with it (I heavily disagree with you on that among other things; I have messed with Spoiler, Masterpiece Megatron, Crimson Wing, XTB Eligos, and 01Studio Cell Unicron, and this is nothing compared to these guys). The only complaint is a lack of molded-in details that FansToys tends to do that MP-02 has. I love it when figures have unnecessary molded-in details when they didn’t need to do that. All in all, I think this is a good upgrade.
Honestly I like more the older "Show accurate but a little more realistic" designs from the old MP figures and some third party figures, like the Magic Square Optimus and the mp Soundwave, it just makes them more satisfying to look at, but with the current direction of the MP lines of being 100% show accurate, it was very smart of fans toys to release this in modern times, but yeah, between the competition of a $200 figure that is a little more accurate and a KO of one of the best figures of all time that you find on ebay for like $50 that has 99% of the original quality, yeah there's and obvious decision
It’s interesting how the mainline adopted the “accurate to the show but with more realism” thing. I’m not complaining though. The modern mainline figures look great.
@@PerspectiveEnd yeah, somehow they turned the most simple designs of the whole franchise into hour-long tortures with horrendous backs and fragile components, damn, even some Bayverse figures have easier transformations and are more accurate to the designs while having less kibble, also have less faux forming for some reason
3:10 low key want to imagine a tower of soundwaves like this also with how dark the blue of mp soundwaves is, I keep thinking it was soundblaster more than once
@@PerspectiveEnd then why the hell is there an MP Soundblaster repaint with a ratbat replacing laserbeak. I actually have this variation as I like the black and red paint job more and I couldn't find an MP soundwave for a good price that wasn't over $100 whilst this thing was just $80
I was very fortunate to have located MP-02 for rrp at the beginning of the year and so glad I got him over this. This is more accurate in bot mode but not only does he lose out on pose-ability to decade old mould… but it’s altmode looks like something a millennial came up with when someone described a tape deck to them. It’s way to boxy even for an 80s Walkman. To add insult to injury he doesn’t even come with laserbeak or ravage!
If what I heard is correct, the original fans toys price was $160. But because they only give small amounts of figures to retailers, places like Showzstore have to buy figures from 3rd party sellers for way more than the asking price.
YIKES! This 3rd party figure makes me happy to still have the 2009 Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave figure in my collection. lol :D Thank you for an outstanding review PerspectiveEnd! Keep on being amazing.
glad you finally did a review however i do think you had some bias towards the MP figure especially when you said they were equal in quality in my opinion taking the diecast weight out of it feel like acoustic wave feels more premium when compared to the mp the mp feels a decent chunk cheaper like fanstoys's price went into the materials however i do agree that they did kinda make it less well fun then the MP but for what acoustic wave was advertised for it outclasses the MP in accuracy and in my opinion it fits better with mp megatron and DS screamer then mp soundwave does mp soundwave deserves a spot on the fun transformers shelf which is wear most mp figures pre"everything must be cartoon accurate to a fault" belong and maybe mp hound's KO (the offical legit uses worse plastic then the KO) side note you can make him look more like the MP via swapping the shoulders knees and chest with the toy parts and adding the toy leg kibble bits
I see the quality being the same because even if the FT is using higher end materials they are resulting in a worse experience. The arms are too hard to pose, and the legs won't hold one. Where as the MP is as tight as it needs to be in every joint, and hold poses flawlessly. So the FT is trying harder, but the MP is achieving more with less.
You bring this up a lot, and I wanna play Devil's Advocate for a moment here: I think it's perfectly okay to invoc toy accuracy in new figures. While the show might be the way people were introduced to the characters, and made to enjoy them, being a kid who plays with toys, you'd spend much more time with their plastic counterpart. As long as toon accurate toys DO exist, I'd like some to reflect the toys' look instead. Why not just release the old toys? Well sure, go ahead and do that, but *I* don't want the G1 Jetfire toy. I want a modern figure, with modern articulation, modern engineering, and modern sculpting. Older toys are bricks, have GPS, and bad proportions. Is it wrong that I want something that closer matches my childhood memories while not sacrificing figure quality?
I also like toy loyalty sometimes (even though I've never had any of the toys lol) like Optimus prime with yellow eyes, those detailed chromed stickers G1 figures had etc. But I know some people prefer the cartoon look more and it would be very hard to please both fans so If they are going to do toy accuracy then at least they should make it optional like with this figure, that way both fans are happy
Newage actually is great at that front, and magic square sometimes, but the swappable panels thingy is the better option here, as then it's 1 fig with a alt look option instead of waiting for another figure to release with another deco and costing the same as the original
Look I'm not arguing against toys in new styles, what I'm trying to say with that is that a toy that looks like an old toy wont satisfy people who are nostalgic for the old toy, like the old toy will. And it often harms a figure. Look at the MP Grimlock. That thing is RUINED by toy loyalty by trying to maintain the torso hinge from the original figure.
@@PerspectiveEnd I 100% understand bashing it when it hurts the toy. The MP Grimlock's integration was more than worthy of scorn. That said, I disagree with your first point completely. Sure, the original toy will do that, but optional parts, like the ones on this soundwave, gave me the biggest of smiles. The "Toy Version" of Black Aracnia, while from a truly awful box set, was one of my favorite Kindom* toys for a similar reason
I tend to like diecast on figures (specifically the on the outside) cause damn it just feels so nice when its been a cold day. Like just try putting a price of metal to your cheek or smth. Makes happy chemical activate
I think both are good but I really want the mp. I even like the dark colors more. Idk why it is but there’s something that makes me like soundwave with dark colors
I'm debating on whether to get this cause I have the mp and the mp cassettes only missing ratbat cause he's with soundblaster but I want something toon accurate to go with my other mps but even if I get the cassette pack for fans toys I would be missing buzzsaw and rat bat where as with the mp I've got all but one
I will say that the MP will probably satisfy you more than this, but if you really need something that looks exactly like the toon Robot, this will be your best choice.
I must be looking at completely different figures. I can't stand the sight of MP soundwave now that i have acoustic wave. I am i real sucker for the toon ascetic.
As a huge fan of soundwave(especially the g1 version)i always loved his design,this toy looks way accurate than the mp sonicwave toy,the cassette player mod looks amazing and unique,and the robot mod looks really unique and does put a smile on my face
Well damn. I make my best guess and immediately am wrong. Week of cubes, week of minion cannons, or week of perfection. My final guesses. Also, I guess I fell asleep last night and woke into a new universe. Never thought I’d hear you say anything was better than MP Soundwave in any way. It wasn’t much, but ‘looks more accurate’ is more than I expected
Dude the backwards butterfly joint is not that hard You push it forward and not fidget with it to move it out Apply pressure to the back of his shoulders and put your thumb on his chest and push on it and it pops off easily for both of his shoulders It's much easier that way
I recently got the KO that's like 86 dollars, fixes a few issues the og had in the waist with one tiny piece, and everything else is of the same standard if not better in terms of tolerances. Shoulders less tight, toes less loose, transformation more fun. This thing is fun as hell. There's apparently an MP Soundwave+ coming soon, but tbh it won't look or feel as great as this thing imo.
I'm glad to hear that you got a better price than me on this guy, and yeah that does kick as, even this version would be totally werf at 90 bucks. And good to hear it puts FansToys own work to shame. Deserved.
@@PerspectiveEnd oh I forget to mention, it comes with 3/4 of all his cassettes minus rumble. They're in lesser condition compared to the official, but the fact they came with him at all sold me in this
Mp13 is obviously better than rp01 because if you have mp16 you can use the pistons to replicate a blink and you miss it scene from the g1 movie where he plugged into the tv to show megatron yhat the autobots are lacking sufficient energon quantities to defend themselves with a plug type that looked vaguely similair to mp16's pistons.
Generally they seem to have a good reputation. Most of the “good” KO manufacturers don’t have it in stock atm… I was hunting for one earlier this year. The no brand one is okay but apparently not as good as the official one (the legs don’t sit straight on because of the joints). This may not bother you but it did to me. If you are patient you might come across an MP-13 or MP-02 Soundwave for a good deal. I hope that helps.
The KO's have a very good reputation for the most part. I'd say look on Ebay or Ali express for a KO Soundwave, then if you see one you are thinking about getting look up a review of that companies Soundwave KO to see if it's got any issues you should be aware of. But I do recommend you buy a KO at this point, basically anything official is going to have horrible after market prices.
So Fanstoys originally designed this way back before the MP Soundwave came out, but they sat on it because they didn't want to compete directly with Takara, then that figure turned out to be amazing so everyone held of making a Soundwave because there wasn't much point. Now FT has released this under the Robot Paradise name with some minor updates because they wanted to finally use it. But it is just the old FT design.
It’s weird mine actually stands on one foot well, guess just depends where the center of gravity is. Of course a lighter figure doesn’t need to be as tipped over to pull it off though. And I’ve never seen the fingers or hands break, I’ve put them through a lot on him and Hannibal so idk where that comes from. Are loose though
@@PerspectiveEnd no yeah I mean that I haven’t either but you said in the video using them is recipe in breaking them or something to that effect and the balljoints for the wrist will flop about except at certain angles haha
I don't think I really agree with you on a lot of points. I personally prefer the newer one over the mp, I'll probably never own either, and that's a shame. And I know it's not relevant here, but do you think there's a risk of not every part of motor masters trailer becoming menasor for legacy? I've looked at a lot of pictures and there's a few panels I just can't figure out where they go
I think it's likely that all the parts will be included in some way. But we do know for sure part of it is becoming a gun. So some of it is definitely turning into accessories. But if anything is just getting left out entirely I expect they just would leave a hole in the trailer. And what parts do you disagree on?
I really like the masterpiece and do want one but don’t now we’re to get one do you have any websites you recommend to found one for a good price? And if so thank you
Ebay and Ali express have KO's the official is long out of print and they are basically all owned by people at this point so KOs (Which are usually fantastic quality) are you only option now.
Hopefully hasbro does another MP soundwave soon or heck just rerelease the original version. If one does come out I hope it’s not overly priced like some recent MPs.
Oh it will be. Just buy a KO man. If Hasbro isn't printing the figure again, then it's not like you are give your money to someone else instead of them. They are getting exactly as much NONE of your money as they would if you just didn't buy the KO.
I believe mp soundwave is still good but slowly as time goes on by it just starts getting worse and worse over time it was godly originally when it came out but I’m slowly having less fun with it it just feels weird now instead of how much I loved it originally I like the core class one a little more now due to its simplicity in how good it is I just think mp soundwave is just like a memory it gets worse as time goes by you want to hold on but at some point you have to let go mp soundwave is still decent though
Strange cause for me I still think it's as good as ever. The wow factor has worn off, but it still poses amazingly, it's still the best Transformation ever. It still looks cool.
@@PerspectiveEnd yeah that’s it for me the wow factor gone it’s still good I’m not saying it’s bad it’s just that it doesn’t make me as happy as it did
I mean, it should get points for not looking as bad as most fans toys, but I will not be buying this figure. I would rather get something that looks cooler, or a MP Bumblebee movie soundwave
Oh FFS Can you Star Wars fans shut up for once and stop infecting transformers channels with your childish behaviour, can I go anywhere without running into these pathetic Star Wars fans?
I'm going to buy Ko Mp Soumdwave this October and I think I made a right decision. I really like ratchets as it tighten the joints, but diecast(especially in a legs) is not for me as it tends to make the figure falls and loosen the joints every time I try to pose it. Toon accuracy is cool but I would be pissed off if it's going to do an unneccessary folds and faux forming while there's THAT(crotch) part right there. Mp Soundwave is a prime example what a Transformers toy should looks like.
@@PerspectiveEnd Don't worry I found one that looks almost like the real one just without its Decepticon badge. I might also purchase a Decepticon sticker as well
Learned a lot on this video. Soundwave's probably my fav character, and I passed on the FansToys - not because of the transformation or the alt mode or any of that - but because the toon accurate look seems cheaper and less classy than the MP to me. The MP looks like a really special, exclusive edition, high end interpretation of Soundwave. I'm not saying toon is inherently better or worse; I'm just saying the MP is representative of a higher vision of Transformers than the original cartoon.
whats your opinion on the mp3 soundwave as all the traditional transformers criteria i reserve is thrown out the window for that figure lmao like yea yea articulation, yea yea accurate colors But that Soundwave can play Promiscous on loop, can other soundwaves do that didnt think so
Had a very big haul recently, was able to pick up a SS Bumblebee movie Soundwave, PF Bumblebee movie Optimus Prime, Siege Optimus Prime and the Buzzworthy Bumblebee 4 pack with the Nemesis primal and all that. I also ordered some online Brawn, Ratchet and Wheeljack from the Bumblebee movie as well as Nest Bumblebee and and 86 Perceptor. Thank goodness for birthday money!
They do make a MP Soundwave with red eyes, mine just has the gold eyes because it's the Toy's R Us version. Though the colors are just about always this dark.
That FUCKIN Sucks. Sorry to hear that. This is what I mean by Diecast doesn't make a toy better. The whole thing isn't Diecast. Most of it is exactly as durable as normal.
Man do you have pictures? I'd love to see what it looks like next to other figures. You can send them to me on Discord, or Gmail, or any number of ways, I just am super curious.
I don't think you mentioned the chromed eyes. Was that a mistake, or are the eyes not chromed? Who knows, I might just be an idiot who didn't hear the line where you did talk about them.
They are metalic paint, they aren't quite chormed, they do look good, but the MP has actual chromed eyes, so when it wasn't going to beat the MP on looks for that part or lose horrible there, I didn't see a reason to really bother with it.
Yeah. I just rarely cover those because there's almost no point. You should expect one. It's only weird when they don't have one. And when a figure has a waist it's usually got a consistent amount of range, unlike arms and legs.
I am really interested in this figure. once I scrape the funds, I will definitely get the figure. I think FansTosy did a fantastic job (Yes I said FansTosy on purpose)
It's a good figure. I'd say try your best to get a good deal on it, though that may be impossible it's Fanstoys after all. I recommend the MP over it though.
Rereleasing the toy is an issue because it doesn't hold up to modern articulation Standards, even though G1 Soundwave was legitimately one of the best G1 toys. When people ask for some toy loyalty they mainly want the extra detail and more realistic alt modes. This can come out in something like MP 01, which had pistons in the elbows reimagined from the stickers on the original toy. On mainline stuff this typically comes out as griebling, and the best example of that would be SS 86 Grimlock which gets a perfect blend of modern engineering and toyetic detailing despite supposedly being in the toon accurate line.
The point of what I was saying there is that if you are looking to relive the toy you had as a kid, nothing is as good as just getting the toy you had as a kid again. Getting something that's been altered to be a little more like the thing you had as a kid, just isn't going to be satisfying like getting the thing you loved way back when.
@@PerspectiveEnd Seems like a situation where you're getting things confused. The crowd that wants a new toy to be 1:1 to the old one in terms of included features and overall design isn't the same crowd of people who prefer and asthetic blend of toon and toy like how the MP line started out as. For instance take G2 Laser Optimus, a toy loaded with features and gimmicks in the trailer. The toy gimmick loyalty people hate the Legacy version as the trailer doesn't have all those features, having migrated the missile pods to the shoulders, turned the disk launcher into and axe, and replaced the air powered missile with a small repair arm, as well as lacking the giant horrific stickers on the trailer. As a contrast to this the toyetic detail groupl is loving it for it's copious surface detailing. In contrast theres the 3P version which tones down the detailing and keeps all the gimmicks, which the toy gimmick crowd loves, while the toyetic detail crowd finds to just inflate the price. Another example is MP44. It recreates every gimmi8ck from the G1 toy, but the toyetic detail people still hate it for it's overly simplistic look. A toy detail is Kingdom Rhinox having the original toy's head and realistic skin texturing. A toy gimmick is T30 Rhinox having spinning gatling guns. You'll notice that the people who like that Kingdom Primal like that he's a realistic gorrilla, not that he has the original toy's chest beating gimmick.
I Vastly prefer the MP, but I do still display the RP(Turns out it's not Fanstoys, but the OG Fanstoys designer who quit the company because of bad business practices) in robot mode, though if I can I won't be transforming it again if I can help it.
Yeah I can agree. It may look accurate and cool, but I like the Masterpiece more and is still the best Soundwave I own without paying 300 bucks imo. While not owning the official MP, I have the Toy House Factory Sonic Wave whichfeel like one and got it for like around 70 or 80, which is a good deal because I'm starting to think twice on buying 3rd Party Transformers after owning Zeta Toys Flash, which while better than Mechanical Alliance for being more solid inhis robot mode, has the arm problems, parts clashing and not enough clearance on the transformation, and a damn ton of die-cast that I now agree why it's pointless since I can feel that it just fool the human brain to thinking it's hood and it won't survive shelf diving (which is a good thing my MPM-12 doesn't have too much die-cast, stays solid and have enjoyable transformation imo, yours may vary). So now I'll either get official product, 3rd Party that aren't to expensive and/or 4th Party stuff if they look a bit better. But other than that rant, a pretty greay video nontheless which helps me decide if I want or not. It's still looks good, but ain't for me and not sending so much cash for it.
Fun fact, you may just not like ZetaToys, because Zeta Toys are the people who DESIGNED the Mechanical Alliance figure. They just realized the design they made didn't pan out, so they sold it to MA and then made their own. There are a great many AMAZING 3P Figures out there, I just don't think Zeta really makes any. Thank you very much.
Do you own many fans toys figures? I honestly don't like them , after checking out a friend's collection of mps which included a lot of fans toys they're just too big, too tight, too heavy, and at times fragile. Articulation is hit and miss but some do pull off some interesting paint decos but they look like stuntmen for certain characters or other bots cosplaying as official characters lol.
I am not a big fan of Fanstoys no. I have several of them, and this is one of the ones I have a better than normal opinion on. I don't find them too big. They are normal MP scaled, but they are too tight, and too fragile, with too little articulation too often.
3:06 FansToys Soundwave, the only Soundwave strong enough to carry another Soundwave If Masterpiece Soundwave is the golden child everyone loves, FansToys Soundwave is the older brother who went to the gym one day and got ripped all of a sudden
to be fair sound wave always had a big back pack like that in the g1 cartoon i think i like both back packs equally sure the fanstoys is bigger, but honestly looking at the show model i think the mp-s is too small, if we're gonna be a stickler for show accuracy just like how i think the the transform element mp primes back was too flat
I mean did I say at any point that the Robot Mode of the FT was anything less than the most accurate one ever made? This is for sure beating the MP on Accuracy.
@@PerspectiveEnd true, i guess preferences are different, im one of the toon snobs, but i can understand that not meaningful everything is good, although i will say i agree that toon accuracy isnt everything as much as i enjoy it being fair mp bumblebee 2.0 is rough i wanna hear your thoughts on that thing and its backpack
First time I've heard someone who's not me say "I don't like diecast" I've never got the appeal I don't like how it feels compared to the plastic parts or how it inherently makes some limbs way heavier then others and I don't need my toy to be able to smash windows idk I just don't get it
Yeah. I'm Right there with you. It's not just like some objective improvement. It can be used well, but just having it doesn't make a figure better for it just being there.
The mp was peak takara. With the clean transformation and no kibble with both "modes" of the mp bringt great. I personaly like acoustic wave more, but everyone has their own opinion. That doesn't mean I hate the takara soundwave, I am a big soundwave fan and like both figures. I just like acoustic wave more.
I don't think I need to respond with my reasons for prefering the Takara, considering you just watched my video on the subject, but I will say that from my point of view a Transformer is a 3 part toy. 1 Part robot, 1 Part other, and 1 Part puzzle box. And I find each to be of Roughly equivalent importance. So a figure that looks a little better in robot mode, a fair bit worse in alt, and isn't anywhere near as fun in Transformation, will run second fiddle, even if we changed it so both Modes were better than the Takara.
I said you may prefer the look, but I don't think it's fixing the fact that people say that the aesthetic of the figure being too toon like is boring. Like it still looks very toon.
About 8% of my audience has to do that. I'm glad you have the option if it helps you enjoy my videos. And I do it because I don't like to waste peoples times. I want the video to be over as soon as possible so you can go on with the rest of your day.
@@doctoradventure413 But some people don't have the time. Some people are on break, or are trying to find a review that tells them if it's worth it while standing in the store.
Thinking about it, I think they even pulled a bit of a fast one with the included cassette. Because, MP comes with laserbeak and that's a classic. But FT comes with frenzy (as the G1 cartoon called him as we're talking G1 accuracy), Now frenzy WAS a legacy character, but I'm sure he was the least represented of the 4 cassettes in the cartoon. However think about it from FT perspective, if they put in a laserbeak or a ravage, then their little cassette pack comes with 2 identical moulds. But if you get a Frenzy, then the cassette pack comes with the 2 animal cassettes and a recolour. I'm pretty sure this is their reason. In G1 if you saw a humanoid cassette, it was the blue rumble more than frenzy, rumble was the 6th most appearing decepticon after skywarp while frenzy was 25th! only just beating the stuntacons ie the ones who missed an entire season starting off (this is going by a list that's only counting S1 and 2 but then the cassettes all got rotated out after that) That said, I'm pretty impressed they managed to include weapon storage for Frenzy/rumble, considering not even the larger sized MMC or MP managed it.
I really disagree with the notion of “if you want a figure to resemble the original toy, buy the original toy.” The original toys had a very cool look to them, but had such limited poseability and engineering that they can really only be in one static pose. I don’t think that it should be a big deal to want a modern figure with the original toy aesthetic, but with modern engineering and poseability.
Yeah I think having extra stuff to make the figure look different is cool, and honestly I would expect on an expensive figure
They have a great point
The old g1 toys are more better looking in alt mode in my opinion, as well as some transformations are fun and satisfying.
I find menasor to be a good example. Most menasors have the cars on the back of the legs which is show accurate but looks wise for me it doesn’t look the best due the legs usually look like black and grey bricks while there’s 2 cars slapped on the back.
The magic square menasor has the option for front of leg configuration which looks much better like he looks like a combiner made of cars and not large grey and black robot with cars slapped on
i agree with you what perspective said was stupid ngl the original toys are very dated it’s not wrong for someone to want an updated take of the toys design with modern engineering
I gotta be honest, I like the diecast weight and hard smooth ratchets, as the noise just makes my brain go "uuuhhhh that's good", and the weight just makes it feel the price it is
And that's fine. If you enjoy that there's nothing wrong with it. But they don't make the figure objectively better just for being there. If it was used to good effect they could, but they aren't here.
@@PerspectiveEnd I believe you’re attacking this thing frzom the wrong angle. The ratchets and die cast do infact make it objectively better in the end, much the same way that durable paint feels objectively better.
They are both great figures regardless. It’s Soundwave and having two different options in his classic style is a win win.
This is true. Though it would be nice if they weren't so expensive. The MP due to Scarcity from being so old, and FT because it needs to crawl out of it's own ass.
@@PerspectiveEnd I agree with the Mp. I am not a huge hater on Fanstoys. Their prices are high but I paid for Mp-40 (v.3 prime). Fanstoys isn't a billion dollar company. They don't even "crowd fund" (haslab). I assume they have to get the money to make the next figure and the profit isn't as much as people think it is. They use good materials, and paint. Have to pay for the molds and engineering. Regardless of if or if not they own the factory shit costs money, especially shipping.
I really like your channel and I think your opinions are pretty spot on. Just found it the other day and have watched a bunch.
Thanks for the reply it is appreciated and again I agree with you. I am just trying to point out why I think FT prices are high.
4:07 "Twraying" lmao
Hey when you talk this fast sometimes your mouth doesn't work right.
2:05 one of the best PE jokes of all time
Caveman voice is always a crowd pleaser.
I always loved the kind of humor in your videos,its just funny and a comedy gold
I'm glad you like that aspect. I felt like I've been slipping on it for a while now.
The MP-02 Soundwave is my first masterpiece and it still holds up even compared to modern official masterpiece figures. Then I got Acoustic Wave and, after messing with it and handling this guy, it’s one of my favorite figures in my collection. And Soundwave is my favorite character. Quality build, quality paint, and very poseable. The transformation isn’t horrendous like I expected and I had fun with it (I heavily disagree with you on that among other things; I have messed with Spoiler, Masterpiece Megatron, Crimson Wing, XTB Eligos, and 01Studio Cell Unicron, and this is nothing compared to these guys). The only complaint is a lack of molded-in details that FansToys tends to do that MP-02 has. I love it when figures have unnecessary molded-in details when they didn’t need to do that. All in all, I think this is a good upgrade.
Man I love being bored and watching old perspective end videos
Are you bored by old PerspectiveEnd Videos?
@ no they’re my cure for boredom
Honestly I like more the older "Show accurate but a little more realistic" designs from the old MP figures and some third party figures, like the Magic Square Optimus and the mp Soundwave, it just makes them more satisfying to look at, but with the current direction of the MP lines of being 100% show accurate, it was very smart of fans toys to release this in modern times, but yeah, between the competition of a $200 figure that is a little more accurate and a KO of one of the best figures of all time that you find on ebay for like $50 that has 99% of the original quality, yeah there's and obvious decision
It was a solid identity for the MP line to embody, this new direction they've gone is terrible.
It’s interesting how the mainline adopted the “accurate to the show but with more realism” thing. I’m not complaining though. The modern mainline figures look great.
@@PerspectiveEnd yeah, somehow they turned the most simple designs of the whole franchise into hour-long tortures with horrendous backs and fragile components, damn, even some Bayverse figures have easier transformations and are more accurate to the designs while having less kibble, also have less faux forming for some reason
That style did produce some really good results. Like the MP Soundwave. Official MP definitely got worse when it changed styles.
3:10 low key want to imagine a tower of soundwaves like this
also with how dark the blue of mp soundwaves is, I keep thinking it was soundblaster more than once
Maybe that's why they went for those dark colors, so he can pass for Soundblaster.
@@PerspectiveEnd then why the hell is there an MP Soundblaster repaint with a ratbat replacing laserbeak.
I actually have this variation as I like the black and red paint job more and I couldn't find an MP soundwave for a good price that wasn't over $100 whilst this thing was just $80
I was very fortunate to have located MP-02 for rrp at the beginning of the year and so glad I got him over this. This is more accurate in bot mode but not only does he lose out on pose-ability to decade old mould… but it’s altmode looks like something a millennial came up with when someone described a tape deck to them. It’s way to boxy even for an 80s Walkman.
To add insult to injury he doesn’t even come with laserbeak or ravage!
That's a great way to explain that tape mode.
Masterpiece Soundwave still reigns supreme!
(Also I have a moth of your videos I haven't watched, I gotta keep up.)
He always will.
Binging can be fun.
If what I heard is correct, the original fans toys price was $160. But because they only give small amounts of figures to retailers, places like Showzstore have to buy figures from 3rd party sellers for way more than the asking price.
Man I never saw it for that cheap and I was looking. The best I've ever seen is 210.
YIKES! This 3rd party figure makes me happy to still have the 2009 Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave figure in my collection. lol :D Thank you for an outstanding review PerspectiveEnd! Keep on being amazing.
This thing isn't bad. It's just over priced, and not as good as the ULTIMATE Transformers figure.
And thank you.
@@PerspectiveEnd You're welcome. :D I guess its rare to find a terrible Soundwave figure.
glad you finally did a review however i do think you had some bias towards the MP figure especially when you said they were equal in quality in my opinion taking the diecast weight out of it feel like acoustic wave feels more premium when compared to the mp the mp feels a decent chunk cheaper like fanstoys's price went into the materials however i do agree that they did kinda make it less well fun then the MP but for what acoustic wave was advertised for it outclasses the MP in accuracy and in my opinion it fits better with mp megatron and DS screamer then mp soundwave does mp soundwave deserves a spot on the fun transformers shelf which is wear most mp figures pre"everything must be cartoon accurate to a fault" belong and maybe mp hound's KO (the offical legit uses worse plastic then the KO)
side note you can make him look more like the MP via swapping the shoulders knees and chest with the toy parts and adding the toy leg kibble bits
I see the quality being the same because even if the FT is using higher end materials they are resulting in a worse experience. The arms are too hard to pose, and the legs won't hold one.
Where as the MP is as tight as it needs to be in every joint, and hold poses flawlessly. So the FT is trying harder, but the MP is achieving more with less.
@@PerspectiveEnd fair enough although i think the leg issue might be your copy mine can hold its poses but to each their own i like it
You bring this up a lot, and I wanna play Devil's Advocate for a moment here:
I think it's perfectly okay to invoc toy accuracy in new figures. While the show might be the way people were introduced to the characters, and made to enjoy them, being a kid who plays with toys, you'd spend much more time with their plastic counterpart.
As long as toon accurate toys DO exist, I'd like some to reflect the toys' look instead. Why not just release the old toys? Well sure, go ahead and do that, but *I* don't want the G1 Jetfire toy. I want a modern figure, with modern articulation, modern engineering, and modern sculpting.
Older toys are bricks, have GPS, and bad proportions. Is it wrong that I want something that closer matches my childhood memories while not sacrificing figure quality?
I also like toy loyalty sometimes (even though I've never had any of the toys lol) like Optimus prime with yellow eyes, those detailed chromed stickers G1 figures had etc. But I know some people prefer the cartoon look more and it would be very hard to please both fans so If they are going to do toy accuracy then at least they should make it optional like with this figure, that way both fans are happy
Jetfire is an excellent example because the Siege one had parts that gave him that Macross look while the base robot was still super accurate.
Newage actually is great at that front, and magic square sometimes, but the swappable panels thingy is the better option here, as then it's 1 fig with a alt look option instead of waiting for another figure to release with another deco and costing the same as the original
Look I'm not arguing against toys in new styles, what I'm trying to say with that is that a toy that looks like an old toy wont satisfy people who are nostalgic for the old toy, like the old toy will.
And it often harms a figure. Look at the MP Grimlock. That thing is RUINED by toy loyalty by trying to maintain the torso hinge from the original figure.
I 100% understand bashing it when it hurts the toy. The MP Grimlock's integration was more than worthy of scorn.
That said, I disagree with your first point completely. Sure, the original toy will do that, but optional parts, like the ones on this soundwave, gave me the biggest of smiles.
The "Toy Version" of Black Aracnia, while from a truly awful box set, was one of my favorite Kindom* toys for a similar reason
I tend to like diecast on figures (specifically the on the outside) cause damn it just feels so nice when its been a cold day. Like just try putting a price of metal to your cheek or smth. Makes happy chemical activate
The OCD part of my brain totally gets what you are talking about.
I think both are good but I really want the mp. I even like the dark colors more. Idk why it is but there’s something that makes me like soundwave with dark colors
I think it looks a little more intimidating.
I'm debating on whether to get this cause I have the mp and the mp cassettes only missing ratbat cause he's with soundblaster but I want something toon accurate to go with my other mps but even if I get the cassette pack for fans toys I would be missing buzzsaw and rat bat where as with the mp I've got all but one
I will say that the MP will probably satisfy you more than this, but if you really need something that looks exactly like the toon Robot, this will be your best choice.
I must be looking at completely different figures. I can't stand the sight of MP soundwave now that i have acoustic wave. I am i real sucker for the toon ascetic.
Don’t mind me just imagining PerspectiveEnd transforming mp soundwave like a speedcuber
What is a Speed Cuber?
@@PerspectiveEnd someone who solves Rubik’s cubes stupidly fast
As a huge fan of soundwave(especially the g1 version)i always loved his design,this toy looks way accurate than the mp sonicwave toy,the cassette player mod looks amazing and unique,and the robot mod looks really unique and does put a smile on my face
Is it because you're mistaken him for an infinity stone is that why you're smiling😁.
@@SLVRWLF-xx2bt what the-
@@bilal_Hadjlaoui907 you said it put the smile on your face, that's what Thanos said.
The heck is the Sonicwave?
This feels intentional
It was not.
@@PerspectiveEnd so what would be an "intentional but subtle 'take that!'" fitting of FT's elitist prices? 🤔
How is Tosy a dig at FT? Is that like an slang word I don't know?
@@PerspectiveEnd no slang, I was thinking "make the typo into a slang"
Mp soundwave as he steps on the defeated acoustic wave: you can't beat what's perfect
You were good. But I was Flawless.
Well damn. I make my best guess and immediately am wrong. Week of cubes, week of minion cannons, or week of perfection. My final guesses.
Also, I guess I fell asleep last night and woke into a new universe. Never thought I’d hear you say anything was better than MP Soundwave in any way. It wasn’t much, but ‘looks more accurate’ is more than I expected
Minion Cannons.
I mean the MP Soundwave has always been a slightly Stylized take.
Dude the backwards butterfly joint is not that hard
You push it forward and not fidget with it to move it out
Apply pressure to the back of his shoulders and put your thumb on his chest and push on it and it pops off easily for both of his shoulders
It's much easier that way
I can say those instructions do not seem to help my Copy. It is just obscenely tight.
I recently got the KO that's like 86 dollars, fixes a few issues the og had in the waist with one tiny piece, and everything else is of the same standard if not better in terms of tolerances. Shoulders less tight, toes less loose, transformation more fun. This thing is fun as hell. There's apparently an MP Soundwave+ coming soon, but tbh it won't look or feel as great as this thing imo.
I'm glad to hear that you got a better price than me on this guy, and yeah that does kick as, even this version would be totally werf at 90 bucks.
And good to hear it puts FansToys own work to shame. Deserved.
@@PerspectiveEnd oh I forget to mention, it comes with 3/4 of all his cassettes minus rumble. They're in lesser condition compared to the official, but the fact they came with him at all sold me in this
Damn! Yeah that's awesome. Their Ravage actually seems pretty cool.
The fact that the battery guns can be stored in his backpack makes my ape brain make the happy chemical.
I do really like that feature yeah.
Found one for good price i have ko masterpiece and ummm i love it but theres problems so i kinda want one of these
Mp13 is obviously better than rp01 because if you have mp16 you can use the pistons to replicate a blink and you miss it scene from the g1 movie where he plugged into the tv to show megatron yhat the autobots are lacking sufficient energon quantities to defend themselves with a plug type that looked vaguely similair to mp16's pistons.
I love the mp soundwave I don't own him but my friend does and I love him can't wait to get my own
It is a great figure, and you need to own your own.
You got No Idea How Sad I am that April Break Is Over and all Us Students now Have to suffer through it until June.
You know I used to go to School right? Like I remember the experience of going back to school.
@@PerspectiveEnd I Didn't mean it Like that, sorry If that was offensive, I'm Just really bummed out, Do You relate to this tho?
Haven't been going to transformers as much because i was been focused to a blue spiky rat but it's nice coming back
I'm glad to have you back.
I really have to get myself a Hasbro MP Soundwave. Do you know if the KOs are just as good?
Generally they seem to have a good reputation. Most of the “good” KO manufacturers don’t have it in stock atm… I was hunting for one earlier this year. The no brand one is okay but apparently not as good as the official one (the legs don’t sit straight on because of the joints). This may not bother you but it did to me. If you are patient you might come across an MP-13 or MP-02 Soundwave for a good deal. I hope that helps.
The KO's have a very good reputation for the most part. I'd say look on Ebay or Ali express for a KO Soundwave, then if you see one you are thinking about getting look up a review of that companies Soundwave KO to see if it's got any issues you should be aware of.
But I do recommend you buy a KO at this point, basically anything official is going to have horrible after market prices.
I need this just because I love soundwave and he is my favourite character
I'd advise the MP overit.
I have it but sadly the little clip that holds the chest door closed broke
I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!! I didn’t want to make any big predictions but it is the minion cannon week!
You are CORRECT SIR!!!
Would you believe that a lot of people are trying to claim that it's the week of tape playing figures.
They just don’t understand;)
Forgive my ignorance in 3P (especially Fans Toys) but is this an older figure or the recent "Robot Paradise" (cough*FansToys*cough) "Acoustic Wave"?
So Fanstoys originally designed this way back before the MP Soundwave came out, but they sat on it because they didn't want to compete directly with Takara, then that figure turned out to be amazing so everyone held of making a Soundwave because there wasn't much point.
Now FT has released this under the Robot Paradise name with some minor updates because they wanted to finally use it. But it is just the old FT design.
It’s weird mine actually stands on one foot well, guess just depends where the center of gravity is. Of course a lighter figure doesn’t need to be as tipped over to pull it off though. And I’ve never seen the fingers or hands break, I’ve put them through a lot on him and Hannibal so idk where that comes from. Are loose though
What are loose, and I hadn't heard about the hands breaking so thanks for the warning.
@@PerspectiveEnd no yeah I mean that I haven’t either but you said in the video using them is recipe in breaking them or something to that effect and the balljoints for the wrist will flop about except at certain angles haha
I don't think I really agree with you on a lot of points. I personally prefer the newer one over the mp, I'll probably never own either, and that's a shame. And I know it's not relevant here, but do you think there's a risk of not every part of motor masters trailer becoming menasor for legacy? I've looked at a lot of pictures and there's a few panels I just can't figure out where they go
I think it's likely that all the parts will be included in some way. But we do know for sure part of it is becoming a gun. So some of it is definitely turning into accessories. But if anything is just getting left out entirely I expect they just would leave a hole in the trailer.
And what parts do you disagree on?
I really like the masterpiece and do want one but don’t now we’re to get one do you have any websites you recommend to found one for a good price? And if so thank you
Ebay and Ali express have KO's the official is long out of print and they are basically all owned by people at this point so KOs (Which are usually fantastic quality) are you only option now.
Week of deployers?
Minion Cannons
week of robots that can hold and or play magnetic tape media
Get your Deployers nonsense out of my house. Minion Cannons.
@@PerspectiveEnd I grew up with Rid 2015
Not me cackling at the caveman bit
I'm glad hitting Ug Ug really got to you.
Hopefully hasbro does another MP soundwave soon or heck just rerelease the original version. If one does come out I hope it’s not overly priced like some recent MPs.
Oh it will be. Just buy a KO man. If Hasbro isn't printing the figure again, then it's not like you are give your money to someone else instead of them. They are getting exactly as much NONE of your money as they would if you just didn't buy the KO.
I believe mp soundwave is still good but slowly as time goes on by it just starts getting worse and worse over time it was godly originally when it came out but I’m slowly having less fun with it it just feels weird now instead of how much I loved it originally I like the core class one a little more now due to its simplicity in how good it is I just think mp soundwave is just like a memory it gets worse as time goes by you want to hold on but at some point you have to let go mp soundwave is still decent though
Strange cause for me I still think it's as good as ever. The wow factor has worn off, but it still poses amazingly, it's still the best Transformation ever. It still looks cool.
@@PerspectiveEnd yeah that’s it for me the wow factor gone it’s still good I’m not saying it’s bad it’s just that it doesn’t make me as happy as it did
I mean, it should get points for not looking as bad as most fans toys, but I will not be buying this figure. I would rather get something that looks cooler, or a MP Bumblebee movie soundwave
To be fair yes. It is not horribly uncanny at least.
@@PerspectiveEnd but bot being uncanny is the bare minimum for this company
Can you fix the main character in the Star Wars sequel trilogy
Oh FFS Can you Star Wars fans shut up for once and stop infecting transformers channels with your childish behaviour, can I go anywhere without running into these pathetic Star Wars fans?
I think I could yeah.
"it is creating problems to solve problems that don't exist" - perspective end 2022
That one I can live without being on my tombstone.
@@PerspectiveEnd fair enough but it says a lot about society.
I sent you an E-mail!
Also great vid! I cant wait to see the review lined up in the next two days!
What makes you anticipate the next one so much.
@@PerspectiveEnd Your videos are good.
I'm going to buy Ko Mp Soumdwave this October and I think I made a right decision. I really like ratchets as it tighten the joints, but diecast(especially in a legs) is not for me as it tends to make the figure falls and loosen the joints every time I try to pose it. Toon accuracy is cool but I would be pissed off if it's going to do an unneccessary folds and faux forming while there's THAT(crotch) part right there. Mp Soundwave is a prime example what a Transformers toy should looks like.
Just don't get the one with the hands that have individually articulated fingers, that one's famous for breaking.
@@PerspectiveEnd Don't worry I found one that looks almost like the real one just without its Decepticon badge. I might also purchase a Decepticon sticker as well
Learned a lot on this video. Soundwave's probably my fav character, and I passed on the FansToys - not because of the transformation or the alt mode or any of that - but because the toon accurate look seems cheaper and less classy than the MP to me. The MP looks like a really special, exclusive edition, high end interpretation of Soundwave. I'm not saying toon is inherently better or worse; I'm just saying the MP is representative of a higher vision of Transformers than the original cartoon.
Yeah that's going to be up to personal tastes which aesthetic is better. But the Old one poses better, and Transforms better.
Is the theme Caset/boom box characters or inanimate objects non vehicle transformers
The theme was Minion Cannons.
That make sense
The week of sound/ Radios
Minion cannons.
whats your opinion on the mp3 soundwave as all the traditional transformers criteria i reserve is thrown out the window for that figure lmao
like yea yea articulation, yea yea accurate colors
But that Soundwave can play Promiscous on loop, can other soundwaves do that didnt think so
5:56 arms go al-----
I feel like Shockwave had more than this.
Had a very big haul recently, was able to pick up a SS Bumblebee movie Soundwave, PF Bumblebee movie Optimus Prime, Siege Optimus Prime and the Buzzworthy Bumblebee 4 pack with the Nemesis primal and all that. I also ordered some online Brawn, Ratchet and Wheeljack from the Bumblebee movie as well as Nest Bumblebee and and 86 Perceptor. Thank goodness for birthday money!
That's the second big haul you've told me about and those are both some real hauls.
I cant believe how much this is and how much the minions pack is
The Minion Pack is an INSULT.
FansTosy Soundwave here makes me want a MP with red visor & those colors.
They do make a MP Soundwave with red eyes, mine just has the gold eyes because it's the Toy's R Us version. Though the colors are just about always this dark.
Mine snapped in half when I tried the ab crunch
That FUCKIN Sucks. Sorry to hear that. This is what I mean by Diecast doesn't make a toy better. The whole thing isn't Diecast. Most of it is exactly as durable as normal.
Is this the week of music boys?
Minion Cannons.
i don't known how to say this. it is superior
ps: will you review movie or tv show?
I do plan to do more show reviews, but It's hard to get around to them when I have so many figures to cover.
My mp voyager scale Soundwave will always be my definitive Soundwave but fanstoys soundwave is pretty good too
Man I need to find that, that sounds so awesome.
Where did you get that?
@@isaacrivera6281 its been like 3 years but I vaguely remember it being on ebay for like 130$ or something (worth it)
@@PerspectiveEnd it is one of the masterpieces (hahahaha) of my collection
Man do you have pictures? I'd love to see what it looks like next to other figures. You can send them to me on Discord, or Gmail, or any number of ways, I just am super curious.
"This actually feel over" you mean "fell" right? I had to read that about 5 times before I noticed what was wrong, lol.
Yes it fell over so many times while recording the video.
I don't think you mentioned the chromed eyes. Was that a mistake, or are the eyes not chromed? Who knows, I might just be an idiot who didn't hear the line where you did talk about them.
They are metalic paint, they aren't quite chormed, they do look good, but the MP has actual chromed eyes, so when it wasn't going to beat the MP on looks for that part or lose horrible there, I didn't see a reason to really bother with it.
Is it the week of cassette transformers?
Week of Minion Cannons.
Both have waist swivel right?
Yeah. I just rarely cover those because there's almost no point. You should expect one. It's only weird when they don't have one. And when a figure has a waist it's usually got a consistent amount of range, unlike arms and legs.
week of audio systems
Week of Minion Cannons.
I am really interested in this figure. once I scrape the funds, I will definitely get the figure. I think FansTosy did a fantastic job (Yes I said FansTosy on purpose)
It's a good figure. I'd say try your best to get a good deal on it, though that may be impossible it's Fanstoys after all.
I recommend the MP over it though.
Imagine kingdom soundwave with toy colors that would be fun
Isn't that BASICALLY just the Siege?
I'ma just stick with the mp soundwave this one looks like its gonna fall when i try to pose the legs because all the die cast is in his upper half
Oh it fell over, over and over when i was making this video.
Which is better a cassette player or a boombox?
Like which do I think is a more practical object? Boom boxes are still around to an extent.
Rereleasing the toy is an issue because it doesn't hold up to modern articulation Standards, even though G1 Soundwave was legitimately one of the best G1 toys. When people ask for some toy loyalty they mainly want the extra detail and more realistic alt modes. This can come out in something like MP 01, which had pistons in the elbows reimagined from the stickers on the original toy. On mainline stuff this typically comes out as griebling, and the best example of that would be SS 86 Grimlock which gets a perfect blend of modern engineering and toyetic detailing despite supposedly being in the toon accurate line.
The point of what I was saying there is that if you are looking to relive the toy you had as a kid, nothing is as good as just getting the toy you had as a kid again.
Getting something that's been altered to be a little more like the thing you had as a kid, just isn't going to be satisfying like getting the thing you loved way back when.
@@PerspectiveEnd Seems like a situation where you're getting things confused. The crowd that wants a new toy to be 1:1 to the old one in terms of included features and overall design isn't the same crowd of people who prefer and asthetic blend of toon and toy like how the MP line started out as. For instance take G2 Laser Optimus, a toy loaded with features and gimmicks in the trailer. The toy gimmick loyalty people hate the Legacy version as the trailer doesn't have all those features, having migrated the missile pods to the shoulders, turned the disk launcher into and axe, and replaced the air powered missile with a small repair arm, as well as lacking the giant horrific stickers on the trailer. As a contrast to this the toyetic detail groupl is loving it for it's copious surface detailing. In contrast theres the 3P version which tones down the detailing and keeps all the gimmicks, which the toy gimmick crowd loves, while the toyetic detail crowd finds to just inflate the price.
Another example is MP44. It recreates every gimmi8ck from the G1 toy, but the toyetic detail people still hate it for it's overly simplistic look.
A toy detail is Kingdom Rhinox having the original toy's head and realistic skin texturing. A toy gimmick is T30 Rhinox having spinning gatling guns.
You'll notice that the people who like that Kingdom Primal like that he's a realistic gorrilla, not that he has the original toy's chest beating gimmick.
Had both of them. Fanstoys won out
I Vastly prefer the MP, but I do still display the RP(Turns out it's not Fanstoys, but the OG Fanstoys designer who quit the company because of bad business practices) in robot mode, though if I can I won't be transforming it again if I can help it.
The week of sound systems
Week of Minion Cannons.
Week of Sound producing box bois!
Week of Minion Cannons.
Yeah I can agree. It may look accurate and cool, but I like the Masterpiece more and is still the best Soundwave I own without paying 300 bucks imo.
While not owning the official MP, I have the Toy House Factory Sonic Wave whichfeel like one and got it for like around 70 or 80, which is a good deal because I'm starting to think twice on buying 3rd Party Transformers after owning Zeta Toys Flash, which while better than Mechanical Alliance for being more solid inhis robot mode, has the arm problems, parts clashing and not enough clearance on the transformation, and a damn ton of die-cast that I now agree why it's pointless since I can feel that it just fool the human brain to thinking it's hood and it won't survive shelf diving (which is a good thing my MPM-12 doesn't have too much die-cast, stays solid and have enjoyable transformation imo, yours may vary). So now I'll either get official product, 3rd Party that aren't to expensive and/or 4th Party stuff if they look a bit better.
But other than that rant, a pretty greay video nontheless which helps me decide if I want or not.
It's still looks good, but ain't for me and not sending so much cash for it.
Fun fact, you may just not like ZetaToys, because Zeta Toys are the people who DESIGNED the Mechanical Alliance figure. They just realized the design they made didn't pan out, so they sold it to MA and then made their own.
There are a great many AMAZING 3P Figures out there, I just don't think Zeta really makes any.
Thank you very much.
@@PerspectiveEnd I know, I did tell you that before, but thanks for reminding me that.
Do you own many fans toys figures? I honestly don't like them , after checking out a friend's collection of mps which included a lot of fans toys they're just too big, too tight, too heavy, and at times fragile. Articulation is hit and miss but some do pull off some interesting paint decos but they look like stuntmen for certain characters or other bots cosplaying as official characters lol.
I am not a big fan of Fanstoys no. I have several of them, and this is one of the ones I have a better than normal opinion on.
I don't find them too big. They are normal MP scaled, but they are too tight, and too fragile, with too little articulation too often.
3:06 FansToys Soundwave, the only Soundwave strong enough to carry another Soundwave
If Masterpiece Soundwave is the golden child everyone loves, FansToys Soundwave is the older brother who went to the gym one day and got ripped all of a sudden
It hit the Gym too much. It's unpleasant to handle because it's too Stronk.
to be fair sound wave always had a big back pack like that in the g1 cartoon i think i like both back packs equally sure the fanstoys is bigger, but honestly looking at the show model i think the mp-s is too small, if we're gonna be a stickler for show accuracy just like how i think the the transform element mp primes back was too flat
I mean did I say at any point that the Robot Mode of the FT was anything less than the most accurate one ever made?
This is for sure beating the MP on Accuracy.
@@PerspectiveEnd true, i guess preferences are different, im one of the toon snobs, but i can understand that not meaningful everything is good, although i will say i agree that toon accuracy isnt everything as much as i enjoy it being fair mp bumblebee 2.0 is rough i wanna hear your thoughts on that thing and its backpack
Hiiiiiiii hope your weekend is good
My week has been pretty good thank you.
Those ratchet joints made me wince
Oh this has a NASTY case of the Fanstoys squeaks, I just forgot to mention that.
The Week of Minion Cannons perhaps?
5:01 How i be looking at Blaster when he hits me with that one dollar cassette 😐
Man that made me laugh. He looks so Non Plussed.
First time I've heard someone who's not me say "I don't like diecast" I've never got the appeal I don't like how it feels compared to the plastic parts or how it inherently makes some limbs way heavier then others and I don't need my toy to be able to smash windows idk I just don't get it
Yeah. I'm Right there with you. It's not just like some objective improvement. It can be used well, but just having it doesn't make a figure better for it just being there.
“Oog oog get all the bitches” needs to be a shirt
That would be a fun one.
It's weird that perspective didn't point out that the buttons bulkform
This thing has so many worse problems in the transformation that's not something to be concerned with.
He’s jacked as F so that he can easily hold up Laserbeak for the rest of eternity, as a good Soundwave should xD
An interesting reason to hold this in high regard.
Very good
The figure is very good.
I say he's good looking but yeah problems bound to happen but I shall bow to the greatness of masterpiece soundwave
It's good yes, but the MP is GLORIOUS.
G1 Soundwave is my favorite design in the franchise. G1 Starscream is a very close second
G1 is my favorite Transformers show if you couldn’t tell
The mp was peak takara. With the clean transformation and no kibble with both "modes" of the mp bringt great. I personaly like acoustic wave more, but everyone has their own opinion. That doesn't mean I hate the takara soundwave, I am a big soundwave fan and like both figures. I just like acoustic wave more.
I don't think I need to respond with my reasons for prefering the Takara, considering you just watched my video on the subject, but I will say that from my point of view a Transformer is a 3 part toy.
1 Part robot, 1 Part other, and 1 Part puzzle box.
And I find each to be of Roughly equivalent importance. So a figure that looks a little better in robot mode, a fair bit worse in alt, and isn't anywhere near as fun in Transformation, will run second fiddle, even if we changed it so both Modes were better than the Takara.
Week of tape decks
Minion Cannons.
One day I'll buy the masterpiece sound wave one day when I have the money of bolt matrix
You can get KOs of the MP for like 50 bucks.
@@PerspectiveEnd cuz I'm in Bulgaria dollars actually are multiplied by 2 so in America $50 in Bulgaria 100лв
How I love my life
MP Soundwave’s transformation vs Triggerhappy’s transformation: Which is the best?
That's a Close one, but I gotta go with the Soundwave, No headmaster.
what is the theme
Minion Cannons. Some times called by the much lamer name of Deployers.
Yeah hard disagree with the toy aesthetic.
The yellow eyes, 70s technobable stickers and overall vibe are something nothing else in transformers has.
I said you may prefer the look, but I don't think it's fixing the fact that people say that the aesthetic of the figure being too toon like is boring. Like it still looks very toon.
Vaguely related 2-parters 2? (Electric Boogaloo)
Minion Cannons.
@@PerspectiveEnd bruh
I don't want to bother you buuuuut, can you review legacy bulkhead?
@@PerspectiveEnd oho, i like the sound of that lol.
Why do you speed up your voice? I changed the playback speed to .75 and it was much easier to listen to.
About 8% of my audience has to do that. I'm glad you have the option if it helps you enjoy my videos.
And I do it because I don't like to waste peoples times. I want the video to be over as soon as possible so you can go on with the rest of your day.
@@PerspectiveEnd man I’m here to learn about soundwave you can take your time
@@doctoradventure413 But some people don't have the time. Some people are on break, or are trying to find a review that tells them if it's worth it while standing in the store.
Thinking about it, I think they even pulled a bit of a fast one with the included cassette. Because, MP comes with laserbeak and that's a classic. But FT comes with frenzy (as the G1 cartoon called him as we're talking G1 accuracy), Now frenzy WAS a legacy character, but I'm sure he was the least represented of the 4 cassettes in the cartoon.
However think about it from FT perspective, if they put in a laserbeak or a ravage, then their little cassette pack comes with 2 identical moulds. But if you get a Frenzy, then the cassette pack comes with the 2 animal cassettes and a recolour. I'm pretty sure this is their reason.
In G1 if you saw a humanoid cassette, it was the blue rumble more than frenzy, rumble was the 6th most appearing decepticon after skywarp while frenzy was 25th! only just beating the stuntacons ie the ones who missed an entire season starting off (this is going by a list that's only counting S1 and 2 but then the cassettes all got rotated out after that)
That said, I'm pretty impressed they managed to include weapon storage for Frenzy/rumble, considering not even the larger sized MMC or MP managed it.
Absolutely the point was to force you to buy the cassettes.
MMC had the Weapon storage. It's pretty much an integral part of the transformation.
@@PerspectiveEnd weird I literally just got the MMC ones the other week and I just completely forgot that
The week is already ovee Pe What was the theme??!!!!
The week of Minion Cannons.